Rodney Howard Browne 1995 TD Jakes, Rodney Flowing WCM 43

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i want to call bishop thomas jakes just come up and greet you we're so glad that you came today come up here dear brother i i first got to hear about bishop thomas jakes through somebody sent me one of the videos and i'll tell you what he's one of the greatest preachers in america today hallelujah just go ahead greet preach do whatever just great [Applause] right i'm glad that god put me here for such a time as this he could have brought you forth at any time in any way in any age in any era but god handpicked us for this particular moment hallelujah now i believe that something exciting is going on in the earth and i believe that the spiritual people the people who are washed in the blood are the first indication that god lets you know something in the spirit that causes you to react so differently from people in the world that they call us peculiar it's because we hear something that they can't even hear an alarm goes off in the holy ghost and if you're hooked up with the wire you can feel it when it happens you know it all the way down in your soul it's something real it happened there is a treasure that god has released for us that is not tangible or touchable it's abstract it's in our hearts and the bible said that eyes have not seen and ears have not heard neither have entered into the heart of man the things that god has prepared for them that love him have you ever gotten happy and you couldn't even tell anybody what you were happy about nothing happened special that day nothing came in the mail no roses no hallmark cards nothing like that just something that happened down in your spirit that you knew god was going to work in your behalf you don't know how you don't know when you don't know where but you know that god is going to work it out it's just the spirit of god bearing witness with your spirit that you're on the verge of the greatest breakthrough that you have ever seen in your life amen and as you begin to align yourself up with god's purpose and god's destiny i believe that he just releases a treasure in your spirit and an anointing and illumination that everybody can't hear and everybody doesn't understand but i made up my mind that i'm willing to be weird for jesus i'm not trying to fit in with anybody or get with anybody's program or live up to anybody's agenda i've come to the point brother that i'm willing to be controversial i'm willing to hear what god is saying in my spirit and move on what god is saying in my spirit even if nobody agrees with it or confirms it or lays hands on it if god says it we've got to move into it and do it in the name of the lord suddenly brother rodney i'm starting to remember and realize in my own heart why the enemy has fought us on so many things in so many ways like he has i believe that he has foreknown and realized that god was about to bless us with mighty supernatural blessings and he tried to knock you off before you really got to what god wanted you to get oh silly devil he should have got me when he had a chance i'm too deep in now to let the devil do anything in my life i'm going all the way i'm going all the way i'm going all the way i'm going hallelujah hallelujah you owe it to yourself to get everything that god has for you seize it snatch it lay hands on it and declare it for yours god bless you supernaturally i love you my brother i love this opportunity i love to be able to be in the presence of the lord and soak it up and seize it and let god do everything that he wants to do in my life i learned that when god sends an anointing and he sends a wave and he says the refreshing that you can't stand back and sit by the pool 38 years and talk about who didn't help you and who didn't support you and who didn't love you and who wasn't there for you i learned that when the blessing is there and the waters are troubled i learned how to go for myself and not wait on anybody but to step right over and plunge into the blessing of god let him touch you let it bless you let him heal you let him renew you let him stir you up because god is getting you ready for a tremendous miracle for tremendous healing for tremendous delivery i'm so glad i am so glad to be saved to be filled to be washed in the blood and to reach some level of maturity for such a time as this i'm glad about it because i want to be ready to receive everything that god has for me i'll be honest with you i've had my share of suffering i've had my share of tears i've had my share of pain i've had my share of trauma after going through all the things that we have gone through just to be here today we ought to embrace this moment with all the fire and all the intensity and all the fervor that the world has ever seen i believe that great things are happening i'll say this and i'll sit down but i believe that great things are happening in the body of christ if we will begin to eliminate differences and tear down walls and tear down barriers amen amen no more your little camp and my little camp and your group and my group and you sing this song and i sing that song and you got on white tennis shoes and i've got on blue tennis shoes i believe that god is bringing us to a point that we're coming together we're praising god we're laughing we're worshiping we're singing we're crying we're dancing and hell is in trouble because the kingdom is on fire from the living god hallelujah give him a praise somebody somebody who doesn't care what anybody thinks or says give god a praise somebody who's ready to be filled with all the pleasure of heaven give god a pray glory to god the anointing is here it's falling in the praise hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah let it happen seize it grab it lay hold on it soak it up drink it in it's yours this is your hour [Applause] bye