Todd White - Pure and Holy (FREE MOVIE)

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[Music] hey guys it's Todd wait and I would like to take you on an adventure the normal Christian life of remaining pure and holy lifestyle Christianity is the life of Christ and Christ is pure it's the anointing and we are called Christians little anointed ones there's a lot of false teaching that's crept into the body of Christ hyper grace is one of them and it teaches that even after being born again you can continue living in sin let me tell you God is not impressed with sin ever Jesus never tried to sin and get away with it and if we want to be imitators of Christ we'll have to stop living that lifestyle of sin and instead we'll have to cultivate and build a relationship with a spirit who is called holy I believe that we can bring the reality of the Christian life to the place where it originally began living our lives like the disciples of the book of Acts it is such an amazing privilege to represent Jesus we can't afford to misrepresent him in a place of hyper grace that says we can sin and get away with it let's take a look and get into this we stopped in Paris and went to Cabaret they took this gentlemen's nightclub where respectable people go to do not respectful things married men go there's a look at women in this very place you've got women dancing half-naked if not naked so we get there and you see the army walking around you see guys with guns like in the streets patrolling this was you know it's a very high-risk place because Paris is becoming high-risk and the snipers were on the roof this place never ever the gospel has been gratefully said for years that is the most well known place in Paris people are coming from everybody just have in the front of the building to be here 400 years that place has been there and the gospel had never been preached there so this was historic for Paris and it went all over the place that oh my gosh the gospel is being preached in the Cabaret all places there's two open it's crazy what's happening in Europe so you ever seen it before [Music] I'm no longer a slave to fear yes I am a child of God I'm no longer a slave to fear [Applause] [Music] God if you show me who I am I will live before you all the days of my life Jesus I want to know you the saintly me let this book to Spain [Music] being in the country that is zero point whatever Christian I thought it was pretty amazing to see the hunger of a people come together and so for me personally I thought that that was amazing because the residue of the presence of God will remain in that place I wanted to announce the reality of the conviction of men that are coming in there for the wrong things actually them being convicted and that club actually ending up shutting down and turning into a place where Jesus can reign from I was up there in my room yesterday God spoke to me about playing guitar not worshiping so that when these girls come in to get dressed in pretty themselves up they get wrecked by the presence of gods that we left in the building this is a lot of Christians out there that would say well yeah that's a gentlemen's nightclub you know it's a it's a good place to go and go and witness well the danger is that it says all things are permissible but not all things are beneficial or it says to avoid the appearance of evil and so if I'm going there while the girls are dancing and I'm going there to do that I think that's a really dangerous place to be and that there's Christians that they kind of push that line and they they they push a little further a little further a little further and all of a sudden they sear their conscience and they shipwreck their faith and it's really important that we will be really strong in our heart to go into a place like that now when we would did this event it wasn't it wasn't when it was actively doing there I mean actually the great part I just need to put that in there it's real important to me that we stay pure and stay separate from the world in it but not of it really just remain with this holiness inside of us and this reverence will offer God because these girls that are dancing or God's daughters we're in such a place in the body of Christ right now that people are calling good evil and evil good [Music] there's demonic doctrine out there that says you can do whatever you want it's grace hey back off and it's perverting the very truth of what godliness means I'd rather tell you now than you go to hell for believin it later do you know there's no condemnation for those that are in Christ Jesus watch this there's more who do not walk according to the flesh but according to the spirit the Bible says to cut off your hand every call sheet if it causes you to sin here's my question could your hand cause you to sin if your mind didn't tell it to could my hand make me sin without my mind thinking of thought to have it do it could the disconnect be here and not here the Bible says to be renewed in the spirit of my mind the Bible says don't be conformed to the world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind we have the mind of Christ could it be a lack of an understanding on what we really have see false gray slips in because there's no relationship there so I can still heal the sick and live in condemnation and live in twisted nough sand have a whole bunch of junk in my closet but if righteousness is pursued you can't even live with yourself living in that place and it's a violation to love and the love of God the perfect love of God casts out all fear here's where the fear is in that place the perfect love of God casts out all fear it says having boldness to approach the throne of grace in time of need and when's the last time you didn't need Jesus [Music] is it possible that there is a lack of a position in the body of Christ for this place and there is a huge place in the body of Christ for this place there is a place in the love of God to live in a constant place of repentance every day to where my conscience remains soft pure clean and holy they had a festival it's a carnival like a State Fair but it's a big huge beer festival talked to a bunch of people just about Jesus talked to some people stumbling around and drunk just as drunk this could be well I guess they could be more they can be passed out but it was pretty bad [Music] when we come to Christ there should be a real difference between your life and the people's lives around you that don't worship Jesus you do they don't grace is the divine inspiration of God upon the heart with his outward reflection of himself on your life I believe there should be a complete difference between us and war and I had an encounter with Jesus he done change my life forever [Music] [Music] it's a lot of Christians in here let's follow us to walk separate and come out from among people and and be separate [Music] like Jesus football [Music] I can't sit party and all that Jesus kept walking when we saw a guy in a wheelchair what we said what would it be possible if we could come and pray for you and so this guy's like now I'm ok then this kid with this gold jacket he comes up and he goes and he said where you from and I said I'm from Texas and he said I'm from Texas he's ignoring I shared my heart with him and he's like man that's amazing man you Blanken love Jesus man I blinkin love God we wanted him to get out of the wheelchair and he's got no God God wants to heal you this kid so it was kind of bringing him back to his roots after we prayed for this kid we prayed for him and I shared about the value of his life before God walking and fun and I said all these guys that you're with man all these guys are eternal bro they're either headed to heaven or hell you're walking before them every day let that matter you have the opportunity to represent Jesus let God convict your heart just kid put his sunglasses on and he's crying this is what he's created for and so the real conviction of God touched his heart he's like men thank you so much turn on the blank and love you when your heart gets changed when your heart's in surrender your language will change to my language shouldn't be like the language of people around me if I want them to know that Jesus is different like Jesus isn't the same as the world you know they said Jesus he's a glutton and a wine-bibber because he hung out with people that were gluttons and wine-bibber us that didn't mean that Jesus was plastered and then he was walking around drunk the whole time the Bible says don't be drunk don't be drunk with wine it says to be filled with the spirit and it says it being drunk and dissension it's not okay I'm not judging people telling you that there ought to be a difference between our life how can I witness to you if I'm gonna be drunk when I'm doing it that's not a witness Jesus isn't about being okay with being plastered it's not alright it says to be sober because your enemy files around like a roaring lion looking for whom he can devour and when you lower your conscience and you numb out your senses you actually forget what what's real and what's important and people's lives are important every day everybody that you get in front of new friends friend yeah right for me for my back yeah hold on oh my girlfriend have to say it from them can you break my verse Jesus [Music] my God is a consuming fire and he wants