InDesign Beginner Tutorial

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hello hello everyone my name is dave casuto instructor for learn it and welcome to our intro to indesign class well i bet you're wondering what will i learn in this class what does this class have to offer well we are just going to start from the basics understanding the indesign workspace move on to creating new documents from scratch to drawing and manipulating shapes then moving on to applying color understanding and implementing basic and complex topography and then we're going to get into a fun series of lessons on placing images image editing and text wrapping images we'll then do a deep dive into paragraph character and object styles an absolute must for any level and once we're done with those we explore the amazingly valuable master pages and then finally we learn about how to export and package our documents for publishing now this course is designed to be an interactive hands-on course so occasionally you'll hear me say pause the video and practice on your own so make sure you download the class files from the link below to do so this will ensure you get the most out of the course and learn the program in a more experiential hands-on manner i look forward to teaching you all the cool things that indesign has to offer so stay tuned and get ready to learn if you're enjoying these videos please like and subscribe if you want to earn certificates and digital badges please become a member of our patreon the link is in our video description if you have any questions you want answered by one of our instructors please join our off-site community the link is in the description as well and as i mentioned this course does have exercise files and you'll find them in the video description below let's begin by first understanding what indesign actually is technically speaking indesign is known as a layout program so we can lay out text and images and graphics to make books to make magazines posters newsletters brochures proposals annual reports so we can see here as an example just everything just kind of laid out with all of our content that we may be using other programs to create the collateral to put into this so in other words we have indesign that takes all of the content that we may have created in photoshop that we may have created a logo inside of illustrator and we brought it into indesign to create our books to create our magazines okay where illustrator is designed for illustration for creating graphics using vector based technology to draw out a logo draw out some animations and things like that so if we go over to here to any of these here you can see some of these images were doctored up inside of photoshop and then brought into indesign okay and you can see how i can make a nice little magazine but a lot of these things were done inside of another program and then brought into indesign okay so again could be a book could be a magazine could be a poster you know things like that but a lot of the work was done in photoshop now that said indesign does have a lot of tools that photoshop has has a lot of the tools that illustrator has not as many but there is some kind of venn diagrammy sort of overlap between all three programs so we could do some things to this photograph if we wanted to to make it you know like have a special effect on there have a shadow on it you know we can put a shape around it and all that good stuff and then if we wanted to actually draw out some vector graphics inside of indesign we absolutely can do that all right so we do have again some overlap between all three but ultimately you can see here that this is multiple pages and it's designed to be laying things out like this to have individual pages on here with headers and footers and maybe an index and a table of contents and things like that so it will differ from the other adobe programs giving us that type of functionality all right so we're going to be exploring everything everything you need to know within indesign or at least in this beginner's class it will be an advanced class after this but we're going to be exploring kind of what those differences are what the benefits are what the power of indesign is as well but i want to just at least kind of get some definitions out of the way you understand kind of what's what what's not what and what tools are used to accomplish what goals alright so stay tuned and we will start our first lesson let's begin by understanding the interface and the workspace that indesign provides for us so we can really sort of understand what we're looking at what things are called how we can customize things move them around and kind of take ownership over the program now this is probably going to change for you as you move throughout the program as you start to develop more learning but let's just see what we're looking at at first now you'll notice over here in the upper right i have something that says essentials this is the name of the workspace that i am currently in this is what indesign has given to me right as a workspace i can work with so i'm going to go ahead and click on this and you can see i have a number of different workspaces i can go through depending on what projects i'm working on and these are all just things that indesign has given me okay now if you're in essentials and yours does not look like mine go ahead and click on the drop down and choose reset essentials so then everything looks like how mine is looking at so you're going to see here we're going to do this because i want everybody to more or less be on the same page for the rest of our lessons now what we're going to do next is we're going to start customizing this some of these things we want some of these things we don't some of these things we want to look a little bit different we want to have them someplace else so what i'm going to teach you next is really going to help you really understand how you can take ownership of this program but also guess what when you start working with photoshop illustrator and some of the other adobe programs you'll see that manipulating and taking ownership of the workspaces is essentially going to be the same process so the first thing i'm going to work with is this guy over here which is my tools panel and i'm going to find that little dude right there that little double-sided arrow and i'm just going to go ahead and click on it why because i'd rather have this to be instead of one column two columns we're going to be exploring a whole chunk of these here so hang tight with that next thing we're going to do is we're going to come over here to the right hand side where we have these other panels we have our properties panel we have our pages panel we have our cc library and you know nothing much frankly after that so i need to add on some money to take away some other things on here so let's say for example i don't want the cc libraries okay not really relevant for me right now so very simply all i do is right click on it and you'll notice a whole bunch of options comes up let me click on close because i don't need that anymore okay i'm going to show you how we can get it back so don't worry about it and you'll notice here i only have pages and i have properties okay click on that activates that click on that that activates that all right so very straightforward now those are all the panels i currently have but i know i want to use a lot more than this in the future so where do all my panels live they live inside of the window window okay you can see here is window up on top all right and when i click on window you will see all of the panel options i have available you can see it's nicely organized in alphabetical order love that and you will see that a lot of these have little sub menus here so like color has a lot of extra things in there you'll see also so it is object and layout so does styles a big thing that we're going to be talking about here you'll see that type and table also have a lot of things in there so keep an eye out for these because in case you're not seeing what you want there's a good chance it's kind of hiding here all right so what are some things that i may want to bring up so i definitely are going to be working with style so i'm going to click on styles and i'm going to choose paragraph styles and this pops up for me and it's just kind of floating there all right that's pretty cool that's fine i'm going to deal with that later over here to window and let's say i want to work with color later on i'm going to click on color oh and that does something interesting you'll notice here is now a new set of panels right so it's docking here is like little icons so we'll deal with that in just a second and maybe let's do some more here let's go back to our window and i'm going to bring up links and guess what that docks that over here as well all right so i'm going to go ahead and minimize this by clicking on this double arrow and let's see now how we can now customize this how can we kind of make this our own so for example this is just kind of floating here not really practical for me so what i'm going to do is i'm going to drag this whole grouping over here because notice how when i brought in paragraph style it also brought in character style which i definitely want so watch what i do when i drag this up on top and i'm just going to move it and look for this little blue halo see get a blue halo here maybe blue halo here maybe when i dock it with these guys here maybe i can go way to the bottom look for another one see very subtle see there's that blue halo there i'm just going to go to that first set i saw with the square and drop it and there it is very cool all right next thing i'm going to do is bring pages over here to the left just drag that over cool right super easy to do no problem right so let's just say for example i want to bring my links over there next to properties i can very easily do that drop it in there wait for my blue halo great nice bring that back to layers okay bring layers back over to here and you'll practice this right you'll see how easy this is to do and really how vital it is as well all right i'm going to come back here to pages and then with pages i want this to be all by itself so what i'm going to do is drag the pages tab way to the bottom watch this see that blue halo let go and now see that i've now created a whole new segmentation for my workspace love that that's great this is how i'm going to do things now you'll also notice how i can resize i want to great don't have a lot of layers here so i can go ahead and make this nice and big so there therefore i can see all my pages okay so customize this however you want to for this exercise and for this class we'll be doing it a particular way but of course be comfortable with whatever you need okay now i'm going to go over here to window and i'm going to bring in the control panel so let's go ahead and click on that and you'll see something new now appears here this is incredibly incredibly important making sure to have this open at all times okay so again go over here to window and then bring up the control panel control panel and the properties panel they actually do overlap a little bit so just keep in mind you can use both of these i'll be using both of these throughout this class but just know that there's some overlap and they both have some really nice utility okay now i love what i've done here and i have outgrown essentials right so thank you very much for giving me a foundation so what i'm going to do next is just save my workspace as my own so i'm going to click on this little drop down i'm going to skip all these thanks but no thanks i'm going to say new workspace and just give it a name okay i'm just going to call this dave's faves okay and then notice here what am i capturing panel location menu customization wonderful i click ok and great there it is now it says dave's faves up there now let's see this in action right so i bring my layers panel over here right i accidentally close out my pages right i'm just making a mess of things right everything is just man i'm a mad scientist at work what do i do okay i can certainly go back to window and bring some of these things back but what i'm gonna do is just reset dave's faves i like to call this the mary poppins effect right where it's like mary poppins is like put all the weight put your toys away place for everything and everything in its place right she wiggles her broom or whatever she does and then bam everything's back in its place so watch this i click on dave's faves and then i'm going to reset dave's faves and watch this everything goes right back to where it was place for everything everything in its place all right so this is essentially where we're going to be starting off and then we'll be giving you a tour and then some um for the next exercise all right and you're gonna be getting more and more mature as we go throughout what i want you to do right now is just pause the video and then practice doing what we're doing what we've done here right where i want you to actually create your own workspace similar to mine but really get an understanding and a feeling of how you can manipulate all these different panels right you can move them around you can minimize them you can do all the different things that you want right and then go ahead and save it as your own all right so enjoy and we'll see you in just a bit now that we have a good idea of how we can work with the interface and the workspaces let's go a little bit deeper into some other components so we really understand kind of what's what and where things are and all that good stuff here so let's just start off just by going way to the bottom here where we can see a few little elements down here all right so the first thing we're going to look at here is our zoom levels okay so how far we zoomed in on the page okay cool that's helpful maybe sometimes you want to zoom to be able to see something zoom out to be able to see everything other thing we have here is going to be our page number what page are we currently on okay great you can go ahead and navigate throughout the page going backwards and forward you can also go all the way back to the beginning if you want to etc so let's just go ahead and see this in action i can click on this and i can go bam 100 and then i can go over to here to 25 great now i'm going to show you some good shortcut keys for all these things in just a little bit okay but now let's go ahead and see how we can go from page to page you can see bam i can go to page 18 i go to page 35 okay just like that right so great whatever works for you now eventually you might start working with the pages panel to be able to do that but this is just an understanding how you can go directly to a page especially when you have these big documents like that now of course you can use these little arrows here go backwards forwards and you click on this first one that takes you all the way to the beginning click on the last one that takes you all the way to the end let me go right back to the beginning look at that i just went up you know how many millions of pages there great no problem now the next thing i want you to focus on is this thing this is very very important because you're going to want to be looking at this thing at all times to kind of take a look like uh oh what's going on it's basically telling you okay how many errors might you have here okay and if you double click on it what it does is it opens you up to this thing called the pre-flight panel and it's going to tell you what in fact these errors are it's telling me that i have 57 link errors okay there are missing links on all these oh that's no good so as you're going throughout the program as you're creating things you want to make sure you have no errors and we're going to be able to explore how we can rectify these or simply just ignore them if it's not an issue for you okay but always keep an eye on these all right so that's going to be very important again just simply double click on it to then open it up to see you know what's going on under the hood essentially all right now indesign not too long ago introduced the properties panel so if you click on the properties panel and just drag it out over to here so we can see kind of what's what you're going to see currently because i have nothing selected i am looking at the properties of my entire document if i click on an image i'm now looking at the properties of that particular image look at that and i get to do all these things not only learn about something but also control it make some changes to it let's go over here to this text notice how everything changes right notice i have character and text styles and appearance for that and i you can also see i have fonts and all that stuff so this is going to be really really helpful for you working with the properties panel people identify what's going on as you're clicking on things to understand what's what now again i want to make it very clear that when i click on nothing i get the properties for the entire document you see that there it says no selection and then document how big this is my margins all that stuff incredibly valuable to be able to actually make some changes on a kind of a global level that affects the whole document all right the other thing you'll see is that if i click on an image i'll notice that up here where i have my control panel that also will change okay let me do that one more time for my type and you can see i double click on my type to get in there and then notice how it's giving me some familiar options like my font and my font size and maybe you're familiar with leading and tracking and all that stuff if not you will be very soon all right so just some things to kind of just interface you know as you're going along here now the next thing i want to show you is the ability to kind of take away some of these little lines here these lines are super helpful to a certain degree but many times you don't want them at all so i'm going to give you a nice little shortcut key which is just simply the w key right i'm going to do a capital w so you have that's some important and also you want to do shift plus w so what do those do let's take a look i'm just going to hit w right now and notice how all my lines go away i'm going to zoom in right you can zoom in either by doing command control plus plus if you like or i like to use if i'm using a mouse the alt option and then just scroll with my scroll wheel see i'm doing that or you can just do command or control plus and minus now i'm going to hit w again and you can see here all my lines come back like my margins and my column separations okay and then my my text boxes and my boxes around my images all that stuff now what does shift w do shift w takes me to presentation mode and this is awesome and i'm just using my arrow keys to go through it great this looks amazing i hit escape and i'm right back out and then i hit the w again so i can see all my demarcations so i can be a little more perfectionist about it seeing all my grids and guides and everything like that now if you're not a keyboard shortcut person you can see you can do the same thing with this little guy right here if you want to so if you click on that you right click excuse me you're going to see here is preview and then here is presentation mode so i click on that does the same thing i can click preview again and that comes right back to that i'm going to hit w get my lines back come back to here come back to here great wonderful all right so credibly helpful to be able to preview document as you want to be able to see it not all that stuff here and then one last thing i'm going to tell you and this is telling you this because this happens to the best of us sometimes you want to have all your toolbars to kind of go away for a split second and sometimes it happens by accident so what is making it do it okay if you just hit the tab key right now just literally hit the tab key watch what's going to happen oops why did it do that right total freakout moment hit tab again and it comes right back tab tab okay sometimes that's cool because you're pretty much like getting to see everything but you don't need all those panels there hit tab again and they come right back all right so experiment with that get a feel for it practice you're zooming in you're zooming out practice working with presenting in such a different way right looking at your properties panel working at you with your tools get a feel for the program because it can be a little bit intimidating a little bit complicated seeming but the more you kind of work with all this stuff in the beginning it'll really help you kind of not go crazy and really kind of tame the beast that can be indesign but very soon it's going to feel very very intuitive for you all right so pause the video practice that and we're going to come back in the next video and we're going to start by creating a brand new document and see what all the parameters are around that and have fun see in the next lesson we're now going to create our first original document based on whatever specifications we want now when you open up indesign you'll see a whole bunch of choices in terms of what you want to create how you want to create it what size etc so if we look up on top here you will see we have a few different tabs we also have potentially some recent items and you'll also have some templates that you can work from as well pretty darn good templates actually but let's go ahead and just check out what we have here so under recent these are recent things that i've worked on you can see different sizes we'll get into what some of these units of measure mean in just a second here are going to be some saved templates that i've worked with actually some presets that i have saved right maybe it's different pages different number of columns all that stuff and here are some other presets like if you're going to be doing print they have these other preset sizes and then you can check out the different templates based off of these particular media right so you can see heroes web you'll see that the unit of measure is going to be different right instead of pica it's going to be pixels you go over here to mobile it's also going to be pixels but you can also see it's for iphones this and this and that different sizes view all presets you'll see different things for ipads for androids etc all right so what we're going to do is we're going to come back to just our first tab and we're just going to create something from scratch now when you create a new document in design you're going to see a whole bunch of options over here on the right-hand side some pretty familiar things that really are self-explanatory but let's go and explain them anyway so let's see here so what is going to be the width and the height of your document now first thing i want to talk about is this whole unit of measure called pikas okay technically speaking a pica is a 1 6 of an inch okay so but most of us don't speak in pikas so they do give us the option to then change it to whatever type of unit of measure you want to work with right so let's just go ahead and change that to inches and we'll see that that 66 pikas is actually 11 inches okay and you can see it switches over here as well later i'm going to talk about how you can switch this for good to make it so it doesn't stop asking you so it does stop asking you for pikas and you can always have this as the default all right so as inches as the default that's not clear all right so you can also see how you can switch the orientation notice how it's going to go from landscape to portrait it's also going to ask you how many pages you want i'm just going to say three pages it's asking me do i want facing pages yes or no so maybe if you're making a book or a magazine you might want facing pages i'm going to say no it's going to have maybe like three in a row they're all independent of each other we're going to make three independent posters all right i'm going to start on page one how many columns do i want you can have more than one column if you want to now before i go any further i do want you to notice that i do have this option way down below we come down here where you can actually preview so if you're not sure on what to do you can click on this little preview and then behind it you'll actually get a preview of what we're doing so as i'm doing this let's say i'm like what is a column anyway so i change this to three columns i'll be able to see that oh that's what they're talking about wait they're talking about a gutter what is a gutter let's go ahead and increase the gutter and we'll see there's now more space between those let me go ahead and decrease that and you'll see now there's less space so depending on what you want to do i'm going to make mine just one column it really just depends on the data that you're going to be putting in there the content and everything like that how you want to have it structured okay the margins same thing right change it however you want notice there's also this little guy right here it basically means if you change the top it's going to change also the bottom and the left and the right but maybe you only want to change the left and the right you can just click on that and then it unlinks these guys so super easy see they're independent of each other and again i have the preview to be able to see okay how does that look and you can see there's a difference between the top bottom and now the left and the right now we also have our bleeds okay so this is what i have this set up here is a good place to be actually for your bleeds you don't want to make it at zero because essentially what your bleeds are going to be is if you want to have like your images go all the way to the edge like for example here right you see that how it's going all the way to the edge that's going to have like no bleed at all so you want to kind of exaggerate your bleed if you have it at zero you might actually have a problem where when it prints you might still get a little bit of an edge along there so this is a good kind of rule of thumb to keep it at like .125 inches to have your bleed there all right and then your slug we'll talk about that towards the end of the class uh when we're uh publishing but your slug is going to be um where all your kind of like information about your document is going to go like your colors maybe your font some instructions the name of the document write your email right that kind of thing and when you publish it you'll be able to actually see that kind of on the far outside perimeter of the document it doesn't actually get printed or cut into the print but the printer themselves might benefit from that information all right so now if i love this i'm always going to be doing this eight and a half by eleven and three pages and data all that stuff here that's great and i want to save this for the future i can now click on this guy right here and that's going to allow me to guess what save this as a preset so when i click on that i can now save this i'm going to say three page poster and i'm going to say portrait okay great save preset and that will be in with my saved with all the rest of these okay and just notice how you can also delete it if you want to as well all right and then finally i'm done so i'm going to come way down here to create and i'm ready to go now just to verify you will see now i have these three pages you'll also see in my pages panel it shows these three pages and you'll see here one two three all right and when we come back we're gonna explore a little bit about the pages panel but we're actually gonna start creating something right we're gonna be creating a poster using shapes and some of our other basic tools within indesign so go ahead and stop the video practice this and try to catch up to where i'm at right now so then we can build our poster together now before we get too deep into indesign and working with all of our text center images etc i think it's important for us to have a nice little overview of the pages panel because this is where you're going to be spending a good deal of your time in indesign so i'm just