How To Connect a Kitchen Sink Drain - 2023

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we are going to start by connecting the right compartment to the left because our drain coming out of the floor is on the left side so it makes no sense to go in the opposite direction welcome back to another video by the building expert team and let's start by installing an inch and half trap adapters on tailpieces keep them in the middle of tail pieces so you can raise or lower them later to gain the correct slope we will be using a 90 on the right compartment and a sanitary tee on the left to connect them together connect the 90 and T2 trap adapters and keep them at about the same height [Music] make sure to use the right type of cement I am using ABS pipen fittings so I am using ABS meant tail pieces should not extend to the bottom of earrings because that can restrict drain flow and cause backups if it does you can lower your trap adapters or use a longer piece between trap adapters and fittings now it's time to install the dishwasher y it can be installed anywhere between both compartments just make sure that the flow of the dishwasher Y is towards the drain and facing upwards [Music] [Music] once the dishwasher wire is installed measure the piece that will go between the 90 and the dishwasher y and glue them you can see that I am keeping the riding on the pipe in the back for a cleaner look foreign [Music] once it's glued together check first Loop it should be sloping towards the drain cracked slow for an inch and a half pipe is quarter inch per foot to gain the correct slope raise or lower your trap adapters now it's time to connect the bottom of the tee to the drain pipe to start install a clean out at the bottom of the drain pipe for future cleaning of the drain since our drain coming out of the floor is 2 inches we will install a 2 by inch and half tee to connect our drain to compartments if your drain is an inch and half install an inch and half tea don't install the T too high on the drain pipe that will lead your P-trap to be higher than the bottom of your compartmentee ideally if you install your teeth three to four inches lower than your compartmentee it will work just fine install your drain t-angle in a way that you achieve the minimum trap arm length by offsetting the P-trap which is three inches for an inch and a half pipe or twice the pipe diameter do not hesitate to dry fit these fittings to achieve the correct angle now place your P-trap in front of the tee and measure the length of the pipe that will go between the compartment Heat and the P-trap [Music] then cut that piece and glue it to the P-trap [Music] foreign now drive at the P-trap into the compartment e and align the P-trap 90 with the drain tee [Music] once they are aligned measure the length of the pipe that will go between them and cut that piece [Music] now glue that piece we just cut into the p-trap90 and glue it to the green tea and level it [Music] [Music] oh [Music] now glue everything together foreign [Music] installation and it's time to install the vent for venting we are going to install this device called air admittance valve often called a cheater vent it is installed where the installation of vent pipe is not an option such as in renovations or it is used in Island sink greens it allows the air to enter the system when negative pressure develops caused by water flow but does not let sewer gases out it is recommended to install the aav as high as possible for this installation we are going to install this device 8 inches higher than our trap rmt simply glue the pipe into the adapter and glue it to the Trap rmt [Music] add a few turns off Teflon tape to the threads and tight the aav into the adapter foreign ly it's time to install a dishwasher drain to the dishwasher y use a gear clamp to tight the dishwasher drain to the dishwasher why I will put links to all the materials we used in the description below that's all for today's video make sure to like the video and subscribe to our Channel see you next time
Channel: The Building Expert
Views: 799,347
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: How to Connect a Kitchen Sink Drain Pipes with a P-Trap, connect a kitchen sink, how to connect a kitchen sink, how to install a kitchen sink drain, how to install a sink drain, how to pipe in a kitchen sink, how to plumb a kitchen sink, install a kitchen sink drain, installing kitchen sink pipes, kitchen sink plumbing installation, plumb a kitchen sink, How to install an island sink drain, how to install an island kitchen sink vent, how to connect a kitchen sink drain
Id: WL-cbQ4OgJ4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 19sec (559 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 02 2023
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