Ja Rule | Drink Champs (Full Episode)

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[Music] everybody rolling okay take one take one Charlie I need to put my shades off for birthday we got sleeps and all that oh you're Hannibal oh no I know you ain't got Tiger ball mm-hmm oh no I got the Tackett ball story too oh no you don't got the whole story I'm gonna get the whole story oh my god you gotta hit a babe wait wait for the podcast what a good be hopefully in a super easy boy Oh what up his DJ efn and his drink says look happy [Applause] and right now joining us we have a person that I've witnessed you know coming to the game I witnessed beating him through leo cones Leo : brung him to a video shoot with up to a Big Pun video shooters first time I ever met is Leo I actually bring him to me and he had a bandana on and he was smoking weed in the car service on his first time I've seen the car service to the one of the biggest people on the [ __ ] planet I said I've lived on the same block as him here countless number ones when your girl was emotional is because of him he's continuously stayed in your face he smiled and his second guess I don't know if he came late or j2j kids came late but that's how we combine them together but in case you don't know the [ __ ] I'm talking about so my [ __ ] friend my [ __ ] legend the [ __ ] longevity God no cuz you know one time I meant to do with a president Rolex [ __ ] with one diamond on and I thought it was whacking and I came back home and I was like that's a masterpieces on their video so now I just know that but you're jealous you're very exclusive John you still out here doing what the [ __ ] you gotta do um I'm enjoying life that's it you know I work hard I'm humble you know let's take it from the beginning because um in the beginning when we first some herb gaudy we saw him with Mike Geronimo that's how did it go from Irv being the guy to put on my Geronimo - Irv leaning towards cast money Clinton I want to take it from that before we go into job with solar well I mean because you guys was the first cash money a special relationship we say might be too much longer you know I know shout out to Steve you know he was a big part of my beginning and why are you all so [ __ ] up he's so he could have had why he could have had you know this is the drinks he knows the chronic and now you gotta stop well you know Steve called me about the the chronic to Steve first Jay he passed was the first crime so he goes from like your animal and then they go to cash money clip yeah now cash money click you guys do album correct in the process uh we didn't get a chance to fully as you know pick up trash trash so we got so you know us being us on that top black had a plan will flip some of his bread and makes no money black when you say black okay in the process the famous black child right in the process of that black guy locked up and did five years god bless and not that kind of tour part with the group was gonna be you know I'm standing and then so I was in limbo I you know know what I was gonna do because the labor wasn't trying to just put out me and oh it wasn't trying to do that it was fine you know make it a group situation black was going so it's kind of trying to wait it out see what's going on Mike was doing his thing God he was doing his thing with Mike but Mike and God he started getting into a little riff you know it was flushing Hollis [ __ ] no I would say flexion Alice should I just say you know Mike life Jamaica [ __ ] no Mike Mike had ambitions to work with other producers that was from his hood like Large Professor you know things like that you know say he wanted to he wanted to really like work with those do God he like keep it in-house yeah God he got he felt a little slighted because it was like yo I put you in this position and as soon as you get in the position you want all these other dudes to make it be so they had a little thing with them or whatever it didn't have nothin to do with me I really didn't didn't didn't care what was going on that I just wanted to make music and do my thing so that's that's basically how that was rolling out Mike and God he got into a fallout which was the end of that and which was really the beginning of Jaws let's make some noise for ja Rule goddammit do you guys good do you guys actually do a album or what was it we didn't do it album on TV T oh we did an album after I was signed to Def Jam damn I went back no no holla holla after that you did Cash Money click album after that after day never came out I don't know it was a dope chance we could put it out right it was a dope album we recorded the album because Leo said that I could go back and do the album with my god now let's be clear is that because Steve got Lee threatened Lee all because she was still signed that's me I was off the label at that I wasn't sign anymore I wanted to go back and do a recce with mark with my dude so my [ __ ] so why not doing that Def Jam because they were still signed besides the group so that was the catch that was easy to go so Leo felt like I'm not giving you my couch you know how they talk about it is that giving you my couch like that's my couch and I built this couch you know say look what reality was I wanted to do something with my food my name is a dope project I've been dope it would have been no point Def Jam but Steve wasn't happening so we did we did the whole project on TV t and her produced it produced it the drop photoshoot whole [ __ ] hold on everything ready to go come time for the [ __ ] to drop leo was like I will never give you Jaffa that project so now we like your leo but you said we I never said that that sounds just like him and so Steve sued Leo and that was a whole [ __ ] crazy situation that [ __ ] caught so I'm actually what you originally a solo artist oh wow and then that's how you thought like your career within like as a group it's kind of its kind of crazy out [ __ ] go so we get we get a call actually Foxy Brown picks out the fly big shot the Foxy Brown so anyway it was it was a it was a funny time so I was around 18 19 and they was doing a birthday party I was having a birthday party at two club q club and Queens yeah and so everybody was at the shade you know I want to say something crazy but they're you know queen damn black just what goblet anybody's did and so you know at the time you know III was up-and-coming or whatever you know they knew my drama on his [ __ ] and they knew about the clique not like that but then you got up to record with them so J and foxy was performing ain't no [ __ ] perform that night so I was there and Fox was there and and you know I was the little [ __ ] that although the gangster [ __ ] was showing love to you know send me bottles of [ __ ] like that and you know just really looking very Martin at the time cuz he was a real so Fox is like yo who's this Nick so pretty coms it says Joe come kick it with Fox go my pretty boy yes pretty comes to yo you know Fox will meet you whatever whatever so I I go downstairs [ __ ] with Fox of [ __ ] we kick it I'd you know how she got tell her you know what I'm why I'm rapping I'm trying to rap do a thing and all that [ __ ] so me approximately you know we got a bond the friendship out of that mmm so lo and behold one day she's in the office and Leo is trying to find new groups to sign he's looking at looks Rica Peter Gunz and Dan cash when he clicked mmm so he acts Fox his number one star at the top posing offices yo I'm looking signs what do you think about these guys you think about Peter gonna go through these guys catch me click we should he say Catherine click she was like y'all those my [ __ ] [ __ ] is dope you're gonna say like yo you she's [ __ ] with the mid-late they get busy so she hits me she says yo it goes from that to yo leo wants to sign you because she had your number yeah it went down no [Music] okay so anyway so so she owned called me and told me yo Leo wants to sign you well and you knew Leo was at the time okay so I say okay I cause gotti oh my god II Leo wants to sign us he's looking for us he's the son of God he's like food will you get this for me that's a little foxy Toby [ __ ] this is real so he calls Jada Fox yeah he calls Jay they had the record together so he figured Jay Mike inside on and Jay James Mason I don't really know nothing about it but let me do some you know searching around find out so he goes does a little research you come by the guys who knows it's really almost instead of meeting jump means it means you meet get set up we go to the meet we gets into me and Leo comes out does the whole you know [ __ ] with us it takes us in the back long story short he says he only wants to sign me but you had solo records how did out of me I had get the fortune which was kind of like a solo record you know it was it was me rhyming basically most of the record like black and only had like small for small parts of second verse and the third verse okay I basically it was my record you know okay and I hadn't had any solo records yet so you didn't even think of that so it was Lee or the first person to make me think that he made me so hard yeah I'm asking ya basically why made myself that's crazy that's ill he made me so he's like you know I only want to sign the little guy with the big voice and so now