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they just have a hose they can't wind it and so they need some way the white banner they need two guys to separate it and one guy to hose it down I speak a fully good open tell us about 15 then I started boxing then it never got bullied but I wasn't that good at boxing but I love being in the gym you know I mean so I was around all the fighters all the time but I would be the guy in the gym talking [ __ ] to everybody and I would have that was my game when I was sparring with guys it was a guy in my gym you couldn't hit Willie just couldn't hit him you know those guys you throw the punch you know they're the right there but you throw the punch and they move half an inch so that they're not in the more I've seen them before I hate them guys so I would throw a punch he would be I'm like [ __ ] so I would step in and clinch and then I would tell him she like get one off on it but that was it and that was the only time when I throw elbows on him is [ __ ] I'm like forget that was my only way of getting it shots at that point I loved them but there was like guys that were real fighters in the gym and I was just a guy learning how to box and so I was like all right well I clearly have some sort of talent with making people laugh here and I was deejaying and I love DJ and I still DJ but comedy just kind of fell in my lap it's just what I did you know Lennox and I were amateurs at the same time yeah and it's funny because I remember when he was when he went sparred with you and 80 84 8 up in the Catskills yeah when he's getting you ready for the Empire State Games or was at the Olympics one of the other big yeah Wow dude that's pretty cool you were sparring with Lennox back then yeah Lennox told me he goes I've met that kid he goes they never told me about that kid when I got there because it goes I met him and he was so nice Mike was just so nice and friendly and like hey thanks for coming up he was like oh man this kids great it's something riggidy goes the [ __ ] was that because this tornado came at me yeah what as a DJ did you ever throw out jokes were you working we're no in a comedy in between when I use when I used to make mixtapes in the early 90s I would take cuz used to vinyl back then so I used to take a George Carlin record and start with like a George Carlin joke and then mix a song and after it I love that yes so I think one of them was like anybody gonna have bad breath Marg but you could knock a buzzard off a [ __ ] wagon and then I would start the song yeah just little just little Clips like that and I would use Richard Pryor records or whatever I was just just a little clip and then drop the music in that was Mike my signature and then I and then after I ran out of comedy records to use I would use a Capella's and then mix a beat in underneath and stuff like that that's pretty good I still make my mixtapes I still make them I make my maybe three a year now I'm gonna hear one of those yeah it's only old schools if you want old school like a rapper of all time all time would be biggie nice but I'm big L I like them C's emcees like guys that could really spit yeah and have you heard Eminem's new album oh my god that [ __ ] is ridiculous fire oh my god yeah he really [ __ ] goes in yeah and it's dope like he takes the flow that the kids use now and he just uses it against them yeah he does it like them but better than them like everything it's you know means like you know he says I do you have any idea how much I hate this choppy flow but you be copying the Obama but pop and then just keeps rapping like that the whole time but you're like holy [ __ ] he's really going in on these kids and he just makes fun of him you know that Gucci gang [ __ ] yeah it starts coming too so he's talking about like somebody told me she'd update his flow he's like alright here we go Pootie Tang chicken wing Charlemagne anything it just keeps making with these ridiculous things like just to show you how [ __ ] stupid what they're doing is it's good that's awesome well there's a whole thing if you ever listen to the Joe Budden podcast him and he goes in on Joe Budden - oh really oh yeah he he said the only the closest thing you had to having hits is smacking [ __ ] yeah well it was just interesting on that point of old school versus these new guys well I mean I get it like like it everything's got to change yeah yeah and the new stuff is not for us old guys I mean that's just not the way it's designed I mean music is even when we were kids the stuff was designed for people our age at that time and now we grew up with it so it's all our memories right but every now and then one of these kids might say something that makes you go okay you can do it yeah you know yeah it's you know for us it's rare it's kind of like our parents would complain about our music and and their parents would complain about their