How to Connect a Kitchen Sink Drain

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alright guys so here's our project for today we're going to replumb this kitchen sink they have a 90 going right into a p-trap backtracking left down into another 90 into the drain there's no vent underneath the sink so they put it in air admittance valve which is fine but I would plumbing in a little bit differently they have this fancy little wire you're holding the whole thing up as well so let's start with just cutting this whole thing out and showing you how I would actually plumb this in for a better drainage and done properly before getting started I recommend placing an old towel and a bucket under the p-trap this will catch any water that is held within the trap loosen off all the threaded connections to remove the drainage I'll be cutting the drain line where it enters the base of the cabinet making sure to leave enough piping sticking out of the cabinet to reconnect the drainage I'm removing and replacing the basket strainers as well as you can see once remove the threads are severely damaged before installing the new basket strainers clean the flange at the base of the sink install the rubber washer on the flange of the strainer and Center within the drain under the sink secure the assembly by installing the pressure cup and tightening down the lock knob connect the tailpiece by first installing the plastic washer into the tailpiece with the wider side up facing the bottom of the sink do not over tighten as you can easily damage the plastic washer the first step I take in starting the drainage is connecting the two basins start by installing one and a half inch trap adapters onto the tail pieces it is important when adding the fittings to the trap adapters that the tail piece doesn't extend into the bottom of the fitting this will restrict the drainage and cause backups cutting the ABS or PVC can be done with a plastic handsaw hacksaw or plastic tubing cutters is important that the cut is straight so that the tubing has a maximum amount of contact with the fitting using a tubing cutter as shown will ensure an accurate straight cut with no mess using the correct cement is very important this is ABS tubing so ABS cement should be used PVC and PVC - ABS connections have different cements apply a thin even coating to any part of the fitting and tubing which make contact with each other push together and turn slightly to ensure complete coverage the cure time will depend on the cement temperature and humidity holding the fittings together for two to three seconds should be sufficient wipe away any excess cement in this case it makes the most sense to run my drainage to the left as this where my drain connection is this means I'll be connecting my right basin within ninety and my left with a tee why making them roughly the same height we will gain the correct quarter inch per foot slope by raising the right trap adapter or lowering the left one next is connecting the dishwasher why make sure that the dishwasher fitting is flowing towards the drain and facing upwards if you do not have a dishwasher connect the T Y in the 90 together using a straight piece of tubing the correct slope for inch and 1/2 drainage is quarter inch per foot to read this on the level it is roughly when the bubble just touches one of the middle lines since the drainage is flowing to the left the bubble should just be touching the right middle line on the level now that we have both basins connected it's time to start the vent and final drainage since there are multiple scenarios you can run into at this step I'll demonstrate a few the most common scenario you will find in climates that don't experience freezing temperatures is just a single drainage pipe coming from the back of the cabin in this case the vent is already connected within the wall and to finish the drainage the p-trap can be connected from the bottom of the TU I and directly into the drain at the back of the cabinet the most common scenario that you'll find in climates that do experience freezing temperatures is the drain coming from the base of the cabinet and the vent coming from the back in this case the second T Y will be needed to connect the vent to the drainage this vent is called flat venting and a CLE note is required on the N part of the horizontal then the clean-out at the base of the drainage isn't required but recommended for easier servicing here's an example of the importance of a properly vented drainage system venting is just as important as the drain as it costs low drainage and drains that are more prone to blockages as a service plumber I always install a clean-out at the base of the drainage this will make servicing the drainage easier in the case of a blockage use a union p-trap and a TOI to connect the basins to the drain don't feel bad if you have to drive fit any of the connections first to line everything up to remember once is glued it's extremely difficult to come apart note that the TOI is the direction of flow and should be directed towards the drain the piece that connects the p-trap to the vent in drain is called the trapper this sections length is to be a minimum of two pipe diameters this being inch and half pipe it has to be three inches minimum this is to prevent siphoning out the water that makes up the trap seal this device is called an air admittance valve or in the trades a cheater ven it allows air into the drainage system but not out it is designed for drainage we're installing a vent isn't practical such as Renaud's that have finished walls or ceilings and island sinks in my scenario I have to use one because for whatever reason the roughened plumber 20 years ago didn't install a bed they also roughed in the drain coming into the cabinet crooked as you can see but sometimes you have to adapt to what you are given though the cheater vent can be installed as shown here it works best higher up in the cabinet I use two 45s to offset the vent past the basin and higher up the final step in completing the drainage is reconnecting the dishwasher drain with a gear clamp or spring clamp depending on your dishwasher model the finishing touches can be installing some split ring chrome cover plates there are a few different models but I prefer the plastic ones as they don't rust and are easy to cut once complete always check for leaks at all the connections well guys thanks for watching the video and hopefully it cleared up some questions on kitchen sink drainage if this video was helpful please feel free to like and comment as it's always greatly appreciated thanks again until next time
Channel: Pros DIY
Views: 2,163,169
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how to install a kitchen sink drain, how to connect a kitchen sink, how to pipe in a kitchen sink, how to plumb a kitchen sink, install a kitchen sink drain, connect a kitchen sink, pipe in a kitchen sink, plumb a kitchen sink, kitchen sink drainage, how to install a sink drain, kitchen, sink, drain, drainage, piping, pipe, connect, vent, venting, plumbing, plumber, prosdiy
Id: dwSLZDa0J8M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 7sec (667 seconds)
Published: Sat Jan 25 2020
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