What Everyone Gets Wrong About The Hunter Association

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what is a one two or three star hunter it's easy to assume that the star system is some sort of ranking within the hunter Association something that judges a particular Hunter's overall aptitude in their position or because Hunter Hunter is a shr manga potentially even how powerful said Hunter is but actually it has nothing to do with that there are Hunters with stars that will blow your mind because it's all like how how were they awarded a star and that's mostly because we can directly compare them to a whole ton of famous Hunters who are completely star nud for example gong Kila Leorio and kopa they're expected all still very much rookies in the grand scheme of things but what if I told you that kite wasn't even a single star hunter in fact let's go way further half of the zodiacs aren't even starred Hunters they're considered to be the 12 most powerful and influential figures within the association and yet half of them don't even have this honor and to really give you a sense of how this works here is the most shocking thing former chairman Isaac netro himself didn't even have a single star what I'm trying to say is that these people are very special power alone does not Grant you a star what this honor requires is far more than a selfish Pursuit what a hunter needs to do is revolutionize an aspect of humanity and provide progress To The World At Large in their selected field you need to become this world's equivalent of Edison Tesla Da Vinci or Logan Paul that's the sort of standard we're looking for here and that's why people like Isaac net didn't qualify because even though he oversaw and perhaps even instituted the star system his whole life's Focus was about finding strong opponents and self-development he didn't provide that remarkable breakthrough that the association theoretically exists for and it's specifically the hunter bylaws that state one star is given to a hunter who produces remarkable achievements in a particular field so let's meet the hunters who have managed to do just that the single star hunter we're most familiar with is morel minassi and I think people often forget what kind of Hunter he is because it's not all that relevant during the chimeran talk but moral is a Sea Hunter someone who specializes in searching the waters for a mixture of scientific and archaeological purposes there was that one time it was relevant where lol unfortunately tried to fight moral with a water-based ability to which Marl said LOL and then proceeded to beat LOL by sucking up all of the airs and leaving LOL with death via carbon dioxide poisoning but Marl was a single star hunter before the Chimera Anar so I can only imagine that morl discovered something of great importance in the vast Seas of the world that had been previously unknown to humanity that or discovered something that was thought to be lost like whatever the hunt Hunter equivalent of the Titanic is maybe even the remnant of a failed Dark Continent voyage and that's why there's no one more qualified than him to be leading the black whale one to the Dark Continent as we speak pretty important stuff but the first start Hunter we meet happens as early as chapter 10 of the manga it is of course meni who is a single star Gourmet Hunter and she is described as follows one of the world's most prominent chefs and a true Epicure her dishes reflect Artistry and sophistication her contributions to culinary culture have been invaluable this at the age of only 21 has earned her the title title of single star hunter so it's implied that men's contributions exist in the sphere of upper class dining I imagine she's absolutely scow with the available Walt searching for new ingredients to create Innovative new flavors that the human tongue has never had the pleasures of sampling and we do see an example of this with the spider eagles egg in the hunter exam and Menchi isn't just the first St hunter in the series but also the youngest of any St Hunters that we know of there's a couple who could be around men's age but they go to Great difficulties to hide their appearance so it's hard to tell but look men she's not the strongest however she is very much the epitome of what it means to be a hunter taking desire resources and ability and applying all of that to a specific area and innovating Humanity hence why she gets a shiny shiny star and also sitting at the epitome of hunted them apparently is cutie Beauty one of the more wacky hunt hunt characters and cutie beauty is very much Togashi predicting Instagram influencers so cutie beauty is a cute Hunter meaning that her goal is twofold one is to maintain and accentuate the beauty of herself and others but the other is a much more Grand goal which was as stated by cutie Beauty herself to make the world cute she has a vision for the entire planet and I think it's fair to assume that her contribution was made within the realm of beauty and or anti-aging although one user of the Hun Hunter subreddit decided to nullify this progress and removed cutie Beauty's makeup Botox and even breasts but cutie Beauty's position was so well respected admired and SED over that she was a serious candidate to become the next Hunter chairman and when she did lose her concession speech was actually quite alarming why did I lose but I haven't lost at all the cute Association I proposed will become reality through my respected colleague pariston all my angels who voted for me please give your votes to him interesting to note that she seemed to have formed an alliance with pariston which likely alludes to the idea that cutie beauty is anything but behind the scenes in fact she's referred to in the manga as Piston's head groupy so this is like giving money to an only fans girl just for her to spend it on another only fans Creator and look pariston puts on a good show bet everyone knows he's an actor especially amongst Hunters of influence so cutie Beauty knew exactly who he was and decided to go all in on parist regardless so she is a single star hunter to be feared as is xona the hacker Hunter his specialty is obviously with computers and the things it is that people do with computers yane is very potentially a global Authority on anything to do with programming a close second would likely be miliki zic and one day miliki may even be the global Authority if he spends less time with his numerous numerous sex dolls speaking of miliki is the first person to mention the existence of hacker Hunters miliki mentions the potential of hacking the hunter website but he doesn't want the hacker hunters and the quote net police on his back hacker Hunters are implied to be focused on dealing with cyber crime so I Shane likely got his Star by doing something huge like bringing down the hunt to hunt World equivalent of the Silk Road it should be noted that Ian P never speaks he