my god this is our this is our time god bless you god bless you god bless you thank you my brother for this time and this opportunity let's praise god for this precious man of god and what god is doing in his life [Applause] hallelujah hallelujah hallelujah [Applause] oh hallelujah [Applause] ah [Applause] um man whatever it takes to get people free i couldn't care less man whatever it takes whatever it takes to get them free i want you to take your bibles this morning and open to the book of ephesians ephesians chapter four [Applause] as i was praying about these morning sessions and what to teach along the lines morning meetings and teaching meetings not meetings the holy ghost means anything can happen i'm so glad that at least i get many times to teach along the lines of the offering because sometimes i can't even teach you know the noise is so great last night it was like the roar of niagara in this place but as i was waiting on the lord concerning what he'd have me do because we always devote our morning meetings to teaching along the lines of the anointing i heard this go over and over in my spirit the lord said this he said special and diverse anointings special and diverse anointings and we began yesterday morning by discussing the fact that if ever the body of christ would come to place where they recognize the anointing on different individuals that even though those anointings are different yet together they make up the ministry of the lord jesus christ in the earth today there is and has been so much division [Music] so many different groups [Music] [Applause] now let me just throw this out if you've got to force anything it's not god all right i just want to tell you that right now when it's the holy ghost it'll just flow like a river but if you have to force it just put it just shut it up that's all i want to say we need to recognize the different ministry gifts and different anointings that god has placed in the church thank god for diversity you can line up ten preachers here today everyone have great ministries yet everyone is different and i'll tell you what there's a lot of people that i have as friends and i'll be honest with you some of them i don't really agree with them on some of their doctrine but really i like them i don't really agree maybe with everything they say and they probably don't agree with everything i say but this place this place in the body of christ this place in the body of christ for error if there was an error how would you know what the truth was and sometimes you can learn what not to do i always just say let's adopt everything let's take it on as a learning experience i like to find out what makes people tick i like to get alone with them and try to just pick their brain and just try to find out why they feel that way now in book of ephesians chapter four verse seven have you found ephesians if you haven't just look on with somebody else unto every one of us has given grace the word grace there you could put the word anointing or enablement or ability according to the measure of the gift of christ god will never call you without giving you the anointing that goes along with that calling and they're different anointings there's anointing to preach we saw that just a few moments ago when that preacher when the preacher stands up he could say january february march the place will come unglued there's an anointing to teach i've had the preaching anointing come on me i've had the teaching anointing come on me as one preacher said sometimes i preach sometimes i teach sometimes i teach preach sometimes i preach teach sometimes i don't know what i'm doing you can learn about the anointing but you can't learn the anointing you got to catch it and you'll be amazed how many seminaries or cemeteries actually have classes where they try to teach people how to preach now i mean you can have the basics and homolytics three points and a poem and whatever but i'll tell you what when the holy ghost comes who cares about points and you'll see people coming out of different bible schools and they'll have they'll dress the same they'll walk the same they'll talk the same and they'll even have the same tone of voice they'll get up in the pulpit i mean no anointing i want you to know that god is moving today amanda [Applause] no anointing and really in many instances the church wouldn't know the holy ghost if he walked down the aisle where the cowboy had two six guns wouldn't know him hollywood hype come into the church a world wrestling federation spirit coming to the church and you get so many people that just will minister out of the soul you can minister from soul to soul but all you've done is ministered the intellect of man but god wants us to minister in these last days from the heart straight to the heart from the heart of god to the heart of his people can you say amen if god hasn't graced you then why try to be what god's not called you to be i'll tell you why i'm not threatened by anybody's ministry i've got nothing to be threatened by because i know what god's called me to do i mean i can't be somebody else i'm not threatened by any pastor because i know what they have to go through and i thank god all the grace i thank god all the day for the grace god's given them because i sure don't have that i watched some preachers get up and preach and take a scripture at the old testament and i thought my god how they're going to get a message out of that and they'll come up with one of the greatest salvation messages you've ever heard in your life then i've sat and heard bible teachers taken open to the book of you know i mean amos and just have a great i mean holy ghost i said they said god how did they even get that out of there but if we learn to stay with the anointing that god has placed upon our lives not trying to be anybody else just to be ourselves and just to do