Timbaland | Drink Champs (Full Episode)

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timbaland is a god

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/swaghili-- 📅︎︎ Nov 26 2018 🗫︎ replies
would it good be hopeful you will distribute Superboy and eat what up is DJ EF and this drink chance [ __ ] happy hour legs and I don't know if you know but me introduce our interview and producers it's white one of my favorite things to do because because the end producers not only have the story of the song they have the story they're making it a song so if you guys don't know who I'm talk about right now when you think of Missy Elliott you think of alia you think a genuine wine you think of there's so many different artists who took artists and made them great from the sounds of his state I heard that he used to make beats to beatbox I heard he he he has so many people's careers in his hands he's come from Virginia he has stayed in this time relevant well over 20 years well I've been kicking people's ass and staying here doing what the [ __ ] he got to do a case you don't know who the [ __ ] I'm talking about we told my Timberland make something now we wanna this is a hip-hop historic show so we want to take it from the very like beginning how how did you get your start because I heard somewhere to choose a beatbox at first yeah prior to you actually making beats so how did you even start beatboxing like you know like I think it was a contest it was back in Virginia just um place called stars I can remember and I was beatboxing I always thought it was you know okay but then is like my main passion back then was DJing and how I gotta to make it beast is the music you know like every every season you got a drought season where's it's like it's just the music you ain't liking you ain't feeling so I'm like let me just make a beat and then my mom brought this Casio keyboard y'all example on sex let me try to make it a beat so I can blend my records too you know I'm saying so you gotta you have to be very creative back then and several in your I just happened my beauty box started doing that I just have my beatbox who I got introduced to a studio you know saying then you know really like when I got it's due to a sample er that can sample longer than a second so then it got to the point where I got a uh yes EPS I'm like that a keyboard with a sample up to 16 seconds so that gotta gave me for one second 16 second back in was like 16 minutes so I just took what I had and I was as passionate about sounds I love noise we recently have Molly Moll here right everybody the best and Molly Moll alluded to kind of making the New Jack Swing he did so he kind of and it made me think I tell you Riley immediately Ali's relationship to Virginia what do you think when you hear a person like Molly Moore say that he might've been the first person to start new jacks ah kind of I would say he's correct he's almost correct because will you listen to Lee know me like all the big data came all the morning law stuff that he did he had well Big Daddy Kane had he gave a lot of different bounces like this is all raw raw was kind of like the introduction to do jack swing sound right and he Teddy just took it and enhanced it as modified it but he kind of introduced that because Teddy did produce the show with dougie fresh and Slick Rick so so now I'm now what just tell you Ally me in Virginia because I guess that was like me is more but what he means to do York he just moved to Virginia from New York so it was almost like some new jack city Nino brown moving into Virginia well here I'm saying like where he was from New York so it was like Virginia was like we getting this big-time producer from New York like we was more excited about that because he was already already like I mean he was already yeah like I thought you might've knew him from New York Mike Nugent from behind a like he was in New York so it's like we knew but I guess I guess New York wasn't like own it like but we we knew in Virginia like who cuz it was guy with Teddy right like he was coming to Virginia sir whoa where were the news from Rex they just move to uh to the je oh man definitely didn't notice y'all have any animosity towards New York dudes moving there nah we did have a little enema it was exciting you know second week Commonwealth getting somebody some city boys get locked up immediately aren't going up with a cool right yeah like hip-hop royalty type of the Commonwealth more like that's right I guess what people do stay but in a different form that good did you did you are be affluence but a New Jack Swing I think I wasn't I think I wasn't influenced by the swing I was influenced by the Sonics of the swing meaning the sound hi sound is so crisp white how did he make was once a James Brown bounce around a funky drummer did you get that's like funky drummer that he took it and enhance it and made it more modern so is let's be clear because not everybody know the definition of what New Jack Swing was that's right that's right you gotta be real what what is it to you what made it New Jack Swing the swing that's why he had to say I don't know why they put new jetray with a slang I think but it was a swing when James Brown did funky drummer that was a swing that's why if you think about it will you go back in this is a funky drummer James Brown will do nothing on that it was the timing of yeah it was it was a different like a heinous he was hitting the pockets to make people to make the orig to make the masses giddy so he didn't he let you think about I go back whenever I can farm funky drum he I just could imagine him to in the studio right in his life he walking still yet I'm just thinking like James Brown so their studio hey Joe hey that's all he do on the record is so when you think about music today is like it's all about that feeling and that that swing back then was like a new swing make him they make him do that so eat about Teddy Riley uh so he they found how to write in those pockets at that swing so that was like a that was a faster swing the most songs and like so there's like that's making know how do you make person do this without being corny now we have pushing T on here and pushing T told us that you for route and no malice we went to the same school oh no she was from another like another town Horseman okay the whole I doesn't even understand this school and we are in the same class it was like you know it I think it just like anything of today yeah I would I look back and I look at music up today I'm like man it's the same way you don't see it until you get older and you'd be like it's no different you know God put people together with the same kind of brilliant minds and you know you connect you know there's like y'all to connect he he from the younger you from my head and people gonna be like oh this gonna be some other kids I got a freebie like it was just it's just it just supposed to be and Pharrell was always for real if I when I look at for real it's nothing nothing to change about him dude so how did you meet Missy how does how the Missy actually a friend of mine introduced me to Missy told Missy that I need that she needs to meet me and Missy came to my house and start doing music she's like oh and you as an artist no I was just