going to tear this out here and we'll see what i'm looking at here with my pages panel i have all my individual pages here right so i can scroll up and down and i can see all my pages here of course i can scroll up and down going here and just get to them this way but if i wanted to just simply get to page nine i can just double click on that and that takes me there go back up to page one just simply double click there all right so pretty straightforward you'll notice i can also work with some other options down below which is going to be creating new pages and also deleting my pages all right so pretty straightforward if i wanted to just insert a new page i click on that and a new page gets deleted i'm going to go ahead and just do control or command z get rid of that then i can course i can delete and it's going to say hey there's an issue here don't show again click ok or whatever i'm going to cancel that because i did that by accident but know that you could absolutely do that now right clicking goes a long way in all of indesign but in the pages panel absolutely does so if i right click on this you're going to see here i can insert pages move pages i can duplicate delete okay just print this one spread okay you have a lot a lot of options here some of these a little more advanced like alternative layouts and our numbering options we're going to get into those in our advanced class but just know these options are here okay we're going to get into our panel options in just a minute but just know that right clicking goes a long way here and you're right-clicking it's actually very similar to working with this little panel up there because when you click on that you're going to see a lot of the same options if not the same all right now you'll also notice in your pages panel is that you may have some other sections up here and these are known as our masters right and towards the end of this class we're going to get into working with masters you can see they're very powerful but you can see i can very easily get to my master just by simply double clicking it and now i'm in my master page and you'll see that down below it shows me that i'm currently in this master so i can click back here and go right back to page one great and there i am and then i can go right back to this here okay great and there i am right so super easy but very important to understand how to interface with the with the document now with the pages panel now you'll also note that i can like click all of these little thumbnails independently or i can also work with them as a spread just the same so i wanted like let's just say this page to move over to here i can easily move the entire page see that so really cool and it groups them all together just as s is actually connected to one of our settings that we have here that groups them together usually yours may not do that okay so that's pretty neat or you can also do an entire spread and you can go ahead and move the whole thing up on top wherever you like right and then it'll go up and i'll just replace it so do that and then again this is how this is all set up to do it i'm just going to go ahead and just undo that all right now another thing you may want to do is work with our panel options so notice what i did in this case i just right clicked in this kind of gray area look over here to my panel options and this is going to allow me to control how my pages panel is set up notice how i have a section here for pages i have a section here for masters okay and then a few other things related to my icons which are down below here do you want these there or not okay and then also do you want your masters on top where you want your masters down on the bottom totally up to you but you can see here if i change this to like extra small i click ok they get weenie weeny teeny right right click again go to there let's make them jumbo click ok and they get much bigger see that now i have a nice little view of what i'm working on depending on your screen size totally up to you i'm going to change that back to medium great masters you have the same option there if you want to great and then again do you want these icons to be there or not right again up to yes or no all right so i'm just going to go ahead and click ok and it goes right back to where i was before okay now earlier we introduced you to the properties panel now we're going to take a look very quickly at the properties panel having to do with the whole document if you will right you can see here i have all these options here it tells me how many pages i have i can also add on pages if i want to this way that's great and then of course i can change all my different margins and all that stuff here you know working with all these and you'll also notice that depending on what page i'm on i'm going to see the options for that page to be able to edit that particular page right now i'm on page two now i'm going to be on page six you can see that that's great and now if i click on edit page it's going to take me to my page editing dialog box here within properties that's kind of separate from where i was before to then make some changes just to that page it's kind of cool because let's say for example i wanted to change this page just to be landscape i can do that see now this is separate from that particular page let's bring that back so you can really see it see so if you have like a map or something like that or a chart you can very easily make that change right so i'll just find let's just go to our first page okay i'm in page one and now look at that wonderful now this is landscape plus the rest of these are now in portrait okay so gives you that kind of control anytime you want just by editing that particular page all right and i'll show you one last thing that's going to help you with your kind of page control and that is this really great tool here you'll see that right there underneath our selection tool and this is our page tool of all things and that might be a better way for you to work with rather than having to kind of dig deep into the properties panel you can see that you're going to get a lot of the same options here including the ability to go from landscape to portrait just by using this individual tool to be able to do that right so kind of nice and also you can change the size of the page if you need to and do all those things accordingly all right so this will definitely be something you want to practice kind of get familiar with it practice on one of your own documents practice on this document if you want to the proposal layout template well and just really understand kind of the nuance of the whole panel itself how the property panels work together with pages and also finally working with our page tool alright so have fun practice this pause the video and we'll see you in the next lesson so here we are in our new document all set up with our three pages and our margins and all that good stuff here so before we even get started actually cracking into things let's just kind of take a little tour deeper into our interface and some of the tools we're going to be working with by far the number one tool you're going to be working with is going to be this little guy right here right this nice little selection tool and if you move your mouse over it'll tell you this is in fact the selection tool and notice in parentheses there is a v and an escape it's giving us two options for shortcut keys okay either v when you're not in the type tool but when you are in the type tool you can't hit v so you just hit escape so either one will work depending on the context of where you're at another one you'll be working with is the type tool and then notice it's very easy to get to just hit the t key so watch this if i hit t that just pops right over to that if i hit v that goes over to that right so again t v so you can see that pretty cool pretty easy i'm not hitting control not hitting command anything like that all right so super easy to get to those another one that we're going to be working with is going to be our shape tool okay if you right click on it you'll be able to see i can add on the rectangle ellipse polygon etc okay so pretty nice not to be confused with our frame tool okay so notice also different shapes but our frames are reserved for working with our images okay so as frame does in real life it basically just contains images okay where this is just gonna be working with like color or just a frame something like that i'm gonna say not a real frame but a frame that's just gonna be more for design purposes okay and then down below here you will see that there's two options for color okay one is going to be for our fill color and then one is going to be for our stroke okay the fill is just in the inside of the shape and then this is going to be the outline if you will all right and if you double click on these you'll see that your color picker comes up okay any one of these so if i double click on that you'll see there that is i want to do this nice little scarlet color all right that's great cool open this up and i'm going to do maybe a light blue okay great and you see if i were to draw something out it would have that color fill and then that color stroke all right so i want to kind of get get that out of the way just so you can see what are going to be some of the basic tools we'll be working with the other thing i want you to notice here is that we have our ruler up on top here okay so it looks like it did not take when i put in the the right unit of measure i'm not sure why so i'm going to go ahead and change that really easily you can see it's still in picas super easy to change that so all i'm going to do now is just right click on the ruler now if i right click here and i just choose inches i want you to notice what happens it only changes it here on my x-axis it doesn't change on the y-axis so let me just go ahead and change that back and show you a nice little trick if you right-click over here in this little nexus and then i say inches it's going to change it for both of them okay and the last thing here that we're going to do before we start cutting into this is just take a look at your layers panel okay your layers panel is going to be very important for your organization we're going to get a little bit deeper into it as we move forward but i just want you to kind of keep an eye on your layers panel when you first start you're just going to have one layer that's going to that's always going to have other things living inside of that layer before you create an actual new layer i know that sounds very confusing because it kind of is is that if you have like 50 elements on your page and you never create a new layer all those 50 elements are only going to live inside this layer one okay so we're going to get more organized as we go forward here so let me just give you kind of an example of what we're going to be working on here right and i want you to see how these are examples of just like some posters that i found that you know are just very simple but what do they use a lot of they use shapes a lot so our first lesson is really not just about creating a poster but using shapes and seeing the value and the power of working with shapes alright so you can see here shape shape shape different colors you can see circle circle circle with a little drop shadow there and look at that how shapes are being used for containing our text that looks really nice you can see here some other shapes with lights on drop shadow shape shape shape here's a line that's considered a shape here's another shape more shape so you can see how they're invaluable you'll see them everywhere no matter what kind of document you're working with right so we even go back to some of the files that i was working with earlier i showed you okay you can see these shapes are containing our images okay but you'll also notice how this is the shape that's behind this other shape here's a nice little shape that's underneath there let's take a look at some other ones here let's take a look these are just images here but let me go back to this document you can see here's a nice little shape right and some lines here okay so just kind of get an idea that like yes absolutely you can work with shapes in many many different capacities all right so also notice here i have a lot of documents open here so if you in case you want to close in them at all you can just go ahead and click on the x click on the x or simply right click and you can see there's a lot of other options there that you can work with okay so let's just start digging into this notice here i'm on page one and that's what i want to be working with and i'm going to use as my model i'm just going to use this one here because i have three different circles and then three different rectangles so just see how easy it is to create that but the first thing is what i'm going to do is create a background for it i'm going to very simply use a rectangle and just draw that into that okay so i'm going to choose the rectangle shape tool and i'm going to say i do not want to stroke so how do you do that just simply click on the stroke make sure that's active and then click on that guy right there all right so if you look here it's this little slash and that basically is like hey don't do anything with the active color there with this one i'm just going to double click on that and then maybe bring this up kind of a little bit of a lighter color and notice how i'm interacting with my color you can see here i can change this going this way i can also change the whole hue in general and then i can change all the shading and brightness from here you know of said color all right so i'm good for that right now it doesn't really matter i can change this very easily when working with color you might know your rgb value right which is good for for web-based right for the screen you also might know your cmyk value which is good for print okay so this is red green blue this is cyan magenta yellow and black and then some of you may also be working with your hexadecimal code all right and at some point later on we're going to talk about swatches and we're going to see how we can also use this a little color picker but for right now let's get cracking on this i'm gonna click okay i'm just gonna draw out my shape and come all the way down just like that notice how i'm over stepping where the margin is and the bleed and everything so you wanna make sure that's in there it's not gonna print don't worry okay great now i'm gonna right click here i'm going to choose my lips tool and i'm just going to double click there and i'm just going to find a nice little burgundy color burnt sienna okay and then i'm just going to hold down the shift key to make a perfect circle okay if i don't hold down the shift key notice i get that but watch this hold down the shift key perfect circle great now i have kind of a container that's ready to go for my stuff and maybe i'm going to have that a little bit off-kilter a bit now remember one of the earlier lessons i showed you a way to get a preview of it so if i hit the w key right now look at that i'm actually able to see it without those markings right hitting the w key so i want to kind of have this a little bit sort of off the page and do that okay that's kind of cool maybe a little bit too close to the margins okay kind of like that it's a little bit too symmetrical okay fantastic good i'm ready to go all right and i'll bring that back so i can see where my margins are just by hitting the w key okay so pretty straightforward making shapes but now what i'm going to do because i want the same exact shape right literally the same size and everything repeated all throughout so what i'm going to show you next is something that's a great shortcut key which is going to be the alt or option key and what does that do that clones okay that is going to clone whatever you have on the screen so what does that mean let's just see that in action if i hold down the alt or option key notice how my mouse turns in this little double arrow i'm just going to go ahead and click and drag and bam i've just cloned that it's like a very quick cut and paste all right so i'll go ahead and do that one more time great now i don't want these same colors if we go back to the model that i had here our sample right these are all different colors so i can just play around with these colors so i simply select it and i can go back over here to now change my fill color of this so let's go ahead and do that i'm going to simply double click on that and just choose whatever color let's make it something a little nicer to look at all right not too bad kind of blends in a little nice with the background cool click on that click on that okay so what do i want to change again click on this one here double click and then let's have a little bit of contrast let's choose green cool hit the w key all right starting to come together i like that and maybe this is going to be off the page a little bit okay so pretty easy to do and you're going to see incredibly incredibly necessary to understand how shapes work shapes are going to be everywhere and just a little bit of background about what shapes are so we kind of can define them properly shapes are technically known in both indesign and photoshop and especially illustrator as vector types of graphics right which means that i can resize this as big as i want and you'll notice that it does not get pixelated right the edges stay nice and clean and nice and smooth and that's kind of the benefit of actually drawing out the shape as opposed to like getting a jpeg or a png off the internet drawing it out actually gives you a vector so when you print it out you bring it on the web it's going to look really nice and neat so let's go ahead and now i'm going to draw out my rectangles i'm going to make these kind of black why not okay come all the way over here to the far left and just notice also the rgb value all the zeros right the hexadecimal zero seem like a little harder to remember but you can see bam fantastic all right i'm going to click ok and very simply just draw out rectangle go back to my move tool right very important i could have also hit the v key to go right back to it and i'm going to just hold down the alt key to clone that hold down the alt key and clone that all right so again hit the w okay it's really coming together i really like that now earlier i was discussing layers okay notice something very odd right we're like i have six seven things on here hackman only says one layer okay now if you didn't understand it the first time you're gonna get it watch what happens now when i click on that little guy right there you're gonna see oh my goodness there's a lot going on here right so if i click on this little eyeball you can see how that rectangle goes away there's another rectangle going away okay so they're actually here but they are not named they're named as rectangular shapes and they also kind of live inside this layer called layer one okay so if you want to name these very simple you can just simply just double click it right so i'm just going to double click on that i'm going to type out main content all right and then you can color code the layer if you want to and then you can change all these specifications if you want to as well we're going to get into that a little bit more when we get into more complex content all right so really good all right so you can see all right that might be called i'll just do one for now so you can see i'm going to double click on that and you'll see when you double click on the sub layer nothing really pops up but when you do a slow motion double click watch that see then this gets activated it's very interesting then i'm going to change this to lower left let's just call that text box okay so again you can go ahead and change these however you want but we're going to keep it just for the sake of this exercise just as it is just so you can learn the tools learn the process etc now coming back to one of our earlier lessons when we were talking about working with properties okay because i want to know the properties of these i want to be able to manipulate the properties of these all right so if your properties panel is not up you can always go back up to window and you can choose properties and it will pop right up okay very good now you'll see for all the things i'm working with i have all of these individual properties i can now play around with all right i recommend you always always always have the properties panel somewhat available to doesn't have to be this prominent but just know where it is and just know how to use it so as an example if i wanted to change the color of this notice here is my appearance and my fill so if i double click on that this is going to take me to a number of different what we call swatches these are all saved colors that i can now use right come right back to that you'll also note that i could go over to any one of these and play around with them different swatches gradients we're going to get into and then my color picker let me do that one more time very easy to miss this little guy right here is going to take us to the color picker that we've been working with on this side we can also do it with our properties so we do that one more time and i go over to here double click it and let's just say i want to do something a little more kind of bluish gray i click ok and there that is all right and again click on this you'll see my color will change click on this my color will change all right now let's just take a tiny little tour of our properties panel so we can see all the other options that are hitting hidden for us right you can see wow a lot a lot of cool stuff that we can work with here in terms of our x and y value meaning where's it located on the page if you want to be very precise about it our width and height right in case they're not the exact same size you'll be able to see that right there and again we looked at our fill we can change our stroke from here we also have something known as our opacity right so i want to make this a little more kind of like see-through just for kind of a fun effect i can make this a little more see-through just by bringing that down a little bit maybe bring it down to about 74-75 and see okay cool a little bit of visual interest all right so let's come back to that one more time scroll down and you'll see i have some of my alignment tools here our text wrapping we're going to get into all these things later on okay but you can see how there's a ton of functionality in the properties panel as you move through any any object in indesign okay so i'm going to go ahead and pause the video i want you to practice this catch up to this here and then we'll do a quick lesson on how to bring in some type and have fun so i hope you're doing okay with your poster practice and you're all caught up with what i've got here and we're just going to do some basic finishing touches on this and that's going to be just doing a little bit of type how we can bring in type and also how we can place images all right so currently what tool am i in i am in the selection tool so i'm just going to hit the t key and that switches me over to the type tool certainly you can go ahead and click on this if you like and i'm just going to click and drag to now put in what i want to put in i'm going to put in fanny's flower [Music] okay and that's going to be the name of my shop so therefore the name of my poster right there so you can see if you really zoom in you can really see what i have there obviously not big enough so what i'm going to do is simply not double click but i'm going to triple click on my content in there and that selects the entire paragraph in this case and you'll see both in my properties panel as well as in my toolbar up on top for my options i'll be able to see all my font settings we're going to have a much much deeper dive into text in a little bit but let's just for right now just so we can kind of finish our poster let's make this maybe a little bit bigger and we'll also learn how we can change the font so i'm going to make this about i don't know 48 that works for me then i can change my font and again we're going to get into these a little bit deeper i'm just going to change this to that's kind of a fun one and now very easily i'm going to resize my text box bring that down and i'm going to do two other things we're going to make this resized notice how i'm doing that and guess what i'm going to come over here to my properties panel and i'm going to align that in the center okay and then notice i just had to go right to my properties panel to find so many things all associated with whatever i selected and in this case it was this text box all right so i'm going to hit w okay great that's coming in love that all right you'll want to practice that of course right now we're going to bring in an image so in indesign speak and photoshop speak and illustrator speak bringing something in an image or even text is considered placing so what we're going to do is we're going to place in another image so we can have that here kind of as the background so if you go over here to file you'll see here's an option to place also notice the keyboard shortcut definitely one of the more valuable ones so i click on place and it's going to take me to this file i have my links and images you should have access to these all right and then i'm just going to find an image to bring in now when i click on that you will see this little kind of mouse that's sort of got a little backpack of my image pops up here essentially giving me the option to now choose where i want to put it and how big i want it okay so watch this i'm going to simply click and drag just like that just kind of eyeballing it and then bam there it is love that that's pretty great all right so easy to do that all right so again if you were to go to file and place you just find your image however you want we're going to go a little more detail and uh placing in just a little bit and you'll also notice a few other options here etc so in case you get kind of stuck in anything and yours is kind of getting a little bit weird just make sure that you uncheck this box here you do not want that checked okay just in case all right so i'm going to go ahead and just cancel that now you'll notice this it looks good but not great because guess what this is all covering all of my text and circles and all that stuff and that's not what i want so how do i fix that how do i make it look how i want it to look because ultimately my goal is to make it so this picture is behind all my circles but in front of all in front of my background color so if we look over here we have our image name that's right here and all of our other shapes and our text and everything like that right underneath it so very simply all i need to do is just drag this down this is going to be our first kind of major lesson about working with layers so i drag this down all the way all the way right above rectangle and look at that cool there it is love that that looks better all right and i'm going to show you later on how we can work with images more specifically in terms of resizing and all that good stuff all right so we're going to do that in the next lesson but at this point i want you to get caught up which is doing some basic text and then also placing in images and then playing around with our layers okay so practice that pause the video catch up and we'll see you in the next lesson in our last lesson we just learned how to bring in a basic image using the place tool so we just placed in some images we also reset we place an end image we resize no big deal let's just bring in some more and we're going to see how we can do some other things on this document and then also some other documents so i want to bring in some images inside of each of these circles so very simply i go to file and place or again controller command d and let me just find this guy here and i'm just going to click and drag to put that in there right not gonna be perfect for right now don't worry about it let's find another one this time just for fun i'm just gonna do control d we'll see how