Togashi Just Dropped a NEN BOMBSHELL!

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tagashi has just dropped a nen bombshell I know that often these titles can be admittedly a bit exaggerated but if there was ever a time to use the word bombshell it is right now tagashi has completely changed how we understand nen he's revealed previously unknown characters affinities he's changed the Affinity of some from previously established material and he has introduced an entirely new category of Nets so we've got a lot to cover and let's start with our Brand New Concept characters in Hunter Hunter are no longer necessarily subject to a single net Affinity instead they can now be assigned dual affinities so for example on the ninring a character no longer needs to be a natural enhancer or transmuter and instead they can be plonked smack bang in the middle of that their ring thus becoming either an enhanced transmuter or a transmuter enhancer and Togashi went on to reveal that one very key protagonist is actually a dual Affinity user and that would be best boy kilua previously thought of as a pure transmuter he is now a transmuter enhancer which makes more sense in the company who sells kilowatt his beloved choco robocandy in retrospect I think it really does fit because kilima has never really dipped into his neighboring Affinity of conjuration and being half enhancer that's understandable because using his aura that way would be very inefficient especially since he is still for all intents and purposes a rookie nen user just to fly like this I often see a misconception that kilowatt conjured his yo-yo weapons but those were actually given to him by miliki who has a big nen Revelation himself that we will get into shortly and by the way the reason why we know all of this is because Togashi wrote slash drew a memo detailing all of these characters and where they sit on the nen ring as part of his exhibition in Japan so this isn't like sketchy unreliable Data Book knowledge no this comes straight from the mouth and or hand of the dude himself also this video is sponsored by zenmarket an amazing Japanese proxy shopping service based in Osaka Japan Zen Market allows you to buy from over 10 000 Japanese stores including Amazon Yahoo Japan Rakuten Pokemon centers as well as P Bandai pop-up raid army army and more all chock full of Glorious Hunter Hunter Jujutsu kaisen and JoJo merchandise some of which are items that are released early or in many cases only sold in Japan and the fact that they don't ship overseas has always been the bane of my existence but Zen Market solves all of those problems it's a dream come true for me and a nightmare come true for my bank account plus then Market has recently added the online flea market rahma hosted by one of the largest shopping sites in Japan trusted and used by Japanese people daily you can click my link in the description to shop through the New World review landing page containing all sorts of hunt hunt goodness with free account registration and a gift of 300 Yen for new members essentially waiving the service fee of your first item so do that thing but for now it's back to you me and clarify even characters with dual Affinity still have one innate natural Affinity which is determined by the water divination test however in terms of practicality they can access either of the Dual affinities with equal ease now to get back to said dual affinities Marchi is another recently revealed transmuter enhancer again perfect because what she does is transmute Aura into string and then make the string like really strong with a layer of enhancement on top of it we also have some very straightforward characters like Franklin who is now a dual emitter enhancer so basically taking the simple aspects of Both Worlds firing super powered Aura bullets but things get much more interesting on the lower half of the nenring kite and subhane classically thought of aspio chondras are now conjurer transmuters which I think makes so much more sense of sabani's abilities in particular because right as high as just such a wacky and unique ability perfectly fusing conjuration and transmutation to morph and fuel her body and with this new information we actually have a bit of a pattern emerging whereby dual wielders of conjuration and transmutation have a particular ability or have access to a particular specialty with greater ease Hanzo for example is the other way around he is a transmutochondra both of which in use to us previously his Affinity was completely hidden but he can create an astral projected clone of himself so again this Fusion of transmutation and conjuration appears to lend itself to nen users being able to naturally excel at powers that involve their own living matter whereas standard condorous Focus mainly on new objects or beings and standard transmuters on Raw substances whereas this dual Affinity is appropriately combining both like in conjure living matter and then I can transmute the fuel it needs to function and even biscuit fits into this function she is stated by togashi's memo to be a pure transmuter so it took quite a bit of struggling and it certainly didn't come naturally but with a strong enough desire she subconsciously dipped into this phenomenon to transform her own body now on the other side of the ring is Melody who is now an emitter manipulator which explains her insane proficiency with both being able to admit Aura via music and manipulate the feelings of the listeners but here is why things get very interesting because we're inching up against specialization