How To Turn A Single Sink Into A Double | DIY

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hey jeff here in this video i'm giving you exactly what you asked for you wanted to know how to go from a single sink and a vanity and make it into a his and hers double sink today we're showing you the video we're going to open up the ball we're going to tear up the old rebuild and put in the new show you everything you know so you can do this at home and you can improve the quality of your life cheers for those of you who aren't aware i'm in my master bath my 1880s farmhouse we're almost done renovating the entire project top to bottom this is the last major project is this remodel and we're doing about a six or seven part video series on remodeling a bathroom so make sure you subscribe to the channel hit the like button if you like learning how to do this kind of stuff yourself so you can make a ton of money now what i just marked here is my four foot line okay because i'm going to be cutting out four feet of drywall and the reason i'm cutting out four feet of drywall well that's the size of drywall at the store so i'm going to make my life simple by cutting the hole the same size as the sheet that i need to buy to cover up the hole when i'm done makes sense so that's going to be my hole and i'm going to make it almost the entire six feet okay and i'll tell you why because right now i've got my plumbing stack here and the vent goes up when i change the plumbing and i have two drains i also need those vents to go up and then travel across and reconnect with this venting higher than the sink if it was full of water to guarantee that i'm always going to have fresh air coming to that drain if i connect too low i can eventually fill up the fresh air venting system with water and then i'm in a whole heap of trouble so this is why i'm going all the way up to four feet it makes no difference if you patch a big hole or a small hole it's the same amount of work all right so just give yourself lots of room to work and you'll save yourself time in the end now i'm going to show you two different techniques for cutting if you have a drywall cut out tool it's a lot faster but most people don't buy tools specific like that for their diy home projects this is a saw this is like 12 bucks okay and you can cut drywall with it the secret here is you can also cut your electrical and your plumbing supply with it so you want to be really careful you're only cutting with about inch and a quarter inch and a half all right one of the tips you can do is you can take a black marker and just mark the blade so when i'm cutting and when that black disappears i know i'm going too deep and then you'll get a feel for it plumbing electrical code requires that everything is recessed in the wall an inch and a half okay so you're not going to accidentally cut things this way or if you don't want to waste all day long with the saw you can buy yourself an olfa knife follow our link in the amazon in the video description and you can just set this to an inch and a quarter now most drywall is only half an inch thick and you can just pull the line through it usually by the second pass you've gone completely through and don't worry if it takes you three or four it's just experience talking [Music] all right this isn't about being perfect this is about getting most of it the first time you'll notice that when you get near the end when you start pulling the drywall apart there's always going to be areas that you don't get cut right because there's screws with a wall just bumped into wall stud there and it's not going to slow you down [Music] and the other side now catch my breath a bit around your electrical take a pair of pliers or a hammer disengage the drywall around the box so that everything comes clean all right and then get the first corner out of the way this is not something where we're trying to save this material okay that'll drive you nuts just want to reach in here shake it so all the drywall screws pop through the paper and then they just rip out the other side okay be gentle around your plumbing there we are so now that i've got the wall open it's time for me to make my material list hey i'm going to change these fittings on the pegs these are old crimp rings and we're going to go to the solid ring it's a lot better plumbing and i'm going to need t's so i can run the hot water in two different directions and t's for the cold water run that in two directions i don't have a lot of room to do that so for whatever reason this is a two inch pipe i'm gonna cut this out a big section of it i'm gonna change it to inch and a half that'll give me room to run my my plumbing line through the wall to the other side i'm going to put a t up here okay and we'll find the location later i'll bring it down and then to the drain same thing okay over to here and so we'll end up cutting this out and putting in a a t that goes in two different directions bring it out to this way and then bring venting up and off and reconnect the venting up top piece of cake really the secret isn't having enough space to know exactly what's going on so that you can make one trip to the store buy all your supplies and not be surprised as their job progresses this would be a piece of cake well now that i got my measurements i know exactly what i'm going to be doing here let's just go over the changes to my plant originally my plan was to take the drain and vent system here and tee off in both directions and install the vanity basically where the hole is cut out now now that we've worked on the tub and got that other thing the water out of the way the room feels so much bigger it just seems wrong to not center this on the wall so instead of using this okay and converting one here so that we can bring our drain left and right and one up here to reconnect the venting i'm going to maintain this system right now and i'm going to just cut it here and bring another drain over to this location all right and i'm going to be making this the center of my my wall and the center of my vanity okay so that means i've got to bring hot and cold to within three inches of the drain on each side to fit the back of the vanity and i've got to run all everything over tee it all off to do it again over there so i gotta open up a little drywall i'm going to unscrew these boxes get them up out of the way because i'm going to do this really simple i'm not going to drill a bunch of holes for the wood simply going to take out my skill saw and cut my lumber and notch it out and put on some great big steel plates afterwards to protect the wall because this is not structural this is the benefit of of interior walls you can cut them back to almost nothing and then just slide your plumbing in it's an easy diy system i think you're going to like what i'm going to do all right so first thing let's disengage the electrical there we go and then we'll mount these up and out of the way and that looks like there yeah there's wood there we go now now this is out of the way right it's perfectly safe everything's still screwed together but i don't have to worry about anything because remember when you're renovating you start with the things that are the least flexible like duct work then you move on to your your drain and your venting then you do your electrical okay so if any of that's in your way get it out of your way same thing with the water lines i'm going to do the drain and the venting first and then the water supply always make sure that you've got the ability to be flexible right you don't want to be committed to doing something stupid all right so before i go and cut the water line and i have no recourse but to hold my thumb on it and scream for help i'm going to just try this slow and see if there's any water pressure left in this line pretty sure i turned it off and opened up the faucets i got busy talking to max let's find out of course that's just be silly wouldn't it here we go we're going to cut back here because we don't want to have nothing to do with this old