Post Frame Home Utility Room Tour

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welcome back to marshall remodel  this is the mad county build series   and for those of you don't know my name is paul  behind me is my post frame home that i've built   and today we're going to go through the utilities  i get lots of questions on the utilities i've used   how i set them up and so i decided to do a  video and show you guys all of that right   now to give you a little background this is a 4  000 square foot post frame home it's got a 2200   square foot attached garage it's taken me about  two years to build this and we're just you know   getting into the final finishing touches right  now so let's go ahead and we'll jump into the   utilities i'll take you through and show  you what i did and how everything's set up   the way i designed this house is for all  of the main floor utilities to be in a room   off of the garage and then i wanted to box in the  duct work in the garage sealed off from the garage   and then all my trunk lines could run through  the floor joists so i'd have no drop downs in the   house which is what i did so i'll show you that  but we also have the in-floor radiant heat system   we've got our gas manifold system we've  got our electric we've got our water heater   and right here eventually i will have a water  filtration system so i kind of laid this out   in a way in my mind kind of flowed just start  with my water my water line comes from the road   which is about 600 feet i ran inch and a quarter  black poly pipe all the way from the road where   the pit is and my main water line comes in  right here in the corner of the utility room   through this schedule 44 inch pvc pipe so  this pipe goes down through the concrete a   four foot below and then there's two 45s  that take it out about six to eight feet   outside the house and that's where that line  came in through so um i just filled this   schedule 40 pipe with spray foam here at the  top just to seal it off i got my main shut off   here and then it downsizes to one inch pipe right  here and then we come up we have an inlet pressure   we have a valve where i can control the pressure  and then what the pressure is on the house side   and then we come i ran two these are for a spigot  on the north side of the house and then a spigot   on the south side so i just teed off my one  inch line and they go down into the concrete   and these actually run underneath the house  so i put these in prior to the concrete   and they run underneath the concrete they're  insulated and they pop out one on the north   side one on the south side i got shutoffs  here eventually i left this space right here   to have a water filtration system for the house i  haven't purchased that yet but my main water line   goes up and over it feeds my hot water heater for  the downstairs it feeds my mana block water supply   and then it also feeds the upstairs  utility room so that one inch line comes from the one and a quarter and it continues  all the way through and goes the upstairs utility   and then i just branch off to feed my downstairs  manifold branch off to feed my water heater so   i'm using mana block manifold system so these  are all home runs to all the places i have supply   lines so i got them all labeled here you can  see that's the cold side of the master shower   cold side master washer master toilet so  on and so forth so these are all home runs   so there's no joints in the walls except  for a couple places one is behind the washer   washing machine where those are located  i do have a joint where my pot filler is   and there might be one or two other places but for  the most part there's no joints anywhere so guys   these all run under the concrete to where they  go for the downstairs once they get below this   they are insulated they run below the slab below  the polystyrene and then they pop up wherever   the sinks are the toilets are so on and so  forth what i did to protect these over time   is i boxed them in and then filled this with  spray foam so there's no way that rocks or dirt   or anything can get down in there because they  actually come through the concrete in one inch   uh electrical conduit to protect them so there's  elbows they go down through and then they 90 long   turn 90 below the concrete um i have videos  on all of this stuff so you guys can go back   and check them out um i've show how i did all  of this um this is a slab home so all of this   is shown in one of the videos in the mad county  build series um i will tell you i'm really happy   with the manifold system i get questions like how  long does it take to get hot water well it's no   different than if you had a hot water heater you  have to wait a certain amount of time for the hot   water to get there there are ways where you can  have instant hot water but you have to have a main   line that basically runs in a big loop and then  branch off that and then you have to have a pump   that's constantly circulating it i just didn't  want to do that i've had really good luck with   the manifold system it really doesn't take that uh  long to get water to where i need it um i kind of   designed