what god says do i'll tell you what the whole body of christ will then get the job done can you say amen if you're a pastor then go find somebody that's got an anointing in a certain area and bring them into your church if your anointing is depression and and and and heaviness then go get somebody who's going to come and uplift the church some pastors they get evangelists that that's compressed their way out of a wet paper bag to come and have a revival and when the time the the evangelist finishes the people say oh thank god pastor we're so glad to have you back why would you want somebody's going to do a worse job than what you do that word grace anointing equipment when god calls you he graces you he equips you and then he places in the body special anointings special everybody say special special or you could say unusual anointings and many times we strain at the net and swallow a camel they're they're preachers sitting right now they've got a camel stuck in their throat because they missed the whole point they are they're worried about formula well you won't believe people say well we don't like the way you pray for people you put your hand in them say that they bubble out your belly i have a double dose why do you say double dose shouldn't say double dose will warm what they must i say you walk around saying fill filled phil i don't know why i said it just started coming out of my belly and so i've been saying filled ever since i'm only just obeying what i feel in my belly i mean i'm just following what comes out of my belly well don't lay hands on people that way if you're gonna sit and try to minister but what other people think how you should minister you can you'll stifle the anointing of god and the power of god never come into into the meeting the holy ghost will never come into service i mean just forget about what other people think just forget about what other people think i i'm not yet embrace anybody i couldn't care that's what anybody else thinks i mean couldn't kill this and i mean that and sometimes the meeting i'll get to aggravating people on purpose just to show them that i'm not there to impress anybody jesus never did anything that he did in his ministry to impress anybody he was influenced by nobody else other than his father go to john chapter 14. keep your place in ephesians 4 we are not finished listen to this john chapter 4 and 14 and verse 7 if you had known me you should know you should have known my father also and henceforth you know him and have seen him philip saith unto him lord show us the father and it suffice us jesus saith unto them have i been so long with you all so long time with you and yet has thou not known me philip he that has seen me has seen the father and how says thou then show us the father believeth now not that i am in the father and the father in me the words that i speak unto you i speak not of myself but the father that dwelleth in me he doeth the works see today we've got people trying to give what they haven't got some people are called some people were sent others just bought a microphone and went [Applause] you can't give what you haven't got jesus told the disciples he said freely you have received freely give he also went on to say verse 12 very very i send you either believe that me the works and i do shall he do also the works that i usually do also in other words it is all right for you and i to do the works of jesus he that believeth on me the works that i do shall he do also it's all right what did he do he laid hands on the sick it's all right to do that he cast out devils it's all right to cast that devil it's even all right for you to walk on water he spat in the ground and made clean it's all right for you to spit i said it's all right for you to spit now we discussed this yesterday how many were here yesterday morning who was not here yesterday morning ma all right let's just run through this quickly we could bring up the ministry of jesus as a classic example of this and bring him in front of any modern day group of men leaders from all over the world and have them pick the ministry of jesus to pieces you must understand something that in jesus day they didn't receive him as jesus the way we receive him now they even said is this not joseph's boy his mother and his brethren i mean we know who he is young whippersnapper grew up right in front of us now he's telling us today this scripture is fulfilled in our ears who does he think he is and you can imagine them calling him and saying now jesus you know laying on them hands is one thing but it's a little excessive this spitting business has to come to an end and i'm sure that if there were certain magazines or newspapers whatever they would have written jesus up as the spitting preacher [Music] the spitting preacher the spitting revival well they've done that today they call this the laughing revival i mean how dumb can you get and still breathe i said how dumb can you get and still breathe is more than laughter that happens at these services well we've had people running yesterday so what are you going to change it to the running revival now we've got people falling what are you going to call it the falling revival or he's the laughing preacher they were against him because he healed on the sabbath you know sabbath day for jesus was one of the greatest days of the week because he knew he could irritate the religious i'm telling you woke up on seven days said come on disciples let's go let's go give those religious devils a hard time they didn't like it because his disciples didn't even wash their hands well your disciples don't wash their hands well if i was one of jesus i'd dug my hand in the ground and rub sand into it and then grabbed a piece of bread and eaten right in front of them all they were worried about was their tradition they said that your disciples they transgressed