to let your heart on fire the blaze with him so she can run and not grow weary this is who God created you to be God's not mad any of you he loves you God wants all of your life not just some of it this is not incorporating Jesus time man people are dying and going to hell he's looking for disciples he's not looking for something that will just confess well yeah all right I say yesterday are you an imitator of God there's the life that you're living worth the price that he paid if I can walk this thing so commune I mean one of my major concerns is you know being being in the world but not of it you know and being like in Europe like over here drinking is something that is totally acceptable and it's cultural but in the end the Gospels it says don't be drunk yet yet I see people that drink and get drunk and say well use scriptures like Jesus got drunk or whatever just silly stuff when the truth is it says be sober cuz your enemy prowls around like a roaring lion looking for whom he can devour and it's something that we're not supposed to become unaware and when somebody gets drunk when somebody drinks it's not only a stumbling block to people around them but it also disables somebody's mind from being totally aware of what's going on and you let your guard down just for a second man and yet for an hour or whatever and it says to not just it says not just to get don't get drunk but it says avoid the appearance of evil so if I'm witnessing and sharing the gospel with people and they see me drinking in a bar or they see me drinking or doing that then what kind of a witness do I really have like before people like let's say I'm gonna witness to a Muslim and he sees me drinking with a bunch of Christians there's really no difference between my life and other people's lives when it says come out and be but he means separate in our heart but also separate with even the appearance of evil so it's really important to me that that we'd not look like the world man you know and this isn't a judgment thing so I want to be really careful and I want people to hear me on this I'm not judging somebody because they have a beer I just don't ever want to be a stumbling block for anybody so alcohol isn't happening in my life I don't drink wine even with communion and some Christians might be offended by that but I can drink grape juice and it can be the same thing and so I don't drink wine I don't bring beer it's a personal conviction of mine I've been asked sometimes by different people across Europe well this is our culture you must have a glass of wine and I said you're asking me I say you're asking me to violate my conscience for the sake of of your culture and I don't believe I'm supposed to sacrifice my my conscience on the altar of trying to be culturally you know trying to be relevant to a culture you know I lived when I first came to Christ I lived as a hypocrite for five and a half months drinking and partying and and all that and I had a really good friend I shared it last night I shared a bunch but I partied with this guy and told him how amazing Jesus was and I was in a band and he was my guitar player everybody else quit but he stayed and when I told him about Jesus and I lived like a hypocrite and this guy told me you know Jesus is real I believe in you I don't believe in this Jesus person your imaginary friend you know and then I lived real bad in front of him for five and a half months partying with him getting drunk with him still getting high talking about Jesus and I went away to a rehab there was no difference in my life you know there was no change and I went away to a rehab and three days into this rehab my best friend had a brain aneurysm this guy and he went into a coma and I came out of there and had a revelation of who Jesus was and Jesus changed my life forever but my friend was up in the hospital and I went to visit him and I told him I was sorry but he was in the coma you know he couldn't hear me none of that and the next day he died and my best friend that I could have witnessed to live my life I lived as a hypocrite confessing one thing but living another way and he told me like the day before he died I I don't believe in Jesus but I believe in you it's about what you can do glad you find your path but it's not mine and so we have a lot of we can make a real change in people's lives by the way we live ours and I just choose to live full-on for him man every day [Music] are you okay yeah okay man unless you okay bless you man jesus loves you bless you guys have a good day thank you Father I thank you in the name of Jesus call for a brand new knee in Jesus name brand new Jesus thank you for your love for him I'm gonna I'm gonna appreciate you thank you it might not love you but I'm sorry that you got hurt by church by religion yeah you did can I give you a hug bless you hey do you know that Jesus loves you he does yeah I promise me we're walking up to him we saw this lady so I started sharing and asking her and she told me that she was Jewish and that her father was a rabbi what do you think about me getting shot at and having a face-to-face encounter with Jesus because it was real it's real he changed my life forever I can't believe it's amazing she's Jewish I can't believe he was he was it's awesome that she's talking because a lot of them won't talk to you it's more of a debate and I don't want it to be and I just want to know what they believe I said how do you sacrifice like where's your sacrifice for sin she said well it's not like that now so what the whole time now in the new time we just say that the prior the meditation and prior takes the place of the blood in my heart of mine well the Torah didn't change it's the same so where's the sacrifice for sin now we can in place of the blood and the sacrifice we have to teach we have to know our original range a wish we are going to the perfection but we cannot be the perfection only good to do all the 613 and all of them every day at every minute is that good we are just human women my sticks that's what sometime always going wrong with Torah is only like like you buy a machine and you buy a book to see how the machine's working yes Torah is a book to see how the human is working you have to do d2 after that otherwise you break something inside yes you understand break something in between so this is just a book how to play with human you know deal with human but the load is not really enough and Jesus isn't stuck now everything is very nice but you don't get where's love yes and he brings love to the world he does we need he does and I think it will it come if it's not from it Jesus not against cherish it's come to complete the message he will say there's no love in the Torah the Torah is only what you have to do and how you have to do and there's no satisfying it's like a machine that just keeps running and running and so she's sounding like she's like this Jesus is amazing I feel your energy when you take my hand the worm in my arm where this isn't have no place in the Torah in the deer which things you know all this love and even air it's the time now we need them I could feel it in my body she said and then when you talk and looks like you have something on your face where people want to talk to you Jesus you have something and the D'Angelo so they have something around the head that's mean they are shining they were shining and iPhone is shining like that also we have a beautiful face shiny people who want to talk to him we we are very we want to go and and listen what you have to say it why would somebody remain remain in the place of no love when the reality of Jesus paid the price for us to all be forgiven what's stopping you I think I like everything I like my heritage I like the Jesus Jesus stories and like what you say and yeah I can read I think every I'm like a human being the word and every oldest thing belongs to the human being and I'm interesting about Jewish I'm interesting about this women about Buddhism about Jesus yeah everything is there that for me there's no one good and the other not she believes that when people die they all go to the same place and that's just totally not even in Jewish culture they don't believe that man and so the world has crept in and this amazing teacher as now has all kinds of views and she's not a bad person it's not about that but man but if I know the only way to the father is through Jesus my heart cries out because you're gonna pass from this world you're gonna go and there's eternity and it's forever so I can either be forever with God or forever separated with Paul one day we're all gonna stand before God know this that in my heart it says that there's only one name under heaven that men should be saved and instead of us trying to do in order to be right with God and you can never live up to it always fall short but in Jesus what he did was he took upon him the sins of the world never sinned and the only one the only one to satisfy the Old Covenant to give us a new and the new one is there's two laws all the law and the prophets hang on to love the Lord thy God with all my heart my soul my strength and then love my neighbor as myself so the two laws that Christians are to live by is is what you said the whole world should live by as much as I want to hope that there's a place where we all come together have to believe look at what the Bible