TMTrainer Run #6! - Huttsvicta Streams Repentance

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what's up you guys we're like a minute into this tm trainer run we started off uh i picked up one item we're both eden i started with the sharp plug and the scooper sins also eden with the top pony started with marked and the jar of everything in the jar of everything putting it inside for the seven month three sub oh we have double steam sale what's going on with this um or you're trying i oh yeah this is my trinket that's right hey take this one it's a passive that sounded like damocles falling okay oh oh i just have i just have maul the void now oh that's pretty good a passive maw of the void okay i can get behind that yeah great oh welcome out everybody to thus miss number 30 something we had a uh had a fun time with mega satan on the bass backwards challenge as you all saw possibly saw i'm spawning flies when i pick things up okay oh jello that's pretty good that's all you okay something something hurt me though i'm not sure what oh yep okay i is that a permanent jello i don't know but i have uh i have crow's heart somehow as a passive oh it takes from your uh red hearts first that's gonna be hard to get a deal with the devil yeah i am once again spawning ish well what would that do for you it would kill me all right moving on it would 100 kill me i think i get jello if i take damage maybe i'll find that secret oh we know where it is i mean i know where it is took and i can see forever pills so it'll show it yeah flies revenge flies i think upon picking yeah that's actually pretty good if we can buy a bomb super secret room is oh wow you get you guys by buying stuff too wait oh wait yeah yeah if we get something that like drops things in the middle of the room that could be good kind of like uh drive everything uh you could yeah you could drop that coin i could pick it up and get a revenge fly the boss i'm thinking i'm gonna use this bomb to get these bombs there's another bomb or yonder our hair then i get this it's working out quite nice yeah i like it lighted over we need drop that penny okay so hard for you triple shot iu that one's you i took the last one all right plus you damage upgrade hey hello hey let's go yeah you didn't want to even get that penny out there's no penny in there oop now so all path psych thought i mean i'm down we can take two items at once damn trainer is the worst item in the game imo this chat yeah that's face i think what was that about um so there's there's something that's hitting me yeah you're just dying i have something that just that just takes damn that just takes health from me what's that say the money where'd that brimstone turret come from uh i think on my active item i have the d12 seb the sam martin thank you for the rate of three people it's a passive we're getting lucky with the passives here we are okay dammit moving speed and damage not the worst thing i've ever seen can isaac pog with tm trainer no no way i think are you just bleeding out like no something is just something is just causing me damage but it's nothing i'll get a in on that [Music] i just jumped and i got a mega fatty mega fatty or uh mega chub mega chub cubby fatty mega sulfuric acid as well are you still taking damage what what who face do your dumb face this is this is my reaction right now every time i die what was that about i don't know i wouldn't say damage quote unquote damage you you hunker down all angry like and then jello spawns for some reason hey you get a jello that's pretty good you could just keep running in there spawning more jellos because jealous might be doing uh well that maybe they're doing the same damage as you probably are but with enough jello i was taking damage while dead i don't know but he see how much he can break it i'm just now just going through enemies nice some rooms that you can take damage in all right oh i got flies 44 cents totally viable for i think it's silly that tm trainer is like a normal item the game did you you probably didn't and i don't besmirch you for this despite being a good friend did you see the tm trainer run that i had last week this week no i think it was last week i picked up tm trainer on the streak and every shot i did this in the dark chest so i was on i was basically i was basically on the lam oh i think it's only projectiles that can hit me and every shot had a chance to use undefined so just kept resetting the fight over and over again and over and over again oh man did you end up winning i did end up winning that that run so i had something that teleported me out every you know time i landed a hit it was bonkers bonkers teens in stormwind oh that's the eraser do you get an eraser every time you pick some up now uh i think so interesting so i wonder if like you could just drop a trinket pick it back up and then we could start erasing everybody maybe w i mean i'm messing around why are we putting things on subscriber mode mods what are you doing [Music] yeah don't do that [Music] here i'll drop this for you and erase them okay okay nope yep oh you you messed up okay dude i i die things just kill me there's something that i have that is that is killing me it's like sharp plug or something that one could have been the green acid oh gotta go yep you should race hot sauna be funny ah then it would just be smuss well this is a uh this is enjoyable enjoyable run so far oh yeah rousing hey okay better be good you got three of them you have to take them yep okay all right there you go chat that's what you get [Music] what does the smiths mean