style of plumbing we're upgrading okay ah now these are shark bites so i'll be able to save them for later i'm not using them again after the fact we're going to put um pex caps on everything so we'll just reuse these later some other day for an emergency now here we go this is perfect i love this height this one comes through the stud it's going to be really awkward for me to try to make any changes so i'll have to tee off from here and that will be all right according to my measurements from my center line which is now here and 20 and a half is a perfect location for my drain really really close here so we're going to just call that perfect because i can do that okay and then 20 and a half from here so i got to get to just the other side of that brown mark all right so if i go two feet let's see yes one sheet of drywall will fill this hole perfect okay so let's just get on with it [Music] and the way i draw that line is i'm actually lifting with my knees and holding my arm straight and just standing straight up it usually works pretty darn good okay okay 20 and a half oh that's to the center i didn't go over far enough all right we're gonna go add another few inches i'm going to cut this pipe at about three quarters of an inch so i can set this over top okay that's a female end and i need to cut my pipe here and here all right and then because it's a drain i've got to go that's level and i'm going to go a little bit off level one degree it's almost two inches wide because the inch and a half refers to the interior dimension okay that's the diameter of the inside of the pipe inch and a half exterior is almost two inches so i can make my life simple and just put this on that existing line and make a mark here we go and then when i cut i'm going to cut on the inside of each of these lines okay that way my pipe will fit in that groove and the plate that i buy will be big enough to go over top of the hole now we also have venting going to tie in for venting up here somewhere yeah let's do this nice and tall and mark that pipe here same thing only different only this one we're going to have a downward slope and the reason for that is when you put this pipe on and you've got this curl there is rainwater and that sort of thing that can work its way into the pipe okay so if i haven't a slope this way it'll actually get trapped in here and i don't want water sitting in here so we're going to slope it this way because it can come down and then i can follow this drain then go down there again that made any sense i hope it did so we're gonna go level and then downward slope okay there we go that was the math not too tricky at all once you see it coming together right okay so the secret to cutting a pipe is a small reciprocator i would prefer to have a smaller blade even okay what you want to do is you want to hold steady and then you want to shoot a little bit through like crazy but this close to the stud i've got all kinds of issues i don't want to cut backwards upside down i don't want to go in the other wall so what am i going to do i'm going to go get my multi-tool i know every six months i pull it out for just a minute and a half okay so now i got my multi-tool and because i'm a genius my power is still engaged oops genius can't fit in a plug now you know i should show you because honestly these are a couple hundred bucks right and if you're doing a diy project at home and you're not you don't have tools like this there's another option i'll show you one you go to the hardware store and you can ask them for a abs or pvc pipe saw it's a wire saw kind of works like this the wire goes around behind okay it's got rings on it it's kind of like from an old movie where someone's sitting in the back seat but they don't check the back seat when they get in the car and then the guy leans over and he chokes you to death right well the wire saw works like this and you just hold those rings and go back and forth you can slice through a pipe in any situation for six bucks all right so there's a great diy solution there i used to have one god only knows what happened to it most of my tools end up in the garbage because well my kids work with me and now we can go have some fun [Music] yeah the pipe's got a little bit of flexibility out there nice i got a trick for you there's um a lot of play here and i don't know why so what i'm gonna do do an old trick that plumbers told me one time when he was doing a galvanized replacement pipe situation okay so what he did is he took this the all-round strapping that you can buy at the plumbing store okay and he went like this and he wrapped the pipe and he threw a screw into a stud and what it does is when you cut the next piece of pipe it holds it where it is so it's not moving around because you don't want to do your plumbing cut your pipe and have whatever's sitting up top let's say it's a it's teed up and it goes across the room right it's not supported properly and then it comes down and then you go and do your measurement now you've got potentially you've screwed up the slope and what's going on in the attic you don't do that so strap your pipe connect it to the wall and then you can [Music] go it's like giving a kid a haircut around his ears eh there we go and when you're done this it makes a mess okay so you're going to want to just take a knife and cut all of these birds off because really a vibration tool like that it doesn't cut as much as it melts so it's like a bunch of candle wax all around the pipe okay so cut back all these burrs inside the pipe as well because this is gonna be a drain okay so we don't want to have that rough stuff sitting there to catch all the hair up top it's on the vent so it doesn't really matter be careful with this right pay attention to where the knife is going to go if it slips now what i'm about to do should not be possible because i can't find one and a half inch abs anywhere in ontario don't know why stores are out all my suppliers are out can't find it but through the power of me being a hoarder i still had a couple of lengths sitting in my shed and you're damn right i kept that shed locked all year building materials if you have something rare they're a real commodity so i've got this and i've got a couple of six footers so i'm gonna be okay to just do all this an inch and a half which is great if you're stuck and you want to do this project right now and you can't find one and a half you're allowed to use two inch pipe and fittings okay what you need to do is do this at some point you're going to have to go to inch and a half in order to do your p-traps and everything else so you're going to have to scrounge up a couple inches of this stuff if you open up your wall you might already have one and a half inch from here going up cut it out switch to two and use this pipe so that you can put your stems on for your new p-traps okay because you can use a conversion like this from two to one and a half or you can get a two inch coupler okay and this is called a bushing and it's two inch insert and then one and a half goes inside of that those are your options okay so you can convert from one and a half to two anywhere you need i am using this which is very common in the building store it's a two inch drain inch and a half here and an inch and a half here and the reason for that is it's very very common that the drain coming off of a sink is also the vent for other things in the room so a lot of times this is what we'll see okay boom right like this and this is actually the vent for the shower or the tub or a toilet or something else in the room so that's why if it's going to be a drain and a vent it needs to be a two inch pipe that's why we have it so if you have to do everything in two inch pipe and then just convert so you can have inch and a half stems that way you've got the right plumbing you can do that it's called thor and have him open up the damn plumbing cap if you don't have a cheap pair of four dollar wrench you're not getting these open you know i don't care who you are this this is just tough