the tradition of the elders and jesus said by your transgressions by your by your traditions you have transgressed the word of god you make the word of god of none effect tradition can be good in some ways it's good to have a tradition of the holy ghost falling in the service it's good to have a tradition of people being saved it's good to have tradition of people being healed it's good to have tradition of devils coming out it's not good to have tradition of nobody saved it's not good to have tradition of nobody healed no wonder the services got shorter and shorter no wonder there's a man somewhere in florida has a church runs 22 minutes full sunday morning served 22 minutes i get in there preach a little bit sing him have communion 22 minutes he and when they asked him said how come your servant's 22 minutes he said well we're in the 90s and we have to cater for the people they're very busy and so we'll get it down and just you know in you know it's like a dry cleaning service in by 10 out by 11. it's like a one-hour photo lab you know i'll tell you what take one longer than one more one hour to develop your negatives [Applause] let me let me throw let me throw a span in the works here the church format as we know it today come in sit down open and pray and you know you go we're now going to have brother jones to open and pray and he'll pray the same prayers fathers we come today again today we thank you lord the doubt that great mercy our life lord i see us now knows to god we thank thee we're praying and now we're going to sing hymn number 502 near my god to thee and when you stand that you say yes lord nearer please take them so near that they get out of here i can't take this anymore and all they can wait for how may the grace of the lord jesus christ are loving god fellowship with the holy spirit be with you now [Applause] that only came about in the 1500s in the 1500s that type of service was brought into existence before that that meeting homes they meet out in the open fields i mean we've got so traditional well obedient is out of order i said whose order are you talking about if you get up to preach the word and miracles start popping like popcorn what are you going to say no sorry do not get out there wheelchair yet i haven't finished preaching my message i'm sorry sir you can't see now you cannot see now remain blind at the end of this service when i pray for people and bring them on the platform then you can see we want to catch it on television [Applause] don't be healed now be healed later if you got up and you read four verses on a sunday and the wind of god blew in and healed people and set people free is that not all right oh no he didn't preach for 50 minutes i'm so tired of the thing that we got to preach for so long or we've got to have seven points or we've got to have three points in the poem or the seven steps to the 48 ways of the 900 different reasons i mean when it's all said and done who really cares about it some of you at your home if you went into your study you got every charismatic book out you got every charismatic teaching type out you got dreams of prophecies i mean some of them that have never come to pass and it really hasn't helped too much we're the ones that stop the holy ghost from moving and if god did move with a special or different anointing we couldn't receive it let me tell you in the last couple of of months in the revivals we've been having services that were just drinking meetings our answer is some of the wildest means and you know what there have been some people that have come in and they've now received and accepted the joy but they couldn't accept these drinking services and they left they said i'm out of here i thought give me a break i mean last week they're rolling on the floor laughing uncontrollably now we're drinking now oh no this is a little bit out of order you see how we get our order level always goes to another level but then we always set this order well i'm leaving the church because people started running sunday we the ones that put god in their box now i'm not saying that you must go and look for additional things that are not in the word of god i'm not saying that you must go try to find additional ways of ministering you know come down from the thing with the flying trapeze and sweep over the well you know i'm not trying to say that you've got to look for unique ways now because god moves in different ways and you know that even if you did that somebody would get healed because they look to jesus and not to the monkey swinging on the [Applause] thing now the most interesting thing is this is that if you take people from different countries and the move of god's broken out in different countries and they had revival in different countries unbeknownst to the other one they're all operating the same way you know why because they're all following the holy ghost within they're all following the holy ghost within if we'll just hook up with the holy ghost i mean who cares where the demon wants who cares where the demon was well this demon was in his ear and it had been there for 14 years i spoke to it and it told me okay cast the thing out who cares where the demon is it's so easy to get into tradition tradition that brings the anointing there's nothing wrong with that but tradition that just brings death i'll tell you we need to throw it out just throw it out throw it out throw it out throw it out throw it out throw it out [Applause] i mean you looked at wigglesworth he he didn't have any tradition his sedition was punching people on the platform somebody coming here know what's wrong with you oh i have a appendicitis kaboom they brought a man up with cancer one day the guy's dying the cancer whole stomach's eaten away brought him up to brother wigglesworth wigglesworth up and punches him i mean you fat in the belly kabam the man fell