doing beats that she she the one and I was just doing music is she like he'd make dope beats and I was like when I she introduced me to singing over hip hop of hip hop beat hmm come when she was singing I'm I ain't never heard that before like I've never heard melodies over the music I was making and she introduced my ears to some like new candy you know before you heard like Mary Jane yeah she the ones like it will because of her she introduced me to singing right you know I'm saying I was I was more mantronix Tribe Called Quest we was fanatics a try Called Quest Peter I'm saying so so who'd give me first Missy Aliyah well God is like I know cuz I'm just saying you know why Virginia's history is so rich and a lot of people don't don't know that history it's real hip-hop history yeah so like who was the first one that you met that wasn't a star at the time but later on you realize as a star you know what I don't I think we just love music I think when you love something it's gonna take you with you it's gonna make you who you are like think about it when you may what what what oh what was it you didn't know you just know the filling up like I know this this feels big for me right and you know I think that nobody knew who was gonna be a star we just loved music and we was dedicated through know through thick and thin and I think that what makes and then music once you love it it in a determined way your place should be in it you know I'm saying I felt like Virginia connected all of us and we was the chosen ones out of that batch of probably that Commonwealth area I look at it like lottery ticket you know I'll say who gonna be the lotto person you know I'm saying and Virginia was a part of history it was someplace that people never expect it now look look what we advance to Toronto and Cleveland now if I you know it's but we was like the first of the Mohegans being from Commonwealth and Virginia was kind of weird for us because that was like East Coast yeah it was really hard I heard from Virginia right and for obviously how they say him he was the first but I'm not gonna say like you know everybody to be a star you know like that's that's up to music but he loved music you know saying and he did do a lot of successful things that put majr on the matter when I feel like he was a part of that whole that whole chemistry like he was the one who kind of like jumped out first to me what was the first major record that came from Virginia we was like yo use like I think we got something now we just will be a moderate that I'll be hard number tell you like who's come on look man have you seen hustle and flow yes okay right will you look at hustle and flow you know what's the heat you thinking about I'm trying to get out we won't thinking like you know this is a hit we was more like we getting recognized Oh more than anything you know I'm saying we getting a job we get out we are our passion is getting looked at it's not it's not taken for granted and I think that was the beauty of us because we put in a lot of work and I work was accepted you know saying I think everybody wants that on earth wants to be accepted what was the first record you worked on and he was like this is it for you because he all of us does it for a hobby at first right all of us we love music most of us we still do what if he wasn't getting paid or not but we wouldn't do it as much as we would but what was the first record when you did we was like this is this is it I'm done i'ma bury myself with this and you know I'm always trying to outdo myself okay I'm trying to say I need to I feel like I'm just beginning because you may not have made that record yet and I feel and you're right and the weasel reason I feel like that I watch the Quincy Jones documentary twice I ain't watching yet go ahead please it's cool I'm not I'm nowhere near close he said his second is his second life was that 45 or something he like I know when they're close but the thing is we look at the times when so I look at what I've done in the past was a great it was like my first Harry Potter book so now I need to create that next chapter so this chapter ain't as easy as those because once I master how to get in the door I knew how to keep it you know I know how to keep jabbing and then Swiss came he had his run and then it's like I gotta say okay let me come back I gotta figure out how to cuz he switched the whole swing it was harder back then but it's I say back then was a like a more challenge I was come you know I was ready for this dis era well face when I said I'm just beginning it's just like when you look at Quincy Jones but he went from Frank Sinatra to this it's just a challenge and I feel like I'm just starting because this era of music is totally different from what I'm used to so but it's not but it's music and I love music so I feel like I'm just in the way technology is I'm just starting to crack the code because I couldn't do what I can do now back then I had to go research I had to go do I have to really go put in a lot of work to get a lot of those sounds and now all of that is available to me in a laptop so now it's like okay I'm challenging the click like people on the fruity loops is like I'm challenged it's like a game it's like I gotta be the fork Mike I gotta be but that guy I gotta be the dog I gotta beat all the teenagers you know oh that's the new you know that's the way of music music is colors now first it was all about field people playing in the room and now I'm trying to get this generation the whip that same kind of vibe but with the computers you know saying I'm doing it so it's like I'm really just beginning because my beginning now is more to just producing this teaching youth the generation is about to come like okay this is what we got to make music with I don't we come from you know plan what everybody you know how easy to get a person to play but now I was like kids making sample packs and it's like okay well let's do it together and so they never been introduced to that so it's like taking so for me I feel like my generation the wouldn't like my 50 my 50 rage could be teaching and producing and inspiring the next nine-year-old on a computer and seeing the genius in him you know saying it just so I feel like I'm just beginning but based on that what you're saying do you think the age of and this is just hip-hop cuz it could be in every genre the age of the super producer is over because it was like the super pretty was a Swiss it was you it was a drain well that's a good question I feel like and that made careers I feel like it ain't over I feel like it just it's just a little bit more harder work that's different it's just like I got a crack a cold it's like it's like a video game this is like I gotta crack some codes because it's everything is cold let me actually the question you action is is it over for like super MC overall I specifically like like : you're like yeah like I feel like I haven't seen that bubble and then in the last five years all right no but I'm like who did you see the fact that y'all even questioning it right now he did know what else he do he did a crack [ __ ] give me good producers but to me produce I think I think it i think it's i think it go to I don't know like I'm I look at it like like a game is