Tainted Lost Greedier - Hutts Streams Repentance

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what's up people on youtube we're jumping right back in for a rando greedier we got i can't wait holy crap got to be done at some point right hey safety skis hierophant is not meaningful infested dog tooth uh it's that broken item broken crown glitched crown what would that do we could just throw this entire run into the abyss which crown adam pettis does not cycle between oh cycle between five items no that's really good i thought it was the one that like broke the delete this challenge i thought that was tm trainer nope nope glitched crown's really really good but the catch is that we had to survive long enough to be able to use it and that is not guaranteed the star tire five months why is this popping up just now i don't know you should punch twitch i did not expect that absolute soy barrage looks like one big soy bean this is roy the blacksmith with a hundred bits thank you for that all right we just gotta survive uh oh we'll survive definitely pop those fires before we run into them he'll give us a little hiding spot too let me get one angel room almost a guaranteed godhead prophet maybe we do just going to deal with the devil though the sooner we get stuff the better as tainted lost i'd say let me get a free deal of the devil [Music] one for free that guy's got two protectors [Music] oh they destroyed the rocks by by spawning [Music] i'm fine this is fine next birders they're they have tier height they actually can't hit you over rocks they're not down they're not smart enough to chase you though they just wait for them to walk away no flies nothing flying oh god oh god [Music] let me clear a path first over here spiders you're not helping [Music] fighters oh there's still waves there's like yeah we'll wait yeah we're fine oh wait me spiders are spawning down there though that's the problem right yes yes [Applause] claudie's god they are tough now [Music] it's black spiders and they just freak the hell out too what is that about all my homies hate clotties all my homies hate pilates [Music] junior you reach out with a thousand bits nothing to say but here's some bits have a nice day thank you that's very nice of your shinier john in four months adam adamantium asari these last few weeks sucked someone close to me passed away and everything has been a spiral but you're the best your videos and just repentance in general have really helped me so i really wanted to thank you for being so honest and entertaining thank you adamantium i hope that uh you feel better sorry that [ __ ] sucks pacer keep doing the do thanks to the bits brendo crown before devil yeah i mean duh i mean i'm not dumb like how it just doesn't apply to these items though nope cam was like [Music] you know i thought about it but risky button yeah safety scissors safety skids excuse me mama alright wish me luck i'm just gonna send a bomb let's not rest this baby plum needs to die that's a lot of [ __ ] baby plum does not run away and greedier why don't you have more health baby plum i'm going to start with 531 damage right now and this is this is what i get sometimes pops up inside of you now finn doesn't play by anyone's rules anymore and looks like these little guys have some shot height serious shot height money [Applause] oh my god is that fast um aya belial maybe two spoops could be good false phd's got potential but holy wow wow wow wow wow i thought it was gonna be really slow like tainted isaac that's not damocles that's dark arts it's dark arts sun okay is it consistent two spoops to eyeball isle dark guards is amazing dark cards could actually be pretty okay for giving me some like iframes but there we go birthright question mark did you see a birthright in there crowd control on the eye is the way to do it dark arts like i said yes the iframes but oftentimes i end up coming out of it in a bad spot it was death's list yeah chat's drunk there's a secret room oh [ __ ] ah it's really good that's really good but ah yeah happy to have something somewhat free happy i'm happy on the inside do i sound happy because i'm pretty happy chet damn it scifly is so good infestation 2 is good it's like just give me one of the fire rights god damn is that stressful don't see anything honestly that i need double nickel face first then buy a bomb go into the secret room if i had to get something out of that mess what would it be um aquarius or meat the alabaster box not we talked about this before the cost of the soul hearts to to get it to yield results i don't think is worth it's a 45 cent investment bff cuba meat maybe you have such trash in there i don't even know if i want like what would i take epiphora damage up he's still looking good but as far as ultra greedy or fight no not looking good do a little clowning [Music] infestation two plus i believe great crowd control it all comes down to having things spawned on me getting hit too fast things spawn on me all the other [ __ ] that definitely definitely definitely happens on greedier mode would take this to a next level to a yeah i can handle ultra