10 Wild Facts About Killua You Didn't Know!

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hello and welcome to the new world review your source for everything anime and manga my name is liam and my dog is a decorated war veteran is yours but today we're here to discuss my personal favorite hunt hunt character mr killer zoldick as we are here to present 10 fun facts about killer that you did not know and if you did i don't care because they're still gonna be fun and it's all going to begin with a quick round of kilauea or killuna a very simple minigame the rules of which are as follows you have been targeted by a member of the zodiac family one of three deadly assassins has been sent to kill you until you die and it's going to be your job to guess which one it is should you guess incorrectly then your postmortem punishment will be to subscribe to the new order view thus resulting in consistent injections of hunter-based culture administered directly into your youtube feed and if you are correct then the assassin in question will give you a delicious chocolate prior to ending your time in this world so which zeldik will it be a b or the third one make your choice now and we shall reveal the answer in three two one and bam it was kaluto so very much a kiluna but if you guessed incorrectly then you know the thing to do and please do say hi in the comments below if you are a new member of the association welcome but let's begin with killer fun fact number the first which is that he is a very special boy of every zoldic family member kilauea for uh well for some reason is the only one who was never taught nina as a child which is particularly odd because his younger brother kalito was practically a nan master by the age of 10 meanwhile killua was only introduced to nen at the age of 12 and not by his family in fact he'd never even heard the word before sure he'd experience various forms of den like killemy's brainwashing but he still had no idea exactly what it was with that said a complete lack of proficiency in the only power system available in series did very little to stop killer from developing his own series of highly deadly techniques the most obvious of which is the rhythm echo which is a bit of a zeldik family staple but in a more unique capacity killer also somehow gained access to the ability to morph his hands into claws which theoretically could be use of nen because we have seen similar effects achieved via basic enhancement however killer has been confirmed not to have been an end user at all during the time of the hunter exam and when i say confirmed i mean that look it was stated in a data book which take that for what you will but it has led to a very intriguing theory that kilwa may not be completely human and that he may in fact possess dna of a magical beast and as for the technicalities of how such a thing could happen look it's not something i'd necessarily put past the zoldicks maybe silva spliced his man juice with some beast juice flung to the wad inside the baby oven that is kikio and nine months later bam you have a freshly baked killer fully equipped with some sort of feline based capabilities it's either that or togashi hadn't created an end during the hunter exam which well come to think of it as probably far more likely with that in mind though we moved to kill a fun fact number two which is that weirdly enough he is the only licensed hunter in the series who lacks a target which is problematic because it immediately breaks the very first hunt of bylaw which is hunters must always be on the hunt for something and this even applies to rookie hunters gone was hunting his father karapika was hunting the eyes of his clan and laeria was hunting for some sweet sweet dollar-y dues but killua for the bulk of the series didn't have a goal at all he was just sort of coasting through life letting the waves of gone guide him to wherever and i think that's rather ironically reflected in the results of the hunter exam kilauea being the only one of the living final contestants to fail the exam is quite appropriate given that he was the only one there without a purpose i mean even illumi had a purpose he needed the license to do a particular job or perhaps even jobs plural the killer's whole reasoning for taking the exam was to have fun and fair enough he probably would have passed if it wasn't for all of the brainwashing shenanigans but it still fits and you know what else fits everything killer wears in the 2011 anime because that boy changes outfits a lot i don't know where he gets these clothes or even where he finds the time for the sheer magnitude of shopping involved but he certainly does make an effort which is very contrary to his manga counterpart who makes significantly less effort in the manga killer's sense of style is more akin to gonz he changes outfits maybe once an arc and it's always something plain and practical so much so that it's very difficult to tell if he's even changed at all if you are not paying very close attention and it's interesting because it seems like such a such a superfluous change but it is part of a much greater shift for killer during the entirety of the 2011 anime because killer fun fact number four is that he was much much much much and i mean much darker in the manga during the dawn of hunter hunter killua was presented as a character who i would more closely compare to hisoka than i would gone killua was a brutal being who would kill or not kill depending entirely on how he felt at the time now to be fair a lot of this is retained in the 2011 version just not shown to us nearly as explicitly a great example would be when killer ripped out the heart of that guy jonas i think his name was in the manga the reader is subjected to a very raw experience of seeing the heart as well as killer proceeding to crush it mercilessly however in the 2011 anime killer holds a sack that resembles honestly it looks a bit scrotum-like if you ask me but then he returns the heart to the dying dude guy which is similarly brutal in psychological nature but one is significantly more visceral and we can see this difference quite clearly in regards to his relationship with gone as well in the manga killer is far less of a light-hearted instant bff and much more of a very driven rival at least during the hunter exam anyway and in fact a lot of killer's character really does become portrayed as a bit of a less horny hisoka is what i could sum him up as and this continues throughout the manga with killua's change being quite slow however the anime enjoyed a suite of options to speed this growth up one of which was the aforementioned outfit changes to lighten the character but there were also all sorts of other elements like giving him the comical addiction to chocolate also in the end the manga kind of retconned itself when it was revealed that kilauea's initially brutal persona