we all sit in a night I'm like yo this you know actually this bittersweet it's like [ __ ] I finally got my deal then I want but now it's you know what I so I went you least we talked about it and on my league day black is in jail he gave me his blesses like you've had man we double back and do this later which was what I was trying to do we will stop there so now you sign as a so Lord Sons is sort of you come out what holla holla right holla holla has a success but I don't think it's the success that you one is am I correct with like I'm outside of looking at well why do you say that though I'll get to it later I'm just asking am I correct and remind me I'll get to it later did he was did a great job yesterday I always say that you know you know because at the time I really you know not in that era of hip-hop [ __ ] was really only doing gold only [ __ ] that was selling bulk was West Coast name yeah I was a golden egg above the golden egg there's me gold was handy but when I came over in over to Jeff Jam doc was the stanchions doing go Gotti you know he was like [ __ ] that you're gonna say we want to sell bulk we want to sell like the west coast so you know I had in the back of my mind but it wasn't really possible at the time you came to me and I had the same exact story you came to me one day and said that Leo invited you to this place on 20 FM a park I forget where it was and you said is it nice and he said yes make sure you had enough to come here next year and I had that same exact story the day before or the day after it could have been the day after you and and that's describes Def Jam at that moment is there yo [ __ ] if you had then we're gonna [ __ ] with you if you we [ __ ] with the [ __ ] that's hot that's it and that was it and it was straight up and down so it's not even disrespect institution man they go Aggies up fast damn I look at it like that it was it was it was it was the school of hard knocks for hip-hop because even [ __ ] that didn't wasn't signed to Def Jam would be a bit of it managed media right violated it so everybody was there the whole industry that was like grounded okay so how come comes out who's that 56 no that was veni vidi vici gonna be so good bad great I'm gonna beat you great out there right comes out and then after this is a switch mm-hmm right but you didn't get back to why he didn't like holla holla oh yeah yeah I did like holla where'd you get that from okay I'm gonna tell you now should have the time all the time okay got a warm evening you got me this time all right the reason why is because it is switch the switches holla holla was like just for the Hollis base and I'm gonna tell you I'm gonna tell you one I'm gonna tell you it's a personal story me and you right we had lived six months like together in the same block and we hadn't even smoked right right and it was just one day you knock on my door he was like you smoke I was like yeah smoking right now you say you got cigars and I have Phillies that's why you just ranked on me and then one day I'm be honest I don't know tell me if I'm wrong with the timeline but one day it was [ __ ] with you and you knocked on my door and this is that to be cool already and nothing I said yo let me tell you something he said let me ask you something no and I said what's up he said you think I sound like X and I was like no then he was like I know I don't you know we've got wolf loud and then and then I don't know if it was that moment on what you changed your whole [ __ ] like you you trusted me because I was like up like like a stranger basically but I'm in your same game and you knocked on my door you asked me that you know it was nori it's like you're artists because you know why cut you off you know while I was gone I knew exactly which is going through because I had came out reporter Noriega and everyone compared me to mobb deep right and that's that's why you felt me cuz I was like yo listen everyone can pair me them and this is what I told you everybody used to prepare my crime or dinars yes but I don't know if I told you this way and I don't know cuz I'm trying to claim credit for something made me be I don't I said for real made me through the different [ __ ] yeah and you never answered me you just you've listened to me and then you start coming with these other records and your cars started changing down the block other records did you notice that started sounding different no it was it was after that album I forget was the first single from the next album it was between me and you and it was from that moment that I felt with my opinion mind you I'm still a Fed you're my friend at this time I'm still a fan in my opinion that was your way of saying I'm my own [ __ ] differentiating you don't stand up to the change so yeah when you were artists and your new artist if you feel the need to compete comparing to something that's not all the way back it's always gonna be people whatever is gonna be Oh disguise like my that's what they like so I think most of the time you know he's the new stuff he's always gonna be that guy that's you know compared to so I was getting so much yo you know he sounds like he's wanna be to pop and it's like guys you know like these guys you know what me an extra friends for support but Tupac he's like of course I love Tupac was [ __ ] dope to everybody so and this is what I these are the things that Charlie I'm teaching my son cuz he raps on out I'm trying to teach him some of us know young rule with the braids yeah just like you but you could never went to Maury more we woulda kicked you out but what I tell them is you can't fit in when you stand down I'm gonna explain okay I'm saying and and and and what I mean by that is I was a young kid not seeing myself as Jawa and being influenced by hip hop so yeah I went and got tattoos like everybody else was getting tattoos [ __ ] was rocking bandanas I was rocking bandanas but what I wasn't realizing is I'm becoming ja Rule so now ja Rule is gonna be looked at and scrutinized different than just the kid that's on the street emulating his favorite artist right you understand I'm sayin absolutely so that's what I mean by it's hard to fit in when you stand out I was becoming a standout it was impossible for me to fit in and be part of the in-crowd of what [ __ ] was doing anymore so in my mind I said you know what I'm an artist first I have to change this whole narrative I have to become JA what the ecstasy startup know you guys but because yo listen rule it was beautiful to see a transition it was beautiful for you to that's art that's art you should be able to dress in and do different things which you're awful a sometimes coming through your own is what you're saying yes eventually you gonna emulate Channing you're coming to y'all and change EF and you want to elevate change because what was the first thing again we were just between you between me and you right so what was it it the moment when you said I'm gonna stick with this formula cuz it works or you said I'm gonna go back so when was the moment when you said you know what [ __ ] it i'ma just I want to stick here okay it was it was it was I don't remember the exact moment it because it was like because it was a it was a it was the onslaught of you look you trying to be like you sound like you you know so it was also so the conscious decision was just made like you know what I have to come into my own I do my hair you right maybe said between me and you yeah I don't know that was one record early we love that we know it was early in our career yes yes so how did you know big shout how did you know she was art of seduction as well she was on Def Jam and you know she was a new challenge F dammit it was trying to was that up too no you know that was your choice for Def Jam's right uh because the new order and it was it was a mutual choice six no I'm buggin oh yeah no go let one go so you come up with this record now so you come yeah you got a joint brother [Laughter] so you come up with this happens now pushing you towards what was in that video she had like the black it was very crazy oh my god yes okay the video vixens were a big part of hip-hop culture and I mean you know throughout every era you know they played a big part the video big calm their part do I do [Laughter] so is there anything to comment on super head or we just need not the main man I mean you know it's like you know she she she's her she does what she does I don't know what you said when it was hard a little clap boy you got a letter beat where it gotta be hey listen man I know what I've learned to be on the side of positivity I don't let things get to me anymore you know that and I try to preach the Michael Jackson for Latinos yo yo I think she's the first Latino I think that ever got that mmm latina you know I wouldn't I just want to say give her a big shower big thanks for you now this let me be a part of her moment moment and you know playing it slow have me a part of that is dope so happy thank you to see people give you your just do because a lot of people get I'm gonna throw it out there a lot of people think like you fell off they probably don't understand it you still live your life you still have the 850 oh no I ate excuse me let me relax the what yeah yeah the first one I ever seen by the way people don't