greedier level it's so hard to see what's mine and what's not mine as far as spiders go [Music] holy water i think the glass is off right now i need to be able to see nod leaf sci-fly you're funny chat that's funny funny funny funny funny chat chat chat d infinity 4 5 volts could be good if i mess it up though i get plan c or roid rage or the the speed whatever the speed is i think four five volt here is ultra greedy or friendly d20 um d20 with the battery for sale go for the break we already took the money so it's got to be next floor i can't believe i'm doing this but yes that does make sense if we're trying to win keep an eye on this guy who eyes his offices i can spare them holy wow it's still attempt to do some naughty stuff with this i guess this is the chances of it paying out or not likely neocatalyst four total happy to be here for four months love the streams and the community hear that community new catalyst enjoys you [Music] are you a simple kind of man drop your higher fan because i'm a simple can't it mean [Music] oh yeah safety skids is going to make this a little bit easier on me [Music] safety excuse you son of a [ __ ] [Music] with just the tears up eyesore you could make an argument for it but it's a little battery no i don't need the micro i'd be happy with either this chat it's working i thought they fixed this mom's key would be a blessing and they fixed the ability to break it like this quote unquote like wasn't supposed to work can't reroll the open chests get back get back get back nothing to see here oh there's a charged key why don't i grab that chat you're supposed to use the charge key emote i can't even open up that chest golden bomb you think maybe i just i don't know about you guys but i entirely blame chat could have been a good thing but chat ruined it golden keys worth except for gold and troll bombs yeah golden troll bombs make it real difficult although i have the safety scissors so it might just make a golden bomb right basketball jones 12 months now i can charge ki emo my bad huts seriously wait a second that was a mimic chest and now it's a normal chest or is that did i already re-roll it maybe i rerolled it maybe i'm losing my mind wish somebody would tell me i'm fine losing my side losing my mind i think i did i rerolled it squad push somebody with dummy i'm fine you know i probably should just keep that out just that's just like not a bad play as my character wish somebody would tell me i'm fine yeah this is going well [Music] very lucky on the nickels and the dimes look at those holy cards holy card better than algis maybe i'd use the holy cards to get into my curse from you don't think holy card's better than uh algis i guess maybe algis with my meat but check the cards for hierophant i just get one extra thing i don't think that's worth my time imo [Music] you got to draw the line somewhere save one why make me 5 and 800 bits the game is taking pity on you now yeah right it's like you win it's rolling over it's saying all right fine huts you are better than me officially i'll stop trying to fight you so hard that's a lucky penny important to grab probably not okay we be doing stop stroking your own ego make me quit playing with your dinghy i don't have money i got money it was a joke lamau lamo damn it chats ah dang it we might take that two diamonds we keep that no we keep yep yep there it is i'll stroke your ego it was off screen i don't want to hear your excuses chat i gave you that damn emote i expect you to use it [Music] um honestly i think hungry tears is bustable i think hungry tears is the start of something fun you killed algaes did i kill my algaes myalgia [Music] hungry tears is after plum starter deck is in the shop hold the cat two bucks thanks for that cola cat this could be very bad but you know what actually with piercing eyeball isle what would happen is the tier would float there they would walk through it it would turn into double damage and it would grab back onto them this is i think it's a it's a win-win i already have piercing insecticide or fire rate [Music] yeah i went for the fire right we're capped on fire rate soft cap a little scan for charge keys since chat can't do their job i gotta carry the entire stream on my back i need to find a good chiropractor it's too late i already have a charge i don't know why but i still think it's chad's fault soul of isaac hey that does the same thing where you get another item added on the end of the items that you already have let me look it up quick it's all of isaac turns a pedestal item into the current of the current room in the current room into rotating items cycles through plus one if you uh do it again i'll maybe just save soul of isaac for the devil room charge key fire mines i was going for the uh slowing but i wanted to be so careful that i definitely didn't take firemind [Music] i'm gonna go pepper on that one if i can [Music] ice baby fate's reward pepper [Music] ice baby is also just really good but pepper is game winning pepper carry item fire mind lull soul of isaac yeah i'm gonna use that in the devil room guarantee something spicy in there