and we currently only have one dual specialist that is obviously karapika who is a condra specialist very predictable but I do find it interesting that he doesn't swap pure affinities and instead he's always just been in the dead center of both so naturally he can access both a lot easier than most if well if any in fact this probably explains why some net users do go on to become Specialists later in life because they already had a natural bias towards that section once you've dipped into specialization on this no going back is what you are now the only dual Affinity we have no example of as of yet is a manipulator specialist and the closest thing we have is actually milliki who is the only character revealed so far to lean specialist alright there's a new word leaning what does leaning mean well in addition to 50 50 dual affinities Togashi has made the World of Fun to Hunter infinitely more nuanced or infinitely more complicated in the depends how you feel about it but instead of a 50 50 split nen users can now have any ratio Split milliki For example only leans very slightly towards specialist so he's more like 95 manipulator and five percent specialist meanwhile a character like Leorio sits about here on an end ring being approximately 60 admitter and 40 enhancer with leoria I think that's perfect because he does possess a lot of the very typical enhancer qualities you know Simplicity and straightforwardness which I should say is criteria from hisokus personality test however that personality test at this point might actually be more accurate than water divination to assign affinities because it's actually starting to break down that nuance better than the liquid can but this Affinity laning does get quite painfully precise apparently in certain places like say ikalgo who according to the diagram is like 98 enhancer and 2 percent emitter which is one of those things where I'm just like why is it why is that so specific what was tagashi thinking is there some like in-world logic to his abilities that means he needs that slight bias or is this just a way of adding flavor and diversity to the system here's the thing though for someone like you cargo that two percent emission lean is probably meaningless however at the very top levels of Nan even a minor lean could make all the difference because across large quantities of aura that two percent is going to add up let's say you have two equally matched enhancers one is pure 100 enhancer and the other is 98 and both of whom also rely on splashing into their neighbor of a mission in a battle of attrition the enhancer who has that two percent bias towards mission is going to be spending less Aura than their opponent it's a minor amount but it elevates that probability of Victory from Razer thin to well and truly in favor of the enhancer who leans even slightly into a mission that is a very specific situation but I think that's in keeping because tagashi loves his very specific numeric based situations and I love that Togashi is always thinking in this way the world of nen is always deepening and expanding even this far on every new layer brings a whole new degree of complexity but also in a Perfectly Natural and non-contradictory way when a lot of authors make changes to their power system it often leads to some continuity issues because the rules they originally set were so stringent but I think that togashi's great Advantage was making the original nen system just like so vague that he had a lot of room to sculpt and refine it over the course of hunt Hunter that's right I'm saying that Togashi basically improvised his way into creating the perfect power system although to be honest sometimes nen doesn't even feel like a magic system stuff like this almost painted as more of a fictional science consistently making new discoveries and revolutionizing what we know about how the world functions speaking of how the world functions net leanings can actually change if characters devote more time to one Affinity then over over time it sort of moves them along on the ring sort of like gaining experience I suppose so net leanings are not a fixed thing that you're just born with but it's not all about new affinities tagashi with this memo has actually revolutionized a lot of what we know in regards to Pure affinities as well Isaac National is our prime example here because after years and years and years of unreliable information he is finally confirmed to be a pure enhancer this is big especially for people like me who talk about him on the internet because previously all we had to go on was the databot classification which is being known to not be so great before and actually it is wrong again because tagashi has contradicted it as we'll find out soon but not in the case of natural so Nero is an enhancer and what this does is very much solidify his legacy as one of the world's greatest nen users because as a pure enhancer his 100 type guanine borisatva is rooted in his two most unfriendly affinities being conjuration and manipulation it conjures the statue of guanyin and then he manipulates it with prayer the whole prayer things are pretty harsh restriction which is why it's so damn effective but it's insane to think that the flagship ability of Isaac netro is composed of his two most inefficient affinities you know thinking about it being a pure enhancer is probably one of the best case scenarios because it's the only pure Affinity that gives you the opportunity to conveniently Splash into all of the other affinities I mean except the specialization but