let's miss shut your mouth got him hey oh things just kill me yeah literally things are killing me in this game in this run it's literally happening in front of you how could you not believe that i'm tilted that's what blows i do have invincible jellos what does that even do when i use that anything i don't know but you made you made the gas cloud in front of me also i'm doing i'm doing the forgotten attack or maggie's attack a hug yeah well keen thanks so much the two one sub keep it going keep it going yep yep i mean it's doing decent damage it seems your jellos are going to be doing more damage in your face you have stacked up jellos but i can only be hit by projectiles because that makes sense oh maybe not maybe i just get hit that invisible thing that's hitting me when i'm alive is also hitting me when i'm dead frame trap thanks to three appreciate you ran 14. dude all those revenge fly things are great and then re-roll some tears you're raw are you music addict for the eight-month resub large zit cree lards it creed i'm in activity go less damage oh look at this kidney stone my large zit cree oh 48 cents half off baby 11 cent arkey explosive nl explosion hey everybody just got here and of course then is dead my active item um was a rechargeable now it's a four room recharge what happened to that i don't know maybe it changes with your huge shout out to sin yeah i said it again i love the people like of course sin is dead like i just got here but uh yes victor's always dead if you just got here you wouldn't even know how i died by being victor obviously got him yeah yep because it was totally me taking damage and not something that is causing damage to me i'm taking contact damage cellos oh no okay oh no okay are my jellos taking damage we had a bountiful harvest and then it went away all right since back no problem hey you gotta take that little lock white pony little awk yep excuse me a dollar a dollar it's also yours a dollar she what are jellos doing right now having a blast bills y'all well should we backtrack and get some red health that doesn't exist sweet let's go yep yep went out with your tear right there well you've got kidney stone yeah that's probably what they're asking fire z missile oh yeah we got to get your race and stuff yeah it's anytime pick up anything here i'll drop the trunk in the next room you got to pick it up and erase whatever it is okay you ready yep did you just eat it yep sure did just disappeared what just happened good yup this is quality this is the quality concept that everyone knows and loves oh hey see paper salvation okay there's a there was a red heart there now you're making sense [Music] yeah i have an item that is hurting me when i shoot it's not that hard my dad hurts him when he shoots just don't get hit it's been fun okay it's been fun okay start over yep yep yep yep oh i started with an eden's blessing so naturally i just hit the r button yep and i get two items sure go for it that would it would work right i don't think again i think it just works does it just work chat let's do it it would yeah let's do it nope but i got mega bush hey ho there you go all right runs over all right let's go do your stuff sit back and sit back and watch up run sand run get out i like how i i [ __ ] up a power pill too squash yeah get ready to get in the item room fielded uh actually yo d6 could be useful for trying to reroll actives yeah oh this is fun that's a good time um this has been the uh it's been the greatest thus miss i think we've ever had the best start we've ever seen in our entire life gone please hold the input is temporarily disabled while the host is busy isaac.eng or exe right i'm gonna see if i can continue that one because i need those items yep yeah it just immediately crashed upon uh opening up the game okay right great perfect good stuff so uh see these i'm not against that idea so what you actually want to do i did i mean isaac's just not working thank you night player hello [Music] i only have necessary mods on okay let's do one more one more try okay is that a new scene you've added that blurs the background it's not new but yes that's we can't see the background just in case there's anything uh sensitive on the screen oh it's what's your address [Music] inviting you now i have received said invite now i look really cute leo with the blankie look at me or bless thanks for the six total months welcome back this is this is this is ours you want to go into the uh curse room see you later seb the martin thank you again for the raid eat that up press it in range down alright oscar all right first item is gonna be a passive or an active it's an active i wouldn't mind taking the active and then you could re-roll that maybe absolutely passive well don't mind if i do good dump on that puff yeah okay oh very good stuff great start wait wait wait wait wait okay freaking tinted rock bro you got ten bombs a laugh track that's the mod that's doing it nah that's unnecessary monsoon don't be ridiculous okay don't be ridiculous i have to let him go okay pretty good acting i like that one a lot i no longer have a red heart and it restarted the room that's that's pretty much just dying of course huts is dying it's the keyboard's fault that would be dying i mean having the blankie is pretty good how did i not hit him with my meat there it's uh you weren't close enough obviously it's in in them you need a longer meat inside of you he didn't even he didn't even feel my meat inside of him wow zor it's char little baggy extra that was you it's sharp man zory sharp yep uh dj do we