Pusha T | Drink Champs (Full Episode)

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what it could be hopefully this would still be this your boy n-o-r-e come in close that door that's what it is Big chance [ __ ] happy hour make sure right right now we have technically one of the hottest Rappers that's not even technically right now it is the hottest rapper in the game when you swallow with the top dog and you come out on top and they're saying that they don't even want to come back you're the top dog that's why it's hard for Floyd Mayweather to fight anybody because for that night that savior was on that same level but let's let's go over this man has continuously stayed relevant in this game he has was discovered uh by one of the the most phenomenal what I call the best producer of Our Generation him and his brother had a phenomenal group they did phenomenal things they continue to do it then he had a whole nother life where he goes to this this these these these other people and then he makes he becomes greater and if you don't know who are you talking about right now we're gonna talk about [ __ ] Pusha T make something so thank you so so Pusha T I want to take it first off let me give you that bottle of Dom Perignon games you do have a bottle of your own uh Rose too because you deserve to have your own bottle of Rose so I mean before we jump into that I want to dig up to somebody um I want to pick up to b-dot right from Rap Radar because beat up from Rap Radar he sent out a tweet the other day which was shocking to me and he said I wonder what a Pusha T interview would sound like about Pusha T's album and that that messed me up because I was like damn you know I see all these mems you know um and and I think that's what's being overshadowed right now is the great bodily everybody's just talking about the Battle yeah right you're talking about the Battle so what I want to do is I want to break down the whole album and the album is great it's a great album Number One I saw number one I got it in my own [ __ ] right here you know if if it's if you know you know yeah what are we doing what is that what's that plan right there who's your bootlegging us already right here they can't even wait they can't wait but all right cool so if you know you know all right yeah how did that come together um if you know you know that was um that was one of the one of the first joints that me and Kanye did I feel like it was it was probably that might have been found in Utah somewhere that's why Yoming is that no oh no no no you got two different but didn't didn't he remix the whole album at some point yeah yeah yes so this is this is the first of the remix yeah yeah this is the first of like him going back yeah and revamping the whole Joy I'm about to I'm about to redo this right right you know um you know people don't know that like the process in which I work with him is basically I go and get my Beats from everywhere else do it you do your jokes yeah boom bring it to them listen this is my album what you think right We Vibe with it for like two three days we riding around to it you know um he's like um I think it's great like on the third day he was like yo I think I can I think I can produce this way better though myself like he's basically telling you we're scrapping this whole album so I was like I was like you think so I was like you know now mind you just think about where he's at at this time because at this time he's like it's drama it's it's you know what's what's the time frame just so we know more or less man it's uh the Meltdown every time Donald Trump stuff no no no no no no no it's the uh it's the shows and the Rants and oh when he was doing coming off the stage and all that okay when he was done with that he was like yo you know I think I could do it better myself and I'm like so we go to Utah whatever what's Carl Malone there no okay no no no but Comey was Kobe is way better yeah Kobe Kobe and Alexander Wang were there just hold on did he just did you see how he just flaws you know what I always wondered I always wondered if you signed a good music and like doesn't like a stylist come with you like like like Alexander Wayne what's the guy Jeremy Scott you know what I'm saying yeah like but go ahead so wait wait wait for real quick but ain't you like you're not just signing them you're the president or the right of the of the labor okay okay but I was signed first no I know I know but I'm saying now at this point this whole process right you're running the label as well so yeah you trying for you no you know yeah so we're in Utah and you know we just um we just cooking up man we're just cooking up and uh all right you know he he was Finding basically finding his sound so it was all just about my album and at that time between Utah then Wyoming right we found you know a lot of my album found some of Tiana's album and then this is how all the seven all these seven uh track albums are forming because then he's like well damn I gotta make me one and then you pour some you gotta say that right now I'm sorry to cut you up we got a salute to you come on we're making that phenomenal body of work come on thanks for standing there and fighting with a lion in the in the jungle God damn it let's make some noise [Applause] so where were you when big meets brung the Tigers in man you know what did you say that's what he said on the job yes you know um I was busy getting Stripes like a tiger skin but it was like I was basically saying in that line like Big Meech was the motivation right back then for like a lot of people if you was if you was outside like trying to get to it yeah you you hearing about these uh amazing parties shout out Hannah Kane in Miami they was killing it it was in Atlanta at this time but you know just about you know uh the the elephants and the Tigers and the Lions never been in one of those parties I heard about it that's why people said it I said yo where was y'all at right when this was going on because I was just saying that was my inspiration that was my motivation I don't know what everybody else was motivated by but that that's what was moving me oh my God man so we gonna move on to uh the games we play right okay we should speak about that man the games we play um it was just speaking about the competitive nature of like Hustlers like just speaking about how the competitive energy like you know what I'm saying and then putting it in a club atmosphere you know um sometimes like man I've been in this for 16 years for real got to make some noise [Applause] you know sometimes sometimes I gotta go seek out and find that energy you know what I'm saying fine like when you file valet well that's different okay I didn't find valet but we can get into that yeah but yeah but um you know sometimes you got to go find that energy um I I've lived through different eras you know different eras music has changed so on and so forth yeah regardless of what the street energy always to me is what runs it like it's that street energy that really sets it off that's where you can go in and and and and and feel what's hot it's the foundation you know what I'm saying you got to watch Summer Jam at the end of the day um you guys dropped three albums and I tell people um well first off uh what's what's the [ __ ] um kids see ghosts sometimes yeah yeah sometimes yeah yeah spirit is that most deaf well anyway that album since that [ __ ] came out I listened to do it every morning right so I've said these [ __ ] that made a morning afternoon and nighttime album okay like that's how I look at it like I listen to yay in the afternoon and then you know I gotta go with you at night time you know what I'm saying so okay um now so we wait let me let me get back let's stick with the album because I don't wanna cause I got so much [ __ ] yeah so much [ __ ] so the games we play we covered that already right yeah yeah now now this is this was this this one was kind of um tricky for me because you you kept that this is what I was saying earlier the um the Meek Mill thing like like I I identify with your album like I can sit there and visualize your album your album is a book slash a movie to me because I see every single thing that you're saying because I could identify I can relate to with it in some way yeah it's another person who Hawkeye identified like what is Rick Ross so you guys collaborated on this because this is this is a seven piece by that works so yeah you have to be very selective or who sure and why are you going to pick these people so why was Rick Ross before we get into that particular record because Rick Ross is one of the only rappers that I can give a beat to I give them my beat and I give them my verse and I can turn my back on that situation and you know he's gonna deliver yeah period like he gonna say everything on topic on par he gonna you know listen I have been saying I've been saying um um your money's going every other month like that's what he that that was a bar in his in in in in his verse with mine and I'm just thinking to myself man that is the illest way to call somebody broke as a [ __ ] your money's gone every other month like and it's simple concise but it gets straight to the point and I'm like man you know you know you know sometimes sometimes like you know I'm rapping and I'm I made over rap but then you need that dichotomy for him to just nail [ __ ] like that let's make some noise for dichotomy [Applause] that sounds yeah yeah so all right cool so now you guys work on this record boom how does this come about um no actually he was in he was in Africa Ross was in Africa and I was um I had said everything I wanted to say on on in that verse and I was like damn it was feeling whack to me writing another verse I was like man I'm just I'm just run on rapping right I was like man let me reach out right to the go-to to Ross and um he was actually in Africa and they were just like yo send it over we're gonna knock that [ __ ] out and he's I swear to God he sent it back in two days in Africa yeah I believe he found a Hit Factory alumni so and let me let me just also say something that I appreciate as a lat as a as a latino man like you has a lot of Latin the stuff that is you got to get to that chill come on you brush it are you rushing down so come come back baby right okay now let's get into that yo come back baby um come back baby like you think about it I hadn't put out an album in three years I can't wait because we're gonna talk about that too and and me and drink champs as far as like yes yes yes yes we've been waiting for this