What is Evangelism? Evangelist Reinhard Bonnke

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[Applause] and my PR are you behind me okay Andrew called be ready already for 1314 years at my side it's not amazing yeah he's the true man of God I'm so happy to see taught here and and dr. Crandall and and oh yes we are all special we are all special in Jesus name I just want to share my heart with you and that is about winning the last because this is a school of evangelism I'm so glad that the Lord sent Daniel kolenda to lead this ministry so successfully and for the mighty harvest of souls that is ongoing I am very very very glad so I see how God can connect from generation to generation and he always known I just read the last few days I read I read the first Kings second Kings how they were good Kings and bad kings and if there was a bad king that was not the end of the world they came the next one and there was he was good and then another bad one but God always stuck to his true man isn't that so he makes them pop up and takes them from anywhere and brings them always so that his word prophetic word for dunya the King Daniel David rather sorry sorry Daniel you have promoted you King David were fulfilled God is the full filler of his own word and he is the maker of his own men and women he says come and follow me and I will make you it's not a university although I'm not against education because it's not an advantage to be stupid learn as much as you can but not don't learn if the fire goes out then you are sitting at the wrong school this is this is what shall I say this is a fireplace let's be the name of the Lord let me start with Genesis because I want to show you the context of evangelism and God's heart for winning the lost when God showed that to me it was to me like a revelation I had never had it was when God created Adam and Eve first Adam and then just give me a second by the way I would like to also welcome all my facebook people who are watching us live here now yes god bless you I'm so glad that you are watching and I believe the Holy Spirit will speak to you as he speaks to us and distance is no problem because the Holy Spirit is everywhere at the same time so record it and share it with other Christians this is a class on evangelism amen God created the world in six days Trevor I have forgotten you you sit right here in front Trevor Sampson from South Africa he is a great great international musician with his wife Patricia I I love and honor you in the Lord thank you so much for coming God created the world in six days and after six days he saw that everything was very good very good very good very good only one thing that wasn't good and that was that Adam had no wife okay are you hearing me that was the only thing that wasn't good and that was corrected so Adam and Eve now in the Garden of Eden the Lord celebrated his day of rest also called Sabbath God had his Sabbath rest did not mean that he was exhausted God is never exhausted he's Almighty is Almighty some people think they have to pray but to help God but I cannot show you God is almighty without your assistance isn't it when he wants us to pray is that he wants to connect us with his plans I will be done your kingdom come I don't want to lose my red friend now I could go off like a rocket and every time and so the Lord rested from all his works it says I make it I just paraphrase and make a short cut suddenly a cry from the garden a cry of distress it was on the Lord Sabbath a cry of distress the Lord didn't call Gabriel the Archangel and say Gabriel I just heard the cry from the garden go and tell Adam and Eve I have my day off I celebrate my Sabbath did he do that no he didn't do that but he arose and he was shouting the question Adam where are you I think it must have frightened the Angels God asking a question Adam where are you and this is the center point the center point is that as long as there is lost soul Sabbath on those of us God cannot do nothing he's got to act he's got to rise he's got to save Adam where are you I think without question God might have asked this Adam if you can think you can be without me I cannot be without you God cannot be without us and what started the search started already in Genesis going through the whole Bible you go through war sia for instance God says Ephraim I cannot give you up my heart shines in me I cannot give you out that's what God speaks we may be able to give him up we think he cannot give us up give me my son my daughter your heart and then write through Scripture go I saya go right through Scripture and everywhere you will find the seeking God religion normally means in this world other religions that man seeks God only in Christianity six land have you ever thought about that God seeks man he has sought us and here we are I would like to learn more about the seeking God some people told me and others in their testimony saying I found the Lord I found the Lord come on you did not find the Lord because the Lord was never lost he found you he is the seeker hallelujah and we seek with him and then he alone saves that's what it is we are seeking with him he is a savior glory to God and then we come into the New Testament in the Old Testament we read respectfully and I love it very much God says Israel I have loved Israel Israel Israel Israel I have loved now we open the New Testament suddenly a new word appears a new word the word world world for God so loved the world oh the Jews thought they were exclusively loved by God they could not imagine the Messiah with foreign sheep I can imagine because the word