Visa Officer Shares Top Tips For US B1/B2 Visitor Visa Interview

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so what are b1 and b2 visas in america a b1 b2 visa is basically a visitor's visa it could be for tourism it could be for business but you're going to the u.s for a short amount of time and then you're going to leave that's a b1b2 visa sometimes people say well what's the difference between b1 and b2 and then d1b2 there's no real big difference it's all just a visitors visa you want to go to the us and you want to go back to your home country you need a b1 b2 visa great now ben with these short term travel visas why is the purpose of travel versus home ties important for the visa interview a lot of times the visa officers are going to ask you about your purpose of trouble that that's mostly the first question that they'll always ask to a visa applicant who's going for a b1 b2 visa they'll say okay what's your purpose of travel you know what are you going to do in the u.s and maybe you're going for tourism you're going to say okay well tourism right well it's a very short answer and it doesn't really give them much in terms of being able to feel confident you'll use your visa well even if you give them a very fleshed out plan you say oh well i'm going to florida i want to go to visit disney world and then i'm going to go to miami and then i'm going to my cousin's graduation in atlanta right okay we've got a full plan there but you haven't really still give them given them any reason to believe that you'll go back to your home country yet so this is this is one of those concepts that i like to tell my visa applicants you need to know what the visa officer needs to know and that's kind of your home ties more than your purpose of travel the purpose of travel needs to make sense right it needs to be real it needs to be believable but really they want to know why why are you being pulled back to your country afterwards right that's great i actually recently just read a good blog article from argo about how to demonstrate home ties with a few more tips we'll make sure we link that in this video as well so you guys can check that out friends in this video we're talking about b1 b2 visas i've gotten tons of questions from you guys and comments and messages about b1 b2 visa so ben's going to be breaking those down and again welcome to chine coaching i'm rob and here at chine coaching we're all about helping you guys be successful in your cross-cultural journeys studying abroad working abroad and a big part of that journey is visas and visa interviews and so we're going to be breaking down the b1 b2 visas to have success there and ben go ahead and introduce yourself hi everyone i'm ben i'm with argo visa and i'm a former visa officer i used to be the visa officer who is doing those interviews behind the window in the embassy in the consulates argo visa we've got a network of over 20 former visa officers that have worked in 35 countries speak 14 languages and in total we've adjudicated over 1 million visas so we've got a lot of accumulated experience and knowledge that we can use to help you get your visa issued fantastic now going back into these b1 b2 visas why is the visa officer sometimes asking weird questions to these visa candidates i get a lot of people that ask me why why'd the visa officer want to ask me all these questions about you know my my parents i'm i'm going to the u.s i'm applying to go or why why were they asking me about uh you know my application to go to the uk five years ago right well the visa officer doesn't know anything about you right you walk up they see you they see your passport so they see your nationality they scan it and then they look at what's in your application but they don't know anything else about you right what they're trying to do with all these questions that they ask you is just figure out who you are right and how you're going to use your visa when you travel so that's why they're asking these questions they may focus on one piece of information in your your application your ds160 that's kind of unique right that draws their attention oh i see that you have a cousin in the u.s okay then i'm going to start asking you lots of questions about your cousin just because they don't know what else to ask what you need to do like we tell people with every single visa class this is for b1 b2s but it applies to all the others is know your highlights right then they may be asking you about your cousin in the u.s or or that uk visa application five years ago but you need to know okay i need to let them know that i'm halfway through my master's degree here here in my country that you know that i've i've just bought a house right whatever these highlights are that you have they might not know how to ask you this about that because they don't know about it so you have to bring it out on your own that's great my friends if you're liking this video and learning a lot give a big thumbs up to say thanks to ben sharing his tips and experience and our chai question for you in this video is what other questions do you have about b1 b2 visas again these are visitor visas so tourist visas short work business visas as well so yeah let us know what other questions you guys have want to see those maybe help you more in the comments there as well okay now ben a big question that people are going to want to know is what is going to help make that visa officer issue that visa that is the big question isn't it rob the the answer is simple especially in the case of a b1p2 visa it's the simplest because you're not going for a specific program for school or a j visa and so the thing that you have to do for the peace officers you have to what we call overcome 214b now that's some technical language and what that means is you have to convince the visa officer that you're going to be a good traveler now for you that you're are interested in the technicalities 214b if you've ever seen you know one of these sheets the law says that every visa applicant is assumed to be intending to immigrate unless they can prove to the visa officer satisfaction that they're not right so the burden is on you to prove yourself to visa officer right and when you do that you have overcome 214b the point of the visa interview is not to just answer questions