7 Day Island Survival Challenge Maine - Day 1of 7 - Catch and Cook Survival Challenge !

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Not that i have been avoiding being alone iv just been having so much fun doing all the adventures with friends. So i thought its about time i go it alone once again but just for a week im saving the long hall for All-Stars ;)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 44 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/ffoowwlleerr ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

I would like to see you and Greg do another 30 days somewhere.

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/GregOvensNoseHair ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

i'm glad he's still doing his thing

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 4 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/TrumpsTanLine ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Good for you, dude! This was really well produced and fun to watch!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 2 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/hypocrite_deer ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Awesome! Can you give any more info on th โ€˜all starsโ€™ ?

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/PattonsBushcraft ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Fun video! I grew up in Ontario and Maine looks a lot like the lakes I fished in as a kid. Especially those sun fish and largemouth bass.

The humour is really great in these videos. Happy to see you turned survival teaching into a FT job!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/SecondStageWerewolf ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Man, my husband and I were AMAZED with your inventiveness and how great your shelter was made. We were both rooting for you and were cheering when your wife popped out to tell you the news :)

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/Sugar_glider_77 ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

Omg please confirmโ€ฆ was that blood spurt real??!

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/MelissaShemlissa ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies

this is the type of post we're looking for! nice video Zachary -

๐Ÿ‘๏ธŽ︎ 1 ๐Ÿ‘ค๏ธŽ︎ u/dreeveal ๐Ÿ“…๏ธŽ︎ Sep 18 2021 ๐Ÿ—ซ︎ replies
oh this is going to be awesome that will do for tonight's dinner all right there it is oh this is amazing first wound seven whole days first time i've been alone since patagonia that's so good a giant bass and an eel i'm zachary fowler and this is the seven day island survival challenge for the next seven days this island's all mine to build to create i hope this works [Music] have adventure on yeehaw and to catch and cook as many unique things as i can come up with smoke eel sushi in the outdoors [Music] whew [Music] we are off on another adventure seven day island survival challenge this is so cool i got a small boat full of stuff as you see here this is a catch and cook survival challenge so i brought some goodies to be able to make the cooks better than just cooking plain fish all the time we saved that for the 30-day survival challenge for the real nitty-gritty survival stuff this is adventure i got the kayak because we actually are on one lake over that you can't get to with the power boat so we gotta portage over a dam and check out the island i'm gonna anchor the boat here though because this is a beautiful lake as well we'll come back up to this lake with the big boat do some fishing here do some kayak fishing down there do some building on the island need any more be said than that it is going to be awesome [Music] [Music] so [Music] all right boat is secure i think little fish are jumping all over the place this is gonna be awesome the water here is crystal clear even even more than the water on uh crawford for water world possibly oh big bass right there two of them three of them look at him just cruising along right there and see if i can't rig up and catch myself some dinner i got a lot of camp building to do when i get down there so if i can catch something now i can focus on setting up my camp before the rain sets in they're just cruising through here like no big deal that i'm even here looks like rain possibly on the horizon got this brand new mystery tackle box elite and like i haven't even tied on my leader yet let's see what do we have hardest part's going to be catching what i want to catch and not catching the small guys it's really clear i'm going with top water i want to see the top blow up oh this is going to be awesome i'm going to be able to see it come up and smash this like this is going to be epic [Music] something small not the big one the big guy for dinner not the small ones there we go oh not one of the bigger ones oh good he got off all right re-rigging they didn't like the top water so we're gonna go with the creature soft plastics big bass some sort of a creature thing whoa that is one creaturey creature oh no way that is a cool bait it's got a hook slit and the hook well bait and hook because of the tip of the hook you put it up and it sits on there like that and protects it makes it automatically weedless no kidding fish hits boom hook set let's try again i'm gonna get going before it rains there we go fish