the house and all of the the bathrooms  the kitchen everything to not be that far   from this point as far as heating my hot water  i have a 199 000 btu richmond it's an encore i have two of these in this house um you'll see  in the upstairs utility room i have basically i   have another manifold system and another hot water  heater that's tankless i have had really good luck   with these i've had these in two of my prior  houses so i chose to go with these again just   because i've had good luck with them you do have  to clean them out once a year their service ports   here and here which i have a video on how to  service these to flush them clean them with   vinegar clean the filter but i'm happy with  this and it doesn't take up that much room   and it's a nice clean design two the water  line is i put a second four inch schedule 44   inch pipe that goes down and outside and there's  nothing in this but i put this in just in case   i ever need to to run something else in here  um whether you know there's lots of different   things that i could end up wanting to do this  gives me the option to add it on and take it   down below the ground and then come up into  my utility room this is my main gas line we're   on an lp system i have a 2 psi system so that  means from my lp tank my first stage regulator   takes the pressure down to 10 psi it comes to the  house and right outside the wall there's a two   psi regulator which is the second stage regulator  and then that feeds my manifold and then i branch   off to all my appliances and then with a 2 psi  system you have to have appliance regulators right   before the appliance so all my appliances  have regulators right before right before them just a little bit honey so you're asking yourself  why would i do a 2psi system we have lots of   appliances in here we have a canning kitchen  six burner stove we have another 36 inch stove   in the house we have 299 000 btu water heaters  we have two furnace ac units plus we have our   in-floor heat so we have a lots of gas-fired  appliances and the only way that we could   supply the amount of gas we needed was with a  2 psi system i have a 200 amp square d panel   i think it's a it's a 60 space panel and this  comes in similar to the way the water does   we have emt here right here where it meets the  concrete i have a fitting that changes from   emt over to the schedule 80. so halfway through  the concrete it changes from schedule 80 to emt   that schedule 80 goes down about 36 to 48 inches  90s out goes out eight feet and then it goes to   the pole where the main feed is and then this is  obviously we have these are all considered nipples   that all of our wire runs through and then  it runs through that trough and then into the   house and wherever it needs to go so there's  debate on whether this is legal or not it is   completely legal if the nipples are less than  24 inches you can run your wire through there   there is a fill calculation that you have to  do we had our rough-in inspection the inspector   was very thorough he checked it all out it  all checked out fine met all the requirements   um and we passed on that i wanted a nice  clean look i didn't want any of the romex   to be nailed up there i wanted it all protected in  conduit and it just looks a lot cleaner i have a   list of what everything is which we will print out  and get that put on the wall here so it's really   easy to find what breaker does what for our main  heat source we have a radiant in-floor heat system   which is all of this right here i have a full  series on how this was done in the entire   house from laying the tubing the insulation all  that stuff to installing all of your manifolds   all of your controls your boiler i have an nti  boiler i chose to separate my in-floor heat   from my potable water i just like this  to be all isolated on its own system   so if you guys are interested  in that you can check it out last winter it was extremely cold here in the  midwest this is the only heat source we had last   year and we had sub-zero temperatures for several  you know three or four weeks in a row where it got   into the negative temperatures and this held up  just fine i will tell you i'm super happy with   this um the only thing i will tell you is about  radiant heat is it is not a quick turnaround and   what i mean by that is if you're in the house  and you're cold and you want to warm it up   it's not like a furnace where you can kick the  furnace up five degrees and then 20 minutes   later it's up to that temperature it takes  a while to get it up to temperature and vice   versa when you want to lower the temperature  it's the same thing it takes quite a while   to lower the temperature because what you're doing  is you're heating up five inches of concrete to   a certain temperature so it's going to take  a long time for all that heat to dissipate   and radiate off so you do have to pay attention  to the weather look ahead a couple days to see   if you're gonna have a warm up or a cool down  and then plan accordingly but i'm super happy   we do have back up furnace furnaces for the  downstairs and upstairs which i'll show you those   and we also have a wood