TMTrainer Run #7 - Huttsvicta Streams Repentance

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what is up everybody i'm here with sin and it's a saturday so it's a weird thesmas today but we are doing one tm trainer run you ready whoo i am ready but you have to give us a steam trainer first so i am currently may okay remember the number for this 721 749 got it now wait it tm trainered it we did this last time sweet okay no no no watch this watch this remove dm trainer and now spawn two of these you got a little bonus item all right don't tell anybody i won't tell anybody let's do this all right so i am a sin is tainted maggie you dog oh my god uh maybe my active item drop mega bomb that's not bad let's make a rocket was it a mega rocket oh yeah it's pretty bad i kind of need that be wasted on you okay got me i'm wrong thank you olympia for the prime gaming sub hey over here so i looked it up and apparently the old version said huts someone said how do i make it not say huts and he's like oops let me fix that i get the first one here hood isaac it's a passive dude i like the passives is that a one cent one cent meet clever no go for it meat cleaver shot [Music] oh okay it killed the the dude it also killed me hey you got a heart right there you have three cents yep yep yeah i probably don't want to take that i wouldn't or a penny though i mean what a steal how do you not use it yeah what a what a steal for me to have to spend three more cents to get my health back hello oh my god ah golden chest um save the bomb or uh we get more bombs here anyways yeah i'm gonna uh i'm gonna try to get a full charge so we can use the mega rocket on the boss mega mush or not mega much uh mr mega please oh why why would i think that i could even possibly get an item about a dollar lost my mind another passive good okay wonderful great i'm glad i can get so many items here you have a mega rocket launcher you also have your other pocket passive don't forget yeah your pocket has him oh my god that is awesome i've never seen a mega rocket in my life i also i also have the godhead uh graphic even though i don't have yeah you do uh that one's you it's an active i just took the the passive oh oh that's an announcement i'm not i'm not giving up that is another another another active cool worked out uh vr big qb all the magic tall and i got a fire upgrade oh yeah yeah whoa you have you've got uranus that's amazing that looks like sad onion though doesn't it how do i get uranus maybe it does both i think that is sad on yunya get yourself a man that does both um i i say it's worth a shot to try that but i mean you don't want to risk losing something see told ya this is the it's the fartiest the farthiest runs ever how do i how do i switch on controller my my active items uh right trigger tapping i think you can't switch that's not your active it's your it's your pocket active which is right bumper okay yeah well it didn't switch it just used it yeah no they yeah they don't switch you can't switch a pocket active to an active i got your pocket active but you can switch a pocket active with a consumable i'll put an active in your pocket flush pocket hello alyssa how are you welcome to twitch i gotta got these hairball do what i have a guppy's hairball for some reason they just spawned in only one of them though i will take that if you don't mind before we leave this floor yep that sounds like a pretty good plan it would just be a black card for me it would technically be a damage upgrade but yeah but it's hated maggie though i'm gonna want it fast of all you dead oh we got snack dagger that's pretty good i think you're a little bit uh yeah what are you trying to say you have less health tonight what do you mean you're like really bad at the game so i figured i would just you know what's that supposed to mean gemini surprised [Laughter] [Applause] and the next one's you score jen 10 panda bear thank you so much for five gifted subs that's very generous of you to do that my eyes went away by the way uh my shot speed got sent straight down the hill also i think one of us has something that rerolls stuff that drops now so i don't think i can actually get red hearts back anymore that's gonna be kind of a problem or maybe not gonna jump up fast i guess at the end of the room it looks like it goes away yeah it did straight up just makes them disappear it's that's not good wait did i get hurt there i think he did yeah pow ah dude you know the right way it goes which way you're shooting doesn't it use your strategy uh another set onion it doesn't give me a firewood upgrade though yeah look you got uranus back that must just be uranus that looks like said onion look at these hearts bro what'd you say about my anus okay uh-huh all right okay i'm glad we had it settled it's got a nice set up there i can't even thank you very much take the uh red health this is a good combo thank you for the five gifted subs ten panda bear uh shop or no we might get a cheap item with one key though i i say we look for a secret room this looks like top secret to me uh yes keys give me more keys oh okay read this for a moment gives you a password duplication go ahead you'll become haunted by the altar fiend getting hit by them will grant three broken hearts and remove the buff what so damocles everything is doubled but you get chased by dark esau and if he touches you you get three broken hearts so the rest