that works awesome fantastic let's find another one all right great and i'm just going to click and drag all right and then make sure by the way before you actually bring in your next image make sure this is very important that no image is selected here right because if i were to now do a place it's going to replace this image here okay so very important okay so kind of get into the good habit of like clicking away because if i had this selected and i went to place it's going to replace this one sometimes you want that so it's kind of a nice thing all right now what i'm going to do next is i'm going to instead of actually clicking file in place i'm going to draw out a frame ahead of time so my image is going to live inside of that frame all right so what do i mean by that right these images right here that we just brought in they actually consist of a frame as well as an image right you can see here there is the frame here which is going to be the blue box and then when i click on the center that actually becomes this little kind of rusty box right there okay so you'll see that there right and for some of you you may actually see a circle in the middle so i'm going to activate my circle in just a little bit okay so you'll be able to see that just the same way that i'm seeing in the way that you're seeing it all right so that you'll see that each image has two elements in it it has both the frame and it has the image inside of it so what we're going to do preemptively is just draw out our frame so if we go over to here this time what i'm going to do just for fun so you can see what you can do so i'm going to draw out an ellipse frame okay meaning i don't want to come in looking like this so i'm going to click on this now and i'm just going to click and drag while holding down guess what the shift key and see that it's now a frame just imagine you went to the store and you picked up a frame from the store and you're like okay now i got my one my favorite pictures and i want to put that inside of the frame so what i'm going to do now is just simply go to file and place and then i'll find a picture that's going to go in there and let's just choose these bell flowers okay and it did kind of what i wanted but not really right that wasn't the picture i brought in we're going to fix that in just a little bit okay but just note that you can bring in a picture inside of a frame indesign is going to do its best to bring it in there for you all right so just for fun i'm going to do that all over again just for these just so i actually have circles and not what they want so you'll be able to see me do that one more time so i'm going to do that relatively quickly hold down my shift key i'm going to do control d i'll find this time i'll bring him up there all right click away remember get into that good habit and then again notice also there is a keyboard shortcut for these just go to the f tool right and that's going to access the frame hold down the shift key i have there it's all ready to go and then also notice the difference between the frame and the shape it has this x in there as i said so now i'm going to go ahead and just do command control d now before i do this i do want you to notice a little hint it is telling me it is going to replace the selected item so that's what i was telling you before that you want to kind of be aware of these things when you do them because like you want to make sure that nothing is selected because it's going to replace the selected item okay so very important there so let's now find another image here and that's going to fit in there kinda not really okay so let's see how we can fix this let's see what we can do to do a number of different things first of all i want to have these beautiful flower pictures fit inside there huh not doing it how do we fix that issue if you right click on an image that is not fitting in there you will see that there's this great option here for fitting indesign knows that this is something that happens so they have a whole bunch of tools that are going to allow you to do all these different things so what's the problem do you want to fill the frame proportionally do you want to fit content proportionally is that that's not really the problem do you want to fit the frame to the contents hmm or do i want to fit the content to the frame that actually makes more sense right because i'm actually i want my content my image to be the same size as my frame because i drew it my frame first so watch what happens when i click on that nice that comes in there but it's not perfect so i'm going to right click again go to fitting and this time i'm going to choose this really great option for content aware fit and let's it's going to use its kind of algorithm and then it kind of fits in there pretty nicely right but we can experiment with some other ones let's go to fitting and let's just say fit content proportionally not so much i'm going to do control z to undo and you'll see when i click on this i now can understand what's going on with this whole frame and image phenomenon you can see the image actually goes outside of the frame so if i click and drag right in the center and i get that little rusty color i can now move this left and right and kind of show what i want to show let's do that again for this guy i'm going to right click i'm going to go over here to fitting i'm going to choose fit content to frame not bad right click fitting let's say content aware fit but you can also try some other ones maybe center content right fit content proportionally just try it all out i do find that content aware fit works pretty good for the next step and you can see pretty good right and it also didn't warp the proportions i click on the center and you can see bam there that is and then this time i'm going to use the arrow keys in my keyboard to just kind of nudge it so don't accidentally click anything else all right and let's see what's going on with our groom so i right click fitting fit i'm going to say fit content to frame and okay not bad but you can see he's a little stretched out that's not sort of human so i click on content aware and there it is perfect all right so you'll want to practice this this definitely this is going to be something that you'll see all the time so number one what did i do i just brought in an image without any frame at all then what else did i do i actually drew out my frame and then i had the image go into the frame itself so depending on what your layout is you might want to have it all structured in such a way all right now let me show you kind of one of the the kind of trickiest bits you're going to see when you're working with images because earlier we talked about we had two different things we're working with here right we're working with both the frame and we're working with the content all right so the frame is on the outside and the content is on the inside all right and they are treated independently so watch what happens now when i try to resize this image and this is the kind of thing that makes you go crazy if you haven't worked with indesign before i'm going to try to resize this i'm going to make it nice and big watch this click and drag and well that's weird let me undo that to do something wrong let me try from this side click and drag huh what if i make it smaller well something odd is happening what is actually happening the frame is operating independently from the image because i want when i grab the corners i want them both to get resized both the image and also the content so how do i deal with that so what i'm going to do is come down here while my image is selected i'm going to choose this guy here auto fit strange language but all that is basically saying is hey we're going to make both the frame and the content work together right work together as one so when i do resize i can now resize both of them together at the same time okay so we'll go ahead and just click on that make sure again autofit has chosen click and drag and bam there you have it there you have it right maybe make that a little bit bigger so it kind of takes this up a little bit more okay great i'm going to fix that in a little bit because it's kind of still a little bit glaring we're going to work with opacity but really the key thing here is okay let's make that just kind of fit in nicely all right and we're kind of coming together pretty well with that now you probably noticed as you were doing this that there is a set of options for frame fitting right above autofit so of course it's up to you what you want to do with that right if you want to right click and go to fitting or if you want to say frame fitting just right from here again totally totally up to you okay now one of the last things we're going to do here with this properties panel especially for this little image right here is work with the opacity remember how we work with opacity for the shape we can do the same thing for our image i want this to be very very subtle just going to be just kind of a whisper in the background so i click on this little drop down here and then drag that over just it's like barely barely there right it's just kind of like hey i'm kind of just like background noise right not a whole lot going on but i can go ahead and just make that fit so it goes into the entire frame see what that does oh that's kind of nice right so it's like you're so you're sort of subconscious sees it more than anything okay so it's like okay that's just sort of decorative if you will all right so what did we do we work with frames in many capacity for pictures right then we also went and we fitted the frames after we drew out the frames brought them in making sure that the frame is not selected if you wanted to not replace it and also we worked with doing autofit to make sure that the frames and the content work concurrently with each other and then we also worked with transparency all right now if we take a look at the layers panel you'll see i now have all these things all set up ready to go i could certainly go and manipulate these however want to rename them reorder them you know really practice that okay so one last thing here you'll see that this is selected here and you can see that this is selected and it's just called rectangle not a very good name for it so i probably want to change that at some point but what i'm going to do is just click and drag this over here so i can see that above it so again another little review on working with layers all right so pause the video practice that and we'll come back in the next lesson now that we've got some of the basics out of the way for our images let's do some maybe more advanced kind of creative things so i'm just going to hit the w key so you can see what i have going on here this particular image has a nice little stroke around it so if i click on the image you'll be able to see in my properties panel it shows me here that i have a white stroke around this that is two and a half points so if i were to make this bigger you'll be able to see that's going to grow pretty cool i can then also make this have also a different style of a stroke you can see that let me make that nice and big pretty cool that can be kind of fun kind of creative so you'll want to play around with all the different types of strokes the width of the stroke and everything that you can do in terms of the color the width right all the different styles everything like that so pretty neat all right so play around with that kind of experiment with what's going to work for you now you'll also note that for certain documents working with text wrapping is going to be very important okay so if i were to go to this image and now move this up here i want you to notice how my text just kind of gets the heck out of the way right it's like okay image coming through so you'll see it could actually be very beneficial when you're working with images and type together to work with text wrapping where can i find my text wrapping options you guessed it the properties panel let me go ahead and make this taller so we can actually see pretty much most of our options available to us here so again you see here the transform and all those other x and y etc all those things there there's my stroke etc all right but now you're going to see i have everything having to do with text wrapping right here right so if i want this to wrap or not wrap if it's not wrapping properly then i can work with it better so let me go ahead and turn it off so you can see what it's going to do kind of by default so when i say no text wrap which is right here you're going to see all my everything gets all messy right like oh that's a problem don't want that so it's very easy to apply that you'll see that there's a number of different text wrapping options wrap around bounding box wrap around the actual object shape this will actually just jump it right which actually might be a good candidate for this and then you'll see this is going to just jump to the next column if you're working in columns to this extent so for this example it's either going to be wrap around the bounding box or this one since we already saw this one here wrap around the bounding box let's just see what this one does and look at that it just jumps it okay that's pretty cool just like all right because it takes up the whole width the whole frame excellent now you will notice that there's a space around the image right this kind of padding around it so you might want to have a little bit of padding around because if you don't then guess what it's going to be way too close and that's not going to look very clean not going to look very nice so you'll see here i have the top padding the bottom the left and the right and then notice again here's my link icon to be able to say hey do i want all those things doing that yes or no in this case it's really just about the top and the bottom so i'm just going to uncheck that and then just make that go a little bit higher notice how it's pushing away my type okay pretty cool and then let's do it also for the bottom let's push that push that push that okay nice little bit of breathing room hit the w key cool now that's nice and clean i love that all right okay now let's go to one more fun feature i want to show you that you can do with images and that's changing the shape if you will right so looking at this particular image you will see here that it is a square right no big deal but i might want to change the frame shape of this so it's a circle so how do i do that like i don't have to start all over again draw out the circle and then bring it all in again too much work right wasted calories so what i can do is again make sure the image is selected and go over here to the object menu way up here and then you will see way down below is this convert to shape and look at all the different shapes that i can convert this to if i want to do a rounded rectangle you'll see now that is a rounded rectangle you see that oh that's pretty neat that's super easy let me now change that to something else i'm going to click on my image again go over to here to object go over here to convert to shape now let's try an ellipse oh kind of like that too now it's not a perfect circle guess what now i'm going to see the benefit of working with a shape of the frame independent of the content itself so make sure that autofit is not selected in this case and now i can just go and bring that in you'll see that now i can make this perfectly round okay so a lot of cool things you can do right so you can convert these things again by going over to object and convert shape to change it to a different shape altogether okay and we can also work with text wrapping right and then all the other options i showed you before in terms of fitting bringing them into the content you want etc all right now one last thing i'm going to show you in terms of changing the shape and again this is going to be maybe a little bit more advanced but definitely a helpful thing is being able to actually change what we call the corner radius right here on the fly all right so look at this one right here you'll be able to see how the corner radius which means the corners right here is exactly zero right that means that it is just a hard corner if you go over to our appearances over here on the right hand side you're going to see it says corner and then you'll see it's like that all right and you can see it's just a hard corner so i can easily change this now to a very different one i'm going to change this to bevel all right very subtle i'm gonna make that go a little bit bigger and let's watch that grow grow grow cool that was easy let's try a different one let's go to fancy that is indeed fancy wow look at that let's try something else let's go to inset and again you play around with these and that inset i want that but maybe it's a little bit too much so i bring that back up again cool so depending on what your goal is what you're doing now what i just showed you here even though this is just an image i can easily do this on shapes just the same so if we go back to here and if i wanted to make this into something whatever fancy inset right any of these other things i can absolutely absolutely do that so now it's going to look more like a you know a badge of some kind right so let's go ahead and do the same thing for all of these it's not the one i did what was it again it was that and finally that all right and then that starts to look maybe a little more important really stands out a little bit of visual interest okay so just because you have a shape doesn't mean you can't change the shape just because you have an image with a frame around it doesn't mean you can't change it right you can change the size you can put a stroke around things you can change the corner radius of it you can change the stroke color the stroke uh style so much you can do all right so if you haven't paused the video at this point to practice all of these things around images i strongly strongly encourage you to do it okay watch the video again if you need some review but this is going to give you a great foundation for images the importance of images and give you really the skills and the comfort level you need to really master everything you need to do when you're bringing in images and how it works with text with text wrapping as well alright so go ahead and pause the video have fun and we'll see you in the next lesson now that we're a little more comfortable with placing in images working with images manipulating them to a certain degree let me show you a quick little pro tip for bringing in images in bulk but also for aligning them putting them into a little bit of a grid system this is going to be good if you're maybe creating a contact sheet or a catalog you know any time where you're going to have like a lot of images all at once so how do we do that let's go ahead and just click on file click on place right same deal and all i'm going to do now is just click click click just adding on i got four five and six pictures ready to go i'm not going to choose show import options click open and now just wait for it i'm just going to click and drag and now with my arrow keys on my keyboard i'm just going to hit the up arrow then i'm going to hit the right arrow right arrow see that and i can also resize it just like that so the up and down arrows will create rows the left and right arrows will create columns for you so that is perfect i let go of my mouse and just like that perfect setup amazing and i can go ahead and grab them all just like that and i'm good to go really really awesome okay so you want to practice that but now before i let you go and practice that let's talk about another way you might actually want to do something similar to this and that's working with frames okay so you actually may want to work with frames that are pre-existing that are essentially placeholders for you so you can do the same thing when you're drawing out a frame so let's just say i wanted to bring in you know six individual frames that are going to be placeholders waiting for me to bring in my images right i don't have those images yet but i know they're going to live there so as i click and drag now i'm going to do the same thing right see perfect but in this case it's going to be nine images okay because i have three rows and three columns and now you can see bam those are ready to go and then maybe i want to place them right here all right so these are just going to be my frames all set as placeholders ready to go where i can now bring in an image if i want to very simply and easily so let's just go ahead and bring her in there and then again we learned about this right clicking bidding i'm going to fit the content of the frame and then that's a little bit of review for you okay and then content aware fit and perfect she fits in there nicely all right so now but again i have it all set up maybe it's for me maybe it's for my co-worker i'm collaborating maybe i'm with a client whatever it is okay so either preemptively you're going to bring in your images or you're going to set up frames to be able to have placeholders all ready to go all right pause the video practice this this is one of my favorite favorite things and have fun we'll see in the next lesson okay and welcome back hopefully you are enjoying your exercises and you're ready for some more fun stuff to learn we're going to continue on with this discussion on images however this is not just about images what we're going to discuss here because we're going to discuss alignment and the alignment really falls into the category of aligning really anything you see on the page any kind of object where it could be text boxes it could be shapes could be images could also be alignment within a text box right so i want this center aligned and we saw earlier that we can actually align these right really nice and easy and you'll also see that i could align objects that are all right next to each other to each other but i can also align them to the actual margins of the page if i want to so let's just say for example i want to align this little badge with this badge okay cool how would i go about doing that as soon as i click on both of these and i just hold down the shift key by the way to do that you will see that the properties panel now shows me all of these alignment options over here okay great let's go ahead and check these out and see what's happening here notice i can left align them i can center align them right align them top and then also centers in the vertical and then also looking at the alignment on the bottom edges so you can do a lot of things here but now before you even just kind of go pull the trigger i want you to notice this little guy right here this is very very important this little guy right here is saying okay what am i aligning it to because sometimes when things don't go right it's usually because this guy is not really doing it what not really doing what we want it to do okay it's doing what we probably told it to do but we didn't realize what in fact it is telling us to do so if you click on the drop down you're going to see i have a line to selection align to key object the line to margins align to page align to spread currently it's saying oh align to margins that's not what i want i want to align to the selection so therefore these guys are now talking to each other i'm ready to see that so if i say align left see that now they're perfectly aligned okay as a result of me choosing a line to selection okay so we gotta want to pay attention to these things here okay so just be aware of kind of what's what all right let's add on another element to this let's say i want these to all be kind of like perfectly distributed among them so i'm going to go ahead and choose the first one hold down the shift key second and now the third you'll see that underneath the line is all of my distribute object options okay so let's just see what these guys do and how this can actually help us i want these to be evenly distributed among each other okay so all three of them are selected and let's just see what happens when i click on that distribute top edges oh that's pretty neat oh nothing different there when i do distribute my vertical centers right because they're all equally distant in terms of sorry they're all actually the same size so there's not going to be any difference between the top and the center and the bottom all right so you can see what's happening with each of these if i choose this one i'm going to be getting something a little bit different right because it's distributing something a little bit different not necessarily what i wanted to right you can see this is going to be more or less the thing that i want all right so notice how they are perfectly distributed among each other now so i click away let me put my w on there and that looks pretty nice okay because these are aligned with each other and then all three of them are evenly distributed away from each other okay and that's as a result of working with distribution okay so pretty nice i want you to really just practice that and understand kind of how these work you can use some of your other images as well okay now some of you may want to go a little more advanced we're not going to do that so much in this class but i want you to know that there are other distribute options in terms of distribute based off of a certain type of spacing and a certain amount of spacing if you always want it to be a certain amount away from each other you can absolutely do that okay so go and experiment with those on your own okay so i'm going to go ahead and pause the video let you practice that i'm going to come right back on this particular document right exactly where we are and we're going to talk about links just a brief discussion on links we'll see how important they are how valuable they are and how easy it is to work with now as promised we're going to talk about links so you may have seen links referred to when you open up a document and it says hey we need to update our links or we can't find certain links links for the most part are going to be talking about images all right because you're going to be linking up images that you're going to be placing into your document rather than having them embedded into the document itself because many times especially when you're printing you're going to be working with very very large images and in order for indesign to not be you know bogged down by really heavy images it just links it up all right so this is going to be pretty important because you want to make sure that you can find these links when it comes time to send it to your printer and everything is nice and tidy and also you want to make sure that that the links themselves don't get compromised all right you're going to see an example of when we're going to have lots of compromising we might have some problems otherwise so where do our links panel where does our links panel live it's going to live right here you can see here as links for me if you don't find it you can always just simply click on window and go over here to links and it's going to pop right up i'm just going to pull this over here and you will see very simply i have just these four images here right one two three and then the image in the background so nice and easy i can see great i have this image and guess what it's on page one because i only have one page right makes sense you can see bam there they are great wonderful you'll also see that on the bottom gives me all this information about that particular image what is the color space you can see the size of it the ppi the location of it the date that it was modified and created you know all that good stuff there fantastic when it was placed love it alright so that's pretty important now this one's pretty straightforward and this one's actually nice and intact because you'll see weight on the bottom i have no errors that is your goal that's what you want to see because if you have any things that are not linked like it's say my coworker deleted this image my co-worker moved it to another folder right change the name something like that this will then change to one error okay or two or three or four whatever