music you know and people complained about Elvis when he came out you know nay hey yeah you know no I know I know that's why I looked at you when I said let me tell you funny story about Chuck Zito please Chuck and I are very where we like brothers so Chuck Chuck Chuck and I have a house in Vegas together I like to say Chuck and I have a house in Vegas together Chuck Chuck stays at my house in Vegas quite absolutely and right matter of fact tonight he'll be there and he'll call me sometimes like bye-bye I went is the best houseguest you've ever had in your entire life one time it goes and notice there was a leak in your backyard so he he showed me the pipe smells like [ __ ] that's all my stuff he cut the pipe fixed it show me was brand new my water bill went down to $50 from 250 a month oh wow that's incredible right and then goes hey Bob I noticed there was the wall in the back was separating so I resented it have you ever had somebody say they've reached he goes I didn't have anything to stir the cement with so I used my hands to stir the cement and use his hands to slap the [ __ ] cement on the wall they hurt me for a week after that man it was overall not normal like you know hey I changed the lightbulb for you like really [ __ ] detail things and then here's the best part he goes hey I hope you don't mind I decorated a little bit inside the house to put up some artwork some paintings I go oh cool I walk in there's his Elvis thing I go okay that's Chuck I get it then there's this Steve Reeves poster I got it that's you know and then I walk in and there's these [ __ ] awful like fruit bowl paintings painting of a fruit bowl I can tell I can tell what he put it he put two of them in the [ __ ] laundry room smaller than the room way right now you needed some color apparently in his dining room there was a there was a hole in there with a hook I said I got something up there but the wall is all mirror he's - it's like it's another painting I'm like a fruit hello where'd you get all these fruit bowls from ah they were frayed yeah from any from the rest I'm gonna say they look like old Italian stuff like you would see something your [ __ ] grandmother's house ha ha ha you got a problem that's [ __ ] funny you got any good art Mike no way do you want a fruit bowl painting oh I got a connection I know what guy no way hey my dad just did that painting for you of you and Frank Bruno you got that nice when you spanked Frank Bruno you spanked him twice didn't you like Frank Frank that's a good guy yeah but I don't you know it's funny is I was in England in 93 94 when when Lennox but Frank Bruno I was doing shows or something that was 95 wasn't much been later anyway when I was there I was there I was at a pub watching Lennox fight Frank Bruno and they're both British and this is how you knew that white people loved Frank Bruno like they viewed him as one of their own and they looked at Lennox like an outsider there's no [ __ ] in the middle of that fight I heard a white guy behind me go come on Frankie hit the black bastard Frank's darker than [ __ ] Lennox oh good so tell me what did your family say we have to get them out of Mumbai we're heading it with my dad's like we must leave this is not going to end well we're reborn in India now is born in Toronto okay that's uh but would you ever go back yeah I dig it you've been there before yeah I love it I'll tell you go with me you'll dig it actually they cover you Mike Tyson there's nothing I can say that you were gonna see what had a good time Orphanage right Wow raises all right it's the biggest cattle in Asia oh I shot my series in there yeah in that in that it was called Dharavi slum yeah and I ate food in the slum at night when they open them and like that no like you mother guys think I got sick like you couldn't I was pissing up my ass for three weeks look like my my look like my ass had allergies just running all day and my [ __ ] could sniff it would have everyone who goes to India says they have that experience you didn't get sick no it's easy to avoid getting sick but like I'm you know as an Indian kid you like my egos like man there's nothing good here gonna make me sick yeah and then you realize oh yeah I know if you all the cows in the street oh yeah yeah the cows in the back oh yeah you got to watch my you got to watch my old act now you're gonna really dig it now that you've seen know yeah yeah yeah yeah oh slap the [ __ ] out your hand oh yes yeah yeah yeah yeah don't leave me steal a purse I thought grown to grown ones in like three babies falling I'm in the middle of the street downtown right do people bother you at all yeah it's crazy yeah because everybody knows you are there absolutely and they don't even speak English they calling your name that's pretty cool did you go to - I would imagine you had a tour guide so that you know too many people oh yeah it's a little warm what