of the game and no longer get the duplication sounds awful yeah it's pretty bad sounds actually awful yeah it's pretty terrible i mean i don't even play tayden jacob let alone let alone want to give myself a reason to play as dana jacob on a different character let alone chanted take him yep am i still super loud no are you streaming yes are you tired yeah i'm always tired gonna call me out like that i mean i was just saying because you look good so can't get more sleep just sleep better you're my second favorite tired streamer yeah that's rough that you don't get that last heart drop yeah i gotta be quick okay gotta be quicker than that yeah i guess i just have to be quicker than instantaneously killing everything you gotta stop being so good well that's supposed to mean you're killing everybody dang it very nice i like that a lot i love that i try to fire in the other direction it's just really good for me i tried to fire in the opposite direction it only goes one way all right i thought that it it fired in the direction you were aiming i i dude i swear to god i was trying to fire it that way to the left or yeah to the left are you shooting the left yes two of hearts that's probably decent for you i would i would love that yes go for it look at you dropping bombs when you want to drop bombs all right everyone get down yep let me get down blam it's so good is there anything that it cannot one shot chad just got absolutely destroyed acted tears give me some soul hearts son of a [ __ ] i'm in you son of a [ __ ] i kind of like the idea of getting these fires around me because they'll block shots and stuff what why whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa whoa someone's got something is mate uh brown cap brown cap heads up that looks like top secret i'm down there oh you've got brown cap oh yeah yeah i mean if if you shoot it does it also explode is it anybody yeah i thought so all right i've got my bomb so let's go fight the other boss real quick and yeah that's probably super secret room i would guess [Music] oh no wait wait for it to get out of the rocks never mind there's no rocks arrow up looks like i got hungry tears or at least the the graphic i don't know okay i just kind of liking the idea but what if it kills everybody in the room right like how do i know well let's just go find out well i'd have to charge that again thank you greg city for the five gifted subs as well void co oh i'm gonna stick with this one i think it's pretty good yeah freezing it's so good why are five of them drop you think it'd be easier to pick up the hearts oh yeah run into that go get it okay two items we gotta find oh my god oh [Laughter] nice the old baller hey you take it for the 66 month three sub yeah see it it straight it only goes to the right that's good to know oh oh chad's like you have to shoot in the direction you're moving i know you have hundreds of hours but you're probably wrong i play this once a day lard hp up like i said something different every time i use it i like how you just keep getting more and more what was that about i've got maul the void you do no i don't but it makes it really quick i wish i did okay somebody's that might be me because the last time i used it it said something different awesome all right ready yep okay lollipop nice boop peggy greg thank you take your chan ah uh shop um there's another item as well just keep keeps pouring okay uh the sacked egg for you seems really really good it shows that we wouldn't spawn these spirits though pretty clutch it does give you an option though to get more hearts before it's over yeah i'm trying to be positive look at that he's a genius i hate everything about that oh two keys back take soul of jacob and esau it's buff now watch out that's saying that i get a different la mejiton fire it looks the same though let me get down it's a letdown oh speed and rang ooh baby i love your speed ring glowing hour i told you honey you're glowing hey you got you got swords i did yeah at least one i want to speed with your ring today every day give me your love and rang i am glowing thank you okay good i'm glad that we found the store up here pretty nice store i have uh two guppies uh things though oh they're gone you did i don't know what that's what what's causing that to spawn we could bomb into the challenge room yeah if we wanted to we could dance if we want to we can leave our ranks behind look at that beautiful ah it's really nice that we have the external item descriptions to know if they're yeah violence or not although we always we almost always get not active i can't divide them anyway cp go let's put pretty it's ready uh you can buy this art if you want it that's a good idea we can do the challenge room or okay oh oh oh i have the polaroid effect oh that's really good yo that can't be polaroid if you're at two hearts right yo it's gonna be a celtic cross it might be killed across here or virgo save the bomber or challenger what do you think that's challenging based on how long that shield lasted that that hadn't been killed across yeah i would say so yeah chat wants to know what mod gives me the custom post-it note it's called custom post-it note believe it or not chat attitude out i freeze them you squeeze them yep i tag them you bag them yep i bleed them you eat them we got a whole like hair like fashion thing going on right now too yeah we're amazing we're looking good maggie