on a little one and let him go they're definitely into these creatures they totally reek of annie's uh-oh certain rain already oh man look at that i should have stopped here first and tried to worm right in there instead of going after the bassin all right let's get out of these bushes big old bass right there just shooting off they're just teasing me oh there's a whole bunch what is that is that a trout oh my goodness oh you got to be kidding me ah it's a little bit of heartbreak for me every time that happens i hate to leave anything behind much less a hook in a fish's mouth i do hear they rest and fall out and have never caught a fish with a hook in its mouth from somebody else i use two feet of eight pound floor leader and i almost never break off except for when i hook up on a stick all right i found where the fish are i was wasting my time earlier this is where the big ones are oh these guys reek of annie's it smells so good i want to eat them myself let's see i see fish everywhere all right here we go now i'm juiced i'm all jazzed up that big wad of beaver trees and stuff in the dam there there's just housing all kinds of oh there's the beaver [Music] there we go yeah not the big one i was hoping for but neither all right get in the boat all right there we go there's one i should probably get one for now and one for later first fish of the trip all right one fish down and uh first fish of a not a big one not even a full pound i don't think but that will do for tonight's dinner time to get to the island stop screwing around rain's been nice enough not to pick up all that heavily appreciate it oh man this is a sweet spot i hope to come back here and try to pick off something bigger out of there this is gonna be exciting seven days to figure this place out and really start nailing some fish doing some fun cooks having lots of energy from all the good food and build some really cool stuff i even stopped and picked up two pieces of roadkill just in case i get really hungry no i'm kidding i'm not gonna eat a make a uh a maggot farm and then i can use some of those maggots to fish with catch some other smaller fish really hammer down on some tiny fish and do some little tiny fish cook all right there it is [Music] there's our island drop anchor bring her up hard to starboard hellsman do you know what's there waiting immortality do not notice that be the same little island that we made you governor of on our last little trip your island yeah it's mine i think it's about two and a half acres maybe three but for the next seven days she's all mine to build to create to have adventure on and uh yeehaw it looks good i've been out here once before already and scouted it and uh got permissions to come here so don't try this on your own i rented it and have permission to do everything that i'm doing out here and everything that we do in these series we want to do legally so i can only cash catch the amount of fish legally that i'm allowed to catch in the ways that you're allowed to catch them so you got to be clever if i'm doing this as a catch and cook survival thing i'm going to have to be clever because i'm only allowed two baths a day um unlimited numbers of little perches and uh sunfish and and only two trout or two salmon to rainbow trout things like that i don't expect to see any of those but i think we can get on some brookies and some of these landlocked salmon probably that are in the other lake maybe one or two come down this way before you go and do anything out in the wild make sure you do your research i spend a lot of time you know with my whole team just googling everything we could pop possibly think of we think it might be illegal we you know we get a hold of the game word and ask them they're very friendly if you um are wondering about something check out your game wardens in maine there is a team of men and women dedicated toward conserving maine's natural resources and protecting the people who enjoy them those men and women are main game wardens i don't see anywhere easy to i have to build a dock first thing it gets deep really quick and some decent-sized trees too maybe i could even build a rope swing i think i want to oh those are no way oh my goodness oh my goodness no way i didn't think i know everybody's been picking blueberries but i did not see this coming i thought for sure the season would have gone by especially out here in the sun whoop ah being in the bush i'm into the blueberries now oh look at that ripe juicy oh oh this is amazing maybe i can use a fish skin make a pie crust i just eat them i'm just going to eat them i'm just going to eat every single one of these oh find some cattails and try to make some oh they're so good primitive flour and oh i'm dropping them i'm so hungry that's right where i wanted to be camping up here on this end of the island there we go home sweet home a little worse for wear a little wet what do we have here big old pines they're blocking the rain so unless we start getting bigger rains nothing doing right now pretty comfortable looks like a lot more blueberry bushes in and around here but i don't see any blueberries on that even probably because they're underneath the shade of the pines and stuff they just didn't fruit well maybe with all this rain too enough of it hitting the ground the high humidity lots of mushrooms