now uh we're putting in a new floor so i don't care if i get this all over the place i'm gonna try to be careful but i'm ahead of myself i haven't cut my hole yet slow down jeffrey slow down let's check our battery power no worries let's check our depth remember my pipe is two inches i'm not not enough yet um let's try that to two inches two and a quarter i like that two and a quarter is good all right so we're going to cut everything at two and a quarter hopefully this all works yeah let's see how that works okay now on my saw i took my my cut line the zero line and i put a black marker on it all right it helps make it really easy to identify when you're cutting because i got black marker on the wall i got black marker here my life just got really simple i put the black mark on the black mark [Music] yeah perfect every time [Music] and this is how we release the stud of the burden of that chunk of wood nice and easy and now we got a nice place to run our pipes yep yep perfect time for the glue no mask required all right you want to glue the fitting and the pipe okay this is not really glue we call it glue it's a solvent and as such you want to actually melt both the fitting and the pipe so then when they meet they meld together [Music] did i actually get that just a hair off eh dang dab it okay we're gonna connect this first okay well we have the luxury of being able to move everything up and down and this is going to be a 19 inch piece of pipe what i generally do when i'm dealing with this pipe is i'll measure and cut to a place where i know i'm going to see the printing 19 inches it's right right between the 28th we haven't seen any of our plumbing videos before this is just a it's a pipe cutter it's only for inch and a half abs it has a little bit of a tooth on here so you're going to want to set the middle of the the middle of the fixture where your 19 mark is and that's right between the two and the eight twist and pull and then that's that easy all right the other advantage of this is it doesn't cause burrs it's no melting it actually cuts the pipe so ah we got to be a little quick with this again you want to melt the pipe on both ends okay i've set it um time is of the essence and forget it step one complete we want to come across here to 20 and a half from my center mark that's where i'm at my drain so that's going to be long enough that's good okay so the first thing i want to do is take a marker and mark the center line on the back of that wall so 20 and a half this is 17 so i got to go three and a half okay so this is my center line all right so now i've got a piece that's going to be long enough i've got a center line i have to get my fitting now what i'm using is a t okay it's okay to use a t in a wall coming off the off the faucet make sure that the water is flowing in the right direction all right and it's going to go here it's not just going to go there the center of this pipe is going to go on that center line okay let me just go and check wow that's that's basically right off the wood that makes it easy to measure so i need because i'm going to be here i want to have three quarters of pipe for inside the fitting three quarters plus to the inside of this fitting 36 and a half okay 36 and a half is between the f and the six here's the tool here's my line and when you cut it you're better to cut it just a hair short all right these fittings if it's in that far and it's it's square it's still going to work it's better to work until it's right all the way in to get it all the way in actually requires a fair amount of glue once the adhesive is on there or the solvent then it works together much better now what i'm going to connect here to save a fitting this is called a street 90 okay because this end is big enough for an inch and a half pipe to go in and this end is inch and a half pipe and so it's a fitting that goes right in the end okay so i'm going to put these two together before i get started if it's on the floor it's so much easier to get that 90 degree angle right we're going to put that in first okay the thing is is that it's tendency to want to sit low so now i'm going to take some of this all around strap i'm going to glue that end i'm going to take some strapping and tie this up nice and tight to maintain my drain if you're doing a plumbing job go and buy a coil of this stuff it's five or six bucks um there's so many uses it's just crazy right you're gonna you're gonna just thank me because sooner or later you're gonna run into a situation like oh i wish i had the all-around just get it now here's how you cut all around your electrical side cutters okay right there that's it done okay so now we're ready with that i've got a screw here because we're doing that one under pressure we'll do this joint first now while it's still setting up that's the time to do this okay put the screw through one piece through another piece don't even worry about it because what we're gonna do is we're gonna screw this on an angle okay see that and that's just gonna keep on pulling until we get it set right where we have maximum torque done everything's out of the way okay yeppers now we're good to go okay make sure you got an angle straight up if you're not sure stick a piece of pipe in it make sure it's not sticking out like this before the before your solvent sets okay you got a little bit of mercy here you got a few minutes all right now we're in the right direction next thing we're going to need six inches no solvent here just push it in make sure while you're at the store you buy one of these they come in blue as well okay um different plumbers use them for different things for me orange means that it's attached and blue means that it's not attached but i have a free one so i'm going to use it it's up to me to remember that that's not glued when i come back later what if i need this to come out just a little bit further for the sink you don't know until you know so leave it alone test cap it always when you're removing a test cap check to see if the pipe is attached it's just really good habit all right in case you didn't do that joint you'll get everything installed and you'd be like oh look at that there's a little bit of water in the bottom of the vanity you'll think it's a water supply or the taps or something it's just a little drip coming out of here because it's just not quite snug enough without the adhesive i keep calling it adhesive and if you're in the comments going it's solvent man it's solvent then that's fine i guess you know you wouldn't be surprised how many times people have yelled at me in the comments because it's plum not level well i'm canadian okay we're a little weird let's just make sure that this is right you know the old expression everybody says uh a jack of all trades eh well that's not the expression the expression is a jack of all trades is better than the master of one because he's more confident on the job site all right let's take a piece of pipe here and mark the center line boom all right draw the line up great that was easy this pipe's going to come across right probably around there there we go okay so here is my intersection okay so boom there's the inside corner all right so this is the mark that i'm going to measure to make sense so now i'm going to measure from here to here and that comes out to be 17 and three quarters always write down a measurement and then i'm going to go from here boom looks like about 40. now when i'm doing this i don't have a lot of flexibility here right so if i put this pipe in and i glue it there and then i glue this here see now i'm limited i don't really have enough room here to stick them on so what i'm gonna do is i'm gonna put this pipe in and i'm gonna put this pipe in and then slam it over okay just always think about your installation and pick the easiest connection to be the last one okay it's not always just kamala back to here maybe there's not a lot of flexibility just look for the opportunity to say that's the easiest connection yeah this is the best device i can give you