says and I'm so convicted in my heart because I know of people that actually died went out of their body and we're in a place of complete separation darkness separation from God [Music] and then I know other people that have died and actually went to heaven and came back like they've seen it and I live with a constant conviction everybody here walking all of them they're all eternal now God calls us to live as a living sacrifice holy and acceptable to go and don't be conformed to the world will be transformed by the renewing of your mind the blood of Jesus cleanses my conscience and then God fills my soul truth he's called me to be Jesus was the final sacrifice for sin but now God calls us to live as a living sacrifice holy acceptable to go I won't stand on the loft is solid foundation I cannot be shaken from and bring Jesus to loss of 9 year old you know when Jesus was up on the Mount of Transfiguration he was transfigured and the word means and the word transfigured is the same word for transform be not conformed but be transformed by the renewing of your mind and so I believe that as we as we become our identity as we step into our identity in Christ and who he's created us to be that our face actually shines but Jesus says that we're supposed to be the light of the world hey out of all these all the people here do you know anybody that has any kind of pain in their knees or their ankles from sports vu from stock works any problems with ankles or knees that's football I have you you do watch me see thank you Jesus name check see ya let's see give me in the mighty name of Yeshua command little go now let go now we're not thank you right now in the mighty name of Yeshua in the name of Jesus I command it to go right now use this chair you see is like one is longer look come up you see different you see you see one is longer yes I see what yes the right one shorter this one shorter watch in the name of Yeshua right leg grow right now [Music] stand up and check then see [Applause] lifestyle Christianity you see it's the other leg this is short which one's short this one you see his heels right here see see you see it's short so it's hurting his back because his back is hurt because his short leg watch okay so I want you guys to all say this with me okay say this in the name of Jesus we command this right leg to grow Oh [Applause] is this it's this one in the name of Jesus right leg rub did you feel stand-up check it's okay now put your hands it's okay down here it's better but up here it hurts put your hands on his back all you guys okay okay you ready now say this are you ready in the name of Jesus back be healed pain get out right now in Jesus name stealer is it better a little okay okay better little it's better a little so if it's a one it's okay if it's one to ten one being the best ten being the worst where is it right now six six we're right in the middle let's pray again say spirit of infirmity in the name of Jesus we command you get out right now [Music] in Jesus name check again a little better one more time do it again yeah now it's a three I need everybody to pray with me ready in the name of Jesus right now we command this pain to get out you feel that yeah good in the name of Jesus we command this pain to go hey remember if you guys pray in the name of Jesus people will be healed through you people told me in the beginning man you better chill out you better slow down bro listen this is like a marathon not a sprint and I'm like that's not in my Bible he paid a price for me to have relationship with my father and not as an orphan but as a son [Music] he paid a price for us to all know that God is our Father for us to all know there were sons and daughters I love my one-on-one time with my father more than anything is that time right there just me in him him and me I believe that Jesus satisfied and paid a price for the wrath of God he drank a cup that I could enter into a place by grace as a son not an orphan as a son knowing who I am in Christ and the Bible reveals that to us it doesn't say deny the devil pick up your cross and follow him the devil's not your problem you are it says to now yourself what self has to do with your thinking with the way that you think there's a way that seems right to a man and it's killing us and you can't afford to incorporate the way that seems right to a man into the way that is right and that is righteousness because we're listening to the devil were being manipulated by the liar and God forbid you learn how to heal the sick and then heal him and think that that's okay and sleep with your girlfriend that's not okay I love you but I can't stand what the devil's doing he's a manipulator he's a liar he's finished he's cut off and he's trying to recreate himself in your soul I can't afford to read that Bible with my carnal mind and think that I know it because I can quote it the only scripture that we really know is the one that we can walk out God doesn't want us to just be quoters he didn't safety professional quoters he said be in relationship with me my word is alive and sharp and active and sharper than any two-edged sword it's able to divide and separate the soul from the spirit you read that stuff and say God my life isn't what this says and I needed to be help me father this is who you say I have got make me become this word you get in there you bird and say God this is like looking in the mirror this is who you say I am Here I am God your son show me what it means to be a son [Music] [Music] in my heart I dreamed of coming here cuz I was a drug addict for 22 years to get free weed to get weak because it's legal and now I'm here and I served the Most High thank you following we just did what you got to give us more give us more ability to win souls in this place to give us more ability to rip up in heaven over this place Lord Jesus to see many souls many women come out of this doll father I thank you that this would be such a lighthouse girl I thank you Father for the redemption of Amsterdam the redemption go of this place God the dark one of the darkest places on the earth father I thank you that is what light shines the brightest there down there in the midst of it in the midst of darkness shining light and bringing coffee to the girls and we went in there we had a prayer time with them and it was really powerful thank you for the women finding rest God in Jesus name I thank you for the for the people that are in charge the men there in charge of the women being overwhelmed with your goodness and your mercy God I'm asking you in Jesus name to completely transform this city they walked up to some guy and told him about Jesus on the on the street there and then we walked over to this bar we're gonna walk in and then God loves him and he goes I can't let you in here I said why because something is telling me that you shouldn't come in and I'm like what do you mean something's telling you you should know you cannot come in I just I feel something you cannot come in he said I will not let you in there something tells me not to people can sense the presence they can sense that Jesus is in you and on you and devils hate it your feet hurt yeah can I pray for you brother no thank you brother why I I'm sorry why I'm sorry right are you a Muslim I'm not what are you having nothing I'm not you are - I'm not you are you're special man yeah yeah let me let me pray for you please I don't want why I don't know tell me what I want I don't know I'll walk with you tell no please please please let me pray for your feet no no I don't need pray hey buddy God loves you man please please I don't know what's your name rush it right Roxy I Love You Man yeah I love you I'll give you a hug to give you a hug all right bless you may be a smile right man I'm gonna pray for you as you go okay I hope i alive man yeah bless our Father thank you for this man's feet in Jesus name blessing amen I do bless you man can I pray for you Jesus ohyeah Schneider yeah I do okay you bless you man in case you bro bless you bro I was an atheist I hated Christians just like this guy I made fun of Christians my whole life man and I got shot at and their God that I made fun of saved my life man you were born Muslim and then you turned away what stops I haven't listening reveal who you are them to Jesus thank you thank you God Jesus he loves you brother they love you up in Iran yeah it's mister that I don't like it just I don't like it that's about it I don't like it yeah he knows man that God set that up twice in about ten minutes we see yeah it's so good get him Jesus it's so good and we ordered our stuff and ordered some meat and some tomatoes and a salad and man it was good the most soft and tender and nice is the beef that's awesome we shared the gospel with this girl just shared Jesus with her if we don't put our faith in what Jesus did there's no way that we can know who God is as a father okay God the Father Jesus oh you better focus with Jesus so so in order for you to know who God is as a father you have to be born again when you believe that Jesus died for you when you believe he raised from the dead for you and you ask him to forgive you of your sin the Holy Spirit comes and makes his home inside of you God the Holy Spirit so God wants to give you your dreams he wants to have you work with kids he wants to have you working business but the first