The One Nen Ability That Broke Hunter X Hunter

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this is the most broken n ability in all of Hunter Hunter Nan's wish granting his power so dangerous that on a meta level it comes shockingly close to Breaking the actual story itself because once the ability becomes known surely it becomes the entire focus of this world because we must control this power or there is no greater threat to anything than this power but it also comes with questions such as why didn't kilo use wish granting during the Chimera ant Arc it would have been a pretty simple way to get rid of this annoying ant king problem or would it because the these wishes aren't free unless you kill one but even then they're not free and it's purely for semantic reasons and if you're a seasoned Honda Honda fan then I know that nothing will excite you more than the semantics of n abilities but I also have something even better for you because at the end of this video we are going to calculate exactly what the cost would be to make a wish to kill the ant king marijam feel free to comment with your BET right now and to be clear the cost we're talking about is human lives also this fictional Hunter content is sponsored by uken fantastic little robots that make charging your devices fast and easy with 65 WS of high-speed charging power you can charge an iPhone 15 to about 60% in just 30 minutes this little bad boy right here is the ug green NEX sod rg65 W charger and I know this name very well because I genuinely have three of these little friends scattered throughout my office because I am incredibly lazy and wherever I go I want to make sure there's a thing that can charge my stuff and this is the thing they come equipped with revolutionary G technology which provides a whopping 95% energy conversion efficiency and significantly reduces heat generation whilst charging in addition to ug Green's inbuilt thermal guard protection to ensure the safety of your devices here's the thing though they look and are in fact wildly adorable but don't let that fool you because they pack an absolute punch when it comes to power I often have one of my dudes set up charging up to three devices at once and it does so with an assortment of cute Emoji Expressions that change depending on the charge status and ug green also has a 30 W option should you desire lower power but I really cannot recommend these guys enough you can and should check them out through my link in the description because not only do they support the life of my devices they also support the life of this channel so do that thing but for now it's back to you me before we get into that though it's never been confirmed that wish granting is a nen ability however it was heavily implied in chapter 334 when nanica grants the wish of healing gone after which point a colossal amount of what appears to be AA was released no one specifically states that it's a so maybe it's some sort of unknown quantity of power but everything else about it is consistent with the N system particularly its adherence to balance with one completely system breaking exception every wish comes with an equal and often exceptionally horrifying consequence very in keeping with the idea that or can only be used to Grant great power at Great cost wish granting is actually kind of like a reverse Genie because to have a wish granted you first need to fulfill three of ala's requests so you grant three wishes and then the genie appears nanuka takes over ala's body and then nanica will grant One Wish for You Alica could say something like pick me up give me a piggy back ride take my hand so that's nice you do those three simple things and then you get yourself a wish not a bad day's work at all and because Siri ala Yoshi hero Togashi loves game mechanics ala demands work on a level based system the three Al forementioned demands are examples of level one requests now let's say the person wishes for a brand new car nice you got your car and you just drive away like a boss however the next person that aler encounters will be given another set of requests but this time let's say they're level 10 requests because a new car had a level 10 rating so instead of stuff like pick me up and take my hand the request is now something along the lines of rip off your fingernails break your arm cut off your foot something something like that they what we're going to call unreasonable requests and if the person who came before you was particularly greedy with their wish then there's no telling just how high that request level can go in fact there's a certain point where Alica will reach seemingly impossible requests such as give me your liver give me your intestines give me your spine or even give me your brain those were actual requests made after someone wished for a a billion Jenny so slightly higher value than a car 20 maybe even 30 times more maybe even more more depending on the car and this is a problem because if you fail to meet these requests nanica then kills you by squashing you into human goop as well as kills the people closest to you until enough lives have been taken to justify the cost of the previous wish however after this nanica then resets to level one requests so this this would be the prime time to make a wish yourself also the same person cannot make two wishes in a row so this sort of prevents Nan's ability from being repeated L abused by the same person but also not really all that