Tiny Glamper Camper Build and Camping - Glamping Build Challenge Vs. @Modern Self Reliance

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that's not good i'm not even sure really what the next step is i had all these ideas that doesn't look too too bad unfortunately the side that was really leaking is the other side one more little hitch i'm still drawings on a piece of plywood but uh i'm gonna be ready we're just gonna leave it up for the audience to decide camper versus camper to see who can glamp it up the most drop in uh you win on our channel or on doc's channel whoever you think did the better job oh jeez better get back to work i've taught this guy everything he knows right here it's so close i can almost taste it [Music] it's done found it hey all right here we go through the portal of wonder [Music] i'm zachary fowler and you're watching fowler's makery and miss chat whoa all right so i bought this tiny house thinking that i would make some sort of a camper for ice fishing and for going out and it's kind of in a bad shape so we'll save the remodel of this for another video i was at the east coast slingshot tournament the other day though and i saw this really great tiny camper a little teardrop one i thought i'd build my own so my friend happy hippie built this it looks beautiful he just built it from a trailer at harbor freight and home depot plywood i went over to vikings i bought some of this marine plywood nine sheets of plywood a thousand dollars worth of materials and we're gonna build a camper so i picked up a trailer on facebook now the only question is what kind of camper to build do i copy him build a teardrop i was actually thinking about changing that whole teardrop idea and maybe doing something that resembled the lines of my car after my friends at ecoflow saw my new adventure camper ideas they said they have just the thing for me to power my new little adventure mobile and they sent me their new eco flow delta max ecoflow delta max is one of the world's fastest charging power packs wow that's up that's a lot of power they also sent me two of their battery extension packs for this which gives me that much more juice [Music] with the x-boost technology in this thing you can power 99 of all corded items we're talking skill saws you know chop saws table little table saws contractor type saws anything that's like 110 99 of the stuff ac units it's perfect for your camps for your tiny campers your big campers and it charges off of solar panels i mean like my last adventure uh bigger one the 30 day survival challenge in the rockies we ended with one battery bar left on the camera because our solar panels and power packs just didn't pack enough power another cool feature is you can actually connect it to your phone so you can monitor your charging how much juice you got in there how long before it's full all right but enough of this talking and technical mumbo jumbo and somebody wise once said better scene and not heard no that's about kids uh better to show than to tell i'm gonna take the uh eco flow i brought her down here power it on and one of the extended battery packs plugged into her all right just plugged into the ecoflow i got my extension cord and i will build the project with ecoflow this trailer needs some work so that's kind of the next step here is to really get down to it really start busting into it and remove this trailer from here and she's looking a little rusty i don't want to build a beautiful camper and put it on a pile of rust so let's get this off of here cue the musical montage and some building and then we can really get down to the nitty-gritty and the artsy fartsy build ourselves a beautiful camper let's do this i guess i should have looked closer at this before i bought it i didn't notice how bad some of this was dude you know what look what's in here that's a sheet of plywood oh my gosh we're rich we're rich we just bought a trailer for 300 and we have a 400 sheet of plywood in the bottom of the trailer that's three-quarter no that's half inch okay never mind it's only a 90 sheet of plywood but still oh wait i got a better idea [Music] well not as pretty as i was hoping for but it's it's more solid too there's some bolted on plate welded this thing weighs a ton i don't know what they did she isn't the light trailer that i was hoping to break it down to but it's solid it'll go down the road it'll do and i'll just bolt the camper thingy that i build on this in a fashion that should i be able to buy one and they start to come on the market again those harbor freight ones are a lighter one i can just bolt it onto a new frame and i could uh sell this i'm gonna pull it out now and i think i have to do a little a little work to it kind of clean it up maybe see if i can't sandblast some of the grudge off of it and then uh throw some spray paint on it just to make it look a little better and maybe protect it a little longer from a less keep the rust down i'm pretty happy about this too two sheets of plywood they seem to be in really good shape i'll put an ad on facebook i know what i got 160 bucks no it is like they are i think it would 5 8 plywood like that exterior plywood um this one the bottom one is really rough but the other one is in perfect condition minus a couple screw holes score [Music] [Applause] [Music] do whoops here we go not too shabby i mean it's not the best sanding and cleanup