it is okay so we want to kind of pay attention to that so let's look at an example from another document this long doc class you'll see i have a lot of errors in this how do i know that come down to the bottom here and you will see there it is 57 errors boo we do not want 57 errors i'm going to go ahead and just double click on that and you will see that i have 56 56 link errors missing links oh my goodness and it tells me what page they're at and everything like that oh my god wow so what do i do let's at least just see what they are like oh man okay there's something missing on that side okay let me just see if i can okay maybe it's just this little flower okay i guess that makes sense some of these are ai files illustrator some of them are jpegs you can bring in photoshop files if you want to okay let's just go over here to this one okay wow all right that's that's an issue i need to resolve this why do i need to resolve this towards the end of the class we're going to discuss packaging our files all right notice this is a pre-flight panel so before you package you need to look at your pre-flight to make sure that everything is airtight because what's going to happen is that when i package it it's going to be looking for all these images to package together to send to my printer so my printer can do a good job of printing the highest best quality possible so it needs all those images when i finally do package them all right we're going to be doing that towards the end of our lesson but i want you to really understand how important this is all right i'm going to close this out and let's see what we need to do to resolve this issue okay so i have a lot a lot of issues here right lots of problems so i go to here you'll see again all my information okay blah blah blah but then you're gonna see these guys right here they're gonna help me with my problems okay so let me just make this a little bit taller so i can see it there we can see how this can interface do that right and then let's just see what we can do to resolve some of these issues here so if you move your mouse over here you can say relink from cc libraries i'm not working with my creative cloud libraries but that might be something you want to do you can see here's also relink just relink period okay you'll see also i can just go to that link where this lives presumably is that there i'm not exactly sure but i'm just going to go ahead and just re-link this okay so let's just see what happens now when i click on that and i'll be able to see there's the image i'm looking for isn't it oh okay so i can click on this and then maybe it's going to re-link it that's great but i also want you to notice this very very important checkbox that is going to help you just immeasurably search for missing links in this folder yeah because you know what a lot of his buddies are probably in the similar folder or at least like one or two of them who knows so i'm going to click on this now all right you're going to see all right it's linking it up i'm going to click ok one by one it's looking for it it's looking for it wait for it okay search this relink directory and found and re-linked what 56 missing links i love that thank you indesign i click ok and guess what no more crazy icons to scare the bahujas out of me that's amazing and guess what i only have one error and that error has nothing to do with links anymore does it it's just text text over set and you'll see what that means in a future or past lesson depending on where you're at with things okay but no worries now i'm all set with links all right so you want to practice that you will see that that will be coming up many many times as you're working with with images and when things get moved around so you want to be able to kind of know where they are be able to find them and also learn about your images as well all right so that's just kind of the the long and short of working with links and again understand why we did that when you're finally going to package your final document as a pdf or getting it printed and etc etc you want to make sure that everything is nice and airtight there all right so practice that pause the video right you can work with the document that you have here um available because there should be some missing links there for you and then make sure you got the process down and watch this as much as you need to all right and we'll see you in the next lesson let's now get a little bit more advanced complex and creative on our images so one thing you may want to do is copy the style and effects that you have for one particular object and apply it to another so so far you've probably seen that i have this little badge here that has this particular color and i do not have that same color here so let's say i want to just copy this and say hey listen can i borrow that from you no problem so what we're going to do is we're going to select the object that does not have all of the object properties that we want and very simply we're going to go over to this little guy right here this little eyedropper right think about what eyedroppers do they just suck things up so we can borrow it from another place and then apply it so very simply i'm going to click on my eyedropper click on this and just like that it's done that's amazing how cool is that okay let's now do it for this one go to there and bam there we are okay so that's all set up now i do want to talk about something called styles that we're going to be working with in a future set of lessons and styles are going to allow us to save the look and feel of these in terms of the color and maybe the corner radius and the transparency and all that good stuff so that way we can reuse it over and over again okay so in the future we're going to be talking about lots of different types of styles that's going to be an object style it's going to apply to different objects right like text boxes and shapes and images all right now let's go ahead and go on to something else that you might want to do creatively and that's working with our different effects okay so where are effects so i click on my image here and you will see that there is where you right over here is effects and you literally see it says fx and you'll also notice that there is another place to see effects and that's going to be here just the same so what are our effects when i click on that you'll see i can put a drop shadow in there an outer glow inner glow a feather right so it's kind of has a nice little soft glow around it all kinds of different things we can do i'm just going to put on a very simple drop shadow for this click on drop shadow and you'll notice if you zoom in here a little bit you'll see i got a nice little drop shadow there and i'm just going to go ahead and click ok i'll click away oh that looks pretty good hit my w alright to see how that adds on a little bit of dimensionality to my image now let me turn that back on and let's just try it for this one but maybe i want to just control it a little bit more see we can do go over here to effects say drop shadow and now you will see i can now really customize what my drop shadow is going to be let me just bring this over a little bit more over here so i can see it and now what i'm going to do is just customize what my drop shadow properties are going to be now you will notice that i have all of all those effects that i've saw earlier and all the things that i could now add to it if i want to we're just going to work with our drop shadow and all of its properties right here so you can see everything that i have available to me including my position and distance my opacity where it's offset okay the angle of my drop shadow all right all kinds of different things so let's just go ahead and explore what we can work with here so if i go to my distance let's just go ahead and bump that up a little bit and just see notice how that goes away and it comes right back notice as i do that my offset for my x and my offset for my y also change so x is going left and right y is going up and down i can also change the angle so i can click and drag on this little sundial thing here and you'll notice how that changes essentially this is saying well where is the sun coming from to cast the shadow on this side right so it might be kind of counterintuitive but i understand exactly what the sundial is in fact doing let's now increase the size and what that does not to be confused with our offset and the distance basically it makes it kind of look a little more diffuse if you will right you can see that it's a little more subtle okay and then we can play around with the spread a little bit that's going to go way out just like that you really have all the control in the world how you want to work with this and then you have your opacity and also you have your color up on top here so i bring my opacity all the way up you'll notice what that does right a little bit darker a little bit lighter and if you want a little more creative you can change the color of your drop shadow and you can see oh that's kind of nice i can maybe match it to be my flowers or whatever it is i'm going to keep it black click all ok and then i'm good to go right of course certainly play around with all these as much as possible i'll click okay love that that looks great let's maybe do another effect this time i'll go up to here and then let's just do an outer glow now let's see what our options here are for outer glow notice how it's a little different than it was when i work with my drop shadow and you'll see that there is a different mode right that we have not explored yet it's a little more advanced but this is a blending mode right which is known as screen and then that is my color of what the actual outer glow is going to be you click on this you'll see there's a number of different blending modes essentially it's going to be a little bit darker with its background right that's what the blend mode has to do with right and a few other things you'll just really want to experiment with that's going to be reserved for a little more advanced class but it really is a very kind of spice to taste type of approach but what i'm going to do is i'm going to change this color i'll just change that to maybe not yellow because it's got a green background i'm going to change this from screen to normal you'll notice how it jumped up a little bit and then let's bring up the size somewhat go out out out now i can really really see it that's great maybe it'll bring up the opacity so i can really really see it and you play around okay great i love that that's fantastic again play around with all the things right very similar what we saw before with our drop shadows like okay go you know just really sort of spice the taste what do you like what don't you like and then say okay and then there we are fantastic now earlier we talked about object styles and if you recall object styles are basically going to be a saved format so if i like this format i can save this as a style all right so plant that in the back of your head for something that we're going to be spending a lot of time on for styles to be able to save it so we can apply it over and over and over again but then really be able to make very quick and easy changes on a more universal level that is going to be object styles and we're going to be doing that very soon so stay tuned for that so what i'd like you to do for right now is practice using the eyedropper tool practice applying different fx styles right to your different objects play around with some even the ones that we did not work with just to kind of see how easy it is to apply it and get ready for the next lesson that we're going to do on object styles this lesson is going to focus on object styles object styles so let's first define what a style is essentially a style is going to be a format that is going to be saved that we can apply over and over again so the format could be hey i love this drop shadow and i want to have this object inherit that drop shadow i might want to put an image that's going to have this little stroke around it okay fantastic and i also want this one to also have the stroke maybe i want this image to have rounded corners and i want all my images to have rounded corners but i don't want to do them over and over and over again that is when object styles come to the rescue and help you implement these things and execute things in a much more expeditious way and if you decide you want to change things you can also change it in a very fast and efficient way so first thing we want to do before we do anything at all is bring up our object styles panel where are we going to find that all of our panels live where inside of our window menu click on that and you're going to see that there's a whole section just for styles we come over here and i'm just going to bring up my object styles all right and then just for right now i'm just going to dock this over here keep things nice and neat and you'll see i have these kind of like generic ones that don't really have too much to do with anything at all right like none basic graphics frame basic text frame okay and i want to click on this guy here okay notice that this says none right click on that right there's nothing really going on there even though i actually see the effect here the style has not been saved okay so my goal at this point is to use this set of effects that i have in this object and apply them to all of my other objects that are on here and then keeping it again all saved and universally applied because that way if i decide listen i'm going to do a completely different thing i want to actually make it a universal change so how do i actually make this into a style first thing you typically want to do is apply your effect or whatever you're going to do to your object on what i like to call the front end here like on this you know just like how we did it in the last lesson and then you will see over on the lower right of my object styles panel this little plus sign and before you click on the plus sign i want you to find the alt or option key on your keyboard which is going to allow the dialog box to pop up when you click on this great new style i click on that and fantastic wonderful all right now everything that you're seeing here relates to what i clicked on here so essentially it's like picking up on what i've selected as its own style so if we go over to here on the right hand side you're going to see that there is this fill effects option here and i click on the bot the drop down for the drop down for drop shadow and you'll see that there are some elements here based off of what i have selected on this object right and that's actually what i applied early on so okay cool this is what my style settings are on the left hand side this is where i can actually make some changes to that if i wanted to if i wanted to upgrade this i can absolutely absolutely do that i'm not going to do that now but these are going to be your options to be able to do that we're going to come back to this in a little bit let's just keep it nice and simple so i'm just going to minimize this minimize this this is great i love this so all i'm going to do now is just very simply name this all right i'm just going to call this drop shadow object whatever you want to call it right totally up to you and i always like to have the preview checkbox chosen and as well i like to have the apply style to selection this part surprisingly is very very important because you want the object that you've chosen to also have this style applied to it it may have had the effect applied to it but it doesn't have the style name applied to it okay so both of these should be checked all right fantastic good to go i click ok all right and now i have a new style here great now i want this to also have the same style so when i click on this you'll notice also none but when i click on this look at that it looks exactly the same click on this wow amazing super easy okay now let's see it in action let's say i want to do a different type of drop shadow i want to change the direction of it something like that let's now see it in action i'm going to edit this object style by simply double clicking on it and it opens right back up to that same dialog box i was in and you will see on the left hand side as i showed you earlier this is the part where i can actually make the changes so when i click on drop shadow here this is going to look very familiar to when we actually created my drop shadow and all the parameters around that so i want you to watch as i change for example the drop shadow angle so watch this as i click and drag going this way notice how all three of them changed they're all connected okay let's go ahead and just increase the spread a little bit look at that all three of them have that that's so cool all right because i'm working with what a style all right let's make the spread go out a little more oh i love that that's so cool i click okay and see now they're all universally affected because i'm working with a style all right styles are going to be invaluable for you all right now let's go over here to our tri-fold here and just for fun let's play around a little bit more with this particular one and what i'm going to do is i'm going to bring my properties panel up here and again i'm on the front end of things i'm going to make some changes to this let's now put on a rounded corner and i'm going to make that even more rounded all right and i love that good to go so i'm going to make this into an object style so making sure that my object style panel is up with this selected i'm going to hold on the alt or option key to now create my new style based off of the selection and now i'm just going to say rounded corner image and then white stroke right so whatever it's got on there that's great and you can come in here to verify if you want to you might have to go a little bit deep to see kind of what options right you have here like your stroke or you can see that there is going to be a stroke weight of 2.5 right and the color is paper okay that's great you can go even further over here to our corner options you can dig deep you'll see that it is in fact there all right but i don't need to i trust indesign i click ok and now we'll see my object style panel that there's going to be a little more in this particular one here's the one that i just created and now i want this object to inherit what this is on here right so i click on that and i go man this is so different it's like my boss comes over and says well we need it to look exactly like this this one looks beautiful ah man okay what did i do i can't even remember how i did that oh you know what thank gosh golly what did i do i saved this as a object style so i click on that and then what the oh my god that's perfect it did exactly what this one is doing all right and guess what i can always go back and make changes to this just by simply double clicking on it and then i would go over to all the settings on the left hand side to say hey listen the stroke is now going to be a little bit thicker and just make that thicker and then guess what both of them now change so just imagine if you had like 50 of these things because you're working with an object style you'll be able to actually make just one change instead of the objects inside of the object style panel and you're good to go all right i'm going to click ok all right and then let's talk a little bit about how what other things are known as objects all right so if i go to for example this right here this is actually a text box right we know that right we've seen text boxes we're going to get even deeper with text boxes and some subsequent lessons but this is also known as an object believe it or not so if i had something i wanted to do with this then i would actually make this as an object style so i can repeat that over and over and over again all right so i want you to kind of put a pin in that as we get a little bit deeper with our text box objects and if you need to actually save it and repeat it for other ones make it into an object style all right so there's lots and lots of different other objects like shapes text boxes images etc and just remember object styles are going to help you be more efficient to save your formats and then also execute them likewise for additional objects all right so go ahead and pause the video practice what we've just done make sure you understand the concept of object styles and also the process around that because guess what in a little bit we're going to be doing different kind of styles as well not just object styles but paragraph styles and also cell styles alright so pause the video practice have fun and we will see you in the next lesson now we've talked quite a bit about images and objects and effects on objects effects on images and even object styles next we're going to talk about type topography text and fonts and all that good stuff because indesign if nothing else is definitely going to involve you creating documents that have text in there so we want to be able to have as much control as possible over our type not just some of the basic things like font and font size but we're going to be working with things like leading kerning tracking maybe some baseline options or alignment all that good stuff here all right so what we're going to do is we're just going to work off of this hp long dock document and i'm just going to work with this text so it's really nice and easy to get into text boxes if you have a text box already even though i'm working with my selection tool i can very easily double click inside of a text box to get into the text box even though i'm not in the type tool it automatically takes me to the type tool all right so very cool now if i do a triple click excuse me let's start with a double click if i do a double click i select the word if i do a triple click it selects the line if i do a quadruple click it selects the paragraph if you do five clicks it actually will select the whole text box in this case and this was a whole thread of text boxes all right so we're going to learn a little bit more about how text boxes all work together all right so again double triple quadruple quintuple okay so you can see how nice some of these shortcuts are all right so let me just go ahead and just do just this paragraph for right now so you can see how things work now a couple of ways to be able to manipulate my type and the paragraph and all that good stuff here number one you guessed it is the properties panel right we've been working with this already and number two is going to be this section up here but one thing i want you to notice is that the section is actually broken out into two sections okay one is going to be for character one is going to be four paragraphs so what's kind of interesting is that i got one section here and another section here all right so totally up to you how you want to work if you want to work with the properties panel you can do that or if you want to work with our control panel up on top again totally up to you there's some overlap on all of these all right so for right now i'll just start off with my little top control panel and see what our options are so right now it tells me here that i'm working with this particular font style right this montserrat otf okay great and i can very easily change this to something else it gives me a nice little preview of it okay pretty cool now you will see that when i'm choosing these i also get a little preview of it in addition to being able to then decide listen i like this font a lot i would like to save this font so how do i save a font if i like a font i want to save this just to kind of like hey listen this is going to be something i want to work with over and over again so if i find like let's just say articulate right here articulate extra bold okay that's great notice how on the right hand side there's a little star okay i can now click on that this is actually already my favorite so i'll choose another one let's try baloo i click on that and now it's going to say add to favorites great let's try another one let's try this bedoni add to my favorites okay cool so those are going to be easy to find but how do i find them what do i do you will see that up on top here we go back to this up on top here is going to be this little star next to this little filter icon so essentially what this is saying hey do you want to only show just your favorites so when i click on that guess what only my favorites now show i want to remove something let me go ahead and remove balu it's no longer part of my favorites let's remove that one okay great i like this one i don't need that one okay great click back on that takes me right back to all of my fonts click back on it it shows me only all of my favorites so it's a really nice way to stay organized with things you can also filter by other things the different classifications sans serif serif script you know and a few other things here like more gothic type of things you'll see here it'll just allow you to only show those particular types of classifications of fonts you just want to experiment with that it also shows your history okay so really cool stuff here so i'm just going to keep this for right now right and then this is just set as my let me just go ahead and quadruple click there and then i'm going to choose this articulate extra bold that's great love that and then i go over to here there might be some other different parameters that you can save the font to add or apply the font as regular italic each font might be a little bit different like ariel it's got like five or six different ones in helvetica it's going to be the same thing and of course here is the option to increase the font size decrease it right so these should be pretty basic for you now you may see some things that you have not heard before in terms of the terminology right what things are called so let's explore things a little bit deeper and that's going to be number one this is my leading and then you'll see here is my kerning and then here is going to be my tracking okay so some pretty funny words in typographical language but they're also going to be giving you a lot of power so we really want to kind of know what these things are letting essentially just your line spacing that's really all we're talking about here so if i decrease this notice how the lines get a little bit closer to each other all right and of course this is going to be dependent on the font size you even start with so i'll just make that about that about 15. i like that that's pretty good all right and i click away all right i like that now in the future i may save this as a guess what paragraph style so then i can then apply it to all the rest of these no problem i'll do that in just a bit all right so that's wonderful that's great but now let's go ahead and explore some other things my kerning and also my tracking so let me just go ahead and first just move my mouse right in between the b and the u so we can see a little bit about what kerning actually is let me just bring this down tiny tiny bit and notice what's happening i'm having all the control in the world that i need between those two letters let me go ahead and just do it right here let's bring that in maybe i want to be a little more creative about this but more importantly sometimes words when they come together they are assuming letters when they come together it's going to look like something else right so you kind of want to be aware of that that like some letters like if it's an l that's leaning up against you know a c or something like that could like reflect it's going to look like something else right so you really want to kind of pay attention to these things and know that you have control over the space of individual letters between each other so let me just go ahead and just give that a little more space a little more space we'll see okay great that's pretty easy that essentially is what our kerning does what does tracking do tracking will affect the entire word going across so let's just try this now see that maybe i want to make this look a little bit more kind of tidally you see that so it actually it's going to go a little