you're on your own you gotta figure it out because this is venting we can use these uh sharp 90s okay because it's mostly air if this was drain pipe because we only have drain from here down this is drained but a sweeping tea is okay you're supposed to go with really big 90s now world has changed really big 90s so if you're getting your plumbing inspected make sure you put in big sweeping 90s or 245s or they will give you some serious heck and make you do it all over again it's kind of funny you know because back when plumbing first started there was code there was rules and then the rule was inch and a quarter pipe for a drain galvanized yeah crazy and then they found out after i don't know you know 30 40 50 years wow this really doesn't work anymore the drain stopped functioning because of all the corrosion and the fact that the water supply in people's homes was cast iron water supply so then they changed everything they got new building materials and they change the code and then since then they've changed the code and made so many modifications bottom line is when it comes to plumbing um the longer it sits in a wall the less it'll work for you there's no escape you're gonna run into problems so if you're still following a 1970 or 1980 building code and you're not getting inspected that's between you and god but truth is most of the latest upgrades unless you're getting inspected aren't necessary to even follow you didn't hear that from me here we go 17 three quarters gonna double check looks good to me i'm gonna go to 18. you know i got a piece that's still 18 inches there we go folks the last piece of abs pipe left in the city of ottawa i'm taking 18 inches off it's almost painful to watch it's like eating an endangered species for dinner there we go call me if you want them okay [Laughter] can the world just go back to work please again we're going to be quick here before everything sets up ah all right and snug is a bug and a rug okay there's our waist and our venting finished and tied in we're now done with the good stuff okay don't do that at home kids all right here we go now remember earlier i mentioned if you need to you can go with two inch pipe everywhere the danger of that is is that two inch pipe is actually two and a half inch so you lose a lot of space so you gotta really pick your battles as to where you're gonna put your water lines um the challenge with notching in the front is now my water line's gotta go on the backside but i can't put metal plates back there so i really got to be careful not to go too deep and there we go check this out slow speed middle speed [Applause] and high speed pretty cool huh i showed you that in case you only have the finances to buy one drill right now that's the one to get we did a video where i showed the differences and all the flexibility of the impact driver so i'll link that um it was in our subfloor series i think remax video description or check the cars [Music] the reason i want to maintain this three-inch rule is because the cabinet has already got a cutout in the back of it and i don't want to have to add the drilling holes in the cabinet because it just looks cheesy right rather have all the holes coming through the drywall nice and clean come through that little slice that they've got built out so take the time to always measure off your cabinet don't just assume you know we'll set it at 18 or 20 and then within a few inches it never takes time this is important now ah the tee off and this is why you always open it up on day one make a list of everything you're going to need and then go shopping and buy a couple of extra of everything because you can always take them back right when you're doing plumbing feel free buy couplings get a couple couplings of every pipe size you're working with all right if you mess up a measurement and you don't have enough pipe to finish you can always use a couple couplings to cut a pipe stick it on stretch it out a little bit all right or make an adjustment and you can add two small pieces together with a coupling to make it work so these are like these are gold because they're like 69 cents they can save you an hour long trip back around to the store and that'll cost you like 10 bucks in gas so while you're at the store spend the 69 cents and have it on hand now i'm gonna get our solid copper rings and then our i want a t this way here i'm going to feed this through the back side with the pipe already crimped on and then i'm going to roll it and then i'm going to cut it and then i'm going to attach it and then i'm going to grab a stub out here again we're going to go find my tools i think about eight inches eight inches just seems to be the perfect depth whenever you're doing a stubble guys all right now with pecks of course leave your quarter inch while we're at it as we'll put on our cap okay this is going to be the biggest challenge of the day getting this pipe in that hole there we go down over and out okay step one i it's nice to have a rule if you're gonna put the fitting in then crimp it right don't start moving forward until you've dealt with because there's really visually it's very difficult to identify a crimped ringer or non-crimp ring until the water's on that's the wrong time to find it so if you put it on crimp it eight inches stub out here and we'll stick that on okay there we have it water supply for our first sink within three inches of the center line no problem right if you're worried about the location of it you can always grab a little bit of string and just tie them closer together okay and then when we come along with our drywall we'll have it locked in place so then you can rotozip all three holes slide it over nice and clean now this is gonna be the tricky one all right so it turns out the best thing for me to do is actually drill new holes and then just bring it across up and out and i'm going to use this special fitting here to bend the pipe if you got to make a turn you want it supported for the pipe will break okay so let me demonstrate you just bend it across the metal and it locks in and this piece here this bridge keeps it from crimping it won't bend in half and kill your water supply okay they're like 89 cents if you're gonna do plumbing get them all right worth their weight in gold so in this scenario i'm just going to connect it and then i'm just going to drill new holes that's the easiest way for me to just move forward anything else is just going to be a thousand fittings and i'm not in the mood for a thousand fittings fantastic all right now i'm just going to let you know i've finished my running through i'm going to do a water pressure test now because you want to make sure you test your line before you close it up there is a special tool uh it's a gauge you can buy and you can go around and set it on every one of these crimps and make sure that it's been crimped that's how you tell the difference i don't have the tool on me i got it with the package i've never used it like i said i got a rule if i touch it i crimp it right so i know some guys will do the whole thing put it all together and then they'll come by and look crimp it all but that's not me um i'm happy just to do what water test i'm feeling pretty confident about this and it's a lot more exhilarating to do a water pressure test if you're not sure if you've got it all crimped all right there we go let's just run through this again i got a drain hot and cold within three inches okay that drain is higher but this one is actually a couple inches lower than normal it's 20 inches as normal this one is at 21. which is a little above normal so what i do is this the p-trap for this drain i'm going to use this collar attachment all right so this is a one and a quarter interior for sinks and this fitting sits right in the bottom of that p-trap all right that is a perfect way to get uh drain assembled if you're a little bit high if you're a little bit low same thing over here okay but this one is an exterior pipe dimension so then you cut the piece of pipe to fit and there you go