Naruto and Sasuke VS Gon and Killua - Who Would Win?

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hello everyone it's your host to set the programmer and today we're gonna be going over some Naruto versus Hunter hunter scaling today and a lot of you guys liked my mana room versus phantom troop video however in that video I didn't really need to go over calques or anything of how the verse would stack up outside of its own per se I've gotten a lot of suggestions for the Akatsuki versus the phantom true which really isn't all that interesting so I thought God and Kilowog both palace invasion era of the Chimera ant Ark and Naruto and Sasuke part 1 valley of the end hashing it out would be a lot more fun at least for me on all honesty so if you're wondering why we're doing part 1 arts on Sasuke instead of Hokage and Rena gon variants I seriously doubt you've even watched or read both of these shows no offense but but come on if you like content like this by the way maybe you've seen a few videos of mine in the past and never got around to it I would really appreciate a like and a subscription it means a lot and tells me what you guys want to see thank you now first things first with Naruto and Sasuke and part 1 and they're scaling is we need to go over boruto more specifically the time travel arc in the anime so why is the time travel arc important well unlike most arcs of the time travel arc actually goes over part 1 art so scaling and actually as part 1 Naruto and Jiraiya face off against or Isshiki or Isshiki who in an anime promotional statement was quote-unquote revered as the strongest of his clan now whether or not you believe that is whatever maybe think revered is only thought to be isn't confirmed but it can't be denied that if or Isshiki truly was fighting all out against Naruto from part 1 and lost that there's some serious scale and consequences taking the miasma that is owed tsuki and bore to scaling and giving it to Naruto now I have my own opinion of all of this and I'm sure many whose scale Naruto do as well but this isn't the video for that this video I will simply be only using the bore toe manga continuity or Naruto manga only for this video whatever gets you to think that whole set of events doesn't exist which I think most of us wish was the case to begin with apologies for those the ends up getting triggered by that maybe in a future video I can go over that kind of stuff and if you're one of those guys that thinks the old suits gr all universe Buster's and part 1 Naruto scales then sure dude narshall rex gon and killua congratulations hope that makes you happy anyway for my other viewers we will not be using those arguments unfortunately for a cross verse battle video yeah at the half beats and counts and all of that boring nonsense and i know it can be really boring to listen to and to listen to all the math and all that so I'm going to oversimplify everything and mainly just give the feets in question and how much energy they are in tonnes if you can kind of scale how strong the feets are to each other with just these raw numbers with that out of the way let's get started for Hunter hunter scaling how strong characters are is pretty funky I'm not going to act like it's some simple endeavor but here we can pretty calmly scale bass gone and kill up we'll do the transform states later to a few phantom troop members without much difficulty if not putting them much higher I explained this in my phantom troop vs. med om video which I seriously recommend by the way the character question they need to scale for some basic beat scaling is surprisingly Bona when table now many of you probably are aware that Bona oneof has a net ability called battle can't a bowl a Jupiter in which after performing a certain set of prerequisites anybody that hears the sound of bone alone on his body will be attacked by a Jupiter looking ball the one time this was used was on a chimera ant officer with no name not even joking he doesn't actually have a name and for a basic idea of its level of strength if you assume the chimera ant officer that got hit by it is 1.7 meters tall it's not really too important the exact details and that the crater caused by Jupiter was count using maybe pulverization which is basically turning everything to dust then the amount of energy is around a hundred and nine tons now this isn't lifting strength and tons but raw energy so for the video sake just consider these ton values as sort of like a power level so I don't have to get to neckbeard II with my explanations here I'll put the the calcs and maybe like the energy in joules bla bla bla in the description obviously now I have to explain why gone and kill was scale to such things gone after kites death is actually insanely powerful as something in his body seemed to snap and his talent and potential went off the charts this is drive-by Mele or on also known as jail as a bottomless pit the data books also agree and many characters including even nefra Peto are glad and gone using his potential against it in the end if he doesn't moral and extremely powerful hunter who can fight Chimera ant squadron leaders on the same tier as Ahsan although if anything even stronger due to having ants from poof and Peto tested gone and gone after witnessing morals full power thinks he