stove so my plan for  next winter is to run my in-floor radiant heat   at somewhere between 60 and 64  degrees and then run my wood stove   uh for supplement heat and then i i will have the  fans on my furnaces running to circulate the air   through my house which is what i've done in the  past and other residents and it works really good   if there's any questions on the in-floor  radiant heat check out the full series i have   you'll probably be able to find most of your  answers in that series these control systems   i partnered with curry heating systems if  you're interested in purchasing one of these   you can get a five percent discount by mentioning  marshall remodel so if you guys are in the market   for that check him out he does a really good job  building the controls so that brings us to the   last appliance here in this downstairs utility  room and that's this hvac system it's an amana it's a furnace it's got an a  coil for the air conditioner   and this serves the entire downstairs  of the house and the loft area we've had the ac unit up and  running for about a month and a half   and it is super efficient it's super quiet um  the only thing i can say is on my return here   being that this is that big this does pop right  here so i just need to put a stiffener across it   actually the fur if the ac is  going to kick on right now so   you'll probably be able to  hear it pop here in a second so right here it pops and right on the  back side so all i need to do is put   a stiffener across here and screw it to it   and then we should be good to go on there all  right so the utility room is right on the other   side of this wall here are my two condensers  got the one for the downstairs and loft area   and then this is the one for the upstairs unit  but the reason i picked the location of my utility   room back in this corner is because this is the  east side of the house and here where we live this is protected from the sun majority  of the day so these things will be able   uh to run more efficient being out of the direct  sunlight for the majority of the day a little   sneak peek we're doing a little kitchen cabinet  action right now that's all you're getting on that   that'll be out hopefully next week but guys  i can tell you my ac units have been running   and it is a nice consistent temperature  in all the downstairs the loft   and then back here all this back here  past this door is isolated on its own   system there will be a door here that  i can shut if i want but with there not   being a door both units are running really  well and there's no when you walk out here   you don't feel like a heat wave or anything  like that so i'm pretty excited about that all right guys so here is the upstairs utility  room it's at the end of the hall and to give you   an idea where the downstairs  utility room is it's literally right   down there right on the other side of the wall  is the attic space to the garage so up here we have a separate water heater and water manifold  supply that's set from the downstairs so this   feeds all of the upstairs i wanted to separate  it just because this is a larger house so we   have two bathrooms the kitchen washer and dryer  downstairs upstairs we have four bedrooms three   bathrooms a washer and so i wanted to keep  the upstairs isolated on it on all of its own   systems so we have the water heater and manifold  system for the upstairs and then we have the hvac   system for the upstairs i can tell you  the upfront cost of this is obviously more   to have two utility two furnaces air  conditioners to water heaters to manifolds but   it has worked very efficiently and made things  very neat and tidy and clean which is what i like   and i'm super excited with the way this has turned  out so the ductwork for this upstairs unit does   run in the attic space which i have a video on  how i did that like i said these have been up and   running for about a month and a half i haven't  had time to finish the install series on that   hopefully i can get to that i'm really happy  with the way they are my attic access is here   in the utility room this will have a door on it  another thing i did the same thing up here is   that i did downstairs with the manifold system  and the in-floor heat so i boxed this in filled   that with spray foam just to protect these lines  all right guys so that's a wrap on my utilities   here at the mad county build series if you guys  haven't been following along check out the mad   county build series there's videos on all of this  stuff if you guys have any questions comments   concerns leave them in the comments and we'll do  our best to answer them if you haven't already hit   that subscribe button check us out on instagram  facebook and we will catch you on the next video
Channel: Marshall Remodel
Views: 17,415
Rating: 4.9612589 out of 5
Keywords: Midwest, Iowa, Home, Design, DIY, Construction, Self Build, New Build, New Constrution, Post Frame, Pole Barn, Barndominium, Farmhouse
Id: mMNB_Yai7lo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 22sec (1162 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 07 2021
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