that's all we need to know so you can buy the male or the female version of that same fitting and then when you thread it on the pipe it gets nice and snug and water watertight pressure test all right here we go okay max are there any drips forming anywhere nope no any hissing no okay i'm gonna go full blast we're good perfect every time and we're back okay so for everybody who wants to see me do a pressure test well it's pressurized what i do is i just give max a call on my phone and he just visually inspects this while i turn on the water we wait about 10 to 15 seconds to pressurize the lines in the house we're good to go and like i said with this kind of crimp if it's not leaking now it never will okay there's no question there's only one kind of pressure full on so now we don't have any concern because there's no degradation in that seal you can even freeze that and it'll maintain its seal it's a miracle so i love this stuff all right guys there we go okay so now that i got the drywall on just want to mention real quick if you want to learn tips and tricks for doing drywall in weird situations and creative solutions to problems we'll put a link in the video description and the card over here um it's one of our top videos guys okay millions of people have viewed it and love it and there's lots of great information there so if you haven't seen it check it out well you're just going to move ahead now it's time to grab the vanity and get it in place okay we want to actually set it in position and then from there we're going to be able to get perfect measurements for where all of our lights and our mirrors are going to go and we can sort out all of that information with the stud finder come up with a plan and then i got to drill some holes fix the wiring over here shouldn't be too big a deal cool okay good and and size down this went by a lot easier than i thought nice okay now we're gonna bunny hop it over about a foot and a half now you see the holes in the plumbing for the walls looks dead center already so it's a 71 35 and a half if anything i'm a 16th off yeah done all right the only thing we're going to have a problem here matt is uh there's a really bad slope on the floor so let's get the level in here we'll see how much of a slope we have overall okay can you lift that end boat that much a little bit more keep going until this level's out look at that we're looking an inch and a quarter we'll set it right on the right on the head okay [Music] i wish life was always this simple okay all right [Laughter] okay can you drop the um foot pedal on that corner i'm just trying to figure out which way is the right way that is the right way okay here we go we're back to level again okay that's the one i wanted [Music] now we gotta go get the sink countertop set that in place because if you're like me your visual person and it's a lot easier for me to map out what to do here with my mirrors and my lights and what how i'm going to fix the wiring tomorrow once i've got the countertop in place right besides also somewhere to put my tools yup and then then we'll worry about rolling it down afterwards okay all right we're going to use the shims to help us let's set it down and then manipulate it okay so up into the more in the middle that's good watch your hand it's in a lousy spot get the shimmer on the outside corner can you hold the uh tilt well here if you move the chin i'll lift it okay now thing should roll pretty good even if we're just off the front okay if you know what i mean so there is about a half an inch overhang on each side okay now you can see that yeah now come right flush to the front yep okay now we should be able to just roll it in no put your hand inside the sink and then fingertips on the outside corner yeah i got it yeah i'm here on the on the right side yeah not on the back okay all right you know what hold on let's back up you can hold it like this yeah okay there's a lip inside the sink all right i'm just gonna squeeze out nice and easy now take the shim in the middle please take the shim on your end okay so i am quarter to three sixteenths yep that's perfect now it's perfect okay this is a 72 inch countertop 36 nice what do you think i think we did a good job i think it works like there's room to stand here and open the drawers i got three drawers downstairs let's just get them in okay um less things laying around on the floor the better okay so once you bring your vanity up guys the before you put your countertop on make sure you level it all off right so corner to corner back front going in three different directions with a shorter level this way there's a lot of different ways you can balance this in and depending on your floor and your conditions in your home you might even have to cut the feet like i did all right so that's fine do what you got to do but make sure that the the place that people see the most prominent corner looks the best and then make all your adjustments everywhere else if you need to leveling feet cutting the legs whatever you got to do but you want this to be level and you want it to be flush to the wall you don't have a gap opening up okay and then we're in a great position now i can get my laser line out and i can draw a laser line off my sink faucets and draw my center lines for my mirrors and then i have a line that i can measure from to open up the wall and move my electrical around gonna be a piece of cake all right guys so what i'm doing is i'm drawing a laser line here i want to have it going through the center of the hole and through the center of the drain because this is eight inches off the wall if it's center on these two points it's going up this wall center i'm not going to have any issues right so i'm just going to go like this and like this turn this off before i go blind for the purpose of helping you all out i'm going to be left-handed for two seconds okay we're gonna put a big c on that that's your mark so you can measure off this line left to right in every direction draw laser lines anywhere you need this is gonna be the center of the mirror right and while we're at it i'll show you the fixtures it okay now you can see this mirror has got these little clips so i need to have two positions for the screws right it's gonna be interesting okay guys so because not everybody's gonna be interested in mirrors and lights and all that sort of stuff we're gonna make that a separate video okay we're gonna add that in you can watch all that next week right now let's go get into the connecting of all the plumbing we'll drop in the faucets and the sinks and we'll get all that hooked up and check the water do that last water test so then you know that at least you've got your water taken care of and you're not gonna have any leaks and then next week we'll show you how we finish all of the rest as well cheers when it comes time to do the plumbing on your vanity there's a lot of people who say oh you should attach the taps first before you put the countertop in but if you saw us put that in can you imagine having two sets of taps and faucets and water supply lines on a six foot vanity that's already a couple hundred pounds and tried not to screw that up really difficult right so i always prefer to be um uncomfortable when i'm doing my plumbing then take a risk of damaging everything while i'm trying to save a step anyway uh turn off the water drain the lines we're gonna do the water supply first then we're gonna attach all the faucets and then when that's done then we're gonna connect all the drain okay you don't wanna have the drain installed and then be crawling up there upside down trying to tighten in the faucet connections that'll drive you crazy so do this in the right order and it makes it simple first thing of course is we've drained the lines for a few minutes now we are going to squeeze and turn and there's always a little bit of water god help us uh the more patient you are with draining your lines the less pressure will be in the system yeah that one's had more time to drain well now that that's out of the