would have killed morale in a single John Ken this flex was so intense in bloodthirsty that morale started to sweat and instantly recruited him morale as I said earlier can fight ant squadron leaders even while nerf yet God scared him to that extreme even never Peto upon seeing this potential in dawn was pretty compliant in his demands and said his fangs might even reach the king even after Peto saved Kaimuki it wanted to heal itself fully before even engaging him prior to learning at this final getsugatensho power up although it is stated that Peto could decapitate and kill gone even with just one arm gone even went suppressed and not nearly as powered up as he was vs morale and never pitot was so strong that chimera ant officers like bat hollow and snake jumping him and attacking and continuously couldn't even damage him and ultimately they all got fodder eyes dawn actually went so far as to punch hollow across the entire country and one punch one shot at bat by swinging a tree like a baseball bat and tied up snake like a shoelace around a tree these are the same level of ants that bone alehna used in Jupiter on getting handled like nothing the worst part of Jupiter is that it doesn't even pulverize the nameless Chimera ant officer it actually hit whose body is almost fully intact on panel rest characters like Kilowog and blitz and ripoff chimera ant officer Ram its head before he can even realize what's happening with just his bare hands so is it fair to say gon and killua can do all this casually dawn in particular being suppressed scale to bone Alana's Jupiter yes absolutely and I think most people would agree it also makes sense because gone and kilowatt hour training and preparing the cells for net repeat oh the strongest adversary they have ever encountered as stated in the manga volume descriptions even stronger than Hisoka and allow me let alone andum chimera ant officers that no one cares about all-in-all Kilwa ripping off ram its head is more impressive than jupiter killing an officer and we know that gone in full rage actually scales to kill his level of power using the data books both being around level four combatants and men now whether or not gone and kill what and create an area of effect like bone allah knob is not really the question the question is whether or not their level of nana and power scales to him which we can confirm they scale highly above officer level with no difficulty they don't even really need to use abilities one final point we can make to nail this in the coffin is god's level of power compared to razor razor for those that don't remember is the game master of greed island that played dodgeball against go on kill on Hisoka razor is also noted by Fink's of the fanta troop as being impressive and he's okay listening to razors orders and coming back the right way the same guy who blew a chimera ant officer in half with a few wind-ups of his punch not long later he's oka himself also comments that razor is very impressive and is actually able to damage Hisoka in a 1v3 match with dawn Killa when he soca teaming up on him this same razor then states that gone John can enhance dodgeball is so strong that he won't actually be able to stop it without getting shoved out of the ring gone who at this point is a total novice with men and is just learning his more advanced powers is able to do this to a guy who even makes Hisoka show a little bit of respect once again saying chimera ant orc psyched snapped gone is able to output as much force as bono let off it is really not that far-fetched for speedy gets pretty annoying as if trying to scale bundling off Jupiter 2 gone isn't annoying enough already I think this will be an interesting segment because many people surprisingly downplay gone speed and say that all of kilowatts feats don't actually scale or translate to something gone can do thinking gone is the Hyuga Booga punch punch and Killa was the lightning bass zip zap this is not exactly true even in the hunter exams one of the ways to a gosh she presents dawn as uniquely powerful and gifted is by his speed impressing everyone around him and him guarding around somewhat like a gag character but that is a little bit off topic for gone he is a training partner of kill Allah arrival they make large strides together and their differences are in their net skills and talents most of the time not necessarily their raw stats while kilowatt was definitely far superior to gone in their first few encounters to the point that gone had to spend an arc training just to open killer was front door the gap significantly closed in all aspects by the time greed island had concluded if not almost to zero and this is shown in a few notable examples but a few would be like kill Assange he'd have his eye ripped out by B no that'd be no wasn't injured in which post training gone dodges be not when he is healthy and recovered gone is also able to eventually capture the hyper puffball a green island creature that gone a kill will at first weren't able to catch for ten minutes straight without more training once again showing that gone speed is also a stat that rivals or encroaches on kilowatts outside of kilowatt amping it with his electricity later on of course in the chimera at arc serious gone is able to dodge UPI's attacks to try and reach