Oda DID NOT Have To Do That! (1120)

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etra Oda has done another series of things that we are going to talk about and he did these things in a 19-page chapter so credit where credit is you I always point out the short chapters but this is a longer than normal chapter and it's because it is so packed with stuff starting with the cover page dangero has now become the Dao of K which as I keep saying is the region of wano we know least about 149 chapters over four years simply was not enough time to explore all of wano somehow however what we do know is that dendro has inherited the position once held by fugetsu omusubi who was part of yam's stuck in a cave flashback and his name was recently brought up in relation to Admiral fujit torra because it was a musi's ancestor who made fujit Tor Supreme grade Blade the yaku aasan and one thing that I'm really looking forward to with this cover story is progressively learning who all of the new Dao are because many of them if not all of them are probably Odin's vassals in this cover story we still haven't seen kawamatsu Kiku inashi or Riso which would perfectly fill the four remaining territories of wano in need of governance but my biggest curiosity would be which one of them inherits the position of Dao of kururi because that was Odin's former role so there's some pretty big inherited well-shaped shoes to fill there and I do really like that dendro was the one who came in to solve the issue with the kids because he like yamama to to the people of wano is a former villain he was working for orchi under the kosir name and he did admittedly a lot of good in that role but he also propagated ori's role for how many years was it like 15 years or whatever although my feeling is that Oda won't really address that and we'll just be in this magical happy space as often happens with former antagonists but he's a great person for Yam to encounter because he understands that stigma and it's also a pairing that we really haven't seen together at all off the top of my head the only time I can even remember them being in the same place was fighting against Admiral greenball so I'm really looking forward to seeing how that short story within a short story plays out but this chapter commences in a most unexpected location with a conversation between two dead old men who here are still young men firstly it is so cool to see more of punk Hazard before Caesar ruined it with his weapon and also before sakazuki and Kuan proceeded to ruin it even more because originally it looked a lot like egad island or a beta test frad Island for whatever reason Vega Punk seems to really favor the high-tech tropical palm tree aesthetic but seeing Professor Clover of all people on Punk Hazard that mate that is really trippy the odd blend of seeing a society focused on ancient history on an island focused on pursuing technology into the far future but it was a really good reminder that Clover was actually kind of a boss back in his younger days where he was a ravenous Adventurer sailing across the world to discover its assorted Secrets he's on Punk Hazard so it has to be said just how difficult it is to get there because it's in the new world remembering that Clover is neither a pirate nor associated with the world government so to think that this archaeologist made it so far that deserves some appreciation and I did also find his extended backstory quite tragic because you know that's what I felt that all of Ohara was really lacking more tragedy but to talk about that we also first need to address the wild Revelation that Clover also Bears the will of D which puts a whole new spin on his passion to uncover the void sentury because it directly affects his existence but also his brother who was effectively purged when it was discovered that he held the middle initial D and it's heartbreaking that Clover had to not only watch this but also that the last words he said around his brother was likely denying that he was his brother in order to survive that guy H he's just a friend and you know what not even a friend anymore because of that philth CD and the whole thing takes me back to Bel May with her insistence that Nami and nojo were her children even at the cost of her life but there is something that I that I don't quite get here Clover does make a very Haring plea to fager punk about ah it's not fair to live in a world where people are killed because of their names implying that there is an inherent prejudice against those with the will of D but that's not something that's really been consistent with one piece one of my biggest hey that kind of doesn't make a lot of sense in retrospect points has always been how the world government just let a man named Monkey D Luffy run rampant for as long as they did despite the fact that one they know he's a d and two he's not just any he's a monkey D the same as GARP and dragon whose names they also know the moment Luffy received his first Bounty an admiral should have been sent to purge him but I'm guessing that The Purge policy stopped at some point like this was a big issue during Clover's time there was some sort of big old DE hunt and perhaps that stopped because the W government thought they got them all except for the ones that joined the W government and the few de wielders that did come up here and there were already in pretty Unstoppable positions by the time the world government realized them like Roger and rocks so I do feel Clover's pain but but it is counter to everything we've seen in one piece so far in fact it's quite the opposite at least in the modern day the world government has been bizarrely tolerant of those with the will of D I mean they were going to make GARP a marine Admiral and even let a man named Marshall D teach become