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seems pretty unassuming just a dude in a thick coat walking to well wherever it is that dudes and thick coats walk to however this man is the single most dangerous person in the entire hunter hunter world more evil than ceradnik more driven than netaro and potentially even more powerful than meruem this man's name is gyro and he is going to destroy the world meanwhile my name is liam and i'm not going to do that because i quite like the world although to be fair if i'd had gyro's upbringing then i can't guarantee what i do gyro is a confusing character in the hunt hunt fandom mostly because depending on whether you've watched the anime or read the manga those are two completely different experiences of him if you watch the anime then quite honestly gyro could be a very forgettable character his name gets mentioned a bunch like quite a few times actually but by the time we even really realize he exists he's been killed and fed to the ant queen so he kind of fizzles out and his whole existence feels like a story that was never quite completed whereas in the manga not only is that story complete but it also completely changes the way that you will see gyro and even gone gyro and gone are characters who are intrinsically linked and not just because of all of the nice fluffy narrative parallels that we can make between them but because the narrator of the series quite literally said so and if there is any good reason to bring gone back into the story this this is it because these two have unfinished business and the sheer amount of information that was left out of the tv series is going to shock anime watchers also this video is sponsored by manscape the global brand for men's grooming and hygiene now i legitimately use manscaped on a new daily basis because i'm a pretty hairy dude man and i need something to keep my gear in order so manscape hooked me up with the performance package 4.0 so that my package will also be able to perform first up is the lawnmower 4.0 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backstory which all begins in a harsh construction camp as a young lad age of well young gyro was said to have been able to mix cement and lay bricks before he could even speak a single word although even once he did learn i imagine the gyro probably didn't say too much because his father was a wildly abusive man who would viciously beat gyro for simply breathing too loudly provided he was sober enough to enact it of course and there's even one particularly tragic example of how gyro had to learn how to sleep without making noise so as not to activate his father's rage and typically it's quite difficult to control what your body is doing while it's asleep so to say that gyro was born into unfortunate circumstances would be a bit of an understatement when it comes to gyro's father the specific word used is god this man was a god to gyro not in any sort of benevolent worshipping sense but more in the fear wrath of god sort of sense now despite that there was one teeny tiny shred of hope that kept gyro going one instant he recalled where as a child he was struck with a fever and his father stayed up all night taking care of him the one act of kindness that his father had ever shown him however that was just gyrus fever playing tricks on his mind brain in reality it was his neighbor taking care of him whilst his father was out getting completely hammered that is a clever but gruesome pun by the way and then you'll see why soon the very last straw was when jairo was being beaten in public you know just your standard everyday occurrence and on that day his father saw him and walked right past him he saw gyro he clocked that it was his son and he simply didn't care now the exact quote in the manga is at that moment everything became clear to him the universe could care less about his existence his father didn't care whether he lived or died if he lived he'd bring in money if he died then he'd have the room to himself that's all i was not a person i was nobody at all this here is the moment in virus viral this here is the moment in gyro's supervillain origin story where he cast aside his humanity mostly due to the realization that he had never been treated like a human anyway it's all very existential almost cosmic horror-esque with gyro realizing just how small and insignificant he is in the grand scheme of the universe but with that realization came a second and this would go on to define gyro his father was no god this alcoholic bungle nut was every bit as much of an oxygen thief as jira was so giro immediately went home and mercilessly murdered his father by beating him to death with a hammer which is of course the gruesome pun i was referring to because jairo's father spent all of his time getting hermit anyway so this this is nothing new but gyro promptly fled the camp vanished for nine years and then emerged to start the nation of ngl where he was installed as a king but notably this is of course the site of the original chimera ant outbreak we'll get to that soon though because i don't want to skip over this whole nation building thing because that's pretty huge and gyro's flashback doesn't even come close to covering his insane talents in the manga it is said that gyro was in no hurry he knew preparations were necessary for major undertakings his experience in construction made him rational and productive so the fact that he understood the logistics of construction before he even knew how to say the word construction has bred this unparalleled planning genius within the hunt hunter fanbase gyro was often credited as i've said one of the most evil driven and powersome figures but what he almost never gets credit for is that he's also one of the smartest which adds this whole new tier to our sinister problem cake gyro's goal in founding this kingdom was quite blatantly to disseminate evil throughout the whole world and he did this by using the nation to develop a certain drug known as didi although its exact effects remain quite vague mostly because ngl had a little bit of a chimera ant top break and they slaughtered everyone including gyro before this plan could come to fruition which you know what that's good news right quite literally the most evil character in the series is dead and we never have to worry about him again hooray well no not hooray because this actually made matters significantly worse the scary thing about gyro is that he is identified as the most driven character in the series not by fans but by the narrator and when a series has a power system that directly responds to drive and desire then if one gyro was to learn about said power system he would naturally become the most powerful nen user potentially to have ever lived so if he was to be eaten by a certain queen and reborn as some sort of anti-nan user then that that would be a problem sadly that's what happened but this takes us to the anime interpretation of events gyro was introduced as the king of ngl but he was already dead by the time he was introduced and in my opinion the anime makes an attempt to strongly suggest that gyro after being consumed by the ant queen was reborn as the ant king marowan and i absolutely do not blame any anime watchers who landed on this