was the tempo you're there one hundred and over and all humidity oh oh yeah brutal killing you didn't went with you I mean my wife and he's mean how would the keiki like yeah did you like the food did you eat in the hotels yeah we know bomb-ass food though right yeah that's what we in any country we go to this way we can go to the Train I mean the Indian store you know Indian food man never let you down I gotta get my mom to cook for you nicely the one with number one spice curry good for you man all those Ayurvedic herbs yeah yeah good for you also make you fat oh [ __ ] really oh yeah cuz they put a lot of oil and butter like pure butter oh yeah yeah it's good and you get the butter chicken or whatever it's over Russell would you say you had a traditional Indian family upbringing 100% no really not in the house my dad's name is Eric Reginald Peters oh really mom is Maureen Christina you know so and I hung around black kids from the age of four that's all I knew with black people yeah that's why I was like well this is what I know my kids weren't nice I mean there was no Indian people around me so I was like wow well this is what I know so that's why I'm so comfortable when I'm around black people isn't my that's my first choice and then Chuck is my second haha thank you buddy thank you very much hey Mike who was that one fighter I'm always asking people I he kind of looked like Darren was at Darren Van Horn maybe who had like a twitch and when he was fighting he would almost throw his hand over his shoulder do you know I'm talking about man quite a few fighters didn't nobody had like a twitch he was like and he was a white kid and he was I was like and right before I throw a punch would he just throw it over his shoulder what was that interesting I think it might have been Darren Van Horn if I'm not mistaken but it was like a white guy like that in like the early 90s late 80s wasn't Pete no put chucks the best cuz hey boy come on I got we're going to the fight again we get to the fight or no I'll go hey I got tickets and I Chuck come with me so Chuck and I go to fight goes these are the [ __ ] tickets they gave you that's like seven three goes [ __ ] [ __ ] they don't [ __ ] like you do there I go I'll check what am I gonna complain they gave me free tickets not [ __ ] that we're moving up and and we end up we're practically end up in the guy's corner yeah hey Baba hold the spit bucket he needs some give me the vest let me put it over his eyes we did move it right here we've done that every time I go to chuck we move up to a better seat nobody says anything nobody's gonna say it's so funny when you walk with Chuck and Chuck is like you know he's a street celebrity so yeah I see cops like hello mr. Zito I'm like that was a cop talking oh my god you aren't you I would expect the Kospi like a [ __ ] shot you know but they're like be mad respectful that's awesome well I mean he's definitely earned it I think your mood really changes when you get punched in the face really like you're going you're feeling great and then you get hit like what I do to this guy what happened what happened yeah that was that was one of my first Golden Gloves fight I fought this stocky black kid I mean the kid was really buffed and everything he came out he came out like a bull Jack style Henry I'm strong hit me an overhand right on top of the temple I backed up and I said to myself what the [ __ ] am I doing here that was the first time I got hit in the ring it was the same [ __ ] but I want them knocking about the second round so but I think that second is what tough [ __ ] am I doing it the first time I got hit in the ring I was sparring with guys that I knew and I was like [ __ ] I do to you what do you mad at you and you know the thing is you don't get a headache till the next day all right so it sucks it's like your pain is on layaway yeah the next day I'm like well no then you go to same time you wake up then you get the headache yeah well um I could have been driving this thing I like this yeah man it's driving this [ __ ] I like this hey I got questions for you Michael you are a Brooklyn cat yes do you remember okay do you remember a cat named gangster guy grab when you were growing up rap he used to run with the real 50 cent well I knew those guys back then Darrell and fifty in those guys yeah so you must have known rap rap just got out from doing 32 years well now the thing man the raps my people so he's gonna be in town in a couple of weeks staying at the crib that's crazy some friends waiting to come out there he did 25 it's insane right yeah yeah they don't know how they didn't get crazy in there yeah yeah you gotta have some PTSD coming out of there yeah me wrapped it for 14 years in the hole 14 years in the hole imagine these guys I wasn't behaving yeah didn't play well with others you guys do 30 40 years they come out their cell phones exist I mean