yeah looking looking all right sisterhood of the traveling rang the traveling rang sisters hunts hey over here look look up here look up here you're not looking oh whoops all right i'm flying wait you can fly i guess it could be one of my uh oh ride yeah i don't want to fly anymore i don't know what that's about yeah you just get random items i think it's gotta be my passives are just you know doing the damn trainer oh pm trainer thing no i'm definitely i definitely have a like a celtic cross effect thing going on that's good yeah we can get that i'm gonna get it ah i'm getting it i knew you were gonna do that i knew it well not okay no yes you're gonna lose that part in the time it took you to get it wow no faith at all you you bleed help you bleed them i eat them yeah what do you mean by that you bleed a cyclist what's that supposed to mean i like guy carly better i've never seen icarly and from the outside i thought it looked like trash but when i said i don't i think it's trash people got really really really upset with me anytime you say anything is trash on the internet there's always going to be one person who's like this person doesn't know what he's talking about no i know but it was like everybody was mad everybody zero oh a zero charge active for 46 and then a three charge broken h i'm bleeding oh that's right [Music] oh if we get what was it yeah okay i would go back for that i think the zero charge actives are worth trying okay that's when it gets the most broken i loved icarly oh my god that almost hit me that would have been a great shot if i got pinned two would have been two for one oh my god this is madness these guys are super annoying by the way yeah it is kind of nice that i can use them for hearts though boss all right no no no no no no no we gotta get wait we yeah that's one more room yeah we haven't we haven't been in the autumn room yet either i liked it as a kid i carly was good yeah see i'm telling you chat it's all about it what's your hottest take on a show that people really like that you don't you asking me or is that chad asking you i'm asking you i carly no um besides icarly oh that was a precarious situation show the people what that i did not like um gosh that's a tough one i don't like friends is emily i you know i was going to hold my answer but friends was my answer bra mass who needs that i do breaking i love breaking bad i really liked it i need that's phenomenal anyone who says breaking bad is bad is bad i saw the office but i did enjoy it i thought like uh like a year ago i finally checked it out because everyone was raving about it it was it was good i had a girlfriend who absolutely loved friends and she made me watch almost every episode and i was just like i don't i don't get it i don't understand why people love this show so much one of us says claudi i got a little cloudy a lot of polarizing opinions on jiu jitsu kaizen what chad i'm reading chat undyne thanks for the five months i appreciate that i can't stand rick and morty's is shifty baiter i have never seen rick and morty i like rick and morty oh direct hits and a passive in an angel room mm-hmm two room active all right let me try it god they're trying to i mean i could do something to enemies right that's probably what it is curse and immunized oh i got a full heal i think i got an hp upgrade from that good [Music] i can't stand like the bachelor in the bachelorette that's just like oh that's that's trash dude it's physical pain for me i'm trying to sit through one of those things it's like the fakest thing that you've ever seen in your entire life and be like it's good it's not that fake it's unbelievably fake [Music] oh nice [Music] wonderful so it transforms active items as well everything too yeah all right send it have you seen gravity falls i no i have not ricky morty is good but not as good some people make it to be honest if that rick and morty is me not watching rick and morty is the same reason why i won't watch jojo because the sheer amount of people who tell me to watch jojo but you like it how do you know that i haven't seen it yeah i don't really give a [ __ ] about the the hype or or weird fans i don't let [ __ ] like that bother me like rick and morty is the same it's the same it's the same premise like so many people are like dude you gotta watch rick and morty like the best show ever like whenever i hear that i'm like i immediately know it's not the best show ever ow my leg dice we got a key oh down you're getting plus four damage in some rooms me yeah i just saw it a three dollar bill or something [Applause] stop extinguishing my fires god damn it this guy it only i can do ah so that's going to be new what you didn't see the mob foot no i was reading chat good thing you didn't hit me how did i miss every single one of those hearts flat file it's i'm surprised that none of us have run into some sort of like item duplication thing range like like picking up something and dropping a card or you know like that like usually happens that is that is one shopkeep right there scary dude yeah i'm i'm getting i'm getting kept across every time i get hit that's good they're really good for tayden maggie okay so oh i get grabbed but then i it changed okay all right interesting you ever drink it yet oh that's right you did get the broken hog broken uncle i think is how it's pronounced ready uh yeah sure send it okay that was my face didn't