it's all about styling now like your production is like your tag gotta feel right like not get it down like I feel like I'm 19 I'm like because a computer you can dress your [ __ ] up so great boom boom boom sorry that's like the whole new way of producing but we have to figure out how to introduce that [ __ ] to make the play yo [ __ ] y'all are to the attack do you know like will you do that London on the track up stand proud with that [ __ ] like that and I feel like that's the way of us really kind of identifying who's that next to producer and then we gotta say okay now you got to go put that same tag on ariana grande feel like you don't say that's where the trick come in you know be well yeah do that so it's like you know you just take somebody like a coach which is should be me or Pharrell or Kanye just like I now murder dude is like murder on a beat it's like every like he picked the right tone for when the 808 drop it just feels right so it's like you don't go by and be like it's a different way of judging producing you know saying it's like you can kind of like package this [ __ ] so cool you know saying the first producer that reached out to you other than your camp cuz you know you worked inside you can you had genuine wire that Delia who was the first person the outside the cabinet of his huge as soon as I get your [ __ ] out of here nazy jay-z jay-z other party is like y'all what I want to work with you the first all we did was a cheetah would and I did this beat and he was like he saw a rap him is [ __ ] one at loco knew I said oh so I'll put my headphones on and I said he's like you done see back then won't they won't know clicking you know one computer with me actually playing melody so I was playing and then he was like you done I'm like it's five minutes you know I was I was because you know it's a keyboard so you like the way you does so he's walking around speaker I played it he did his rap it's like I heard his cadence and I made that beat - bounce - what I heard so my have a photographic memory when it comes to sounds and Sonics and melodies no that's only that so what music I can kind of memorize anything and that was the first thing he was like the first and I was like he kind of introduced me to he kind of his tone when he did that made me step my game up cuz I'm like whoa because I was me Missy all of us so that was the first person from the like the outside you know fan and what jay-z is this now this is is this I don't know this throwback jay-z he win he wins Giants jerseys was well before Big Pimpin yeah okay I got ahold jay-z section so like this is what I'm trying to give up this question was I into it alright figure out was dead we'll come back to that was look that was the prior okay so when you got this call from Justin Timberlake right he was 15 though so it's not like you know say like yeah it was like 15 so it was like he was 15 and their people restarted he's like y'all like your music man and like either like maybe 16 17 we did they did cuz I got heard I had heard that Justin had fell out with Pharrell or some [ __ ] like that or something nobody never falls out I just think that well jive records it was some I don't think that you know in life you know as we go back to look at it I just it just sometimes misunderstandings or business could be just misconstrued or misinterpreted so I that's all I think that happened on that moment it wasn't like he wasn't not using for really we was always working well he was 15 but he was down with on the it was like breaking a breakin huge he was breaking you know he was making mouth closed were so he so you don't so he's not just in you saying this one Jude doesn't trying to establish the point like here so he was he he didn't it's not like the same you know like when we got in the room we did cry me a river in although he was black I don't think it was me I'm I'm not gonna take the credit for me it's a dude thing y'all think he was black because he has so no it was the song they put out with NSYNC that whatever and that's what I got that's when they got everybody attention and it was him alright that seems like the first like other than calling me bad they had like eight months before we knew how's the new Jackson who's a holy no yesterday these dudes ain't white Justin was the new version of that I'm it was it was evolution like news is evolve it couldn't be just one part yeah like it was dope and sometimes you know God a lion thing is the way it should be aligned what you know and him we just had we we got the we brothers and we got chemistry we just got chemistry you know like chemistry chemistry can only be how can I see it chemistry can only be not you can tell when the person if they if we have a sink me and like if I got stuff going over my life he got stuff going on like we love music but the museum gonna come out right you get what I'm saying because we all I think we we go in a studio we be aligned like everything that's on our outside is on the outside and everything we we see each other me and justice each other is let's put our foot on [ __ ] strokes you know let's put our foot on a pro you know just miss listlessness let's let's just make this crazy music what was your favorite studio session ever the studio I'm just saying what's your favorite Stu studio back did like come on bro just a matter this going to the studio right here cuz people will come in I think so oh yeah I'll be in there like everybody will be in there like in Virginia that's the point so you can say back did I steal such as meant something right cuz there was adventures like you know you know saying you know it was it was big it was like in studio it won't like what's a favorite studio session it was boring like we go to the studio alright hey like and people were studio hop like it was a club like I remember just what Sony oh yeah it's crazy that's what brought us and they made a beat for somebody and they didn't do exactly what you wanted them to do and he was disappointed in a record this shot Tom Timbaland I feel like a shot time you know like I don't know because the beat won't let them make something crazy I'm talking about like the beat will let you make some crazy like this gonna tell you like you just stand cuz my beats of my beats are disrupted my beats are like it's uncomfortable I heard somebody tell me your beats me persons I don't know how to Bob somebody tell you I I'm it's so crazy like it's a bob but it is just told me also back then is like it was a new bounce so people was trying to find new bounce so it won't a the track will let you know that you lost I tell you one artist that you brung the sound out of you know in such a remarkable way I had never seen this I was a big fan of this artist his name is pastor Troy yeah that's the Troy had this big underground following people from New York wouldn't know it because people of New York wouldn't travel outside I had these beats I would rhyme on down south beach so I would get down south shelbs and I didn't know why and it was this artist called pastor Troy and he would come out and play Virginia we were wait and he he performed the song 17 times and not one person would say you did that already he was just ill and then when you did that record water it was like it was the