Using Versetta Stone Around Our Front Door | Post Frame Porch

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all right so we're going to start putting this  for set of stone up and um to get started i've   installed products like this before but never  reset a zone so i'm pretty excited about the   this it looks like it's really really good  quality stuff so we're going to find out but   you got to figure out some things before  you get started and one of those you want to   figure out where your pieces are going to lie  so you don't end up with like a little sliver   above the door here so i got to figure out  where i want to put my starter strip because   the starter strip is the first thing you put on  put the starter strip then your water protection   barrier and then you can start putting your  stone up so based on my personal preference i   decided to line my stone up with the bottom edge  of the door i felt like that would look the best   so it's important that those starter strips  are equal distance from the bottom of the door   to the top edge of the door on both sides and  that will reduce the amount of issues you'll   have when you get to that piece where you're  gonna have to notch at the top of the door it's also real really important to make sure  that those starter strips are nice and level   it's just like siding or anything else that  first layer is going to be the most important you might think it's a bit ridiculous how many  times i'm measuring to make sure that these   starter strips are equal distance  from the top edge of that door but   i've learned from my experience  it's better to measure   three or four times than have to take  all the stone down and start over step one complete got our two starter strips set   equal distance from the top of the door  now i'm going to go ahead and put up   the water barrier here for behind it and then  we'll figure out our starter piece so i'm using   30 pound roofing felt here is my water protection  behind this and this is to protect if any water   is to get behind this stone it can run down this  and escape out the weep holes on the starter strip   now in my case here my door is located nine feet  under an overhang so the most water this is ever   going to see is when i'm doing spring cleaning  and power washing my porch but it's still an   important step and you want to make sure you  do a good job at this and i try to overlap   the seams anywhere from 12 to 16 inches just to  make sure we're good and protected from any water so so all right starter strip done  water barrier tire paper done   all right guys so to cut this i just use  my miter saw with a segmented diamond blade   i also put one on my table saw for any rip  cuts obviously if you're going to be doing this   a bunch they make special saws that you  can buy just for this purpose but for a   small project like this it doesn't hurt  to use your miter saw or your table saw   you should wear a mask however you'll  see that i did not i was up wind but   it is a good practice to wear a mask  to protect yourself from the fine dust so you can see i'm knocking  this interlocking tab off   because i don't need it this is going to be in  one of those small sections next to the door   and there's just some instances  where you need to knock that off so versatile stone makes universal corners but in  a situation like mine when you're going up each   side of a door and that space isn't very wide you  can't have finished edges on both sides so what   you can do is you can buy some rust-oleum textured  paint that matches your stone the closest and then   you can texture those ends and it gives you a  really nice look and that's what i'm doing right   now when you're spraying those cut ends you want  to face the finished side of the panel down so you   don't get any overspray on it and then just kind  of angle your spray down and it works out really   well so your first piece is going to sit in your  starter strip there's a groove that sits down in   there and then you'll put a couple screws in the  nailing flange and then after your first piece   is up your additional pieces will just sit in  the groove and then you put the screws or nails   in that nailing flange you just want to make sure  as you work your way up you're staying level and   in my case here i'm working up both sides of the  door so i'm going to keep measuring from the top   of the door down to my each course to make sure  i'm staying equal distance from the top of that   door so when i get there and i cut that piece  that's going to go across the top it's equal is all right well that went pretty  good the next piece you can see   um where i decided to start it i'm gonna  have to notch this this is the easiest way   i thought to do it so i'm gonna have to notch  the next piece that'll go along so i'm gonna get   the other side brought up to the same  height as this and then we'll do that   next row that'll be the trickiest part but  i think it's going to turn out pretty good since i had to rip the piece that goes across  the top of the door i decided to put almost   like a miniature header in so i used a 3  16 thick 1 inch angle and i sanded it down   drilled and countersunk some  holes and then painted it black   so that my stone would have a nice secure  spot to sit on across the top of that door the next thing this is not necessary i took a  piece of angle and i put it across the top of this   door and i just drilled and countersunk for some  screws there's enough gap behind there that the   water if any water no water is going to get up in  here but if it did it could break it run down get   out past there and then run out above this brick  mold but this will give this um since i had to cut   this