popping up tomorrow i see some rotten ones some like coral some uh rotten bullets down in that swampy spot there some of these guys i don't know what this but is i don't think that's an edible it's not one of the ones i know that's edible so i'll leave that alone it's cool my trillium those uh kind of gone by but they're not oh they're just seeds and goosh not an edible thing there's an oak with a growth is that chaga no just a growth i say oak i think i said oak obviously it's a birch rain is starting to sprinkle down through a little bit i better get set up and build my camp all right i better hack a path bring my stuff up and uh get it under cover just in case the rain does pick up i think a lot of this rain was actually coming from a uh hurricane it could pick up heavy during the night even though it's not coming down through trees much right now but before we get to all that let's talk about our sponsor for today's video followersmakerymischief.com my own website and uh the place that you can get your slingshot survival gear is not just a website it's a beginning to your adventure if you've seen me using it in the videos the adobo the hammocks the knives everything that i use for the most part is available on our website fowlersmakermischief.com linked in the description below the rest of the series will also be brought to you by a bunch of other sponsors grim workshop wazoo but enough of all that there's a special gear video so that we don't have to go to nuts in every video about uh gear and things like that and all the like naming off everything and where you can get it you know there's a link in the description below for the gear video that'll be linked below every one of the videos it has our sponsors and their gear and our gear in it so check out that link in the description below if you're curious about the gear or our sponsor's gear and let's get to setting up some camp [Music] uh [Music] ah first wound cut myself on the shovel here's about a scratch yay what a mess all right we call it a draw [Music] [Music] there we go that's all of it cooler with some vegetables to make the cooks more fun drone tackle box tool box my trapper basket full of my tools for making stuff and doing things the saws bank line so we can build stuff flash things backpack with hammock sleeping bag and the camera bag and my favorite which everybody calls prison sandals i i like them i don't care if everybody makes one i got them on facebook and they're super comfortable now where to set up the hammock we set up right here we got a beautiful view out over that way but when you're in your hammock and tarp's down because of rain not much of a view anyway over there more trees to build some stuff i feel like if i keep my fire next to this brush pile with less work to do for tonight so maybe across here ah i got my rain gear but at this point what's the purpose what's the point it's so muggy i hate rain gear normally but ugh [Music] [Music] ah [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] it's getting dark there's not a lot of stones in there under the trees they're all buried under pine needles and stuff i think this camp's coming along good but with all that peat underneath the trees uh all that composted leaves needles it's kind of a fire hazard something like that can start a root fire if i was to have days and days of having fires there dry out the soil so we want to find some clay some sand or some flat stones to kind of build it up and i got my nice folding bucket here so i'll be able to put it out good every night i probably won't be doing my usual thing where i keep the fire going the whole time i'm out of place by putting it to sleep and then waking it up in the morning because i don't want the hot coals and all that to dry out the surrounding area it's hard to get the rocks out i got to pull them out by hand i'll get them anything good on the bottom not yet oh yeah look at that found a couple stones here's a nice like dragonfly nymph or whatever that'll make a great fish catcher that'll probably work better than a worm or just as good because it belongs here that should be enough let's go build a fireplace and make some dinner home sweet home [Applause] let's see all right maybe a slow fire start got some sticks from the trees instead of the ground over there they're a lot drier higher up the dryer up but it's birch bark that'll do the job it's been a long day since my last meal before i left slice a gas station pizza that was not satisfying if anything it's making things worse because i got heartburn you've got a ticket on the heartburn express knew i should have got the pepperoni just gone with the cheese i think i had some fairly simple fair for dinner tonight i'm just going to go with a simple fish cook sauteed up in the pan with some uh you know roasted tomatoes and peppers and onions on it and uh you know nothing too fancy ah there goes my band-aid again i don't think i brought enough band-aids for this trip i've already got i got three on one finger and then my palm there i'm cutting myself on everything out here ah these are wet even though i did get them up high [Music] [Music] wow [Music] [Music] all right let's see good plate one plate one cutting board one thing of peppers [Music] one thing of tomatoes one thing of pickles onion mayonnaise hot sauce some oil for