world comes in go into all the world whosoever believes in Me shall not perish you know that word whosoever is the greatest word in the Bible it has delivered humanity's from all slavery has emancipated us has given us freedom from oppressors tyrants and devils in Jesus name I am whosoever who else is also ever me man world and then we come to Luke chapter 19 and there it says the Son of man has come Jesus says to seek and to save the Lost seeking the same seeking God from Genesis right through to Revelation 3 verse 20 behold I stand at the door and knock if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come into him you see he wants to come in into us to fulfill his original plan with Adam and Eve Adam was the first man failed so gods write it again he took another man Abraham Abraham the father our father of faith we are connected with this word of the Old Testament we are engrafted in that stump we are profiting from the Old Testament which Jesus fulfilled for us and now we are in the New Covenant this is the New Covenant in his blood amen the New Covenant in his blood the older one is fulfilled and we are now floating and rejoicing and working and praising the Lord in the New Covenant it's not wonderful so we have a seeking God we have a seeking God he's six and we were all found that is but my understanding it's it's the greatest context it's the greatest context there are other facets there are lots of facets the thing you know this is so intimately and intuitively connected with Calvary and with the with the sacrifice of the Lamb of God that it is so century don't underestimate evangelism the Great Commission preach the gospel to those who don't know it who don't know it I met evangelists and I never would have thought there were evangelists because they they had a mom-and-pop ministry they went to churches and had a jolly good time I'm not looking down on them please don't get me wrong but no one got safe because they were already all saved and if you want to if you want an evangelist to save you must avenge Alyss to be effective you must force them to preach to those who are already saved then he is a failure so we are not just here to have a revival now and again for us to lose now five Gnawa we make contact we make cold contact with those who are without Jesus mattes or preaching the gospel means and that is what witnessing means I've written a few notes here just to prompt my old brain an evangelist please listen and I hope you will get the tape and listen to it again and again and again it needs to be compact of you you know part of you I have lived my life at the foot of the cross let me just quickly push that in I've lived my life long over at the foot of the cross and you know what I found that tree on which Jesus hung become to bloom revelations here revelations there the book times you spend at that cross the more precious it becomes it overwhelms all other truths behold the lamb of God which takes away the sin of the world business people they live with their business idea and it begins to bloom except that there is no fruit but if we see how the cross of Calvary blooms it is eternal fruit it's revelation that will that will knock you out of bed in Jesus name an evangelist what is now an evangelist an evangelist please remember this an evangelist is an opportunist he doesn't wait for opportunities he creates them see don't sit at home and say when is the phone ringing when this the angel coming to tell me that Jesus is still doing miracles Jesus doesn't sit with sinners [Applause] he doesn't sleep with sleepers but he goes with goers and t6 will seek us hey man so an evangelist is an opportunist he doesn't wait for opportunities he creates them he doesn't strike the iron while it is hot he strikes the iron until it is hot keep striking it's not hot and glowing when you strike once keep striking and striking and striking and you will win do you hear me you're so quiet next thing is this an evangelist doesn't have a glory party when the walls of Jericho fall that's of course a mighty demonstration of divine power and there is absolutely nothing to say nothing else to say about it it's awesome when those walls fell I would have left to witness it but the Evangelist is not satisfied with the fall of the wall what does he do before he starts celebrating he crawls over the rubble of the wall sword in hand and clears every street and every house of the enemies hold hallelujah and then the last enemy is out that is the time to celebrate halleluyah halleluyah [Applause] don't forget that we celebrate sometimes when we just have caught a mouse we need to get the devil out in Jesus name hallelujah another thing about evangelism I heard it say we have to protect the gospel we have to protect the gospel because there are so many who attacked the gospel so we have to defend defend I know the word defend or is in in scripture but not in this sense the opposite is true and what is the opposite we do not defend the gospel with razor wire to keep the people away from it because we have to protect its genuineness its truth and all that the gospel is best defended when it is exposed to its enemies that is the best why because the gospel knows through the Spirit of God how to tackle those enemies hallelujah and only when the gospel is preached really preached enemies of God become the Friends of God is not true oh I love the Word of God I tell you I love the Word of God I love the Word of God let me say something more about this I take the liberty to do so we've Angelus I'm not just at home some are it's also wonderful as the Lord leads you