The Strongest Nen Transmuter CONFIRMED!

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this is every transmuter and Hunter Hunter ranked by a man on the internet and we are going to start with the Undisputed queen of transmutation as well as scantily clad men's magazine Enthusiast so first up transmutation is a fairly simple Affinity it's the practice of changing your raw Aura into a substance and in the case of biscuit she transmutes Aura into a super lotion which is then used for massage purposes sounds a bit underwhelming at first but a 30 minute massage can have the same effect on the body that eight hours of sleep achieves it relieves both physical and mental fatigue so not so underwhelming anymore because her abilities could theoretically eliminate the need for sleep you could live a whole third more of life than other people with the same time as them however the real life hack being used by biskey here is that the special transmuted lotion restores more Aura than it costs to activate the ability so biscuit is well and truly worked out how to invest her Aura in order to pay nen dividends or perhaps even dividends she's worked out how to completely cheat life through her transmutation and some clever restrictions I mean if you want to call being massaged by a cute nangone named cookie a restriction and I suppose if you were to put the ability into an equation that it would look like massage benefits equal Aura equals lotion times cookie minus time there is also the body transformation which we won't Linger on because that well that's something of a net Enigma and it doesn't matter for our purposes here anyway because with the massage alone misky is an easy stier transmuter also this video is sponsored by facta fresh ready-made meals delivered straight to your doorstep these things are like a lifesaver for me I don't have the time to cook and I love that facto removes all of the Annoying Parts like meal planning and prepping the convenience is unparalleled whilst also providing no-nonsense delicious food that also meets your nutritional needs 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in the corner of again the shame corner and I like that even though we didn't see feitan in action until the Chimera antarct this ability was seeded through his love of administering torture it's implied that feitan has other abilities as well but it doesn't matter as rising sun alone shows that feitan is a supreme transmuter and belongs nowhere but the S2 for a new face now here's Hanzo a man who was recently labeled a transmute to buy yoshihiro tagashi in the exhibition memo to be honest I'm a little surprised that it actually took this long to to find out hanzo's Affinity because he never shuts up about his secrets in fact the best word to describe Hanzo is loquacious which is essentially a nice way of saying he talks he he talks a lot you ever need to tell someone to very politely shut up and just say my you're rather loquacious today and they'll probably take it as a compliment because they're unlikely to know what it means but also too proud to actually ask what it means so I'll just go yes I will say that this Revelation is exceptionally unfortunate for Hanzo at the moment because as with a lot of tagashi's strange Revelations transmutation goes against hanzo's current skill set as demonstrated the ability we have seen is hanzo's skill number four which creates an astrally projected end clone through the powers of conjuration and manipulation potentially even a mission instead of conjuration but if that were the case then that would just make Hanzo an even worse transmuter because emission is further away than conjuration on the nen ring so to put the efficacy into some perspective hanzo's equation would look like Hanzo skill number four equals Aura times conjuration plus Aura times manipulation which comes at the cost of 0.8 and 0.4 respect actively so if there was one unit of origin each then two units of R invested would result in 1.2 units of output it's not great but it does give Hanzo the skill he needs and you don't necessarily need to use Aura at its most efficient to be a great nen user and that's what Hanzo is he is a great nen user unfortunately from what we know he's a transmuter who doesn't actually transmute which means that we have no choice but to open up the Castro tier quite early a special place reserved for nen users who almost if not completely deny their own affinities hanzo's exam metisoka however is on the complete opposite end of the spectrum and is potentially the greatest example of a pure transmuto isoka is like some sort of nen piano with a single key because he is very one note hisoka what's that on your fingers bungee gum hisoka what are you sticking under your desk Bungie gum hisoka what are you using to sodomize that young child text your surprise oh well at least it isn't the surprise is that it's bungee gum and to be fair it works hisoka operates at almost 100 Aura efficiency at any given time he is the transmutally old dream of being as well as the person we will dream of never encountering in some sort of dark alley or even a fully lit alley and his net equation is as follows bungee gum equals Aura plus intelligence times arousal I hope you're writing all of these down by the way there will be a test hisoka extracts the absolute most from his transmutation and applies it nigh on flawlessly which is why the S tier isn't even good enough for him and we are going to have to open up an unprecedented gum tier next up is the boy who failed the hunter exam but succeeded in winning our hearts quite literally in the case of Jonas and just look at killer was sticking his little pinky up as if he's serving tea to the queen on a on a high-class assassin boy but really kilowatt is the very model of Excellence he has never failed at anything except for gambling he's he's really bad at gambling and he receives four marks for choosing the most difficult volatile and rapidly or consuming substance he possibly could to transmute into electricity the ultimate Optimist really turning all of his horrific childhood torture into his greatest weapon and we do have the Restriction of needing to be charged all the time so kiloware is very much that friend who always has less than 10 on their phone for reasons that nobody else can comprehend except that kilowatt is also the phone itself but hey that is still a bargain price to pay for the output kilowatt is a marvelous combination of raw talent sharp thinking and hard training all of which will reward him as an s-tier transmuter for some more Phantom troops shenanigan Ray here's marchy say hello to Machi she enjoys string as well as long walks in the dark on her own plotting the brutal brutal murder of hisoka her transmutation is actually quite rare because it gives you the illusion of a physical object being transmuted that would usually be the realm of conjuration but this is because Machi is actually a dual Affinity wielder sitting right between transmutation and enhancement on the nenrik so she crafts the string substance and then enhances it to the point where one meter of string could lift one ton of weight and the longer the strings go the less effective they become allegedly she could create