Tankless Water Heater Maintenance | Post Frame Home

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welcome back to marshall remodel today's show  i'm going to show you how to clean and flush   your tankless water heater i have richmond  199 btu tankless water heaters in my house so   i got a couple videos on how to install these i've  had this one for not quite a year but it's time   to clean and flush it and i'm going to  show you what an easy process it is so   there's only a few things you need you  need a 5 gallon bucket you need a pump   you need a couple hoses and you need cleaning  vinegar before we get all that stuff hooked up we   want to isolate this unit so there's a few things  we're going to do we're going to shut it off so i got it shut up shut off i'm  going to go ahead and unplug it i'm going to turn the water off and lastly you want to shut the gas off to your  unit this is my gas manifold and this is the   shutoff that goes to the water heater i choose  to shut it off here as long as it shut off you're   good all right so first thing is we have two  hoses you'll notice one hose just has one hook up   that's going to be our return hose because that  will return the vinegar to the bucket so i don't   need a second hook up on that hose and then we  have a hose with two ends so one side will go   to the inlet of the water heater and the  other will go to the pump side of the pump   right here these are the isolation  valves for the water heater this here   and this here these are going  to be your service ports so you just simply under that this  is going to be the return side snug that on there and these isolation valves you  could turn them out i just like the way they look   set up to the side like this you  know it's a little more difficult   to hook your hoses up to but you're only  doing this once a year most likely so hook the supply line up to the pump stick in your bucket and i have three gallons of vinegar in there  you could do it with less you really only need   enough it allows your pump but the way i look  at it is having a little bit more vinegar i   don't think this thing is going to be all that  scaly but the more vinegar the less dirty it's   going to get as it cleans all right so before  i unhook all this i got a clean bucket of water   and i'm just gonna set the pump into that clean  bucket of water and run it for a few minutes just   to kind of pump all of the vinegar out of there  to minimize it once we start the system back up   all right so all i did was i got i don't know  two three gallons of clean water in a bucket   switched the pump over to the water bucket  left the return line in with the vinegar   and just ran that water through  there so it pushed all of the vinegar   out of the unit now that we've done that we'll  go ahead and unhook it i am going to check   the little water filter just to make sure it's  clean i left it in there while i was pumping the   vinegar just to help clean it if it was dirty  but we're gonna go ahead and check that anyway i mean there's a little few pieces of looks like  sediment on it so i'm gonna go wash this out but   this little filter is on the inlet side and i'll  i'll zoom in so you can see but this is just   something you want to check to make sure it's nice  and clean that way you get good water flow through   there all right guys well we got it back to normal  if you're asking yourself how often you should   do this uh the manual on that this is a richmond  encore and it says that you should do this uh once   a minimum once a year now if you have really hard  water with lots of calcium and stuff like that   you should probably do it a couple times a year  that pump that i bought it's just a quarter horse   submersible pump cost me i think it was just  under fifty dollars i bought two six foot hoses so   the cost to get the stuff to do this is  pretty minimal and if you're gonna have   this you're gonna have to do it once a year  anyway i have two of these in this house so   just cleaning each of these one times pays  for the stuff i'll keep everything in a bucket   and i'll do this once a year so for the most  part it's really easy and self-explanatory   if you guys have any questions leave them in the  comments and we will catch you on the next video
Channel: Marshall Remodel
Views: 11,345
Rating: 4.9533677 out of 5
Keywords: Midwest, Iowa, Home, Design, DIY, Construction, Self Build, New Build, New Constrution, Post Frame, Pole Barn, Barndominium, Farmhouse
Id: ZXUz43XmkqM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 47sec (347 seconds)
Published: Wed Jul 21 2021
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