out and died the ashes came to him and said mr wigglesworth the man's dead wigglesworth says he's healed he's healed no no no you don't understand he's dead he's healed ten minutes later the man's running around healed by the power of god now that doesn't mean to say that you and i have to go around punching people somebody might punch back i remember we were in a meeting in honolulu hawaii in 1989 and a woman come up in the line and i said what's wrong with you she said i'm she said i've come here for prayer and uh before i knew what happened i just up and cracked her shot up the side of the head kaboom army just crashed i mean just fretting her and before my hand touched her head she was on her way down well she was stuck to the floor for about an hour and a half and they managed to get up off the floor she said you know what she said i was deaf in my one ear she said when your hand hit my head she said the thing popped open now i don't go around hitting people and if you've been in a lot of the means you you're very i've never really hit anybody there's some i'd love to i said lord let me hit them now and i'll just blame it on wiggles with us i'll just repent i'll just repent and say look i was in the flesh but lord it would give me great pleasure great joy jesus it reminds me of an evangelist friend of mine who was out preaching in nigeria and he did the wrong thing by telling people just come forward for prayer well thousands of people rushed the platform and a man that had got healed unbeknownst to him and was actually coming to testify and was so overjoyed about how he got healed jumped over the railing and ran across the platform and he thought the guy was coming to attack him so he didn't know what to do he knocked him out [Applause] and all the pastors were very upset and they said what did you do therefore he said well smith wigglesworth have you read it and fortunately they paid they bought it you know fortunately they they accepted it but he said man he said i didn't know what to do because i thought the guy was coming to attack me because the guy was so overjoyed his eyes are big he's running at me like this and he and just flatten him right there thank god there was a wigglesworth you could blame for there's no there's no set format for raising lashes from the dead who'd written the format before jesus did it roll away the stone um lord do you really think we should do that let's just if we hear the scratching on the inside of the tomb we'll know he's there i got into trouble for going you know because i was dealing with some people that just wouldn't they wouldn't receive the joy you know and i pray for them but they just kept praying in tongues kept praying i said look you can't have the joy in tongues at the same time i mean you if you want to pray pray on the way home but it's time to have the joy well well i don't know how to do that brother rodney well obviously their mother never taught them and i just begin to do this in my mind say you laugh like this and then just had people do that i just would tell the whole congress just everybody and you'll be amazed some of them started it i mean just in the necessity ho ho he he after 15 times suddenly the joy began to bubble out and then it was real just flying right out of the belly so what we did was we got them to start off in the natural and they ended up in the spirit some people start off in the natural stay in the natural and end in the natural you know what can i say is this that's the way it's going to be but you really hope they'll end up in the holy ghost and again it's a yielding whenever you're going to do in the things of god it's yielding it's healed you can heal in the joy you can heal to the spirit of god when the power of god hit someone and they took off running you heal to the spirit now some people do that every service and there's sometimes when it's not a running service and there's sometimes when it's not the time where the joys is moving but people are weeping you know and you always get some cattle out there you know they're going to cancel their way through anything and we'll just normally sometimes just remove them put them in a room by themselves and then have a revival all by themselves when it's the holy ghost it'll flow over the whole place and just be it'll be like music to your ears i mean just last night it was like the sound of heaven was just sweeping through the place i heard the joy bells ringing tingling tingling i mean i heard the job bells ring doorbells were ringing and so someone said well you can't do that you can't get up to somebody say ha ha ha ha ha ha he who told you to do that i didn't know i just felt in my spirit to help break people through you know something you need to break through here this morning some of you in desperate need of a breakthrough this morning something you've already broken through a long time ago jesus said verily very i was saying do you hear the belief that me the works that i do shall he do also go and study the works of jesus matthew mark luke and john find out what these works are and then he said greater works and he and he didn't make any example he didn't give us any examples of the greater works he didn't say what they were someone said well they salvation is the greater work that's the excuse for not seeing the supernatural salvation is a greater work so anybody gets healed that's minor work well i mean he said these works only do angry work so i mean if they say salvation is a greater work than what about these words healing devils coming out amen all right he they believe that me the world said i should do shall he do also and greater work than these shall he do because i go to my father and when he left he sent the holy ghost so now who do we have to rely upon do we have to rely upon some teacher do we have to rely upon somebody out there you know