The Secret Of The Italian Gravy

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hi everyone welcome to live laugh and cook Italian with me Kenny Palazzolo those of you who don't know me I was born and raised in the north end the Boston of Little Italy I'm president of Madonna those of coastal society we run the fisherman speech to Boston which is Boston's oldest and longest running Italian Festival at 109 years I now live in North Reading with my family for the past 17 years and I was lucky enough in 2017 to appear on Gordon Ramsay's the N word live with my cousins we will be Italian stallions and this year was lucky enough to get one of the coveted MasterChef season that being said the question that everybody has for me I'll be a major grade so today it's gonna be the secret of the Italian rain now I know some people call it sauce mmm some people call it marinara mmm I definitely don't want to fight anybody over the subject and I'm certainly not looking for any hate man my great grandmother she lived to be a hundred and eight she came from Avellino her name was Ida Lena chilo she was a schoolteacher Italy she's she taught Italian when she came here to America her translation of Sugo and English was great cause my taffy sauce mmm it might be marrying out mmm doesn't matter here to live laugh and cook Italian the red stuff we call it gravy so now we're gonna get started on the classic Italian gravy and how my great-grandmother from Avellino made it I hope you would enjoy you don't have to run out and get a pen and a piece of paper because all these ingredients and everything I'm gonna do is gonna be on the live laughs and cook Italian Facebook and Instagram pages so you can go there and get the recipes later [Music] now it's just a time to enjoy what we have here is we have two cups of finely chopped onions we have two et tablespoons of garlic we have probably a good two cups of fresh basil so pepper gal Paula and basil leaves every can of tomatoes has a different flavor profile for me I like my kitchen ready I have six cans of kitchen ready I have one can of whole Tomatoes pasty and two total Xhosa puree for me the magic number is nine cans usually a nine can great sometimes it's eight sometimes it's time but the magic number is usually not with those nine cans comes four cans 12 ounces of taste I use 3 Contadina and one pass team again that's my flavor profile every can of tomato has a different flavor profile some puns my mother she'll use a check though should use a Renzi knee it's kind of whatever she has for me this is this is the way it is so the first thing we're going to do is we're going to put these food finely chopped onions in the pan along with the garlic put some olive oil and get that going and I'll tell you this is gonna cook good 15 20 minutes almost to mush I'm gonna give that like a floor all right they're gonna be a while grandmother did it she seasoned by the can so no matter how many cans you used you always had the proper season so what we're gonna do is come on close now you know my mother when I learned this recipe the basil it's a teaspoon couple of shades but the salt it was this much and I go mom how much is that much it's that much okay so here we go every kid gets that much salt probably pretty close to a teaspoon but you know this is the Italian way so every kid gets the same amount so it doesn't matter if you've got 8 cans 10 cans 12 cans it's always going to be seizing the same then you come in with your clap oh alright I give about six six or eight taps in there [Music] and then we get it without garlic powder not too much you know a little shake don't forget we got two heaping tablespoons of garlic in there already a little bit of garlic powder as that different flavor then the only thing that we actually measure is the basil these Spooner Bay's on everyone okay so [Music] [Applause] okay guys you see this this has been going about know almost 20 minutes and like I said almost mush the garlic isn't browned and you really don't want it to brown but he certainly wants this to be very welcome and the next sequence is very important all right I'm in here we need to do get all these hands on one side and all that oil all right cuz you're gonna use that oil and get all the paste out of the can so I up up your spoon and you stop give it some oil you don't boil up your spoon before you're going to get this pace you're never gonna get it off let's do some sticky stock a little bit of oil right in there [Music] we grandmother called this making the paste make a pity once you get all that faced in there mix it up real good with those onions and garlic oil and you fry it a little bit but you got to keep stirring it because this stuff will burn very quickly get it all mixed up and I mean you can leave it for 15-20 seconds at a time and let that bottom start to fry but that's about it okay after a couple of minutes Brian that paste first camp I'm going to add is the whole tomato can so Jim mashup your whole tomato Kim goes in hit those just with a mash every whole tomato [Music] okay and then they go I want to get them in there as quick as possible because you want to start stirring up that paste because it's still sitting at the bottom frying on top of all of this gravy okay so now give that a mix real good and make sure you get all the bottom of that paste up you know some people they don't use paste and they just use tomatoes and like my great grandmother did she uses the paste and then adds water to thin it out I guess it's your own preference but this is the way I was taught to make it alright this is another art form [Music] see all that that's what we're getting out so here we go and you get the neck