understand that because you don't brag and you don't you don't understand that you your whole jail time your house is still intact everything is you have 19 records playing at one time and now you don't have it so they think that you know they don't understand that you can you can live a great life yeah you know I'm saying and you know people you know people as you get older man different things starts to excite you you know I love music music is always gonna be you know like like my baby you know I mean I eat live breathe [ __ ] music I think of rhymes all the time I think the hooks that [ __ ] all the time do I always want to go in the studio and lay it down no when I was in prison I didn't write no rhymes at all that's what time with a lot of [ __ ] go and like pin it out and you I didn't want to do that that that was the time for me to do something else reflect learn Who I am you know mean because you know Malcolm X said something really interesting and and he said you know the best place for a black man besides you know college is prison and you know I get to sound so crazy sounds crazy now you understand but when you imprison another institution you start to understand you see in life you're gonna go to three institutions prison army military education and when you when you really look at all three of them they're really structured very similar in the way that they're made to produce human beings you know what I mean so the planet you know mean so so so when I went to prison I I really sat with myself and had a chance to look at everything you know from from it from the outside looking in any sort of speak and look at him own life and see my own mistakes and you know not not not have anybody to blame a point to think out or anything like that and just say yo you know what you're here because you [ __ ] up and in a lot of ways you know you want to blame you want to blame the police whatever the [ __ ] you want - who was this from what with Brandis from from favelas oh yeah Billy I'm a pic shout to my peoples of the bigger their main [ __ ] and they got mad that's really not cool [Applause] [Music] JLo panted down does her thing Ashanti is kind of Effendi was a good I was not we spoke about at me Ambani and okay I think she you know you know I don't you know I don't want to dig into this because you know what you need to have a shot I definitely can can can speak for herself you know so I don't want speak for but I will say this I will say you know whatever it look like she you know when we spoke she says that was not her intent and so I you know I got a you know that's that's what that is you know I'm saying so I'm not even engaged in it that and talking about that yeah you know it's just crazy you know that is great my doorstep one you know said I don't want I don't want I don't want any drop so you don't know nothing about this basically only only only thing I would say and I think it needs to be cleared up is what happened who wrote what like Pete like you know say it like it doesn't even matter I just point the record what we heard what we heard is you wrote everything gonna talk about like public like but I'm gonna clear this up once and for ya I'm a collusive one for thank I'm real was written by me beautiful record dope record I wrote the record you know ain't it funny came about a funny way what Cadillac tower I'm gonna say I want to tell you the story ain't funny this is a good story is it funny so wait the way ain't it funny was created means means it was time a conversation excuse me Jennifer means a lot Jennifer yeah you and you a long conversation and we were just talking about relationships and [ __ ] like that and she was telling me something about a particular relationship that she was in and that's how ain't it funny to you was it popped I'm not sure you're not or did you grow ain't that funny no no no I'm not sure who may or may not be about right right it was a relationship she was talking about right yeah and coincides and I I came up with the hook it was like spontaneous right they I was a whole [ __ ] I started laughing I say ain't that funny so she was like oh that's [ __ ] dope she loved it so I you know I said okay I'll record it will do it will do the record so I got it you know I called Binney she was you know first track this was just me singing the hook okay no reference anything yet all right so I goes to the studio and I recall ID ID ID we do we do the I did the verse and I did the bridge the baby [Music] that's it so you know I I did the spot so Bonnie at the time okay so a minister so Bonnie's new artist to artist and you know she's proving that she's got a good you know ping game because that she's written for so for stuff like that so so we in the studio and I'm like Oh Bonnie oh you Barney then not Johnny sure what am I go do you know do you know two versus two the record uh-huh I think I was tired so i was like i'm gonna i'm sayin glad lay over here whatever do two verses of [ __ ] so i went another room lay down to Bonnie did the verses killed the [ __ ] we kept you know saying like no need to change that that's it was magic it says it Finch do you feel like that she she felt she was slighted because of that and HUD defense you know no no I don't see I don't know I don't know she may I don't I don't really know I don't I don't think so did you credit it as a writer on there right is she as well we'll see here's the thing this is a very good D here's the thing no this doesn't get so deep but this gets his the understanding of it and I'm saying she wasn't supposed to write the record you know saying it was my record to write for Jayla so basically I was hired to write the record and let Bonnie write the verses I wrote the hook in the bridge jail already loved the word what she knew what the record was gonna be the hook and everything Benny loved they all loved that wreck they loved the wreck was so as now is just filling the verses and make it magic make it all come together come to life so you say you wrote the hook to begin and everything is just a verses right now it's just reverses or one verse I don't even know how many I think it's two verses breathes and humans can like tires on that correct yeah I think it's maybe two verses in that's it but whatever you know I'm saying shadi wrote [ __ ] she killed through she killed she killed the verses so we kept them you know I'm saying but it wasn't like really was like no one was really supposed to know he doesn't say it was like I didn't you know we didn't want to tell them at the time that a shiny wrote the rector's she wasn't supposed to complicate matters women it's funny Jenna's gonna be like no I don't know you just never know right you know saying there was already a little bit of a situation with I'm real wreck it with a bonding reference to record you know saying and I've got him left sort of opens and Bonnie's rooms under the wreck which was not a big deal at all but you know how many you do know it was already a little bit of feelings there I guess over that you know saying but women are are difficult you know to to deal with when you're when you're making music and doing you know there were women you got to treat them like women and emotional and you you deal with women how you doing woman but so so the record was was basically done Bonnie the diverses records done after the fact it came out you know we you know reckons ahead it doesn't matter now who knows who wrote the [ __ ] record it's like you know saying like like we stole marriage Elijah's film to make [ __ ] our video forget the fortune and [ __ ] - Liam stole after everybody successful school it's alright it's funny now you know me so it was kind of like that kind of thing and and you know Ashanti she did a great job or writing the verses on the record and it's a dope record and like that is the story of the record and there's no nothing else that that that we need to be talking about about the record any water that is the basic story of the record it's not a big deal Bonnie gets her credit for Brighton - - whatever - three verses I broke the publishing I wrote it okay I wrote a dope [ __ ] and [ __ ] for the [ __ ] and JLo if we're to get out making somebody else it wouldn't be what it is you know so everybody played their part and and making what that is is a real question see Irv Gotti was there you were there yeah did even JLo speak cuz herb told me JLo doesn't speak to him on this I don't know if they spoke there now I'm not sure I don't think they did cuz they I think they cross each other's perhaps too soon because I'm the jailer would not speak to her that's what God he said to us yeah she intentionally avoids him we go to the this is a positive I love this [Applause] let me say so I've been through all the drama yes I'm cool I just I just want everybody to be happy in it that's what life is about man do what you do within your space be happy you know be a provider for your family or a great nurturer to your family if you're a woman or whatever and that is what success is show success is not you know whatever material things how much money you have and earn that [ __ ] those are just things that people have been able to accumulate along their road to happiness and success my bad but but you know everybody is successful in their own right as