yeah you wanted a long time three years exactly before you spawned with Drake he was still one of the most um requested guests yeah because I guess the people you know they they want that they want these stories for these people okay yeah yeah so so you know with comeback baby it was like appointed me president of good music um at the same time I was doing this prison reform uh with Hillary yeah with Hillary pick up the Kim Kardashian by the way for um helping let that lady go yeah trying to figure that out as well as um Obama was still in office going up you know the White House every so often I wasn't doing music period um living off some good music checks God damn yeah yeah God damn it and um you know it went from you know I put out I put out an album executive produced by puff um called Darkness Before Dawn oh wow and people were like yo you know you know you just hear that you know with social media you get all the critiques it's like man you still talking about dope ah whatever boom boom I was like okay cool I didn't put out no music I was doing these these other separate projects and um you know as as time went on it was like damn I damn sure could use some coke rap right now whatever come back baby this is the fix you need like that that's that was the whole privilege yeah you know and you feel like this is your purple tape yes for those that don't know uh the purple take controlled a summer for there's a lot of people that might not know the youngest and I don't want to say control the summer of New York City because it controlled the summer yeah like Wu-Tang was the first group that you knew where they was from but they transisted they transcended like you know where they was um so when he said he said he said I am your red ghost this is my purple tape I was like oh I wanna it's a symbol for excellence the Holy Grail yeah yeah yeah like of an album to me excellent excellence in hip-hop did you speak the way or Ghosts no no they're proud of you yeah I think they are proud of you I hope you know I think that's yeah I think yeah and just to give some insight on the whole purple tape concept right when we were um by the time you know like I said this [ __ ] was done between Utah and Wyoming more so Wyoming by the time I got to Wyoming yeah it was like yo make a list of like 25 records that you just love and man I'm like Glaciers are ice incarcerated scarf but it's just certain things records that you love that like um and so then we go through that list we would just listen to that list and he'd be like that's the feeling we need we need that feeling right there like if it don't hit like this then it'll don't make it so then we take some of them off damn I see the signs you know by the time we finish the list let's probably go out 10 out of 25. now mind you I have my list of 25. he had his own list of 25 engineer might have had a list of 25 what's his list of 25 if you don't what a couple records man I mean I remember Devil's pie D'Angelo yeah yeah with Premiere yep mine was really was Heavy Rizza glaciers incarcerated scarfaces I mean you know and you know that's how we built the the at least the feeling of the album that's what we was trying to go that's a dope that's a dope concept and way to to put together now no that's ill that's ill um I remember for Rose to do something similar like that to me he used to make me listen to records like I remember um well I said the story I don't know if I ever said it on the podcast but I remember um fabulous um holla back youngin yeah was actually my record it definitely what was um it was it was but it was Ice Ice Baby that was vanilla's ice so he he told me you got to listen to Ice Ice Baby oh it was like your version of it yeah but listen look now listen to it absolutely absolutely yeah now listen to I say ice baby dude it's the same thing but I was like he was a genius because I was like but I just hated Ice Ice Baby at that time so much I was like all of Hip Hop no no this was like when he was becoming cool again but I don't think that hurricane ever guys I think uh no Ice Ice Baby is cool man come on people there's someone in here who who jumps in a 5.0 the only thing that's cool about that record is some records right now we look at something like damn this background is better than that record oh that's real that's real oh man all right so boom never trust a [ __ ] who finds love we need to understand she will [ __ ] you then turn around and [ __ ] what are we saying because these new generations you gotta explain to them boys you gotta explain to them like you know I feel like the chicks that's in the club like that they gotta relax no I'm just saying it if if the attention if the attention is is uh they're that attention hungry like you can find love in that you know as soon as you if they can get that attention from anywhere they'll they'll they'll take it from anywhere they'll take it from anywhere and and you know it's not it's no uh it's no there's no ranking level just wherever they get the attention from that's where they're gonna take it so it can be you know you know you think that you you know young millionaire out here doing your thing you know what I'm saying or you know streets you know whatever it is balling whatever right it doesn't matter all right because the other day I went to a um a restaurant and I see two guys and I seen two girls but the two girls the whole time were like this they were they filmed like it was like a reality show like so whoever wasn't there they were there as well on this date with them and I looked and I was like how fun could that be like you sit in there you just meet these chicks and they want to want to like you know document everything that's actually going down so that's what I I I figured just as you meant something like you ain't see I'm not trying to plug this show but uh Paris Hilton got a show on Vice now where it's exposing like people trying to be popular through social media oh wow and it's Paris is Paris Hilton doing it wow I think it's Hollywood something but it's it's kind of ill it caught my attention that's it that's ill okay now we moving on you drink it we still drink it we still drinking okay man cheers God damn it okay now Santeria now as a Spanish person I used to be scared to even say that yeah I'm dead serious like you got to be like you got to be like for real like to even say because they say that you even when you say it it invites the spirits yeah nah man it's not that bad you said I went on a record you did a record for me I was scared of death then and you did it and you and you said a lyric I don't know if you knew but you said a lyric that was something here I mean I was trying to be hard you said I wrote your name on a piece of paper I told you I told you I'm frozen [ __ ] and you said it in the living room I was trying to be hard but I was always aware so how do you how do you come with that because obviously you have Spanish friends obviously you have Spanish influence around you but so you you had to know like because that's like really really that's really like shout out to Haitians too that's my that's my uh that's probably my favorite record on the album Santeria and the singer signed a good music right yes her name is Shake yeah yeah she's all over uh Kanye's album yeah yeah okay but but uh that record was um made after the death of my role manager my role manager got killed oh yeah so um just to give you the back story of like just where my mind was at so you know basically we want to roll it's time to make the album so we get off the road and just show you the type of guy he is so he's like my road manager tour manager this is what he does his name is Day Day yeah for sure and he ended up going as a roadie for uh Nicki Minaj so they're on the road you know uh the way I got it I think they were going um just going to get something to eat and simple I mean nonsense altercation uh he ends up getting stabbed and ends up dying and I want to roll with Nikki yeah wow that's crazy like like crazy and now now the twist about it is it's like he's a church kid so like this is like you know I used to curse him out like every day like just you know just bugging but I used to like you know we had a really good relationship and I gave him his really his first shot at being like you know a road manager like I got him from Pharrell he used to work with any Rd I was like nah come on you you about to be let's raise it up well he was great at it right and he used to put together my bands and I used to I used to be like man why am I band together his name bro we say man you say a musical band yeah not your money okay he used to take guys from the church and you know just you know put my band together so he wasn't a rah-rah doing his basically yeah that's what I'm trying to just give you the whole thing so my mind at the time was on some like okay the first line now that the t is dry and the pain takes over let's talk this Paola you killed God's baby and it wasn't his will and blood spill we can't talk this [ __ ] over you know and it's like I'm it's like man you know me being in the position I am in the position of music money having things and just the opportunity to be like I can call that shot like you know and it's that tug of war of like damn you know do you really do you do this do you play with this do you go that route you do you go that route you can you want to but yeah he rails everything you know what I'm saying and it's like then you think about him and it's like man he wouldn't he wouldn't want that you know what I'm saying it's like that's real it was a whole yeah I ain't I ain't I didn't live with that well yeah I still don't live with that well actually and that's how you came with Santeria exactly right because I'm playing the priest the whole song I'm playing uh you know and Santeria is a tug of war between the religion yeah so it's like yeah you know I'm like calling the shots as a priest okay now this this one was the title for me was a shock what would Meek do right because I thought I would do it with yay on it I thought it would be what would Rihanna do it threw me off for a loop what's up y'all knocking down cameras over there so these two before Luke the title what made you pick that title um and you're obviously talking about me yeah okay you know um Meek um Meek is somebody I want to know now right Amigo's in jail the record um as I got that beat I was like man you know Big Sean and meek had a record called burn burn that I always and I was like damn man I wish Meek was out so that I could do this record with