only communicates through written words and Di Shane is a self-professed resident of the digital world apparently in hun Hunter this even special term for it called a netizen and despite having no real care for the world or the association itself Exane made it all the way through to the fifth round of voting in the chairman election making him genuinely one of the most popular hunters in the entire Association which is again despite the fact that he doesn't really want anything to do with the association or reality as a whole chane and Jing also implied to be friends and part of Greed Island is even modeled after him which is the spell card shop in madora in fact it's heavily speculated that ampe was one of the 11 creators of GRE Island because each letter in the words Greed Island represents one of the founders and whilst we filled out all of greed we currently only have one confirmed member of the island section which is list as the L but the I is almost certainly for Shon next up says G you might recognize him as that guy who was on great Island but I forget why and in case you have forgotten because most do he is a jackpot Hunter which is one of the coolest titles a hunter can have but what does it mean well let's examine his introduction says G the jackpot Hunter he openly admits that all of his hunts are for financial gain yet his achievements have earned him single star status essentially he's a money Hunter and I just want to take a moment to stop and explain just how out of this world his Pursuits are remember that simply being granted the status of Hunter is practically a license to print money in fact the license itself can be used as collateral to take out a loan of 100 million Jenny from quote any bank it's at the point where 60 of the world's top 100 richest people are hunters and of those 60 none that we know of are jackpot Hunters Hunters so sgara is after colossal prizes that we can't even conceive of he's also a very curious exception to The Standard of St hunters in this case sgara has been so selfish that his Pursuits have somehow gone on to significantly benefit the world which is why he was hired by Beta to complete Greed Island and attain quite possibly the greatest Financial prize that has ever been offered but unlike most St Hunters it's almost impossible to gauge what cesera did to earn his star because it's a very vague broad niche of hunting he can essentially go after anything that results in a nce ton of money which is actually what the Phantom troop does as well and aan to imagine how Sara's own personal acquisition of money led to the benefit of others but it may have had to do with moving such a large quantity of money like we're talking the size of a national GDP and injecting it elsewhere and then we have bushida ambitious Hunter Hunter's rather poor answer to Emison bushida is a blacklist Hunter and these are actually the most common type of Hunter within the association they specialize in hunting criminals chasing bounties and generally pursuing items individual and activities within the underworld and the most famous Blacklist Hunter is actually kopa who was hunting the Scarlet eyes of his clan but for bushida to have been awarded a shiny star he must have done something massive like bring down an incredibly powerful Mafia family or recover an artifact of critical importance from the underworld or be responsible for taking down a world-renowned criminal for example if a hunter were to single-handedly take out the Phantom troop then they would almost certainly be awarded a star and despite how Infamous the Phantom troop are it would be only one one star that should give you an idea of just how almost impossible it is to earn even a single star let alone two stars and let alone again three stars but back to bushor he was a member of the association disciplinary committee which means that in the rare circumstance where the hunter Association has to take action against other Hunters he's the dude it is who gets the task bidor was also part of nro's pure Paladin Squad so in terms of power this guy must be pretty damn serious but not quite serious enough because he was killed off screen by Hoka the chairman election Arc in the manga it's actually pretty sad bushida like bravely sets out and then we essentially just cut to his death being announced on television at least in the anime they showed a bit of his corpse and such but narratively he turned out to be a bit of a a bit of a nothing character but what he wanted to do was specifically revise the fourth Hunter bylaw which is Hunters shall not Target other Hunters unless they commit heinous crimes which is actually a bit ironic because buid door was targeted by Hoka another Hunter despite bushor and not having committed a heinous crime but also having attained a single star is sanika Norton who you may never have heard of but she's a bit of a cult fan favorite sanika is a virus Hunter which is even referenced in her last name Norton almost certainly being a reference to that thing we all know and when the big real world virus that I can't say on YouTube broke out Sika had a brief tenure as an awareness Ambassador online encouraging Hunter Hunter Fans to stay healthy and even wear masks realistically to earn her status as a singl star hunter she would have had to do something along the lines of developing a vaccine or even even outright eradicating a virus in the first round of the chairman election she was tied for 11th place with cutie Beauty and they could not be more different people cutie Beauty focuses purely on appearance and sanika goes to Great extent to hide her appearance and is rarely seen in public she really just wants to focus and do her own thing sanika never had any desire to become chairman but others were keen on her and while she hasn't had a big role in the story sanika is going to be integral to the Dark Continent Expedition because the hunter Association are walking into a completely unknown landmass while not completely unknown there is one thing we know which is that it's packed with a lot of things that are antithetical to the existence of humans including diseases lots and lots of diseases such as zai the immortality disease so Sika has been charged with preparing a disease counter manual trying to log predict and counter anything that may come up to which I say good luck but that's a taste of what it takes to earn even a single star but what if I told you that there were six individuals in this world who have been awarded a double star license each Living Legends in their own right that we're going to examine in the next video
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 157,743
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview
Id: m4kfT7FQZ-8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 33sec (693 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 05 2024
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