job i've ever done to something that's for sure but it all looks consistently black four cans of satin i'm happy with that actually i'm really happy with that it doesn't look nearly as junky except for this little bit at the front where it looks kind of like there's all the that rot i think what i'll do is i'll build a little plywood thing here and i think i'm gonna put some wooden rails inside instead of the two by fours the old way which were on top but the really impressive thing not to harp on it but i did most of that with the eco flow the skill saw the lights all that stuff was the ecoflow i don't want to run this off of it i mean look at the size of the cord on that compared to a regular anything right i mean the cord is as thick as your thumb for a reason all of that juice 69 from 95 percent just on the extra battery pack and nothing on the actual ecoflow unit which has got the inverter and its own battery inside so that's still at 50 way more work than i wanted to do but uh it was all i could find i couldn't find one anywhere except for like a couple states over and it's not about to drive that far just to get a trailer so i end up spending the whole day's work just getting the trailer ready but that's not why you're here you're here to see the camper build the little adventure camper so i'm gonna let's just skip ahead to tomorrow all right day two let's uh let's get back to it and check on the guys in the office grab another battery for the camera and head down start building how's that first part going there matt good looking good yeah i didn't i managed to have audio on the whole everything i did yesterday oh i didn't say that no greg on the wall somebody did a painting of him so we we bought it so that we could have a beautiful painting of greg staring and watching over the edits of uh of matt and john here wow john you need more deck space for your uh your enterprise here i put in a work request yeah put it you might fill it out bury it and pete and we'll dig it up in a bit and check on that that's the procedure that's the procedure all right enough of that felicia let's get to a building that's our new little tiny door i love that thing so that way we can go with the offices we couldn't cut the beam so we had to make a tiny door so now i got my little walkway over there studio is coming together i can't wait to finish it my brother joey's coming up for a visit and we're going to try and finish the walls in here the roof you can see a little bit of light through it they're doing the roof this week so that's all getting redone the roof is called no more leaking no more leaking can't wait but we got work to do oh it still looks good in the morning light [Music] it's some air moving in here man it's hot out the last couple days been 100 humidity and and like 80 degrees trust mainers that's a lot that's asking a lot of a guy like me chris is out here too practicing his uh drone flying somewhere out back here working on his drone skills for his videos how's it going getting the hang of it yeah it's a little bit of a high pressure situation but flies pretty good don't crash it i already crashed two of them so there's only one one crash left one insurance claim one insurance claim left on this one roofers are doing an awesome job they are sticking to the roofers code mainly they showed up they stripped it and then they disappear for a week they'll be back in oh they got a couple more days before they got to be back if they're going to stick to the code that's important for roofers so if you hire a roofer and he's there the next day after he stripped it you know that something shady is going down don't hire that guy again power up power on our on and plug in all right we got power let's build [Music] oh ah the hits never stop coming the trailer if i match it to where the car is and where it's hitched when sitting on a flat or going down the road it's going to be like this which means every time i park it if i want to camp in it i gotta unhook it and level it out and then if it's unhooked if you got too much weight on this end or something like that it could flip up or if your scooch that's not good and this time it's a literal hitch problem that doesn't look too too bad that doesn't that's a two inch two inches i hear the guys up there playing ping pong i think i need a ping pong break to think about this i call loser my special paddle one two three four all right three one wow all right you're up noah some insane surge oh my goodness one two three five the ink weighs something so it definitely affects the spin and the curve so i don't want that to be the reason i lose oh geez i just want to be a cool ping pong player okay seven serving eight that's going to be a cool ping-pong player okay 11 serving 10. way to enter that's what i do every time it's time for free bombs matt's been the reigning champion on the table so far kind of like overall we hardly ever beat him so now that i'm feeling like i got tuned in under my belt maybe i can what is that your warm up i'm gonna edit in yeah that's the only catch though with him doing the editing although i do the final edit i i could just edit back out him winning and make it so that i won zero serving zero forgot about that sir sir that's your third one eight five i learned all these fancy new serves last night and practiced them this morning before i started the trailer this is it before