long as you happy so I believe yesterday we have Fat Joe here crack widow crack and I said Fat Joe where do you stand like you know because he takes pictures with 50 he hangs out with 50 and then we heard rumor that stories of the story they were supposed to be a summer jam incident with Fat Joe comes out he brings out 50 right and then he brings out you which would have been kind of amazing why would that be so amazing everybody I don't know [Laughter] [Laughter] [Applause] so he say why is that good okay no let me just ask you who was the first time you hear this situation of fresh one look at your very rich Fat Joe calls you this the first time you heard of this idea was it fragile yeah Wow okay it was Fredo calls you and how does this happen he thought it would be a good idea to bring me him on stage for a big Summer Jam kumbaya and I just didn't think that made sense see is what everybody needs sorry Bahama jaw right there okay here's what everybody needs to realize about me and 50 we were never friends so it's like y'all like y'all need to rig it every reunion ever friends so it's not like we need to rekindle something that was there it was but not to cut your but Joe and 50 were never friends either though that's just for they also have something mutual in common in my well Chris didn't manage you to for a little while Chris did not manage me man weeks maybe a week and not even the day it was a leap year we you know we had a relationship at one time but you know I was a dislike for Chris lighty we never had a you know it was listen man this [ __ ] was rat beef turned into snow or Street beef right yeah you know what I'm saying and and it's like we would never friends there's no reason for us to come together and do like him in game that's cool that's great for hip-hop they were cool and in they you know maybe you guys would be great for hip hop was so great about it tell me what would be so great about that put the mic okay he comes out yeah the crowds going about yes and then fizzy comes up and then y'all don't have this you don't got a snack files I'm gonna do that but one [ __ ] on one side was on the other side and then didn't Jose in the middle like for him he is crazy look where we got the smoke should I do it cuz I'm from Queens they look very doing but I cannot pull it off I know that so who was I just don't see the necessity of I mean you have to understand why fans and like they pull the catheter like what like this I mean you have to do understand that people let me we could get we don't know the intricacies of the beat is the thing y'all ask me I write my explanation and how I feel about it if you ever have them on the show and actually what he thinks and what should we and watch and watch him go into all kinda antidotes that yeah we you know yeah we did we know we had no we're not doing it first let me let me say this to this is some big big vampire yes please I don't have no issues with him either like currently I don't give a [ __ ] what he does I don't think what I do you know saying you're both are making money you guys are good you you is that is the real thing and here's what all the feds and everybody needs to understand we're two kids from [ __ ] Queens from the bottom we started with nothing you know we have not a dollar not nothing like two nickels to rub together we made something of ourselves and we're both in good positions in our life right people could say he's in a better position for me for whatever reason people could say I'm in a better position for him than him for whatever reason none of that matters and it shouldn't matter to nobody else because we don't give a [ __ ] and we're fine you don't say the people that are worried about that [ __ ] or thinking about that [ __ ] it's like yo dawg what are you doing this is 2018 with 40 that word of my 42 years old I got three got grown kids kind of daughter that just graduated from college must is about to go to college like like you know I'm like okay this session is irrelevant to me and for us to have this big kumbaya I think is really way past the time for that does Java watts power I do not I do not but I died here Kourtney Kim has an amazing show way above my pay grade said I hear Kourtney Kim has an amazing show that was a but for the record though I did ask Joe about him and Cuban link as well Joe called me one day and he wanted to put his beef aside Jay and I hit bleak me and bleak put that together and now they they kumbaya part of the only beef that I ever wouldn't step into was that you know I'm saying because I know that Josh it is it's personal yeah at the end of the day as a person from Queens as a businessman I said of rapper I always we all get along you know hope so but you're young I wish nobody knows you know home I want everybody ought to do I I don't I don't care if he does well right you know sad I don't I don't sit around and when he does something you know you know [ __ ] up while he goes through his problems or whatever I don't get on the ground and be like hahaha hey I don't care I don't give a [ __ ] I'm grown man I'm being that's it so I really don't you know I really don't let those things affect me instead what I'm doing right now is so above and beyond that you know like I'm I'm in the tech space right now and I have an amazing tech company and and and that's what I want to do I want to create you know and innovate and entertain I want to do things that people are not doing you know I'm saying and if that in a meanwhile pushing hip-hop forward you know saying doing things to help the culture that's what I'm about that's what I want to do you know me philanthropy you know things like that I'm not gonna say philanthropy I'm not he's a philanthropist I was hot man we're talking tech biotech now is it is it investing in tech or you're developing to take yourself no I'm developing the tech myself but I'm also into investing in tech like I also you know will invest and have invested in so what's the main stuff you're trying to develop so right now I'm developing you know that's big right now yes it's kind of it's kind of cool what I'm doing because I'm really trying to educate artists I'll see you putting other people onto it yeah you know my platform is I'm really what you would call you know the application agent Rossi you know I mean I've created a booking app so you know I could put nori on the app or a booking agent app yeah and it's a happen and and buyers can go directly to the artists write to their management team so you know if guy in Dubai wants to do a [ __ ] you know right I was you know [ __ ] die from hot champagne so I want to make sure that you I'm not gonna lie your bracelet is very nice coming out this whatever you see is what is that let's make some noise man's bracelets guy [Applause] doesn't man I get the Cartier you know yeah kind of mean I know what that cost you are we gonna put this fancy drink chance to the other [ __ ] have red cups flutes got there it do you want to make some I got a friend ur friend heroes we also have the finest cigars from Nicaragua oh I'm gonna go wah wah [ __ ] Oh I meant you know a lot of things we want to be BenQ word [ __ ] lovelies want me from Cuba I'm just telling you [ __ ] I got a show tonight imma show is first I'm like that you expect for Minnesota I love my brother and no man this is this I just want to say man yes please this is a [ __ ] amazing thing that you got going on drink chance thank you I love you my brothers is dying to minute I'll let us see this is you doing this [ __ ] is really dope taking see this is what we do [ __ ] are supposed to be doing it has to control all exactly D and own media own everything and that's why you know I was selling about that duck these forces cannot just for me it's for everybody it's for this for you to use everybody we you know saying you you [ __ ] have people direct you contact you one-to-one it's it's an amazing [ __ ] platform man thank you much so we got to get fire out the way and then we're gonna get out the way well I can't sandwiches listen little bit of racism II was like I wanna say no again no no I'm not ashamed Oh baloney I'm not a song to fire what you guys try to do no because it was it was [ __ ] be on bro Rama's right yeah I denied it oh my god well it was amazing you know but that's the bud it wasn't what I dreamed of being and what I listen to what I wanted to be it wasn't done properly it wasn't you know you understand and so as a friend you think if you would have been on the ground it would have been a little better because that was we're not realized you know cuz I'm like a media guy so I have to like read everything no no finish the wire first come on I have to read every day I'd ready to the silk how about you none of the difficult work force complaints was I felt like people wanted to see you involved when they went wrong when I remember all artists felt like the I just felt like period we're never at one whenever I'm right I just felt like if they would've saw you do you think it was a logistics this is a real [ __ ] conversation you mean see me as far is what I mean like you know when you see you know David Grubman and and live it just makes you feel good so I feel like I think I think it was my idea my vision to do this it's when I'm going and I'm no way shape or