a warlord of the sea so I'd really love to know what happened between Clover's time period and now for that concern and Prejudice to have subsided but something I love is the conclusion of this flashback where veger Punk effectively takes on the inherited will of clover by preserving and actually furthering his work which I imagine is now going to be passed on to Robin and elu so I guess vager Punk was more keeping the inherited will chair warm for her and cutting to modern day there is a very difficult panel of Robin lamenting because vager Punk doesn't outright say who he's talking about but Robin recognizes Clover's Words which is actually a play on Alia's last words to Robin where she said that they were trying to retrieve and protect the voices of the past that was a very big concept on Ohara hearing the voices of the past and a very fitting Concept in this chapter given that we also have EMT who is a literal voice from the past and I love how this whole Arc is tying itself together thematically because really it's a greater representation of the goal of One Piece as a whole what we are seeking is the past through the future we want to know about this highly Advanced civilization that possessed technology we couldn't even dream of and it's becoming increasingly likely that what the future of this world holds is a return to the Past through the dawn of the world and so it's absolutely brilliant that all of this information comes to us in an arc centered on a man who is said to be 500 years ahead of the world and a man who was rapidly being erased from existence himself and with that we should probably talk about Atlas this shouldn't be a surprise to anyone because from the moment Atlas left the relative safety of the Giant Warrior pirate ship her sacrifice was as good as confirmed and you know the first thing I thought of was that moment in Dragon Ball Z where Goku tells Gohan to take care of his mother and then sacrifices himself to kill cell and it's because of that panel of Atlas it has her looking back at the exact same angle and she also has a very similar line being take care of Lilith and also like cell Ethan doesn't die and the other thing it reminds me of is Pedro who also blew himself up to an enemy that didn't die in order to allow the Thousand Sunny to go free and they believe it's that explosion that actually gives the Thousand Sunny the extra kick it needs to actually make it into the water although I do need to ask this question is that what Atlas was going to do regardless of whether or not Ethan was there because they got away without his interference and the sunny still wasn't going to make it until Atlas self-destructed so I'm thinking that even if Ethan wasn't there Atlas was probably planning on blowing herself up anyway and look in one piece this is usually the point where we would start discussing whether or not Atlas is actually dead but in this case I feel pretty comfortable calling it and it's because of her final panel where she's smiling right before death as if she has the will of D and you know what she kind of does because we just talked about this earlier Vega Punk took on Clover's inherited will and he was a d so this is atlas part of Vega Punk now doing her part to fulfill the part and leaving Ethan with one last message being whether you like it or not the bad things are coming for you old man because the caretakers of the will of D also tend to die smiling like kuki Odin's haunting Smile as he was disintegrated by a Boiling Pot of oil honestly props to Oda because I think this was a brilliant modernday death and I think that that smile that smile is a secret recipe which I think was the thing that was missing from the deaths of EO and Ash DOI that full stop of finality and so it looks like the last surviving Vega punks we have are now evil and greed and pretty bleak outlook for the world but also one that was masterfully crafted because York is on the side of the world government and she represents greed which is the main driving force of the world Nobles and then opposing them you have evil which is what the world Nobles labeled all of our Good Guys the will of D the demons the evil enemies of the Gods so of course we end up with the aspect of evil of all of the Vega punks it's the most natural thing that fits into our side and at the end of the chapter York also collapses into laughter because she believes that she is the last remaining Vaga Punk which is you know not something that the smartest person in the world would ever think there is no way that York doesn't know about whatever Atlas did to Lilith to disconnect her but then again I think this might just be the Folly of greed York is Ever So Satisfied with the idea of having Punk records all to herself and being the one and only Vega Punk name person that she's not thinking straight she's just lost in her pure greed and something else I really appreciated in this section was jinbe who took the lead in announcing that mates we leaving currently I live for Jin Bay moments because he's the straw hat who we still don't have a solid grasp on in terms of his Dynamic with the rest of the crew but here I love that he took command because in this group dynamic theoretically he should be deferring to Zoro or actually he should be deferring to Nami because she's the captain when everyone's aboard the sunny but here jinbe's past experience as a captain is kicking in he saw that a decision needed to be made and he did not hesitate to do what was necessary which is great because he does usually act like the new guy on the boat and you don't want to ruffle feathers and such because he is the crew member with the least seniority but it's good to see that all of his wisdom and experience is significantly benefiting the crew but also the established