me he wasn't out nothing um and I like to call me uh what do you call them uh the spirit the spirit animal okay like you know like uh Meek to me at well I don't know how old he is yeah it's what I feel like you know it's what it's what I don't do at my age right but that's what I work for yeah but it's what I what what inspires me right like I look at me and I'm like you know you all your homeboys like you get it yeah everybody who came in everybody who I came into the game with was locked up since 0-9 we came in O2 that I didn't I didn't get to run around you know 50 deep and you know just bring the bring everybody with me have a blast I mean we did for a little bit but you know they ended up going to jail boom I look at Meek and I'm like damn Meek I know all the fun that you having right now I love it like it's and I look at it and inspires me so I said um I want him on a record he did he didn't get on the record of course he was in jail um and that line came up Angel on My Shoulder what should we do devil on the other what would Meek do Papa Willy tell the Joker middle fingers out the ghost screaming you know like and I was just I was just trying to embody and harness that whole energy right because I felt like it was some place where he belonged like I I still today believe he belonged on it and then he gets out of jail right and I was like man this project comes out listen he gets he gets out of jail as the project comes out that's crazy we we DM him back and forth like uh we we have birthdays that are close in fact I got a record with you and me together yeah let's make some noise for me we have um we have uh we have a uh we have birthdays similar and his son's birthday me and his son share the same birthday oh wow in May wow and um but he just got out and I couldn't bring myself to ask him to be on the record yeah I know all right man I ain't doing it no no problem and we didn't do it and hopefully we do something soon I'm not sure we will yeah now cool but that's what it was of course that's what that whole energy came from the rappers really warm protects yeah I believe so too I believe I mean like right now people are making you feel like if you don't have a protect you're not even in the game I had to find other ways to invest well I'm not gonna be rappers found every way the ruin protects I'm not gonna lie and a lot of these guys that got this thing list it's cool we don't mind they don't mind it's fine but um yeah I don't think you know it's a protection fat as a fade is it a fade it's a fact no see this is the things I'm not into The Fad like I'm not really into the fad of watches like I I'm I'm into watches and I'm in the Rolex no you're in the watches I'm gonna be honest I looked at all your interviews yeah different joints what I'm in it it's just because I'm in it like that and for that particular brand because of just what that always meant that always meant like a status symbol of course coming up of course but it was always once I got deeper it was like okay boom you know you get the green card with this like big Factory your name on that green card too because it'll be somebody else's name in that green color yes it is pre-owned brother right all right you play all of them none of us know that we're sorry and so um you know the whole protect line is just man you know rapping is about bragging it's about having that always about that competitive Spirit at some point oh yeah you know you gotta one-up somebody you know four dot 4.0 verse 4.6 but you always pronouncing some [ __ ] that we can't even pronounce you're always like it's called lyrics it's called lyrics man no no no listen like yo you know but you know why that is because when when you know when I when I was um you know being a fan of like hope and things like that uh man I didn't know I'm I'm on I'm wearing Polo snow beaches were you talking about Versace I don't even know what this is I'm like what is this was that was that uh rap helped you like just go to these other worlds yeah because I go on your Instagram sometimes and you be posing like with people I'm like I don't know who the [ __ ] this [ __ ] is you look important he looking boy because the way you describe him I'm like I gotta act like I know this guy I do yeah you know what I'm saying like like is that is that the further you go like is is different taste because like right now um I love Gucci Gucci man but if I go to the Gucci store I Promise You by the time I leave this jacket and I come out there 50 Cent is gonna have a picture of the same exact jacket I'm on and then then I go back and you know two weeks later I gotta get another jacket and Fat Joe is gonna have the same exact jacket but right it's these different brands like even when go yard like when Goliath first came out I didn't identify with it looked I thought it was an imitation then I realized that they had their own right right so like how how is it to like to discover these brands that people like the hood don't know man you know I I feel like the hood normal people don't know well well you know this this is the thing I felt like man when I think about hip-hop when I think about Slick Rick I feel like man he was like the flyest ever to me like it's Gucci as this you got the Louis Vuitton pouch with the gun in it I'm I'm [ __ ] up I'm like yo this is but that's what I've always thought hip-hop was it was like man you gotta you gotta come back to the block and be like look this what I'm on you ain't on this and then somebody got one of you and so on and so forth and that's how that's how I look at rap that's right what's the sneakers you had on with Colin Kaepernick I've been trying to figure that out Dior okay my bad let's make something with him flossing again dressing all of us for my wedding that's the real thing yeah [Applause] okay okay but so you're talking the fashion but lyrically who inspired you like going back as far as back as you can go lyrically lyrically um you know big is go God level there's nothing to talk about right to me um hope of course Nas of course I mean you know mob deep ruined my whole life victim like my whole life like ruined my whole why step outside because of this because they're talking like this I didn't even think people did [ __ ] off of music yeah I'm one of them kids I [ __ ] up right you know like um yo um was anybody locally like where you were at that inspired you too as well man you know um what what where I'm from uh man let me tell y'all some real [ __ ] just so you understand like where it is that I'm from like Pharrell grew up one mile away from my house not even a mile right I didn't know him Timberland was a mile the other way and that was my friend that was my brother's friend before before okay okay who's my older brother okay cool cool you know they're five years older brother yeah but you know uh Timberland up the street the other way to like for my brother to be able to go over his house and rap while he DJ my mom used to make him take me so I'm if we if if if they're 14 I'm nine that's the only way you could go Pharrell's this way I don't know him I don't even know him at all Timberland know each other yes okay I believe they do okay but and was Pharrell Pharrell yet no no by no means no this is high school this is high school no this is Middle School and and you know in in elementary God damn yeah what kind of water they were serving out yeah it's Virginia Beach Virginia Beach yeah Missy Elliott's up the street Chad Hugo Chad Hugo's not a mile from me why now because because of zoning and like School zoning and [ __ ] like they don't want certain places to go all of us were split up man I just told y'all we lived within three miles of each other but we all go to different schools right boom right I have a home girl who goes to school with Chad she live up the street from me we don't go to the same school together but because you're up the street from me I'ma see you we hanging out Pharrell likes the girl ask me yo you know you see me yo what's up you you you deal with her I'm like nah this is like my best friend and he's like you know okay boom he finds out he's like yo your brother's Gene malice your brother's Gene I'm like yeah he's like yo man he's like the best rapper in the world of me can we work with each other I'm like no he works with Tim he don't want to work with you you know what I'm saying and all of this is happening I'm not rapping I don't even rap at this point in my life like I'm just just here right you know and um Timberland ends up working with genuine and all of that they go to New Jersey that whole movie that opens the door for Pharrell to link with my brother wow now I'm skipping school not going I'm skipping school just going to the studio with them every day wow you know that's how that whole thing so when you say people like mind you at the same time Pharrell's High School is next door to Teddy Riley Studio rum Shaker rum shakers yeah yeah so it's not it's like the first Shaolin uh Tribe Called Quest yeah at the time and I'm like wow like people get to do this like right you know I'm looking at him like go Annie nice you know it's um it was a lot man it was a lot going on in Virginia at that time and you had that whole energy going on then you had to hold this street culture I feel like everybody from New York moved to Virginia to get money I feel like that like I feel like the way the work was moving that's just what it was like it was the first Virginia Beach was the first Atlanta Miami whatever you came down here first it was there first right you know every every rap song in the 90s had Virginia Beach references yeah you're talking about mace big whatever wow some respects Virginia girls Philadelphia too oh my God yeah [Music] even even before then real [ __ ] even even before then like you think about Public Enemy and you think about can't touch it yeah the videos they were shooting they was the water hose in the kids and yeah that's all Virginia I believe it was Allen Iverson's life that actually made us realize wow Virginia oh is [ __ ] man listen it's insane because he's he's from Virginia correct news correct Newport News Newport News in Hampton I forget okay but but um Allen Iverson by far but is like I mean for me personally is uh that's you know that's Idol Hero level you know and people like yo man uh not too long ago he gave me a jersey right and signed it and um you know I went crazy they put it on the Internet or whatever it was on ESPN or whatever and people was like man why you even he from round away I'm like so what celebrating you crazy right