yeah you got a really adjust man oh oh he's no longer stretch chuck up height just did six years there was nothing nothing it was something buddy I couldn't do six hours I'll tell you that holy [ __ ] and that's just processing and I started four months in Japanese prison oh yeah the Japanese when I'm gonna be reading that in your book yeah what was that I mean I was locked down 23 hours a day I was in myself oh really that was probably third of this room they keep you away from the pop you know population because I was American and I was locked down 23 hours a day you know the little cell a little 6 by 8-foot cell so why do they keep you away I guess because I was very resident I was I was there waiting together extradited and then what have influence over people yeah but people say that I was little guys a little man they had some big sumo looking guys what he call it as guards yeah oh really oh yeah and they weren't just a little five four three guys hey guys what if you decide that you want to become a sumo wrestler and you go and get that size and find out you're no good at it man I mean some of those guys are 400 pounds oh absolutely yeah they're considered gods over them yeah boy store boys the whole it but there but oh really God really that's why they invented those Japanese doll boys just have a hose so they can't wait their bath so they need some way the white there for them they need two guys to separate it and one guy to hose it down it's all boys and sumo wrestling right so you can't have a dirty ass with that thong stole boys that's your mo and some dudes just dying for that job sure they're like ain't that some [ __ ] sure that's a shitty job pun intended yeah that's all good then they can't squat your arms ain't long enough that's why they probably invented the Japanese toilet for that reason alone yeah yeah you know what's that the toilet this is the water in your it's the best thing in the world dude oh my god oh the day yeah I use a bidet or the Japanese tours heated seats yeah yeah you can adjust it now you feel yeah the water temperature the pressure the angle if it's not hitting your hoop directly and then I mean it's it's all good I haven't used let me taste some let me just ask you this are you or you use it when you go to the house yeah doesn't my Giver what are you a wiper from a wiper now son you can't do that [Laughter] let me tell you B now you a wiper killem ask you I mean what else am I supposed to do let me ask you this let me ask you this if you guys don't have the day listen to me if you got [ __ ] like a tiny piece of [ __ ] on your finger right would you wipe it off would you wash your hands you'd wash your hands so when you get a chunk of [ __ ] fall out your ass like why do you think it's a good idea to paint your ass with all that [ __ ] cuz all you do is you keep wiping ass until the toilet paper looks clean but it ain't clean all you did was spread the [ __ ] so thin it ain't showing up no more when we are one of the only countries in the world who does that I know that's where you got a wat me tell you hey I'm with it liberation of a clean soul that can do that is amazing that capability my [ __ ] so clean at all times that when I when I'm looking at my underarms like I have to smell it and still smells like the detergent I'm like I'm good I'm not bragging guys but I'm letting you know it's Jesus Michael with the fights to this talkin what the [ __ ] I'm just saying they're trying to steer us around the clock here oh dude I mean it's good stuff I didn't know that trust me oh just get a bidet it's fine I'm deal with that I tried that but hey you try that you shoot it up the hoop it's all good to go here yeah just get the $10,000 that he owes that's not tendon so you can get him for now like a thousand bucks oh that's what you guys want to buy you guys each one I've heard they love that yeah considering under your consider your [ __ ] was clean from me consider me your Indian stole [Laughter] that's still tripping me out dude are you sure anyway beyond the let's get past this I went from New Delhi to New Balance tall boys from New Delhi did you fly Emirates yeah first yeah it's the best isn't it yeah close that door and you go to sleep did you put the pajamas on no I do every time let me tell you I get on that plane I go in that bathroom I get buck-ass naked i freeball the whole flight ooh oh it's good that's when you have just a whole suite you have the sweet the door closes that's all you're good to go flatbed nice pillow nice blanket they put a little a little like a pad on the on the chair so you go live oh it's good [ __ ] oh yeah you take a shower on the plane yes it's great [ __ ] right and you know the shower on the plane this is a commercial private first class on Emirates oh you booked your shower time you get five minutes and if there's nobody else taking a shower with them and you tell them