a string strong enough to circumnavigate the globe but it would snap when confronted by even a gentle breeze incredibly versatile though and Machi is actually the first known Troop but to become a nen user having been taught by a mysterious embalmer named renko furthermore despite her sparse and really rather subtle appearances in the actual series marchy is one of the favorite characters of the hunter hunter mumbaga card game with variant including Santa marchy wedding marchy and of course provocative fantasy police woman marchy there is a Machi for every occasion but despite a very effective ability and well thought out restrictions Machi is a distinct grade below many of the other transmuters we've already mentioned and so she will be receiving a solid a and now I'd like to bring your attention to montverde that's a liar I don't want to bring anyone's attention to Mud Vera I don't even know if I'm pronouncing that name correctly to be honest with you but he is a transmuter so we do need to talk a transmuter who desperately desperately wishes he was an emitter incredibly inexperienced incredibly underqualified and possessing of incredibly shockingly big lips now to some other people that might be a point in his favor for for other reasons but it definitely doesn't help with transmutation I think and so he is getting kicked straight in the castros until further notice so let's go Blends our palette with men's so fun fact I actually have it in the script to mispronounce his name but I I wasn't trying to that just happened this is why we as a fan base all agree to just call him yupi although he is often considered the least intelligent of the royal guard up is certainly the member who delved deepest into how best to make nen work for his own personal needs Peter makes all sorts of whimsical and not at all well thought out abilities meanwhile Poof's net Evolution doesn't exist and shirepoof was just kind of overpowered and a bit stagnant from the gecko but we see yupi's Nan Evolution happen in real time like feitan with pain up harnesses the power of Rage which he even takes a step further than feitan by managing to harness his rage into a more condensed form and after acquiring the ability meruem then perfects it by channeling all of this devastating power into a singular clean beam also here's a really weird faction yupi and shyapoof are the only two Chimera ants to have five fingers ten in total five a new chant which I find especially odd because up is composed of Khan mirror ant and magical beasts there is theoretically no human in his DNA and yet he ends up looking like one of the most human Chimera ants but due to significantly outclassing even the St transmuters we have no choice but to give hisoku a roommate in the newly established gum tier this is a very very top heavy tier list so far transmuters apparently just do not effer around but here is the most important character that many of you will never even have heard of primarily because he's not in the actual series but his name is mauritonio a circus director and the man who taught hisoka nen allegedly he appears in the One-Shot chapter drawn by sweet Ishida which examines hisoka's past whether that's actually Canon or noted but Togashi did approve the story for for whatever that means the sad thing is outside of that chapter we have no images mauritonia however his aesthetic can be surprisingly accurately summed up by this mabarga card of magic manchi because like I said there is a Machi for All Occasions so mauritonio transmutes Aura into magnetic 4 course which then allows him to do all sorts of crazy crap like walk on the walls on the ceilings it's also implied that his Scarface ability which is scarf Ace not Scarface I only just realized I was a bit of a pun there but it's also implied that his Scarface ability is what inspired hisoka's texture surprise because it's the same thing but specifically with faces in fact mauritonio is very much a beta test for hisoka in general super powerful incredibly intelligent but not really reaching the full Heights of transmutation so he's going to join Machi in the a tier meanwhile here's porcupine this is going to be a pretty open and shut case he is a transmuter who used exclusively enhancement and manipulation so mate you are getting a good old cast rowing for that which brings us to sardiso a transmuter who I would describe as having accomplished the bare minimum after having both of his arms served he then went on to replace some of these funky nine tentacles nentacles you replace them with nentricles what he does on a very basic level is extremely similar to bungee gum except sandiso substance has no properties of any note and also he is transmuted far far too much or a volume whereas hisoka goes for a more correct precise volume although weirdly enough sarso is even worse in the 1999 anime because he still has both of his arms the 1999 anime actually gets rid of the disabilities of all of the heavens Arena Trio even Guido the dude sells both of his legs but the funniest is probably real belt because instead of being bound to a wheelchair and making the best of a tragic situation he instead chooses I repeat choosers to fight exclusively on a Mobility Scooter back to satiso he's pretty rubbish but at least he tried if I was sanderson's almost certainly disappointed teacher then I would give him the bare minimum for a passing grade which in this case is a seat here to Silva zoldick now and we will not be ranking him in this video nor will we be ranking xenos older because Togashi through a bit of a bombshell at us recently revealing that these two are both in fact emitters not transmuters transmutation has taken a really heavy loss with these two this used to be like the Stacked affinity and now that belongs to emitters but in honor of their server us they will be recognized all the way over here in there used to be a transmutative to dessert now and may I present you with a rather unsatisfying souffle another hail Lee member so so uh but at least one that doesn't deny their own Affinity which saves her from a Thora and I mean thorough castroing but with the nothing we know about her abilities and the everything we know about her inexperience with nen it is going to be a d tier for now which brings us to potentially the ultimate transmuter I feel like I'm opening a pack of rare cards inside of this pack could be everything or nothing Well Fame power or it could be nothing and it's worm so it's nothing his ability is to burrow through the ground like the regular one it's not even transmuting anything he's more like manipulating the dirt or manipulating his body or both and I know I said there was a manchy for All Occasions but in this case the closest to character has come to cosplaying worm is actually illumi that one time that he got in the hole but worm is a clear Castor Contender and that is every transmuter ranked arbitrarily by a man on the internet
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 272,107
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview
Id: iiaGiz_3L54
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 59sec (779 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 10 2023
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