TIPS for Rough Plumbing a Sink 🔨💧🪚

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hi everyone welcome to jensen diy well today we're going to rough in a sink okay now this goes for a bathroom basin a kitchen sink a laundry tub even a double bathroom basin so we've got our drain line here this is a two inch abs drain our vent line here going up through the roof or into an attic space and tying into the other venting this drain line here is tying into the drains under the slab or if you have a crawl space it would be tied in in the crawl space with a y fitting or if you have a basement it would be up in the joist space or coming down a wall in your base but in this case this is coming up out of the slab into an into a wall okay and then we've got our hot and cold water lines here that are capped so before you cut these water lines you want to make sure the water is turned off so the first thing you want to do is get your vanity specs the measurements of the vanity that is going to hold your sink okay so now after you have determined your measurements then you need to figure out exactly where your piping is going to go to accommodate those measurements now in this case we're going to put a 36 inch vanity in here okay so what we want to do is find our end point for that vanity our end line is here so we're going to mark that here's our 36 inches here okay three feet okay so now center of that is 18 inches which is right here okay now what we want to do is look at those specs and see where the drawers are if any and where the space where the sink is gonna go okay where the sink is gonna go is where you wanna rough your drain over to and have your water lines come out in that space you wanna make sure they're not gonna come out where the drawers are if you're a homeowner doing this yourself you might already have the vanity there look at the vanity kind of place it where you want it to go and then you'll be able to determine the heights and the widths of where your piping needs to come out okay but we're going to go on the scenario that we don't have a vanity at the moment we're just going off specifications all right so we've determined our center now we're going to get the piping installed so this is our space where the sink is going to go really as long as it's anywhere in this space it's fine but i like to come out in the center of it with the drain so in this 18 inch area i would come out at 9 inches so i'm going to come out with the drain actually i'll probably come out with the drain right against this stud here okay okay and if you were gonna do a double basin where you have two then you do exactly what i just said about determining where except you would use this t a double t instead of a single t we're going to use just the single t today because we're just doing one sink this could be inch and a half but i recommend that you run two inch if this was for a bathroom where you had a toilet this would have to be two inch because it would be venting the toilet as well so now we want to determine uh the height of the drain i would rough that drain in it's 16 inches off the floor and we need to drill a hole here okay so our height here is going to be we're going to go about 15 and 3 4 inches because you want a quarter inch per foot grade and this is about a foot over from here so it doesn't have to be perfect [Music] this is a two by inch and a half tee and then i'm going to reduce it down to inch and a half at the top you can get two by inch and a half by inch and a half tees so we're just going to reduce this down with a bushing okay so you always want to wear gloves when you're gluing abs glue okay so first thing we'll do is we'll get this bushing glued into the top of the tee okay the t on the drain part turns down okay so the top is here so we're just going to take our abs glue we're going to take the fitting and we're going to do a nice coating all around in the fitting okay we can set the fitting down now we're going to take our bushing like i say you might not need this if you get a two by inch and a half by inch and a half t okay so we're going to go all the way around there place that in the top and you can just push it against the stud there that goes down in just give it a little wiper okay from the top of the pipe so the top of the hub on that t that's five inches okay so now we know we need a five inch piece we can go ahead and get our coupling glued on so this would be a clean out if i had one i would just go right where that coupling is there but there's other ways of cleaning the pipe out from under the vanity okay so and if you had a crawl space you could put the cleanout in the crawl space or if it was on a second floor you could put the clean out in the basement in the wall so we get that coupling glued there and we want to do a coating all around the pipe and place that on there push down give a little twist and hold for a couple seconds okay that's already starting to set up five inch piece cut so we're gonna go measure there five inch at the end of my thumb okay i'm gonna take the cutter you can use a hacksaw for this as well twist okay so now we want to take our teeth and glue this piece into the bottom okay so again fitting first nice coating in there coating around the pipe take your pipe insert in the fitting push in and twist and hold a couple seconds good now i just wipe that off okay this stud's getting covered up you can use a rag to wipe it on i just like to do that and you know you're not going to get any leaks around there okay so now we want this to face towards the hole over here so we're going to put glue on our coupling we're going to glue the pipe that goes in push down twist so that you're in line with that hole over here okay wipe that glue off there you go now we're set to run our trap arm it's called it goes across so now we want to take our inch and a half 90 degree elbow okay and we want to place it over here where we want it we can measure right through the hole over right in and then we hold our 90 there and we look at where it would be in the hub of the fitting here so we're at 