can you you can get hungry tears with brimstone but you shoot a brimstone laser out about like a one and a half normal zazel laser and then you shoot out pop right or is that not the same that might just be pop it might just be pop well we don't have to like do the same order of operations as we did before we can actually open up the chest now since we can't reroll closed chests and just collect batteries and um charged keys before we go buy anything it feels wrong but this is wrong i don't want to be right he learns [Music] [Music] simple shots good but probably continuum mr maggie pearl necklace sister maggie continuum i'm honestly surprised that i'm nailing these if you're impressed with how i'm doing that i don't know and i had a golden bomb [Music] yes it is actually pretty tough i need to go like to arcades right now and gamble on that machine where you push the button not impressed basic timing all right if you can show me right now the same thing with the efficiency that i've done it i'll give you 20 bucks very impressive jojo 20 bucks on the line you wonder not okay tim i saw that one is it gonna be hard to fight in this room with all this [ __ ] [Music] also at what point in time do we just buy something in the item or the the shop nowish by four five volt i do think that four or five volt is a really good thing to have for a late game maybe not early game d o plan c 4 5 volt mom's key if i can time mom's key for some reason i feel like i'm going to definitely miss mom's key does this give you anxiety trying to like slow it down in your head and then you're and you get behind and then the item just keeps flying it gives me like a little bit of a panic attack like every time um okay there's the blue box then there's mimic pandora's box mimic mom's key so much anxiety i'm dying inside like it gives me a small panic attack every time with the added bonus of looking like a complete jackass in front of everyone we're doing it golden pill if i had a phd i'd think about it i don't or a virgo or a luck foot intruder seraphim squeezy okay squeezy smb superfan intruder now we shoot normal tears but we also shoot a quad shot out of our face the quad shot does get absorbed into the hungry tears that's very good um are we ever gonna take damage and activate the intruder no we're not lucky penny where all right you guys if we can get to [Music] 600 sub points we're only 213 away i will make a charged key or not charge key i'll make a lucky penny emote you have my promise between the heart and the pill yeah i got it i get it again what i think i'm gonna end up doing is i'm gonna maybe like on my own maybe on my own maybe not on my own but i'll make a another charged key and i'll make it like with like a stupid face on it like a little smiley like yeah little ooh charged key just to piss chat off be perfect let's cringe old r emote i feel like someone's already got that definitely someone already has that cobalt's invicta tyr one of those guys that's not a bad play bunch of nickels and dimes that way i like the idea i'm gonna do it emote equality let me get a yeah buddy emo nobody got him you still did their chat i can't even touch the spiked chests wow so funny huts i know be with normal sparkliness but call it charged key so many dimes and nickels oh my god unbelievable amount i don't know what to do with them all [Music] charged penny or not charge penny uh luck penny search i'm picking up pennies god damn it i don't see any no dimes zero down plus 99 don't even know what you're worth you're the type of woman deserves good things fists from the diamonds hand full of rings um double charge maybe battery buddy maybe mom's box go ham maybe on trinkets maybe get the gashmill to fish later maybe deeper pockets maybe i got you a dollar wasteland west of the tier one sub thank you for that and thanos ridley got you a dollar when are you gonna play the game game we're playing a game the problem with deeper pockets is it doesn't give me money i'm fine with a 99 cap rolling higher than 99 cents doesn't do a whole lot besides you know maybe make it a little bit more convenient to go harder hmm you know i see what you're thinking chat i just don't know if i agree chaos has been fixed though right chaos has been fixed so chaos makes sense no what do you mean no imagine two of diamonds at 500 coins [Music] 9 volt pretty okay i think chaos has been fixed as in like it doesn't just get stuck on like certain pools here mr me bunny in a box mr me chaos um sacred orb probably there rules card our card in this other room the tower got my trinket didn't i birthright gives me another live life sacred orb would mean all better items get the type of woman to serve good things sacred orb mom's purse birthright [ __ ] we'll have to go for other one ups then god how to suck at this are you so bad already have the orb oh you're probably right i think it's inherent better items as the lost tainted lost yeah you might be right maybe there's a chance slim chance son i might also have a hair in my mouth you guys want some and i suck you dickhuts very tempting gonna have to pass that's called sexual