bit across there right so it's going to kind of spread a little more let's just try it with these guys here all right let's just make that go a little further out you can see very nice very easy that spreads everything out a little more everything i'm showing you here is about controlling your topography right whether it's your line spacing your kerning or your tracking all right now there's a lot more we can explore let's just play around with maybe just a few more here let me go back to another document here let's just go to let's see go to here and let's just play around with some other things that are going to be available for us do we want this to be in all caps or not notice this is all set to be all caps you can make that change but i want it to be small caps notice how that's going to change all right maybe i'm going to turn that off so now it looks like regular case or sentence case all right that's great notice there's also another option for underlining superscript subscript and even strikethrough if you want it right so great great like that good stuff so again just know what your options are here now again you will see that you're going to see a lot of the same options that we just saw here under character right and potentially under paragraph one thing you'll want to notice about what properties does is that it's going to actually hide some of the options that are going to be available for you right here see that it's going to hide it for you so you got to click on those three dots to then see some of the options that may not be there like oh there's my kerning there's my leading there's my tracking okay cool so again when you click on the three dots click on them again all right wonderful that's great all right and the same thing for paragraph if you're not seeing what you want click on the three dots and oh my goodness there's so many things just hiding there just really designed to kind of give you a little more screen real estate all right so and again this is really all about how you're controlling all of your content all right so let me come back to here and let's just now play around with some of our kind of more let's go to our paragraph stuff here all right so let's go now to the other section within this panel remember this is going to be here looks like a little backwards p or paragraph symbol and you'll see there's a lot of options here that i can work with all right so some of my basic alignment options left center right okay that's great here's also my options for indenting so i have this whole paragraph selected just by simply clicking on it and i can now indent the whole paragraph notice i didn't have to select the entire paragraph because it speaks for the whole paragraph just by virtue of the fact that i've moved my mouse inside of the paragraph you also may want to have a first line indent so i click on that and then oh that's how you do that great so i know i want it to be exactly half an inch i can very easily do that and then likewise with the rest of these you'll really want to kind of experiment with like what's going to work for you right indent last line write indent you know some of these are going to be a little less used a little more obscure so play around with those now these two i think are going to be very important for you in terms of your typographic control for your layout and this one is going to be space before and space after all right so the space after this is making this space come up how it's coming up right here with all that inside of there right this .25 inches i want it to come in a little bit more notice how i can do that it's all about control see that or i want it to be just something different see that you can have more or less very easily by coming to these this one here is just going to be the space before so we're just going to move it down from whatever's above there all right so really cool stuff very easy to execute all right now the last thing i'm going to show you here on this particular one before i let me just move this back so this is going to look a little bit better if i do it like this is something kind of neat is your drop cap option so notice i have two options here let's just see what they do what is a drop cap i say one two oh three oh that's kind of interesting and okay but what if i want to have more than one letter oh that's kind of cool so you can have some kind of creative control over that like you've seen these in magazines before they're like oh that's pretty cool that i can even make it say all right different words oh nice really make it stand out have some control over how your paragraph is going to come out all right let me just go ahead and bring this back down just to one ah kind of nice all right try that with something else let me come down to here i'm just going to bring this up very nice okay excellent and of course it depends on what font you're in later on we're going to talk about how we can manipulate this as well it's a little more advanced but i think it's going to be important for you how to manipulate this a to maybe be a different font totally up to you all right so i'm going to take a little break right now and i'll have you just practice everything we've done up until this point within text all right pause the video and practice understanding all the properties around your paragraph your character everything that we've done here and i also want you to either change it within your panel up on top your control panel or in your properties panel wherever it is kind of floating for you all right just really get comfortable use the documents that you have available for you in the course files and just make sure you understand kind of what is kerning what is letting what is our tracking you know how we can change the font size how we can work the paragraph spacing before and after and if you have a document you want to work on just again try to play around with it and then play around with it until you get full kind of natural control over what each of these elements do so you know how you can manipulate it moving forward on your own all right so we'll give you a little bit of a break pause the video and we'll come back and we'll do some more typographical stuff in just a bit in this next lesson we're going to learn how we can bring in text from other documents and from other file types so your eyes do not deceive you here but we are looking at a word document okay and i've worked very hard to work on this word document and i want to be able to bring it into indesign so then i can manipulate it and do all kinds of different things to it now you'll notice how this looks here and it's got all kinds of different styles and everything like that it's got all kinds of different formatting on here that i actually don't want i mean i'm gonna do it myself when i bring it into indesign but think about you know this is like a different language you know just think about like you know you speak german and you're going to try to go over to spain these are different languages you know they're in the same kind of world a little bit but no one's going to really understand each other or there's going to be like some words that might overlap you know let's say portuguese and french right those might overlap with each other but there's going to be a little bit of a disconnect okay so what we want to do is bring it in and we're going to say listen i just want your text so let's just see how this process works and again imagine your scenario where you're going to have a whole bunch of text that's already been created and you want to just bring it in to your indesign document i'm going to show you a few different ways to do this all right so i'm going to close this out come back to indesign and i'm just going to go ahead and create a blank new document for myself okay that's great so i'm just going to make go ahead and make this this size and then let's just make it three pages for right now it's great i click on create and it's going to be a blank new document there it is you can see you could have brought in the unit of measure this time wonderful there are my three pages it's excellent now how do i bring in all that text earlier we talked about how do we bring in images we did that through placing placing placing placing it's the same exact thing that we do with text so i'm going to click on file i'm going to go over here to place or just ctrl d and i'm going to go into my courseware files here i'm going to find a word document that is ready to go for me and this is known as the cookbook text and you'll find that in your courseware as well now earlier when we brought in our images i told you to uncheck right this right here if it was already checked your show import options okay so this guy right here you do not want that checked when you're working with images but when we are working with text i definitely definitely definitely recommend that you do that so we're going to click on that and we're going to see why it's very important i'm going to click on this text right now it's a word document and a dialog box is going to pop up asking me a whole bunch of things what do you want and what don't you want all right do you if you have a table of contents and index and all that stuff do you want that sure maybe maybe not totally up to you for formatting do you want to preserve the styles and formatting from text and table maybe maybe not or do you want to remove the styles and formatting from text and tables okay i'm going to suggest like 99 of the time that you do guess what remove the styles and formatting from your text why because we need to give it basically a clean bill of health right to start from a clean slate that it just belongs to indesign we do not want it to inherit any of the stuff from word indesign just going to get confused because what we're going to do is we're going to put all of the indesign language on there and then we're also going to put our own guess what styles on here using paragraph styles and also character styles all right so this is great i click ok and now notice my mouse has this little sort of extra backpack there waiting for me to bring in my egg recipes all right this is going to be the first way that we can bring in type okay by placing it just watch me here i'm just going to go ahead and click and drag and i let go and it's like oh okay that's not everything so i just clicked and dragged and okay that was good not great oh but you will notice that that there's this little red plus sign there that's indesign telling me that oh there's more stuff for you to do so oh okay i can grab more oh we just you know we got cut off here no problem click on this and then bring this in very manually right it's like okay great i can do that cool oh you know i'm still not done oh man okay now let's just say this time i want to do two columns so i can just do that all right and then keep going maybe there's going to be an advertisement up here so i'm just going to make this kind of like halfway still not done i'm in i am so out of breath right now this is going to take a long time i now have to add on new pages which you certainly can do right if i just right click on my little thumbnail here i'm going to say insert pages and maybe i'm going to add on another five pages all right and i could continue going on all day long with this okay not ideal sometimes it's going to be the case we're going to do things incredibly manual like this okay but we're not going to do it that way i'm going to show you two other ways to do it maybe even with a bonus of three other ways so this time i'm going to create another new document and i'm going to make it so again this is about maybe five pages long i'm going to click create right blank new one here and i'm going to do the same thing i'm going to go to file and place show import options click on cookbook text all right remove styles all good to go fantastic but this time what i'm going to do is i'm going to hold down the alt key or option key on my keyboard if you're on a mac i want you to notice how it changes the cursor a little bit when i hold down the option key do you see the alt key on the pc all right and watch what this is going to do this was known as semi-automatic text placement so when i click and drag on this and i let go notice how i still have this guy waiting for me here okay i have not let go of my thumb on the alt key here right i can click on that great and then let me just come back over to here put my finger back on the alt key and you can see that it's still kind of like locked and loaded for me to kind of put this wherever i want i don't have to go to that little plus sign and then find it there all right okay pretty cool all right great and i just kind of there's my ad there right i'm just holding on the alt key great see that that's the main difference so this is semi automatic okay and i'm just going to click once and then go bam i just blast it all out and see i still didn't finish at all man i didn't put enough pages in there good golly so what am i going to do next let's create a new document i'll show you the third option and this time just for fun just so you can see the power of this i'm going to make this just like two pages because i don't even know how long this document is right i do that it's only two pages but this time i'm going to use this the automatic way of placing text and that's going to be using the shift key the shift key so i'm going to go over here to file place and show import options cookbook text right everything's good there click ok and now watch what happens when i hold down the shift key this time i'm not holding on the alt key i'm not holding down nothing i'm holding down the shift key and i'm going to simply just click once and guess what happened it created a new page three four five six seven eight oh my god look at that awesome it went all the way down and it created the new pages for me based off the size of the document all right so placing your stuff is really going to depend on what you want to do as far as how automatic you want indesign to be for you okay so again we saw three different ways one is going to be very very manual another is going to be semi-automatic and this last one was very automatic where it just plopped everything out and created the new pages for you all right let's do that one more time in another way that you may prefer also so again totally up to you and this time i'm going to say new and i'm going to say just just to guess i'm going to say 10 pages i'm going to say this time it's got two columns all right good to go that's great and then just because we haven't seen these yet i'm going to go ahead and click on facing pages it's great all right and then let me just see what the preview looks like do i really like that let's increase our gutter let's see what that looks like i'm going to switch this back to inches so i can speak my language all right i'll just go there okay that's looking pretty good now and i get all these pages here that's great and see these are facing pages right except for the first page that's just how it works and let's now see what happens when i have my facing pages with my columns and i use guess what the automatic feature with this let's just see the magic of this so this time i'm using my keyboard shortcut hopefully you got this down by now ctrl d i'm going to click on this right here it all looks great fantastic i click ok and this time watch what happens now when i hold down the shift key and i just click here and then look what it said it not only filled it all in automatically but it knew that there are columns and applied it accordingly because i set those columns up beforehand okay really really awesome stuff here just understanding all the power to save you a lot a lot of time and a lot of headaches getting ready of how you bring in some text from the outside whether it's just a basic text document a word document okay and how you can work with all those little nuances all those little modifiers all right so when we come back we're going to learn a little bit about text boxes themselves and then we're going to get into actually working with paragraph and cell styles all right so please practice all this and we'll see you in the next lesson now following up on our last exercise where we place some text in you'll notice that some of the text boxes have come in not necessarily looking how i want them to look now sometimes it's going to be the case where it's going to come in as just one column how can we actually make it look the way that it looked like when we finally had the two columns here right or three columns whatever we want to do all right so how can i manipulate this text box to look in kind of different ways so very simply if i right click on my text box you're going to see that there's this option for text frame options or there's my control b i click on that and you can see very simply i have this section here called columns and another section here called number of columns and another one asking me what is going to be the gutter right we talked about gutter a little bit we talked about columns initially and we'll see okay well what do i want to do with this particular text box how many columns do i want to do so let's just see what happens when i change this from one to two oh that's great or three oh wow it looks more like wall street journal right new york times right maybe that's what you're trying to do wonderful so i'm just gonna bring this right back to two and then i'm gonna just manipulate my gutter so i just can add more space between columns super easy okay really really great really powerful to be able to control your content and show it how you want to show it all right great so i love that now another thing you may want to do is manipulate the inset spacing so the inset spacing is going to be the space kind of the padding it's going to be where the line of the text box is from where the actual text is now when is going to be an example of when you're going to do that typically if you're going to have some color right that's actually a really good example because if you have color you want a little bit of white space you know on this so therefore the text does not kind of bleed directly on that color so i'll just give you an example here so i'm just going to click ok for right now and i'm just going to add on some color to this so this is an object just like anything else so i can bring in some color just like i did for my shapes and earlier lessons so i'm going to double click on that i'll just do this nice light ish blue color click on that and see how that's really not that easy to read all right you can see yeah not not very pretty and i need a little bit of white space here love this color but i need to manipulate all these options here through my text frame options to be able to change all my inset spacing so making sure the preview is chosen i'm just now going to just click on any one of these and because this is now linked it's going to change all four the top bottom left and right and it's going to make this much much easier to read see that as simple as that and you have all the control in the world to be able to make that happen now if i wanted this to be the same for all the rest of these what could i possibly do any guesses what can i do to now apply this to this to this to this to this to this across the board i'll wait for you to think about it tick tock tick tock optic styles object styles okay anytime you want to repeat something try it out with object styles and let's just do a little review on how that would play out with an object style so i'm going to create an object style based off of this because that took me so long and remember what i did so what i'm going to do is i'm going to save this as an object style so let's go up to window let's go over here to styles object styles all right and then what i'm going to do is simply just click on this make a style based off of what i have selected here click on alt or option i'm going to say blue text box to columns all right that's great certainly spot check all this if you want to apply style to selection preview excellent that's great and now guess what come down to here bam look at that oh that's so cool all right you can see working with object styles once again and even though we're working with a text box i want you to understand that a text box is also known as an object all right so you really really want to understand this and practice all this okay so really really get this understand the value of it all right so maybe you want to change the color of this and then this would change the color for every single one of these selected just like how we did in the last exercise with our drop shadows okay so go ahead pause the video i want you to go over to your text frame options make some changes to your columns add some columns add the gutter okay and then add some color and then you'll notice that you're going to need to change your inset options to be able to add some padding and then i really want you to practice making whatever you do as an object style and then apply it to the rest of them all right really harness the power of indesign okay indesign wants you to use these styles and also get under the hood a little bit with some of these text frame options all right so practice up and we'll see you in the next lesson now a few additional items that i want to discuss with regard to text boxes is going to be text threads and also you're going to see sometimes we're going to have our text boxes that are not going to be complete and you'll see that sometimes you'll see a little error as a result of that so let's just see kind of what we can do to resolve some of these issues and also just to kind of look under the hood a little bit so sometimes when you have documents that look like this or going from one page to another sometimes it's kind of hard to tell where one text box sort of threads to another you know because you might actually have an image here you might have an advertisement you might have a completely blank page you might also have some text boxes just kind of fly off into kind of outer space and you're like well where is this going to where is it coming from so this is where text threads come into play so when i click on this you'll notice i'm actually seeing the thread of like one text box leading to another leading to another leading to another leading to another that's great now i can actually see where they all go you'll also notice that down here i'm going to zoom in a little bit and click on that i have this little guy right there that's telling me oops i've run out of space here so how am i even able to see all these little threads here what's even going on for me to allow that because for you a lot of you may not even be seeing these little threads there if you go up here to view and you go down here to extras you're going to see there's this option to show text threads so notice how they go away right because i just hid them go back over here to view go over here to extras and then say show text threads now of course when you're in w mode with the width and the without you're not always going to see it right you click on that and see it's not showing up but when i hit w to now make it show all my markings and everything then i'm going to be able to see those little text threads okay so really kind of valuable especially when you have those kind of documents that i discussed earlier as far as you know like going onto different pages it's going to jump someplace else you might have images advertisements whatever you have okay so you can see that's kind of nice how that works now i can also just move this you'll see how the thread will follow along just like that so you can see it and if this was going to go way down here see the thread now follows and it goes exactly where the next text box is okay that's kind of nice you can say all right great this could be like 50 pages down it might even be someplace even more kind of preposterous like over here and it still follows it you know i've worked on with clients before where they have these like huge books and like 20 people are working on it you know it's over the span of like 20 years and people are moving things around and it's like we can't find things sometimes like well where is that oh wait a second let's turn on the text threads and let's see where these things live right so there's a lot of value to that let me just go and undo and bring this back and then we're going to go ahead and resolve this issue of our little red plus sign okay a lot of times we may miss this okay we may not even realize this but you know who is isn't missing it is indesign because you can see weight on the bottom you can see is one error and if i double click on that it's going to tell me text over set text and there is a text frame issue on guess what page five okay so you see that that's what that means it's basically saying hey on page five there's a text frame issue okay well what is that oh i see it now so you can see all i need to do is simply click on this and then i get a very similar cursor like i did when i placed my text with a little backpack you're saying well where do you want the text to go so i'm just going to go ahead and click or click and drag either one and then bam it's going to go there and look how many errors i got 0.00 awesome okay so it's a great way to just kind of have a nice little airtight ship now the last thing i want to show you here is the ability to actually show some of the markings in the background of our text okay because that's going to be sometimes important to see is this a hard return is it a tab is it a line break you might want to know these things because it's going to help you kind of determine why things aren't doing what they're doing sometimes and how to take the necessary action so i'm just going to zoom in a little bit so we can see the markings when i bring them up and how do i do that it's going to be under type right you click on that and you're going to see weight on the bottom here is show hidden characters and you'll see oh okay look at that these are my hidden characters right all these little paragraph signs basically mean that they're all separated out by a hard return all these little dots there just basically means that somebody hit the space bar a few times see that look at that now i see all those and if there's tabs you might see tabs occasionally see this is what a tab looks like so it's kind of nice to see these occasionally just to be able to identify like level what in fact is going on as i um just basically do some of these markings some of these basic markings but again just to ultimately troubleshoot right like what in fact is going on and why oh it's just a hard return oh it's a tab oh it's just space or whatever it is to be able to see all that okay now another thing that's going to come up for you is when you're bringing in actual text boxes themself right we've done that before you may actually want to have some placeholder text why might you want to have placeholder text sometimes you don't have the copy all ready to go but placeholder text is going to allow you to just basically have a placeholder so then you can format it you can see what it's going to look like with your line spacing with your font your size your color the background right all that good stuff here so i'm just going to do a very very simple text box just click and drag i let go all right and i have no text here but i want to know what it's going to look like so guess what right inside of my type menu you will see there's an option way down the bottom is fill with placeholder text right everybody see that fill with placeholder text click on that and look at that just fills in with this kind of like dummy sort of latin gobbledygook all right and you'll see okay this is what it's going to look like fantastic all right i can just replace that later on if i want to but usually it's very easy just to fill it in also with some placeholder text all right so these last few things are just some good um just uh reminders and good sort of you know finished polishings of all of your text elements you know just to make sure that