never pitot alongside kilowatt as well so beats of kilowatt being able to rip Ram its head off before it can even blink in base is something that gone when fully serious fall power not suppressing himself such as the palace invasion kit more than likely replicate perhaps not with the same finesse and skill but at least the ability to perform similar speed and power now of course I am NOT saying gone scales to God speed Killa in any ways at least not in base I'm only saying their base forms should be comparable Kilowog now that we've kind of got not on the way he's able to dodge bullets that are less than 57 centimeters from his face can move so fast that he creates afterimages and generally blitzes and runs around most people in the series he fights killer himself is confident in fighting off tanks and even fighter jets if it really came down to him and this is even before kilwa placed the dart game to learn his hurricane swift Thunder reaction ability and fighter jets being able to reach speeds of Mach 6 and their missiles also reaching a few Mach as well it not only supports the idea that kill OA has reaction speeds more than likely capable of fighting these things but it also supports the idea that his Thunderbolt nen ability being an electricity charged attack probably functions and moves similar in speed to an actual thunderbolt it can be argued that it easily has the energy requirements needed based on the scaling already outlined in this video alone as light speed attacks in fiction are usually considered electricity based attacks with at least 1.6 and Giga joules of energy behind them using some quotes and papers done by NASA and Harvard which I'll show on the screen now for those that don't know Monali Dobbs Jupiter that couldn't even pulverize an ant completely would be around six hundred and eight Giga joules let alone 1.6 or attacks from kilowatt that can easily rip apart chimera officers well I'm not saying that its objective to say kilo is electricity also known as Thunder ball is actually as fast as a thunderbolt it's very easy to argue considering what lightning actually is in nature a super discharge jolt of electricity from the sky even razors extremely casual attacks can be scaled higher than a lightning bolt let alone their fall powers and this is important to bring up because obviously people will downplay gonna kill what's like subsonic which is a huge meme in the community due to the fact that net todo is often hyped up in the series for punching faster than sound however the feats in the series do not support the speed of sound being remotely impressive I think the most consistent interpretation is that net row could do this without the use of his net as this would make the statement both remain impactful but ultimately not contradict what we've seen already I mean we see numerous guys react to bullets scoff at missiles jets and tanks and even throw electricity around and yet the speed of sound is the top tier in the verse like doesn't really add up to me anyway let's move on to Naruto for now fortunately for us part one of Naruto isn't as hard as hunter hunter unless you want to bring up some bort or shenanigans one of the easiest ways to scale narcs when part one power wise is by using sasuke's fire-style jutsu Choji duro bow of the sound 4 and Orochimaru is lesser snake summonings weirdly enough Drobo and Choji actually have an interesting battle in terms of feats and even power scaling for part 1 which I'll be getting into sasuke at the beginning of the series while definitely not a slouch is no Itachi or Kakashi at his respective age yet we know that his fire style jutsu is insanely powerful enough to make Kakashi think that no beginner ninja can even muster the chakra or power needed to actually perform it during this bail training test that he took sasuke shoots a fire style jutsu that vaporizes a crater in the ground which not pulverizes into dust or blows away but vaporizes the crater and this is confirmed in the first data book which states the mass and flame and gulfs and vaporizes everything and the beat also looks like vaporization if not heavy pulverization at worst which really doesn't make that much sense as vaporization due to this the fire style jutsu vaporizing a crater even in the first arc is around eighteen point five tons of force definitely not the level of bone Allah knobs Jupiter at over a hundred but still overlooked for the very start of part one of martim the feats get much more impactful during the Chunin exams however when we see narshall using QP chakra actually slammed down and overpower Orochimaru giant Boas summoning in the forest of death Orochimaru is Boas been cowed to being around a hundred and thirty one times bigger than a normal one scaling its head off of a Roshi Morrow's entire body sitting on top of it with the cube of that being 2.2 seven million times at the bite of a boa is around eight meters per second on videos of them attacking like eating rats and so forth in quick succession and this Orochimaru snake moved at a remotely similar speed and Naruto blocked all of its energy from moving forward after striking that sauce game and this would be around the 3800 22-ton range and the beat is weird because it's kind of hard to put its full body weight into the calc or say that the snake