step is asking Jesus to come and live inside of you would you pray with me I always come up this is easy Lord God I believe that Jesus Christ that Jesus he died for my sins eventful [Music] thank you Jesus thank you you feel this it's amazing all the way up your arms you've become a Christian this is called being born again this is the thing you felt it's all over you right now it's the Holy Spirit he's all the way in he'll never leave you he loves you so much there's a cook down there but we want to get to it and eventually because we're eating there he's not going anywhere and then a guy comes in he's delivering meat to the place that I said Haman and I had a word about his back and his one leg I'm with sciatic pain and yeah let's pray one more time sorry yeah father I thank you in the name of Jesus right now back I command you be healed put your hand here just say this in Jesus name all pain go right now right now in Jesus name check see yeah yeah what's that feel like how did you knew that I've heard in my heart when you were bending over that there was a problem in your back and your leg was short and it's back out here because I hope it stays and just shared Jesus with them and he was really thankful and more I don't know for how many people how will help you to know it's okay come on man helped him carry his meat in which was really cool because it's not it's practical too I mean you don't just want to just pray for people and not like be practical you want to help I'm the delivery guy you raised as a Christian my father is Italian so Catholic that's like yeah yeah yeah yeah good news this is that Mary didn't die for your sin no Jesus did after this reduce for me he's the one man yeah yeah he loves you man if you are going to say that I represent Jesus on your job then you want to do your job better than everybody else especially when you're gonna pray for people at the same time you don't want to just say well I'm so heavenly minded that I'm no earthly good you want to be so heavenly minded that your earthly incredible and that your boss wants more people just like you to be there and this is so powerful I was a delivery guy I would see the guys like the UPS guys and this and that thank you and when I would say hey bro let me get that for you no no cuz I'm a delivery guy Yeah right now dude this year no no I got it and now I would take it and deliver it with them words so freaked them out because you're not just praying for them and it's wrong being some crazy Christian they're actually wanting to put hands on that's wrong and do good and heal all that's wrong like Jesus I just love that bro so this guy's like really blessed he leaves another guy comes in he's another cooking can we pray for you really quick because God's before you start hearing on this whole placement and you can ask her it's true right right now we come on all this pain to leave he's back and to leave his head thanks God spirit of infirmity a command you let go right now leave Jesus name we prayed for him and jesus healed his shoulder and his leg and his hip right now in Jesus name cheese was an accident whatever pushed his spine he's he was out of line I just I just believe that this would be completely gone right now thank you Jesus in Jesus name brand new Jesus name and it was really awesome and I heard in my heart to bless that to tip them man it was probably one of the worst fights I think I had in my life about like blessing somebody and what's this thank you so watch this listen you know it was really hard to give any money and we wanted to give 50 euros to this guy he said you never know this is too much you can't do this I wanted to give him money lesson with money I try he wouldn't let me if I give it to you can you give it to him you want it I want to bless him I want to give this and him yes what is this so hard bro how about if I just go in there in America we did going to tip let me know we're going to tip her and him and you yeah all of you yes for tip okay thank you for Jesus amen yeah amen it loves solo it was just a really really intense session and finally we got to give them and she's still like me you must take it back I feel horrible about it he got to love the world any gate and that's why we do it say Jesus Jesus I believe I believe that you died for my sin all right for myself that's raised from the dead for me [Music] I see you different yes yay jesus loves you bro oh it says you can love God or you can love money but you can't love them both you cannot love God and love money at the same time so I don't love money but I bless people with it thanks so this is just a tip for you guys bless you man what do you think about this whole time something is special powerful in you then you are giving to us showing to us as well things know where you can fill it you make something very nice for us not only the feeling not only decisions also you make us believe a man feel something man so that's that's so special we love you really thank you awesome so this God comes and he approaches me I can't believe that you're outside of my window start to talk about the gospel and the the power of sharing your life and sharing Jesus with people we're talking to this guy in Benz like you know do you do you want some more boldness jewel man boldness in your life bro yeah oh mom you do yes big Netherlands language yes I come here for sale so he starts yelling about Jesus in the street and this one kid comes out there we're starting to share Jesus with him and so Ben and I were having trouble and him understanding us so we just told this guy just need him that was talk to him just talking about Jesus oh this guy shares the gospel we prayed for him and he just told me well I've been thinking about God for the past couple of days weeks and now you guys show up here maybe got a doing something in my life and I said to him you know what I'm gonna do to you Paul this week you come to our church someday and set it yep yeah why not and it turns out that he lives about five to ten minutes from my true light shines the brightest in the darkness and so if we know who they are who we are our creative value that we would bring light up into the place so that's it right there spring light in the darkness man darkness isn't scary the person that has the absence of light that should be like that scary [Music] film him Holy Spirit you feel it - you feel it that's pretty amazing huh Jesus who knew no sin became sin so that we might become the righteousness of God in Christ Jesus I honestly believe that holiness is the byproduct of relationship in a tree you have a root system and in the root system and has to receive nutrients from the right source it says to be rooted and grounded in love and it says that we need to let our roots go down deep into the love of God this whole thing is going to stem back to being right with God this whole thing stems back to being in love with God jesus said in John 14 he who loves me obey my Commandments he who doesn't love me disobeys or doesn't obey the commitments your Commandments are to love God with all of our heart or soul or strength in our mind and love our neighbor as ourselves the reality of our life in love with Jesus in the public eye is amazing but it starts with his eye being on you in a private setting holiness to me is my state of love relationship with my father you've called me into holiness a royal priesthood a holy nation set apart we are a people that represent the name of Jesus through our lifestyle so god I'm asking you to help to train my senses to discern between both good and evil I want to live my life in love with you every day and I only want those things in my life that you love and I don't want those things in my life that you don't love so honestly it is a secret love relationship with the father that's on public display and the display that's revealed is holiness is the supernatural is the miraculous and is amazing [Music] this is my favorite I got to get this right now hey jesus loves you bro yeah bless you man cannot pray for you bro come on father I thank you in the name of Jesus God ask you to bless this man God thank you for grace in his life so do you know that Jesus loves you is that thanks man and here he's from Romania and I just shared a little bit with him and asked if I could pray for him and he goes sure and he kind of backed off and God's gonna show up in your life big time bro I'm serious man you gotta have faith in seed which means I'm sowing into someone's life I'm believing that God wants them saved wars not against flesh and blood it's against principalities demonic strongholds and spiritual hosts of wickedness in heavenly places so this guy's mind is permeated by every lie every lie the enemy has bound this guy he's blind and I sow a seed into this guy whether it be financially with the name of Jesus or just praying for him and believing that the Holy Spirit is the best evangelist ever his presence evangelizes people he walks away and and you think in the natural nothing happened but you have to have faith in seed because the Bible says that when the seed is sown it grows up I walked over to the other side here the kid walked out and then he walked back in and he's he's hungry he came into the shop to get something to eat and I said dude let me buy your let me buy your food for you so he buy it and I tell the