first time any producer like even tried to uh to give him up a worldwide sound did you feel like that because that was like to me that was his illustrating he ever made I just made you want to work with him cuz he was super super underground of the time you guys see that's the problem like you know I didn't know I was like - Pete the world kind of let me know you know said but I'm still from the south so it's like that's without I was attracted to all things with different flows my barks he killed it with like blubbers block was it the first brew this shocked me than me and Missy was a crucial compilation Chicago right yes they like we loved all that type of stuff so pastor Troy's right up my alley anyway why you never signed them he I don't know I think he was already signed like back then I won't think about no business you know but he was dope we made good records only that good we made another record to bulan things came out but we cut and was was ha we could that was hard that was all I did my own unofficial remix to it and every day hey I ain't care if y'all cosign mixtape yeah my pocket Wow so um okay we're gonna get a little deep right now your relationship so your relationship with Scott Storch Scotty yes that's my boy because it was your boy but at one point I got a little shaky I mean Lord come on I mean it not 20 right and when I'm looking she kind of look at music today I'm looking you know who I was yesterday and I'm like that's just called Eagle this is 90 conversation we will put up here free later to come on what's a competition or was it like me well horses combat it's brother blues competition but it's like you got and I realized that you got to do that you have to do that to really like see if me and you I have to get into a zone like that to challenge you else I'm not I'm like to ask my homeboy you know so hypos do that that's my big you know saying so when I look back at it now I'm like that's why I don't do that battling beef because I can't mentally psych myself out when I know I'm gonna go back when I yell me crazy you know I'm saying like that that takes a lot out of somebody so I think back there with just being young could we work together way impassive yeah well um so what do you think things like that happened in the hip-hop game cuz I remember y'all as brothers at first correct started out as I think I just think maybe you know maybe I got jealous oh I don't think I got jealous I think it was the entourage tell him oh I heard and I'm already probably slightly probably like what you don't say let's go that's a part of job I'm gonna see you in the studio in the hip factory from not correct and you haven't your tour bus to the left and Scott having his so I was on fire yeah you know saying he was don't remember you never lock me in on fire that's the reason why okay no it's always a moment you're not on fire oh wow do it because what happens it now can tell you the prime example because when Scott was on fire there was it was people it was artists in my session and when Scott pulled up they left to go to his session oh wow so it's kind of like a notification let you know that I he then it's like that new chocolate bar oh that new new new like that new refreshing that was like but then it kind of makes you mad but then when you like remind people you like don't come over in there I told you yeah I said so you have to realize that that's just that's just humans right humans going we're gonna always flop to what others say is great and kind of throw us off balance and what I've learned is you know you've got to stay true to who you are I'm saying don't let that you know told me you know throw you off your game because you know it's always gonna be the next man on the block next person on the block you know you can't run things and be the guy to everybody to go to there's always a new sound and what happens is or everybody go to you keep thinking you the only one and that's what got in my head then when Scott came upon me you know it's like those are things those that's the other man were into my hair so that gave me the competitive spirit but to say but then that that was this in my head what kind of took it over the top is the entre oh this person said Oh Scott yeah he said it so what you know it kind of fed the ego to like I'm a real producer you just a piano man you know I'm saying so you're kind of lit it kind of led to that you know cuz I already had that other demon in my head about you know that's all you need is that push over there is to make you be like oh that's it but you really don't we're young so I'm not trying to research and be like waiting man that's my man like I might be tripping you know I'm saying like let me go get some round blitzes somebody else to that he say she say I can get to the game that Lister he say he say well what's the history there though because I didn't even know that he came up under you in a sense like I know he used to mess with the roots and all that I met him like dr. Dre kind of like it's a deuce I'm gonna say dr. Dre's the big yeah he's like he's like Jedi oh you know and we're people tapping into him for him the meal yeah yeah he was dope right this guy got a rhythm that nobody don't have a sky guard to attack a a beat totally different from anybody else around attack of beat his soul at his body he would go down when I watch the Quincy Jones special he's one of those white guys he's gonna go down on the old dudes I'm like wow because Quincy had a lot of white dudes that was some bad white the wrong temperatures I didn't he was one of the ilis it's only you look at Scott Storch he didn't go down as one of the ilis he saw that just a matter of ego in the play but we really yeah I knew that was one of the things that finished that fix y'all relationship was seeing how bad he went as far as the drugs go you know he's you know he's talked about it on here yeah every show so it's not I mean I didn't know I know the drill but like he's living life so I won't even thinking about the Allen thing like wadding what's the relationship like after well I think just because of who I am as a person he is that's like that's not us all right you know saying oh it is a matter of this talking well we do this talk we was cool what so now speaking of Scott so one thing I always see about you is you always give dr. Dre's props like no matter what tomorrow the highly highly highly you know you think you think that's the basic Cattell you mean that like like I can't tell but I'm a producer level what is it exactly you know me Pete would be shot beat doc don't you do it I was like why you Kate you battle switch me what no because different levels of wide draya's dog is still amaze me and he do it so it's like we we are like in a lot of ways like we'd like to be home you know I'm saying listen to music we don't go out of like he's just like he the best like for its like people I think people with similar personalities be attracted and be more amused by somewhat someone like themselves so the first day you met dr. Dre first time you met dr. Dre let's take a minute mr. Leaphart hmm first it and describe the situation like how does that you know what I can't because you will heat you called him I don't even know I just I just thank God that he invited me