one shot mom he finally found something ooh zero charge active or a elect them who win three two one go okay how does that go okay oh that was gonna be well i mean minus fire it would have been obviously bad yep um i'll tell you you can take it yeah i'll take it and see what happens we haven't we still haven't really figured out what you're done what your item does it gives me a nice shot and uh limited on fire it was good i liked it okay that's uh yep i did it i weaned okay so you can't even damage those guys until they show up i didn't know that well it's been fun [Laughter] this is so great boom can you not there we go stick my head in it's trash fart a little bit of health back oh thank you elite is bad headhunter oh my god [Music] oh it's a proximity it's like a proximity thing yeah that's weird it's like the size of like a almost like a sensor aura nice where did that go uh yeah we rolled another it's not even getting rerolled it's getting eaten i had i had a holy mantle for a second seat room okay give me five gifted subs i i said k i'm gonna take that how are you gonna get it hey why don't you shut up you look tired that thing that you're doing is your mouth you like cool or if you didn't you sound like a [ __ ] [Laughter] don't want to starve crash okay all right love that i love you uh we get to do the entire floor again now awesome yeah buddy rolling like a big shot shove it tuned up like a nascar pit stop fresh paint job fresh paint job oh hell yeah i wonder what made that crash are the rims big do a ride good and lean back right hand on the pinewood isaac is a perfect game with no flaws at all just chat thank you small bear for the reset but 34 months can i get a 0 in chat that's why i need an invite can i get an i'm already playing it's too late i should have said something earlier okay [Music] not in my chat huts is chat mama gertie has phases and you insta-killed before she could transition think that was that i don't think that was it mama gertie didn't like you're active uh oh press a button oh there we go easy what's that wow what the heck is going on ah the boss is to the right so i don't know why we're going up there is it yeah nice all done told you oh wait well we gotta back out so i can see my health poor favor stop trying to distract me from the fact that you were wrong about the boss direction i gotta do it hey i bet there's a steel chest in there you call it steel yeah it's steel chests steel chest i have two sac daggers let's go sec your dagger wow all right should i not use my active on the boss then uh yeah i would not wait thanks glad i had that help well you won't let me get my health so you can't have that one we got it is there anything special in the secret room no there's one soul heart in the in the in the um super sea room okay all right fun i like that a lot here we go that's pretty good stuff well done keep going and keep doing that yep what would be okay dm trainer must have something with mama gertie i don't know you could just skip the stage you could just move to the next floor yep you could just hit her with a bomb i mean that's all i was trying to get in position to do that but the game crashed before we can do that would you want to give it another shot or should i skip it it might be flat file maybe flat file oh because of the spikes that come up yes that's the only that's the only yeah let me drop that and we'll do it again this i'm going to invite you to watch uh i'm not a watcher i'm a participator participator i hardly know her ah oh it's i can't see my hp yeah it's probably probably a five file maybe and if it's not bad then we'll just skip to the next next floor hey we're getting better at clearing this room [Music] double sack dagger oh oh that was close i had faith in zack dagger my bum turned into a chaos card what's your mistake just didn't give us anything cool box is bad ah thanks mom don't play it's my favorite item 29 months can't believe it's been so long uh did you drop the flat no no i didn't hold on let me do it let me do it no no no no no i got it okay all right i don't think it's fly file okay all right okay all right drop the file new i did before the spike showed up the spikes then did show up i don't think it's flat file okay all right okay good thought all right okay okay all right all right i love doing this the fifth time this is way better than packing to go camping watched you on youtube for a while first stream i've caught welcome shiny [Music] hmm that doesn't make any sense stage six seven eight i'm not i'm not super yeah we're still on boom one uh you meant 8a i think we want to redo yeah i guess if i teleport to stage seven that we could maybe redo and get a different boss i just skipped the floor i went to stage eight to one two yeah but yeah but we're still on room one though we it was crashing on room one so i skipped to room two yeah but that showed us still on room one i said one two did it yeah oh okay yeah that's fine agreed uh yeah i'm not uh i'm not super not super hyped about the blacklisted album [Music] they're making a it's like it's like a metallica cover album with a bunch of various other like artists and they're just redoing the black album they've got like miley cyrus and other people i've never even heard of before and i'm like i think that when fans do that kind of stuff though it's helpful to stay relevant in a world that doesn't listen to them anymore