harassment but no one cares when it happens against a male in fact by bringing it up i'll have other males call me a [ __ ] welcome to the world um bananas probably delirium rainbow baby delirium bananas sad man noises i'm not trying to say got it worse guys almost again oh you think you got a [ __ ] worse than than women i don't remember saying that bananas for sure [Music] i'd have to look at the transcript [Music] you aren't you and your horn you have a snickers thanks chap you always know what to say to bring a big old grin in my face [Music] the rock is unnecessary steam sale is gonna be what we're going for in that grouping um god this gives me a panic attack dead onion revelation guys okay we're on the same page you you cleared that one barely got an f plus capacitor you no longer gain normal charges but batteries drop more frequently you think they drop more frequently out of chests i don't think i care honestly at this point in time i don't care money equals power at 999 cents i swear i was gone for five minutes um we got the cookie into crooked penny yeah that was that one was messing with my head a little bit i felt like i was gonna lose it the cool thing about the new way that everything works is i think that all of these items even though they were on a pedestal can come back sag no use the penny hey chad stop it's not too late to get help oh mega battery guys why aren't you using the mega battery emote okay look if we could hit seven thousand sub points two day i think that might even be cap it's like there's like a soft cap at seven thousand and then the next one is at ten thousand and you get like ten more emotes if we get seven thousand sub points you guys i will have the the luck penny already from 66 and a super battery emote i mean think about it is it worth the money it might be an old fix thanks to the prime sub we're already on our way to seven already on our way we're practically there you know what's crazy we are actually practically at seven compared to zero we're practically at seven i was kidding but like for real [Music] i don't see any trinkets dropping from any of this anymore that's oh there are there's a couple [Music] maybe sprinkler and then save that for when we leave i just think that the the tears down from triple is is kind of a hard swallow [Music] golden razor oh golden razor no that's that's money for damage not health it's not permanent though but if we got rock bottom imagine wait a minute how does that work if you have unlimited money plus golden razor plus rock bottom how does that work it works well skip it i might just grab the sprinkler and then try to offload the sprinkler up here by the way we have a ton of good stuff there i'm thinking maybe qriket's body because even if the our range is [ __ ] cricket's body will still still grab together and explode via hungry tears we could break the cap with the perfume bomb and then the ragey damage up blood lust lusty blood i mean and then cricket i'm thinking cricket lusty blood's great okay i guess i don't even know what that blue thing is a man to do that genesis when used removes all of your passive items and teleports you to isaac's bedroom for every passive item removed you are given a choice of three random pedestal items from any item pool essentially you are re-rolling all of your items but each new item you get to choose between three random options the bedroom also contains a random trinket two chests two sacks isaac's bed which will be used to full heal your red heart health the only way to exit isaac's bedroom is teleporting out or via the trap door which takes you to the next floor this will deviate you from the alt path if you're currently on it my god is it an active item because i don't want to accidentally take that it would it would ruin everything obviously damage multiplier here speaking of damage multipliers honestly i might go seoul here for protection hand mind soul 25 cents tractor beam maybe how does tractor beam i think the hungry tears still explode regardless of tractor beam come on hats what so long everybody i'm gonna go to sleep lame good night two of diamonds quartered just by the quarter why not tractor beam though well i've got [ __ ] nothing now chat sewed the seed of doubt within [Music] oh i panicked on that one hard panic sensor for protection i like the idea of oculus rift oculus rift heads the same damage multiplier unless they change that ocular for protection we have to think about not dying i guess i was going to do something with this i'm gonna end up running into it anyways you all know this is true has a chance of giving me something real bad you wanted the sprinky dinks yup yup yup i kinda want that pedestal gone anyways can you imagine imagine all the people queen of hearts timing and practice use a holy card we're already we already have it but just yeah just in case super holy the holiest of holies black rune we should save the black rune i'll put it over here 169 from cola cat cam on huts score some [ __ ] goals star of bethlehem i think that's eden that's eden and the gnostics did i say that one pro i did i think i said that prime