Garage Kitchen Tour | Canning + Baking | Self-Sustaining, Off-Grid Journey

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welcome back to marshall remodel  today is another episode of getting   the most out of your land uh and i'm going to  be sharing all about our canon kitchen today   paul and i we for a lot of years we have wanted  to have more self-sustaining practices as a part   of our lifestyle so we have tried to come  up with some simple ways to accomplish that   without getting over complicated our garden  is very uncomplicated and it's doing great   so that has led me to have to spend a lot of  time here in this canning kitchen getting the   produce processed and saved so that we can use  it all year round we get a lot of questions about   what is a cannon kitchen simply put we designed  this kitchen as a part of our garage space   so that we would have a bigger more open space  in order to process our meat process our produce   things like that so canning is something that  paul's family especially has done for many years   and it is it provides a significant amount of  their food all year round so paul and i wanted   to do that same thing for our family we also just  need a place when you have a garden as large as   ours there are certain things that will just start  growing and and you just have so much of it that   you need a place to put access that's separate  from like your main kitchen because you may not   have time to deal with it right away and you know  it's not uncommon for us to pick like 50 pounds   of tomatoes at a time and have to figure out  what do we do with them like right here and now   so this space is great for handling uh all of  our excess produce it's inadvertently become   a great space for us to use as our kitchen while  we're finishing building out our house so that's   why the setup is the way that it is next year we  will have it be a very true like processing space   instead the zucchini harvest was abundant so  i took a lot of the excess zucchini and made   muffins from it the kids devoured them i'll  have to make a lot more and i do have plans   to shred the zucchini and freeze it i've done  that in the past and that works out pretty well   he's a very watery vegetable and so it's not  going to be suitable for me to thought out and   maybe saute it or anything like that it gets very  mushy but mixed in with the muffin recipe that   i use it's actually cucumbers were another thing  that we they've just gone bananas we have so many   of them and i tried my hand at making pickles  for the first time because i didn't want the   cucumbers to go to waste so we do give some of our  produce to friends and family but we also want to   use as much as possible for ourselves so that we  can actually reduce our grocery bill throughout   the year kept the process really simple this year  and i made bread and butter pickles i made kosher   dill pickles and i made pickle relish with a  lot of our cucumber the set up that we have   is a really functional we intentionally put  a really large range in the cannon kitchen   to serve as extra oven space when we have holidays  here at our house eventually and other big parties   and also to have this big cooktop i was able  to have two water baths going at the same time   i could have easily had a third maybe even four  of them going and that's going to come in handy   throughout the years and especially when we are  harvesting different items because like i said   you know some days we might pick 50 pounds of  tomatoes and you want to get to them fairly   quickly all right so let's go ahead and jump  into a little bit of a tour as well as show   you how i did everything in this space as most of  you know we are using this as our actual kitchen   while we finish our home which is why we  have things set up the way that they are   here we have our very awesome very useful three  basin stainless steel sink we purchased this   through an auction site that uh we found here in  iowa and it ran i think it cost us just under 500   for this sink and it has been amazing this is  actually the dishwasher that will go in the   kitchen inside the house but since we knew we'd be  here for a little bit we went ahead and installed   it and it's been a lifesaver this fine was one  of our greatest purchases it was it's a decor uh   48 inch range that we found on facebook  marketplace that someone had used it for maybe   a year and they wanted to get rid of it and they  had the original receipt which was about 12 000   we got it for 500 and it's been worth  every penny so we have two oven spaces   and we have this large cooktop which  this for canning purposes i removed   but it's amazing so you see we have our  little setup with our cooking items and then   our dishwasher pods i keep cleaning stuff and  our dish rack here but thankfully we're not   using this as much now that we have the dishwasher  as everywhere in the garage we used prime lights   they're bolt lights uh and these are fantastic  for lighting up this space this side of the   cannon kitchen is going to change the most as we  move into the house because for now i just have   our canning pots and supplies stacked here then  we have laundry this uh this will get moved into   the main house very soon and then this is an  extra refrigerator we've had through a few   different projects but uh we are planning on  replacing it with a cooler like a big stand-up   cooler that you see in a restaurant kitchen and  then we plan on doing some sort of countertop   and storage solution over here so that all of  our canning supplies can be neatly organized   stay clean and we will probably end up  replacing that dishwasher with something uh else   so that we can keep using one out here to  sterilize the jars etc uh we have found just   pretty much every single year that that somehow  the zucchini gets away from us now and again and   that's happened again this year and so i'm going  to do what i normally do which is just shred it   and then use it in a muffin recipe it's a great  way to use up zucchini that otherwise wouldn't   be very good for uh using in your cooking and  sauteing and stuff uh so that is a really special   treat the kids love it throw some chocolate  chips in there uh it's one of our favorites do   do   a garden that is just like brimming with  vegetables right now cucumbers and zucchini in   particular which is why i shared what we do with  a bunch of our excess zucchini already and then   now i'm moving on to making some stuff with our  cucumbers so i'm planning on doing pickle relish   and probably a sweet and a delivery  we have plenty of cucumbers right now   this is just from like the last two  days i have some in the fridge as well do do   got the first batch going we're  gonna simmer that for a little bit   and then we'll be all ready to add to these jars do as you can see i was able to make quite a bit of  this relish and i'm gonna give it a little space   check all of the jars about 24 hours in to make  sure that they've all sealed and if they haven't   i'll probably just throw those in the fridge  but i'm pretty excited we'll wait about a week   to break into anything for the next round of  canning i just bought this zesty bread and   butter pickle mix and i'm just gonna follow the  directions on the back and just go in with these pickles do i have the last of the bread  and butter pickles going   and now it's time to do the kosher dill which  is also just a packet i have two of these   and i'm not sure i have enough supplies  left but so i may have to run to the store   but here's what we've got going to  wrap up this cucumber harvest so far do   now that we have pickle canning completed  it is time to get this cannon kitchen cleaned   do do i hope you enjoyed this tour of our canning  kitchen and that it is inspiring you as you   plan out your own build we highly recommend  adding a space like this it doesn't have to   be this large but just a dedicated space  to kind of take care of the extra mess   if you are trying to move towards  having more self-sustaining practices   we are planning on just adding something  every year to our practices that will help us   be just less reliant on going to the store for  things and able to provide for our family here   on our property again we like to keep things  simple so don't feel discouraged if you can't   do everything that you want to do in one year  just think set goals for yourself and do one   thing every year add something in and before you  know it you'll have a lot of things that create   your self-sustaining lifestyle i hope you enjoyed  this video and we'll catch you on the next one you
Channel: Marshall Remodel
Views: 11,034
Rating: 4.9442787 out of 5
Keywords: Midwest, Iowa, Home, Design, DIY, Construction, Self Build, New Build, New Constrution, Post Frame, Pole Barn, Barndominium, Farmhouse
Id: ZQY4wd_vSLo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 12sec (972 seconds)
Published: Mon Jul 26 2021
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