and the Holy Spirit places you okay I I look down on nobody nobody if you have the word of god and the holy spirit in your heart i tell you what you are even if you don't have many numbers to count you are an ambassador of the heavenly crowd [Applause] anyone who speaks the gospel even if it is here and there is worth more than those who have got all have got the whole i've got titles like the whole alphabet behind their name those titles are not transferable to eternity I'm telling you but you know I'm not against education that is important for me that you know that here especially in Germany I hear people say look we're religions or many religions here and we are all the same not religion is the same that is the same that is the same and Christianity is also the same it just came to me last week I never thought about it must have been the Holy Spirit and then I suddenly knew why they could say that the Bible says Jesus is above all therefore God has highly exalted him and given him a name above every name that at the name of Jesus every knee shall bow every tongue confess that Jesus Christ is Lord to the glory of God the Father so he is the pinnacle of all pinnacles right that's what the Bible is so now people change things they want to bring Jesus down they have got to lower him all they say no that this story with with the virgin birth know in those days the people have no idea about those things can you imagine that I can't oh no the miracles are not true no the miracles they are all scientifically explainable and then they say oh there was a place where the children of Israel walked through the Red Sea because there was a bank under the water but they forgot that minutes later old Pharaoh's army drowned in it it's all nonsense but they can you see they're lower just under the Christians Thunder and suddenly Christianity is a level with all the other religions and then they said look we are all Christianity this I don't know whether I can say that word I say just to you Christianity will never become a junk religion never because God is on the throne and Satan is under our feet hallelujah I heard somebody say that Jesus crushed the head of the serpent at the cross and since the days Satan suffers brain damage [Laughter] well I don't know whether that is so but I believe and I know for sure that he is conquered wonderful name of Jesus amen hallelujah hallelujah blessed be the name of the Lord evangelism is good news not called doctrine ok evangelism is a finger pointing to the living Jesus that's what evangelism it's always Jesus it's always Jesus believe me I say to you and I pray that you may never ever forget it the Holy Spirit will only bless what you say about Jesus he cannot bless anything else he is committed to bless what they say about Jesus he's not going to bless us to prove what wonderful education we have what wonderful oratory and rhetoric we have it's all nonsense preach Jesus Philip or Philopator said he preached Jesus and that is what has followed me my whole life and I told my wife if I ever have a great stone and we like these three words on the two he preached Jesus he preached Jesus that's for me the most it's it's it's beyond everything hallelujah he alone is worthy for he alone is worthy for he alone is worthy it's good news it's glad news not Matt news so don't insult the people don't insult the people when I preach the gospel I don't major on sin III will always talk about it because that is where the problem lies in the hearts of people but don't describe it but it becomes a lustful thing number one and number two don't have other people don't have other people and say you are a terrible sinner because of this and this and this and this how terrible these sins our sins are terrible but sins are no problem to God because Jesus died to solve that problem that those problems are solved are solvable instantly if somebody receives Jesus and the blood of Jesus washes us from all sins imagine so what are you arguing about when I preach the gospel I don't change people I don't want them to close their Rolo's you understand what I mean what is it here the shades I don't want to close the shades that their shades go down and say oh he's one of them I don't have a I don't have a man message I have a GLAAD message I want to bring them to Jesus and Jesus will know what he what he must do in order to solve those problems amen you get that point Jesus didn't come to shame us he came to save sinners you can write that down I don't forget to pull me [Laughter] no no I'm not after that at all because I preach the gospel and who has a copyright for the gospel you have to has a copyright for the gospel that dawned on me once I said the copyright of this book I have written and the royalties belong to the king who hung on that cross I'm not looking for royalties I'm looking for fruit fruit eternal fruit so it's not money I'm not saying that I would like some you know we all need some but what I'm saying is when it comes to the cross we better give all the glory to Jesus Christ we are in a battle and when our country is at war you have emergency laws you know you have emergency laws what belong to you until today doesn't belong to you tomorrow it's confiscated for work purposes for war purposes that's normally the rule we are in a war we are in a spiritual war and we cannot finance it with spare pennies why not because we have got to win souls and not money we have to spend to save a man we have to spend to save from our substance not just from our overflow and the Lord will bless us he will bless us I'm absolutely sure glory to God are