sub eden got reskinned star of bethlehem is more jagged i mean i still might even i might go for the black candle oh pop or bounce i think pop is breakable rubber cement pop rubber cricket's head it's too late pop for sure dirty pop sick and tired of hearing all these people talk about what's to do with this pop life and when is it going to pay it out what you're doing is not a trend we got to get what do we got there soul of kane when used the soul of king creates red rooms for every possible exit in the current room red outlines of doors appear where this soul stone will create exits for see the red key item description for more information about the red rooms i don't know if the red room would even work would that work i can hear oh look at that i thought that meant it would open them okay okay [Music] i thought i heard that [Music] i have an item called glitched crown you guys so every single item pedestal shifts between five different items [Music] it's pretty banging [Music] another one no that was that nickel that i just picked up [Music] i'm gonna just pick up a pill i cannot afford to drop my trinket that would be a major rip which crown is anxiety we need flat file for mimic chests i need to get smelta fish what we're doing is not a trend we got the gift of melody gonna take it till the end come on now this is like actually pretty difficult for me to focus chalky or tech zero tech zero i'd say it would connect everything with laser beams jockey great item very fun if i mess it up we get it [Music] oh no uh i don't even you know i think that quad shot is better than three a triple shot so i'd be fine going quad here just because once again the hungry tears it actually is gonna make more quince that's friend finder does that look like five do you does that look like quintuplets i can go packed too we got the gift of melody we're gonna take it to the end come on now that's too fire right though look at that madness go for guppy or go for jacob's ladder jacob's ladder jacob's ladder wow everyone like literally everyone wants jacob's ladder no one wants guppy there's more chances for guppy later i guess pokey go sacrificial altar okay see what happens when everyone agrees no one wins chad you gotta fight [Music] super troll bomb dropped into a golden bomb yes oh god you guys safety scissors was the way safety scissors so freaking good um eyeball book ma oh super chest fancy meeting you [Music] [Applause] i don't want brimstone and i don't even want to accidentally miss and hit brimstone nor would i like dr fetus oh oh i don't even want to mess with that i don't even want to look at that i don't want to be in the same room as that give me a perthro black ruin it [Music] i'm gonna go over here brimstone wouldn't be good with all of this the whole thing that we have going right now is the you know i don't know though the charge up for brim i think would be so abysmal at this point in time it would just hurt us all on the inside probably would be the end of the run there's my quince [Music] proptosis proptosis ruins pop i of the occult we could send our pops a little pop army right i have the occult everyone agree three dollar bill proptosis eye of the occult oh teeth some twofer shots r key huts you gotta get the r key ah it's our key all right if we can hit 10 000 subs tonight i guarantee r key emotes they're all the same what do we got here r key go anarchy yup not impressed with that deal 10 000 subs guys we're practically there we're closer to 10 000 than we are to zero blank card oh we can't have a two of diamonds though until we get um like a starter deck back right we can still get starter deck though yo joe two months yo welcome back little baggy ruined everything blame tim entirely for that [Music] we're gonna tread lightly here around these gray chests um yeah right see [Music] another large chest [Music] really [Music] what is that abyss when used abyss consumes all pedestal items in the current room and converts them into red attack flies red attack flies will charge across the room in the same direction isaac is shooting dealing contact damage to enemies equal to isaac's tear damage the flies don't block enemy shots but also means they never die and stay with isaac forever 2020 is a damage down parasite poly paulie i think actually has the same fire rate manipulator as quad doesn't it can't we get poly without ripping our fire rate spin down die the spin down die could make things real simple abyss clears the pedestals [Music] yeah maybe for later spin down will make it harder not when i have pedestals though that are already set i'll try to go spin down we have breakfast and then parasite and then spin down [Music] we'll put that here i wouldn't mind getting a bunch of red flies right like the red flies do my damage [Music] contact damage to enemies equal to isaac's tear damage the red flies that we would have from sucking down every one of these item pedestals would be 38 damage pop works with brim now what's the synergy with pop and brim what's ups invicta how the uh draft go got something for you to suck down right here [Music] paulie you had it with