moves as fast as a normal boa consider and get some mass and wind resistance and blah blah blah however I would argue if anything it's actually much faster than a normal boa as we've seen these same giant snakes actually catch Naruto and saving Sasuke was considered a quick in the moment thing where the giant boa was shown as almost a blur in the anime even at the beginning of the series Naruto was blitzing thugs in the land of waste before they could even register he was there and in which normal young adults are able to process things in roughly 175th of a second couldn't process Naruto's movement or presence of his entire body in front of them not only that he created a substitute of Inari who he saved and also saved his mother bringing him behind the two before they could even process he was there as well which has been around Mach 1 give or take if these snakes could be considered remotely near the speed of Naruto even normally and these aren't normal snakes there Orochimaru ninja sage summoning snakes let alone some of them catching him and he can't even get out of the way then saying this snake is moving 8 meters a second is actually more than likely probably massive down play and the couch would still remain near where it was even considering the full-body conversion these snakes are also shown tearing places such as tons of goo castle to the ground which has been cow consistently within the 100 through a thousand ton range as well Sasuke even scales to these as later on he impresses Orochimaru far more than Naruto ever did with just this Sharingan active and when he decides to go all-out to protect Naruto and Sakura now getting into Giroux bo Drobo is more of a power scaling thing but Drobo was able to launch a massive expansive jutsu Choji whose size eclipses trees and has stated Mountain size in the dative aquit I will not be using here and launches him all the way up up the tree line while in curse marked two states if you argue he launched that high in around a second and that the trees are the height of an average tree if the force generated would be around 5.1 thousand tons which would make curse mark to Jareau bow consistently higher in terms of scaling than Naruto fighting Orochimaru snake in the force of death adds up to me and this is good as well as jarocho while considered the physically strongest is actually considered the weakest member of the soundboard despite the fact he can easily generate around the 5000 tons of force mark no difficulty usually if you can generate that much force your body or the instrument exerting it usually has to be able to also somewhat withstand that much force for us it would simply fall apart in the process especially a physical action so should what Drobo did and even if you don't want to grant that the fact that defeating two Robo is possible for the other members is pretty outstanding with Neji and others fighting off stronger members and with Naruto and Sasuke pretty competently scaling above Neji without much of a hitch at least by the final Bali confirmed let alone in the Chunin exams where you know they fought in terms of speed we already went over how Naruto even in the first arc reached over a Mach 1 just dealing with normal bums however later we see naruto and sasuke start to scale two characters like gara and Lee and these are impressive because Lee without weights is able to out speed gaara's sand defense something that even as a crotch spawned was able to react in block explosions at point-blank even if you assumed these super ninja explosions are something at least bare bones basic like TNT this feat would be count around Mach twenty-nine with Naruto and Sasuke both scaling to much much more powerful forms of gar with his Bijou amps Sasuke himself was able to match Rock Lee's speed that outclassed the basics and defenses without even using his Sharingan or ten times amplified curse mark and this isn't even bringing up the obvious lightning timer scaling that is commonly argued about in which the Jidori is based on the right theory and hyped up by the cast as the jutsu Kakashi chopped the lightning bolt in half with and while this doesn't necessarily mean that Sasuke's Chidori is lightning speed it should be noted that Choji is also stated to expand at the speed of lightning and that Kido moderates final arrow he shot at Neji actually reached the speed of lightning as well so it definitely wouldn't be inconsistent to say so and it was definitely kishimoto hyping up the speed of the attack that's obviously the intention behind them bringing up the actual statement lightning chopping right and with those stats out of the way it's pretty clear that for the most part Naruto and Sasuke are pretty superior to gon and killua at least base to base and to a pretty considerable degree even if you don't grant lightning speed to Naruto and Sasuke which I don't really care if you do or don't kill Lewis feats and baits don't really encroach on Mach 29 without his Dodds beam amps and their actual power feats don't really ever seem to reach the kiloton range for the most part I've seen some argue that nen attacks your psyche if someone flexes on you and you don't have any defenses against it however ninja and gnar to fight off psychological attacks all the time and chakra is actually spiritual and mental