that's trying to be the watchdog of the church telling us how we must move in the holy ghost it always amazes me that people that write the books on revival have never heard of one they've never had a revival in all their and they write a book on revival telling how to have revival never had revival i mean it's amazed me let's say they write these books on church growth how to grow a truth never grown couldn't even grow some beans in the backyard i mean they couldn't even grow some beans in the backyard but they got this book how to grow a church church growth i can prove it to you man just take any subject study it enough and then publish several books on it and advertise it much and you become the foremost authority on that subject even if you knew nothing about it [Music] what do you have to address this thing sure i do because this kind of mentality will stop the church from moving and what god has for them god's got great things that he wants to do now quickly go back to ephesians chapter four remember that grace is given to everyone according to measure the gift of christ and then let's look down at verse 11. he gave some apostles notice he didn't give all he gave some apostles he gave some prophets some evangelists some pastors and teachers today in the body of christ there's such a competition of who's got what title apostle d dad prophet dangling how many good who's who's what you know what are you oh i'm an apostle what are you oh i'm prophet prophet prophet jones yes first name jim prophet jones here i take that back bad advantages bad bad bad events naughty bad evangelists but everybody's looking for some title as though a title is going to give you anything you can call yourself what you like you can call yourself late for dinner if you want to if you look at some periodicals or whatever and you read all the titles you think lord have mercy we've got the 12 apostles here and all of their grandsons and i mean you'd think we'd have more of a move of god in the church if we had all of these apostles and all of these prophets hello and get quiet on me now it's the truth and you know it if you've got to advertise what you are you probably aren't [Applause] why don't you just forget about the title and don't do the work and everybody else will call you the title they're going to call you titles anyway some of them are not found in the word of god so who cares he gave some apostles some prophets some events some pastors and teachers for the perfecting on the maturing of the saints for the edifying for the edifying for the edifying how do you know when the anointing of god is it edifies you it builds you up it uplifts you for the edifying of the body of christ now let me say this you know again i i have to say because people ask me this question all the time and they want to know say were you praying for this to happen i said what we're praying for what that well you how many hours a day were you spending in prayer that god would come with this joint i wasn't praying i didn't know it was available in that form i know when when the meeting gets wild one man said he said it's like being in a mental institution where the patients are in charge oh i understand that i am the first one to admit to you that the meetings get wild when we saw religious people running in the early days when this broke out april of 1989 in upstate new york and those first couple of meetings and religious people run out the door i'll tell you what i thought i might follow them it was up until that time we had normal ministry i didn't ask god for this i mean i knew there was a joy god had hit me with it in 1979 and i've seen smashings of it i just thought you know it was just well just god giving this a hummus i didn't know that he was going to come with this wave of refreshing in the way he was and just lift the church out of the depression and lord our mercy if this was anything that the church needed was joy if there was anything the church needed was job but initially those first few years 89 and 1991 92 and 93 and 94 and upon 9 500 let me tell you it you know for me to just go right on a hit and ignore everything else i had to have the joy of the lord to just walk through because we had more people fired us to stay depressed than you can believe and they all come to me they've never been in one service telling me how the media should happen well you should stop these things from happening i said what well that's the flesh i said how do you know well it must be the flame i said well you've got a little meter that you go around and you connect it to people and the thing not this way is flesh not that way spirit and you connect it up to the ears or something and just flash [Applause] now well throw them out if they're in the flesh i said throw what out throw three four five thousand people out what are you talking about i'll just take myself and throw myself out of me i'll tell you what i thought i'll hire them full time to come and be this man and us suit give them a nice name flesh exposes or something and then walk around the church going like this you know that that that no we weren't praying we weren't spending any time praying for this what god was in uh we were praying that god would move and we said god move and we did say we made the mistake we made the mistake by saying god do whatever you want to do whatever i don't care god be hungry do whatever you want to do whatever whatever [Applause] whatever that's all he's waiting for [Applause] he said whatever and here i am april 1989 upstate new york just preaching away and it felt i'm telling you the very atmosphere in the room changed it felt like a thick cloud just came into like a heat intensity the very air particles just started moving in front of me and people just all over the place i'm busy trying to teach just like i am now people start laughing uncontrollably