his hazel oh yeah no it works with pop but what was it what did i have before that i was worried that it wouldn't work with hungry tears i don't think that the the charge up would be worth it 2020 [Music] void buddy holly fire rate did not change ah then we could steer them look at this eye the occult steer our pop to the victory [Music] um i'm gonna go inky bubs on that one for sure i don't want to eat the knife though this pill out of the way in fact bill's be gone [Music] pills knock it off [Music] okay that is bar knife inky bub oh i panicked i i stutter stepped a stutter stepped on that one knife 60 damage knife would be like amazing right no complaints on that but [Music] how about a per throw let me see how much damage scratch crown would give me i'd say plus 20 damage 15. plus 11 damage i could drop it fell asleep watching you now i woke up and you are still streaming i get that a lot lately sin when's your birthday stream [Music] over that spiked chest saturday sins birthday stream saturday on youtube right on my birthday wow that makes a lot of sense oh my god that's genius look at that eraser it's just sitting there like in this big old roomy chest yeah on youtube so everyone will have to go and check out sims birthday stream saturday on youtube woody sam thanks the prime sub appreciate you thanos ridley with a dollar brim works with pop and hungry but i have to sit there and go charge charge charge charge charge and then fire and it goes instead of this where it just goes you know what i mean this is better than a than a half not even a half length a tiny little brimstone laser that kind of goes take brim i don't care wow [Music] that angry oh the pear flat stone is jeff's kiss but the pair got to be the one [Music] oh yeah you know what i accept conjoined i do show me some here should we quit and come back in you guys i think we should quit and come back in so that we don't uh break the game [Applause] i just i had at one point in time where i quit and then a game crashed from trying to quit like i couldn't get back into it okay wait a second ocular rift is creating rifts on my body that's not good we don't want that okay yeah putting sprinklers down they'd make a rift on the sprinkler true save and quit please just because of the wall nearby okay it would appear that you're right it would appear to be such as this is here there we go dunce i'm gonna go for dunce doesn't mean that does not matter in the least but if we have dunce or not we will not tell besides the fact that we have double [ __ ] coming out of my face what is that got harbingers breakfast no breakfast pentagram dunce breakfast pentagram dance how about guppy at some point we should go guppy and i don't see anything that's grabbing me here steven maybe but got bomber boy sulfur guppy bomber boy sulfur guppy scythe tears [Music] broken modem is also actually pretty solid now hot bombs chemical peel scythe tears i don't think i do want tech x can i just be honest i don't think this uh that tech ax improves our builds what did they change broken modem into so before the tears would stop and then they would continue now they stop and they disappear it like removes tears now which is good oh nice yeah that's it's way better it makes a lot of sense too they disconnect deck of cards that's not starter deck you guys evil eye evil eye would be a victory evil eye would be super good it shoots out eyeballs that shoot out more eyeballs or more tears rather if i mess it up though and i get tech x then we have a tech x run 65 damage tech x is a win but less exciting in my opinion [Music] just don't break the game what do we got [ __ ] evil what's before [ __ ] matchbook [ __ ] evil shielded shielded is a is a no flippin brainer [Music] we got lemonade nails shielded got the dip poop love ludo this is a risky one poop love ludo mulligan i want to go for mulligan ludo is unimaginably busted rip risk ludo to get mulligan that's true we could just go outside and get brim if we get ludo and that honestly might be the way to do it because ultra greedy or fight you want to be able to have them at as far away as possible just re-roll says chat don't even try it well now you're making me nervous now you're making me nervous and i will mess it up do any bomb upgrades before i end up doing something stupid get this guy out of my way well here's the deal if i reroll and i lose my battery guys that was close that was really close cursed eye we go curse die we have black candle [Music] ew i woke up this morning unwell puking and still had to go to work your stream's getting me through the day your mustache is banging thank you smoke smoke your enthusiasm you are the lost delayed shot though you're tainted lost anyway [Music] black candle cancels the cursed eye teleport is cursed eye really good it's a dps upgrade for sure what do we got going on here bean no breakfast jar of everything cursed eye you have enough capital to get the battery pack battery pack i you know i'm just thinking about not buying it though for convenience sake to be honest i don't want it to tap shoot it's annoying [Music] what do we need to do