everything is sort of under control for you as you're working with type so like we've done in all of our other videos what i want you to do is pause the video practice everything we just did in this lesson i want you to practice turning on your text threads i want you to practice drawing out new text boxes i want you to practice bringing in placeholder text if you see the little red plus sign i want you to move that someplace else right just basically expand it out i want you to make sure that you have no errors down below in case you have some overset text and pretty much like keep an eye on that no matter what you do because it could be links and images and all that good stuff as you're working on this to make sure that everything is pretty airtight when it comes time to finally publish all right have fun and we'll see you in the next lesson earlier we discussed the great phenomenon of working with object styles where we can save the look and feel in the format of a particular object and then use it over and over again and remember object styles work on text boxes on images on shapes you know any kind of like object type of object right now next thing we're going to talk about is paragraph styles all right now i have this newsletter template document open up and i'm just going to show you this really great document and how it's all structured using paragraph styles we're going to be able to see this in action so we can see like wow that is phenomenal how could i create something like this to be more efficient okay to be consistent okay to have some branding around it and also just really expedite my processes by using paragraphs this time instead of working with objects so the first thing i want to do before i do anything at all is go over here to my window and go to styles and then bring up my paragraph styles and i'm just going to just bring this over here minimize this over here and then you'll see that when i click on let's say for example here on page eight i go inside here there is a paragraph style called titles and that's what's set up here as well now you'll also notice in my properties panel that it also shows title so you can keep an eye on both of these so this is in fact the paragraph style name that is associated with this so what exactly does that mean it's a saved format right with a whole bunch of things to make it this acumen pro bold 66 point etc etc let's take a look at another one let's come down here to where it says name here this is staff name what's this one oh also staff name also staff name oh i see a pattern here because if i change my paragraph style and all the parameters associated with it all three of these things will change just like how i saw with my object style let's take a look at another one go over here to title that's pretty cool all right what about this one oversized titles and also oversized oh that's another style how cool is that what's this one this is titles again is there one for this one okay cover page dates oh man all right everything is saved here as a style let's try this one subheading right nothing is left behind because guess what i'm going to use this to make consistent and very quick and efficient changes on everything that's connected to this particular style all right and that's why i create styles that's why i use styles so i have a lot of these subheadings all right and my boss comes over and says oh listen you know what we're not going to use that font anymore i'm like ah dude are you serious i have this on like a hundred pages oh but didn't you use a style you oh you know what i did thank god i did all right so all you need to do is just change the style settings and then it's going to change it for all of them oh that's right so let's just see it in action and we're going to see how we can create them so very simply notice how subheading is selected because my text is selected i double click that and now this is going to take me into my paragraph style options it looks very different than my object style options doesn't it okay i think even easier to work with you'll see the first thing you'll notice is all of my style settings basically what is defining all of this right it's acumen pro bold 15 points tracking of this and okay and it's centered okay cool that's fantastic right but i want to actually make a change to that so if i go over to any one of these on the left hand side i can make a change by let's say going over here to basic character formats and then watch what happens now when i make this a little bit bigger notice how all of them change let's make them smaller wait for it it's trying to catch up a little bit okay all the ones that are associated with it then gets smaller all right i'm going to click ok now let's make sure that this in fact is sub heading there we go just take a little bit time to catch up scared me for a second and then notice how it changed across the board oh my god that's amazing let's now go over here to one that i definitely saw a lot of go to here to title just simply double click on this great and i can see there's all my settings there that's 66 basic character formats oh cool and i can change let's just bring up the tracking a little bit you'll notice how it's going to make it nice and big let's go over to here to case let's make that all caps great love that that's going to be across the board and then just for fun let's go to a different one like our character color and you can see this is actually all connected to some saved colors right so i can go to there and then bam there it is or very simply i can then double click on this t and then i can play around with some of my color parameters here just the same if you want to we haven't really talked to this degree about colors yet but i want you to at least know in case you are comfortable with it that you can either go to your swatches here or double click on it and then make some color changes here as well all right so i'm going to go ahead and just click ok for right now i love that that's great now there's a lot a lot of options that you can change within our paragraph style of course it'll be up to you what you want to do at this point i want you to know a that paragraph styles are awesome how to identify them how to manipulate them right and really ultimately to see the value in them all right because soon in this next lesson within this same video we're going to learn how we can create them all right so let me go ahead and click ok and let's just take a look at all of our other titles yep all caps and yellow oh look at that all caps and yellow remember before these were all black and i made one change right here and it changed it for all of them all right just phenomenal so let's just now take a look at the document that we started with earlier which is going to be our little recipes all right now i have no paragraph styles happening here right nothing zero zero zero so everything that when i click on this is just a basic paragraph okay kind of boring or just this minion pro so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna make a new style you know based off of what i've either selected here right very nice and easy that's great or i can even just do it right here i'm going to say basic paragraph double click on it and then i can make the change to whatever i want okay so let's just go ahead and do the ladder i'm going to make this so my font is going to be something a little bit different let's come way back up on top here i'm going to choose berlin sans and you'll notice that everything changes to berlin sands let's make that berlin stands bold notice how everything does because they're all connected to that basic paragraph i'm going to switch that back maybe make that a little bit bigger okay great maybe a little smaller you see everything changes and i'm going to simply click ok and now that is going to be my basic paragraph and that's going to be for everything but i have a whole bunch of headings here i've got a heading here a subheading etc let's now do that let's now create new headings and subheadings and save them as styles first thing you want to do is create what you want it to look like on the front end and then save your style in the paragraph styles panel and then you can execute accordingly across the board if that sounds familiar it's literally the same thing we did with the object style so let's now go ahead and just make some changes to this just this particular one here all right make that nice and big i'm going to make that all caps that's great and then let's just maybe bring up our tracking a little bit and i'm also going to go over here to my paragraph and i'm going to just say listen i need a little bit of space after you because you're a title you need all the room to stretch your arms out okay that's fantastic all right and then maybe even want to change the color so i'm going to go over here to this t double click on it choose whatever color you want maybe you want to add it to the swatches to save it totally up to you click ok and there you have it all right and i love that and i want that applied for everybody else that's going to be a title so very simply with this still selected hold down the alt option key click on create new style i'm just going to call this actually let's call this recipe categories great and you can see there's verification everything i just did i'm not going to make any changes to it but i am going to choose apply style to selection just like i said earlier for my my object styles and i'm going to click ok right and there it is recipe categories now if we go down here you're going to see that there's a number of different categories we can work with like lunch dishes that's a new category so i'm going to say recipe category oh look at that awesome let's try another one now let's go to sauce amazing okay let's try another one we have a different kind of thing here we got sauce that's going to be a new one down over here let's say sides and appetizers notice i'm just clicking in there and watch this bam it does the whole paragraph so awesome and again if i'm going to make a change i can make a change directly to the style and it's going to change everything associated with that style all right so absolutely amazing so let's just do that finish up that thought and let's just make this a little bit smaller and then just for fun i'll show you one kind of neat thing while i'm here this is known as a paragraph rule i think you might appreciate so just throw this in so paragraph rule and not like rule like a law it's a rule as in like a line so while i'm here i'm just going to add on like a little line that's going to go underneath every single one of these so it really makes it stand out so you'll see here paragraph rules paragraph rules do i want my rule above the paragraph or below i want it to be below and just simply say rule on that's kind of cool all right and then what's the weight going to be how thick do i want that to be all right three points not bad and i don't want to be the same color as my text yep that's pretty good and if you go over to here the right hand side you'll see okay i want this to be offset just a little bit by that much and i'll see that's a little bit too much i can't really see everything my screen size let's do perfect i love that and maybe some of you want to experiment with the type that you do alright so again i can do wavy japanese dots any of these things just like how we saw with our strokes you can see oh that's kind of fun i like that and then you'll want to play around with that all right so click ok and now guess what when i go back up to all my other ones you will see everything that had that applied to it my recipe category now has that wavy line going across the board why because of paragraph styles all right and you'll really want to just play around with this there's so many different parameters that you can apply this in in our next lesson we're going to be getting into bullets and numbering and we'll be able to see how we can also save those as paragraph styles all right so pause the video practice what we've done here working with paragraph styles saving them and then applying them across the board and then making changes in our paragraph style to see the power all right see you in the next lesson this lesson is going to be about working with bullets and numbering and we'll see how easy it is to implement them and then more importantly how easy it is to then implement them across the board using our paragraph styles all right so how do we do that so first thing i want you to notice is again when you select your text right i'm going to have these guys that i want to make into you know my ingredients right this is what i need to have okay that's great fantastic but then i need to find all my options for bullets and numbering one of two places you're gonna find it so if we go way up on top here you're gonna see here's a bullet and here is number the other place you're going to see it of course is in the properties panel so let me just go ahead and move this up move this here so you can see a little bit better if you scroll down you'll be able to see all kinds of different options including bullets and numbering and you'll also see some extra options that i can work with here so just very simply highlight these make them into bullets oh that's easy make them into numbers oh that's easy cool right however you want to do that that's great now i don't really like how these are set up in other words like i want this to be a little more indented i want them to be a little closer to each other so that's where my options come in so click on that and you're going to see how i have a lot of different options here in terms of the bullet character i want to use i can change this from bullets to numbers very quickly or just say none at all totally up to you if you wanted to add in different kind of bullets you can do that click on add you can kind of go hunting for them just like different characters and graphics and stuff like that that's not what we're going to get into here but i encourage you to experiment with that but what we're going to do here is have a little bit of control over our margins essentially in our indenting settings so very simply i'm just going to click on this and you can see i can indent oh i love that and then if i change this to first inline first line indent that's going to make the change of where the bullet is going to go it's kind of strange language but it gives me the option to really control it so it's really all i need to know and i love this right this is great this is what i want to use for all of my bullets moving forward i click ok and guess what i'm going to do i'm going to save this as a paragraph style so i can just simply click on any one of these doesn't matter and hold down my alt or option key click on the plus sign i'm going to name this bullets right see all my settings there everything's all good click ok and now watch this i'm just going to highlight these guys here and then very simply choose bullets looks exactly the same so cool just tried another one just simply click and drag bullets okay of course i can go on and on and on but i really want you to see again another example outside of just basic text manipulation how we can do it with bullets and numbering and all of the margin and spacing options around working with bullets all right so definitely experiment with that now let's see some other things we can work with with paragraph styles that may help you out all right now if we go back to the document that we were in earlier see here is our newsletter i want you to notice that these have um individual groupings in them right for different purposes okay so once you start having a lot a lot of styles you may want to organize them right into this little new styles group so very easy to do that right once you have one you just simply click on the folder option there and it's going to put it into a group for you all right so if i go over to here and then maybe i'm just going to put these guys inside of a group so hold down the shift key click on this all right and then drag them inside of here and now i have a new style group highlight that and then i'll just call this my basic style whatever okay and then i can then just start building out more and more and more and as i create more paragraph styles i can then put them inside of these groups all right so being organized super important super helpful especially when you start working in a collaborative environment with other people so you can see how helpful this is to be able to recognize where things are what they're called what their purpose is etc all right so practice that all right if you haven't started working with styles yet in terms of the paragraph styles or working with object styles i highly highly encourage you to pause the video and really practice it practice it and perfect it and get it into this sort of muscle memory for you and see how you can apply it in some of your own documents all right so pause the video practice that and we'll see you in the next lesson all right now that we have talked about object styles and paragraph styles let's give a quick little nod over to character styles all right so character styles are unlike paragraph styles where it doesn't actually apply to an entire paragraph it just applies either to just like one character or one word but it's a little more precise over where you apply it all right so i'm going to show you how we can do it it's pretty straightforward i'm going to show you just a nice little trick you can do to make it kind of go across the board with all of your that particular word you're looking for for an example all right so let's just say for example i have you know the word you know eggs inside of here and every time i have the word eggs in there i want it to be a certain color and all that good stuff here all right so again i'm going to do this on the front end like i've done in the past all right so i'm going to make this bold okay that's great and then let's just make this a different color just make that stand out all right and lovely that's great now i'm going to make that into a style so i have it highlighted and then oops wait this is my paragraph style i don't want to do a paragraph style based off of this so what do i need to do oh oh that's right we're working with character styles so i don't need this one anymore so let's just go ahead and dock this over there go to my window and come down here to styles and bring up character styles understand the distinction let's bring this over here and then notice this has none there is no character style associated with this yet until i now create it so making sure that what you just created on the front end is selected hold down the alt key or option key on the mac click on create new style and i'm just going to call this eggs great and then you can see bam there it always there okay that's great i can go to make some changes to this whatever you want to do and i'm good to go all right and that that's all that is all right i've just made that and that could really be applied to anything i just arbitrarily call that eggs because like i could make this also say that as well i don't want to do that but just understand what we can do for character styles or it could just be one word now i want every instance of the word eggs that's inside of our you know our main paragraph here to have the same color here and how about all the same stuff here so i'm going to show you a nice little trick that's working with find and replace find and replace some of you maybe worked with find and replace in other capacities where you're finding a word and you're replacing it with another word you know it could be like you know a company right your your new product right a new employee you're just saying okay bob doesn't work here anymore but now mary does great replace bob with mary oh that's fantastic right you can do that in indesign absolutely so i'm going to show you that basic part but i'm also going to show you how you can find every instance of the word eggs and replace not the word but the style replace the format of it so if we go over to here to edit you're going to see here's an option for finding change and also notice here is the control f option or command f on the mac and what am i looking for i'm looking for the word eggs great and you can see here it says change to what i'm not changing anything so this really should be blank all right that's great so i'm not really changing the words what am i changing i'm changing the format all right now you can also see there's some other kind of like advanced parameters here including case sensitive so i don't want it to change any of the caps so i'm going to just say it's case sensitive and then i'm going to say hey change the format of eggs i'm not changing the words so this should be blank and i'm going to click on this and you'll notice what's going to pop up it's asking me in very simple language well do you want to change the character style oh yes i do i want to change it to eggs look at that there's only one option available for me that's the only one i created so it's pretty straightforward i click ok and if you read this it says here find what find eggs and make sure it's case sensitive so it's going to be the small e and then make sure it's going to be the character style of eggs for all of them so let's see in action i'm going to say change all what 19 replacements and it found all the eggs oh my god that is huge love that click okay click done oh my god that is amazing other eggs here yes there's eggs there right it finds all the instances of eggs in my entire document so i don't have to do that so really really slick and then guess what if i make this change to say hey listen we're going to actually change the color of the eggs character style go over to here to my character color and this time let's just make it green and you can see that i got my green eggs and ham all set up ready to go and again i worked with styles but this time it's a character style and i showed you how you can do it in kind of a slick way working with find and replace so you'll definitely want to practice that pause the video see how that works for you and then if you haven't noticed i also created some other sub paragraph styles so you want to kind of challenge yourself stretch yourself out a little bit and so you see what you can do with working with your paragraph styles not just what i showed you here with this big one but then go a little bit deeper with those and then practice what i do with my eggs working with the find and replace and then also try some other ones find your document and then see what you can do to really hone your skills and get this muscle memory perfect it and then make your life and your job that much easier all right we'll see in the next lesson so we're going to switch up gears a little bit and start talking about color you'll see that in pretty much every document you work with color is going to have an important appeal and visual interest for a variety of different reasons it could be the type you're working with it could be a shape right it could be little objects here could be something that you're even drawing if you have the illustration skills so earlier we talked about the different types of colors you might want to choose rgb you're going to work with if it's going to be just for the web or for screen and you're going to work with cmyk if it's going to be for print okay so you really want to know what your medium ultimately is going to be because you might be a little bit disappointed if you choose the wrong one and you send it to the printer and it doesn't look the way you want it to look all right so just establish that i'm going to show you how we can change some of those things as we're actually creating our colors as well all right now we have a few different places that we can change our colors all right so you can see here is my color picker right over here very easily and remember how we have our fill color and we also have our stroke you'll also notice that i can do it up on top here and also you'll notice here is my appearance now there's a few other panels we can work with as well so if we go over here to window you can see here is color and there's going to be a color panel we can work with let's bring that out and let's go over here to window again color and let's bring up our swatches great let's go ahead and just dock those so there are kind of one and the same here for us to work with all right now if i click on this right here you're gonna see this is currently the color that i'm working on right so if i click over to here notice how this changes to a t that's telling me that as i'm working with type that is black all right let me go over to here this is type that is this nice little orange color great you can see there's a t there there's a t there there's a t there okay so it's constantly sort of talking to us and letting us know kind of what's what now if i want to change this to a different color i can very easily do that in a number of different ways i can come over to here double click and then choose a color right bam and then you can see this is my previous color this is going to be the next color the one i just chose let me cancel that come over to here double click same thing and all my color options pop up just the same and i'll go over to here and you'll see slightly different thing pops up because it's giving me all my what we call our swatches which we're going to explore but again i can then just simply double click on this and it takes me right to my color picker now there's going to be times when you want to actually choose a color from the actual canvas itself and we're going to be exploring that in just a second all right so let me now go ahead and just apply a color right you can see very easily i click ok and now that shape has now changed color all right that's great right wonderful love that let me do that one more time and let me just choose this ish color kind of bright yellow now what i'm going to do this time is i'm going to show you how you can put in your rgb value if you know it or your cmyk value or your hexadecimal code value if you know what those things are you just type them in and you're good to go right you can also change your hue saturation brightness right or if you're working with any of these settings here you can change those two if you're that advanced or your company is working with them you can change all of these options here and then it's going to know essentially what to do for you all right now that is an option for us but what i'm going to do next is because i love this color so much right let's just say i put in my rgb value and i'm good to go i can now add this actually it's going to be cmyk right i can add this right as my cmyk value right as a swatch as a swatch right because i want to save it right that's what swatches are about they're basically just saved colors so i love that that's great i click ok and now all right that's pretty cool but where did it go right it's here but i want to use it for all my other documents right so if you go or all my other objects that is so if you go over here to swatches you will see and then gets added to my swatches panel do you see that there right now fantastic there it is i don't like how it's called it but you can see it says okay c equals 14 m equals 8 etc so really what i want to do now is make a change to that so i'm just going to go ahead and click once on it and then click again it's kind of this double click but slow motion i'm just going to call this lemon yellow sun all right i love that now let's see it in action because now that i've saved this i can apply this in many many different contexts so let me go over to here to this guy i click on my drop down and guess what's waiting for me at the bottom is lemon yellow sun right and i can keep doing that over and over and over again okay that's great of course you may know about paragraph styles at this point and you know that i can then actually apply this using my paragraph style rather than doing it directly on here all right if we go to my paragraph style you'll see that that is