conclusion because the way the 2011 series presents it makes a ton of sense like i just said if someone is driven as gyro were to learn nen then he would naturally become the most powerful aura user in all of the histories in such a short degree of time which is exactly what mirom did in only 40 days of existence he eclipsed all known end users and became the closest thing we've seen to a literal god in hunter hunter all knowing all powerful but with one weakness to a certain gungi champion plus what we know of gyro is that he is so persistent in his belief that he is a king just like marowan so it matches up almost almost too perfectly and it would actually be a really great way to bring the chimera antarc full circle however then right at the last second the anime throws a pretty serious curveball towards the end of the series we are given a glimpse of a man in a thick coat walking to wherever it is that men in thick codes walk to and there is no clue as to who or what he's doing but this this is a reference to all of the information that was left out of the anime in the manga gyro was introduced in a completely different place oh and actually fun fact the chapter he was introduced in being 203 appropriately called gyro featured layorio and karapika as the cover spread saying when's our turn and the answer to that would be well not for a long long time that chapter actually came out in 2004 and those two would not be relevant again for another seven years but back to evil business gero actually comes dangerously close to meeting with gon and killua in the manga as all three of them happen to be in the same city whilst gon and kilauea are facing off against knuckle and chute and in the manga gyro's flashback occurs here whereas in the anime it had already happened ages ago when gone and killua and kite raided the drug factory and as gyro is walking intently through the city the narrator says this out of the countless soldier ants born one had an independent will adamantly rejecting the queen's commands his name was gyro the ngl kingpin his malevolence and determination were second to none and he was in the same town as a gone and killua so gyro is the only antecide from the king and the royal guard who was able to ignore the queen he just like popped out went see ya because in his immense pride he still considered himself to be a king plus in gyro's brand new anti-eyes everyone and everything was equally as irrelevant in the grand scheme of the universe remember he once thought of his father as a god and after killing a god what is there to fear from a mere ant queen now thanks to either fate or circumstance or both gon and gyro did not run into each other on that particular day whether that's a good thing or a bad thing that's very much left up in the air because the narrator then utters probably the single most intriguing line in all of hunter hunter gyro left the town and disappeared without encountering gone whether this proved to be fortunate for either party will not be known until they ultimately meet now that that's wow because it is so incredibly rare that togashi does something like this he's generally a bit of an improvised writer going arc by r can not want to set up meta stories in the background but on this occasion we have confirmation that gon and gyro will meet at some point in the series continuity and given that gyro is the worst case scenario for all aspects of a pun intended antagonist it seems that gyro is the true end game of hunter hunter even beyond the dark continent because sure we can go there and experience the vast horrors of the outside world but it is still not going to match what this one man is capable of and actually i should stop referring to him as a man because mentally gyro cast away his humanity as a child and after physically being reborn as a chimera aunt there is nothing human left about gyra nor is he an ant mind you he's something else entirely just this unique and twisted existence after the conclusion of the chimera antarctic welfare posited that jaira was almost certainly headed for meteor city in order to commence his plans once more and wolfen was determined to find his old leader not to stop him but because wealthin has faith in gyro as do all of his former henchmen like kikalgo for example they all believe that gyro is some sort of savior and it's a very very weird dynamic because while finn and dicalgo are at heart pretty good dudes very sympathetic characters which says to me that gyro has been able to shroud his true nature from them and this is a scary thought because welfan is now an end user so even if gyro doesn't awaken the art form on his own the very first thing that welfin is going to do is teach him how to harness aura and meteor city could not be a better location for gyro that is it could not be a worse location for everyone else and gyro himself doesn't realize just how perfect this is because right now meteor city is completely unprotected because the meteor city elder is dead and the phantom troop are all headed to the dark continent so there is no one to stop gyro from having his way with this city and a much more bigger issue is that the bulk of the hunter association are also on the dark continent mission so there is no one to step in and quell this threat before it gets out of hand like the extermination team were barely able to do with the chimera ants no one except gone allegedly gone and gyro are inverse characters which means what is true for one is false of the other for example gone grew up in a lake of happiness whereas gyro grew up in a puddle of misery but gyro's father was present in his life whereas gone's father abandoned him however gone's journey then began to find his father whereas gyro's journey began to get rid of his father quite violently and whilst we simply don't know enough about gyro to build deeper insight it would certainly appear that togashi was setting him up to be an ultimate antithesis of gone particularly because gone also had his snap moment where he felt that nothing mattered everything was pointless and he was ready to throw it all away but gone came back from that i mean not because of anything that he did but because of his best friend and best boy killer however if there's anyone in this world who can identify with the darkness consuming gyro and the descent from humanity into a general monster hood then it is definitely gone and this is a situation where the narrator's saying that they will meet doesn't necessarily mean that they'll fight gon still unable to use nen might actually be able to save the world without using a single drop of aura but fortunately or unfortunately he's the only chance we have the great powers of this series have almost universally abandoned the human realm in pursuit of the dark continent they don't realize it but they've left the remainder of humanity completely defenseless against the greatest threat that this world has ever faced and it's entirely possible that if anyone does return from the dark continent that there will be nothing left to return to
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 636,417
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 29sec (809 seconds)
Published: Fri Aug 12 2022
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