into his presence and you want Interscope to at the time yeah but see here go being young and then it's like I can't even talk about them because I didn't know how to digest it then you know I'm saying and now when I look back at it I'm like yo I was kidding yeah say you know we're like I knew like I made it you ain't like you got bird here would you I'd be the presidency too so you don't say you're not looking at it like but I still was amazed like I said not to take it now I know how to take it in and I can give you what I felt what I thought I felt that did and what I thought I felt back then was [ __ ] dr. Dre like dr. Dre is my Quincy Jones well because because what I feel for the jobs I always say people should be like man like J like be that course y'all and I get why Jay said you don't produce for me and B make us you know give us that you know get Jason's like J like be that young Quincy like he should try to preach that to me all the time right and being young Quincy is making smart moves like when you got a beautiful record you gotta know where to place that beautiful record not be stubborn and caught in your ways and be like oh that's my record you got a questions you don't know how to place beautiful music with beautiful people and dr. Dre was the god of rap he say that no no no no no when he touched rap he made rap sound he made it sound so clean like he actually mixed brag about it you did not talk about it other people talk so to hear work for dr. Dre people like he's not to speak and that's how I was because I want to know like yo how you mix that drum you get the drum sound so obviously use a fan of NWA alright I'm here that goes without special analysis so now look at an own NWA there's a line where eazy-e says Ice Cube writes the rhymes that I say Point Blank straight out rivers Lee says it admits to it that was there nowadays people the screw I love as a right word they flipped on Drake for the same exact thing and here's one of the greatest groups of all time what is the difference between that simply being a okay so you ask me the mission Fox we've heard so I think Drake told you I'm resilient for real people need to really look at what that word resilient me I don't know that means me and I really don't use so brilliant I mean like he could withstand anything basic okay that's how I took it so when I said Wow when I looked it up this it said that at war so will you look at dreams he's like you know okay he's like black panther how did Black Panther come in in the world it was a shock right did it shock you by storm what'd he do a bill that's a rule like the moon this is the character this is the character the character he's like a new character he's like the okay what I'm sure I say he's like the equivalent to Black Panther right he came in out of nowhere and but you worked with him earlier is that very early very early so he was already in the bill to where he was about to be so what up so you asked me the question of why they trip it because he's the next biggest thing how many time to trip on jay-z he it's just a topic of ghost right and all that but music is music why do I don't know like I guess I'm not a rapper and I tell people I can't really I look at rappers like Avengers of movie characters like who's the next character he to me is like the next black pair that's why I say black path you're the one always Holika yes I look you're lucky he came in there like people go try to pick apart or he do this why he got the necklace I was like he's that new character he don't saying and uh he's great at what he do he do it with so much class so much pride I mean you know when I said you worked through them early on you worked in a really nice earlier mixtape how did you know how do you like how does a producer like you even know that's not all me that's like that's you listening figure out yeah yeah i'ma tell you that's that's that's being around great Jedi's that Jedi the other Jedi was jay-z jay-z no he no because yeah we were each other together you and off that was the first record you and rape this so but but he knew he knew is that's the first record thing I won't point a mom one point well you're gonna make noise soon me god damn it now I'm hiding now come on man I don't know what the rest but I just know that jay-z knew he was the next one just like he called good to sit wait wait wait to meet Jay Jay cause this is a lot you giving us right now like the stay on Drake for now did we gonna go back this pretty second place remind us to go back so what did he say he says it's like when off that be some put these young boy the kid from Canada these young boys and it's an early it's not like it's already I think about catching it wears rate when you when I go back in this to him jay-z's one of us he's a genius to me yeah you know Sam J the way J articulate things the way he talks the way he strategize life way he move even his brains now you know say everything I mean he just I just know got twist now I love it because J like a last time let's make some noise for jay-z I like the culture he's music he's like he's like a mole he's like a Einstein to music that's what I said baby and then he is he's so brilliant and it's like he know somebody else he know he's a separate Elliott jay-z is a seven he knows who fit in his alien but let's take it so he when he heard a drink he said off that he pries said it no I pump off that he heard drink before he like he specially come on Jake oh yeah which is crazy because for him to sing that he saw that super okay no boy like it took a minute for Jacob to really heard he does he know smart people like yes like that's why when I go to jail I'll play up somebody's smart and like here that's I know he cuz cuz when he missed I guess he know how they are as a person when he heard them rap hmm I feel like I try said how you know this person was gonna be big I guess when you hear the rap you could hear the who that person is and um in their rap you know saying like but then today's rap you'll be shocked because you find somebody doing something that did you my life my this boy is crazy but there you go to talk to him he wanted the smartest kids he'd be like wow music has definitely did a flip-flop but he is the leader of this generation is he is like deleted he can go like he's the og like the kids like a years that got big of my man forty big up Drake yeah goddamnit big up my candidate [ __ ] pick up almost more than a good name thank you vali I've known other do for this time I know belly or chops chops oh yeah big them up man I love to see oh geez especially the OD / veterans giving yeah this is this is a tradition for the show booty yeah work out I don't know if you know other hip-hop shows they this they listen and our hip-hop show we celebrate our legends we give them the flowers where they could smell them we give them they thought where they can tell them we're gonna make drinks where they can think that's definitely different symbol and I'm sorry I'm sorry I hate it every time so Ginuwine's first album junior wise first out junior wise not worn correct these people come to you and says I need to understand let me break this down okay I'm back did I am enjoying the moment I don't know [ __ ] about why and what I just know we had a run