form ashamed of my vision and what it was to do this I wanted to create something I wanted to create some amazing [Music] you know I'm not a negative likes to you know put blame and throw people in buses on others I I you know I like to you know put the onus on myself is to say I should have been more on top of things I should have you know you know not trusted you know people and certain things and maybe you know where I positive things would have been like that so you know I'm that that part of it you know I take all responsibility and I'm like [ __ ] you know that that you know I wish you know I wasn't running around at all and moving around and you know doing things and not in the office and not being on top of the whole situation the way I should have been because you know one thing as artists sometimes you'll end your vision mmm Dean was a creative yeah and and when you lend your vision to others you in trusting others to carry that vision it's like making an album for Def Jam and giving them the finished product and said okay you guys do what you do with it interface I just gave them my vision my creation but they didn't [ __ ] it up there's plenty of artists that complain about giving their vision or whatever and they [ __ ] it up they don't they don't carry that vision they don't grasp what did you understand it's not carried out Orchestra they're probably so these things and business happen but you know the one thing that I really you know I'm really proud of myself as I didn't let that I didn't let that you know set me back the way people thought it was you know I lost you know people lost money in that [ __ ] you know saying like it's not like I didn't make a dollar ahead me get that what did you learn out of that situation though because I mean you have to learn so I made my main lesson that I learned out of that is never give nobody the keys that you're my friend cough you understand you get in it [ __ ] but you ain't drive right you understand and and I think I think that was my main yeah take my rolls day sometime yeah not because the vision of vision it's like the old saying you want something done right do it yourself if it's your vision you gotta see it through you gotta carry it out you can't expect somebody else to to to carry out your vision and that's my that was the one of the things that I learned out of that you know has to be really really you know when it comes to business and so you know i you know i like-like-like think any other businessman would do or a person that believes in themselves you know would do I dusted myself four or five you know we created my situation my company and and it says it's an amazing it's an amazing company and you know I'm pushing forward so they trying to do something like that again it's very different you know I mean it's very different in what I'm doing but it's similar you know but it's different and I'm creating that atmosphere but definitely not the same people at all no no actually you know me and my guy we're doing it the guy that built my previous the other guy's going to jail is that truth is he's in trouble he's in some trouble but not for the festival for some other [ __ ] I was in trouble for the rest of always in trouble for some other things but it's crazy is it tough it's a tough situation it's a tough situation to be involved in have your name involved in you know to have people look at me a certain way and you know my character and I'm not come on man like I you know I get people you know saying scams scam - frog people's camp you and I'm like the what would I get out of that I'm not gonna sell only sandwiches it was funny but you know that that's media [ __ ] like just really think about it if there was only baloney sandwiches and cheese sandwiches you think there's only one picture a bologna sandwich that's floating around yeah just one picture with the thousand people in our holding it's like it's just it's just you know I wish things didn't go to where they did you know we all worry it's very unfortunate it's very unfortunate and and to be a part of something like that and you know to have my name drug down through the waters it's crazy but like I said I'm not I'm not ashamed of of what the creation and the vision was it was amazing god damn god damn it okay so what would Murder Inc be right now I'd even like like herb came to you and said Niles is down like be amazed right to be honest it was there but I know it just came about and so we don't worry I just heard it like it was like yo nas we go get knives inside and Oz is gonna come and be a part of my leg and I was raised oh you know Joe saw you said no when he coming you know sayin like he's like a little more exciting than that he's being honored he's like I was thinking - trust me knowledge came to my career and we weeks I had all kind of plans think it's good Saddlebrook instead of matching Lambo kind of plan but it trust me there I was like we gonna tear the city at one time we gonna come through I'm gonna say that acted back fool one time for New York put it in pan out so no knives you know Naz decided to do something different you know like it was gonna happen and then it didn't happen you know I mean so I I don't really know why didn't happen or what what happened what happens if it did happen let's just play futuristic you know pathetic doing hypothetical yeah [ __ ] well rap is in the building as well good this is this is I got to graph listen when you ready I got you so rule with you and X great friends yeah where did you feel like that moment with went wrong with what you with you to truly an adult yeah I mean it has to it has to be you know it's funny made me the dog it's like brothers have it you know saying arguments the fight should we see each other we cool he was young brothers and arguments fighters worldwide but we always seemed so that was cool that's the sassafras you know yeah XO golfers say is crazy [ __ ] you know I'm you know I'd say my [ __ ] and then we see each other and be cool we laugh and smoke some bling Queen and we have a different relationship we have a we have a weird relationship every time we see each other it's love and wit is for text rollin up we got takes [ __ ] you ready we know back let me ask ya I want to know how serious was the murder in group oh [ __ ] man you know a [ __ ] question cuz as a mix look I'm gonna tell you I want to give you some backstory okay we're not real quick just go as a mixtape DJ I was getting the debt tapes from the Def Jam guys and it said Murder Inc and it was vmx jay-z and job I have all those joy I'll bring them from cameras one gasp oh my god oh my god oh baby he's got so how serious was it gonna happen album was cuz I got tracks I don't think we'll grab we're gonna fully happen four shots it was never really gonna happen I don't think it was ever one I'm all number two and I don't know you got a relax buddy hip-hop history and you shots and I get it somebody wait wait did we listen man it was you to get those records down that you got I had like five it was like no I don't even know season five was like crazy no I mean if you put the collective together between me everybody was like I mean maybe a little bit I was already that's awesome uncle passed away when I come to see y'all this uplifted liquor we'd grab on to the school to buy right now look we're not smoking today what was that that I like no were you doing with Nora I know it was sweet Midori I think that's all the singers I must say gardening in that was you let me know what you ready cigarettes over here over you but lighter yeah I had a good lighter good like one of your needs two more good right here right oh we got 6 a.m. flight yo let me just not gonna make the flight no no no this is we're all Queens [ __ ] no Bianca no you guys oh you are the Queen's anyway cutter brother this is drink chance baby whatever you [Music] please what listen we went to New York we were supposed to have Nicki Minaj well you throw this out there right now are we supposed to have Nicki Minaj and it didn't have we love our sister our peoples but it didn't happen it didn't happen right so we had to come out here we had to ride we talked about now right now right now so I called Yaya said I'm gonna get Nicki oh but he said you know I'll do interviews and I said job I won't need it for this one I said I need this you know I had to twist your arm a little bit it wasn't that easy this is because you didn't have a good experience the first time with us he had a fantastic Matt was crazy you wallet no I don't do interviews I'm do I have a peep that - you said there at the mother I don't know but he was cool the first time absolutely innocent he is the thing with interviews right cuz this is not an interview by the way this is a commis we're talking shot damage we did the conversation telling a shot it's different but the thing with interviews it's like never mind John's case you never talk again and you never do an interview again we need to document why you you're saying what yeah this is it I would love to have my social security grave with no I mad at that fax you know you know you know one of the craziest thing I've noticed as an artist is sometimes we'll jump to the biggest thing that's happening right and then you won't go to the actual thing like that's that's