they'll give you another five Chuck we got to do that yeah it's great and it's nice it's it's wonderful nice nice life like economy class I don't know what that is man Southwest has something back in coach with the peasants I don't know if you could ever fly coach you're six foot how much six six yeah you can flying coach is brutal no you can't sit in coach at six my knees are in my chest yeah I don't even know why you even attempt it that sucks yeah and that's when first class wasn't even good back then yeah yeah yeah and now it's good he'd have to go Singapore Airlines because of the wide ass seats on Singapore Airlines are actually uncomfortable for a long flight really yeah cuz they're too wide there's no where you have to pick a side we lean on yeah I mean literally like you and I could both sit in that chair together well that's that could be nice for a minute you know great experience for me how did you go for today how were the fights great yeah what sauce was there any indian cats fighting and who won yes that's right oh yeah yeah yeah we hit it right on the dot pardon the pun as you get to the hotel right in the in the lay around your neck everything like Hawaii yeah yeah yeah and then some sweet yeah they give something sweet to eat when you walk in what hotel were you at the Taj Lands End that's the one I usually stay that's my [ __ ] good nice oh yeah yeah you go to a five-star hotel in India it's another world oh yeah her in the room ah Mike's already had that I stayed at the Taj myself yeah I landed city yeah the Trump Taj if you're in New York I stay at that chat wall that's a good hotel where's one fell cross street from my friend's place yeah yeah it's great looking rooms are soundproof so you don't it's right in time screen you don't hear a single sound in your room that's and I got the Japanese toilets two wins yeah two wins clean [ __ ] and no noise hey two good things you need that a soundproof room where in my house yeah what you girl at all whoa scream above ha ha no I don't know I can't you know what it is I need somebody to guide me through it to get on you to the place I need to be yet I like a drunk high so what can get me in that zone okay so you need maybe something with a little more CBD oh you know what I just had that for the first time the other night the oil yeah I can't sleep early and Pete has that yummy some I love that you know put it on my tongue and well Pete's all into the plant medicines yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah at a good talk with him about that that's awesome Chuck cbhi right I tried that and I slept slept through the night I'm not sleeping I'm Loco yawa you are at least I didn't want to have to have tonight that's good so felt better next day yeah he relaxed you yeah Alessia it does relax you it's great for stress relief great for anxiety great for sleep because I put my head down but my mind goes a thousand miles an hour okay every night when you sleep like three hours at least at the most emotion really most yeah never meditate no no your training is your meditation but yeah I'm uh let's get to much any of you somebody I don't sleep up every hour and then three no three hours I'm up and you also have breathing thing right yeah yeah I got the breathing thing too so sleep up you know the broken nose [ __ ] uh-huh yeah well glad I sleep apnea to stuff man you are easy yeah though are usually good though huh I do oh yeah I'm up I'm up a couple times a night but uh you know for the most part we'd really cannabis really helps me sleep you know exercise is great to help you sleep you guys all do that yeah to meditation I wake up at like once I wake up but I wake up like to take a piss at like 6:00 and then I might not back asleep till 7:30 oh yeah and then I'm like chill just crank when I don't go to sleep and then yeah I get the pen when you're in the house you hit you sleep good mic up all the time yeah like that you know it's gonna go sleep right now that people listening on this [ __ ] podcast wake up no way though hahaha no I mean weed if you're interested Russ and I also don't like the coughing part so would I be better off for the pen yeah or no not necessarily because some people say you know vaping can give you more of a coffin smoking really it's God have you heard of this popcorn lung yeah there's some good stuff out there but I would say get yourself a tincture that sounds like something illegal a CB something eternal like what chucked really it's an oil who do you rub it on yeah no no it comes in an injectable what a syringe but it's a thick thing yeah they put on they put a little on your finger and you're pulling him yeah it's a long that's a ton yeah well it tastes like tastes like you swallow a joint that's it yeah how soon did it work it takes about an hour so you gotta take it you know uh now before you go yeah for sure all right you'll watch TV and