in nature as well as physical toll s nan attacks some part of your being or some fundamental nature not covered throughout the series in Naruto I see no reason to really address this as a valid concern and it seems kind of like on No Limits fallacy to say it just works on anybody we also see later on that hunters get taken out in B by chimera ants that don't even have men when they themselves do and Hunter hunter sometimes raw strength is enough to overcome an N difference go figure it's not some infinite and unstoppable force if you yourself don't have it nor is it never hyped up portrayed to be that way it's more so explained that someone with men is like an adult and someone without it is like a child gon and killua also aren't really known to use men in this form anyway as it's mainly only shown used by e Lumi and by Hisoka when he flexed on gone and kilowatt to not join the heavens arena tournament without nen because they'd get annihilated but what about God speed and Dawn's adult form luckily for us I am and for me these are a lot more straightforward in God's peace case you can actually scale it to the Royal Guard and there is some contention with it being scaled to Lightspeed based on the dart game killer played when discovering it however kilowatt disagrees with the assertion as he knew where the dart was going to be to begin with he didn't actually react to it appearing in his forehead like the ants who said it would need to be life speed thought and so Kilwa himself is debating the Lightspeed claim never pitot in its first introduction is shown sitting atop a chimera ant nest prowling for intruders which massively towers above nearby trees making them almost brush like in comparison and then spots kite kill Allah and dawn and before dawn and kill what can even register what's happening kites arm is torn off and when pitot is in close range which has been couched as anywhere between Mach 40 and Mach 250 ish depending on who you ask and this is an ultra casual pitot a more serious pitot and example was directly stated to be using exactly double the force it did to leap after the King and danger than it did to leap at kite in the others putting its speed probably more in the Mach 80 through 500 range and while I still think kill up being lightning speed is very fair to say even with doubt play he should be an ever PTO's range if not superior as he was blitzing you pee like nothing who can even see a move and even poof a more evolved and then you pee at the time because you pee was still learning his net abilities stated his full body probably couldn't keep up with Killa was God speed Killa was God speed is also stated in the shoe Asia jump remix character died as being beyond the limitations of normal speed and is generally considered a top speed in the entire verse possibly only being stopped by the unnatural Rose madam don't gone and net throws Guanyin Bodhisattva although net sorrow is very debatable we also know that adult gone skills to God's being in Peto as obviously gone absolutely toyed with Peto like nothing even by being amped by post-mortem men and moving so fast that God speed could barely process what was happening gone still annihilated the Royal aunt and in the YuYu Hakusho character died shoe a shoe jump remix which is a limited edition guide and addition to a YuYu Hakusho guide by Tadashi which I had to go out of my way to attain a copy of myself directly from Japan and translate myself you're welcome there's actually four pages at the very end dedicated to hunter hunter scaling outside of just stat levels they go over adult gone net sorrow and Rose Meadow him and I also you think it's game-changing and I've never seen these scans anywhere else on the internet or translated so to enjoy now while these pages say a lot this one in particular is my favorite line on the adult gone page which says towards Pizza who held a strength second only to the Kings he displayed an even higher power on a completely different league not only does this state that Peto is the strongest royal guard but it also states that Peto might just straight-up be number three in the entire series behind mat om and gone obviously the statement is also interesting because it can be interpreted two ways it can either be interpreted as gone was in a completely different league than Peto which is obvious or that gone displayed power in a completely different league than meadow M&P toe altogether I'd personally say that gone was probably superior to Bass meadow him at least in terms of raw power however it might just be possible that God might have even if just by a little bit or with his John Ken ants this is important because adult God's power will be being scaled to Rose meadow him in a moment which I will explain Rose Madeleine is essentially meadow revitalized by poof and you pee after the Rose bomb went off in his fight with net Toro and he was almost killed this brought meadow and back to a level that convinced poof and you be that you could win a battle with just Ron n alone meadow um also obtains UPI's rage cannon and with it shoots a blast that pulverized is a large hill in the distance some argued it vaporized it or fragmented it and I've seen some downplay and wank of this so we'll just be using the middleman and the middleman comes out to around 