like this guy is like that's the reason why you're celebrating a lot now you know they see me they've seen me partying I don't care like you don't you know I still look at him a certain way like you know you look at people a certain way like it just is what it is for me nah and that's home team for you they gotta feeling love Yeah relax I gotta relax I went too far I went too far okay so on that verse yay says he's a Million Dollar Baby what Billion Dollar Baby I don't know a billion dollar [ __ ] like listen a little less a baby I'm gonna tell you all good and I you know I I don't that line is hard I I don't I don't necessarily know um I know what he says yeah but um and I believe what he says me too but I know how these people line up for them shoes and yeah and I mean it's it's definitely uh it's there like I believe it's there like what you know it's beautiful man God damn it's beautiful all right so we're gonna get into this last joint I mean obviously yes we had to get into the The Talk of the Town the talk of the business let's talk about I'm going to speak about this joint because I don't I'm not going to speak about the actual thing that it started this record is actually a great record what were you trying to um accomplish about infrared because to me this whole record is not about what people are making it about it didn't seem like that at all it didn't seem like it was a couple of lines yeah okay but I mean it's definitely slick on that route too you know it's just about it's about to me it's just about the reality of hip-hop um because you said um it it was like it was written when it came from quitting right and this is that what started the initial b for now but we don't have to get into that let's get into the record we're getting into it so you know you know you know basically um basically that song infrared was was a uh response to uh two birds one stone and um you know and it was a response just in in the most I feel like uh you know uh uh battle back and forth type of way you know you throw your Jabs off your mind um you know it wasn't it wasn't solely about that it was just about like me my position and rap somebody is is challenging my credibility Street Credibility so on and so forth questioning that it's okay boom now I gotta question something let's question these things together we can all do it together it's fine right you know what I'm saying and it's like you know um still I feel like it was it was it was it was still lyrical it was still but two birds in one store I tried to actually go and look for that like and I don't really see where he's going at you um it was uh it was about the uh it was about the uh something about you know you you was watching Scarface you weren't really doing this or I don't even remember the bars like that but it was something of that nature um what's up so since Mr me too right yes sir okay what what actually inspired Mr me too because at the end of the day you on what happened to that boy yes um we even I believe even the Grinding remix yes was me you yes Birdman and was it Wayne or not I don't think Wayne was on that no it was Austin Birdman yeah he might have been on somebody else on that yeah so I don't know where where did this this I know I know there's an interview that's it I don't know it's okay that's oh I'm sorry okay so it was an interview with and what did they say they said you trying to look like the clips I guess they said something to him in regards to that right and um who's him by the way Lil Wayne Wayne okay okay and so when they said that or whatever um he just answered it in a real uh condescending way right he was aggressive it was it was it was uh and at this time we're going through like the wildest of label right the Waters of like label drama like we are out we got I heard I heard about this Justin Timberlake situation where right Pharrell wouldn't even work with Justin because he was so mad about the job right okay but so um so um and I was just like damn like man it was such a better way to answer that like we we rappers like I don't gotta cut nobody if I don't want to I don't gotta say nothing crazy in regards to anybody if I don't want to I know how to you know talk around things but here's what I knew you was dangerous right that's right because it kept going on and Wheezy kept getting hotter and he kept getting hotter and most people would back down like you wouldn't have mixtape Wheezy like you wouldn't have to do that was chopping everybody yeah just so the listeners are clear this is going back this is bad mixtape this is the wing mixtape Wayne when he was on way long yeah he was out of here and I'm like I'm sitting back because I'm a rapper too you know I'm a rapper too so I'm sitting back and I'm like pushing not backing down and I expect it because everybody when you go on fire because the the the the common senses is when a person goes at a person that's on fire you're hating so I thought you were to back down just off of that or just you know and you just didn't you know it's um what people need to realize as far as I go is okay I I never want to make their records like you know if you look at my career I've made the same record my whole career I made the Same album basically my whole career I've talked about the same thing my whole career period you're not chasing a trend or chasing the train I'm not chasing radio I'm not chasing nothing so when people say that it's sort of funny to me because it's like man my record's still gonna be about the streets it's still gonna be about you know uh you know just how you know my perspective and my point of view from a street perspective um it's still going to be you know drugs is gonna be the the uh the the Common Thread you know and it's still gonna be lyrical it's still gonna be you know you're gonna have the metaphors and the parallels I'm gonna still put it together how we how we put it together you know um when people say that to me it's crazy because because you know you've never heard me you've never heard me really try to chase a wild Trend or or be part of uh right be part of uh the wave never try to be part of the way ever you don't have to you don't have to be a part of the way when you provide the water God damn it that was liquid that was Liquid underwater no I don't gotta follow away if I provide the water you know you know what I'm saying so um okay uh Mr me too happens he answers this this interview happens boom things have settled down these guys are on top you now transition to resident of good music whatever but at this time it's kind of like a little turmoil right between the two right you choose the kind of mind your business because you know that yay has a relationship with Drake and then so so just just skip for a certain uh J Prince okay he just says um that Drake has a career ending record ending racket okay response response to you and to God right what do you what do you think of that um it's the first time you look sleepy then it's over here yeah that's how I identify how you felt of that the response no and just be honest with you man I feel like um there's absolutely nothing that they would do for my best interests nothing yeah they wouldn't look out for you and for nothing for no reason at all when they when they had it they they gonna pull that [ __ ] yeah um I you know whatever whatever their decision is or decision making is is is based off of you know what's best for them right okay um you know man I I don't know you know I I like I don't know what ends my career but I haven't you know I never told on nobody all right you know I'm I'm I am who I am I've never done I I don't even know what's career ending these days but right whatever it is you know um you know at the end of the day uh like I said those conversations were had right and uh and then and those conversations were had without that sound bite okay let's let's let's let's let it be but that in particular the phrase was not meant yeah yeah but uh you know and uh it was it was uh it was to be left alone so you're saying it was a mutual ending of of yeah it wasn't it wasn't any no I'm not I'm saying this I'm saying that you know there were things that were that were said during during the conversation between my management and him in particular Jay Prince yeah okay that uh it wasn't it wasn't it wasn't aggressive it wasn't anything right I don't think he was being aggressive it was all cool and like listening he's protecting his artists yeah we understand that point of view but so so what I'm saying is the narrative about the career ending and all of that that's all after and after the conversations right right I don't know about that during the conversation right right I don't know about that and it's you know it is what it is hey okay they got it you got it okay but uh do it right if it's theirs do it right but you drop infrared yes infrared drops two days later was it yeah man uh what does he drop dope Dopey dumpy don't be free for that yeah man W freestyle I'm not gonna lie the industry was like oh [ __ ] they was they were nervous of you because it was an immediate response [Applause] [Applause] hold on before we jump I don't want to jump no is that where Meek Mill messed up because Meek didn't respond immediately and when he you know what I mean no I I you know I I don't believe that I feel like um man when it comes when it comes to that I just feel like and I don't even want to say he messed up because I sort of feel like we saw how different the game is because when that happened me never lied to none of us there's a lot of nobody yeah and that what I'm saying is that type of information in the in the in the game that we play is career ending was the problem that Meek responded on Twitter as opposed to when when Drake just went straight to the booth Drake kind of went straight to the booth oh well yeah I'm sure but what I'm saying is I I don't even believe it's I believe that it was a a uh miscalculation of like the importance of you know the writing these days that's what I feel is is there any truth to him having access to the record before it came out that that's why he told him about Drake yeah oh you know um I mean that you know of you know I don't know I have no clue you know at the end of the day when you when you are promoting the album you letting people hear it you let you got to let the writers and all of that right right yeah you know whatever so that could be true yeah it could be right it could be so now you release this you hearing Drake is coming back Drake actually one thing that I've never heard you