they got here over spins messes with their heads too so much all right eight seven fan gameplay i want this game so bad you don't understand 10 11 game points ah oh no fancy editing we totally lost that one nope all right matt won he gets to hold the table and i got to go back to work i figured out what to do i'm going to build this level the trailer and build it on their level and i'll figure out how to get it hitched and going down the road level later after the fact drawing this out now the way i want it and then we can start cutting parts out and screwing her and gluing her together you know i'm a little bit nervous as i build this is the first time i've built something that i want to look nice since i quit building boats all those years ago so the car seemed to have about a a three inch curve over the length of six feet during the roof so if i replicate that curve on here see if it looks somewhat similar and it's feel to the car i'll make it look like it's meant to go with my car and that would be awesome that's my goal let's see i think i have everything lined off i think i got it all figured out it uh looks pretty good so i got like a this is a back hatch that's gonna open so i'll be able to put my cooler right there i got one of those super insulated coolers it can go here and then underneath of here will stay open and then inside the camper there's the door right here right here is the mattress and underneath it here is that storage which will be accessed from the end but some parts will be closed off so you lift up the edge of the mattress and you can open a compartment and have some deep storage under there there's a shelf here xbox and tv that's right it's going to be a glam mobile power pack will be able to sit in here and i'll have a hole in the bulkhead wall where i'll run a short like extension cord for inside the camper with lights and out here i'll have some lights the only thing i haven't decided is on the end here when this hatch lifts up do i make it so it lifts up from over here or from right here in the corner that'll open this whole area up as a table before i can have my cooker i think i got it figured out i'm pretty happy with it i'm even pretty happy with the font i was gonna make the door above the bed but then i realized when you get out of bed and you're climbing out of the thing you don't want to climb over a hard lip right so that i made the lip down here for the door so when you open the door you'll see the side of the mattress but that way if you want to sit with your legs hanging out they're not hanging out over the edge of a hard piece of plywood and you'll be comfortable that's a lot right a lot to still do and i i only wanted i want to be done in two days and now i'm on day three kind of day i'm already on day two and it's uh about 7 30 so less talking more building [Music] hello hello hey not much what are you up to video putting up on kevin's channel it's going to be a good one and i heard to the grapevine that you were making something similar to what kevin's making on his channel that's uh on modern self-alliance yeah so i heard you're you're making a camper i'm pretty sure i mentioned to you a couple of months ago even that we had this glamper idea planned out so i'm thinking maybe we inspired you maybe maybe zach got the idea from us or maybe he got from the slingshot competition but what i'm thinking is we can bring out the best of your channel and the best of kevin's channel if we do this as a competition but how far along are you already uh we're doing pretty good yeah we're gonna be set for saturday how about you uh i'm still drawings on a piece of plywood but uh i'm gonna be ready you betcha i'll be ready all right so you are you so let's go for saturday we'll put ours out in the morning okay i guess we're just gonna leave it up for the audience to decide and i like you guys going first because then i can see what kevin has in his and i can add a couple more things by saturday night what are you doing for power uh so we've got a sponsor i think you mentioned you had a sponsor too i'm actually building mine with my sponsors power pack like using it for all the tools yeah we did too because we built it on the off grid so oh yeah we're on the exactly oh that's neat that's really neat no matter what no matter who's who wins i think in the spirit of competition it's about bringing the best out of you know us right yeah right and encouraging the best in our subscribers that you can go out you you can go out and do it too exactly you know i think what it's all about rather than getting disgruntled and everything like that i think it's just about you know friendly competition and bragging rights and all that and just about bringing the best out of each other right all right so you guys heard it on camera leave it uh check out the description below for modern self-reliance woodbeard's brother's channel in their camper build and leave it in the comments below on my on my channel and on his which one you guys like better yeah just drop in uh you win on our channel or on doc's channel whoever you think did the better job yeah or if you're really weird uh subscribe to both and hit you in on both of them you know that's fair that counts too yeah all right camper versus camper glam sounds good let's see who can glamp it up the most good all right cool i like to get back to work then if i'm gonna catch up to