450 thousand tons of force I say that gone scales to roast madam even if not exactly to at least somewhat of a reasonable extent what I mean is I don't think that adult gone would be in the 100-ton range and Rose madder on is in the four hundred thousand-plus range when it comes to power scaling it's a little bit of a rationalist approach but it doesn't really make sense in any way thematically or logically to disagree Rose madam um in essence is basically revived man um plus poof plus u P who got scales to all of if not surpassing all of shortly after adult gone is revealed Rose mana is revealed and the conversation of winning a fight with Pierre aura is discussed something that dawn pretty much did with Peto already the strongest of the Royal aunts Rose madam was also so powerful that knuckle stated they need a state military to even handle him and that everyone needs to flee as he shot around his speed of light and all over the place now as I said you can't say it Rose madder I'm absolutely obliterated all gone that's perfectly fine I'm just saying adult dawn is definitely not infant icily smaller then Rose med room in any form that being said though adult gone would more than likely rag doll base Naruto and Sasuke if you are charitable in your interpretation with God speak ill Allah a bit more debatable as Kilwa isn't really shown actually scaling power wise to any full power Royals only more so scaling with speed with u P stating even without net ability she was easily over ten times stronger than God speed although if you want to use a similar argument we use for adult gone just in a far lesser scale it might be logical that kill was probably not infinitesimally weaker to the Royals either but he certainly gets stomped pretty easily by them and now that we've done that what about Naruto and Sasuke is full abilities as we know with octo and Sasuke they have a one-tailed QB chakra cloak the cursed seal of heaven level 2 gamma Bhutto summoning knowledge so rage amps and narcs is full power which is displayed against Gaara Naruto is a character with insane amounts of the chakra it's so vast that Neji didn't think anybody had a chakra as largest kid Naruto's until he met an Akatsuki member named kisame and Shippuden it can be argued that Naruto isn't ridiculously overpowered all the time because he doesn't actually know how to use his chalk or ulti well this would also explain why nar so when he takes haku's lessons of becoming truly powerful when you're protecting those close to you was able to suddenly tango with transformed Gaara a beyond joning level jinchuriki that can manifest his entire tale beast that nartu fought alongside gamabunta yet later on dark two can barely summon a small toad in the sannin showdown or how enraged snark was able to take down Haku a kekkei genkai user that Zabuza claimed that Kakashi couldn't even take down and Zod was a having fought Kakashi himself and arguably having defeated him in their first encounter Haku was also later on reanimated and can block attacks from both Mike guy and Rock Lee at the same time while nerf and could still blitz war art Kakashi using his lightning blade mic guy being stated to be a match for anyone in the Akatsuki in the data books who would soon save could cost you from 10 tails moderate with a linear camp from his gates and Kakashi who in the past had already bought and reacted both kakuzu and pain yet couldn't see hawk whose ice mirror blitz despite training to use his Sharingan in unison with his lightning blade so they could perceive every moment perfectly alongside mind their movement precognition and is simply not mess up his timing the way he did against rock joaneen in the great ninja war blah blah blah yet here's Naruto not only dodging attacks and blitz attempts from a stronger Hawk whose ice mirror but straight-up one-shotting him without almost any problems or jutsu the only problem I could see with that is that Haku might get amped when Zabuza is in danger as he suggested nartuo protecting people absent it's a serious feat for an r2 regardless now I've seen some people try to scale Baysox a the Haku and use it to downplay Haku however obviously we know from Zabuza the Haku was not actually going all-out versus Sasuke and r2 and base however he does state that there is absolutely no way for him to defeat Naruto when our chosen rage so it does still scale and Zabuza himself also confirms that nark so is beyond anything he thinks Kakashi can muster so it is thematically consistent Gama bucho himself is good scaling for Narses arsenal because not only did he fight the one tail spike he actually also pinned down the nine tails in the past as well with Minato Gama butoh is a rival of Monda the sage snake and was able to damage him and fight against him alongside Jiraiya Monda is a summoning creature that went around Kabuto is scared for Orochimaru live due to not having an Jutsu meaning Kabuto himself isn't confident in fighting manda either Jiraiya at this point is at 30% power with him and orochimaru's someone fighting back and forth with Jiraiya being stated as an equal to Orochimaru when they're at full power and Orochimaru being the person who was confident in fighting the Third Hokage the strongest cog a alive at the time and has seen all of the villages and has spies everywhere