speak about ever personally is your relationship right he brings up is this all gloves off is this like of course I mean I think it was obvious it became gloves off because because and and all love is Virginia Wheels correct for sure because I'm thinking that is a place in Virginia like that's how dumb I am I'm like that's how much you you see that's how much you protective of yours that's you know what I mean because I'm like is it like what are you thinking what are you thinking are you thinking like this guy man you know like you know it immediately just put me because it's like okay boom my record's coming out I already know responsible bang that's what it is okay okay but then you gotta like um what I'm listening because before then he really kind of like he kind of was careful with you he kind of responded to everybody else but it kind of like when he when he was talking about you a sparring with you he was very very careful so I can't I can't say that I saw him coming back this fast oh well no no no I'm just saying that you know it was it was known that a record was coming um once that you know once that came out um it was just like okay response mode like it's like all right well you know you you definitely I'm definitely gonna respond and um then you just you know you just sort of look at it man and you just sort of have to analyze the record at that point and then you just pick it apart and that's what I feel like I did I was like okay boom We gonna like first of all why would you mention her you don't do that like that I I you know women and kids leave them alone okay boom and you knew about the porn star listen okay relax relax I'm sorry I'm sorry slow me down please okay okay so I'm just like you know boom I'm like okay well why would this happen like this okay okay and then um then it's just you know and then it was like man it just couldn't for me at that point I was like man this is like not this ain't our usual put a pad back and forth you know like because y'all been doing it yeah I was like all right bet so now you gotta sort of look at it and look at um start looking at who who you're dealing with and what like and to me I did I didn't think the line was that good right the the Virginia line I didn't think it was that good I was like so you reached and I gotta realize like why did you think that was so important to say because it wasn't that good to me and sometimes be good to me yeah but kind of like um I'm not sort of Richie like hold kind of messed up but when he did that like with nas no like bringing up like the girl but can't continue yeah but you know I I just I just sort of felt like that then then it just it just started it just gave me content like okay boom why is this like this why would you say that you knew about the porn star prior yeah so you it's you're a dangerous [ __ ] so you're listening yeah you catch a strategic here like it's like backup ammunition listen listen all right so you you had infrared knowing that there will be a response but you might have held that response you might have held the porno star for the like the third this or the third day now yeah oh I'm just saying but hey look at the way he's like the darkness is done he got more he got more he got three and four done okay now how does one know about this Adidas clothesline wow that was kind of fun I'm not gonna lie I'm not gonna lie Drake goes to battle rap no no Drake in battle rap concerts like on stage too so he can't really say it's anything too far I'm just saying no no I'm saying but it is found good but so how did you know that like so you knew that the clothesline was related to the porn star who's related to the The Knockout of me yeah he had Adidas spies because we know you know a lot of Adidas [Laughter] listen let me just be honest listen after I heard the record right man you know we need push her on he's like your Pusha wants to come on he said he wants to remind you of [ __ ] that you don't even remember I said that's a diss record [Applause] you don't know he's gonna bring in your person you think you're gonna do that or did you did you expect no no no no no no nothing like that you didn't expect so now that he did it yeah what was your first response because you were calm no I just you know like I said I I felt like um just felt like I had just had to evaluate the situation a little differently like you know like I said it's been Jabs you know tap tap everybody you know you take some I take some more moves cool but um I just felt like it just went it just you know went across the line with that for real and that's just that's really it right for me for you so now you go in the studio yeah you bring up the whole beat which is like which is like that's like real like what I want to call it I can't call it Afrocentric but it's like it's like that it's that Revolution and uh revolutionary music right Renaissance there we go right it's that thing what made you go because I had to picture okay so you have the picture prior yeah okay okay prior to what prior to him his response or prior no just period you just had it [Laughter] because you know what it feels like you Drake Drake that's what it feels like it feels like you did exactly to him what he did to someone else I mean I'm just doesn't feel like that to anybody else I'm so so you had the picture before infrared came out um yeah I believe so this is some real this is a this is something real hip-hop history uh uh did you think did you think you would um did you think you would hear uh Jay Prince say something like that like saying that they would know there is no response I would [Music] that was the last person I thought would be speaking who Jay Prince yeah because y'all got a relationship yeah yeah it's been cool okay no no no okay Jay Prince is cool he's a cool dude come on man he's he's created some greatness right of course yeah of course and um so when he said that he advised Drake not to response it was a piece of your petty side just the petty side was like of course like I'm just asking um man you know I just feel like when you when when when when you deal in like truth right it's like like I said I've said a lot I don't got skeletons I don't got things that I don't got nothing I'm ashamed of in this world like for real like I ain't even doing no lying to nobody you never [ __ ] the fat girl come on bro I had a big turkey what I'm saying is I said it to say that like I don't like I don't I don't um you know it wasn't uh I know who I am right right I know it like it's nothing that shaking me up about like you know you know you you drag V into it you know you know she built four tough for real but you'll wear it what's up what who knows who's coming who knows where she she going to like it's whatever man like this is the porn star girl of dmu or anything no I don't I don't know what no no connection what [Applause] what is the benefit of of because hip-hop declared jewelry right right and um at the end of the day Drake can um probably do a response whatever right now hip hop from Puff Daddy to to everybody is saying you know he had a certain amount of time he was supposed to respond he did the same thing but um I remember Nas responding six months later but this this is something different this is because we're in a different time so what is the benefits now like you know of of people knowing that you are a bar for bar the Floyd Mayweather of Our Generation man I you know I don't know if um I don't know what the real benefit is and I don't I mean personally on just some rap type time man I hope I'm not getting it from this like it's like like it's sort of weird like no no I'm not even saying because because of the artist yeah like I got to get it what do you what do you feel about Drake as a as a mc period like real talk I feel he makes I feel that like we know we know people but they're not we're not going to talk MC we just gonna talk about that's that's where it ends yeah we just don't talk records and the records are good okay no biggie no biggie at all like that's what it is that's my bad it's my best I have like 12 tiger balls in my crib I can't believe yo let me just tell you something what's up bro because the thing about it is um so many people do other things like you got the sneaker thing you got the play clothes thing which other day I thought my man that's right you gotta start hugging me on my play clothes I throw my Manhattan on bootleg play clothes but I couldn't tell I got you because he had a it was pink play code it was pink I was just like I don't know I don't know I don't know what I'm saying my guys a flea market King you know what I'm saying so I'm like but you got these other things but you're one of these guys that says so consistent through music like people Depend and respect on YouTube music earlier you said that you took a Hiatus for three years how would that feel as a person that that's your soul you know your cause is the music how do you take it you know you know I don't I don't believe I don't believe that what I do goes out of style that's the thing I like I don't think lyric driven hip-hop goes out of style I don't think that the streets go out of style period so so do you believe in in a consistency that it's without time it's just what you're doing listen my album is called Daytona right because you know Rolex Daytona is my favorite watch right but I feel like I had the luxury of time to make it right that's why it is what it is and I feel like you know that's what that's what me and yay sort of proved like man this is we got the time to make it right and we're gonna give you seven and that's timeless music regardless period right and that and that's you know that's that's what we sort of uh that's what we living off of um let's do it I don't um I don't know like I said I you know I know who I'm talking to every time every time I know exactly who I'm talking to when I'm when I'm writing a verse I know exactly who I want it to resonate with I know exactly the club I want to go to would it change if you didn't though like I'm saying like oh if the music for you if you didn't know who you were talking to but it it was what you felt would it change if it changed that you knew that these people that you thought you were talking to change their body you know you know I can't really look at it like that because the reaction from the streets be so loud when they hear a verse or when they hear an album or when they hear a song I say something you know I say something and then what did you just walk down just now yeah you had the mic out there yeah