skin anything all right so you can is now empty and that goes now we take about that much how much is that much about that much how much is that much about that much how much is that much about that much how much is that much about that much how much is that much about that much but that's about it all right in and I'm gonna save that little bit go when the gravy is done I'm gonna put that in at the end when it cools right there I'm gonna put that off to the side now I've seen a lot of people there's a lot of different things in their gravy to get the acid out people put a potato some people put a carrot I've seen people put wine all different kinds of things there's one surefire way to get the acid ID or gravy and that's the way my great-grandmother did it and I've met a lot of Italians in my day and no one seems to know this trick I'd love to know where my great-grandmother came up with it but she came here come on Elena this is the way she did it baking soda so for those of you who have seen it if your car battery has an acid on the top of it that green stuff you mix some of this up with some water and you pour it on top and you watch all that fizz and the baking soda just eats that acid away it's gonna be eat the acid in that baby so what we're gonna do is we're going to take two heaping teaspoons into the can a little bit of water all right and watch this you see that fit is the same fizz that you would see on the top of your battery and all that acid this is the same fizz that fizz is the baking soda eating the acid away in your gravy this gravy is so acid free you could get a bowl and eat it like a bowl of tomato soup you will never get agita from this gravy because there it is all that fizz right there that's the baking soda eating all that acid and it adds sweetness so there's no sugar there's no potato there's no carrot there's no wine no nothing to keeping teaspoons of baking soda will completely remove the acid from this grade trust me okay so we're gonna give this good stir until all that fizz is gonna time you're really gonna work again you see it's still fizzing because there's a lot of gravy again there's a lot of acid in there believe me you don't want it you don't want to wake up a tool o'clock in the morning with that burning in your chest looking at your wave going where's the tums because that's no good okay so put all that acid out and now what we're gonna do is we're gonna put this amount about four and of course a gravy it doesn't boil it pops when the gravy is cooking it pops so we're going to do is we're gonna put this on about four I'm gonna cover it and every eight minutes we're gonna come back and stir it until it's at a pretty good pot so we'll be back as soon as it's pop here we are let's come and take a look see that it's popping so we're gonna do is we're going to give it a stir we're gonna lower to like two and we're gonna let this cook a couple of hours you know funny story we used to cook on three five six hours and stay on the stove all day and then one day my mother's friend father Claudio came here from Italy he said I'd die on my mother's table down the Cape he took one pot full he says a susan's you cook your gravy too long he says Italy two hours my mother called me option Kenny by the cloudian said we only have to cook the gravy for two hours so the next gravy a mini cooked at about two two and a half hours you know something it was cooked so the days of keeping the great deal on the stove five six hours you really don't need to we're gonna lower it to two we're gonna give it a simmer we're gonna stir it about every 10-15 minutes so it doesn't stick now listen if y'all gravy sticks in the bottom of the pan do not scrape it do not scrape it because that burnt taste and all those little bits of burnt stuff I'm gonna go through your gravy and you might as well throw it away if your gravy sticks and I'm talking sticks high or it's burnt take a ladle take a new pan later all all the loose gravy on the top leave that burnt stuff and just keep cooking it do not stir that burnt stuff off the bottom of your gravy you will ruin it the best thing you can do is don't burn it don't burn your green but if it should happen to stick there and burn don't try to scrape it you're gonna ruin the whole thing so when this is done we'll be back with the final product all right everybody here we are the final product come take a look and there it is that's been on about two and a half hours after it started popping and you can see it has that has that done walk to it so what I'm gonna do now I'm gonna take that is that basil that I told write house I'm gonna drop that in just throw that in and I'm gonna let this sit oh good five six hours and then I'll set it off and plastic containers and freeze it for later use I hope you all enjoyed that everybody and don't forget to live laugh and cook Italian [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Live, Laugh and Cook Italian
Views: 233,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best, italian, cooking, recipe, cook, sauce, italian gravy, italian sauce, tomato sauce, italian guy, cooking demo, cooking video, funny, masterchef, vegan, vegetarian, masterchef 10, live laugh and cook italian, marinara, guy from North End, homemade, Boston accent, guy from Boston, best sauce recipe, best gravy recipe, how to, funny guy from boston, easy, italian stallions, simple, italian recipes, Italian cooking, sunday gravy, sunday sauce, gluten free, gravy, spaghetti sauce
Id: KvAFnvk8eX0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 17min 39sec (1059 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 06 2019
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