let's keep it running yeah you know saying like if I if I knew what I know now I would have been like waiting women we got something y'all we gotta focus cuz we got we got it by people are talking about it but we were so glad to be it was like it's almost like slavery do like Commonwealth lose from Virginia to be accepted was the biggest thing in tonight you know you could be accepted and then be thrown back into the bushes so we was trying to stay afloat we won't thinking like this Sal we just know we had a sound that was different and we knew that people it would make people uncomfortable but you would enjoy later that's what we know that's what Jeff went in to do Jenya wanna do we had a sound back in Rochester we wouldn't Avante we all had a sound we was a crew we had a sound about Jodeci yeah yeah how did that how did that let's take on januar first he came from there so Jinhua but he's from Virginia to this Jodeci for which people do you see oh yes oh but it's all close it's right there yes this next thing that's New Jersey New York that's pretty sound it's pretty cool South you don't do that I thought that's New Jersey disrespect Southeast DC will be Ju Beach no so it's not safe to say Baltimore as well throw it on do that you gonna say BOTS boy or DC think it's gonna be its we Baltimore we be more we DC it just yeah there's no beat but it is right don't put you know so so so here you gonna say Brooklyn Queens you doesn't know we Brooklyn what well if I'm from Miami I must say it's like York I'm just sayin okay no I I will you will say no no liberty cities Liberty see no no no over town in Miami okay back there's like but everybody was listen to go go in those areas I guess go go get go Google spots that connected all y'all all right cuz we don't have in Miami to listen to go so now we're jour deceivers from knocking Lana no come on how the hell did come to see Devante Missy Missy Missy was in a group called Phase II Missy I was the producer for Phase II so Missy met Devante in a backstage you don't like it's this good luck uh padrone she met them she played the music they want they flew them up to Jersey then she said she wanted to fly the producer up he said cool I came up there and I stayed up there got myself so you working with the Vontae working with them and they introduce you to genuine yep cuz he met genuine saying wait through a concert mmm so Jane wanted me so Devon she actually built my crew think about it I had static before static diastatic major who wrote a lollipop a little away he wrote try again so the bhante really kind of like it's funny I got work at the bhante built a crew for himself but it was actually for me oh you think about it cuz he didn't work with not old it was me but he found all the talent for me so he thought who was a talent genuine genuine steady I so how did this happen I think I missed a whole oh man I'm just I just told you what nutshell why I was the guy under the Missy Missy brought me in all right you do like y'all I do the math like that is it's it's the universe man how it's meant to be you know I'm saying like I could be on this show and from this show a thousand producers called me all this person called me such a vicious is what it is and that's what and Devante brought somebody he built something and which was supposed to probably be before him I wound up doing all the records foot yeah so what was how was it like working with Ginuwine's you didn't know him he wasn't like from Virginia like working with he is right yeah you came what he put us together Devante he's building the squad for himself but yeah the building for me hmm I'm the guy who's doing a hundred beats a night so they're coming in the studio they say honeybee and I hold up a sec he's at a hundred beats I'm in the studio so I'm not gonna be south day and there will be I'm building I'm creating the sound and the gene why I asked Carl's back there because I want to picture the studio scene like did he ask girls of did introduce videos I was like yo I just wanted to make a record and give my mom a $3,000 I ain't know about nothin about no videos when that stuff came when I was following to it like oh man people like you oh okay I'm a country boy i'm lazy i'm like you know i might do you know at the head I'm like okay that's cool that's dope some crazy records okay now now you just did a battle with Swiss beans we didn't do the battle yet well it was somewhat of a battle it's called istagram talk what would you call call call RG talk that was I know one of the real derivative of drink champs oh yeah that started on this year that started here I don't know if you know that yes it did start here it's the same maybe she maybe she begin here definitely definitely saying he didn't speak wise I felt like you I felt like when we are seen to actual battle I felt like it was unfair even though I'm from New York I thought it was unfair because you know he was playing a lot of New York records with New York artist because this is Summer Jam correct so um how did you feel about that I know you had fun news out there having fun yeah that's all I thought what I mean we played a we could I think it was miss was look at it like this it's not a battle as a reminder don't ever forget who we are Swizz Beatz like well people might have doubted oh he got it or people but I say Oh Tim Bogart is no no I'm on stage with my friend he's my friend we had just as much accolades it's just as me so when we play songs back to back it gave people a reminder I don't think people know how to judge it won't no judge some people's like few like we play that Beyonce oh yeah he did their building saying it was more of a reminder do not play with the game of thrones mm-hmm you know I'm saying like we could go all night and it's like people don't realize the history that we have that's my brother of course people we ain't waiting play records cuz it to us is like it could never be a battle the battle will be well people will always judge it as it but we do dr. Dre no that was my what I do yeah he have to set up the summons but all over the tables and you go guess yeah [Laughter] was that movie was the Warlocks he'll be like love the respect he shows not direct well it wouldn't be a battle will be fun it'll be chest it like power like chest like we playing songs is like checkmate besides dr. Dre if you was to go head-to-head with anybody else in this game would you ever be worried like besides drink not drink like at this area where we like to take song for song I don't okay so this is to do the whole legacy mess with us they say Teddy Riley let's say uh not for track you attract for track the whole legacy no one think is healthy for all of us do that you know why because it really lets you know how far you really come and how you know it lets you know you'd beginning of your journey and where it's good like a self a self moment thing where you'd be like I quit then you be like damn [ __ ] I thought money with this longer they walk that long it's kind of like a reflection of who you are but you know I'm saying like when I when we play our music and I hit it be like and why stop here you know that's how I look at it I'm like I'm looking at different I would look at it like not that was it that was what 2001 15 I'm not even listen