before you know what I was like shut the TV up solid yep for you yeah for me yeah a lot better than I did yeah that's great I need to try that thing you sure so it's a thick it's a thick where can we make this marijuana if I go yeah yeah yeah yeah I mean you could get it from this great establishment here I know I have tons of it in the house actually I came to rehab it's why I came haha this morning my shoulder was hurting literally I was like [ __ ] I need that roll-on from like you don't have oil no we don't have the oil yet we're gonna have it yeah yeah that's good yes yo don't smoke like myself and you don't smoke right now no you know they put the oil maybe a little heroin but that's new and that's not nothing one day I went and had this big machine gun coming out of the wall oh yeah yeah with that didn't tear people from your [ __ ] with you yeah that's what that was my that was my intimidation Mike came to the house and I put him on the turntables oh I love that it's trying to make Mike DJ he goes he was like yo I always wanted to learn how to do this I go I'll teach you if you want you'd love it you know why Mike you could zoom out and just [ __ ] play music [ __ ] you became a celebrity DJ oh my god you'd be making money at all get it are you kidding me Mike Tyson knocking out the hits this weekend this weekend that would be amazing well add that to the Tyson entertainment all right wonderful yeah have might come DJ your birthday now what I wanna give DJ's a good GJ for the know here's what is the difference now okay the good DJ doesn't get good money it's these [ __ ] artists that get the [ __ ] big money okay well what do they get the [ __ ] are [ __ ] our stuff will get anywhere from a hundred thousand a half a million a night and like real real talented guys who know how to [ __ ] DJ and rock a party and change up the style or whatever they'll be lucky if they get a thousand bucks oh so if you don't know what you're doing you get more yeah if you look good and you know how to do [ __ ] jumping jacks in front of a pair of CD players yeah you're gonna make a lot of hops all you got to get a record player what do you know there's that kid marshmallow head or whatever the [ __ ] is called I don't know who's your favorite DJ I mean I'm into real DJ so okay you're not gonna know them but I mean jazzy jeff was okay one of them he's ridiculously talented so jazzy jeff deejay spin bed starting from scratch [ __ ] there's so many guys scratch bastard I knew Big Al you can pick out I never knew big of a lord finesse is one of my best friends and lord finesse and big guy were like you know they were they were in the same crew we go the small guy yeah the small dude yeah he was right he was dope the [ __ ] he would say he was never [ __ ] your mother should have swallowed you into me stuff like that ass Beavis I get nothing but head you know hey Mike you know I asked you you used to have all that dapper dan [ __ ] back in the day right yeah and now he's designing for Gucci like on the real yeah that's crazy and his stuff is like kind of dope I got a dapper dan Gucci t-shirt but it's hard to find you got a but he's still making stuff like you can go to him and ya think it's tough you never want to go back again some more Dan Ford and [ __ ] I get you measured up I'll make a call like someone annoying yeah but he tells my dad Mike tell him how you got to hell you are cuz it wasn't like you could just walk in and get it you had to like go to three locations or some [ __ ] you have to go on this I want together you go to the shop they told me to go - you talk to the African guy and gotta take your measurements and everything right give them the material that you want and they say no you come back and make that it's ready it was that fast yeah damn had it hold up I remember seeing you with the with the with link it was a MCM Jack and MCM Tam so cool so cool that was at that boudin's when you cracked the screen yeah run into him was he Harlem guy [ __ ] scream yeah oh so he was in his hotel [ __ ] it sup guide today yeah you know crazy though yeah who's mataji green stuff Mike broke his hand hitting him outside that for dead really yeah yeah yeah Mike fought him to a 10-round decision he couldn't talk about this guy was not going anywhere and he kept calling Mike Michele Tyson when he would see him and like it was 50 brows wasn't it no it was a non-title that was not title yeah it was like somewhere in between James quick Tillis and how deep were you when you rolled up when we saw you might be dead that stain that's the dangerous thing a street fight yeah I got into a fight 92 I hit this kid he's coming at me with just like I was on some like [ __ ] and I that's kind of a punk anyway but I threw a I threw a I feel right hand first and he went back because he was drunk and when he was coming back up I sidestep I hit him a left hook but I hit him