also talking to my swatches okay so you'll be able to see that all these things have a nice relationship with each other so i know that this is the titles paragraph style and when i open that up and i go into my character color you'll notice that there is now lemon yellow sun that lives inside of here why because it's a swatch alright so i click on that to apply lemon yellow sun i click ok and guess what's going to happen everything that has this paragraph style of titles associated with it now has the lemon yellow sun all right so really cool really slick all right so again working with swatches which is a saved color working with paragraph styles which is a saved format so that way i have that kind of efficiency all right so my goal here is to really make you efficient and use indesign in the way it's meant to be used all right so that is how we work with you know basically creating our basic colors all right that's fantastic how we can save them we can put in our rgb value our cmyk value okay and then save them as swatches and then incorporate them into our paragraph styles all right great so that should help you with that now you also may want to work with the color panel right which might be a little bit more confusing for some of you so but i'll just show you kind of just like a little bit of a a different way that you could use this okay so i'm gonna go over to here and you'll see that i'm going to be able to manipulate this right here to be able to kind of make okay that's good but i'm not seeing all my colors so i'm showing you this because this is going to happen a lot like doesn't work that great with colors so if i go over to here to my little flyout menu and i choose cmyk oh my flyout menu is kind of hiding everything right in there for me to then access every single color then i can make my changes here on the fly this is only if you want to work with the color panel totally up to you however you want to do this really i mean it's just up to you you can work with the color picker you can work with color if you want to the color panel that is but again really really totally up to you all right now what i'm going to do this time is i'm going to basically use the color picker to then just steal this color so you can see how that's going to work so i have this still selected come over to here and then instead of doing any of these options here i'm going to use this little eye eyedropper so how do you do that you simply want to hold down and click and drag to grab what you want don't let go it's not like photoshop where you can just click it once you literally just click on there and now it's got my color i click ok and see now i've applied it that could be anything that's on your document all right so you just kind of grab that color all right so practice that practice with colors working with our swatches our all the things i said the rgb the cmyk all that good stuff and see how it all relates to your paragraph styles work with the eyedropper tool um and then playing around with different ways that you can actually access your colors right because notice how there's a whole bunch in kind of different places that you can do it just the same right so totally up to you now we're going to take a little break for you to practice when we come back we're going to work with gradients all right so have fun and we'll see in the next lesson in the last lesson we talked about basic colors working with swatches saving our colors working with cmyk and rgb and all that good stuff in this lesson we're going to talk about working with gradients now what you're looking at here is a gradient where we're basically making one kind of like graduation from white to gray to black right sometimes you're going to want to do that just for kind of like texture for visual interest for kind of dimensionality right so you might want to do that just for a variety of different purposes just to be able to kind of make things a little more kind of animated right less sort of static right and this is you know obviously not what you'd create i just want you to see what you can actually do with it and you've probably seen gradients across the board and many other capacities so now our goal is to show you how you can create them so i'm just going to delete this and go back to more or less what you may be looking at when you come into indesign so if you look in the lower left of your toolbar here you're going to see this little guy right here has the gradient okay basically it's saying apply gradient as opposed to what as opposed to a color so when i click on that i now actually switch up from solid color mode to gradient mode oh that's kind of cool wow so before i even like click and you know do anything right now i should probably bring up my options for gradients and that is going to be again under window i'm going to go to color i'm going to choose gradient and guess what i'm going to bring up the dreaded color panel all right and i want to discourage you i understand it's a little bit kind of uh less than um par maybe subpar a little bit but once you kind of harness it you'll understand how things work so i'm just going to go ahead and just bring this together all right and this can be very important that you kind of have these guys together so you can see how they work together all right it's kind of important and not super intuitive it's important you kind of stick with me on this lesson of working with gradients and how the gradient panel works with the color panel pretty well now you'll see here with my gradient panel i have two colors here i have my black and my white right so if i were to draw something out right now i'd have a very similar gradient that i drew out earlier with my black and my white right and you'll see i can choose different types of gradients linear or radial we'll explore those the different angles you can reverse it going from white to black and vice versa all right so let's just now draw it out with just using a very basic rectangle all right and you can say all right that's what that does all right that's kind of interesting and now if i then reverse it you can see it just reverses okay i can change the angle too i'm just gonna make this let's say 90 degrees i hit tab all right that's great i'm going to show you a little bit easier way to do that in just a second but you can play around with this right now what we're going to do next is we're just going to change the color of these right let's just say you want to make like this nice kind of blue sky or night sky or twilight or something like that you can do that by changing these colors here all right so when i choose this here when i click on this you'll notice how this now changes from whatever it was before just to white through black or whatever to the cmyk so i'm just going to drag this over here and drag this over there and get this nice kind of dark blue color right that's pretty sweet i like that all right and that was pretty easy right but watch what happens when i choose the black oh the options go away because black isn't part of that kind of cmyk discussion it's not part of that spectrum so when i click on this again remember from the last lesson my little fly out menu here then i choose cmyk then i'm going to be able to actually control it i'm going to go over to here to just choose which color i want and then let's make that even darker so you can see okay cool nice kind of like night sky situation and then i reverse that that's even better right because the light's coming from above or whatever it is right so who knows okay so just experiment with that like where's the sun coming from et cetera now you can also control how much of which color you get as well so you can now click on this little diamond and you see now i'm getting a little more light all right what is that actually communicating all right love that that's awesome right now you can also add on more gradient stops if you want to so i'm just going to click in the middle and then make this guy just maybe go red oh that's interesting let's play around with my diamonds okay very very different story here okay something's happening right a little bit different because now i just added on a third color all right so let me now just go back to my selection tool let's make this a little bit bigger you can see as i make this bigger things are going to get a little bit more interesting a little bigger canvas for me to play around with but now so far it's given me these kind of very sort of you know static options and i can play around with the angle if i want to i can play around with my diamond etc but what i'd like to do is now change kind of the direction and the kind of magnitude of my gradient and i'm going to do that by using this guy right here called the gradient swatch tool alright let me see where that is the gradient swatch tool you can find that there and watch what that's going to do with my shape selected i'm going to come over to here and i'm going to get this crosshairs my mouse just watch what happens when i just click and drag going from one corner to the other that controls my gradient and now notice my angle is now negative 20.21.2 degrees oh i didn't do that but it did it for me i click on that and notice how it's going to change i'm going to go to here just notice where i begin where i end going diagonal right here in the middle oh man that's cool it looks like a planet right i'm like out in outer space cool whatever you want to do you can absolutely control this okay using guess what this gradient swatch tool all right so let me just relegate this to something else move this over here and now let me just do a quick little ellipse and you're going to see it just remembers the last thing i did and why am i doing an ellipse this time doing an ellipse because i want to change my type from linear to radial and i'm going to reverse that and you can see ooh that is very interesting and see how radial is like a rounded gradient which is going to allow me to have kind of like different effects okay i can change the color of course do whatever you want to do let's do that one more time just for some review let's go ahead and just go again kind of a lighter blue it's going to go to a darker blue all right it's kind of nice and you know you can even like go a step further add on another gradient here and then just make that black and you kind of have this like nice little kind of edge to it so you kind of want to be maybe a little more artistic about this right it's up to you right just play around with it but then i'm going to go over to my gradient swatch tool click and drag and let's just see what that does all right let me just start way off the canvas and see just a slightly slightly different look and feel let me just do that kind of a perfect one like that it's kind of nice maybe we'll start right in the middle what's that going to do oh yeah okay that's kind of where i started but just know what it's going to do right see how it's coming in from the center going white to a little bit darker blue to this kind of dark purple all the way to black so you have a lot of control to be able to then manipulate this now if we look at some of our elements here you might want to do something like that for for this you know if i just change this now to a whole different look let me just change this to linear and i'll just make this swatch be yellow and i'll make this be maybe a little bit of a darker yellow or a lighter yellow whatever you want to do and you can see again a little bit more kind of visual interest or it kind of like the light shines down on it okay so you'll see how you have all that kind of control to be able to manipulate the look and feel the color of your shape for a variety of different reasons okay so gradients are really really powerful for visual interest and for kind of drawing the audience's attention towards something you know just make something look a little less flat really all right so practice that you may need to watch this video a few times just to get it and then just understand how the gradient tool works in conjunction with color and how you work with the individual stops the diamonds how you can reverse them and then finally of course working with this gradient swatch tool to then control the direction and the magnitude of that thing that you're working with all right so play around with that pause your video have fun and we'll see you in the next lesson welcome back everybody we are now going to start talking about master pages we've talked about regular pages so far how to insert them delete them you know just kind of navigate throughout our document and now we're going to talk about the master pages right so just let's just define what a master page is and then we're going to explore how we can sort of deconstruct this document and then even create some of our own so master pages allow us to work with repeating elements for the most part like you might want to repeat a page number right on every single page you want to go from four to five to six right and notice how the words are repeating okay that's great you also want to repeat other things like a little design element like a stripe or something like that could be a line going across anything like that you want to kind of repeat sometimes you might want to even have like a little title that you can have that go across as well and it's always going to go in that section but now you may have documents that are going to be contingent upon different actual masters because you want to have different things happen at different times could be that you're going to have blanks right maybe you don't actually want to have anything on a cover page or a page that's going to have like a big map or a chart you don't want it to be all kind of cluttered up with page numbers or you know headers and footers and things like that so you may want to have just nothing on that master so you're going to have to mix things up a little bit so on the top part of our pages panel we're going to see this section here which is going to be all about our masters so this particular document actually has five masters and one is actually that's called none you'll notice that there's a prefix for all these c d and look at this a b see that there's b let me just highlight that for you let's come down a little bit more and if we keep scrolling down we're going to cc and we're going to cd okay now each of these pages are linked up to some of these masters okay so okay so there's a and that's linked up to a that's great now let's take a look at b and you'll see that b is linked up to this b but now let's get under the hood and see what in fact is going on inside of all of these it's making these pages it the way they are so if i double click on this little thumbnail here that's going to take me inside of this a master and i'll be able to see oh there's some elements there and if i go over here to the right hand side which okay there's some other elements over there and that's all repeating across the board for everything that's linked up to those all right let's go ahead and go back to another one let's go over here to c you can see similar okay so creating this document may have some similarities may have some other things a little more subtle but just understand again that they're repeating elements now if i go back to my main document i'm gonna go back to page two and then what if i try to move this what if i try to change the color of this what if i just try to even basically select it i can't do it let me go to my page number nope can't do it can't do it can't do it why because it's on the master if you want to manipulate edit control any of these things that are on the master you have to actually be in the master you can't necessarily do it right from here there are more advanced ways to do that i'm going to talk about that in our advanced class but sometimes you might want to have like a placeholder or something we're going to talk about that in future lessons in our advanced indesign class but for right now let's just discuss what in fact is going on and how we can maybe manipulate this what can we do now to maybe just make things a little more kind of interesting let's go back to our a master i'm going to double click on that and you'll notice now i can actually click on the shape if i want to let me change the color of that to this nice little pretty blue color wonderful all right let me do the same thing with this guy here let's go over here back to that pretty blue color and do it one more time great i think i'm good for now what is that going to do for my document i just made a change in the master what can you expect everything that's connected to this a-master will now have that change so i look at this document now you'll see there's blue come down to the bottom there's blue and there's blue amazing okay you see how that goes across the board now if i want to go over here to b is that affected nope all right so you'll need to understand how your masters are all constructed what's linking up to what so when things don't do something you understand essentially why it's not doing something all right these little kind of subtle whispers to tell you that like this in fact is only related to the a master right you see that these are only related to the a so we'll need to understand what's going on when things are not acting the way we want them to all right so let's now see how we can implement masters on another document what do we need to do from something that we've been working with hopefully since the beginning is working on this little cookbook i might want to have some running elements on all my pages okay could be a basic shape like this could be worse at the bottom and also page numbers which i'm going to show you how to do in just a second okay so let's go to that document that we've been working on our little cookbook here and let's say i want to have a running page number on every part of the bottom but i also wanted to say you know dave's cayenne cookery right something like that i want that on every single bottom of the page you will see here my masters i only have one master and they're all a right now right and that's pretty much all i need right now but i will show you how we can do a separate one when we create a title page so maybe i'm going to have an a and also another one just i can call anything i want just call it one because that's going to be a title page separate from the rest of these because i don't want a page number on it so what i'm going to do is go into my a master very simply just simply double click on it and guess what i'm in the master how do i know i'm in the master let's take a look way down here and you will see it says a master right down there so i know that i'm currently in the master in case you're ever confused if you're still inside of just page one you can just double click on a master and you're gonna see bam it's gonna say a master so you know where you are for those of us who are just just beginning that can be a little bit confusing because they might even look very similar to each other so i am going to just bring in some text on the left hand side and i'm also going to show you how you can do a page number someplace else so just like with anything else i'm going to do my text box here and just draw it out and just type out dave's cayenne cookbook and whatever you want to do with that i'll bold that and i'll make that come down a little bit more great good to go don't need all that right there so i'll bring this in all right love it now that is going to be on every single page at this point okay but it's going to be on every single page that's on the left side of the spread because look where i am here now if you scroll to the right you'll be able to see the right side does not have anything at all so these left spread and the right spread are separate and independent from each other so we're going to work that out in just a little bit so what's my next goal is on the right hand side i'm going to bring in a page number all right so this is what i'm going to do i'm going to give you a nice little kind of cheat on this i'm just going to click on this hold down the alt key which we've done before and then also hold down the shift key and just drag this over to the right hand side so why did i do that because i essentially don't want to have to recreate the font i don't want to have to recreate the alignment and all that good stuff and this is all pretty much ready to go for me to insert a placeholder for my page numbers some of you may have seen earlier that your page numbers actually just had a letter in there like that was weird is it page a how does it know what to do that a is just simply a placeholder for all of the pages that are connected to the a master so what i'm going to do is just simply highlight this so it's all selected and guess what i'm going to do i'm going to go over here to the type panel way up on top here right type menu and then that spills down all the way to the bottom so we have this insert special character all right so let's do that so type insert special character and we'll go over here to markers and then guess what current page number and we're going to do next is right align that and i'm going to put the word page in front of it don't have to do that but i want it to show like that that's great no problems there and before i go any further i want to check this out what in fact is going on with my master is this doing what i wanted to do so guess what double click on the right side what's going to happen here nothing why because this is on the right side of the spread if i go over to page 2 and 4 and 6 absolutely something should be there i scroll down look at that it knows exactly what page it is and repeats the elements of exactly what i've typed out so let's see without all the markings wonderful that's great love it love it love it let me go back to my master double click on that and now i can start building this out on this side if i want to all right so on this side i'm going to take both of these elements and guess what i'm going to do i'm just going to clone them and hold down the alt key and the shift key put that back in place all right now i'm going to go ahead and just scroll back over to here and let's just say 20 21 edition cool but i still want the page number over there on the right hand side that's great so let's check it out i'm gonna go back over to page one now and i'll see ah there it is okay and i scroll down a little bit and i'll be able to see there's page two page three 2021 edition all right well what about these guys over here yep that's still there love that all right so let's just do a couple more let's just do some kind of fun design elements as we showed you earlier let's go back to our a master but this time let's just draw maybe a line that's going straight across right maybe it just separates it out a little bit so i'm going to click on the little line tool and i'm going to hold down the shift key and just click and drag straight across holding on the shift key to make it perfectly perfectly straight and then if i need to i can make that go a little bit further out just bring that off the canvas a little bit making sure it's thick enough and let's check her out how's that going to look going across the board hit the w key that's pretty good separates everything out i like that let's take a look at this oh yeah it goes across it's exactly what i want it's going to be on every single page just like that all right now the last thing i want to do here is now create a new master because i'm going to have a cover page in front of us that i don't want to have all that stuff on there all right so watch what happens i'm going to say right click insert page i want to do one page before page one and you'll notice here that it's linking up to what master it's linking up to the a master and how many choices do i have either none or a master right i'm not going to choose none because i want you to see what it's like to create a new master from scratch you could do none but i like to have at least something there just because i might want to add something to that right so i'm just going to go ahead and just say at this point a master it's going to be before it and now new pages here and that has that on there right notice how it's an a what i'm going to do is create a new master that's going to link up to this so how do you create a new master it's very very easy see this little gray area right there just go ahead and right click and not too many choices here is new master and i'm just going to call this one one i'm just going to call this cover all right that's great and it's asking me all right so what is this based on so based on any other master you could do that you could base it off of another master meaning that it's going to inherit all of its features but then you can then just sort of evolve away from that and do your own elements if you want to so if i did do this based off of that a master it would take all the page numbers and all that stuff but then i can add on to that if i wanted to but what's cool about this is that if a changes that element that it inherited also affects this new master if you wanted to do that all right you can experiment with that in our advanced class we get into a little bit more of that stuff all right so how many of these pages do i want um i think i just want one to see what that looks like okay pretty much good to go here i'm going to click ok and you'll see this now says one cover right as opposed to a master because i named it one cover your prefix could be really pretty much anything you want now i want this guy to live here in other words i want page one to only have the one cover master and not the a master master so how do i do that super super easy just simply click drag right on top of it and now look at that it says 1 instead of a and now i'm going to double click on this one to go right to that page and you'll see it's blank all ready to go and then if i scroll down see it's separate from the other ones okay and it's telling you it right there all right now i could then go right into here and then bring in whatever kind of content i want build it out put some type in there put in an image all that stuff and again it's not going to have any other elements down below all right now what i'd like to do next is change this i don't really like calling this a master i'm going to call it something else i'm going to keep the a but i don't really like that name so what i'm going to do very simply is right click on it a lot of options pop up for masters right duplicate the master delete the master maybe you want to print the master for whatever reason here's another option to do a new master but what i'm going to choose is master options and when i click on that very simply it gives me the choice well what do you want to call it what's the prefix you want so i'm just going to call this a main body just like that right say okay and now look at that a main body still a and i'm ready to go just to do whatever i want from now on okay have that kind of control so if for example i was going to do a new page and i wanted it to now have just the cover in there because let's say i'm doing a new section you know if every time i do like a new recipe or something like that i'm going to have a nice big picture on there i can very easily do that so if i right click here i say insert page i only want to do one page and it's going to be after page 8 i would say that i want it to be just the one cover master not a because notice now i have two choices and it's going to be bam it's going to be right here replacing whatever page 9 is click ok and look at that now i've mixed it up one and then aaa all across the board and then fantastic there we have it master one cover all right so hopefully now you really start to see the value of this right whether you're working on somebody else's document whether you're working on any other documents that i presented for you by looking at this document and you can see how much you can really go into creative ways and very functional ways for you as well whether it's page numbers little design elements a little bit of text and