way i'm going to show you the easiest diy plumbing shutoff valve system on the market i love this for a couple of reasons one it's just push connect shark bite shut off two it's just a 90 degree turn that's open when it's in line and that's closed we don't need this cat and now i'm gonna go into the phone and be right back these shutoff valves also come in 90. so you can have it come out the water supply comes up and then shut off valves on the front where i went shopping they were out of inventory i'll tell you right now um ever since the storms in texas last year companies like sharp right have had a horrible time keeping their stuff in inventory starting to get a little closer to normal but sometimes you're just going to have to be flexible you're going to find the water supply right so the water supply lines on the rear belt pro faucet that i bought are like 20 to 24 inches so they'll have no problem coming down and looping back in at a later date if i get a chance i might change it to 90s but for now it's just nice to get it finished so we're going to start off with these things in the closed position get rid of the decorative caps and we simply are going to press and twist all right you want to get about one inch on this pipe back so do yourself a favor and set your thumb about an inch or so back so you know when you're almost there because that's not on okay this is on there you go all right now i know i'm installed that pipe got collapsed a little bit when i cut it it's a little oval you don't want to try to force the shark bite on there like that make sure it's nice and round if you want to make sure grab one of your solid copper rings and slide it on that and if it goes on without any difficulty then you're okay okay if you're fighting with it to get it on you're gonna fight with the shark bite and you might cause damage to the fitting and then it won't work get that on there here we go okay so for ease of operation i'm right-handed i'm gonna leave the shutoff valves on the right okay there we go that's set up woohoo now we get to go and assemble the faucets all right guys so here's an eight-inch faucet set give you an idea how it works you're gonna have a water supply line and then a redirect back to the the tap that comes out okay all right and these are all deck mounted hi just a note when when my wife bought this vanity it was kind of like a hey honey i need this big this dimension two sink whatever i forgot to say if you can find one that has a countertop that has single hole all right then the faucets are really affordable when she went on the way for a site the majority of these countertops had three holes drilled in it i don't know why the cabinet encounter people are in cahoots with the plumbing industry but it takes three times as much effort to drill three holes as it does to do one okay and guaranteed any faucet you buy you can put on this counter because they do make single hole faucets that have a huge plate right but who wants a huge plate if it was only one hole you could get a single hole faucet as it is this is three times the price and i had two of them i'm so blessed so word to the wise when you're shopping if you're worried about your budget get a single hole for your sink anyway this is a great demonstration how to hook up a sink because you get a whole lot more knowledge there's a lot of parts a lot of assembly okay most of it is actually a lot simpler than it looks all right um we're just gonna go through this we don't need these i've done these faucets a thousand times i've been using real bell pro for 15 years maybe 12. god it feels like forever max it feels like forever so let's just go through all the parts we'll just kind of like um install them from the top first okay that's your water supply line i was talking about right that's gonna have no problem connecting to that shutoff valve down there now before we can drop it in the hole we need something to keep it from falling all the way through just a word of warning when you're undoing your packaging see these little here these are the chrome stoppers they're in a separate bag it's not garbage don't throw that out they go in here afterwards okay what you're gonna do is you're gonna take each one of these water supplies we're going to throw this over top okay and it's going to thread go backwards there you go until it makes a click noise spin it down a little bit get out of the way now on this you're gonna see the little flat section okay that goes on the top all right and you're gonna throw that down until it doesn't thread anymore just finger tight nice and easy okay that's your stop now you can adjust this over time but you want to have contact here and i'll show you why okay here's your handle and it just sits right on right in there boom okay this space here is what guarantees no rubbing all right if you don't sink it down far enough and then you install it you actually make contact with ring and you're going to get grinding and noises you don't want that okay so finger tight all until it stops and then back this plate up to it now you're ready to install it okay make sure this gasket is in its rightful position and so anything on this about left and right are hot and cold yes these are marked is this a hot line okay and the reason you want to have this all marked is because these faucets will open and close counter like in different directions if you put them on the wrong side they'll still function but then your taps will look weird okay get these and that sits here boom well that's pretty much installed same thing from over here now let's put the bottom on the reason the flat section you want to top is if you ever have to do maintenance on this or replace it you can put your pliers and grab the flat spot and you can loosen off that connection after it's been there for a while trust me you're gonna need the pliers okay it only works great out of the box there we go now that one's ready to go in that's the cold supply now the next stage as we do from underneath the rubber gasket it's like a hat it's got a ridge on the top all right that's designed to go into this hole that's it's a universal hole okay so it goes into the hole in the granite and sits flush this is perfect all the countertop people are making the same size hole out there okay so we take that and goes underneath the counter this gets up and then we thread this on from underneath and when you do this you want to back off the screws here a little bit okay this will thread it from underneath and then you'll have this connection here then you take a drill with a drill bit and you can tighten this and it creates compression against the thread on here and the countertop and that's what keeps the handle from moving around okay so make sure you get the right screwdriver bit make sure you give yourself lots of room here to create that compression now i'm going to crawl underneath and get this done so what i'm going to do is i'm going to stall it upside down in the counter so you can see easily all right you take your washer with the with the top of the hat pointing the countertop okay now there we go that's just starts to make a lot more sense now doesn't it if you don't see the assembly it's going to be difficult now the same thing that sticker sure is in the way huh okay same thing go backwards until it sits in the in the groove you don't want to risk cross threading this because if it's cross threaded you're done right now you've made good contact i could tighten it up a little bit more but i want to have the screws on each side because that's really easy for me to get a hold of with my drill grab yourself a six inch drill bit okay because when you're underneath that it's really easy to just go like this okay see how much that moved it's a fine thread it's like an 832 make a good torque or two on there okay now that's not going anywhere now that's exactly what i'm going to do from underneath on my back now that we've got that set up just to recap this is a quick connect okay so this just pops in there and then the