falling out on the floor i thought but you as a minister you know there's a little you get affected you think something's wrong with my flies down or something i mean you don't know what's going on i mean you think what's going on here somebody came up behind me somebody somebody came on behind me pinned the donkey tail on or something i mean yeah these people are laughing for no rhyme or reason they take it by surprise but i mean the presence of god was just so strong and it looked like somebody's sitting in the balcony with a rifle and just shooting people they just thought the crowd diminished they didn't go out the door they went into the floor now you you have a problem then either you're gonna allow god to do what he wants to do you're gonna stop it how many of you are willing to say god in my ministry and in my life do whatever you want to do raise your hand all right how many are ready for the persecution the hands went up a little slower that round i tell you i thank god because when that happened our homelessness changed suddenly the joy of being a minister came back and not saying there's nothing like having joy as a minister there's nothing like having joy as a minute there's nothing worse than being a minister and being depressed and you've got to walk out there and try to help some people and you take one look at the crowd on sunday morning say my god get me out of here i know i've been to some church i've been i've seen what those pastors have to face sunday after sunday the same old face is sitting there on the second bro never moved never i mean just sit there they snore through the whole thing i mean i don't even know how they do it but the bible does say he that induced to the end shall be saved how many of you that are from churches that have received the revival and you're so happy to see your pastor happy for the first time in years raise your hand we got we got pasta frank bailey from from new orleans stand up pasta frank senate now we're going to have revival then just just a few weeks time we'll be there in revival probably six weeks time i don't even know i'll have to look at the calendar you know i don't know anything i just work here but anyway you know he really wasn't open to the revival really to be honest and people told him about it and he got angry with him isn't that true i mean waves your head it's the truth but god hit his wife god hit the head of the house and uh oh oh sorry i just had to save it now god hit his wife and he knew what god did and and came to the meetings god touched him and he went back to new orleans and the power of god fell he started having two meetings a day he wanted us to come but we could come you know just then out he started having two minutes a day but broke out i mean just all of over 100 churches in new orleans baton rouge area being touched by the power of god i mean just the move of god just the move of god and he told me he said people were coming that had left the church seven years ago just to see their pastor smile and they're right they were coming they they said you better go down there you better go down there pastor frank bailey's smiling what well let's we're going down there how many people coming in i just come see him smile does that sound i mean that's how long face he was no but yeah i mean if you had passed there you'd also have a long face i'm telling you how it was before and now the people coming all the way and people that left the church coming back just to see their pastor smile that's a testimony that there was a sign of wonder for those people made the move of god the pastor began to smile i'll tell you people god's moving now another church what's happened the pastor smiles now let me begin to close with this and we'll carry on tomorrow let me say this when something is special we always have a way we we tend to want to try to protect it something is special it's precious to us we want to protect it and what happens with any move of god is that it's special and so people try to protect and what they do is they always start putting down a whole lot of rules and guidelines whatever and they box the holy spirit in that he can't move anymore now here's the whole thing we can't protect i can't be held responsible for people that come into one service and get a little bit joy whatever and go out and have whatever service they want to have bring a horse in right around the church but pony rides around and the holy ghost horse and you know i mean you know people are crazy they do any kind of thing but i can be held responsible what happens in these services and so in that way we can protect the move of god by honoring and reverencing the holy spirit and really when we reverence the holy spirit we flow with him with whatever he wants to do at the time but the holy ghost is big enough and powerful enough to take care of himself but it is special and it is precious and i don't really believe that this will ever fizzle out the joy part of it and i'll tell you why because people are always going to need joy they're always going to need joy how many found out that last month you needed joy again how many know that tomorrow when you wake up you're going to need some joy how many know that when you come tonight for the reserve seat seating trying to get in and you're going to need some joy if we protect the anointing the anointing will protect us if you're a member of a congregation and god has placed that special anointing of the pastor there protect him look after him pray for him hold up his hands look after him it'll be for your benefit it'll be to your blessing that you look after him if you have that powerful teaching gift or that preaching gift coming your way look after them look after them just the way you would the lord jesus christ really we should just look after each other the way we would the lord jesus christ jesus