happens is you just need at least two people to abuse it instead and kilaa himself suggests that the wishes nanica can grant are probably Limitless although I would say that there has to be some limit because there's only so much that exists to be paid as a cost in this world/ Universe however that is so far beyond our comprehension that it's effectively Limitless but eventually you will probably hit a point where the wish granting ends up killing alaka herself because at some point by virtue of spending even a short amount of time with the person she's making demands to alaka herself will be somewhere on the kill list very far down but if the wish is big enough then nanuka could end up eliminating alaka and thus maybe even itself but this sort of thing is just what happens when Dark Continent creatures discover nen as soon as they can access basic or control they constitute a threat that could almost instantly wipe out all of humanity it happened with the Chimera ants and it happened here again with nanika AKA The Dark Continent Calamity eye and like a lot of n abilities wish granting also comes with a secret condition known only to the user and or a specific Target of the user in this case kilawa because whilst everyone else is granted a wish kiloa and only kilaa has the ability to issue nanika with a command and because a command is semantically different from a wish kilawa is able to bypass any backlash from previous wishes and also kila's command will be enacted without repercussions from the wish system wishes and commands exist in two completely different systems a wish does not affect a command nor does a command affect a wish or its requirements and given that they exist separate from each other kilawa can even make commands whilst nanuka is in the middle of making her own requests but essentially kilawa has Limitless power at his disposal all he needs to do is ask so kilawa could have simply wished to kill the ant king and then bam maram would have been gone without any consequences at all which Chad is not particularly balanced although in terms of you know the nens the only real argument I can make for it is that this power was granted to the person least likely to use it the most trustworthy because kilaa would never want to use his sister like the rest of his family hoped to other than that though it's pretty completely broken so question why didn't kway use nanika to kill or otherwise defeat maram and also secondary question why didn't kilway use nanuka to heal kite and by heal I mean bring back to life because both gon and kilwa thought that he was still salvageable the easy answer to this is because Togashi simply didn't know that alakar existed yet which is actually my answer to most hun Hunter questions Tashi rarely thinks beyond the current talk when he's writing however in this particular case it's not that simple because Togashi certainly did know that alaka or someone who would eventually become alaka already existed it's slightly complicated and the Internet isn't going to give you a straightforward answer so here's what and why there is a misconception that ala was planned from the early days of Hunter Hunter because in the 2011 anime they show a silhouette of the whole zic family which includes ala and for people who haven't read the Manga it seems like alaka had been planned from the very beginning and look in that particular version of Hunter Hunter it's very solid foreshadowing and also a case of just plain literal shadowing because manga authors love their Silhouettes but there's also a sub misconception of people being a bit perplexed by the silhouette people thinking that the anime showed alaka before the manga did because it's a common belief that the 2011 anime didn't even know if they were going to tackle the Chimera an talk because it hadn't finished when the anime started airing which is one explanation for why kite story in chapter 1 was booted and therefore if the Chimera antar hadn't finished being published in the manga then how could the anime show ala who did not exist yet in this silhouette well the reason for this is because none of that's true the 2011 anime started airing on October 2nd 2011 and the very next day on October 3rd the final Chimera antar chapter final will was published the anime production obviously started earlier before the Chimera Anar ended but they knew that they were going to be fine they were practically at the Finish Line already and later that very same month and year Alo was first fully seen in the manga and fun fact I'm actually writing this video on the 2nd of October on the 12th anniversary of Hunter Hunter which I was alerted to by this tweet whilst literally writing this paragraph all of which is to say that when it comes to Hunter Hunter it can be much more difficult to talk about than a lot of other series because more so than most fan bases I've encountered there's a huge amount of urban myths that go on to become truth because they're just repeated so often I'm even guilty of spreading a lot of them because I took them at face value because people kept saying them at me so I thought that they must be true the people are saying it a lot regardless in the manga aluka silhouette does not appear we just hear the word words of the zelic tour guide who says the family presently consists of five siblings the parents a set of grandparents and a great-grandfather assassins all so Togashi definitely knew that there was another zelic he even