and they just came in like but I'm talking before you could even get that reaction if you thought that that maybe that wasn't there anymore nah because I don't think that doesn't I don't think because you know what I'm saying like be who you are like you want to do what you do yeah but I just don't think that that goes anywhere I feel like I I feel like my niche in rap I don't know if anybody can get articulate street rap anywhere else from them than me I don't believe that I guess the point I'm trying to make for for artists I'm just trying to like if an artist is listening right yeah you know artists tend to always be like what's popping what's hot what what is an audience that I think is gonna gonna resonate with me I feel like that's wrong that's what I'm trying to like get to I feel like that's wrong I mean I feel like you know you make what you make yeah and then who who [ __ ] with that is who [ __ ] with it and then that's who you [ __ ] with and then you master that and you grow that I don't think that you no because that's what I believe how they're reaching come on man like how do you know I even want to drink this I I didn't even know you tonight what is it like that's vodka shout out to Sriracha bro yeah I do drinks that's cool um you know um man you know do you think he's gonna be here this long man I that Revelation hit me the other day that's real like for real when I when I like and and it just started hitting me recently like I want to say like from 2012 like the 10-year anniversary of Lord willing 2016 the 10-year anniversary of Hell have no fury like it's like I'm like damn man like 10 joints that's crazy now and then now when I really think about it's like no it's really 16 joints really been his 16 joints really like some people saying this one's my best album who knows oh it is I mean is it I you know I never I'm sorry but I've never seen an artist grow and get better the way you grow and get better Parts man thank you and and it's because it's because the thing about it is you come from actually our Arrow like which is an older ever than Kanye she's the area before Kanye right and you've been able to maintain these errors and the thing about it is other people have been able to maintain those errors but they've been able to maintain it just in single wise right there's no one be able to make maintain that out Crown in a body a whole body and work with a whole new generation [ __ ] with it too it's amazing what you're doing like you know what I'm saying like I have no you brought the value of a whole album that we've been missing for a long time that is beautiful God damn it thank you thank you that should be that should be saluted um and the thing about it is you you like you come from the greatest producers like you know what I'm saying you've been working you've been I feel like I got a lot to do with it too I see a listening party I've seen Swiss yeah I seen um for reality of course you got a lot yeah I feel like that got a lot to do with it you become a producer when you when you're hanging around Medusa so much bro and my mind I'm a producer too I just don't know the [ __ ] personal [ __ ] man I want to hear the pre-yay version of your album or not man what's the difference is you know it was fire but but like like who were the producers like was it local producers I don't know like you don't have to say who like like more or less they were um they were producers who uh of name of course yes definitely listen he a r is all my projects yeah he may not do all of them so he was he was already he was already like picking yo this this producer okay okay and then he just decided I want to do the whole thing yeah then he was just like [ __ ] right right and at that time like I said it was uh it was sort of weird time and uh you know just for him and I just felt like all right well if you if that's what you want to do then let's go let's go ahead let's go do it you know and Minds you it's done so did you feel any kind of way about him want to revamp it you didn't go and relate new vocals yes yeah I did but what I'm saying is my album was done that's what I'm saying like did you not feel some kind of way at that point I did but I mean no no not some kind of ways like uh egotistical yeah no no like listen I'm straight student mode when it come to P yay when it comes to like like turning the album and taking your input right I rap that's what I do right like and that's all I do period that's what I do when it comes to all of the theatrics you gotta listen you know you gotta listen to that that's why I feel like you know all of this came out this way it came out strong this way yo come back maybe I turned away come back maybe I was like yo I don't want this record I don't like it for real don't like it he was like no listen I'm telling you you're gonna love it yeah you're like yo do it and then I'm like all right last time that happened to me was [ __ ] in Paris not gonna happen again it happened to you A lot of times that's why I feel for you okay and I [ __ ] up a couple times it happens on wrap times [Music] you know it happens so let me pick you up because you only you're probably the only one of the other [ __ ] that ghost wrote for Ronald McDonald [ __ ] yeah I'm loving it yeah oh that was your joint I'm loving it yeah I'm good at my job yeah but [ __ ] you wrote I'm loving it yeah man I'm loving it I took a super L what you got what you want just a front no publishing just out front but a half a man no no no but it still was like no it would have been when you think about it that would have been crazy yeah but but just we ain't gonna tell nobody that because they they need to understand shout out Steve Stout he gave me I was like oh man it was gonna be crazy that's him so no I don't know it was in his rap He said yeah now they they took it that's crazy you know just so you know I want people to know that part and I want artists to know that part to keep it publishing man right and make sure you know that check will be nice but you like I'm lovingly been running for how long now I did this about 03 right that's the slogan who knows what it have been half a man back then was like oh my God now you think about it but to be but but just so just so they know the get back is real I also own 40 of the Arby's commercial so be clear the recent Arby's commercials when you hit that guitar strong yeah that's mine yeah you learn you live you live and you learn you're living he went from McDonald's whatever you learn you're getting that charm yeah Burger King beef or McDonald's you live and you learn man so you also been the only person that I've seen that Bobby Brown was mad at but then when I went oh with the with the uh why Bobby Brown yeah yeah then I I understood but I never seen Bobby Brown mad like another young black brother but then again like I said I will search but that was yay's decision it was right that was the actual but yeah I wear with them though I mean yeah yeah yeah yeah it's fine right you know um was paid for right yeah that was Kanye's like idea right yeah we'll see what it was was we had a um I had a like what what people don't know is this album was really made in like real time right and the crazy part about it was I had tweeted the day before like listen this [ __ ] is happening in real time y'all I ain't even got this I ain't got that but listen even when I get my artwork y'all gonna have it as soon as I get it I went and made that I went and made uh artwork basically a cover it was a picture of myself and um you know um like one that morning yeah it was like yo I don't think it's strong enough and um I was like what you mean you don't think it's strong enough you like nah I just don't I was like bro you picked the photographer you pick you actually picked all of these pictures why ain't it sure so you don't think people like I don't feel it I don't feel like it is and um I got an idea and I think it just speaks to what I feel like this album is so on and so forth boom boom and I was like okay boom and so my manager had called me back and was like yo you know he want to change the artwork [ __ ] cost a lot of money so I hit him back I was like listen I don't want you pay for that I don't want you to do that I don't want to pay for it and I don't want you to do it like you don't got to do that we good like I love the music I'm happy I'm excited this is the seven songs we talked about right and how many days before releases this is like a day which is I'm texting the I'm tweeting the day before uh yo y'all like boom he sends it over boom that's what it is and I'm like you when you see it you know what it is so no listen I don't know what it is okay but you know as soon as it hits the net you start hearing the you start hearing it let's smack back and it's like yo yo so then I gotta do press the next day I'm doing phoners and my phone is is all yo how could you ah like it's crazy then it's TMZ and it's my Mom calling me like yo I see you on what's going on with the thing you know and you still don't know he knows now he knows it's what it is like a ride I'm like what are you doing so you think it's genius or it's [ __ ] up I mean you know or bro man you know what but see the way he described it to me was he was like yo you know I feel like you talk about the streets in a way that's like glamorous at the same time you know you speak about the pitfalls and so on and so forth he was like man to me that's good right there yeah he was like this album and this picture represents so that's just exciting and that was our minds it wasn't about anything being disrespectful it wasn't about anything it was just you know it was real quick but mind you I just for the listeners listening right now when you saying in real time just to put it in perspective it's just like when Kanye took the picture of it on his iPhone of his album cover that's what you meant yeah in real time for sure like that's how it's happening how fast has happened yeah I mean you know just so y'all even understand the process of this [ __ ] like um kids see ghosts kissy ghost I'm on a flight I'm on a flight to Montreal he hits me yo I need a verse can you go to studio right now I'm like I can't this is Phil love yes you like Kim like hits me back no I need you to go to the studio Cuddy has been a genius right in fact he's been a person that you know uh ahead of his time that I love um but what Kanye did for him is put him in a level with the whole rest of the world can see his genius for the first time if you're talking about the rollout the rollout no what do