guy behind the counter of Jesus loves that we bought some cheese I went over and I shared my testimony with this guy and the guy looks at me and he's like I just got out of jail I got out two months ago I was in jail for two years I said why he said weed so he was in jail for weed or two years when he got busted he got put in jail he got out two months ago and here he is in Amsterdam see this thing this thing you can't quit because it still got too much I see man look I know that smoke joints during the day at night I would smoke bong hits before I went to bed man I was mean it's my life that's your life bro yeah that is your life and so you're not meant to be addicted to weed you're meant to be addicted to Jesus when I got shot out that night listen to this you're not see when I say the name Jesus to you you think Catholic Church you think a building that's not what I'm talking about I'm talking about this I'm talking about Jesus through the Holy Spirit coming and making this home inside of you when I prayed for you over there you could feel it because I have gone because Jesus lives inside of people it's probably true so have you ever thought about asking him to come and make his home inside of you you have to say Jesus I believe and I want you to come and live inside of me would you like that would you like that give me your hand it's easy man can you hold that for me just say this with me just say God I believe I believe that Jesus died for me his life is gonna be changed it's gonna be awesome yeah Jesus in the midst of the darkest place see we weren't just born into sin we were cultivated by the very enemy of God our minds were trained by the liar our minds were trained by deception even if you grow up in the church if you haven't pressed in to relationship on your own you still have been trained by the world because you will cut the church on a Sunday to try to get fed and depend upon your pastor to take you someplace that Jesus wants you to learn from him jesus paid a price so that you can plug your fingers in like a light socket to heaven itself then you can learn from the father Jesus has come to me all of you who are weary and burdened down and weighed down by life show me who I am that's your son in Jesus name I believe that light shines brightest in the darkness and I believe the darker it is the brighter we shine and I believe that if our identity is secure and who God's created us to be then we'll be able represent Jesus well everywhere we go and I believe that God's gonna sweep through Europe I believe that God wants his bride to be pure and powerful he wants her to walk in purity and he wants to walk in power it's not just going out there in the street and touching people you guys shop at different places you go to eat at different restaurants touch the vendors touch the owners man because then they get touched then they'll touch people because they've got hundreds of people coming through their stores hundreds of people eating at their restaurants and when they have an encounter with Jesus then they can touch the people that are coming into their establishments [Music] that lady just snapped on me dude the waitress I mean freaked out she goes I'm so tired of people trying to tell me about their religion when I have a Muslim boyfriend and I love him very much and then he's just looking at me because she's just irate angry I was a I was a drug addict and I hated Christian and I destroyed my girlfriend's life with him and I love him to death cool yeah so I have nothing against religion whatsoever I just really appreciate tell me someone loves No I got shot at I got shot at twelve years ago in a drug deal I ripped off some kid I got shot at I hated everybody and that destroyed my kid's life and that night I heard a voice say I took those bullets for you are you ready to live for me and I don't know what it was and he made me a father she's just irate angry and then I came out of the bathroom and he's standing there I was asking about his back and his knee I said come here man I'm gonna pray for you and he let me pray for him and I really had a word about him having his own restaurant and it's a dream that he has it was really cool she didn't even see me praying for no I mean I feel like I should go back down in there feel like I should we need to set the standard so that they have something to follow you know such a messy thing when you grow up without Jesus because you think if you get the girl you're you're the guy you're the man it's he not what makes you a man I was so messed up and so twisted it was more it was more than the weed and the drugs that was my that was just horrible man and I thought if I come here then yes it'll be amazing to share Jesus with this I thank you for a brand new ankle in Jesus name brand new because God you loved him so much when I got saved in God like rescued me he saved me from the lust of the eyes when I see them I see a daughter of God it's lost from what do you think of what do you think of all this man you work here every day yeah every day what what do you believe where's your faith I don't take the time to believe in something yeah yeah I was a drug addict for 22 years bro and I thought that this was why I was alive I thought girls drugs all that man right you're here for max a hundred years man and then what father I ask you to reveal yourself God thank you that he wouldn't have to go through what I went through and that he would know that Jesus is real way before something bad happens shot at me from 10 feet away and heard a voice say I took those bullets for you are you ready to live for me yeah I went away to a rehab for two months and I met the man Jesus man and he changed my life for everyone I see you sitting here and hanging out and I get it dude I lived it my life man but I really believe you're searching for an answer bro I promise you his name is Jesus man we can't be forgiven as a Muslim girl you can't have forgiveness in here and you can't have peace here having peace here is something that you can't get you can't get peace from Allah and your brain we can't run see your brain doesn't have peace you have to stay high to keep peace man I know man I live that life are you on a field trip what are you doing what kind of trip school trip jesus loves you guys yes for real continue we are afraid for you Father I ask you to bless them and protect them God in Jesus name bless you man stand up for what you believe bro okay you got to be kidding me bro so there's a school trip to the red-light district it's just a sick perverted world they need Jesus somebody's daughters bro I live sick perverted and twisted my whole life like I thought that the lady on the screen or the on the magazine was like it was life I said it wasn't life dude I said man that's somebody's daughter bro I said what would you think if that was your kid that was your daughter bro what would you think no no it ain't my daughter I said what did somebody's daughter I said really I said God loves them he loves you I said man I love my wife you know a lot of times people are struggling with pornography or similar things many people ask me to pray for them that these thoughts would just go away we're at a day where people want something microwaved something delivered to them without having to deal with it on their own you can't just simply come to a prayer line and expect these things to go away permanently all God's asking you to do is apply yourself to relationship and the Holy Spirit will bring massive conviction inside of you I am talking about growing in your personal relationship with God and if you're not willing to do that you will never be free there is a necessity for you to surrender surrender doesn't just mean I'm gonna try harder or I'm going to go to church on Sunday when you desire and seek God with everything you are with all your heart all your soul and with all your strength in mind it will become available to you I am surrendering to the truth of what he says I am as a son or a daughter get on your knees and open your Bible in a quiet place and ask God to teach you who he says you are God wants me to know that I am right with him every day imagine if you had 20 thoughts of what God thought about us on a constant basis things that are dominating foundational facts of what it means to be a Christian one of them is righteousness He loves us and he loves you and he will never change his mind about us he wants me to know that I'm forgiven and then in that forgiveness he will never bring it up again he will never remind me of what I did if I'm clean and forgiven Jesus said we've become a new creation old things have passed away all things have become new if you have an addiction to pornography just ask God to cleanse you and to put a burning fire in your heart so that he can have enable you to look at that person on that screen as God's daughter or as God's Son and God forbid that we would ever let that thing trump our relationship or dominate our relationship of who Jesus has created us to be you know God says let fornication not even be named among you as is fitting for Saints and jesus said if you love me obey my Commandments and one of the commandments is not to commit adultery adultery is not just cheating on your wife Jesus defines adultery and he says adultery is actually committing lustful thoughts in your heart towards