you benefiting amen amen I'm not done at all another thing evangelism is never alone or lonely effort never Jesus is with us and so is the Holy Spirit and we are along with other allies known or unknown maybe even Angels but one thing is I would like you to hear some people think they had this idea that people should be saved all the love the true salvations plan over the grace that brought Adam to man all the mighty Gulf that God did spun at Calvary God is not joining our plans we are joining his plan he is not just depending on us he has makes the greatest effort for heaven to be full and to be empty and this is what we do when we preach the gospel you may know that line of mine plundering hell to populate heaven amen it's a transfer from lostness to being saved forever amen and that's my evangelism is a holy compulsion it's a holy compulsion it's not what we just do now oh yes it's time to go now once a month or what to go from house to house or have an open-air meeting or what it's all fine if you do that at least once a month but I'll tell you when it's a compulsion and understand the word compulsion you can't you can just consider you can't sit you've got to get up like I saya what I like about Isaiah is this he overheard two persons the Trinity speaking to each other we know who they were whom shall I send and who will go for us and as I heard it in the temple when as I I heard that I think if I have been as I am may God forbid me I would have said Lord what do you have in mind Isaiah never asked he had the ability to hear from the throne of God right here are you hearing the voice of the Good Shepherd he heard it what did he do he jumped up this is how I see him in front of me he summed up tears were streaming out of his eyes he threw up his arms and he cried here am i Lord sent me father whether he was qualified or not he knew one thing if God involves me involves me in his plan he will make it possible for me to be successful hallelujah Here I am is all we say and then you must go but as long as you sit at home on an wonderful easy chair with your little card to stroke we have won ourselves his name is Felix let me tell you this the Jesus pulled us out of a pit and saved us but he will not pull us out of an easy-chair to go and preach the gospel do you get that he will not force us whosoever will is his word whosoever another whosoever oh lord help us help us to get going knowing that you will go with us in Jesus name Amen hallelujah hallelujah well let me jump a couple of things here because I've got too many the church and evangelism are closely knit together is what I want to tell you I already said Oh from the beginning my desire and heart wish is not to shovel people together to have tens of thousands or even a hundred thousand or two hundred thousand Travel them together from all the churches and then take nice pictures and films and say look this is my ministry but is not so we if we just Minister conference style and edify God's people it's good what I'm speaking to those who are who have a desire to preach the gospel to see us to send us do you hear me how many of you have a burning in your hearts to preach the gospel to see that then we are here at the right place amen we are here at the right place glory to God what a mighty God we serve some people say that true evangelism is only done one on one hand picked fruit I agree it may be the best but what about the rest unpicked how much is left I think one on one is excellent but one to a thousand is also excellent we can bring in more people under the influence of this glorious gospel the Holy Spirit working in so many more hearts at the same time you see in the New Testament we don't have techniques how to preach the gospel we have principles and principles are adaptable in different parts of the world you cannot plan pineapple in North Canada won't grow there it's too cold you see so this is all the same globe and we have to very that is successful there that is successful here there are certain methods that are successful everywhere but don't just hammer it down to one miss to one technique I love everyone who is witness everyone who wins the souls for Jesus I tell you you have done much much more than then President Obama yes it's eternal it's eternal it's an eternal miracle I mean I respect our president and I thank God for our government I'm not a politician we ought to pray for them but I say with respect kingdoms come and go and God's kingdom is the only one that is eternal anything here on earth one day is going to become ashes I don't want to invest my life in ashes when that was a youngster my father said Reinhard what do you want to do with your life It was as if a film passed my eyes I thought what if I became a rich man but you know I Hearst has no hearse there's no trailer whatever I became the most educated man degrees are fine but they are not transferable to Eternity and suddenly he gripped me and it followed me my whole life and my father said again write not what do you want to do with your life I said dad I want to use my mortal hands to build God's eternal Kingdom I want to use my mortal lips to preach the eternal gospel and I tell you that will stand above all asses and will enjoy all times and eternity are you saying Amen hallelujah we've got to be serious serious serious about it in Jesus name evangelism is preaching of the word by the word preach the word preach the word for God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son I've already quoted that amen some people said to me I like you because you are so passionate you're so passionate you