you mean just saying the project that you can actually see Kid Cudi's genius now like you know what I mean like this this reminds me of graduation Kanye am I am I off what does it remind your graduation this the track no the whole out man am I bugging or is this college listen I don't know I you know I feel like oh Kanye now Mr old Kanye this is the old Kanye no no no no let me tell you something right now he is on a he is on a production wave and why [ __ ] with him that's what I think like I think everything you guys are doing right now I'm coming on Friday for real oh yeah oh I can't even I can't even imagine [Laughter] what is that gonna sound like dude all right yo bro just put it on your phone we will get the publishing clearer like like um is it worth to take a little shot too I think come on Mr Lee put some ice in there put some like we are celebrating I'm taking the Columbia way how about a [ __ ] game I can't I mean I mean be honest with you what's up because you you alluded to it earlier I I was a little nervous when when he did come back with that response so far are you talking about Drake yeah I gotta go back I'm so sorry I was a little bit nervous I'm saying I'm your friend I got I got no you are my friend you are you are a very good friend of mine you guys have been together since like early on in your careers bro we gonna get to that too yeah we should definitely get to that I'm gonna take a shot I gotta take a peepees too because my vote was very tight let me just say rock and roll with your peepees man good vote thank y'all for stepping it up I ain't gonna shout out to slob rich I ain't gonna lie I came in here I said they are showing off a Pusha T and I'm with it this is the number one rapper in the [ __ ] universe he took out the unicorns hell man that is a shadow I killed myself on that one so what's up being in this game yes and surviving this long how difficult is that because you're in different genres it's like I remember your first video was this your first video grinding Diane Martel no that couldn't have been that could have been a major video yeah yeah yeah yes 2002 yeah 2002. so I remember that I remember me actually going to Virginia yeah going to Virginia and me seeing shout out to Nori yes yes Nori Peewee Kirkland yeah it was lit I went to the projects too I was like oh [ __ ] these [ __ ] got projects up and these [ __ ] they got crackheads they got fees this is the same exact thing but because I don't think nobody down south got no I'm just saying I was a child back then so in my opinion New York but that was that was happening everywhere else was kind of like nice and pretty and when I went there I was like oh [ __ ] everyone else is actually [ __ ] up it's like quick with DJ Quick said every everywhere is like d like Compton that's what quick there you go but one of the experiences was was going to the grinding video and I'm just seeing that you guys was just out there and just how was that introduced in Virginia that other side because like you said we have mad skills and Mad Skills was predominantly uh positive we had no no he was a battle rapper I mean Battle Rapper but it's still like you know it wasn't it wasn't necessarily A positive rap but it was just right but I'm saying it wasn't talking about like seeing you know Hector shoot up some heroin and seeing you know right you know what I mean um uncle James sniffed right no no you're right you're right you um man Virginia at that time Virginia that time was so crazy and it was uh you know it was it was a it was a Melting Pot for like I felt like just for everything like I felt like I I you know Virginia showed me all types of music um the New York influence was so heavy in Virginia like super heavy at that time um you know I was personally like that's what supported us like I couldn't get on a mixtape I couldn't get on a clue tape for nothing and you know I knew clue I knew everybody back then you know through Rob Walker right you know Pharrell was you know he was uh he was hot at that time but we couldn't get on mixtapes we couldn't get on anything so all really all we had was Virginia and um that video grinding to me sort of gave it gave Virginia a face and a look and uh and an identity that uh that the world you know resonated with it's so crazy because I it was some little girls dancing in the video and uh you know doing like a step type dance or whatever and um and I see these girls you know I see these girls uh 16 years later in the mall or something like hey I was in your video and you know just super excited but um really you just saw the impact of of having a rap identity for a place a place like Virginia that was like you know the hit that hit you know I mean that record was a big record it's a classic record oh yeah so definitely it was a um you just saw the impact of it and and I appreciate it to this day like I'm I'm waiting to go back home I want to go back home now you said platinum on the Block will consists the hits yeah for real keep talking this music [ __ ] yeah I mean it's self-explanatory to me yeah but for people who is not something you know describe you saying you being on the Block and for real so right let's relax yeah let's go over it you know um that that's just something that was a conversation that just always used to be had um man I remember being in the studio I used to go to the studio with Pharrell every single day every day in the mix of going to the studio I'll be running in and out the studio right and he'd come out be like no I want you to hear this and I wouldn't be there then I come back man where was you at he's a Vibe guy he's a Vibe he's an energy guy he's a he's a uh he's an interpreter you know he's a ill hookwriter but he will interpret your life in that hook into music right so when you not there when you're not there you know you know physically physically right and he can't feel nothing from you you're [ __ ] up the record right I'm you know I'm running in and out I'm you know going to make a whop you work back at work and um you know that that was just my energy platinum on the block with consistent hits while Pharrell keeps talking his music [ __ ] is is was that like you didn't want you didn't believe in music well I didn't to be honest with you I didn't either I didn't and I didn't and I didn't and that's what I identified yeah and it's weird to go through this video so I'm going I like that line that [ __ ] said you don't [ __ ] with that it's weird it's weird because you know like I told you my brother's five years older than me when rap hit not madlist yes yes malice is five years older than that okay that's not my twin look at my twin no it's my brother my older brother do everything he's saying y'all look at this yeah so like I remember being young and you know rap hit my first first album UTFO Roxanne sister worked in the record store you know he used to write raps I didn't I never I didn't write raps I was what's that what are you doing dummy you know you didn't pay me no attention I rip up the rap book come fight me you know yeah but I mean you know just on some younger brother [ __ ] that's just what I was into that's what I did and that's what he was into by the time by the time I got into late Middle School Junior High into High School man I was ashamed to tell people that I started rapping that won't that was not the way to go like you don't tell nobody what you mean rap you rapping get what you mean you rapping anybody out here get this [ __ ] money period like that's the type of time they were on rap wasn't really you know and it's still it's Virginia we still looked at we looked at teddy as Teddy Riley yeah you came from Harlem yeah you know you came from the big city and they became a Virginia boy yeah for sure but the postage it's still like there still wasn't it wasn't our reach you know what I'm saying Pharrell is who gave me no bro like this really happens how do y'all link with Pharrell on them and Neptunes no he said they lived a mile away no no I know they lived a mile away but how do y'all actually link yeah um we had a mutual friend we had a mutual friend my my actual best friend and he um he was interested in her oh yeah Pharrell was interested yeah and then when when he I used to be with her all the time so he would ask me he asked me like yo you know you dating or whatever and I was like no like it's my homegirl or whatever and then when they clicked up whatever then he found out who my brother was at this time I'm not rhyming they would all go to but malice is already rhyming 100 so he's off they that he's killed on rap him Timberland Pharrell all of them are down the beach Ryan they would go to the oceanfront and rap every weekend he just doesn't so that's a movement already that's already a thing yeah local not forget it but it's a movement it's a thing yeah and when did you hear the rumor of Pharrell actually writing Rump Shaker um is it was it a rumor no that was it I don't think it was a rumor I know I think it was just legit it started as a rumor and then people found that it's a real thing but I mean you know uh I was there for that you know like oh yeah yeah no we was early like scooters and bikes like this ain't even Cars level this is yeah like it's kid [ __ ] and you there you did Teddy Riley acts Pharrell I'm there getting ran off of the premises of future records like why are we going to why y'all come back over here type [ __ ] like it's this is way early yo this ain't but you knew Pharrell had the ability to do that because Telly Rod is like tell everybody it's a big deal like at that time he's a big deal he's an icon yeah he's still a big deal yeah we can't forget what he's done but what I'm saying is but for real is he approached to do this job or um oh no no they had a um they had a talent show okay they had a talent show and Teddy seen it seen the greatness in him oh wow and um then that's when we got to start walking in the walking in the studio instead of just sitting outside in Seafood running us away y'all know seafood seafood with y'all like we know no no no no no no no okay okay yeah I'm sure right there I'm just saying that I'm just sitting right there that was not just shot I'm just saying you have to go pee-pee I've been having to pee so long but I was so much I got a question for him leave it open right push it when y'all okay when the clips yes who made up the name the cliffs um we actually were fully Clips full eclipse full eclipsed right close to punting them well because Platinum half full eclipse we said we gonna pass on that so they were first yeah