all that's a fault as black people like if visiting the black mall or this is the white wall well actually say you know what herma has the white wall all right some are going it when it's just like you know you should be at the black wall they got her massive Bloomingdale's but none was anything like and that's what I want to do this what I'm doing in my opinion when you look at the hip-hop media or you look at any media when you look at a sports show it should be Jim Jones hosting that boy Oh assuming a weather show when I said weather when you seen Jim Jones doing a weather [ __ ] like Jim Jones to control hip-hop weather this one a drink [Music] [Music] so much like you think god bless Maskell Abed god bless Steven a Smith what a Jadakiss was sitting there was thousands P and they're doing the [ __ ] first take would you really I'm gonna tell you some [ __ ] real [ __ ] and I love first you know I'm gonna tell you some [ __ ] real [ __ ] [ __ ] did Hitler knows [ __ ] can you tell me that I thought about let me start off with that and I thought about doing it with me and you know me know me as you know and the worst comes oh I watch [ __ ] on this project is skip we're in the skit Oh kill it you gotta bring three transports I'm sorry a chance was we the kids right now he's dead who cares now here the Emerson Oh Paul Paul's actual right now with the biggest talking sports I wouldn't watch no district what I'm saying is what I'm saying is every other culture controls their media right this is how you control the actual aspect of everything that's controlling the media so now I cool we got drinks have now drink chaps you're a legend you got ten years in the game you'd come over here right that's great we got that part but what about weeks a young [ __ ] man what about the [ __ ] sports right what about the [ __ ] yeah [ __ ] what about all that I think we should never get media from outside of our culture that's really you know say and we let you go about to do that we're now gonna disclose let god bless ya don't worry about that you know because like when I see Zane Lowe and I see and I see like you know Kendrick Lamar go to Zane Lowe first and I said he was go to Zane Lowe and I'm like I cool I get it maybe they pay $150 or maybe they say they pay and they pick they're saying you know what but you don't pay for culture yes because if kids consumer came in nah come on sorry really yeah well no you know what that actually makes sense that makes sense exactly that makes it and I'm being completely don't know what that makes sense I'm not even ladies point his point is being made by that exact same lowest Zane Lowe is the guy when drink a drink does it interview saying those two good because it's connected to Apple music and it's like a part of that he there's a new kid you this interview and I'm good I listen nobody know it's nothing against the jeans none of that but we're not sit back and I say that I said dance this is not the culture controlling the culture this is paola like and what I mean by that Aeolus is faith that's real [ __ ] it's real [ __ ] if you sign the Apple you got a little CD out the key word you said is control though control I said I get it I understand that even thought about y'all sitting over there like is it something this is what about backdoor conversations with Nene talking to fall is the same for big chance what is moto but it's real because you know why I'm gonna be honest I'm really successful look I really did my thing right and they're not chose to take this other side hmm so any artist whether it's Kanye they should kind of come see me first like I don't need you but I'm here for you and I understand you wanna anybody else in the world Kanye the J - whatever - Nikki yeah I should come see me you see my intros when I'm in everyone I think the best intro in the world ends and sometimes if you call he coasted and then sometimes it's a [ __ ] dug in your intro that I know what the better you're in life but all right all right I mean I'm entrusting you know this is velvet Isabel about them coming to you first I don't care about never coming at all I don't care about first I don't care about not coming I care about supporting the culture this is the only culture you feel like you're NATO then come in and support drinks here the income stream you looked at as the barbershop is you know the first person out today baby baby you know I saluted crazy was when Swizz Beatz came to see me the next day because you came to my album release party um Swizz Beatz came to see me the next day and was like yo you know we came hang up and then the next day he went called epic and total you're one of my first interviews i want to do is drink chance right that to me was like that was the final that's what deserve I'm not no corny bigger yeah look I'm on here interviewer [ __ ] because I want to put other [ __ ] you know but but I don't think I think you looking at it you know saying not you a nearly all the way I'm a [ __ ] aspect an aspect is I don't think they have anything against ring champs I think the culture love [ __ ] right shams I think so too every artist every but they loved it and they got any real on it so you can't but you got you got to understand that I love your platform is your platform and it's becoming a [ __ ] huge platform but it's like it's like it's like going on Stern like [ __ ] about to say that right now as a artist you [ __ ] of me yeah I might know some dirt on you like a bring it up it's not about that it's about the rawness question then No [Applause] because I'm be honest brings honest craziest conversation from master flex because you know usually you call the person you there's three times you ring so for some strange reason I called them I wasn't ready I was ready for him to like skip the call this thing was like what's up how you doing oh [ __ ] nothing sick hello yo what's up flex and then he just vented to me and it made me understand where New York City is that why New York City is at this certain level if Lex is one of the most honest people and he's reminds me of you on me because you're not stopping this thing I know relax it's a great thing no but if we're gonna go there I'm gonna tell you something right now yeah cuz everything you guys I come here and I'm on the sideline and it's everything New York but mind you guys hip hop is bigger than [ __ ] in New York definitely not is some case I was trying to make my shoulder okay such a muscle this is yeah okay let you guys know me know my chip is not that far Gregg Zaun hard [ __ ] yeah demographics of the United States did you even realize was [ __ ] with you other than New York I didn't feel like the breaking with you I didn't break in New York where'd you break LA really and did you think and let me tell you what I see you you know is you notice [ __ ] you know saying I'm a DJ just relax I'm gonna go so we so when I first came out with hot Holland [ __ ] yeah if we wasn't really getting that back that kind of love you know on the East Coast so went out to LA my brother was a de missile was the program director sorry madam isn't yeah was the program director and there's a champion in that record domestic holla holla and [ __ ] just destroyed it on the west coast hits you see I'm in in the video I'm on the west coast in the six ball valleys I'm like yo I'm going up to shoot my video you notice that okay so Leo gets on the phone with one that was a liras vision no this West Coast wasn't his vision for yo this was this was us on shakers where the guy ever weakest being guy in the world no but you're who's trying to get it popular wherever we could get it poppin East Coast wasn't playing my [ __ ] we went out west pow 105 de missile big shout to dementia he showed us the love and started banging the wrecking so that the missus banging the record you start spread you know how I go west coast la start praying Oakland down the sand friend now you know how that go just like [ __ ] East Coast you know Baltimore Virginia DC same type of [ __ ] so Leo makes according to Tracy at the time that Tracy clown he's like yeah Tracy how the [ __ ] are you not playing John rude he's breaking on the west and he's an East Coast artist bang next thing you know we start getting those spins because it's true it's like you know how are you letting the west coast break an East Coast on its learned everything we gave y'all these bread we right here y'all backyard we set them up me like I watched our coming up yeah and didn't even know that type of fact but in my when I started grinding and doing trying to push records you had to leave New York theater [ __ ] Papa too because was a port in New York that was later but that so to hear that from my Tom broken other states they didn't break here [ __ ] ain't break here I mean and I you know I was like yo you know what i'ma go out west make my own [ __ ] the barbers out there they banging my records I had a death row connection as well let's be real I mean there was I'm just saying there was I'm oh we didn't know I was way late this is my second album we went out west we got a clarifier bought the crib at some point she tried to sign yeah yeah surely God he was cool and it was a whole lot going on and Suge tried to [ __ ] do you buy your 6-4 oh Jesus I heard I heard that blame press that