try to get me do we want to try to get me a full charge sure do play welcome back to the mosh pit thank you for the 11 months that was a great block by keeping me we could it would require us yeah yeah it would require us to [Music] reinstall the rules mod but we could try my r key challenge what's that every time one of us takes damage it uses our key so you have a perfect run and you just keep resetting until you get it strong enough right build you essentially have to do a hitless run but with two people that could be a long long long time do like a subathon every time someone subs you arky yeah could do that ghosty pencil thank you for the prime gaming sub or one room short was there a full charge you think it's there no horse is not there you [ __ ] right there it's right here duh bomb already went off right there right here left to there yeah yeah see obviously obviously up here this game's super easy deutsch was there a full charge in the store um your three cents anyways [Music] worth mucking up my machine for this random tm trainer re-roll reroll yeah tech nine end of full hour rage bring haste yep hey all paths sweet let's do it no or if you insist if you insist twist my arm i got a black heart somehow i'm sinned and i'm so cool my mom says i'm cool oh okay oh that was just that was like really good that was just good enemy design i think she's talking ahead anytime one of us gets hurt the stream ends what's up laugh track [Laughter] stuff is a passive uh you're slightly faster than i am uh yep this is what oh what hey all stats up for you this is pretty good uh milk charge does that interest you milk charge let's uh sure ocular rift street let's see what this does first you go first now me okay i don't really notice too much all right let's go get the uh oh large fart those are like holy farts hey there yo uh increasingly he's been and crick all's unleashed there all's unleashed there holes unleashed there bud nope not a bad uh thing with it that card could be worthwhile yeah let's take it into the extra large room and uh and blast it that was just gonna kill me right there oh edcat nine it's cat one tinted rock that is lame how much i am let's talk oh okay oops wait every time i pick something up i use doctor my belly butt that was my active item it procked uh i don't know eating soul or something i think maybe 10 panda bear thank you so much for the five months or less first six oh now i'm farting gotta be top secret run but there's no way we can bomb that it doesn't move the bomb doesn't move see i told you i quit tired of this got him we're done professionally i'm just randomly using doc okay thank you for that shut your pie holes thank you for the 7.37 i could put a lot more than pie in there now yeah it charges back item recharge item don't say don't use it here's where the love again keep being you and i hope you live a long and fruitful life did some price change impact you in a noticeable way some price change is that like a global thing i think they they're more expensive uh elsewhere you're gonna take the backer now let's uh go in here okay last time mine spawned items now it teleports me okay all right oh that was that's necessary we're gonna we're gonna reroll the item room oh are we i don't know what's the three price change i know september is coming up where you guys get a 20 uh damage decrease soul radio soul radio 50 off no the subs are actually 20 off for september qrik quick i didn't know there was a sub price change in the first place 20 damage increase for subs turns out i'm being kicked out by full screen they're terminating my partnership that sucks yeah i don't know why i mean it's not like i need to be partnered under an mcn so screw them mcn's event oh we had dream catcher somehow did we yeah get the meat checked um subs went from 5.99 to 449 in the uk oh so it's they're they're cheaper five euro to four euro in germany interesting because the euro is worth more well he said the uk so they wouldn't be using the euro oh no it's just the us dollars dropping that's what i really like yeah who's who's spawning more enemies every time we kill an enemy or is it in the room i don't know is it the same enemy that keeps spawning whoa when you take damage you use the blackheart charge okay cool [Music] price is now 99 in australia adjust to match the five us dollars so it's more expected expensive in some places and less than others yeah i've only twitched betas more what oh i have a racer again anemic talks or random i think i'm i'm spawning stuff when things when the room gets cleared uh i'm slightly faster than you are so yep i also got an active okay i'm dropping a sprinkler every time something dies someone dies that's pretty good yeah we should see if we can bomb into that boss trap room oh it's like funky [Music] yep that's you i'll do you temporary damage up two dollars is the lowest sub can be i think one of us has duct tape i think it might be me that would make sense what's all samson nah i guess let's get into this let's get it come on now okay everything okay you know what i'm just teleporting on active item use so that's what's happening it's not tied to my active item nope get [ __ ] rocked you want it uh no because i'm gonna reroll the item room baby mortal he all float d yellow float down here go ahead forehead thank you for the 22 month resub in russia we have two dollar subs what ten panda bears well thank you for three month three sub okay wait wait wait wait tend to rock [Music] viv the trash clean as well thank you very much thank you everybody hope you're enjoying thus