somebody people say you know I can't help it because I fall into sin I don't believe it's a fall I believe it is a gradual descent because you haven't protected your conscience you haven't guarded it from things that are not okay there's a way that seems right to a man and in the end it's destruction it's time to give up compromise you need to ask God to convict you of things that are right to him because living in that lifestyle you're living in the way that seems right to a man the wisdom of the world is sensual and demonic it is self seeking and envy and it says every evil thing is in there sexual immorality separates you from an intimate relationship with God God loves you regardless of whether you are going to sleep with your girlfriend or your boyfriend it's not stopping God from loving you but the fact that you're doing it you're actually telling God that I don't love you I choose to serve myself I choose to serve how I feel rather than what you say if you're gonna sleep with your girlfriend or sleep with your boyfriend and think that God's okay with it you're gonna answer for your life one day when you stand before it you can call it whatever you want but it is sin and it is twisted I'd rather warn you now than you'd be forced to be on your knees later and stand before God an answer for your life and all the people that you affected we need to step into the place where we're at least willing to obey His commandments you have the opportunity of a lifetime right now to have an amazing covenant relationship with God and if you ask God to tremble your heart and obey His commandments I promise that he will it's really not that hard it's loving God with all my heart my soul my strength in my mind and loving my neighbor which means my wife as myself this isn't just a piece of paper this is an amazing opportunity to join covenant with the one that you say you love if you fall in love with Jesus and you enter into covenant in marriage when a husband gets who he is from God and a wife gets who she is from God they give that to each other [Music] when I am going before God and I am kneeling and I am in my secret place I actually get Who I am from My Father and he fills me with who he says I am when my wife does the same thing and when she's getting filled with who God says she is she is getting her identity from the father so that she can be his daughter both of us are being accepted by her father we actually give God to one another marriage as a gift that God has given us to glorify Him to we'll come together and become one flesh and that's what God wants for us to be one flesh under God so I used to think that when I come to Amsterdam I would go to this place called the sensi seed bank because we can get the best pot plant scenes at this Bank I used to tell people that God made this and God thinks it's good and this is medicinal if God made weed God also made poppy seeds therefore he also made heroin if God made cocoa he also made cocaine God didn't make that stuff that we could get drunk we could get high we could be buzzin all the time you know God created us in His image and the likeness of God he made man jesus restored that which was lost so that we could walk like Christ walk Here I am standing right in front of it in the window not that it's tempting me because I'm so free it's been twelve years of complete freedom but there's a guy taking pictures so do grow up as a Christian yep yeah where you at now nothing what do you believe now mmm I believe in God there's all you don't believe in Jesus I don't think so as you were raised in church he does you have it I started talking about like his reasons for why not and I just told him the reasons of why tonight said men you work in the IT field you work in computers and he's kind of blown away that God's telling me exactly what he does you're good no man I saw you in front of a computer looking at looking at different things Diagnostics looking at different Diagnostics and fixing different things that's what I do exactly I said if you were going down the road and you saw a house you were walking down the street even and you saw a house that was on fire and you saw families all kids you saw a family it was right here in the window and you saw that this house was on fire and you saw a kid right here would you would you go by or would you get him out your house is on fire bro okay and it's only a matter of time until one day you leave the earth you're not here for all the times man okay so when you say I'm not ready yet tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow tomorrow he didn't want to say yes to Jesus he's not ready and asked him when you ready your house is burning I wasn't means being real I said then I'm just trying to help and I'm just sharing the gospel because the truth is is that everybody who sees eternal it's like they're here today and gone tomorrow life is a gift who were win in a vapor we can share the gospel wherever we go and when your path crosses their path you will interrupt their eternity if you would represent Jesus he died for you to be forgiven of your sin but not just to get you to heaven one day when you died he died to come and live inside of you through the Holy Spirit but the only way for you to have a relationship with God as a father is through Jesus and the way that that happens is that you asked Jesus to come and make his home inside of you Jesus died so that you could be holy in the eyes of the Father so he there blew his blood takes away your sin he raised from the dead went to sit at the right hand of the Father is the only one that raised from the dead and sat at the right hand of the Father and the Holy Spirit was poured out so this who's talking to you today is is the Holy Spirit through me I promise would you like would you like to have this if you're a Christian in your heart isn't isn't right and you're not free from not wanting to get high and that's a temptation for you and you shouldn't be in a place like that but if your addiction has been satisfied with being addicted to Jesus instead of being addicted to the lust of the eyes and the lust of the flesh all that twisted stuff when you're sold out and surrendered this is a great place to people to be because there's a lot of hurting people but we can't afford as Christians to compromise our faith and get high or get drunk or look like the world man we can't afford to compromise to try to reach people because that's not reaching people that's actually hyper grace it's it's a twisted thing that where people think that I'm under grace I can do this God forgive me Jesus paid a price for you to be free from every addiction anything that's a vice even if they're if there's something in your life where you know it's a stumbling block for other people there should be none of that in you because you don't want to stumble anybody so it's really important that I would be really secure in my identity but also want the way that God created me to walk so that I can represent Jesus to be an imitator of Christ and when I walk away from the situation people say that's what Jesus would do and you know that's really what should happen in a Christians life so be be bold be courageous be free be pure be holy as he is holy if every Christian would know what it means to be a son and a daughter they would change every field every sphere of influence that they're in we're in this training center you can see behind me it's a training center but I'd like to say it's a breeding ground I really do we're gonna multiply it says that each seed multiplies after its own kind I was you know an addict for such a long time it was all about me myself and I it was about selfishness it was about manipulation maneuvering I lived by my feelings I was so full of self-seeking and I was full of envy because I envied what other people had because I didn't I didn't know who I was I had no identity and so when I got born again God became my father and I became his son I believe that Redemption means that you were brought back to the original place that you were in the beginning which means we've been brought back to the garden as if we've never eaten the tree and so when my life got transformed by God I immediately dove into this word of righteousness I went into my secret place and I would open my Bible and the Bible says seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness and everything will be added to you when Jesus came and he offered his pure and spotless blood his holy blood on Calvary it says that the Covenant that God would make with us is that our sins and our lawless deeds God would remember no more the blood of Jesus firmly dealt with our past he firmly dealt with who we were before Christ and even after Christ comes in grace empowers us to walk out what truth calls us to God wants to restore what sin defiled so the focus is identity in sonship because if you see that you've been adopted it's so powerful this training center is going to be used to equip people where we can focus and concentrate on that what would it be like for you to wake up without guilt without shame without condemnation without regret I've woken up that way for 13 years and I want to be able to impart that to every student that would be a part of this I want to give you the opportunity to come and be a part of lifestyle Christianity University you're gonna