was my that was my success I was six seven of continuum suicide do it I would my [ __ ] [Applause] [Music] oh yeah we are you gotta come by the crib you got so many cribs don't do that I'll bring me soup around I don't got nothing I live in the small get the ring you got the ring yo they took yo you know what they they Jack my they've ran up in my car and the ring cut the whole joint their ring ring the ring joy nas is invested in ring oh okay razor they caught the homie jumping in my car jacking my [ __ ] oh nice oh it was in the yard and then the front of my crib and then the ring people call me like yo we gonna blast this email blast Cash's alone [ __ ] and they did a whole video they put them [ __ ] you [ __ ] if I wanna came out I'll kill you no we're gonna stay real talk it's lucky for him and lucky for me that I ain't see that video what happened I want to kill his ass that [ __ ] yeah but ring you I can't look at the for you to die but we can see everything y'all got some other [ __ ] but it's like I don't know about the first thing that took a picture with you we came home from jail this was [Applause] I said right now how's the first thing that's a good picture with him we came from jail let me just tell you something here's the crazy Ja Rule's Campbell jail so he trying to post a picture before me I got the wave and I posted it and then TMZ took my [ __ ] but then they credit in you because you know you one of the [ __ ] that I was I was scared like when you was in jail and you called me like I was scared not scared I'm not saying you are like like you know I kinda know that I was just scared because I knew you didn't belong there yeah you know I'm sad like I knew and when you call me I will offer you money Oh God like I'm like oh good everything good everything good stand-up [ __ ] like you know when I went to when I when I was in state when I was in state I was in PC you know cuz you that's our state do you they they put you in you know what they call it involuntary you famous yeah involuntary protective customer to the state feels they had to protect you they don't wanna a habit seat because you're high-profile cakes good fans how you talk about you to [ __ ] yeah it wasn't a give you the option in you [ __ ] stay in a solitary confinement you know basically in a [ __ ] box 20 singer cigar time 3-1 I think it's the wall if you come out faster I chose to come out and be with everybody I think it's the gown no no no no segue I mean this is not good it's good total money y'all like this no not just not some temperature some normal young bloods coming up there's not nothing black [ __ ] that's just something you don't want to go through but if you do have to be there just know it's not the end-all deal yeah yeah you don't think you can go to it and elevate yourself change you look at learn a lot of things read a lot of books I read more books in jail and I've ever read in my life it's like you know so usually if you are there use your time wisely be there and be making you know this is a whole whack saying appreciation you know do the time at the time do you [ __ ] I'm saying but it's real [ __ ] you know I'm saying like you know yeah now ja Rule the person that I know fantastic I've never seen you down people proceed to see that yeah but I've never seen you down but in your honest personal opinion yeah if you could've did anything better and you're like what would have been you know I don't I don't regret anything I don't I don't think I could have done anything better and that's honest answer you know because people like to look at things that I could have did better because they want to dissect my life I looked at I look at beginnings and endings everything in the middle is you know ain't over yet beginning it's a poor kid from Hollis Queens right you know what this is a grand jury [ __ ] what ended right I don't know but in between nine I've been able to amass a decent lifestyle for myself and my family put my you know kids to school and you know my daughter through college and provide for for everybody you know those are some of the things to me those those are big wings you know and in life you know people look at the financial [ __ ] or whatever but the biggest win is I'm in the household with my kids and with my family those are the big wins like a nine bedroom tuna started out there yeah I just I just I'm just having aa TV grip still I'm just I was just happy to be able to be able to be in my kids lives in the way that I am to be any loud and to mentor them and teach them that that [ __ ] to me is like what I want to project out to the public you know being being a good father you know about Tess whatever I've been a [ __ ] up [ __ ] a lot of years you know man so don't get me wrong I hate being preachy preachy I'm just telling you what I've been wrong and elevated to you know I'm saying I've been that other [ __ ] [ __ ] dead dead to me right I'm saying I'm a different guy just wanna I just wanna you know elevating and and and make money and the person is like I love them great love to hear huh first day you came home I hate sure you hit me I forget right I pull up this is first day home enjoy you know just keep it you know what I see you know and my kids I look at that [ __ ] that's the [ __ ] way life is supposed to be for everybody my man was just telling me they're ready to buy right it's supposed to be it is it supposed to be you're right he's supposed to have absolutely healthcare everybody's supposed to be you know afforded the opportunity to be successful and when I look at the life that we all live not just because what I'm saying is that is the difference between what our parents went through with teaching our kids which is now kids like [ __ ] this is this is all for you you you should have this to give it give us that yeah black privilege this is a new ship we stopped you ever looked at like [ __ ] privilege you ever looked at your kids and it was like damn [ __ ] do you understand what I had to do I look at him all the time I try to explain some but they don't understand it because they they can't understand it there's no way you know how many kids you don't understand coming kids you guys know where everybody swims you got twins when it's quite a girl what age did you start 13 13 13 so you stop now so the mic so the mic I'm all scared for my daughter to be honest oh because I mean I'm close to both of them and I get in both all information I acquired and tried teaching the best I can but I just want to move as smart as she can and not get tricked by none of the dumb [ __ ] my son I feel he gonna handling himself even I'm scared of him too but only on like the show Seymour he's so smart good for the Boris because the society and a police you know what a little you know almost um now you have a smart daughter that's a lot no no I my boys this watching I'm just scared for them because see women the things are being laid out in bed and and you know things are being looked upon as these we're gonna help women do better things the black man is like nobody [ __ ] like like it's like white men white women black women like you I don't know how it goes far as race but I'm gonna throw black a black man in this and black the blacks don't like women brown people we're not feeling well either man nobody comes I'm not doing good right now in the Trump in but I'm just saying I just feel like if we don't help black men to a lot of things mind you mind you I got asked okay I'm gonna roll call something to be said real quick cuz we talk all the time we talk about racing we kind of talk about no we don't get deep we don't get deep down true but I have to always say something right now we talk about Latinos period we are multi ethnic Latinos we are CELAC Brown absolutely everything graphic up I just woke up I need one broke up happy birthday I love crowd ain't cutting no that won't embarrass you if I'm embarrass you out I love Ala Moana I'm taking up let me get some of that SAP Agni question rule and you out of it no three champagne I got a third one for you Oh can I add this to like yeah we still recording that effect I think like as a um like um it's on the kids even me listen to y'all is inspirational [ __ ] to touch a big degree cuz I'm feel like me growing up I was really able to underdog with a street [ __ ] because we never really had a chance going to school nobody told you how to be a [ __ ] boss they told you how to fill out an application to get a job it's when I listen to independent [ __ ] they made themselves self-made this [ __ ] always motivates me because nobody taught you how to be so me you don't learn that anyway you got yourself how to be self-made but I learn how to tie my tie on you to money my father was there how do I tie this time I've learned on YouTube my name is [ __ ] YouTube I learned how to fight I don't how to fight by getting [ __ ] up nobody just lose a couple time to figure this [ __ ] out I'm saying like wrote so so when I hear sir should I get inspired still Rolex I can't no adjust it right gave it to my man sick you member sick so I'll give it a cig and cig his wrist is Paul's bigger than mine so when he gave it back to me I didn't know how to adjust it you too I got another story kind of embarrassing like that listen this [ __ ] my first role like I know