drew the character that would eventually become alaka during the Chimera Anar in chapter 229 one of my personal favorite chapters because immediately after we see this delightsome family photo fayan calls Spinx a he may have and was probably talking to zazan but I like to think that it was in response to F's offering to so in this case I don't think it's fair to say that Togashi didn't know that alakar existed yet I do however think it's fair to say that he hadn't fully baked this particular zic cake because the real world time gap between this photo and alica's proper introduction was just under 7 years unusually this is a scenario where I think we should give Togashi credit because the idea may have existed so that means we return to the question of why didn't Kow use alaka for anything during the Chimera an talk and one explanation is because the situation was not as hopeless as election Aron's condition was it's interesting to think about but at the time nobody really knew the full extent of maro's power the true scale of the threat was not Quantified until the mission was happening all the extermination team really had to judge things by was their brief experiences with neito which gone and kilwa genuinely thought that they could just train hard and overcome Pito whilst Neto handled the king I mean to be fair you've got chairman Neto on your team how could you lose Stakes were high but I don't think anyone was truly prepared for what they were going to encounter except for netra whereas the situation after gon's transformation was evidently extremely dire because it was a consequence of him needing to summon the power to beat the creatures that we had underestimated and now understood the other and potentially also correct explanation is because kilaa didn't want to expose alaka to the world and this is why kiloa is my favorite character in Hunter Hunter because beyond all of the cool action and comedy he's just a genuinely nice guy who wanted to protect his sister bringing aler in during the Chimera ant events means exposing her to the hunter Association and once they're aware of her abilities aluka will be hunted by someone whether it's the association its individual Hunters the Phantom troop the Khan Empire or the V5 Nations who were keeping track of Dark Continent creatures whoever the power is either too tempting to leave alone or considered to be too dangerous to leave alone even kilawa himself initially sees nanuka as a threat and plans to make a wish so that nanuka never wakes up again and as it is to use nanuka during the election Arc kilawa had to get a lot of people on board to have it happen in secrecy and the whole thing was very much an internal zelic Family Affair taking place on a very large scale sometimes you'll even hear speculation that ilam need was blocking kila's memory of ala or at least it instilled him with the idea that Letting alaka Go free would be catastrophic and you know what to that I say maybe but let's now ask the ultimate question what would be the cost of killing marijam to be clear this is not a command this is a wish so there will be a cost and the metric we're going to use is the wish for a billion Jenny Jenny of course being the fictional currency that correlates pretty much one to one with the Japanese Yen and the exchange rate of a billion yen is approximately 6 million 6732 129 so to make that wish a reality cost the lives of 67 people the poor zelic servant yasua her lover and 65 other people that were closest to her as in spent the most time with her over her life not close as in proximity which is an important distinction in fact the zelic family are very lucky that they adopt an antisocial policy with most servants because this could have ended up taking some of them out also they say that it killed 67 people that we know of implying that there could have been more but we're going to stick to 67 which means that according to nanuka a single human life is worth approximately $9,600 so basically what we need to do from here is figure out maro's net worth marm is of course the ant dictator of escotto meaning that he has complete control over all of its resources and its 5 million inhabitants now eoro is not particularly subtly based on North Korea which has a gross domestic product of around $8 billion US and as the dictator of fictional North Korea we're going to say that maroom is worth at least that so if we divide that 18 billion by the average worth of a human life the answer we come to is that a wish to kill the ant king maram would cost 18,720 lives which is honestly a lot less than I thought it would be however this is a conservative estimate because maro's value can't necessarily be Quantified by net worth alone it may Al take his strength into account maybe there's even a cper or a system involved or maybe it even takes his potential future into account but with that in mind I think the hunter Association got a bit of a bargain taking marow wham's life at the cost of one chairman it was either that or at least 180,000 humans or in the worst case all of humanity however if it was a command then none of that matters because command granting is the single most broken ability in Hunter Hunter
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 115,851
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: newworldreview
Id: Jy6qGBhEl0Q
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 27 2023
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