Correct Toilet Flange Installation

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hey this is James class and I'm here to talk a little bit about toilet flange is and whether they go on the subfloor on the finish floor the answer is they go on the finish floor and a lot of times people don't want to deal with that because plumbers will come in and you know they'll do the rough ends and they'll just they'll just slap the flange down on the fit the subfloor and you know say screw it and cruise on down the road the problem with that is the bottom of the toilet if you look at the toilet flange you'll see this little shoulder here is is tapered and there's a wax ring or there are also modern synthetic rings that can go in there but I still use wax as a wax ring that goes here this little female shoulder there's a male counterpart in the bottom of the toilet flange that rests down in here and the wax ring makes up any difference for water and gas sealing so the problem is if you put the sub if you put this toilet flange down the subfloor you're gonna have too large of a gap particularly if you have like 3/4 inch hardwood or any kind of real thick flooring you're gonna what some people do is they double up the wax ring that's not great you really need to put this on the finish floor and here's a couple other notes while I'm here I happen to have cut this flush with the subfloor pretty much flushed but a millimeter above the reason for that is my finished floor in here is very thin here's an example of my finished war it is a waterproof vinyl click lock and this is just a sample from from I'm not sponsored by Home Depot that happens to come from Home Depot and it comes in cartons like this it's about 325 a square foot and my finished floor is only 3/8 of an inch thick so my finished floor will now for the floating floor I do go ahead and I do put it under the which is fine it's not enough not any more than any piece of furniture in terms of not allowing the rest of the Florida to float it it'll float just fine under the toilet and when I set the when I set the the toilet flange down I'll like you can kind of run this thing all the way up to the bottom but you have to really push it hard so I like to stay a quarter of an inch to 3/8 of an inch with with the pipe away from that so since that's 3/8 of an inch I cut that pretty much flush within a millimeter so that when I put this down on top of my finish floor it'll press down real nice but I won't have to push it so hard that I mess up my my pipes below so I have them supported on hangers I have exactly the pitch that I want it's all perfect I don't have to jam this thing in so hard I'm still gonna get a seal if you look at this flange it's actually tapered I don't know if you can see this in the video it's uh it comes up about halfway and then it flares out it actually is tapered off so yeah so there you go always put this toilet flange on top of the finish floor and make sure you cut that at the height you need it to be so for example if I was putting in a 3/4 inch hardwood floor here I would have brought that up to about a quarter of an inch below that I would have cut that about a half an inch from the subfloor and then that would have given me that quarter inch so that I'm not I don't Jam the pipe right up to the shoulder I want to be want to be about a quarter-inch six millimeters eight millimeters at the most you'll still get a plenty good seal here I mean it'll be watertight airtight and a problem but you don't run the risk of of having to beat this thing down and and pushing your your there's this this four inch pipe goes down to a three inches a four by three closet been at the bottom and it's all pitched perfect if you have to jam that thing hard you're gonna screw up all your pitch underneath so there you go so always put this toilet flange on top the Finnish war hey thanks for watching
Channel: James Glass
Views: 174,470
Rating: 4.4317141 out of 5
Keywords: plumbing dwv toilet flange
Id: GHnpctV87fU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 23sec (263 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 05 2020
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