have hands-on to where you don't just hear it but you do it to where you can actually become the hands and feet of Jesus so we went to a place called checkpoint charlie and which was the place where they told me that thousands and thousands of people died how much 25 22 350 you don't have any pain in one of your knees do you yeah hold them god I thank you that you'd give him a brand new knee right now in Jesus name brand new is it warm yeah you feel warm all over what do you think of that nice Jesus just healed us knee we're here so is it warm yes right now yeah plus you man do you have any kind of pain problems in your back yeah on this side on the right side yeah right here yes it goes into your right leg yes okay so I heard that in my heart when I turned around and looked at you you were looking at my shoes I said God spoke to me and said she has a problem on the right side and goes down the right leg and I want to pray for you and Jesus will heal you right now and the Son and the daughter they were they were totally totally freaked out yet but it was it was intriguing so right now you know incidentally Jesus is gonna give you two brand new discs in your back she said that she was in so much pain that she stopped right there on the street and there's hundreds and hundreds of people just passing by and she's like yes it's a Muslim family so we prayed for mom and about gets healed and she bends over and she was like what what is going on and he just shared Jesus shared the love of God with her so bend see she trained and now it's fall so right now I really I believe I'm hearing in my heart that you would be really good working with children Sam Houston SC sec yeah as as far as being a teacher a teacher working with little kids thank you little children cuz you're very good with children now by the kingdom and you're also very good with animals so you could so you could go to school to to be a veterinarian to work with to work to work with animals yeah yeah and then when kids come you could help teach them all about the animals that's Vicki McComb the student a disability again have you ever thought of that is that what she wants to do it's awesome so Jesus had no earthly dad you said it kinda and in the Quran it says it yeah it says that Jesus came from the soul of God so Jesus revealed himself to me he said but since he had no earthly dad that's God's Son let's go to Seoul and changed my life forever and he loves you he loves you that he would speak to me on the street about to you today shared the gospel should the love of God with these people they didn't pray and and and get born again right there on the street but I'm just have faith it's seat I ask you to just to bless them it's a CVD sequencing is enough that Jesus Jesus you would show them us to human-sized in a dream employment who you are better beasts ask you to bless him in Jesus name enough beat it no mom did seeking cutters bless you [Music] Jesus says come to me I'll give you rest then he says learn from me and you'll find rest for your soul so always in that place living there that's all I know man when I when I got saved I I got a job and I and I started praying people everywhere I went and it was just normal to work really hard and to pray for people to to never let my job go bad because of praying a lady walks by definitely disgruntled she walks in she goes to the bathroom she comes out and then I hear in my heart right away that she has a massive headache and that there's a real trauma going on right now and she looks at us and she stops right behind us and she's literally shaking and trembling and I'm like look can I pray for you and she's disoriented and we're praying for her her she has like this this massive headache she tells us that it's like ants going through a brain this is the devil man trying to hurt this lady as we're praying for the presence of God touches this lady inside the restaurant she gets born-again right there she still got this headache and she's still got all the stuff going on so she starts to pour out her heart and tell us about all these things that have happened to her the goodness of God touched her and she's trying to get all this off of what she's really crying out for is that she needs to forgive all these people see she didn't forgive before she got born again she asked God to forgive her when she got saved but now all this stuff is coming up because she doesn't want to in her heart it doesn't belong at her anymore unforgiveness is not part of the gospel this lady's overwhelmed and she renders forgiveness all those people got touched her took her head and completely away she's now in her right mind completely clean completely free when I gave you a hug it was like God hugging his daughters because he loves you and he cares about you and he'll never leave you so Jesus is going to do the same thing for you because he loves you [Music] life is a gift you've got the short opportunities you get to leave a legacy of what it looks like for someone to be possessed by God grace enables me to walk like Christ walk and Christ never tried to sin and get away with it he walked free from that and he did it all for us so that we could step into the same thing I'm not talking about perfection in my own strength I'm talking about his perfection you can live in the fear of man or in the fear of the Lord the fear of the Lord is in the scary thing it's the only place to live if you want to live without fear then we have to understand the blood of Jesus because it's the perfect love of God that casts out all fear when I got born again I left habitual sin I didn't want to do it anymore I left him your conscience gets clean and washed by blood and it enables your conscience to be free from wanting to sin when you get born again your conscience gets sensitized by the blood of Jesus he cleanses my conscience from dead works in order to serve God so my conscience gets sensitized it's completely clean and if I don't violate it it stays that way he was the word made flesh that came and dwelt among us and God wants our flesh to become the very word that we say we've done why do we have the helmet of salvation why is it here a helmet of salvation is given to encapsulate the reality for believers identity so it cannot be torn away by lies and since the weapons of our warfare are not carnal but are mighty in God for pulling down strongholds taking every thought that rises itself up against the knowledge of God captive so how do we do that you don't just get hands laid on you to get the thoughts to go away you have to continue in truth you have to study the word to show yourself approved you have to not be conformed to the world the world will try to squeeze you mold you shape you make you look just like it but God wants to transform you by the renewing of your mind so that everywhere you go you know what is and what is not the will of God wouldn't you like to live there wouldn't you like to live in a place where truth was so powerful here that when a stranger's voice comes it was so exposed by the truth of who God says you are that it wouldn't matter the Bible says that the handwriting of requirements against me were nailed to him on the tree were wiped out on the tree on Calvary he forgave me he forgot it he wiped it out if he'll never bring it up again [Music] letting go was one of those places that Hitler actually wanted to establish a spiritual gathering place it happens to be one of those places that is like one of the top witchcraft cities what a great place for light to shine this entire region is a spiritual hotspot this it has always been nowadays in a gathering place of yes Satanists know which person which really yes we're walking outside and there was some construction guy there with a with his helper we walked up and said hey how you doing yeah can I pray for you can you yeah father I thank you in Jesus name God ask you to bless him bless him God increased grace and awareness of you father I thank you in Jesus name so I start praying for him I got this picture of him being an architect being one that designs different buildings and so as I was praying for you I give you the test I saw you drawing at this site and giving buildings and Boyden and sketching different but it's like different buildings for building what does she do get gets in some fashion and boy and I and I believe that that God's gonna go is gonna give you that dream in your heart a globe that's got it in this form and then give me this have you ever thought of building before Hashem ataarangi death devoted to that she's been an intern at an eye for an act an intern for an architect yeah that's pretty awesome man and here the kid is training to be an architect that's what he wants to do so it's like yeah really excited start to show the gospel with them and just ask them if you would like to have this Jesus the one that spoke to me this kid gets born again I believe that Jesus Jesus died died for my sin I'm asking you I'm asking you to forgive me of all of my sin want to send them some information and we want to get them plugged into a church that's in the area because it's not okay for people to give their life to God and then not have them be a part of some family somewhere it's the local church is really important for that kid to know that you can hear God it's a big deal to be able to to know where he's