you guys so sounds good all right cool check you later calculator bye bye oh geez they're like way ahead i had heard that they were doing something too and uh i i had uh wow i i've been working on this idea for a while like i said with that old shed out back and uh just kept putting it off kept putting it off man if anybody can build a camper modern self-reliance check out his stuff seriously link below he builds the craziest things now i'm feeling the heat feeling the heat in here i better get to get back to work [Music] so [Music] [Music] so [Music] ha that might have seemed silly with the big fan but i ran that big fan that jim fan thing and this off the power pack eco flow cutting my thing out i'm running out of steam though it's all there all i have to do is put my cleats together start cutting out my cleats and bending my plywood over it i might have to put some curves in that one on the back but for now i'm gonna go get some food shower and be back at it bright and early and set all right the emails are sent i can get on with my day no more desk work for today time to uh do some building it's a beautiful day in the neighborhood the roofers are here doing their thing up top everything is good in the world today let's get on with the build 41 of the extended battery and still have 50 on the bigger battery that's two days worth of building running off of that i think about like technology and how far things have come it's just so amazing like i lived off grid for about 10 years in a camper in the woods before going on the alone show and i had a generator and i had to put gas in it and it didn't use a lot it was a cheap thing from like walmart and stuff but it was like i always had to tote this gas up into the woods like five gallons of gas every week for four hours worth of power every night now that's two days worth and i couldn't even run skill saws and things off of it it was such a weak little generator i think the next step is to start installing my cleats and get the camper upright and installed onto the trailer kind of like an ikea kit so it's all put together and then i just have to screw the parts together kind of thing [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] [Music] i am so bad at judging how long things realistically take it's gonna be a miracle if i finish this by tomorrow it doesn't do me any good to do it fast if i can't get it off of here where's my hammer this is the weirdest stuff i don't know that's pretty solid well i'll find somewhere to wedge this overnight and see if that doesn't hold some of more of its curve in it [Music] hmm [Music] so [Music] all right still a long ways to go on that but uh last update before we get out the door the uh eco flow is now down to 13 on the extended battery pack haven't touched the other extended battery pack and one percent on the main unit that's pretty cool if you're building like an off-grid something or other you could charge this up and bring it with you to the job site each day and use that to build with or be out there with the extended battery pack and all three of these charged cause that was at 50 percent uh 95 percent and 95 on that one i think you could get a good five days of building you go out to a place in the woods work on your cabin build something i i think that's pretty darn neat but for now i'm going to unplug it just leave all the tools plugged in it's go mode we're down to like seven hours to finish the project so i can get out the door when i wanted to so i'm going to plug that in so i have some power to glamp with tonight because i've got getting getting the air fryer getting some goodies getting some microwaves popcorn video games we'll have some fun with this really go all crazy really glamp it up way bigger than i thought it was gonna look this trailer is so high [Music] [Music] [Music] perfect [Music] right about there [Music] this one's getting made i'm talking this guy everything he knows you're here oh my god what did i roofers anymore let's take it down the road let's go it's time it's ready let's throw a tarp over it we're good to go where's the toilet gonna go that's it's funny you should say that but i was actually thinking because there's a space here where the cooler could go yeah but i could have one of those camp toilets so so this will be the bed right here all that and then this is the shelf on the inside for the playstation and tv to sit against here i'll probably put another shelf over there got room for some artwork here and here we got the air fryer the microwave cooktop all right well i got to finish this and you guys got uh your own things to do everybody back to work we were working this was our break our one break of the day one break of the day well finish your break all right well i have some work to do before i can start installing all the interior the screws went through i did that on purpose because it's only half inch and i my plan is i'm gonna back each one of them out and drill and countersink a screw from this side and then it'll be all done unfortunately that means that i left a mark on that side of the wood where the screw was i would have been better off to have it's kind of a fail i should have had three quarter inch plywood for the sides knowing that i was going to be screwing cleats onto it and i'd just be done one and done so lesson learned it's been a while since i've built something that i'm trying