piece that goes across this will give this a  nice secure um it's almost just like a header uh   spot to sit and then this part back here will  space out the bottom of that stone the required   distance that it needs this is 3 16 steel and  that actually works perfect because when you cut   that bottom tab off it'll want to it will want  to swing in so this will give it a nice stable   place to sit so to make these right angle cuts i  use a combination of the table saw the miter saw   and then ground off the remaining with a diamond  blade grinder and it worked out pretty well yeah and they keep breaking oh that's perfect is all right guys so you can see this is 3  16 angle and i got it screwed in that'll give   this a nice solid surface to sit on and then the  screws will obviously also help it but you can see   now it it's butts this bottom part of this  out just enough so it should be noted that   the manufacturer actually calls for wire mesh  and then a adhesive to hold the bottom of that   stone in place but i found in my case that   this worked out really well and gives me a nice  secure place for that stone above the door to   sit so to get further instruction on the lath and  glue method uh check out boro building products   youtube channel they have some really good  videos on how to install this mercedes stone good so all right so i know that this angle right  there is 45 so all i got to do for this next   piece is measure from there up to where the angle  starts and then i know that's a 45 degree angle all right so now that we're getting up here  higher um a 36 inch piece comes to almost   right there so that's just too small so what i'm  going to do is i'm going to cut a piece to go   you know somewhere right in here and  then i'll put a piece in the middle so one thing you guys can do if you gotta fit  a piece in like there you're gonna have a nice   straight cut on one side and one thing you can do  is take your hammer the claw your hammer and just   kind of nick this edge and it just gives it a  more natural look and then paint it with your textured paint and then it doesn't look so   perfectly straight where  it just kind of sticks out so once i got up to this course right here i had  to knock the interlocking tabs off in order to fit   these pieces in up at the top and then the next  row above that i even had to take the bottom   tab off and you'll see that here just in a minute all right guys so when you get up to this top part   you're gonna have to get this tab  locking tab ground off because   you can't get this up high enough to slide in and  then slide down and lock in place and it's not   going to go anywhere once it's up in there anyway  because it's a tight enough fit the only other way   you could do this is if you cut this smaller and  then somehow trimmed it out which i don't like   so i'm just going to i just ground that off and  we're going to fit that up in there and then   they make stainless steel trim screws you can  always put through this if you're worried about   it falling off but i'll show you once it's up  there you're not going to have to worry about it all right so if you want to drill a hole i   you can do one of two things on your top rows you  can glue them which is kind of what they recommend   but i don't like to do that because if i ever  have to take it down then it's stuck there   and i can't get it so i like to use stainless  steel trim screws and you can't use a hammer drill   to drill a hole through or you will bust it  so what i found is if you use a regular drill   with a hammer drill bit you can drill a  hole through it pretty easily so you just   one thing you want to do is however you decide to  try it take a scrap piece and test it out before   before you drill it on the piece you want because  if the method you're using isn't working then   obviously need to try something different but  what works for me is a regular drill with a   hammer drill bit and i can get through it pretty  easily all right so that finishes up this entryway   and i can't uh tell you how happy i am with  the way it turned out that cedar ceiling   and this mercedes stone around the front door at  looks absolutely amazing and this is the first   time i've used verseta stone i've used similar  products and i have to say that it was very   user friendly and it went up very very well better  than i expected and i'm really pleased with it so   if any of you guys are interested in doing  something like this around your front door or   adding a wainscoting to your your building or  your house this stuff is user friendly and is   definitely something you could diy just with  a few tools that you probably already have in your in your garage already  if you do anything on your own   so with that being said i appreciate you guys  watching hopefully this video was helpful to   somebody i can tell you i'm going to be using this  same stone on my fireplace once we get back inside   so stay tuned for that i'll bring you that  when we get to it and we'll have a couple   other things that'll go along  with that i'm i'm doing a custom   mantle so i'll show you how to attach  that through this stone and all that   kind of good stuff but appreciate you guys  watching don't forget to hit that subscribe   button the bell for notifications and  we will catch you on the next video
Channel: Marshall Remodel
Views: 28,902
Rating: 4.9881377 out of 5
Keywords: Midwest, Iowa, Home, Design, DIY, Construction, Self Build, New Build, New Constrution, Post Frame, Pole Barn, Barndominium, Farmhouse
Id: a40SYkyEX-c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 15sec (1215 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 03 2021
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