to other do they play around like 2015 oh I got it you pick it up like you know saying like you know saying that's how I look at it like the journey must continue you know it's like look how far we came and see if we still relevant all right now how about working with a little Wayne little Wayne right now has a Cordova I caught a fire I'm gonna be honest I've never seen somebody take off this long come back and it's fans staying right there like they were right there like ready to line up and just like I've never seen a print like you know in this game you take a look you take two and a half years off the Jose Canseco is in your [ __ ] bad spot I mean yeah I'm about Young Money yeah I know that you talking about Nicki Minaj but even in them look even in them like you drink was it i mama go back here well why we got the James [ __ ] positive came back if you not hear me I'm definitely not some God the jury mm-hmm I can put a record out right now right any people don't go crazy certainly it's gonna be his fan base because of what he left like little Wayne left a mark right I just think little waves little Wayne then he got didn't he he signed he signed the he signed the next person in this generation to be like him which is drape well or Nicki Minaj like he knows he got two heavy hitters they keep him alive like it's not about him rapping sometimes it's about the decisions he made Wow Wow like you know look at look what he took look I'm telling you I'm great he's great she's great and y'all paid attention so he kept you it kept you it kept weighing on your mind right when he didn't do nothing all right I mean he blessed me he got a gift when he gave her happy all right now um I wanted to say this to the very end and deny I'm getting to my whole questions in that we don't grow wrapping up but so how did you initially meet Aliya because I know we spoke to my her in the beginning like how was I was my lawyer Louise Wes time my lawyer was Louise West she introduced the families to each other which was a Leah's family would you know Uncle Mike recipes he passed away god bless that was the introduction there was Louise wasn't create great Colin Craig Kalman Wow crap yeah Creek it was Louise West Craig County Creek what Atlantica yup Craig is the man man create no music man he gonna find a way to dig yourself a hippie if he gonna know now he gonna figure out he gonna figure out what's hot now but he was a DJ he was a serious DJ so Craig got he got good ears man he got great is and um Craig had I had a sound he introduced us made the link but there was the weeds I gave Craig the demo of me and Missy to play for Leah Leah like and then the sessions and she's from Detroit Detroit and y'all linked in Virginia Detroit oh yeah linked in Detroit yeah yeah your first session Oh our first session we did records but then out of that first session came one in a million and then the second session came if you grow any new Wow first and second section the first as he came 1 million meaning that that won't the first song in the person right right innocent meaning like before we left we did one the million okay so we did other song prior to this it won't like that like I'm not trying to make myself like no superhero like I just the first song I did one in a million no that was at the top system the first says you may win a million that's enough myself yeah well you know a saying in the second one was fifty girl they knew yeah all right cool now you got like a triple album with jay-z I've looked so when I do interviews we pull up everything so you've got the list you gotta I'm gonna just name off some certain songs you just tell me these certain sessions with you and Jay write dirt of your shoulders is one of them you watch that on a blackout come on nah no I mean we told you in the movie now this is our Millennials this is what new Millennials right now we got a new what you see over here so there are your shoulders how did this come about these forty year olds who listen to us who don't listen to these [ __ ] but on its older movie I would tell you say they the movie like I walked if he came down it was the Dez Act man I had the beat uh-huh I knew that beat was fire and there was the beauty about that that was the first time he captured the moment they can't be explained no feel with and there's no you can watch it over simple ends you know all that dumb fans rather the black the black is on the movie James first albums four four four on offense they're kind of slow what fade to black fade to black that movie kind of he captured those like he it was the perfect time said look goofy we have a girl show said why speak the only ask me about this said ma'am I watched fade to black maybe we would draw shorts a date thank you hmm cuz I ain't got a splendid you caught its own camera everything is caught on camera if you want to know more like there's no more okay then how about Big Pimpin UDK because at this time you okay it's definitely not known in the New York area nothing okay okay there's gonna be real short soon good at pool that was a track I was saving for tiller Magoo me being sharp prison cuz I'm think I'm busy Jones [ __ ] I was on my I was on my sharpness right and I was like this [ __ ] bigger than me this [ __ ] bigger than you [ __ ] were bigger than me I told him well he's walk he's by Lee's studio I told him it may either be don't wanna play I don't want to play it for you but and took them ago no I'm telling Jake before you need the studio okay I'm lying on phase before you but I know it's for you summer play so I play it you take off his jacket hip-hop take off a jacket like hop J face lit up and hip hop with these guns it beat him and who said we own something and J say I see you tomorrow was the automatic that UGK would be on that record of no no no at that point that track J took time with that track okay he do this like hi jay-z do it this was he took his time with that record and you can tell because look at what it so we've got sued over this year how did that lawsuit done production tip like it well you know I don't like to brag but you don't like that you know we walked out of hip you know but you know said because it was a I just think the energy of the song was not done in the malleus wait you know I'm saying it wasn't like we was trying to get over I paid you know same sample yeah yeah III pay so that's how beat I paid whatever it 200 that there you go and then they try to come back afterwards yeah you don't say that's fine it's beauty if the song is beautiful man like when something is so beautiful you know you go it's always gonna be evil around the corner right you know I'm saying so that song is beautiful and you know it was made out of love it's like when jay-z did that I saw the love in his face attract put a smile on his face like I saw that this was that one for him you know so I saw like it this was gonna make him think like I know jay-z's he he's a person who likes to read if it would eat if he ever text you the way he Texas he's very short stories bear racism he's very easy baby I'm telling me he's like John Q I'm telling you now holy ground he called me I was in New York dream had to hook already he know he wanted me to remake the beat oh I did I did my part I did Lucius Fox he wanted