in the here you're started bleeding like [ __ ] I killed it but it was an earring that ripped off I thought it was his earring i bleeding I was like I don't know how I voided charge that day he was a other DJ kid and then I told my right go to the record saw set you up I know the guy there so I got out of it well that was my payment back I got you a discount at the record store you were talking about Chuck almost choking this dude out bodyguarding Liza Minnelli haha Oh which it was at the SRV story SRV notice who God had the camera when he pulled the camera I thought he won't for a gun you know so they gave the guy first row tickets front row seats get sued you still talk to Liza at all I think what I I haven't seen her or talked to her in a couple of years you know she lives right here in Coldwater Canyon in his valley oh that's cool yeah so I went to go see her up there been a while now been a long time I mean I was widowed when I was 24 years old yeah she was a long time ago Chuck yeah literally 40 years ago 41 years ago thank you very much here well every moment I'm indium you can't give me a problem expect me to ignore it what are you 48 48 now yeah I quote your you seem like birthday man Mike called me once for my birthday and now I take this one as another one will take that that's really nice I remember might call me for my birthday I was like hey brother that's one wish you happy birthday look forwards again to know you better in the future peace and love brother and I said thanks Mike call me and then if I sound like you handed the phone back one [ __ ] was that I just say that haha what'd you do for your birthday I did two shows in Arlington Texas nice it was whatever was you know yeah and then it was he happy birthday Thea they did I'm not a big fan of the song and uh when they tried to bring out a cake because I'm gonna have people that is a comedy show I don't to make it [ __ ] weird yeah I just want to make you laugh come on I want to respect respect I took it as the respect and I think that's good we got we did it I was supposed to ride back that night private and I got to the private Airport and the [ __ ] plane had a leak in the brake line they go we can't take off at all well I go well you could take off you just can't can't land this what the problem is take nos not this you're stopping when we land is the issue see you're stuck there no stuck there thank God I didn't check out of the hotel though I never check out I just leave just in case some [ __ ] happens you need to get back there sure yeah and you kept the key of course there you go I always leave the key me too there's no going back for me auctioneering method I keep it with me just in case bah bah what do you like to smoke ab weed yeah I know but what style um I used to really like sativas those bring you up right yeah those are the uppers but uh you know lately some sativas have been giving me making me a little too anxious so I've been moving more towards hybrids yeah there's the hybrid Tyson stuff that I get and everybody seems to really enjoy that one yeah it's a good it's right in the middle the hybrid is really nice yeah the T ranch hybrids is a good one but I like you know I like to just do CBD to you know D's on the tongue yeah just keep that helps with my anxiety that helps keep my pain level low what do you have painless neck from flack yeah elbow hands hips it's your [ __ ] body yeah say y'all body yeah I hope you're too young to have all that [ __ ] wrong with you I don't know right yes 31 30 30 30 my pants are [ __ ] 30 years old I think we should wrap this up because it's going nowhere at this point it's just getting weird people I'm like what the [ __ ] is this podcast although it's getting there it's it's evolving yeah you got you got four very distinct personalities in here and Edmund seems to be the smart guy in the group so we're gonna let him do the driving and and I'll talk the dumb [ __ ] and Mike will chime in when he feels he it feels this is necessary and it's necessary no it's all Sabah's well I appreciate you guys man it's great to hang out with you I'm excited for this you really should answer your mom's phone call I mean she's calling right now while we're on the air I can do better I just wanna hear what your mom says to you Abin you left the toilet unwashed your mom's American yeah dad's American yeah I'm the only non-american guy here ya know that wall build thanks Mike yeah we're awesome all right guys all right this is s until next time [Music]
Channel: Mike Tyson
Views: 186,942
Rating: 4.8510561 out of 5
Keywords: Mike Tyson, Mike, Tyson, Eben Britton, HotBoxin, Tyson Ranch, Russell Peters, Chuck Zito, Boxing, CBD, CBD oil, India, Bidet
Id: fXThwstN9g8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 34sec (2434 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 12 2018
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