it's to proactively convince the visa officer so that's what that's the biggest tip that i have for people is that you can't go in passively you've got to go on proactively right like you're doing sales not everyone has done any sales in their life but if you're doing sales you can't just wait to be asked questions by the by the customer you you want to try to tell the customer proactively what's great about this product or this service and you know you have to know why the customer might want this product and and tell them about how it's going to help them in the same way you're selling yourself you're selling the idea that you yourself are going to be a good traveler so that's what you've got to do you've got to overcome 214b and you've got to convince the visa officer you are going to be a good traveler yeah and ben and i have made a separate video on 2 14b rejections and reasons for these rejections so check that out we'll share the links and you can learn a lot more about that and how to avoid that now as we're coming out of this pandemic how has the pandemic around the world impacted b1 and b2 visas for america in one word rob severely there are a lot of countries that have over a year backlog in b1v2 visa applications and so a lot of clients of mine they've wanted to go to other countries where they might not have a backlog right let's say in one country you've got a 400-day wait time another country has a seven day wait time so you think well i can just fly over to that country and have my interview sometimes that can be a good idea but other times that's going to put you in a bad situation as a tcn i think a lot of people might already know this term it stands for third country national basically means that you're applying outside of your home country you need to be extra prepared because the visa officers there are going to be a little bit more suspicious because what are you doing here why are you in this country and not in your in your country where you reside so there are options and and i think the visa officers right now they all know that this is more common because of the pandemic and so they're a little bit more willing to accept it and you just have to let them know listen i'm here because of the pandemic there were no visa appointments available for a year in my country but i need to get to the us for x reason i need to go to my sister's graduation i want to go to visit my my nephew who was just born in the us i want to go visit schools because i'm looking at universities that i might want to attend whatever your reason is you got to let them know why it's why it's important to you and why you've come to a separate country to apply that's great yeah i feel like there's even more pressure now because these long wait times and everything's been pushed back from the pandemic that people will really want to get these visa interviews right and so how can argo visa coaching really set people up for success to prepare and succeed in these interviews that's a good point if you're if you're waiting that long for your interview or you're spending that money to travel to another country you want to get it right the first time you've got your best shot getting your visa issued the first time that you go in for your visa interview don't waste that first opportunity don't think uh i'll just i'll just go in there and try and then if it doesn't go well then i'll really put in the effort to prepare well we can help you prepare at argo visa from the very beginning to pass that interview the first time right we know what your highlights are going to be we will know what your hurdles what your weaknesses might be we'll know how to present those to the visa officer to maximize your chances we did a million of these visa interviews we know what it takes so what you can do you can go to that's our website you can book a consultation one-on-one with a former visa officer there who's worked in your country doing visas for people from your country i've got many clients that have worked all over the world i've got many that have worked in india i know you have a lot of uh subscribers in your audience rob who are from india we've got a lot of peace officers who worked in india and know how to help you specifically so go to our website check that out uh and you're going to find a lot of a lot of help when you when you have a consultation with one of us uh the insight that we bring is really second to none and it's unknown you know there's no other resources out there where it's actual former peace officers in the embassy in the consulates bringing their experience and now helping visa applicants yeah i love getting the messages and the emails people saying hey they booked an appointment with you and they got the results they were hoping for so that's really exciting so i'll be sharing the links for you guys to connect more with argo how to learn more and get help from them ben and i have also made another video about really important tips on how to improve your chances and getting approved this is a great video we'll have links for that as well be sure to check that out and ben thanks again i love getting to learn from you and what you've shared today has been super helpful thanks rob it's always great visiting you and cheyenne coaching definitely friends be sure to call us online on social media linkedin instagram be subscribed to our email newsletters we're really thankful and just love you guys being a part of this community thanks for tuning in and we'll see you next time cheers [Music] you
Channel: Chai & Coaching
Views: 288,416
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Keywords: chai and coaching, US tourist visa interview, US visitor business visa interview, How to convince US visa officer, how to prepare for B1/B2 US visa interview, how to get US B1/B2 visa approved, how to get b1/b2 visa for USA, US b1/b2 visa appointment backlog, how to show home ties in US visa interview, how to get US b1/b2 visa approved, b1/b2 visa interview questions & answers, USA b1/b2 visa interview rejection, US visa officer interview tips, US visa interview preparation tips
Id: _-W5YNj9VqQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 48sec (648 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 09 2022
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