was entirely the fault of vilemi's brainwashing and that our young kill boy had been a sweet lad on the inside all along in reality though this leads us quite nicely to our next fun fact where we get to bring you hakusho into the mix the original incarnation of kilauea is quite blatantly based on the archetype togashi created with the character of hie specifically with elements such as having both them gone through a torturific childhood both being remorseless killers and both have a bias towards using sharp things to do said killing and in fact both killua and hie are the last members to join their respective protagonistic quartets but even though kilauea would go on to evolve into his own character the similarities to hie in no way stopped there specifically in regards to their abilities which are both elemental based and the fact that they both have younger sisters of whom they are extremely protective in fact a huge part of here's driving new hawk show was his journey to find his sister and when it comes down to it that was more or less killer's slightly more convoluted journey as well plus the most important similarity of all which is that here was something of a popularity demon comfortably winning both official you heart show character polls an achievement that kilauea would go on to not only equal but surpass as killua has won all three officially conducted hunter hunter character polls and the interesting thing is that fans were asked why they love kilauea so much and many of them responded by saying that they wanted to adopt him as a little brother but really it should be no surprise that killwell landed in this position after the four protagonists of fontanta were modeled so strongly after the quartet of yu hakusho in fact were it not for leorio's fading relevance as the series went on and when i say went on i mean pretty much from the very beginning everything would have played out exactly the same in terms of polling instead though fourth place in the hunt hunter polls always changed having once been held by hisoka another time by crollow and in the final poll the fourth place position was taken by kite but now birthdays kilauea was born on the 7th of july which seems like a rather insignificant date to us uncultured western swine however this happens to be a day celebrating tanabata in japan also known as the star festival this event is designed to celebrate the meeting of the deities orihime and hikoboshi two lover type things who were separated across the literal universe and only allowed to meet on one day a year obviously being the 7th of july and this is significant because it ties into killua in a number of different ways the story of orihime and hikoboshi can be very easily applied tequila's meeting with gon and the rather intense friendship that would develop before their ultimate separation alternatively it could also apply to alaka and killer's for separation either way it wasn't just some randomly chosen date unless you watch the 1999 anime in which case it kind of was where for some reason killer's birthday is arbitrarily stated to be the 15th of june a day when nothing particularly special happens whatsoever but the 1999 anime makes a lot of a lot of weird addendums to kilauea which is very much our next fact 1999 kilowatt is weird so one thing we've already experienced in the fun facts about gone video is that killua is something of an adult film connoisseur by the very curious age of 12 killer had been in a lot of cheap hotels which i don't know why for reasons i suppose i mean kids go to sleep somewhere but as such he is quite familiar with the adult film menu and even invited gone to watch one with him on this one non-canon occasion however this was but one of many changes and some of killua's other interesting hobbies during 1999 include drinking tea hating red peppers being slapped by seemingly every woman in the series not knowing how to write properly and of course kilauea enjoys exploring cockpits which i'm sure is not a euphemism for anything other than dead but this killer seems so full of interesting character choices and like his fashion sense in the 2011 series i imagine that these quirks were employed to make killer into a more fun and identifiable character to very much preempt where he would eventually end up in the manga and make him less like a less like a ruthless murderbot although to be fair he does still seem like a bit of a robot with some of his net abilities specifically with godspeed which is often misinterpreted as a single ability but it is in fact two which is twice as many as one the first of which being whirlwind which essentially allows killer to program his aura to bypass his nervous system thus allowing him to produce automatic reactions to seemingly any stimuli at shockingly high speeds in fact there are only two characters in the series who have been seen to surpass the speed of whirlwind who would be netro and meruem because even the chimera and royal guard were outclassed by whirlwind in terms of sheer speed alone it's quite comparative to shao knox ultimate nen ability where he ends up manipulating himself by rather ironically losing all control whereas the second application of god speed is more of a 50 50 endeavor it increases killer's response times but he retains control of his actions thus making him significantly slower overall but still insanely quick compared to your average net user or average than average anybody really but to put that speed into some tangible perspective apparently killerwork can run at approximately 240 kilometers per hour and that is on unfavorable terrain which actually makes him faster than the top speed of most average cars which is pretty wild for a lesser application also wild is ireland hello ireland you are home to killer fun fact number 10 which is that you contain a building literally named killua castle and this is one of the coolest things i've ever discovered and it really makes me want to visit ireland just to see this very coincidentally named castle although i should point out that the castle is in the republic of ireland which is different from northern ireland for reasons that the irish don't particularly like talking about so i guess my message to northern ireland is that look if you guys want to keep up you should probably go ahead and create a gone castle simply so that hunter hunter fans have a reason to visit both islands however you need no reason to visit this next video because there's always more to learn explore and experience with this wonderful series so i look forward to seeing you there
Channel: NewWorldReview
Views: 302,901
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Keywords: newworldreview
Id: OeAtvSPHtow
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Length: 11min 42sec (702 seconds)
Published: Tue Dec 28 2021
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