Tom Ellis Reads Thirst Tweets

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hello i'm tom ellis from lucifer on netflix and today i shall be reading your first tweets [Music] first things first or first things first someone make tom ellis read first tweets please well they're doing that right now because that's that's exactly what i'm doing uh tom ellis got some sweet bejesus carved abs sweet lord of the dark hashtag lucifer on netflix some sweet bejesus carved abs they're not quite as carved as they were when i shot that video but uh i've had a couple of beers um sweet bejesus me i'm thirsty mum you've just had a drink me the thirst for tom ellis never stops i can't read i can't read something that says mum on it without thinking about uh trisha health and charlotte richards so i'm imagining that's who's this who this is from next gosh i'm thirsty i want the government to create a law where tom ellis can't wear a shirt he has to be shirtless 24 7. um i'm not sure everyone would agree with that um and i don't want to you know be responsible for some cardiac arrests across the country so maybe we should leave that law for now there's more important pressing government issues i think at the moment this one simply reads i think it's a poem tom ellis is daddy i repeat tom ellis's daddy tom ellis is daddy tom ellis is daddy tom ellis's daddy tom ellis is daddy tom ellis's daddy tom ellis is daddy tom ellis's daddy tom alice's daddy tom ellis is daddy tom ellis is daddy tom ellis is daddy tom ellis is daddy i didn't realize i had quite so many kids i'm only living to see tom ellis's butt tom ellis's but what would be my response to that listen if you can watch season four you won't have to wait long to see that freshly cleaned and shaved tom ellis makes me so wet that's the tweet oh it's from a lifeguard there we go that's good i'm getting a bit hot in here this one starts yeah hi we need to talk about what a damn snack tom ellis is in lucifer rip me in half and send me to hell well it's always nice to be part of someone's five a day um so you know i'm i'm happy that um i'm one of your damn snacks that's lovely rip me in half and send me to hell that's quite violent don't you think and how do you know you're going to hell ugh i would let tom ellis get al fresco on me if you catch my drift which means outside which is also a little bit rude it does remind me of an episode of miranda where we talk about going al fresco i officially told my mum today that i want tom ellis to dick me she respectfully agreed um i hope that's a typo and i didn't realize dick was a was a verb just uh yeah i'm gonna move on from that one i think i don't think i've [ __ ] anyone for a while tom this is all caps as well tom ellis in glasses owns my ass so there you go i'm now the proud owner of your backside there we go and thanks for the um for the glasses big up like that one oh goodness me this has got lots of stars in it so i think they could be swearing real talk at tom ellis17 could seriously start star star my star star star he can shove his star star star star in my star style star star star star star star star pleath sir i am a star star star star star star star fill in the blanks i'd rather not to but what i do like about this one is that it goes slightly shakespearean after the cursing to say please sir please sir will you star star starmie up the star star star pleather this might be something to do with the tight jeans but this just says tom ellis just looks like he has a really long dick answers on the postcard too does thomas have a really long dick at dickshire.dick goodness me these are quite racy aren't they i just want to say tom ellis is the biggest dilf on this planet and i want him to me through a wall thank you for listening to my ted talk it's quite a violent thrust to get you through a wall um especially if it's like a brick wall goodness me can we start with like a plasterboard wall and move on from there and i'll have to do some kettlebell training to get my thrust going to cue properly through that wall at tom ellis i need to stop watching lucifer before bed really freaks my boyfriend out when he wakes up to me moaning lucifer come into me to me moaning okay i thought your boyfriend was moaning lucifer which i wouldn't be complaining about as we are representative on the show of all sexuality um but yeah don't just don't watch it before bed obviously because that would that would really help you and your relationship with your boyfriend tom ellis [ __ ] me in the ass with that english accent if that were possible i would and if you do want to be 14 yards with english accent there's certainly some more english people than me we can get benedict cumberbatch in here he's rather marvelous as well with his old accent he's got a 10 inch accent did you know that tom ellis can shuff okay breathe tom ellis can shove jelly beans up my ass any goddamn day he wants and can punch me in the face thank you so is the idea that i put the jelly beans up inside you and i punch them in your face to get them out again sort of like a sort of primal vending machine i like it oh this is the last one please don't get any dirty are you dirty bunch um this is obviously from someone with a sore throat why is tom ellis so hot let me gurgle that which um you know if you do have a sore throat um that's quite a good idea actually you know not that i'm i'm offering to do it to you but if there is some on hand and i don't mean on your hand i mean like too like if there's some come around and you've got a sore throat then gurgle that comes because it really will help the old um vocal cords out anyway those have been your thirsty tweets and you really are a filthy bunch you
Channel: BuzzFeed Celeb
Views: 18,299,926
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buzzfeed, buzzfeed celeb, tom ellis, lucifer, netflix, thirst tweets, buzzfeed thirst tweets, thirst tweets interview, celebrity interview, tom ellis reads thirst tweets, buzzfeedceleb, tom ellis interview, PLlyKGB2y5v3aLCCakRr22Tzqd_deGmVn1
Id: fbVRnlR_6BM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 6sec (366 seconds)
Published: Fri May 10 2019
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