headed in life and to talk to him and then to see him as an architect and say I'm an intern for an architect to know that the kid's dream is this and to pull on that dream and then have God share his dream it'll change his life man gives kids a hope in a future and so we come to a castle man just for one kid it's worth it you know we had a little bit of time we're gonna go to my another castle they were laying some some storm drain and I used to do that so I went up and start talking to him about Jesus and hey Suz Toyama camilo - a masochist oh yeah see a man I asked like a pray for the guy and which was cool cuz he was open to prayer even if you decide now still praying it's not touching that's way go if we're gonna play go shaky it's good I tried to share the gospel with my interpreter on the phone I wish that God would give me the gift of an interpretation I can get every language so when you see this video pray for me to get every language [Music] so we went over to this church that was empty there was no one in it [Music] whoa Jesus holy Lord God Almighty you mercy reigns holy coming for you Jesus Jesus receive the glory Jesus God I thank you in the name of Jesus make this church alive God with your fire in your presence kind of thank you ask you to bless this place let's everybody that comes in here God let everybody that comes in here get overwhelmed with your presence with your love God thank you Jesus that you'd receive the righteous for war for what you suffered for God I thank you in the name of Jesus that people would run will be filled with the Holy Ghost and fire that the presence of God would rest in here oh thank you in the name of Jesus did you lose a little girl and is she with Jesus right now Ruby may God I ask you for a piece for that little girl that died in Jesus name come Holy Spirit Jesus Jesus Jesus holy holy holy [Music] so we by Natalie program history [Music] so her entire family is here and there's a lot of problems and today she cried for one entire hour and said and and prayed to God please send one man or women to look into my heart Jesus I thank you for this whole family being healed every bit of sickness being broken and his family that all the family would be healed right now but I thank you we curse and command all sickness to be broken god I thank you that this woman came into a church and asked you if you could send a man to come and pray for her family god I thank you that this is no coincidence this is the reality of the gospel and how hurting and how many people are god I thank you in the name of Jesus and everybody in the body of Christ would step up to the plate and then we would step out and meet people no matter where we go in Jesus name she went on to tell us about how she came to Jesus she was in a coma the doctors gave up on her and in the coma a man named and stretched out his hand and Jesus came and touched this lady when she was in the coma and she got born again and which led to her whole family getting saved do you mind if or media okay yeah she is not having much but they have God can so they watch out far the people because if they don't have amazing we went and got money out of my ATM we went back and we found him I'm going to give her 150 euro and just bless her family Jesus and that putting her hands and she just started crying and God is so good cuz love gifts and really just really blessed her God came into her life when she was in a coma man come on not everybody has that chance God came into my life when I got shot at but you can come into people's lives the God in you the Christ in you can come in and through you everywhere you go that lady prayed that day God helped me I need help send a man to pray for me send a man of God to pray for me for my family for our needs so she goes into a church and she meets some people from from Texas and from Canada from from from different places and it's just crazy because God shows up through normal people because we're normal people that serve an extraordinary God did what if the Christian life was all about this bro what if this was why we're alive dude it is really awesome it's like pretty amazing and it's everyday everywhere we go he's not on the cross anymore man he's alive bro yeah and that people would come in and experience your presence and then those people come in right after we get done singing and she's been asking God to send a man and to pray for her to help her with all this that's nuts man everywhere we go there are people that are asking him for a sign and you might just be that sign we have the opportunity to transform people's lives and it's each person that we encounter I mean how can we do that if we remain unclean and look exactly like the world if we all realized how much he loved each and every one of us we would live our lives holy and pure because when people see you live a life that's not unto the Lord they want nothing to do with the Lord hypocrisy is not just the damage to you it's a damage to everyone that sees you cold or hot I wish the year or the cold or hot sea because cold God can switch you like a light switch to burning hot you are burning and nothing can slow you down why burning on fire with his love with his goodness with his grace with his mercy with his purity because God wants us to be pure in heart because you can't even see God unless you're pure in heart and you need to see God when you look in the mirror you see Christ in you the hope of glory can't afford to live with junk in your closet you can where is a life where is the Christian that would run full steam follow up with God and believe the absolute truth of what the blood of Jesus has done where is the Christian that believes that you can actually walk and be holy that doesn't mean that I'm never gonna miss it but if I slip if I slip I don't stay in the slip and do it again stainless slip but do it again stay in the slipper do it again if I slip I confessed to God and he's faithful just to wash me clean with blood completely faithful cleanse me of all unrighteousness says for all of us them forgotten go past through a fire you repeat her and it talks about a terrible fire that talks about everything being burned up man it talks about people just barely making it burn it says emphasized or barely seen barely make it through what will happen to ungodly people you know the least that we can do is fully surrender and live our life in a godly way and be a representation of what Jesus looked like on this earth the least we can do is surrender everything to him that we walk in a way that's convicting to everyone around us that's all God's asking you to do to be a living epistle known and read by all men so that one day when we stand before God you don't have blood on your hands from people that you live like a hypocrite you're in a place right here where you don't think that God sees your life you're wrong cuz he sees everything if some of the things right now that I'm talking about convicted heart I need you up on the altar I'll get before God right now don't play don't mess around with this thing he who sins has never seen him or knows him little children dogs should be to see the one who practices righteousness is righteous just as he is righteous the one who practices sin is of the devil righteousness bears its fruit unto holiness that's where exactly that's where it's at we know that when he appears we will be like him because we see him just as he is and everyone who has this hope in him purifies himself just as Jesus is pure everyone who practices sin also practices lawlessness and sin as flawlessness know that he appeared in order to take away sin that in him there is no sin no one who abides in him [ __ ] I must ask God to touch you right now that our ambition would be to be pleasing to you that righteousness would sear them right now that holiness would sear them right now thought I ask you right now in the name of Jesus to come do it god baptize them with the fear of the Lord right now holy holy holy mark people with the fear the Lord right now you're saying to Jesus I surrender all you're saying I am willing to give everything that I've always been about to have you Lord Jesus I believe but you died on the cross for my sin to be wiped away [Music] you valued me so much that you came and you died and for me while I was yet a sinner Christ died for me your blood Lord Jesus takes away my sin that everything that I wish I'd never done gets wiped out right now today I have a child of God in Jesus name [Music] the blood of Jesus has cleansed you from all sin he says he's faithful and just to cleanse you of all unrighteousness if you just ask him pursue holiness he says pursue holiness in peace for without which no one deceive the Lord pursue a relationship with God learn your identity you have become pure [Music] [Music] Oh [Music] there was a moment when Scylla fascial I break we're always lost across the turn the king of life was foreigners are called [Music] miraculous breath [Music] [Music] easy [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh Jesus [Music] Oh King Jesus Oh [Music] Oh [Music]
Channel: Todd White
Views: 476,038
Rating: 4.8746071 out of 5
Keywords: Todd White
Id: QfldY6ChOuI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 103min 51sec (6231 seconds)
Published: Fri Dec 14 2018
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