to make look fancy so i'm not disappointed yet let's keep going [Music] [Music] energy i can it's so close i can almost taste it i can almost taste it just gotta get the hatch the roof and the other side and then the floor oh my goodness so much to do this is like right now it's 15 minutes until i thought i was gonna be done and we're not done yet what we got there some food already in the cooler little lonely snail hello little snail that's so perfect i don't think that launcher is going to fit underneath that though so close i wanted that to go in there oh oh it'll fit right in under the bed perfect maybe with the right kind of clips and some bungees i could hang my pots and pans in the back and at some point i'm gonna buy i think some of that stuff's gonna end up in the part too the paint job things like that and a sink in here and the microwave can get attached to the its own little shelves there's room underneath it and behind it big dreams big dreams right dream big achieve pig oh i like that you didn't leave me hanging there on on finishing the saying i never do [Music] so [Music] for a second [Music] no worries it seems pretty solid i think that's gonna be good button her back up and put the roof on and the back door and the two side doors and it's about done all right i gave up last night and went to bed at uh midnight just wasn't going to finish it but i got a friend here now ralph is here what's going on ralph hey good morning thanks for coming to give me a hand so ralph's a friend from church he is the uh real popeye look at those arms show me those arms oh yeah right whatever forget that noise he you can how many put you're like a push-up champion right oh back in the day back in the day maybe yeah like chuck norris there how many push-ups can he do all of them all of them but enough whether it's enough how many really could you do oh i stopped at 105 i think because you got bored yeah we're not bored but i i was doing one that they increased and finally when i got to 105 i thought well why keep going here this is crazy so i quit oh well the quitter but hopefully he's not going to quit on us today i'm just kidding so let's uh let's uh i'll show you the camper all right oh we got uh some stuff so this is uh now what day five of the actual build i don't know they're all blending together i got a lot done yesterday but i need doors hinges put on you gotta put the back door on and put the roof on and then we can get out and do that promised camping with it i promised you guys so enough of all that let's get to [Music] building [Music] my [Music] so [Music] so [Applause] [Music] oh [Music] oh look at that it's done it's all done it opens it closes i'm not gonna put any hardware on this right now i'm just gonna screw it together and go camping pound it hey thank you thank you welcome all right now i just gotta put all the goodies in the camper including the mattress and i'm off to go fishing and camping and you see this look at the site maybe in the time lapse but we got nice little screen door doors and she is ready to go [Music] trailer lights are on nothing to it but to uh have an adventure so let's go do that [Music] so all right we are here it took me a lot longer to finish just putting everything in there but i'm so psyched i'm here and i'm by the lake and we are seriously i'm i'm seriously about to glamp it up i don't know what you guys are doing hopefully you're eating popcorn and watching me enjoying this you know you whenever i'm doing a video people always tell me when i'm doing survival stuff and they're watching it they're like i feel bad because we're watching you survive and we're just like stuffing our faces you know and and you're like they're like oh this little piece of fish is so good and stuff and well this time i'm gonna be eating better than you i got all kinds of goodies in there but first let's go check out the water oh my goodness this looks good fisher's jumping fish is jumping right there he just jumped oh oh man this is the life i'm at a friend's place that gave me permission and uh i'm not gonna say where i am this time um they just they've been clearing and they're going to be doing a house here someday and they have a beautiful dock with a little boat and a beautiful lake with crystal clear water which i can't see right now but that doesn't matter we're glamping it looks like they've been clamping it up with some beautiful look at this like a fireplace on your dock someday i think i want a lake house someday or a lakefront property with a fireplace on a dock that's cool i like i i feel like when i have my lakefront property with a fireplace on my giant dock i've made it that's when i know i've made it right now i'm just slaving working hard all right are you ready to be wowed and odd it's hard to see anything hold on let me put the hatch on how am i supposed to do this with my head and my cell phone here camera hold yourself camera hold thyself tada airfryer water jug space to prep your stuff microwave all of which is plugged into the ecoflow delta max unit and uh it's powering the whole thing it's gonna power the other stuff inside by the sleeping area i'll be able to power my burner to cook my coffee in the morning airfryer microwave got my cooler here and uh popcorn of course everything one needs to glamp in style i'm just so tickled and impressed with my own self i i just need a minute to take it