don't excuse me i'm talking about the metallica the the chileans the chileans yeah that's probably what they're worried about their pr teams like you're losing the damn kids it is not a passive but i shot right candle rap oh that's nice [Music] okay oh he's a ninja you're a ninja harry fart noise though that's the longest part i've ever heard this is a total squeaker [Music] okay all right what's your least favorite enemy the busted ones delirium nice [Music] ooh it's passive go for it yeah think we could try no we can't get the key piece as soon as you kill it it re-rolls it into a thing right okay i was trying to look for soul hearts for myself because i'm going to die if we fight hush uh i'd be willing to try he'd be willing to try so to see if i can die okay no we just stay back and let my space bar carry just don't get hit what are you doing better in the game oh another zero rage you get a sound listen yeah little like ghost sound yeah oh what the oh you just spawn indoors oh oh that's kind of cool it's like a paintbrush you could draw things hang on if you draw a dick i swear to god you know smiley faces i think are better without the the nose oh that's creepy ah yeah mom did not like it wait wait [Music] you're gonna spell this miss that's victor all right now spell send [ __ ] underneath s i up there active down there juicy that was a little juicy one uh passive active wow well we rolled whatever was on that pedestal so 41 cents we can't afford it but it's uh huh mom teddy a biz the business i need a full charge okay wait are you gonna keep your ghost bomb spooky blast plus five bomb it's it doesn't have a charge on it yeah let me just well i gotta it could damage enemies who knows oh that's right i gotta have proximity that blows i want to sit in the corner ow well this is annoying look at all my guppy's collars or guppy's uh air balls i'm untouchable all right let's box him in try to hit me bro he can't i'm using two fingers ladies oh my god looks like a pack of angry snails who is the snail guy you guys that we had larry the snail yeah i'm literally invincible and and taylor walks into me but i'm doing like .001 damage every time i collect my spacebar item randy the snail randall randy that's right you're just drawing [ __ ] doors thanks zen very helpful you know you could shoot him i'm doing stuff and i can't get close remember emma's paint over oh oh my god my finger's getting tired i don't know what happened there but i'm very turned on it's like every time that my guppy's hairball touched one of the flies it respawned them all yeah look at that that's weird i'm pulsating it's a swarm of angry snails they're all farting it might honestly be faster if i just shot him i have teeth okay never mind i take back that then you're gonna die saying you're going to die you literally have to stand in a corner saying you're going to die if you're doing that then you're going to what the heck jim you should be dead saying you should probably start grabbing all this stuff and start collecting everything there's a there's a passive right next to me oh kids i got two hearts but oh my god no that was it man what is that like if you die you just what are you even doing right now and they said i wasn't doing anything they said they wouldn't about that he was useless look at him he's invincible he ought not to be touched delirium i'm just glad that we have all these places to go over oh they're faster let me give us a polar right here oh done the deed has died my lord why are there so many doors cause every time god shuts the window it opens a door oh yeah that's normal this is normal yeah this feels good i like that a lot all that stuff oh man it's great just following him with doors crash no i'm waiting for a crash it's thinking about it okay all right yes yep we're good okay we're good yeah yeah we got this yep all right there it is yep spawn 50 hair balls on hit i don't know i don't know what's happening can we be expecting a gungeon content anytime soon you mean like two days ago got him [Music] and we call that an epic burn quote huts i don't want to spend three hours on one run yeah jesus [Music] [Music] all right we're back here the binding of isaac repentance what are you doing new run starting over let's can we just not starting fresh we may have to give ourselves a polaroid again [Music] it remembered it the boy who remembered you like harry potterson i've only seen the first harry potter i expect it as much boy this is moving in but how many tears you have and we're grooving i want some of this ellipse oh my god what is that white meat ellipse you got a squadron of oranges around you squadron of oranges yeah my favorite death metal band this man talks like he knows metal i know squadron of oranges i don't know much but i know i love you oh those those sad bombs can hurt me that's neat untouched uh no on explosion check this out save point um smart halfway through see he knows his stuff seems pretty good nice nice good stuff why is your chaos card in the wall chaos your card look at all the chaos cards spawning yeah [Music] [Applause] well um sweet this is just getting better uh maybe i'll just let you fight that room uh yeah i'm not sure which one of ours is doing that crash number 512. i stopped spamming it as soon as things started slowing down day two two days later so welcome to the crashing of isaac everyone youtube is really loving this