said if you've done it for thee is the least of my brethren you've done it unto me amen god never give any ministry the right to sit in judgment of another ministry that's right i'll say it again god never give any ministries right to sit in the judgment of another ministry i'll say one more time god never give any ministry the right to sit in judgment of another ministry well i don't believe that person's of god well that's between them and god maybe they don't believe you of god young hallelujah let's not be narrow-minded some people are so narrow-minded they can look through a keol with both eyes let's not be so narrow-minded be open to what the holy ghost wants to do in this last day because god's going to use ordinary people and god's going to take people that you don't like and god's going to take people that you don't approve of and he's going to touch them and he's going to anoint them you say why so that no man can glory in the flesh if we're going to glory we are going to glory in the lord hallelujah now say this on me say special anointings special anointings different anointing now am finally closing with this statement if god anointed somebody with a special anointing don't you think that anointing would manifest every time they showed up that pastor friend of mine was the press walked in and there was a picture that they sent in the promotion thing of me coming to have revived he took one look at it fell out in the floor was there for two hours laughing uncontrollably looked at the photograph he phoned me he said it's the most amazing thing he said i looked at the picture he said god hit me i found that love i thought my lord we've seen people come out of mental institutions [Laughter] we have people come out of mental institutions god just set them free totally deliver them amen that anointing is here right now and all it takes is for you just to go ahead and yield that's all just heals when that healing anointing flows and you've got to jump in the river jump in the water when there's trouble and you'll get healed that annoyance here right now just take your hand place it on your belly and i'll prove to you i command you to laugh in jesus name go ahead go ahead go ahead go ahead you laugh like this if you get tired of that try hard go ahead and let that bubble out your belly call him [Applause] go ahead let that bubble out your belly joy keep going keep going [Applause] keep going let it bubble up out of your belly joy joy [Applause] yo yo [Applause] oh [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] joey [Laughter] [Applause] wow oh [Applause] let the river run let that river flow let that river run let that river flow go ahead you speak in tongues this is no different come on healed healed yeah yeah yeah oh hahahahahaha [Applause] oh yo [Applause] yo [Applause] let it bubble up out of your belly did it bubble up out of your belly let it bubble up out of your belly let it bubble up out of your belly let it bubble up out of your belly joy joy joy keep going keep going keep going keep going keep going joy joy joy joy [Applause] done [Applause] any non-funny hitter drink drink drink drink drink drink dreams i tell you the lord's touching singapore right now unspeakable [Laughter] taiwan has been shaken [Applause] run [Applause] drink drink drink [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Laughter] great [Applause] [Applause] ring rain [Applause] rain bye come on come on and drink come on south carolina drink come on green come on you better register come on andrew come on and drake come on and drink come on and drink stop sitting there looking at me drink [Applause] drink out of your belly go ahead and drink alabama go ahead and drink oh go ahead and drink go ahead and drink keep drinking alabama keep drinking keep drinking joy joy joe joe [Applause] drake well i've never done this before in truth drink drink drinks [Applause] yay drink come on now drink stop looking around and dress just healed go ahead and try it you'll like it great [Applause] go ahead go ahead and lift that bubble out your belly you too what do you think this is vacation [Applause] drink drink [Applause] drink drink drink drink [Applause] drink [Laughter] drink come on drink drunk [Applause] i said drink look good do it [Laughter] oh [Applause] [Applause] right [Applause] ho [Applause] come on come on and drink come on and drink come on and drink come on and drink stop watching the screen up there and drink good ha ha ha [Applause] ha ha you laugh like this ha ha ha ho ho ho hee hee hee glory to god hallelujah [Applause] drunk drunk drunk drop drop [Applause] have another round of drinks go ahead and have another round oh one and some of you have one for the road go ahead and drink oh drink drink bring break break great great great great huh oh it's such a hard job getting people to drink go ahead and drink [Applause] keep drinking keep drinking keep drinking keep drinking drink my brew [Applause] come on [Applause] keep drinking keep drinking keep drinking keep drinking drink drink ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho [Applause] [Applause] wow red red [Applause] right [Applause] drink drink drink drink drink drink drink [Applause] free [Applause] red red [Applause] drink go hidden drink i said drink [Applause] oh hallelujah well how many are being refreshed [Applause] have another drink [Applause] have another drink [Applause] keep drinking keep drinking keep drinking keep drinking [Music] keep drinking [Applause] keep drinking have another drink [Applause] keep drinking keep drinking keep drinking [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Laughter] prayer
Channel: miracles247
Views: 2,612
Rating: 4.9540229 out of 5
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 34sec (5434 seconds)
Published: Sun Feb 07 2021
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