how to set it that [ __ ] that had the wrong time for the dumb long my [ __ ] cuz I ain't want to tell nobody night except they set this [ __ ] man it's wooden the Dow was like damn up I didn't feel confident to go say I'm not I set this Rolex watch at the wrong time for the dumb long Isaac [ __ ] I was up a long time that's what time they took him off Paul jaw room man you know man I love you my brother I love you [ __ ] that I'm be honest the club too for our 12 o'clock let's get it 40 years old well then don't fight because much do they go break like all these other [ __ ] cuz they don't drama in my [ __ ] no I'm not gonna lie you're no drama my [ __ ] would you like the new Bobby Brown cabbage ama freedom that's Hall no you lose ground without cocaine [Applause] I'm saying big up to Mona listen so job what's up baby when you think about it yeah you saw jay-z in the beginning yeah would you think that jay-z you know I'm saying and Jay got so much money right now you know chase Jays like it's like [ __ ] me I think let me let me give you let me give you one real thought I need to hear your where thought I'm not gonna give him up his no real talk he's serious I'm taking the glass of my head cuz that did you know that takes away from the seriousness of my thought my real thought is sorry buddy I think that Jay and Beyonce are doing something really amazing and impactful for our culture Oh generation our youth and I think Jade growing his hair it's hard is a subliminal message I get it cuz they're gonna apeshit no no they go on black [ __ ] like Jimi Hendrix right now I love I love I love what I'm seeing from them because you got to understand something nori and I love LeBron with James contending I said not because you got to understand something seat throughout history you've had those that stand up and you got those that stand down as an audio nut and and and and [ __ ] what I'm seeing from J and Beyonce and and and LeBron James and these type of big iconic [ __ ] figures applauding they're black I think we should I think it's nice because I think athletes and ja Rule selling 10 million you sold 15 55,000 million right so you said I gotta relax all right so at 10 million that's crazy 30 [ __ ] would you would you have new [Music] 10 million Def Jam's biggest artists in the world Kapernick Nils would you have nailed a depth at that moment your ass that's tough man and that's why I employ I don't care that's the stuff that's why I employed I applaud Carly cabinet because we have that now but no no you like let me get that dirty no I'm no I'm no no I would you know it's a tough thing the way it's a tough thing away because some masculine straight people find you yeah you a 9-mil would you have nails then you got you a Mary would you have kneeled you got ten million it's time for you to enjoy it like all halftime yeah would you have said [ __ ] it you know what cat don't move on there yeah and you gotta tell me yeah technically no no I would not before [Applause] [Music] I'm just saying what they're doing in this time what we're going through it's like unprecedented we haven't seen artists of this magnitude you see Michael Jackson stand up Mike Mike but not like this not like LeBron not like Jay not like be not like the way they're doing it they're very about and Jamie's also they did the Trayvon Warren yes document is amazing it hasn't been little brown like that and that is important yes that is very important because I think for the next generation coming up it brings it brings about bravery yeah [ __ ] ain't scared to say you know you know what it's okay for me to be unapologetically black and if you see the waiting of recording these cops violating blacks the people that I'm recording this talking [ __ ] they feel more empowered it'll stand up because it was going on right now you see it you see me look I'm halfway done I'm getting me I'm like a pro plus a god yeah yeah Murder Inc determine the show room is merengue so tonight yeah he's going yeah this is why this is why I don't let me just say something man ja Rule you were the part of the beginning of dream chant and we thank you ja I suppose we say look this is about us it's like that's Fat Joe this ja Rule does Jadakiss and this kid in other than amazed and those are the first you know that that episode shows one of the pivotal drink episodes look like cool guy ja I love you my brother yeah I love you too let me say something you're lying for you too yeah we got you you took my life like 17 times I do whatever today 18 and look I'm gonna take your rope and they just um be honest there's the old blood what ja you stood there and the test of times you stood there in the W Hotel with us right yeah yo that was a good times [ __ ] and I still can't remember if JA came a long time or double time I'm always on time no way yeah let's be honest about the episode it was supposed to be two episodes I don't know no no I'm telling you I'm told it's supposed to be a jar episode my eidetic is episode right yes but y'all end up coming at the same time it was better together No for me I'm a mixtape DJ so to me that's a mixtape let me tell you that was right glad that was like a collab no it was amazing for interview that was like some new she'll doing a music drink chance won't for the composition celebration collaboration yes that was like the new like kind of segue like okay now that was amazing they got John it was no yeah that was our first double up the first double dead and then there are nice because yo you realize because that's like a collaboration that's like yo I was brings and then stories collide and it's Lannisters but then we hung with him and then Ferraris and me honest no but she's like different audio artists on the panel that's all got hvm that's that night you took advantage of me because you had them I ate and you know you've got weird all those men yeah it was like you're loving do you think I am you had all right you'll met me we are yo magma you it this you're part of the movement Mac man baby bro oh hey what I've noticed you were good that's move terror I said it's move Oh I said oh [ __ ] you up cuz it's so small that cool yeah whatever great sorry buddy but cool Abel was amazed like just by the way you killed that thank you my before with JLo it was just like it was like Ja Rule's time and everybody was just like I see every tweet every leg and I also there's a part of me that was like yeah yeah one thing it deserved it thank you my [ __ ] and um because you could have complained you could have been like you couldn't you couldn't either disallow see but I complain about I'm just saying well hit me out y'all so you stood there you stood the test of time and you and you relaxed I love my good good I have fun man I have fun all right have fun I'm gonna tell you huh tell me please it's my last list the last story because because I'm gonna say no no no it's now become the infamous as shot it was fantastic that was amazing I want to tell you what happened okay I want to tell y'all how but the answers amazing not you too ya know what I want to say about the - that this is the funny issue that came about it's not came about sorry so during rehearsals I'm noticing pact is gonna be like this big-ass sure a rod there no it wasn't it he's not I know she's there she's doing like you know she she comes in front and she does the ass would she would crime notice nervous not there little bit I don't notice that they're gonna do a nice ass shot a close-up ass shot but then what I realized is I'm like over here performing while a shot is going on and it's a long ass shot it's like long this is for you in sir how do you friend of you I said yo I said this is gonna be an amazing shot because they're focusing on this a shot but I'm like during rehearsal I'm like over here something like [ __ ] they're not gonna see me so I said you know we do the last thing I'm saying to my mind when we do the live thing and your mind I noticed he's gonna be I noticed is gonna be the one shot and so I got into one shot and there's the thing my wife she's cool man she loves she she loves me I love her to death man yes my dog man you know so I'll let your wife man is good [ __ ] I love your wife - man we gotta get the wives together ready we going right now [Laughter] just tonight tonight cuz you know no I don't know what that mean always good you like too I'm proud to know you I'm proud save me I'm proud I Love You Man same problems no my brothers being coordination with you now do that means what I say we still chest of time yeah we stood here and there's no good no no no you gotta say dinner with comodo come on you got me Komodo fact no I have it's my last shot right here it's taggable yeah let me tell you something though this is the genius of drinks yeah it gets [ __ ] drunk I'm drunk I'm out of it [Applause] [Applause] I [Music]
Channel: REVOLT
Views: 2,802,637
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: REVOLT, TV, hip, hop, music, rap, r&b, ja rule, drink champs, full interview, noreaga, dj efn, 50 cent, jennifer lopez, j lo, ashanti, irv gotti, murder inc, nas
Id: swRvRfB8cks
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 143min 4sec (8584 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 21 2018
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