video how you doing youtube you skip to 56 minutes and then you miss it all just skip to the end no point watching the video [Music] fight me punk you're dead you're dead to me whoa what would we do without the doors though the band the doors oh my god look at all those hearts [Music] are here scott stab is that you oh we're here yeah can you take me away can you take me wide ha ling to a place where [Laughter] to a place where [Music] what if this is just like the priests from uh age of empires and we're slowly being converted that's why we play the game so much it's like the way that uh that religious uh influence works in sib-5 slowly but surely you just win the game by just taking over from the inside out with religion there you go legend of memes air hockey oh you can extinguish the fires squadron of oranges go move out they're called a flight of oranges they're called the squeeze i like to order a squeeze of oranges grab that thing okay i did not spam at that time i shot for like the last 50 of that fight i mean oh spaghettios [Music] love it cause i don't like it i love it love it love it it's supposed to be uploading a youtube video we'll just do one tm trainer run as long as it doesn't take three hours [Music] in my game where's the cries all right you don't get to see your health anymore it's your punishment okay because this is all my fault yeah i agree i'm glad that we agree on that where was it i think down to the left i don't know somewhere over here [Music] oh you and sometimes why occasionally occasionally let's get to the door let's save it then let's stomp them okay oh jokes on you i can see my health now [Laughter] you like roguelike try fable three yeah good one that's cool what oh i'm not spamming anything i'm i'm not even hitting my active item now it's been fun for all of us hands off the keyboard i literally wasn't even touching it in there it's not even starting anymore it's got a non-responsive signal whatever thing on on launch so it's your potato computer that's doing it um and you just funneled that charity money instead of going for a tesla and put in a new computer tesla's have a computer on board that's where i'm streaming from stream from your iphone let's put a capture card on my exhaust pipe yeah exhaust game is just dead all right no active items at all during this battle okay you will not see one door inside of this fight for every door i see you take a shot okay you could probably just sit there and use your sacked egg nice okay tim i dude i'm not i didn't even hit it yeah yeah yeah i didn't that's two shots i didn't it's making me it it's making me use the space for items yep [Music] yep mm-hmm thank you scar-die for the 2.3 sub yep if you could just get hit by one of those chaos cards look at my hair balls so how's things i have 15 damage you do have 15 damage game refuses to give up it's like no it can't hear a potato i'm hearing something hit my controller is on my desk right now so [Music] yep thanks for watching everyone you uh want to see more high quality binding of isaac content like this don't miss out every thursday yeah i'm actually calling it starting at 5 p.m central 6 pm eastern 3 p.m pacific standard time for thus miss that's correct oh he died oh he died oh oh these things are happening all right chat place your gifted sub bets now will the game catch up or will it crash that's gonna do it gift one sub if you think it's crashing two subs if you think it's not gonna crash and go it's doing it's working overtime it's so mad that you called it a potato working overtime workout watch the chest it'll be re-rolls i'll be stuck anyways it's progressing your damage is going up which makes me believe that it's your passive that's causing this [Applause] what is that fair horns [Music] all i heard was the air part and then we'll just cut off oh it's so annoying says going i know you imagine me having to play with them once a week got him nope oh that'll burn all right i got like another minute they love you thank you so much for the sub every time someone subs i have another minute i don't think this is worth it anymore is this frosty don't give up sister weber lig maze you guys believe modern pcs are able to achieve one frame per hour doctors hate him oh look at that the frames are increasing possibly they're getting a grip boom boom do set a timer for one minute league maze thank you for the prime gaming sub look how many chaos cars there are i know that's incredible you got 45 seconds left okay it looks like we're getting two frames every hour now one fps uh no this is not one fps this is like .01 fps this is a drawing that i made games oh how much time 20 seconds there all right thanks for watching everybody tune in for thus miss and we will see you next time until then go check out hutz down below and uh go follow huts on twitch as well gaming and we'll be back for more random uh thus with stuff maybe possibly if isaac ever gets patched yep probably not see ya see ya see you you as well chat people on youtube follow sim well go to the link in the description and i'll see in the next one
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 22,108
Rating: 4.9593616 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: _pczv04D_PY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 63min 6sec (3786 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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