know I sometimes I've cracked pulpits [Music] but they were not as sturdy as this one it was just ordinary glass with window glass you know and there you don't you don't do this I'm not a revivalist I'm an evangelist the title revivalist is not found in Scripture so don't add something it's not Scripture it's just not there show me it's not there I'm not ashamed to be an evangelist when I first came to South Africa as a missionary from Germany with my wife and our baby boy at that time I have lots of of things that were totally new to me we're totally new to me I couldn't agree with and when I've preached for the first time to African people in the location the man under whom I was he's a writer this is the first time for you to preach it I said thank you very much and I preached you know I mean I preached gee the Holy Spirit was there afterwards my superior came to me South African superior came to me and said you have made grave mistakes I said what have I done he said you called the black people brothers and sisters I said what must I call them he said men say means people well man nervous I said I want you to know one thing if God doesn't make us the gospel doesn't make us brothers and sisters in Christ i no more want to preach it and he said you made another grave mistake say what was that you shook their hands what no you can't shake their hands no we do not we do not follow such political flows we are we stand on the truth of the word of God which will abide forever on Christ the solid rock I stand all other grounds are sinking sand we are the family of God hallelujah and that's what I continue to do then we I went to listen to that was a non apartheid country and there I really came to love the African people not honey we lift the door-to-door horse little boy he was the first the only white little fellow in in this school there and so on but he have learn to sue too and I didn't so I called him and I need somebody for small talk they said to me must go two years to a language school I said I have no time I once get so saved III I rented an an interpreter at four or five meetings per day he said to me I've never worked that hard my whole life I need a raise he did so I was amazed I thought he did it for the love of God no no I paid him something but he wanted more I just want you to know one thing stick to the Word of God even if it brings prosecution we stick to the Word of God that every man be a liar but this is the truth amen hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah glory to God in the highest if faith doesn't push us into action our faith is worthless I say it again if faith doesn't push us into action our faith is worthless faith is always action we always take the first step and say went forth that is mark 16 verse 20 and they went forth and the Lord following them it means they took the first step and the Lord followed their steps and used accompanying signs and wonders and and authenticated the word that his apostles preached you see Luke five verse three Luke five verse three I want to read it to you look Pfeiffer's 3 I hope it is right it is the right thing yes then Jesus got into one of the boats which was Simons and asked him to put out a little from the land and he sat down in the boat and taught the multitudes from the boat Jesus was surrounded by people they nearly pushed him into the water so there were these fishermen with their boats and he said come on boys he stepped into the boat and asked Peter and John and the others he said to them push the boat out push the boat out and they did that and then Jesus sat down in the boat spoke to the people with a loudspeaker because the water is the loudspeaker in case you didn't know he taught them and suddenly it struck me if you want God to move you've got to push the boat in which Jesus is push it out and then Jesus will speak through the Spirit of God [Applause] hallelujah glory to God we have to push the boat push push push push push God is doing a lot but he won't do what he told us to do see say Lord let the people get saved the Lord says Wow I wait for you to preach to speak the world speak it speak it don't wait for me I wait for you since Pentecost the traffic light switched from red to green do we know what green is it means first it means go in Jesus mighty name my time is up I see let me tell you one more story if I may there are sometimes very rough times in our lives the times we don't like I was a missionary in Lesotho actually I was not a missionary in the ordinary sense I was an evangelist I didn't like administration I still don't like it that you can always hire an account yeah so I want to say to every account you don't don't shut your pencil too much sharpen your sword a man we need swords in our job the sword of the Spirit it's sort of the Word of God is the Spirit of God amen so I was always preaching the gospel they said to me I was twelve ministry they say he is nobody to administrate I've got the first to get the people saved so I have the piano accordion and I started went to the bus stop where many people gathered there and I played Laura Tula just solium ikot saw the love of Jesus is wonderful I remember I still remember and people got saved people got safe keep it safe and then the Lord showed me the vision of a blood washed Africa I saw the continent of Africa be getting washed with the precious blood of Jesus and I heard the voice of the Holy Spirit shout Africa shall be saved you may know that so I wrote to my headquarters in Germany actually and said I would like to I would like to change my work and go as an evangelist I want