22 and three quarter inches so that's what we need to cut our inch and a half abs at and then we're just gonna cut again you can use a hack saw to do this depending on the distance between the studs you may have to cut this in half and use a coupling or two couplings depending how many studs you're going through in this case though you can put it through and this abs bends a little bit just take my hammer and give it a tap there we go okay so we're in with the one piece good coating of glue in there and then we can just turn the pipe get glue all over that put that in give it a twist and you want to have your if it's getting inspected you want to have your letters facing out so the inspector can see that it's the proper pipe okay so i've got the letters facing out here so now we'll check our grade to make sure we're good yeah i don't know if you can see that but it's just past the line so we have grade on this pipe grading towards the vertical drain okay so now we want to take our 90 and put some glue in one side glue on the pipe okay now we want to fit that on there once we get that 90 on we want to put our level on there and we want it to be pretty well level coming out okay maybe a slight bit of grade but pretty well level is what we want to see because if it isn't when you go to install your p-trap later underneath your sink it'll end up being cockeyed so you want to have this pretty close to level where the pipe comes out okay then you just want to take a six or eight inch piece of pipe glue a cap on if you like um if you're going to be testing this with pressure with water pressure otherwise just push the cap on there to keep the sewer gases from coming into the dwelling okay and then you want to take this end glue in here glue on there put that in twist hold for a few seconds and there you go okay it's fairly level it's got a tiny bit of grade on it okay so there's the main part of our in done for the drain we've got our our cap that's going to be inside the vanity okay and then it turns and you can use a 90 degree elbow on a trap arm like this okay on any other drain line you would use 245s but you're allowed to use a 90 degree elbow here and now we're gonna attach our vent okay now you can use a mechanical vent but it's always best to run a vent to open air okay okay so we're 62 inches i already have the coupling glued on to the vent going up through so we'll cut our piece at 62 inches okay so we're going to glue the bottom again with the letters facing out so we're going to glue that in there we go at the top i like to take a little bit of all strapping to fasten that on you want a hanger about every four or five feet on drainage inventing so then it's just your water lines okay i've made sure the water is turned off now i'm going to cut these now you can either bring the water lines out below the drain or above the drain i like to go above the drain go about 21 inches so about 5 inches higher than the drain so they'll come out about here that way the valves are up kind of out of the way of everything else so you have a little more storage room in your vanity okay so we're going to go ahead and do these water lines so i'm just going to put a piece of backing across here and bring one water line out here and one here okay so i would usually use a one by four i like to use one inch thick instead of a two by four because then you have room behind for the water lines uh but i'm gonna go with uh i got this one by two and a half here [Music] just want to fasten that in with some screws i like to use two screws at each end so this doesn't move [Music] okay so we got our hot and cold we just want to mark where we're going to come out cut that line pull up on that a little bit get a ring on there 90. we want to squeeze that ring with our water pump pliers so it doesn't move take our crimper that joint and this piece i cut off the top is long enough and it already has a crimped plug on there so that's about the length you want six or eight inches we're gonna take our ring put it on the end of that place it on another squeeze with the channel locks and we're going to crimp that so that is our hotline now they do make copper stubbles they're called that you can put in place of this where you would crimp a copper piece on down here and it would stick out in copper depending on what kind of valve you want to use when you're finishing i like to use crimp br px valves myself and you just take some talon clip clip it on where you want it to come out one there and then i like to put one the other way as well just to give it more strength and then you just repeat the process on the other side here okay and there you have it and now you want to turn the water back on to these to put them under pressure make sure you have no leaks on your new connections when you do rough this vent line in keep in mind where the center of your sink is going to be because you don't want that vent line to come up right here in the center because this is usually where you would put your light fixture that's another reason why the drain is sometimes over to the left or to the right of center your trap arm comes over and you have no interference with your light fixture which usually would go about here and we've got our vent over here so there's been times on jobs where i've had to move this vent line for the electrician because it was in the way of the light so these are things to think about before you rough that vent line in all right well that's how you rough in a sink um if you have any questions uh just ask in the comments i am planning on doing a video of roughing in a powder room where you would have a a toilet and a sink and how the wet vent works to vent the toilet anyways i hope the video helped i appreciate you watching if you'd like to see more videos like this please subscribe to my channel alright thanks for watching
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Id: VlkBC62hnko
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Length: 14min 0sec (840 seconds)
Published: Wed Sep 21 2022
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