two shorter lines just pop in here now your water supply is connected to your faucet that's the easy part we have this lovely little fitting here as well and this is set up so that it could swivel if you want or you can set it up with the washer nut system from underneath all right and set it in place which is what i'm going to do should just sit there i'm going to crawl down one more time i'm going to take my tiny little wrench with me uh they make little plastic wrenches for plumbers right sometimes you can buy it has a kit and it'll just be a little plastic gray thing that comes in there and you can just throw a screwdriver and make a wrench out of it it's not really needed i'm going to crawl under here and connect that and then connect the water supply uh yeah i'm getting too old for this scrap max here we go just right on the shoulder blades that's nice because if this was particle board i'd probably destroy it because i'm a little bit overweight if you didn't notice okay here we go just like the other one rubber gasket first then the brass plate now i can look up through the drain hole and see the faucet and kind of guess what square is this is a great time to have somebody working with you you can have them up there holding the faucet while you tighten the ring on you can see why you don't want to have your p-trap and everything installed right now right because everything will be in the way so very important to do this in the right order one of the benefits if you're working alone [Applause] intentionally have it out i'm square just a little bit when i'm done tightening this on and i go back up and i just i straighten that out it'll be enough force to scrape straighten that out that i'll be comfortable it's not ever moving again okay i think i'm good with that all of the water supplies okay so cold line on one side just snap it in as far as it goes hot the other you see how they move freely okay now we're just gonna go press it up right into the old there we go the secret here is make sure everything is nice and looped and not kinking next thing of course before we do the p-trap let's get these water supply lines on these are standard 3 8 water supply it's the same everywhere you go whenever you buy shut offs they come in 3 8 threaded or they come in quarter inch threaded okay and quarter inches for fridge lines 3 8 is for anything to do with your faucet in the bathroom so make sure you get the right one once you've finger tightened it always take a little wrench with you okay grab it and get at least another good quarter turn finger tight means you've engaged the little washer in here and it is little okay now if you've got lots of line and you want to go like this what you can do is you can actually loop it in some cases like this and then add a twist tie to it keep it out of the way okay i'm not going to worry about that for now i think in this particular situation i'm more likely to go and get the different shutoff valves later but i'm going to deal with it for now because well it ain't no big deal to change the shutoff valve there we go so see that i can twist everything out of the way there we go i can put a twist tie on that if i need to to get it out of the way no big deal for now okay but right now we're going to deal with this remember when we did the drain we said we're not going to glue that this is why next step is the drain assembly now you'll see this it's the same thing everything has a nut and a washer right here we go this is all for down here this is all to be assembled after the fact and this is how it works this goes in the bottom of the sink like that this is a teflon ring that goes in between the metal and the rubber because these these the thread on the pipe is not level it's on an angle and so when you put all this together when you're tightening this up really hard you'll have one point of contact that has the most pressure and that's reduced on both sides okay it's on an angle and if i just go without that teflon right up against the rubber what happens it'll grab it and it'll go and it'll pinch and then you'll have a leak so this is just to help make sure that there's no no grab it's so slippery that you can put an incredible amount of tension that even though it's on an angle it'll be tight all the way around okay and it won't kink on you so make sure you put that assembly properly one then two then three all right um one of the reasons i love rebel pro is because they always have a gasket on their drains you don't have to make your own out of plumber's putty okay this is set up for a typical sink that has an overflow on it right so that the the drain is the drain is going to connect to about this level and there's a huge gap here for the overflow in the sink to to operate drop that in place and the plumbing up top is finished and we'll just slide all three of these components on until we get to the brass ring and then we just crank it over there no i've already got a good seal here but it's still wiggling around right that's what i was talking about that whole one point of contact so i'm going to just use my crescent wrench you bugger it's not going to get big enough seriously stupid all right sorry crescent i can't give you compliments on that wrench all right i'm going to take my little wrench here and we're going to just work this around a little bit you can see how it's really almost closed here but bigger on the gap on this side we're just going to keep on doing this until we have solid contact all the way around okay now my gasket's got solid contact with both sides of the sink i know i'm going to be good for our plumbing [Music] we have an abs system here okay here's our p-trap it's standard for a sink because it has a drain on it okay so if you ever lose a ring or something you can just open the drain put a bucket underneath to grab it and you can drain it all out okay and it has this release as well now it sits in here like this if you ever get leaks where you get rotted out stem here on your old sink if you get hair clogs it'll cause the metal to rust out real prematurely you can actually disconnect and then just get a new p-trap and then reconnect it okay just a little something there to help people out all right wrap the threads again plumbing on plumbing plastic on plastic you run the risk okay of a bad joint and so this is less of a lubrication in this more of a sealant take the time to add it okay we're going straight front and back so we'll set it up like that really lightly at this point okay there's nothing worse than when you do new plumbing to have a customer call you back i was in that warranty department for that renovation company for a while couldn't believe how many times get warranty for plumbing plumbing plumbing plumbing i think the plumber they were using was just a really big contract company they're always just cutting corners to get things done because they only gave a 30 day warranty of course the renovation company had a two year warranty so we did nothing but plumbing repairs all the time all right now i'm going to check the back here where that pipe is you see the height that that's sitting at okay if i bring that out and i add this right now i'm still too low so now we're just going to walk through real quick the assembly that you're going to need to connect these drains if you do it in the right order it makes it really simple first thing you want to do put your your p-trap here okay where the bottom is and imagine this is glued to the very bottom of it all right if i go like this because i want to have this stem somewhere in closer to the bottom here okay i don't want to have it just barely making contact with the top if i go where i want it the back of the pre-trap is higher than the drain okay it's higher than that connection so now i know that i'm going to have a piece of pipe added in here the only way that we can measure that is really simple we'll just start from the front and we'll work our way to the back this has a washer ring okay and then this part threads over top and creates