miss another tm trainer lunatic run i'm liking these random doctors remote tears that are happening i'll get an eraser after every room is cleared that's useful okay okay all right okay cool neat all right good yep all right awesome cool neat yep okay all right there it goes all right cool it's uh yep okay all right i'm not stopping until i hit 100 luck that's good all right okay all right i'm so gassy i shouldn't have had that cheese all right yep okay um this guy's paying out that's a satisfying noise marge you got to be a bit more careful your little boy bart there could have been eaten by that pony [Music] it's from the best simpsons episode ever okay okay all right oh there we are okay i'm at eight o'clock okay gotta hit 100. okay surprise i'm only at nine but it should start picking up here yep definitely will be [Music] good stuff oh those bombs yeah they're they're plentiful eleven luck okay actually though i'll make the 20. okay one is a healthy number for luck okay 15 16 17. 18. [Music] you know what's incredible about this is that you haven't spawned a single troll bomb with burnt penny yet okay we could uh we could go to the shop you know 19 okay almost 20. all right [Music] okay that's fun [Music] the three-room recharge for 67 cents teleports us twist ending glad you took it instead of me ending you could have seen what that did okay all right yeah all right 22 luck there's nothing else in there you want to see what mine does yeah above the martyr sure wait your dude disappeared the d's it's in the item room remember we rolled no wait we didn't dance what all right there we go the mods gone the dance mod you broke the dance it's all right here i'll put the money back in your machine this is not how i remember star wars [Music] we're already back to 99 cents yep oh we haven't even fought the boss yet okay that looks cool our fans yep the iron fan straw projection draw protection new zero charge oh it's infinite use wait but i teleport though well here we go maybe i'll take the d you use the infinite okay imminent charge that's what it does no you're a temperance card i'm causing damn i'm okay um okay yep yep okay all right okay yep certificate stalin skip stone skip vx2 i i don't know how but i feel like i i've significantly got worse hop up i'm gonna dig in your infinite use one here you want some stuff here you go i gotta speed down thanks [Music] all right you keep doing that spun a bunch of golden chests and i'm gonna go get another drink okay thank you king army [Music] [Music] hey i'm just doing what that's told me to do all right well we get to listen to this chat what am i listening to right now um welcome to repentance everybody the game that won't let you break it we got going on here [Music] touching everything touch me baby yeah oh oh the d6 is gone now all right oh spaghettio i'm just permanently doing mega somebody has guppy's eye a per mega per mega it's a great perm for magnet proganderent all right this my hand's starting to get tired from hitting this and nothing else chat yep that's the sound yep that's the sound that me yep that's me that's you [Music] this is how to get 100 luck [Music] you know i remember mario hitting differently [Music] hey i've got some coming to you okay you want some luck upgrades just got banned from some viktor's chat because i saw it mad with the lull literally no one has been banned from chat today so it says that in your chat you're just making that up i'm at 85. okay 87 88 90 91 [Music] this is how winners play chat [Music] hit it in five months almost half a year with huts xy to trick 17 think of that yep all right it's been fun you know been a blast but what if we gotta go this is just my existence at this point sounds like fun we didn't get the key piece what key piece the key piece oh okay i said your key piece all right i can't use active items anymore otherwise i teleport so if you want go for it nice hair oh yeah re-roll my infinite chest item thank you huts i didn't do anything look at your shot speed it is real saucy i'm doing doctors uh drop things now too okay [Music] we were yeah people just like to make things up okay okay [Music] why why is this happening control it [Music] all right permanent mom's foot that is coming down like really fast that is not the uh the trinket toenail hey hey that is something else ammo please using any uh active items it's just it's lost on me i'm not but i proc mega i'm just dying i'm just dying i'll just die it's okay why don't you just die top secret worth it i could take their card we can get out of boss rush then i missed my infinitely spawning active item by the way i shouldn't have dropped it i didn't drop it rerolled i'd be like you should drink that one try it out couldn't have done that that's foolish of you oh yeah so i'm still doing an eraser every time the room clears which is practically useless practically oh he says i had this so laying that i can't use active items and i where we're just getting active items by usefulness you do have a lot of health i gotta say where'd you get all that health from i don't know [Music] girl what'd you what key beggars can spawn haunted chests okay okay okay glad we're making sense you know good hey [Music] so hard for you just going to pick that up poison tears always in tears boy hoison sauce hoison hello puglito that was nice like that can't okay my ass got him all right active items pretty useful like i was shocking between you and i that is actually pretty cool although it's making this host not show up [Music] a mega chest yeah we can see the secret room now