cooking in yeah that'll do it i'll keep it simple tonight one more thing the walk boy i gotta build a stand-up table i do not like having to do this all squatted it down but this is gonna be epic let's clean our fish it's harder i can't do much with my left hand so many band-aids on my left hand i can hardly operate it [Music] ah something out here smells i don't know what it is two pieces of roadkill make it a magnet i don't think it's the fish like there's some sort of animal poop out here all right i think i'm gonna have to get some water for cleaning stuff but i got my little guy in there that i found i'm gonna go throw them on a hook and throw them in the water see if i can't catch a night fish for some breakfast and then get back to the cooking i don't really want to grab him he looks like a giant earwig ah tried to bite me but didn't really get me oh he's trying to bite me wow all right well he's on the hook not on there really great but he's i can't seem to get him further on the hook behind the barb it's an awful big hook for such a little guy but something really wants him it'll take him no casting room i don't know if i can do in my spring cast to do a spring cast a really lightweight pole like this load it up get your finger on the thing but you gotta be holding on to the hook otherwise he is trying to bite me with everything he's got now doesn't really hurt but it's just a little freaky you hold on to the hook so you're holding onto the ring part of the bottom of the hook load up the end of the pole there we go yeah i got it out there 12 feet let's see [Music] [Music] there we go now i have everything i need [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] bye [Music] kind of a quiet evening you know being out here doing this alone i don't remember the last time i just did well i mean i had done a day or year and a day there but like seven whole days it's been uh since patagonia i don't know i wanted to do this one by myself have a little bit more time to just be away from everything and everyone reflect you know spend some time reading my bible some more some quiet time just well see what comes out of it instead of just uh you know always being with somebody else or always being with my employees always being with my business always being with all the people that want something from me that want to you know ask me about this or you know i love all that don't get me wrong so if you've been one of those people that have uh you know how do i do a youtube channel or how do i you know how do i do this or you know will you play with our gear in your video or any of that stuff i love that hence the whole four years since i've been doing youtube and now i've had a million subscribers while you're watching this like i haven't bothered to do something alone again at all because it's fun to be with friends it's fun to be with others it's fun to uh i love to have in the business and i think we got seven employees now and uh four well five technically five youtube channels the fifth the fifth one we haven't put anything up onto yet it's coming soon onions nope heat's not there yet but yeah like i was saying it's the first time i've been alone like this and forever you know chris has always been with me now he's got his own channel and um i just i said i want to do this one solo sorry this has been the island summer all kinds of fun island videos and i thought what better to top it off with than a oh yeah seven day island catch and cook survival challenge and the peppers [Music] hot tamale this is gonna be good oh it's worth the wait a couple sets of chopsticks here got some cooking tongs and some eaten chopsticks i think oh like i said to you guys all the time we need smell-o-vision we need smell-o-vision re-experience your favorite movies in a whole new way [Music] [Music] incredible [Music] by fowler risk the sniff when i hit 10 million i'll i'll invest everything in uh smell-o-vision so these videos could be like the first most epic videos ever i can't believe i hit a million i mean i knew it was inevitable but i guess i can't believe that it's not more it doesn't feel like more of a milestone come on let's go tomatoes and basil i don't know it really doesn't feel that incredibly epic to hit a million but i think the thing is it's not really about the million it's about the the journey all the adventures that i've had all the the people that i've had a chance to meet and spend some time with because of it and would have beardsman and chris and the rest of the mischief team and the the you know creating my own studio and building the website and going on alone and that led to all of this and and uh there we go i just realized i don't think i've ever brought regular salt in like years now it's always wadobo or aces and at home and now with me here is a kimchi powder i just get it off amazon it's just a kimchi spice and it's for making kimchi but it's like a it's a red pepper blend but there's it's not really a hot thing it's more of a flavor thing i mean for people who don't do any hot at all they'd be like oh this is hot slowly work the vegetables out my goal is to as much as possible keep a minimal so i got one plate i don't have a bowl to make my usual tartar sauce so i'm gonna do kind of a deconstructed tartar sauce by just not mixing it just having chunks of