all in oh check this out so this is powering this overhead light right here right boom it's off but i put in a little battery one up there as well so if i stop real quick to load this up in the dark and i don't want to turn this on and beep beep it's just two buttons two buttons not a big deal right i can just turn that on off but when the power is on to the big unit boom there we go bigger i need to put one down here i think too because it's uh it's dark down here i open the cooler can't see anything in there it's a dungeon i don't need that maybe even a little led strip inside the cooler so when i open it up i can see my food really yeah let's go check out the inside all right here we go through the portal of wonder i got my beautiful bass bedspread pass american flag then we got the uh clone wars uh republic heroes on the tv with the playstation 3 controller uh the power is all coming from the ego flow at the back right there through that to plugged into the ego flow and i got my big speaker that'll be the sound for this because that monitor doesn't have sound uh and just like in the back i have some touch lights that are on little batteries that are buried inside of them right but i also have this one which is on the eco flow at the back i'm gonna climb in i haven't tried out climbing into here yet let's see how it is yeah i think i almost need to make a step or a handle what am i an old man it's just high enough that it's a little bit of a lots of wiggling going on oh mostly it's just these doors so these latches on the doors we're just from screen doors right so there's a little play those are just temporary when i do the rebuild oh this is nice i should try laying it down when i do the rebuild well uh paint job mostly i'm gonna put better hinges on some of the things that i can order let's see oh yeah oh yeah there we go let's see if we can lay down oh my goodness this is perfect feet all the way out plenty of room i still have let's see one i still have like three inches beyond my feet when i'm completely laid out oh yeah let's see if the sound works [Music] or all will be lost [Music] this is so cool i don't think i have a wide enough lens to give you the the feeling of how big [Music] and how nice this is it's just a one person little cubby after five days of work i mean i i couldn't be more tickled like this is just this is so nice i i've got a mate like this is just i don't know if i'll ever sleep in my hammock or or do anything survivally ever again i'm just gonna go places park pop my kayak off the roof go paddle around catch fish and come back and uh i haven't even tried the best of it let's go fry some stuff in the airfryer and uh and see if i don't even know if i want to go and try and catch a fish like who cares i'm glamping like that's almost too much work maybe maybe in the morning when i wake up early see if i can catch a fish like it's dark there's like nothing doing out there so i totally nailed the doorway though it's a perfect height top and bottom the plywood edge is down here it's not cutting into the back of my legs when i trust it on the edge of the bed here the problem is the ground is too far away to be super comfortable i just screwed out so i might need to that'll build a little step build a little step we're glamping i don't want to have to do any work hopping down or hopping in too much work i've never used an air fryer i don't even know how to use it so i didn't throw away the instructions i have been looking at a gas getting a gas stove for my house and like i was thinking because i looked at them and they have gas stoves with air fryers for the in the oven i don't know if that's like one or either or what but i'm like the whole word fry to me means that you're frying something in oil so it tastes really good so i've been kind of i mean i've been hesitant to go buy an air fryer but i don't want grease if it spills just like this thing when i open this up it actually the little container was like sitting there like that it popped out from jumping around so i need to maybe make some stuff to hold everything in place when we're going down the road or screw them all down oh you can do burgers and french fries and grilled cheese how do you grill a cheese without like oil and stuff and fry it fry a burger air fryer or a burger wings there is something about those wings as i'm looking at this like i don't know if you can see it but like they they look a little wee bit dry i'm pretty sure i can make the most juicy wings ever so we'll see we'll see all right preheat your air fryer wings adjust the temp look for five more until the skins to coat the wing barbecue sauce gross and i don't like sugary barbecue sauce i like barbinas barbecue sauce mayonnaise french fries but um i'm two weeks two weeks clean two weeks clean from sugar so uh and carbs for the most part so i'm kind of breaking that tonight because i'm gonna have popcorn in the microwave and uh i'm spiking speaking of which why am i wasting my time here we're glamping i should be nibbling popcorn while i'm waiting for my wings to cook popcorn start i didn't remember to bring a trash can so excited like usually i go out and everything is so much work this time there's so much work and now i'm out here and everything is just easy and kind of fun and i can just stuff my face like last time i starved and had little pieces of tortilla for a snack because i