to go from Cape Town to Cairo because I've seen blood washed Africa they said no no circumstances and I know circumstances you stay there and be humble like your other colleagues I said I I don't mind I don't mind to be humble but I can't be that humble that I can't do I can't be that humble not to obey God and it was a battle uneven no it nearly pulled me to pieces I wanted to be a loyal missionary to my church but I wanted to get salt saved because I know every soul let's inhale is one so more in heaven and they wouldn't let go they came to visit me from Germany to talk me around and they left and I said no I have learnt nothing I still want to be a mission I still want to be an evangelist and it was this to and fro and to and fro and it was heartbreaking and it was what shall I say at splitting and then one day I said to my wife I'm going to a hotel book in there just to fast and pray no menu cost just fast and pray I got into that rendezvous Hotel I closed the door I fell on my knees and I said Lord you have heard everything that was said you have read every document and every letter you know the old story I don't need to tell you anyway tell me what I want to say do now I don't want to be a rebel in the church and suddenly I had told his spirit speak and you know what he said he said Rinehart if you drop the vision I gave you for a blood washed Africa I have to drop you to look for somebody else who will do it I started to shake I started to shake I cried out and I said O Lord don't let me fall I don't want to fall into the hands of man I want to fall into your hands and to what you told me to do I went home half an hour later small bills I said yeah I didn't even need to fast I got the answer so where's my typewriter in those days we had typewriters i sat there and I typed my resignation I read I said look at this agree with it you agree with it she said yes I put my autograph under it put it in an envelope put the stuff on it it was already late I said where are you going I said to the main post office I send it off now all done in such a short time and if I had chosen to be loyal to those precious brothers there are precious brothers we would not have seen 78 million people what did you say to that do so sports I felt so breathless in a way I was just on fire through the Holy Spirit on fire for the Holy Spirit and if you are in such a situation it is better to obey God than to obey man but all this God in front if you are sure only if you are swore if you are sure some people think they are sure so God doesn't mind if you make a test I don't like the Swiss business you know the making fleeces in the end the devil fleeces you you don't even know what fleece is now that's its King James oh we don't go by human by consulting flesh and blood we are going by the Word of God which is forever true hallelujah amen I'm exploding do you want to pray come on Chauncey adorable about co-monomers zambia we worship you dear Lord we worship you we worship you dear Lord we worship you the world Oh hallelujah hallelujah let the eternal flame land on everyone never to be extinguished in Jesus mighty name in Jesus mighty name hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah praise God oh here you are come on do you guys appreciate evangelist bumpy I think I say for everyone I see thank you we love you will you do how about we already had a wedding today how about a baby dedication all of all of my kids have either been baptized or dedicated by pastor bunky and so I asked him this morning since it's becoming more and more rare that we're all together if he would pray and didn't thank you right after that wonderful wonderful let the children come unto me is what Jesus said for such is the kingdom of heaven is glory to God Lord I want to thank you for little Benjy Benjamin we want to thank you for this beautiful child that you have given to Rebecca and Daniel it's part of the call end of family Lord I want to thank you for this godly family for the servant of yours and at the front line of building your kingdom and winning millions for Christ we bless him and his dear mom and we bless this little boy Lord I bless Benjamin with the blessing of Abraham with the blessing of the Lord with the blessing of the Apostle Paul and all those early Christians and I pray Lord that he may grow up as a man of God and other another evangelists in the world Oh hallelujah I pray that you may surround him from all sides yes that you may keep him safe and healthy and let him grow in the knowledge of your word and in in the Holy Spirit I thank you Lord Jesus that you have given to him as such as a man a future man of God in Jesus name and you will anoint his lips and he will preach to millions of people in Jesus name [Applause] god bless you come on put your hands together one more time for basketball [Applause] you
Channel: Your Living Manna
Views: 110,725
Rating: 4.8517814 out of 5
Keywords: Christian, Sermon, Testimony, Pentecostal, Kerala, India, Israel, Jesus, Holy, Spirit, Spiritual, yourlivingmanna, livingmanna, Religion, Christ, Worship, Christianity, Inspirational, Lord, Ministry, Word, Yeshu, മലയാളം, ക്രിസ്തീയ, പാട്ട്, devotional, hymns, IPC, keralam, Malayalam, Songs, Gospel, Music, Devotional, Song, (Religion), (Deity), Bible, ആരാധനാ, പരിശുദ്ധാത്മാവു, ദൈവം, സുവിശേഷം, യേശു, കൃപ, വചനം, christian, faith, helpful, joy, life, love, peace, pray, prayer, praying, scripture
Id: DAag9_9LmVM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 25sec (4525 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 06 2019
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