fame call to the um's eye shadow cha it's a rechargeable if you're interested okay [Music] planetarium yeah aided added half g that was a huge stat up too start with every planetarium item no item rooms if you can win probably you should you should use that two of hearts you should use the two words now do you yeah all life owl life let's get that money back [Music] 115.93 luck could be better i'm drowsy hey penny [Music] active item mine yeah just a randomly teleport i mean two swords i'll take it hey that's wrong i'll take it they're all shrinking pinky bones [Applause] what's happening right now [Music] okay here's up shots but yep i think it ruined the war forge for the 500 sparkles i've been trying to get all of you about your vehicle's extended warranty oh that was you what's still alive in here two bombs is that what that is yeah that was pretty cool love that oh okay it's just making me use active items now or consumables now most of the active items in this challenge do nothing but fart you know that's true it's very farty that's basically repentance though ed that's ed ian poop and fart yeah the man likes his he like him okay okay oh okay yeah all right up here yeah okay all right cool all right stop dude it's almost like you saw lazarus soul of that's actually the first time i've ever heard that voice line the deep rock uh yeah rocking stone brother the spiders is running in are you feeling see at these uh see if these might might run a little long unless we can get in like do a fort or something what is it what does chat want oh where is the place i'm still spawning stuff when i die by the way as as i'm dead nope ruin the four forged 500 bits thank you for that say the opposite of always coming from take me down never going to give you up everyone let you down where the hell is this boss room where are we going not this way go find chester says chad looking forward to those weber uh updates if we were ever if we were to ever bring back don't starve it would be on a new world and we would not do anything until hutt's found chester it's such a bust of a run this run blows it's like the gas coming from your ass hey he tried so hard not to get hit by that oh such a shitty run this run is really bad and i hate it a lot it's not very fun there we go undefined i have way more passes than you do you sure do then spoon it'd be a lot better if you could use your active item judgment use that i'll get the money darkest dungeon co-op is there a mod for that that'd be dope darkest doesn't co-op how did that even work purgatory helped yep send it shall we yep oh i had a bomb i'm getting erasers now i'm getting racist when i fire now oh my goodness okay hey find the boss though i didn't erase her oh oh no i did raise something oh there you go the double deal shoot we're so close to winning i feel like it'd be a really funny video or set of videos to try to get sin victor to beat the final boss in gungeon [Music] you mean the game that i've i played a couple of times and then and hated it yep that's why it'd be funny i mean i could do it but i'd probably it'd probably be a long video this one's a passive here okay well i'll i'll take the active since you actually know my active uses eraser so that is a one room recharge duality star's question mark what is that again it's going to remove your uh blanket and give us two extra items um beyond beyond what you cam what's your what's your what's your cam what's your cam are you interested in using any of these uh actives nah i have a racer i like the eraser one start with rock bottom mined smelted modeling clay can't backtrack that sounds really involved oh that was your active item no i didn't do anything nice work numb nuts i didn't do anything hey i got him the nightmare death all of those that oppose you oh okay didn't you just have a card justice there you go i'm just i'm just trying to get my hp up foolish okay almost bombed your ass yeah all right yeah mm-hmm okay yep got it all right cool hey coin we need more of those nice loving this i'm just i'm having a blast oh yeah oh okay oh yeah yep okay earphone things are turning into brimstone bombs and then into enemies yep and then disappearing good good stuff want that algis i sure do jar rocket jar rocket got a jar rocket right here for you oh did you see that giant rocket that spawned that was the ju that was the biggest rocket i've ever seen [Music] i just binge watched your secret hitler series over the weekend it's a good series sun card question mark what does that do it gives you a buff but also gives you curse of darkness i think or does it get rid of it something like that hey that was easy wait what's the judgment judgment spawns a restock machine a reroll machine so we can use it in here how oh my stats are so garbage i'm erasing stuff didn't erase that did you i'm bleeding i'm bleeding out yeah you are they now digging deeper just to throw it away it's the passive so we should that's you [Music] got some speed from that didn't get any damage i'm sitting at the seven damage 173 fire rates garbage trash justice also you oh that's right because you use the sun card that's right the reverse on card replaces all your hp with bone hearts totally knew about that obvious that's obvious hello bleeding out again did you know that shorter glass is a great item you want this uh active potentially no nah this one the one i've got is a an actual on-call demand eraser on-demand racer hey ultra secret room this is just normal moon oh i thought it was upside down well it doesn't matter got him i think i blew up he sure did why