didn't catch any fish and this time i'm making up for it making up for last time whoa put some wings in here i hate when they give you wings and they give you all drumsticks the best part is the wing part drumstick drumstick drumstick drumstick wing what is there there's two wings there's two of the the double bone the wing parts and the rest of them are all drumsticks i'm gonna have to doc noah's pay for bringing me i always i always look at the packet and and make sure i gotta get a sink i think when i do the paint job and the kind of the upgrade this whole thing i'm gonna oh because my water almost trying to wash my raw chicken hands who's grossed out leave it in the comments below who's grossed out by raw chicken hands after touching chicken do you touch it with your bare hands or do you try to like use some tongs or chopsticks the fact that i was able to use this for the whole build i'm running an air hey trippster baker all right so apparently i can't use usually quite use the air fryer and the microwave and the tv and all that stuff at once but everyone's in the middle so there are limitations it can't just look at a house you can't put everything on one circuit and run it all at once but with the tv and the uh playstation and the lights on the inside of the camper and all that stuff off it seems like i can run the airfryer and i can run the microwave and make popcorn there we go there's a proper bag of popcorn as if it's not already polished enough but when we finish cooking here i have to carry my stuff around to the door right see where i'm going with this why why would i have to carry it around climb in and then stuff my face and watch movies and play video games i need a dumb waiter a little dumb waiter that goes side well neighbors are setting off fireworks apparently oh and the wings that's not too bad those look like they they crisped up pretty good fries in there [Music] wings are done wow those are hot adobo fries corner oh there we go like a lot of blue cheese on my wing all right let's go move it up all right that's an oversight that it'll need to be addressed i don't really have a i need like a little uh table don't i like a something to like i said like a dumb waiter make come through with my food on it and have the shelf here so my food's there already i feel like it's comfortable for laying around but maybe not so comfortable they're like in here and like eating and stuff but we're gonna make it work lost in space bulletproof monk uh house of the flying daggers and i haven't watched that forever so i saw that was on the shelf i haven't watched any of these blue guys in forever now that everything's digital on the screen it's my favorite bulletproof mug oh it's actually in there some of the bugs out it feels like i need like a seat spot this isn't bad though i mean i'm watching a movie in my clamper thank you lord for the help with the build the completion the success to getting to go out and to uh to clamp it up thank you for the wings for this day bless his food to my body in jesus name amen all right here we go trying though french fries compared to fries and deep fryer no go they're good not that good i feel like the airfryer took about 20 of the fun away from these fries let's try the wings same thing plain wing naked wing undipped airfryer took oh maybe a little less twenty percent of the fun away from it but i didn't really go crazy and season these a lot except for the the other so maybe if you figure out how to season them better they'll still be good with the blue cheese let's see that's good there's still that flavor from frying in my fry later at home that i do flavor that's missing this is one of my favorite movies you ever watch bulletproof monk it's done they're nazis always this is two words i'm gonna check myself no motel six [Music] hmm [Music] um [Music] [Music] so the bassinet [Music] so [Music] i boiled away the majority of my water it smells burnt i think i ruined my coffee [Laughter] i don't think i've ever burned the coffee so bad before that's disgusting and don't forget to check out modern self for alliance's tiny glamper camper build the link's in the description below leave it in the comments of our video or his video or both videos you won so we know between the two of us which one's a better glamper camper thanks for watching thanks for liking thanks for subscribing almost had a million thanks for helping us out oh yeah and one more thing don't forget to check out our sponsor eco flow for their power pack solar panels easily plug and play off-grid setup type thing build it yourself off-grid with the eco flow like i did thank you guys eco-flo for sponsoring this video it was a blast see you guys in the next one fowler out
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 542,583
Rating: 4.9138932 out of 5
Keywords: fowlers makery and mischief, fowler survival, fowler, fowler survival challenge, tiny camper build, tiny camper trailer, tiny campers for small cars, glamping, glamper vs camper, glamper camper, glampers, tiny glamper camper, tiny house camper build, camper build trailer, camper build, build and camping, camping, glamping and camping, Glaming Build Challenge, glamping challenge
Id: PZyX-YxzTaM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 64min 0sec (3840 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 25 2021
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