compression and when it's loose you can't grab the pipe okay but when you tighten it on it creates really good seal so it's not moving that is what we want so we're going to rough to mate here i'm just going to use the existing pipe stick it in the back dry fit no glue and i'm going to go i would like this seal up here somewhere this is really nice for me so now i'm going to measure down to my and i'm going to cut the pipe that goes about three quarters of the way inside each fitting okay so we'll go like this and i think three and a half is plenty okay you know me when i'm measuring pipe i always go on the printed side three and a half is at the u to the d on there we go okay remember this fitting this pipe cutter here the melt the joint line here this here that's my that's where it's going to cut so i put it right on that u to the d and then i stab it and i twist it i get a perfect cut nice and clean okay so that gives me that assembly and now we'll take this out of the wall get rid of this temporary loosen this off now we're going to glue all of this together okay oh yeah so you want to glue the fitting and the pipe and i'll tell you why we use the word glue here but this is a solvent so basically it's melting the two pieces right now and when i stick them together then they will when the solvent stops acting and reacting it takes about 30 seconds it'll just be an instant sealed bond okay and it's guaranteed never to leak as long as you're working with everything clean and new and you put the solvent on both pieces you know lots of guys out there who only put sullivan on one side there we go a little bit of a twist just to make sure everything's activated good to go now that's ready okay now now we can put this back on okay and now we can measure from inside the back fitting right from there okay up to this point right here okay about about three quarters again all right now this is gonna go a little awkward and the fitting to there is four and a half all right let's see if maybe that'll work well that was five that's just too close to be able to do that four and a half just to the d line it up stab and twist and the reason i didn't cut it on that piece is i'm only taking a half an inch off it's really hard for this thing to do a good job with half an inch okay just experience so that's why i grab the new piece okay now this is where this gets interesting because we're going to glue this fitting that fitting both ends of this pipe at the same time and connect it all and the way we do that is you just loosen this collar up a little bit okay so there's flexibility all right here we go okay i'm gonna start in the back give that a run give this a run a little more both ends of the pipe oh got my finger that's nasty okay we're going to stick it in here and then i'm going to go like this i'm going to lift it up into position exactly where i want it and then i'm going to just give it a bit of a lift and then i'm going to twist this tight now i'm going to tighten this color hand tight again okay don't want to go grabbing a wrench or anything remember what i said if you put too much torque on a plastic thread you cause it to go from round to oval and that's when they leak here we go so now that i have the drain connected i'm going to open up my cold water line i have no idea of knowing if the taps are open or closed at this point and good for them they shipped it closed now okay so now we know these taps are going to get installed that way okay and then to turn them on your board there's gonna be a lot of water in this all right now there's two stages to testing your drain assembly one is just running cold water all right by itself with the sink open and you just go both 30 seconds get a good flow going basically we're doing is we're filling up the p-trap causing water and if there's any gaps or leaks the water will work its way through all the cracks and then it'll start to drip so this can take a couple of minutes all right and that'll test this joint this joint the glue joints here all right but it won't test the collar because this is higher than the rest of the drain so okay the way you test the collar is you have to fill the sink up with water all right so i plug the sink and then once your sink is full then you can just unplug it and be such a large volume of water right away if this is not tight then it will then it'll leak oh and that's just running really smooth now when you're doing your own plumbing at home the amount of time i just did the leak test is no good it's not acceptable for abs plumbing okay because we have threaded fittings and compressions what i suggest is leave the cold water running on this bad boy grab a couple paper towels stick it underneath and if anything drips it'll show up real easy let it go 10 or 15 minutes all right give it a good test because if there's just a little hair line where the water can work through it can take quite a while before it shows up and in most cases a little leak like that well you just got to give it a little bit of a little bit of a twist to tighten it up okay or it'll seal itself just because of all the debris in the water supply system okay there we go that's done now let's finish off the handles up top all right i'm going to show you a little secret here watch this handle that's where you want it right down near the bottom okay this one it's not going all the way down because i haven't adjusted the set screw in here yet now i've got my precision tool kit here i know that it's a two and a half millimeter or is it there it is you have to open the set screw so you can see the blue till you see that blue there okay and that's like a thread sealer and then you know now it drops all the way down okay and then you stick your precision tool in there and you tighten up that thread once you have it in place okay now this handle is just a little bit off i want it here so now what i'm going to do is i'm going to go back underneath the sink i'm going to use the long drill bit i'm going to loosen those two screws and i'm going to turn the tower just a little bit here and then tighten them up again that'll square it all off that's exactly where i want it and then tighten them back up again and that is why it's made that way okay so you can have it perfect every time all right there we go only thing left of course if you found the package and you didn't throw it out decorative caps okay and they just slide in underneath and it goes in like this guys now it's just like under compression right now if you need to get access to this handle in the future you grab your olfa knife okay you get underneath here and you can go like this and just pry it out of there okay there we go ta-da now you just gotta do that twice so obviously this is a beautiful project the entire bathroom renovation or remodel as we're calling it is gonna be up online in just a few weeks you want to watch to see i have a video coming up guys how to put in the mirrors and the lights and all that kind of stuff okay all the accessories we have an installation video for that we also have the video that we did last week if you haven't seen it maybe you should click right here because it's going to be showing you everything about how to install your own jetted tub with a built-in wall mounted faucet system this is money in the bank
Channel: Home RenoVision DIY
Views: 98,987
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: homerenovision, renovision, jeff thorman, homerenovisiondiy, bathroom vanity, bathroom sink plumbing, plumbing tricks, how to split plumbing lines, how to tee off plumbing, how to install a his and hers sink, how to turn a single sink into a double, how to install a vanity counter top, plumbing basics, how to drain plumbing lines, how to install bathroom faucets, bathroom remodel, bathroom renovation, best way to install a double sink vanity
Id: OQjxCb7wP6U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 78min 7sec (4687 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 30 2021
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