right now we get some more money we're kind of low uh that is compound fracture but here we go again with the charge shot i think that monstrous lung would make sense is my holy mantle gone i i can't see the aura but i thought i was fine do you guys have why would my holy mantle be gone it is not i can't get holy cards anymore until we get a starter deck compound fracture please it's i tammy compound fracture [Music] yeah dropping my trinket would be a gg right now weird laying out running into a spiked chest would be a gg right now ming wing with 100 bits and another 100 bits and a 690 bremer no balls i need 2p oh you should pee so we have bremen of mines we the bombs to go away first there we go i go p now says mingwing we just take something that we don't care about here you get it to re-roll double breakfast in there fire rate probably bugs tech i think would ruin the entire operation [Music] sack of money book books the bugs might actually be a bad thing probably not that's a weird one a lot of breakfasts go for spun what's the worst spun could do to me right now or the experimental treatment rather breakfast what is it jesus juice breakfast experimental treatment minus three four five damage i thought that was spun do we already have spun or we just not touched any syringes emolacria is game breaking and possibly game crashing spoonbender we don't need it we already have a piercing and then it turns it into double damage homing himalaqia butt bombs breakfast spoon hemalacria minus one three eight fire rate look at my fire rate is it under one yeah 0.8 fire rate take dammit please oh yo maybe we should just go maybe we should just call it a day maybe we should focus on spin down die what could we possibly need with this yeah see i was fine with [ __ ] that one up um definitely going to go with not the spike but the uh immaculate heart yo yikes yikes yeah yeah yeah yikes and that one's going to be a big yikes for me was there a starter deck did i miss it started that holy mantle dead cat no you didn't maybe panic there try saigon i i don't need it not worth not worth risking at this point in time here's what i'm kind of thinking i think i i take my d20 and i place my d20 put it there spin down the rest of this [ __ ] it should not affect anything other than item pedestals leave now while you can brimstone be boring 0.8 fire rate brimstone we'd walk into the room and go charge charge charge ah i got shot i'm killed sprinkler oh yeah yeah yeah yeah there we go 120 damage by the way no it's 117 19. what do you lie okay so everything does turn into a pedestal that just keeps going nuts i'll try to get crown of light 231 damage that's a there's two pedestals in there that have uh punch tears knockout tears definitely take one of them if the cac is on the other one i like tech five shades fine i just didn't want to [ __ ] it up i didn't want ipac i'll take the 120 volt [Music] plum flute definitely gonna go with the jumper cables breakfast tail jumpies baby plum go anti-grav what's the worst that yeah anti-grav could do to me nothing it can make it so that maybe none of my tears move at all technically apple i have a pen i have apple i missed it i can make more shot pedestals with the uh with the shop pedestal thing go play-doh cookie too breakfast deal no i'm losing my touch you guys i know what to say i'm losing it losing my touch i'm slipping just go i thought i saw godhead in there 10 000 subs we'll definitely get a god head emote no i [ __ ] i panicked i can't anymore i physically cannot no i'm gonna starve keeper sack oh sure we get that one [ __ ] honestly infinite status if i just keep buying [ __ ] not bad [Music] we just keep on keeping on and just buy stuff we don't care about that's just nothing but breakfast games like yeah that's all i got what the heck how does that even work [Music] no more items plus five damage just for buying breakfast five damage per breakfast i don't want the retro this is this is the easiest thing to do right here make 999 money we missed money equals power monstrance go [Music] honestly just probably more distracting than it's worth batteries are cheaper keep buying infinite power is it only per floor though it's permanent isn't it keeper sack 300 damage then leave just buy keys murph further 40 months hello yes i cancelled my prime because i don't use it so now i use that money to simp for you harder thank you for the tier one murphr did mingling ever make it back from ping or did we lose mingwing [Music] was never seen again [Music] i can't see where the button is i see the button here and you were going to ruin my entire day that's all it would take actually picking up the wrong trinket and then d20ing [Music] so keeper sack if you guys don't know um every time i buy something in this shop i get a stats up for it [Music] because i got so many damage multipliers it's giving me a lot of stats not that it's specifically breakfast that's doing it ming wing i'm back well no you died we decided as a group that you died you missed a battery randor damage can we go all in favor of leaving plus 60 damage on cracked crown i i i i yes 420 