Toilet Install on Concrete | Post Frame Home Build

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all right guys welcome back to marshall remodel  this is the mad county build series and on   today's show we're going to be installing the  two lower level toilets and i'm going to show   you guys how to level your toilets on a concrete  floor and you're probably asking yourself why is   it perfectly level well when these guys pour  the concrete it's almost next to impossible   to get that concrete perfectly level especially  around pipes around the toilet flanges because   when they're running their power trowels  it's going to push some of that concrete   that upper that top cream up around that  flange and it's almost impossible to get   it perfectly level so it's going to slightly slope  away from that flange so you can do this a couple   different ways one you can grind the concrete and  try to get all that level the problem with that   is is sometimes you have to go out a little bit  further than what the toilet covers so the second   way to do it is by grinding some of the inner  flange of the toilet off and i'll show you how   to do that i don't like to use shims because  i don't want you to be able to see the shims   and i want that toilet to be rock solid so let's  go ahead and jump in to installing the toilet on a   concrete floor which is what you're going to have  to do if you're going to build a post frame house   so this has got a slight slant to it away and so  i'm going to show you how i deal with that with   toilets it might be a little unconventional  but so here's the base of the toilet sitting   upside down this is the part that goes over your  plumbing and then this right here and these two   are level with this ring here and that's  what sits on the floor but being that uh   right up around that flange is a little bit higher  of concrete this part and these two parts hit   the concrete first so what i'm  going to do is i'm going to take a diamond grinder just on my  grinder just a diamond wheel   and i'm going to grind these down just taking  my time you gotta use a diamond grinder on   these this porcelain um won't grind with like a  grinding wheel so i'm gonna grind this one this   one and this one down and what that does is  it allows this whole part to sit on the floor so while i'm doing this i really take  my time going really slow so i don't   take any big chunks of porcelain as  long as you're using this diamond uh   wheel on here you should have no problem and  you're better off taking a little time going and   checking it coming back out and taking a little  more just depending on how unlevel or how much   that concrete kind of slopes up to your flange  will depend on how much you need to take off so i got this ground down  where i think it needs to be   that one and that one so then this edge  will touch everywhere making it real stable there's a little there might be just a touch of  space right here but it sits really really nice   it was really wobbly side to side uh before i did  that but once i put my wac or my ring on there   and my bolts i think this is gonna sit really  nice so gotta have a nice solid toilet so anyway   now that we got that leveled let's go ahead and  i'll show you how to install the rest of this   toilet just keep in mind when you're doing this  this is an american standard uh toilet all toilets   the bottom will probably be a little different  so you're just going to have to look at them   and see what you can do but this is an  easy solution that works really well   um and it's quick so that's what i chose to do  now we're going to get the rest of this thing   installed all right guys so the first step  here now that we got that leveled is to get   the base set and typically use a wax ring but  i tried one of these on the toilet we've used   up until this point just because i knew i was  going to have to take it in and out a few times   and it works really really well it's a wackless  waxless toilet ring you can it's got different   um seals in here for above the floor applique if  your flange is above the floor if your flange is   even and if your flange is below the floor so it  gives you all the options in one kit um and like i   said i use i've typically always used wax rings  but i used this and i didn't have any leaking   i took the toilet out in in and out numerous  numerous times and every time i put it back in   there was no leaking so i'm gonna go ahead and use  these on all of them it's got two rings a thicker   ring and a small ring this is the only ring i'm  going to need since my flange sits above the floor   and when you sit your toilet on there you're  going to know you're going to feel if it can squeeze the ring down or if there  isn't contact so you'll know   kind of what you need to use so we're  going to go ahead and get this on and see how that fits on there it's got  this that fits over each of the bolts   to kind of hold it in place just want to  make sure these are across from each other so i can tell that that's  the right size weight ring   because when i set the toilet on there it holds it  up just a little bit you can see it kind of rocks   when i tighten these bolts down that'll suck  that down and then we'll get a nice tight seal there   all right guys you don't when you're putting the  toilet on either if you're using a wax ring or one   of these you want to put downward pressure  on the toilet as you tighten these and you   definitely don't want to over tighten these as  you could break this but this toilet's on there   it's snug down and it's solid and that's what we  want all right so the next part is to get the bowl   fastened on there as you can see there's  two bolts already through there's a seal that fits right here you have to line that up and then that sits over  the top there and then we'll use these little   lock washers to hold the bolts  in and then we'll tighten them on   with these bolts and washers or nuts and washers  and just supplied tool now key to this is not   is to tighten these even and  not not to over tighten them just take this put in the  tool got that one started when you're tightening these bolts you want to  tighten them a little on each side so tighten this   one a little then go to the other side and then  it'll start pulling this down until it touches   and that i gotta pull this left side down a little  bit more and then that should that should be it   and that's the top right there and you can put  a screwdriver on it if you need to i usually   never have to so we should be good to hook our  water line up which i already have attached   so i just got to hook that hose up to the  toilet we can fill it and check for leaks i got bath number two toilet  go ahead and turn that on turn down here so for those of you who don't know how toilet  works this is a float once the water comes up   it'll raise that float and shut the water  off and then when you flush it it lifts that   little flange up allows all water  to dump down through the toilet   which drops the float and then refills the tank pretty simple process you can see the float  has water on it now so that'll raise up   you can see this needs adjustment  because there's an overflow to adjust it adjust that float down so  it shuts this off sooner it by adjusting it this screw counterclockwise it  lowers the float so it'll shut the switch off   sooner so you can see when i filled it the first  time the water was going over into the overflow   so i had to lower that float so it'll shut the  water off sooner so it doesn't just keep running all right the water is down i don't know a  quarter three eighths of an inch from the   overflow so that'll work for me so  now i put the top on put my lid on   and uh should be good to go flush  it a couple times there's no water anywhere that's right so guys installing if you've never  done it before installing the toilets uh not too   bad can be a little tricky on concrete floor but  grinding those little flanges off on the bottom   for me it's worked great i've had no problems  doing that you just want to make sure you use   a diamond uh diamond blade on your grinder and  just take your time and it'll grind that porcelain   right off right off and then that toilet it'll  allow that outside flange of that toilet to sit on   the floor and you get a  nice solid sitting toilet so   we appreciate you guys watching we'll have a  lot more uh content coming soon as we're finally   getting floors and stuff like that put in so stay  tuned and we will catch you on the next video
Channel: Marshall Remodel
Views: 13,688
Rating: 4.9714031 out of 5
Keywords: Midwest, Iowa, Home, Design, DIY, Construction, Self Build, New Build, New Constrution, Post Frame, Pole Barn, Barndominium, Farmhouse
Id: -3K-F_ODH3E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 47sec (827 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 19 2021
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