throughout them meaning with his summonings and his own power he is confident in taking on a person whose scales above the fourth rack a guy who cares about perfect in Turkey Killer be at this point so even if Monda and gama buta are possibly weaker than the sannin when they're at full power scaling to 30% is still pretty insane for them we've also seen gamma boo to fight off Nagato summoning and survive attacks from Tendo pain although with serious damage and this kind of validates his fight against the one tails in which while the one tails wasn't at full power it probably still was almost around bu level if not already there and their mere battle and clashes was like natural disasters that would change the entire landscape if it didn't stop the BS you obviously have insane feats which even when downplayed and only being up to vaporized mountains or large portions of land can easily reach the four point three billion tons range with some of the lowest interpretations it should also be noted that the Akatsuki that Kakashi scales to pretty well are all designed to be able to take down jinchuriki some of which can transform into full B's you including Yugi Cho who kakuzu fought so the fact that Naruto wall enraged in QB amped might scale to Kakashi is insane which makes sense considering guy and Kakashi is supposed to be rivals yet guys kicks couldn't even stop the nerf Haku who Naruto one-shotted with a punch even if you want to say he doesn't scale to them like that wall enraged he does scale above Kabuto and part one Kakashi without much argument and what I'm saying here is that Naruto is a lot like gone in the sense that once he gets to a certain mindset he's almost a completely different character with different scaling you can almost say that Naruto and his fight with Haku is possibly even more insane than his fight with Sasuke due to this rage amp it's certainly debatable and I've had the debate before and wielding a chakra from the strongest tailed beasts is supposed to go up against rending Obito and faces the world ending Juby is it really any shocker that even our so having slivers of this thing's power would amp him to extremely high levels and in terms of speed Naja was able to catch Haku can move between his eye smears at the speed of light when going all out and it's stronger and faster than Kakashi who can catch and chop lightning bolts with his running speed and right kiri even went drained of chakra as a teenager knox also gets a curse mark to kind of like amp with his one-tailed cloak and blitz people who scaled the lightning more than likely many times over so in terms of speed an artist should confidently scale to lightning at bare minimum even being a little strict if not many times over and you'll notice that I keep saying nartu and not Sasuke and that's because unlike Naruto Sasuke is never really shown having these insane rage and friendship amps like Naruto has and artoo might have not actually have been drawing on some of the powers used in the past against Sasuke it's a little bit more in the air but if you want to put sauce key on Marx's level that is fine too in conclusion summoning gamma boots uh nor to speed ninetails chakra and possibly insane power scaling is way too much for hunter hunter for now and like I said I'm not saying that gamabunta is B's you level I'm just saying scaling to 30% jiraiya and orochimaru who are probably stronger than perfect ensure Hakeem is kind of already enough needed to scale them even remotely to be you and even if you said there are a thousand times we couldn't beat you you know a hundred thousand times it's still above adult guns and rosemary oh I'm scaling we were already charitable with for adult gone anyway I think somatically speaking if they're in the same universe adult God would be way way way stronger than ours at this point as he's supposed to pretty much rival the moderate of Hunter hunter whereas Naruto is just kind of competing with like super-strong joaneen if that makes sense but I think the Naruto burst panders more to power scaling and beats than hunter hunter does unfortunately so it's kind of hard to give them the win here anyways guys I hope you enjoyed I put a lot of work into this one believe me I mean to order and look up weird guides calyx and all that kind of nonsense so if you did enjoy it I'd really appreciate a like and a subscription seriously also if you have any more suggestions you guys want maybe you want more content like this in the future let me know and on that until next time [Music] [Music]
Channel: SethTheProgrammer
Views: 1,769,962
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: naruto and sasuke vs gon and killua, naruto and sasuke, naruto vs sasuke, gon and killua, gon vs killua, naruto hunter x hunter, naruto vs gon, how strong is naruto, how strong is adult gon, how fast is godspeed killua, gon vs neferpitou, gon vs pitou, naruto vs haku, naruto vs gaara, killua vs youpi, killua godspeed, gon vs meruem, meruem vs phantom troupe, meruem vs netero, how strong is meruem, seththeprogrammer, seth the programmer, anime, manga, analysis, breakdown
Id: zgQzFSD_TzQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 18sec (1998 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 03 2020
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