hierarchy is still there because Jin Bay is the first to make the decision but then Zoro shouts the order and Brooke obeys him so there's some very nice Zoro Jin based Synergy happening here and then we finally have an actual conversation between Luffy and EMT who refers to Luffy as Joy boy and that's that's just fascinating EMT doesn't say ah there you are the man who inherited the will of Joy boy it is I Robot and I would like to assist your cause good sir he doesn't say any of those words instead he goes yo Joy boy great to see you again so either Luffy looks identical to Joy boy which she probably does but that's too easy of an answer something even deeper could be going on here to do with actual reincarnation at this point where Luffy isn't remembering his past life/ past lives plural because this isn't the first time that something like this has happened when gear fifth was first brought to us zunesha said that there was no mistake and that Joy boy was here and at the time I took that to mean the heartbeat that Joy boy possessed that what whatever that aspect of Joy boy was was now within Luffy but maybe zunesha was being much more literal than I gave him credit for and it's not like it's being used as a title either emt's not saying I would like to fight for the joy boy he acts like he knows Luffy personally there's a very interesting play of people happening here if if that is indeed a thing because Luffy reports to Dory and brogy that EMT says that he's going to protect Joy boy but they don't necessarily know who or what a joy boy is because the name they know is the son God NAA so have a situation where Luffy the Giants and EMT are kind of referring to the same person I mean also kind of not because they're three separate entities as presented to us but also yeah we don't really know that there's a lot of vagaries about this whole thing but they're all referring to the same general concept and yet each and every group thinks that they're talking about different people and something adorable about this scene is when EMT sees that Luffy doesn't realize he's talking about him and he performs a classic manai comedy backand which is a lot less obvious because he's a robot but this action is called a sukumi and you see it all the time in sukumi means retort and it's usually calling out something stupid said by another character with one of the most common sukumi gestures being the forehand or the backand but it can also extend to much more over-the-top stuff like throwing objects and just engaging in brutally hilarious animated violence but this is a very important moment for EMT that will definitely get lost in translation in the west because it's showing that EMT has a strong personality and a knack for Comic timing he isn't just some huge bulky sad robot programmed to be serious efficient and again sad he is a living breathing being and part of what makes this so funny is that he's doing this over the- toop comic gesture but his facial expression doesn't change at all because it can't and you know what emt's also going to have a lot of trouble pulling off this comic timing if the five Elders keep pulling off his arms but EMT gets another cool comedic moment where it looks like he's about to fire a Frankie style strong right or a weapons left but it doesn't work because his systems have degraded over the past couple of hundred years and there's just a closeup of emt's face with the best oh expression he can muster as a robot it's just fantastic fantastic and I'm a bit sad that we're only now getting this sort of stuff from him because it would seem that we are mere moments away from the demise of EMT right at the second where he's actually starting to Showcase himself as a character so who knows we probably have a little bit more time with him but it's not going to be much because Egghead island is almost over however on that note I wanted to highlight a piece of news that you may or may not have seen which is a statement made by oda's editor a couple of days ago where he said it's been stated that Edan Island would conclude with a major incident however there's still one more big twist to it I won't say anything else or they'll erase me LOL and I have no idea what that big twist could be at the moment it feels like we've naturally come to the conclusion of all of the big twists and the everything that the arc has to offer but apparently we've got one more massive thing to look forward to and it may come to us courtesy of Vega Punk's message which is still going on and I think this is going to go down in history as one of those notorious weekly reading events the idea that it's currently taken 5 months to play this message and in this chapter Vega Punk didn't drop any Bombshells for us but but he did make a very important Revelation to the world of large which was to use Roger's true name gold D Roger the vast majority of the planet don't know him by that name they know him as gold Roger the world government has been exceptionally careful about hiding Roger's massive D in fact when s Goku announced to the world that Ace was Roger's son even he used the name gold Roger so this is all sorts of mindblowing to the PES around the world because they're now making connections with G Dragon Blackbeard and Luffy and look if you're watching this video you'll probably have realized that I didn't talk about the new family name in our will of D Clan and that's because it's a surprisingly big complicated and fascinating topic that we'll be going over in the next video
Channel: GrandLineReview
Views: 217,080
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: RovN4TUbtKA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 10sec (850 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 12 2024
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