pickle and mayonnaise and then kind of like taking a little bite of the fish and with that and mixing them together see what happens uh all right this looks like a hot mess but it i think it's actually gonna be really good i do wish i hadn't thrown i did catch one fish off camera and i was like oh the gopro is not going so i'm throwing it back and it's not that big it was the same size as the one i kept now i wish i had had two because it feels like it's missing something it needs like a bowl of rice um i did bring some rice because i'm gonna make some sushi not raw sushi but like if i can catch an eel i'll do like a sushi eel rolls or something say grace and uh dig in lord thank you for this first day and that it didn't rain too much a little wet but that's okay i'll dry out and just bless this food to embody bless the rest of this seven days of adventure that uh just give me the wisdom to get up to more adventure and just to experience the fullness of life that you have in mind for us and the adventure that is out there in jesus name amen oh it's like 10 o'clock at night i am so so hungry flake of fish fried up in the oil that's good that's good a little plain now with a stack of tomato basil peppers and onions oh that's so good that's the thing that's the thing all right how about my deconstructed tartar sauce this would be so much easier with a spoon or something i have to carve a spoon tomorrow hmm that tastes actually really good like pickles and fish actually go really well together i mean that's what tartar sauce all my tartar sauces are made of just shredded pickle and mayonnaise i'm not a huge pickle eater i'm all on my own but when i put in the tartar sauce man i love it my tartar sauce idea worked out okay but the onions peppers tomato and basil that's huge that's that's so much better still got a lot to do tonight because i still have to put my hammock up all that just so i can get into bed i haven't really had the location or the opportunity in a long time and the time to just spend days building and creating a magical wonder world when i was a kid i was super inspired by peter pan with robin williams you know that whole place that they had with little tracks and looked like they were all lashed together things and little carts and little tables and all rustic in the woodsy and or swiss family robinson all those ones but didn't you ever dream of having a house up on the treetop they always seem like the coolest thing in the world to me that was pretty awesome i definitely need to catch more fish [Music] it's polite but a lot i'm gonna have to do i'm gonna do well at this about one thing of water to start with but tomorrow i got to get my water purifier out all right i'm gonna finish putting my hammock together and head to bed i'm supposed to rain tomorrow so i might be able to sleep in but it still leaves me a plenty of day if it's done raining by 8. ah just woke up because i heard the line peel and drag on this pole i was supposed to be stuck i was gonna go fix it in the morning i don't know if i got something i wasn't supposed to be fishing still it was just supposed to be snagged you know if i'm dreaming or what oh i'm not dreaming i caught something uh i caught two somethings holy cow i caught a giant bass and an eel somehow my goodness um okay well i got my eel for my sushi how the heck oh i see what happened i caught the eel and the bass came along and chowed it because it was like oh that's a great that's a great meal that eel holy cow yeah who's got who oh he goes he's in the bass what you got to be kidding me i didn't bring the neck knife oh still around my neck [Applause] three pound bass while i'm sleeping i don't think i can keep him seems like he's okay he's swimming off just fine my eel is staying that eel is going to be my sushi breakfast got got caught and then swallowed by a bass holy cow the sinker must have been what got caught out there it's two o'clock in the morning that sinker must have been caught when i and i was gonna fix it in the morning oh my goodness foot long eel and that bass just choked it and ended up getting caught hang that up head back to bed all right i am in for the night not a bad day uh i didn't put my tarp down so if it starts pouring sideways i am going to be in trouble i have to get out there make stakes and tarp pulled my tarp down i left it up so you can still stand underneath of it tomorrow we'll get up to a whole bunch more building more adventure i'm dry snug in my hammock i'm gonna have a good night's sleep i hope you do too thanks for watching while they're out
Channel: Fowler's Makery and Mischief
Views: 483,375
Rating: 4.9133048 out of 5
Keywords: fowlers makery and mischief, fowler survival, fowler, survival, fowler survival challenge, survival challenge, catch n cook, catch and cook, 7 day island survival, 7 day survival challenge, 7-day survival, island survival challenge, island survival, fowler island survival challenge, surviving on an island, surviving on an island for 1 week, maine island, catch and cook survival challenge, catch and cook challenge, 7 day catch and cook, maine survival, island catch and cook
Id: M5au6nq1EAw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 46min 0sec (2760 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 17 2021
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