there so it gives you this whole world of diversity but then again almost no pure enhancer ever takes advantage of that they're mostly like whoa I punch strong now but also we do have some big enhancement news because something very surprising is that tagashi has revealed that komugi is actually a pure enhancer previously she was thought to be a specialist due to the very hyper-specific nunability of being like really really good at goongi and I suppose her enhancement might be more abstract in nature like enhancing her mind to the point where it functions at higher capacities but only in regards to gungi but I do love the idea that the only person in this world capable of defeating marowam was not only a frail blind child but on top of that had the most basic net Affinity possible and it just makes the comedy character that much more amazing to me but also having brought him up merom that that is probably the biggest shock in this entire memo a lot of people who watch and read Hunter Hunter tend to assume that marowen was an enhancer and I don't blame them for that because he always tends to use his Aura in very basic enhancer style ways like I said before punch hard now however in two separate sources being the hunt hunt Omnibus treasure and the hunter hunter battle collection he was defined as a specialist which looked back then I'm not going to argue with because if anyone deserves to be a specialist this is definitely the ant king but Togashi dropped a whole Poor Man's rose on this one because according to the memo marowam is a pure emitter you heard correct the most remarkable nen user in all of Hunter Hunter has been given the most traditionally unremarkable category and I do feel the need to apologize because I always meme on a mission and emitters you know being the Affinity that Togashi forgot but look now that they have the ant king it is it's pretty damn impossible to make fun of them which is a shame because I enjoyed that however I should say that when it comes to marowam his Affinity is an eye on meaningless at his level he would still be able to use each area minus specialization to a much higher degree than almost any living being which tagashi designates because we also have a new system of identifying just how well one has mastered their Affinity with four nen rating levels being great excellent genius and at the very tippy top ultimate which does cause some very interesting actions which I think will cause people to argue on the internet Silva and xenozoldik for example Silva is rated as a genius level transmuter while Xeno has achieved the rank of ultimate meanwhile alaka is the only ultimate specialist which I imagine is referring to nanaker as well which also very casually serves as the first time we've had confirmation that alaka slash nanika and then uses it all let alone Specialists I mean given the world that we're reading about I always assumed that it was nen but it's just nice to have that clarification and gone very briefly became an ultimate ranked enhancer when he transformed into his adult form prior to that he was a great enhancer so he literally went from the very bottom to the very top and now he is simply designated as nen lost but this is wild because probably the most unexpected of nen ratings comes from this character who I think most people probably just forgot about but it's up in Ghana the Nan Exorcist from Greed Island who for whatever reason is stated to be an ultimate ranked conjurer now at this point I should say this doesn't mean that up and Gunner is on the same level as his other ultimate peers what it actually means is that he has reached the attainable Apex of his particular ability and good on him which makes the rest of this list very intriguing for example moral who I often praise as one of the best known users in the series only has a ranking of great with his ability I think it's as a result of moral needing to use his most unfriendly Affinity transmutation as a key element of deep purple and because of that the ability may be forever stifled in the great rating category because moral just doesn't have the efficiency to produce it in a more efficient way and work up the ranks to excellent genius and maybe ultimate I guess think of Deep Purple as a budget Swiss army knife compared to like a beautifully forged Katana one of them is Peak quality and will always be better at 1 particular job which is all of the cutting but the other despite its lack of quality will always just be more generally useful that's deep purple it was also highlighted that dual Affinity users will generally have a harder time reaching the ultimate rating because they generally need to master two affinities as opposed to just one and also this memo does leave us with certain questions such as very deliberately singling out Jing as someone who is still unknown but also the characters listed aren't anywhere close to the full cast of Hunter Hunter there are no Dark Continent no succession War characters on the chart so like no Beyond natural and in fact none of the zodiacs listed there either which sadly means no new paristan information but this memo is still absolutely insane and will completely redefine then discussion going forward and full credit to voracious cake on the hunt and subreddit for providing these much needed translations
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 945,590
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 45sec (825 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 07 2022
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