TIMELAPSE | Post Frame Home Self Build

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all right welcome to the Marshall remodel and this  is going to be the first video for the MADD County   30 build series give you a little background on  what we're doing out here this is 30 acres and   my wife and I bought in Madison County Iowa it's  kind of bit of a dream of ours to own our own land   we were able to purchase this property last fall  and we're gonna build a post frame style house and   if you don't know what that is it's kind of like  a barn iminium I'm sure you've either heard of a   post frame style house or barn iminium that's kind  of what it's going to be like and we're gonna get   going on that as soon as possible unfortunately  the last seven to ten days we've had nothing but   rain and I've been pretty much rained out of  working out here so I was able to get a small   excavator out here in the last couple weeks and  clear some trees that I wanted out not all of   them that I wanted gone or gone but the ones that  I definitely need are all down so the excavator   I rented was a small one was about a thirty five  horsepower excavator if you're asking yourself why   would I rat such a small machine there's couple  reasons for that as we go through this series   my wife and I we sat down we kind of created a  budget for this this build and we want to stay   within that budget so wherever I can save money  that's what I'm gonna do and by getting a smaller   excavator it did take a little bit longer to  get these trees down but I was able to haul it   myself so I didn't have to pay the place where  I rented it to haul it out here and back and   it was only I think I had 16 17 hours on it and I  was under five hundred dollars of my cost to rent   it for that many hours drive it out here drive it  back my fuel and everything so that's pretty good all right we took a few minutes got I got some  steaks out there so I know where the edges of   the shelter are gonna be and now I'm gonna dig  and take the backhoe and I'ma dig probably three   to four feet beyond that so I have plenty  of room to work and plenty of room where I   could soak the back so there's no danger of any  dirt falling in on itself let me get after it many times in my life and during this project  I have felt the urge to quit and I just can't   let myself yeah I just wanted to share a  quick passage from my favorite book that   says I can do all things through Christ who  strengthens me so whenever you're facing a   tough time and you feel like quitting don't do  it dig down and find the courage to just stick   it out and fight through it and then every  time you face a challenging moment it'll get   easier and easier to just push through  it is July first I poured it's Monday I   poured this footing on Saturday so it's been  2 days I had to go pick up my kids they were   down with my parents for the weekend so  just out here to take off the forms and I don't know how long I've been at this probably I  don't know maybe an hour or 15 minutes but it's 90   it's like 98 degrees right now so there's nowhere  to get out of the shade except right here there's   no wind so I'm just kind of trying to take a  little break here and there I'm out here by myself   so I don't wanna do something stupid and pass out  because nobody nobody's coming to check on me but   anyway I got only have like 8 10 sheets left and  then we'll get these start putting them down in   the hole and I don't have my wedges and all my  snap ties yet however I'm trying to come up think   in my head how I can do this by myself most the  time when people are constructing forms for walls   there's you know at least four to six guys doing  it however in my case I'm doing this by myself so   trying to think of a way that I can do this and  I got an idea it's gonna be a little extra work   but the problem is is these ties you got to put  them in from the inside so you have to put them   in the inside and then put the other wall up and  slide them through the hole which obviously is   problematic when you're trying to hold 270 pound  sheets of plywood up and put ties in so after this   we'll start on one of the sides of the walls and  I'll kind of show you what I'm gonna do I have no   idea if it's gonna work yet or not in my head it  seems like it'll work but who knows we'll find out all right we'll made some good progress today  it's a July 16th and sat down with a guy and   finalized our materials list today so all that'll  be put in to order tomorrow and it'll be about   two weeks he said four to get the material so I  had a bunch of rock delivered today I got it all   filled in around my storm shelter basement area  and then I had a bunch of Phil brought in so I   have a nice working area all right July 30th I  got some rain coming here soon so I don't have   much time but there's an episode three when  I laid out showed you guys how to lay out   a building I got all my line string lines back  up I did it the same way that I showed you guys and let me tell you that was no easy  task so a couple of obstacles sorry I   couldn't do more filming but my hands  were full and we were definitely busy   but category driver drew drove  over on my string line stakes had a footing move on me so there was just  some things during the pour that took a   lot more time than what I thought and then  of course it's in May 80 the sun's out so   this kind of greet set up pretty fast but  between my dad and I were able to get it   all brackets set I think we got started  a little bit late on those but we got   them in there and they're already pretty  solid so I think we're going to be good that's all great stuff the words I can't you spoken myself why because  if you tell yourself something enough times or   somebody else tells you something enough  times you're going to start believing it   instead replace those words with I can and  I will and if you get knocked down get back   up if you get an act down again get back  up again being persistent leads to success we have a showers right there movie star at feels much better in this  basket and shimmying up these   trusses 270 pound beast of a man hanging  off the other side shaking it every time talk about you Travis piece of steel went pretty good in here but I keep trying to go I gotta  get this done my second piece up there built this little platform to hold my  steel up close and drag another piece up all right we all got all the  windows in the house installed taped I have to love the garage which I can't do  until the garage is done but turn out pretty   good but the mistake I made is I have some extra  concrete leftover and we poured it around the top   of these just to fill that space and that was a  huge mistake and I'll tell you why because this   concrete's over here over this fill and when all  that rain ran down here that fill settled which   all that concrete settled and it was wrapped  around my footing so it tipped my footing it   didn't sink it just tipped it and pulled it like  about two inches which is enough to screw it up so all right well I got my new window well then we  gave all our pulled out wasn't nearly as bad as   I thought got a little trench dug Monday first  thing I'm gonna pop some greens on the bottom   of there about 40 feet out and I can backfill  all this and I'll feel a lot better about it so you I believe you know maybe I'm just a little  stubborn but I feel like with a little reading   maybe with a little YouTube I feel like you can do  anything if you put your mind to it so definitely   can save a lot of money so keep that in mind when  you're doing self doing something like this or you   do yourself or buddy put your pocket and more  this is to do I couldn't afford to build this   place if I was paying somebody to do it so that's  why I'm doing it and part of the reason I started   this YouTube channel and my wife started the blog  is because we wanted to share this stuff with you   so that you can have the confidence to do some of  this stuff on your own and the only way you learn   is by just jumping in there and doing it if you're  a little anxious or nervous about doing something   you know the only way you're gonna learn is by us  by doing it now I wouldn't say go out and start   with a septic system but you can start small and  work your way up that's what I did I pretty much   taught myself how to do everything whether that's  been watching how-to videos or reading or you know   working for other people I've learned how to do a  lot and it saved me a ton of money over the years   and has allowed us to get to this point where we  can actually build this house on this property so alright thanks for watching everybody if you  guys enjoyed this do me a favor and hit that   subscribe button and go to our YouTube  channel check out the full series Mad   County build series where we go step by step  on how to build your own post frame home and   stay tuned because we're going to be doing a  full series on how to finish the inside of a   post frame home it's going to be exciting and  if you guys like this you're gonna love the   inside finishes so thanks for watching  and we'll check you on the next video
Channel: Marshall Remodel
Views: 2,347,026
Rating: 4.8861971 out of 5
Keywords: Midwest, Iowa, Des Moines, Home, Design, DIY, Do It Yourself, Construction, Self Build, New Build, New Constrution, Post Frame, Pole Barn, Barndominium, Farmhouse, timelapse
Id: tzDW34SpwAg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 34min 19sec (2059 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 13 2020
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