did i blow up gotta go got a blast i don't know where those giant rockets are coming from and how do we use them who's your daddy and what does he do oh that's nice that's just gonna be good for me does it hurt does it hurt answers fight let's go what what yeah we just got it at 40 minutes pretty skillful if you ask me herd of glass or 3bhp trends and okay hey i got damage uh magi or but book up teddy rock hey we can afford it so it's extreme recharge if you erase the little dude we have to fight the big dude a little hush talking about blue baby yeah well it's a little hush but or it's you know smaller okay child hush yep game busters thanks to three months hey yo oh hud's happy to return to my favorite body of isaac streamer sure i'm not your second favorite you're my third favorite streamer that looks tired more laugh track thank you so much it's just playing over and over again i took damage there now i'm bleeding you gonna be ready to hit him with a oh you need to do it now yeah he's got it nice and you all didn't think i'd be able to do that okay rosie delirium yeah buddy let's do it here we i'm just go out this is the life for me okay all right all right that's ding-dong i got half a heart yeah you son of a vision hey that's nice hey you're you're you're i'm what what am i a lock pop drop also my fire went way way way up you guys are putting challenge ideas with like 75 000 words on there like a whole essay um a not gonna remember it even if i do read it on here and then b i don't have the time to read that i'm playing you guys or think about it i don't even know what you're talking about someone's posting challenge ideas in the in the chat lots of people are is that just a fly in there what is that what the heck was that hey use that lovers card eh eels erst also i highly recommend you guys try out your own challenge ideas before suggesting them because i would say about 80 of them just don't make sense what if every step you died oh we get blood puppies now's your shell that's a mega bomb but it's in rocket form but we never get to see it though we don't get to use it ears down real fortunately dice room effect you just made me re-roll everything thanks all right that's gaming everybody i'm still teleporting that's the only thing i wanted to get rid of that's gaming everybody it seems all pretty similar to me i don't think i really think just be rerolled i'm pretty sure i rerolled yep okay hey look at that it's all the loss okay should help me out in this fight i think to be the lost instead i died what fate has been following me damn conover prime it primes well if we need charges hey look you charged babies blood puppies doing work can't get mad at blood puppy last hit last hit we can do it erase them i'm trying hey that's a nice little upgrade for you okay so i use this all the way trainer i'm just dead forever huh no remember you have there's one there's one boss that will make you come back i think we proved that was not true last time didn't we that we did every boss and then you never came no back did i did come back i came back and then i instantly died because you made a diglett spawn remember mm-hmm doesn't ring a bell thank you for the 68 month three seven row can you look at the map por for more okay yeah i remember when i was like hey i'm back and then like i instantly died yeah that uh that happened oh that actually could be pretty good okay dude the race is great the guys [Music] i wonder if anyone's upgraded uh or updated break the egg for repentance greg the egg what am i doing in every item it's great the egg so i don't know what that item does it greg's your egg sometimes it likes your greg okay what does it do though you should probably take that uh empress card i got a magician emperor extra loot nice glad i uh get the star all the way over here now good good good stuff a vacation and get behind that betrayal top 10 anime betrayals his own sides turned into brim bombs i love that i'm just making a billion charge babies but none of them are paying out wheel of fortune dice from effect no not gonna be doing that oh bomb on the floor silly i just did hp upgrade there we go all right well just gonna sit here and do my thing oh it's beautiful it did no damage false armor is so cool um i'm just stuck okay are you purposely throwing those no it's just using my active item black track oh good okay very nice all righty thanks tm trainer thanks satan oh he's almost dead you got him got more bombs sure do yep keep it going keep it going keep going oh you were meat cleavering him he just healed okay get that battery meat cleaver better air yep yep more batteries i like how he's healing your battery buddies are paying out no sin don't die he's almost dead time to stop watching hope you enjoyed the binding of isaac repentance we'll be back next week with more thus miss and we'll see you all later landing a flash he makes flash flash see you guys
Channel: Hutts 2
Views: 12,456
Rating: 4.9381442 out of 5
Keywords: hutts, gaming, channel, second, stream, streaming, twitch, Afterbirth, repentance, the binding of isaac repentance, easter eggs, greed mode, greedier mode, Rebirth, delirium, Let's play, lets play, lets play binding of isaac, fail, win, mods, brimstone, modding, beat the game, mother, dogma, beast, final, indie, best items, devil, angel, secret room, how to find secret room, keeper, secret, character, unlock
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 73min 51sec (4431 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 08 2021
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