damage or nothing hi captain how long is this 119. honestly this is like a very very fast tainted cane run right now this is a tainted kane speed run one shot greedier i'm gonna still die you i think we all know that i'm gonna somehow die something that has spawned on me we can no longer get holy cards i don't have my alges we have no protection i'm cold alone in the dark honestly i feel like safety scissors is the better play here goes i'm leaving back on the road again take halitosis sharp straw nah i'm gonna stick with the uh no stick with the the the thing that we got black rune uh nope we messed that up just don't die one head [Music] what if i just grab some money first though for the next floor what if we don't go i don't want to go and i want to leave don't make me go i want to stay so comfy here [Music] by the way we still have to do the uh [Music] the devil room i don't know i think we can skip it i've got chaos i don't know if i really care about a devil room [Music] like we're gonna get devil items in it i'm gonna be breakfast [Music] sprinkler is a crash but if we leave to the next floor we'll at least start there breakfast is damage okay now i know you've lost it act of contrition like attempting to do something star of bethlehem um spawns a star white aura does that does that go with me [ __ ] you it's so good why are we breakfasting so hard though [Music] i bought keys yeah see that that doesn't give me anything i thought keeper sack did make it so that smaller pedestals gave me stuff but apparently not and now we're down to 320 damn or we're down to five damage plus instead of we're down to three instead of five goodness gracious great balls of fire and scene i'll be here in the corner i love the punches look at the fists in there come here you little next good [Music] ming wing with 690 bits you guys have been so awesome and so generous thank you every one of you guys 1 683 of you guys watching i appreciate you immensely thanks for sticking with me we're having some fun our yeah no skittle champ love you huts no i'm not going to freaking go for the goddamn sword you psychos do it i wonder if it works with pop it just turns into a sword right it doesn't do anything besides sword what happens with a sprinkler with a sword do you think the sword like the eyeball like holds it it's like you get back you i think it just it was just we're breakfasted i thought breakfast thing was fixed isn't that what everyone remembered hearing book of virtues i think yeah a book of virtues only with the d4 boop bop boop bop you won't get it huh what was that that was a beam of light coming out of my chair that's for twitch if they ask so much greed i chatted i don't like it when you finally have fun we could die right now and i wouldn't even know why or how oh yeah what happens if we get like a host hat or a host head i mean oh did we we totally have a host sitting somewhere yeah i can see him right there you see him euthanasia shot yeah there we go this is normal it sounds like i just i could i could probably just shoot once there that makes more sense i shoot once [Music] i don't even need to do the next one i guess i'll pick the money up you're so greedy i'll just pop a couple shots in and that'll do it i don't need to have the sprinky dinks are we still only on shoal where's that secret room here skip the floor i honestly think yes we skipped the floor let's greet emote when skip don't die from fire after item rooms you want me to go into the item rooms really wonderful don't skip skip need i remind you we don't have another holy card last shot chop unfazed prime sub thank you welcome i know there's more items i don't know why it's lying plenty more items and five items per pedestal [Music] i got you a dollar marple he breaks everything jokes aside that looks hilarious keep up the good content love you huts thanks for the dollar they didn't fix breakfasting apparently you just can't breakfast with d4 d100 with a re-roll like of yourself gotta run what if a fire spawns oh man that got close i'm nervous there's spike blocks i don't even see the spike blocks my god ah thousand bits from changeling spy first time catching a stream after watching for years on youtube and the run is broken thank you changeling i appreciate it jojo jet playing 100 bits what's goosing on here breakfast cheer 100 what about pie flavored donate 314 from kooky thank you for that just die why why aren't you dead i'm out i'm super out you got lucky hs would have been unlucky had i died imagine if monstro popped up right there and sat on my face go he's dead he's dead second phase go oh he's alive he's still isaac he's done it he's done it he wins that's a tough battle remember the game gave me tainted lost and we were all like oh no i don't easy thanks for watching people on youtube see the next one
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 129,160
Rating: 4.914464 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Id: u1hb_iaAlg4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 93min 1sec (5581 seconds)
Published: Sat May 01 2021
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