he called me in to upgrade the equipment yes what this did - what oh I put the 3.0 lift it up a little bit same same dream dream gave me all the - she said this is what you got I said alright let me up leaving oh my I'm a hard drive boop boop they're there and me not just me by myself Jerome j-roc he was great he caught it he was like my side party was my skin I'm not gonna say my assistant and I like to say my partner because at that time he was my partner and he when I needed assistant on this particular project I mean when he a persists I wanted to uh I needed some keys he knew I had to elevate so he was a great partner in that town okay now I'm one more stronger than is that job I think that's the I had that track you know I gave it to puff originally but I say time how you tell me what okay telling you I think I think I gave it to yo whose I believe it was a puff but Oh Puff Daddy I believe table I think so but he turned that down he didn't turn it down I think he was late I don't they get to it I think maybe I might have been this plan muses just be playing and jay-z's just you know let me you know that was like but what he did the rap is like old man he fitted this has you called puff and Telep yeah yeah I mean how did you do that how did that foam boy where did the record just come out that was a message system way cuz I didn't that was the first thought like oh man what do I do when I'm saying but that wasn't me being young and naive and not understanding the ethics of business and jumping the gun you know right and I learned my lesson nothing made you happy but just like I don't like to have confusion in music right I don't like to have one person upset with me because I gave another person something that I didn't know they treasure you know saying so it's just business ethics came in like when you do something you know have your word and or do it the right way would it be another timberland of ague projects so that's the only person we ain't telling me talk about anybody else now that was like he's Magoo is my friend so it was like I was a fun thing and it was fun to do because he was like to down the South q-tip almost flex told me that today he was like he was like q-tip each other me Melvin he's my you know that was something that we did I was a dream or a passion of ours and we did it it wasn't meant to be one or two or three or four was something that like you know we're doing for fun yeah and it happened yeah we got paid for it and the fun it was worth Wow I think it was well temporally we just want you to know we salute our legends we have in our game this every 10 years these people want to ride you off and they want to say your old one they want to say [ __ ] you it no matter if you get money or not and in this game I want to reverse that I want to change that I want you to people to know that you know the black of the berry the sweeter the juice you know I'm saying the older you get the older you loose and the older you don't get old because you stop playing you get old because you stop playing I mean it's a different generation and we are the og we've got to figure out how to translate that to the new gents well it's the new generation in I understand it now it's like the problem with us we always criticize so much we was young we criticize much and you look at Takashi six nine these people are great bigger month you know they are they all are great artists let them be who they gonna be let's watch this watch they journey right somewhere he Quincy Jones watch all the people he produced he look back at it and he was like man I produced all these people in the all died and I'm not I'm not saying that about it new generation but let's just watch they journey I see what happened and hand down that information while we're here and if they give they take it if they know it is that button could they make great music to me anything you would have changed if you ever would have started over anything you would like the change I just should have been more alert when it comes to business and not let the foot get in the way it should have been more you know just alert you know you know you know we doing between us and still young you still yeah I'm still young but I'm writing but I'm saying but I didn't come from that world so when everything moving fast I'll just you know should have slowed it down at my pace I knew in the gym crazy where's your training you hooked me up make it friend is doing his job they got much [ __ ] it up yeah yeah well you looking very young how is that how is that you know getting old and getting into the gym minutes what makes you sparking and do that it was because I seen a rumor where the people were quitting because they was hanging with dr. Dre being their engineers and Dre would make his engineers go to the studio and he would quit I never heard of that are you like that I mean go to the yeah he would make them go to the gym and all temperature because you gotta be a machine like we are hmm so you're engineer your assistant everybody gotta do the same no I just do I got my own agenda mmm you know I'm saying hmm I got a partner my girl is my partner Oh pick up your girl and we do everything we like on the new Incredibles god damn it The Incredibles about the red suit yeah long off them [ __ ] nobody Gasol give me high fives Incredibles so you were your ladies the new incredible could we do everything together I seen child that jay-z and Beyonce concert yeah I was over there Gucci down - yeah busy was what you do let me know I sent you hood you down to the club car love car yeah see where she worked yeah we do everything to go get it at all cousin Mary I'm Eric got there you could make you'll make some noise for me I can make know I'm a good this will give tomorrow I'll give me I've got their merits clap give me a marriage plan listen you know what it's beautiful to show hip hop growing up because back in the days in the 90s we took them off [ __ ] all these [ __ ] ain't [ __ ] these right now [ __ ] is old men we think too much lose it I let it get a fish Atlantic Records like she's being a personal to a party today and I say yo no I want a dude who must he heard it I'm holding [ __ ] Fox I ever like me and my girl we incredible we can't be seen everywhere that's my damn it I'm gonna start using that be honest sometimes the older you know that's why I love 444 because 444 actually reflected a grown man yeah but dang but the kid they gonna get that too later that's why bless for putting for the kids huh it's for them it's the Bible for them now get it it's the Bible and I can leave on that note jay-z left the Bible he left the Book of Eli for this generation that's four for four goddamn make some noise good dammit
Channel: REVOLT
Views: 490,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: REVOLT, TV, hip, hop, music, rap, r&b, timbaland, swizz beatz, nore, drink champs, podcast, interview, missy elliott, justin timberlake, jay z, beyonce, the breakfast club, state of the culture, new york, pharrell, virginia, drake, black panther, kendrick lamar, j cole
Id: qVR5CXpuA0Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 75min 39sec (4539 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 23 2018
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