also mixing things up a little bit where you might want to have something for a cover for your regular topics right for your regular body copy and then some so you want to experiment with it you'll know kind of what your documents are sort of dictating so pause the video practice that really understand how we can change our masters create our masters apply our masters get into the masters tinker with them bring in page numbers and maybe you have some other creative ideas so love to see some of your comments in the chat and we will see you in the next exercise but practice up pause the video and have fun now hopefully at this point you are comfortable enough with indesign to start making some preference changes of your own you're starting to learn a little bit more about the program as far as what you want things to look like your units of measure the color and maybe you're starting to see some kind of like funkiness around indesign in terms of like how your computer is performing maybe you want to get into some like spell check options and you want maybe things to be a little bit more like word or something like that and it's not maybe some of you don't want to be like word at all okay so let's just see what we can do just to tinker a little bit with some of our preferences and this will be something that you'll go back to time and time again as you start to learn more about the program right and then some of these things you'll probably never look at because they're pretty good or it might just be like way beyond any of your needs so how do you get to your preferences if you're on a pc you simply just go to edit and then preferences down here and you'll see here's all of our options if you're on a mac you simply go over here to the indesign menu in the upper left and choose preferences so i'm going to go to preferences and i'm going to go over here to interface and you can see here these are my preferences for my interface what does that mean i can now change this to this kind of nice darker one i can go medium light i can go a little bit brighter so you do have all those nice options for you to work with right depending on you know what your preferences are okay that's why we're in preferences okay you can also see you can match your pasteboard to the theme color so it's going to then kind of blend in a little bit kind of smoother as you do that right as you're working with these you might want that but sometimes you can make it harder to see so totally up to you all right now you'll also see a few other options as far as our panels are concerned okay do you want some of these panels to auto hide do you want to open up as tabs you want them to be large tabs or not should be able to see if i click on large tabs notice how that shrinks down a little bit right i'll bring that back and you say okay fantastic right if i click on that one right you see it says open documents as tabs next time you start opening them up they will not be as tabs will be as separate windows okay again totally up to you and also one of the first things we did was make our floating tools panel as a double column but again totally up to you maybe you want it to be a single row maybe you want it to be just a single column right so that's going to be able to be affected very easily as well all right let's come over here to our units and increments right so some of you in the beginning maybe had to change from you know picas or millimeters or pixels or whatever remember you were at before and you didn't like it you can always make a permanent change to make it be what you want it to be right so in other words if it always comes with pikas i can change this to inches and respective to all these other ones do the same thing now understand that if you want to make a global change you should have no documents open when you do this very important because if you make a change right now it's only going to affect that particular document so you should have nothing open then go make your change that said if you open up a document that was previously created using pikas you're still going to have to make the changes okay and of course you can do it from here but also i showed you how you can right click in this little nexus and then it'll change to whatever that unit measure is going to be right you'll see also i like this one here is this cursor key because i like to nudge things what does that mean with my cursor if i want something to move if i just kind of nudge with my arrows it's just going to go that far and maybe some of you have already seen me do this but when you hold down the shift key while tapping on the arrow keys you'll see that it's actually going to go 10 times farther than whatever these settings are all right so if you wanted to be very very precise you would make this part smaller all right so of course you'll experiment with that all right let's take a look also at our spelling all right you can see here find what when you're doing a spell check what do you want it to do find misspelled words repeated words etc maybe some of these things you don't care about so you can just very much uncheck them you also see here is the option for dynamic spelling some of you may actually have this unchecked so therefore it's not actually giving you a red squiggly line as you're bringing in and typing out misspelled words but some of you may want that and that's kind of coming back to like how word does it by default you may not have that checked so therefore it is not going to give you the little red squiggly line all right you can see some other options as well and maybe you don't want it in red you want it in magenta you want it in violet whatever it is you have all those options now also is this autocorrect option do you want it to autocorrect for you based off of all these millions and millions of words that it has in its dictionary usually by default this is not selected so if you want it to do that you can absolutely absolutely enable this all right and then um maybe one or two other things here is this a display performance all right if your computer is running like too fast or too slow because you have two heavy documents right that are running in your system as you are building off this document because you have like you know these like massive massive files and indesign is still having to link up to these it could actually show something that's very very high resolution and then still slow down your computer even though you're linking up you want to check that out all right so you can actually make some changes to that so you can say listen just show me the fast view but then when you finally do publish it when you do package it it's going to give you the high quality this is just for your viewing how do you want to do that okay and i'll show you in a second how we can do that kind of on the fly as well if you ever need to do that okay so typical could be good for you but it all depends on your computer's processing power all right so definitely check that out have fun with it all right now let's also go to file handling you'll see here file handling some things might you might be interested in is a number of recent items to display 20 maybe more maybe less totally up to you you'll also see that there's this really nice option to create links when placing text and spreadsheet files earlier we talked about links by linking up images you might want to also have links where you can see hey somebody brought in a word file or an excel sheet something like that you might want to see how that has been brought in if it's been brought in where it lives all that good stuff and it's going to show in the links panel by default this is not chosen so if you want it to be shown then you will need to check this box all right so let's just see a couple of things now on the front end i'm going to click ok and once you see where we're going to find our options for spell check if you click on edit you'll see about a little more than halfway down is the option for spelling and you can see here is dynamic spelling and autocorrect is checked because that's what i have it set up in my preferences you can then do check spelling right now if you like and it's going to run you through a little spell check and it's going to be hopefully familiar to you if you've worked in any other spell check program before and you just go right through it take the suggestions or leave it totally up to you and finally click done and you also notice that under edit is a few other options like find and replace we did a few exercises on that before with our character styles okay so pretty nice just play around with all these to experiment and definitely use those to make sure you have no spelling mistakes and the other thing i told you about is the ability to work with our images okay so earlier we talked about how the fact that sometimes our images are going to come in let me just go ahead and do so ctrl 0 come over to this side here and earlier we talked about our display handling of our images because sometimes things are not coming in good sometimes they are and we want to be able to see it at the best quality because i just need to know is this really good is this as good as it can be and if you recall from our links discussion we can see hey this particular document is 6.7 megabytes right which is pretty big it's also 300 ppi okay so it should be coming in good quality but it could also be making my computer run a little slow so if i right click on this you'll see weight on the bottom is this display performance you can see it's using the view setting but if i've got a lot of these it could certainly be clogging up my system so i might want it just to be fast display okay and then oh that's not very good so i can just undo that let's do typical display or maybe you're going to do high quality display all right so of course the fast display just kind of took it all away right okay well if you ever see a document like this you'll know like oh wait is there nothing there or did somebody just turn off the display performance from typical and high quality and i could always bring it back so it's just kind of a good little tip to know about in case your computer is running a little bit slow or you want to see the image better or somebody else may have turned it off because their computer is running slow all right so just a lot of things to just really configure on your system now that we know a little bit more i encourage you to go into the preferences and explore on your own to see you know what is going to jump off the page for you really experiment with them and just go back maybe every once or two three weeks after you learn more and more about indesign because some of these things will become more relevant for you all right so pause the video practice this and we come back we're going to learn how to export and package our document welcome welcome and welcome back here we are at the end of the class where we are going to learn about how to export and package and publish so we finished our document here we are and we're ready to send it to the printer we're ready to make it into a pdf and we want to publish it on our website we want to send out an email with our pdf all kinds of great things we can do now before we do anything we need to make sure that everything is good to go all right we've talked about a few of those things and how we do that so what we want to make sure of is that we got no errors all right so how can we even tell if we have errors at all if you look down on the bottom you will always see this pre-flight okay so hopefully at this point your eyes have been trained to always look down here to see like hey wait a second do i have any problems if i were to publish this right now is my printer going to have problems is the quality going to come in is some of my texts going to get cut off you really want to be asking yourself these questions and then the follow-up question of course is how do i fix it what do i do so indesign is here to help if i double click on this right now it's going to take me to guess what my preflight panel telling me what my issues are so you can see here is links i have 57 mixing links oh my god that's going to take me forever some of you may see something that says like text and over set text you're going to see that when you have like the little red plus sign that's telling us like hey some of that text is like just not showing right your text box is too small so you got to resolve that right and you'll figure out ways to do that maybe you add on a new page maybe you make the line spacing a little more narrow maybe you make your images smaller lots of different ways to deal with that but we're going to focus on this part here because we need to make sure that our links ie in this case our images are all set up ready to go and ready to be packaged with our file because when we send it to our printer our printer needs to see the actual images so then therefore they can print it in the best highest quality possible all right so when we package it it's going to come with our images you'll see it in just a little bit so you can see again i have all these missing links oh what am i going to do no problem let's go over here to our links panel and if you don't have this here you can always go over here to window and then links and then bam there you are there's all of our links and this is a little review from one of our previous lessons of what do we do how do we re-link these to make it so we can ensure that everything's going to come in accordingly so let me go to like my bouquet right here and you'll see here is this little guy right there to relink okay so i click on that it's going to take me to my file explorer whatever yours is and you'll kind of need to know more or less where this image lives right so it's going to help you relink it to where they've been moved to because your co-worker moved it or renamed it or something like that you just relinking it because it somehow got lost so what i'm going to do before i even click on this is i'm going to make sure that this is unchecked right here this show import options and this in fact is checked right here this search for missing links in this folder okay because when i find bouquet i also want to find all of bouquet's friends right all these guys here the tulip and the toc etc etc so let's uncheck show import options don't really need that so i'm going to keep going keep going oh there's bouquet yep and it looks just like what i'm looking for i can see that and then just simply double click on it and then watch this re-link re-link and it's doing the other thing i asked it to do waiting for it and then what what what search this lit oh my god it found and re-linked 56 missing links oh my god that is amazing click ok wait for it no more pesky question marks and get out of here no errors that is amazing oh my god i'm so happy and i'm ready to go all right so definitely check that out now what are the next steps for us to do if i'm just making this into a pdf let's just see what our steps are here i'm going to go over here to my export options here i click on file export and you can see this is going to come up what do you want to save this as okay so totally up to you i'm just going to go ahead and save this as a pdf print right and then i'll just call this final hp doc that's amazing i click on save and now whoa thought i was done a lot more stuff comes up here a lot more stuff comes up here basically asking me what kind of quality do you want it to do what when you open it up into a pdf how do you want it to show up right compression levels there's a million things you can change here so let's just go over like a half a million of these okay so you can see here my compatibility right what compatibility do you want it to be and i usually just change the highest right i usually choose just the highest okay that's great and then you'll see here okay so what page ranges do i want to save it in okay so i can just do all my pages or only certain pages absolutely can do that you'll also notice that there is a viewing section here of when i create my pdf how do you want it to be shown do you want to just fit the page you want to be certain percentages things like that so when somebody does open it up how do you want it to view because maybe you want it to be kind of open up like a book maybe you want it to kind of fit perfectly however you want to do that you have that option to do that i'll notice there's also full screen mode all right and then in the future you may be working with bookmarks and hyperlinks right and a few of these other things right and in our advanced class we do get into hyperlinks and bookmarks so i strongly encourage you to go there um after this to learn some more but you can see if you're working with those you can just say yes i want those as well now let's go over here to compression and you can see compression is typically going to be about images when you have like big fat images you might want to actually compress them right because it's like oh this is going to be emailed to everybody i want to compress them so you can see here's a section for color images here's the section for grayscale images monochrome images okay and here's the option for well what kind of like bicubic down sampling do you want to do or whatever you want to do here for images above a certain amount of ppi for all of these for color grayscale etc so if something is very very large you just want to down sample it okay and you'll see here also here's some options for compression image quality etc so you'll know what is right for you maybe you don't want to do anything at all so maybe you just leave it be now let's go over here to our marks and bleeds in our first lesson we did talk about all the different marks right and all of our slugs and everything like that saying about hey this is where information is going to go for your printer and for yourself maybe even that you might want these things showing up here so if i say all printers marks all these things will show up and it's just information right you might not want to print it so it'll probably get sliced off if it's just like an eight and a half by 11 but you might need that information just for you know proofs and things like that all right here's all my document bleed settings okay so again you might be setting it to be as i suggested the 0.125 again totally up to you and then if you want to include this in there as you're printing it please go ahead and do that all right let's take a look at a few other things if you are working with any kind of like color conversion you'll probably know when the time comes that you are doing that right so you might be converting it from cmyk to rgb and vice versa this is going to be the place for you to do it and we'll skip this part for now and we're going over here to security very very important because you might want to password protect your document so very simply require a password to open the document great i could do that and just type in your password and then here is use a password to restrict printing or editing or other tasks so absolutely you can do that and then you have a whole bunch of other options here in terms of what you're going to allow to have happen all right so this could also be something that you do in advance class like we're going to learn about how to create forms and a few other interactive things so you might want to be able to do that i'm going to keep mine as is for right now and it's going to give me a nice little summary of what i've done i can review this if i want to i can save the summary it'll give me a nice little output of that all right now you'll notice on the bottom is the save preset you'll also notice up on top there is this adobe pdf preset and it says that i have a high quality print preset that's been modified okay so when you first start when you do this there is a preset that you may be starting with that you may just love and it could be any one of these that you're working with okay so notice i modified what they first gave me but i could go back to the original and it's going to go back to what was the pre-modified one you'll also see here is press quality which is very very high quality here's smallest file size which is going to compress those images for you okay and then these are ones that i've actually done in the past that are presets that i named these okay you probably will not have these all right so for our purposes we did do some modifications so let's save this because i might want to use this over and over and over again so i'm going to do that i'm just going to call this dc hp long doc settings great i click ok and then i'm just going to simply say export because i am now ready to rock and roll with this and you'll see over here in the upper right here very subtly that this is just exporting it's doing its thing it's got to wait for it you can see when you click on it it gives you the percentage and the status of what's happening okay and that in fact has been saved so let's verify where that was saved and we will open up into pdf so i go back into the file where i saved it there it is final hp doc i click on that to open it up and there it is looking very pretty exactly how i planned it out to be that's great let's go ahead and bring this down a little bit i can see everything there fantastic looks amazing so this has now been saved as a pdf okay we have not packaged it yet technically speaking we just saved this as a pdf so maybe you are done and that is all you need to do with this exercise but there's going to be times when you need to package your content because you're going to send it to a printer so if i click on file i'm going to come way down to the bottom i'm going to say package you'll see here it's going to give me a little little summary of like how many fonts i'm using all the steps here if you want to use that you can even choose this box to say create printing instructions we'll do that just a minute okay click on fonts you'll be able to see all the fonts you're using very much like just information at this point because at this point presumably you have cleaned up everything you've looked at your errors and you've said okay you know what there's no font issues here there's no link issues here there's no overset text issues here i click on that okay so no issues here okay that looks amazing and if you're seeing too much stuff here you can say show problems only right and i'll show you maybe what the problems are okay and then you can see here's my colors okay nothing too fancy here right at this point we're actually pretty good so i click on package i'm going to save it and then here are my instructions kind of cool right so i can say all right here is me all right and then there we are here's my address okay and then put in my phone number very important right because you might want to have people contact you right so dave at sf tech dot com okay instructions contact me if there are any issues click on continue and now this is very interesting because what it's going to allow me to do is now not only package this ready to go but i can package it based off of guess what one of my settings that i just saved for my pds savings or i can actually do it and as any one of these also if i want to so it's linking up to the last thing i just showed you even though that was a pdf it's also now packaging it and i can choose those same preset settings that i saved from earlier and apply them here as i'm doing this okay and then you'll want to just kind of pick and choose some of these things as well include fonts and links from hidden and non-printing content probably not probably not necessary okay copy linked graphics yep you want to do all that good stuff there okay you're good to go you could certainly choose your instructions if you want to to kind of replay them to see if you've done them right and then make sure you know exactly where you're saving it so i'm going to go right back to my folder go back into here and then click on package and then this is basically a message about some copyright stuff so i'm going to say don't show again and click ok and you can see bam it's packaging packaging packaging creating the pdf an indesign file it's putting everything together so my printer has everything they need to see and publish my content without any issues and hopefully they're not going to call me but if they want to call me they got my instructions that they can contact me anytime okay so let's now go ahead and check out that folder and we will see i now have a new folder living inside of the folder that i just put it inside of and there it is 03 hp long dot class folder that's great i open that up and you'll be able to see wonderful there is everything here are my instructions here's my indesign file here's my pdf here are my links wait we talked about links didn't we click on that and guess what oh that's why that was so important because my printer needed to see all of those right they need to actually run with them and then when they do print it out the printer is actually reading these things and feeding into it okay and then here's all my fonts in case my printer does not have my fonts now they do okay so i've now said hey you can have this font library i don't care alright so let's come back to indesign really kind of digest everything we did here really understanding the processes the importance of every step in the way all the way from going from pre-flighting looking at whether all of your links are set up giving you overset text if you don't have the right fonts by the way you can always go to type and you can say find your fonts okay if necessary you can see you can get your fonts if necessary from here and of course you can do it directly from the preflight if you need to and all the things that we did in terms of our pdf presets for quality for security for how you want your pdf to be shown okay so so many so many different variables to keep in mind when you're saving as a pdf and also notice how that overlaps when you're packaging it and you're sending it to the printer okay so again pause the video make sure you get this you can either use our files here or use one of your own but this is something you're all invariably going to be working with okay so practice up have fun and good luck thank you for watching everyone this concludes our intro to indesign class now we covered a lot in this class we learned how to create documents from scratch drawing manipulating and coloring shapes how to place and enhance images work with frames strokes and layers we also covered object effects and how to save and implement object styles you also learned how to work with all of the amazing typographical features that indesign has to offer including how to save both paragraph and character styles and at this point you should be comfortable with working with master pages and finally how to publish and package your documents now there's a lot more to indesign to learn so please check out our other video on advanced indesign where we tackle even more complex features that this amazing program has to offer thank you again and hope to see you in the next class thanks for watching don't forget we also offer live classes and office applications professional development and private training visit for more details please remember to like and subscribe and let us know your thoughts in the comments thank you for choosing learn it [Music] you
Channel: Learnit Training
Views: 53,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: indesign 2021, tips and tricks, adobe indesign, indesign 2021 tips and tricks, learn, indesign, learn it, learn it anytime, learn indesign 2021, indesign 2021 tutorial, indesign tutorial, posters indesign 2021, tutorial, guide, learnit, touchup photoshop 2021, graphic design, adobe, creative cloud, brochures indesign 2021, portfolio indesign 2021, master pages indesign 2021, brand, print design, magazine design, typography, resume creation, templates, creative, design
Id: 2WHp9anxS1I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 238min 50sec (14330 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 18 2021
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