they definitely were first um definitely definitely didn't want to uh didn't want to step on any toes with that right and it was just too close so when the grinding beat came up I know you guys thought that it was a crazy ass beat because I'm a DJ I I get the I get the joint yeah all of us as DJs the reason why the record I think went is because it was so different yeah but as a DJ I'm gonna tell you right now the way the beat came in it was always offbeat yeah so we hated it we hated and loved the record at the same time what because they when it was fully Clips we were talking about listen you can't dance like that was the fastest piss ever right God damn it all right I ain't [ __ ] you must have [ __ ] zoomed that yeah I already downloaded it come on come on come on so when the record was played for y'all I remember I did it okay no no when that record was playing with y'all think oh god what the [ __ ] wow yeah um no yo the the the actual the actual record grinding um man that record I was I wasn't at the studio for I was at the studio alone he called me and said hey if you do not get here I'm gonna give this record to Jay-Z and you better be here in 15 minutes I swear to God and that scared you the thing about it is I'm very territorial I hated it Nori got nothing I hate it like like I'm very angry so at that point Nori got nothing I don't know because Super Thug so it definitely came up with that yeah I I left with Super Thug like that was Nori I forgot that things that I could things that I could do I didn't want him to have it just be honest with you I'm being honest I think I had grinding too much so but grinding's such an awkward record I just want to know like like yo he was like yo get here now he was like and if you don't do it I'm gonna give it the whole and I couldn't live with hope having something that I you know that I thought that should have been for us right um needless to say I got over there and I was like I was like this is crack and he was like no listen I'm telling you this is special he knew it was special offback he knew that he knew his special off bat that's probably the only record that I wrote three times I don't write records three times I I be you know damn that's not it damn that's not it um okay that's it you know but but um and then when we we did it and at this time mind you Pharrell is like lit he's lit you know hook wise he he's singing on every hook okay boom he not singing on this hook and I'm like this in the video going like this yeah I'm like damn yellow hat yeah I'm like I'm like yo you're not gonna like he's like yo it ain't no it ain't that you know I'm telling you you got the most special [ __ ] and then like he just gave me this whole Theory like man y'all y'all are my group and you know she hustle FaceTiming hold on hold on hold on this is this is a special moment and if she hustle FaceTiming live on drink chess [Applause] what's up G Onna okay okay you listen you know I know you know I know yes sir hey man love you bro thank you appreciate that yes sir you appreciate that bro hey man oh hello hold up my brother I got you I made you since we finished all right pigs pigs because the Nifty hustle makes some noises yes [Applause] I see I had a whole surprise I had Jada Kiss I had Puff Daddy and I totally forgot I didn't answer none of them oh wow those are they supposed to all call in but I was just saying listening so much into this conversation I was just like we didn't really need anything extra to to add on to this because those are my guys because that but that's what gas is she push I'ma just be honest with you after people have 10 years in this game people write them off and people say that they're washed up right people say that it's over for them and people say that they can no longer produce anything and do what they do so that's not that's what we want to do we want to we wanted to have a platform with this exact opposite you know what I'm saying we're old [ __ ] like me who 40 years old put that spray some Givenchy yeah you deserve to be hitting eyes you know what I'm saying well you could say you're listening 10 years or more this is where you come and you'll be celebrated not where you tolerate it you celebrate it right where's the place that these brothers have 10 years or more that they celebrated at no they they put you in a washed up category they tell you that you it's over for you and I wanted to I wanted to break that barrier because I'm a hustler of All Sorts yes I've hustled I've sold water to whales yes you know what I mean I've sold you know todones to people who sell platinos make sure that we have a platform for people who's been here who seasoned in the game right here's a lot of us who have these same years that me and you have yes but they don't understand the new generation they don't want to understand the new generation they don't even want to go to the clubs and Bop to it listen because they tell you that's that's like I I feel like that's that's my calling in music right now I feel like um you know becoming a president of good music man you have to sort of be able to identify with what's going on outside [Music] um when I think about everybody and I think about everybody who's great we're gonna finish our Rose first all right cool yeah I'm gonna be honest look at me yeah you did your thing but listen when I think about when I think about all the greats and everybody that I love the music and I love the hip-hop you know I'm talking about from the golden area I'm listening I feel like um their windows were so short because they didn't embrace what was next they didn't do that and and I'm talking about now mind you I think that these guys are like go God level yeah MCS right but the one flaw that they had was they didn't say hey with the next boom they didn't identify and and I'm not saying that you gotta we ain't chasing Trends I'm not chasing no trends but it's sort of like with anything else man if you get into the environment of it you got to be able to appreciate you got to be able to appreciate like the energy that that you're feeling when you're in that mix you have to like man I just sit home in Virginia watch your own TV raps or watch Rap City and be pissed or the Box I've seen you listen let me tell you something I seen you say that story yeah right and I'm gonna give you a example I'm gonna offset your example was it was the same thing when I when people seen Players Club yeah people seen Players Club in New York at the time you don't go to strip clubs right so so Players Club to people in New York made no sense right but for a person that went and traveled I was like Players Club is the [ __ ] [ __ ] it's late and people in my hood was like what like we don't we don't spend no money in the strip clubs that's how I was back then you know what I mean that's how I used to look at that's how I used to look at the base of the Bay Area yeah the Bay Area for music I used to be pissed I said come on they do a whole little run I'd be like yo I'm not trying to see none of this [ __ ] until I got in a rap game getting a rap game go to the bay and you realize like this is a whole culture and this is a thing and and for you know it you making the face and popping your collar and you you having the greatest time of your life that's how I look at the rap game you like man if you can get in the mix of it when you you know if you're still going outside if you're still outside and you're still in the mix of it and you're in the mix of the energy of of whatever this culture is trap music you know Southern whatever the case may be it's hard not to like it when you can see when you see how people appreciate it it's hard now I'm not saying it's gonna be your number one go-to you may look at it you may look at it for something else you know it's fun it's energy you know when I'm trying to be barred up I'm not going to that when I'm trying to have a great time party see the energy of people I'm definitely going to that exactly you know you just got to be able to like differentiate and I felt like all of a lot of the people who did not Embrace that way who were like Supreme lyricists to me that's why we can only talk about them for one demand five four five three to five years and that's it it's just like when I see you know when I see the females dancing Reggaeton I said this is nice how can you you know and you know I listen I don't know a word but you know I'm going when they go on like that like like you're gonna like that you gotta like that you gotta like that I'm just keeping it real man yeah I don't know how you don't have to know the words because you don't have to you don't have to know nothing music is universal that's the one thing that's totally Universal to me is food and music I remember one time I was stuck in Russia I tell the story all the time I'm stuck in Russia not when I was in Russia with you but there's another time remember that time we went to Russia they had the actual battle was in Russia we almost died we almost died we almost died in Russia together they said Russians Against Racism yeah if you were in a place where they got to stay there Against Racism brother you don't really belong right brother so but this is another time I'm in there and I'm in the first class lounge and this guy you could tell he's not racist this is maybe his spirit's after you so you can tell these guys all babies before you tell this guy's not racist because he's just identifying me he's looking he's like he's pointing at this food like this [ __ ] is trash I'm rushing and this is trash so I'm like I don't try that but I'm like this he's like and I'm talking about we went through a hole like this is an hour hey you don't know where I am I don't know who he is and then that was food we bonded through right later on they figured out they said oh [ __ ] somebody's body told me but you know it's just food and music you know what rest in peace Anthony Bourdain actually Anthony Anthony God damn bro rest in peace man yeah man that that struck me especially uh the suicide thing yeah is because um check on your friends man yeah man you know um yeah that's kind of it's kind of weird when you see like I look at him as if almost he had everything he had everything everybody aspired to be an anti-boarding so why and and what did he he hung himself hung himself yeah you know yeah it's good that you're talking about this and I'm I'm gonna go ahead and admit something now like I'm just now understanding like uh mental health issues because of your brother Kanye yeah okay because you like it you know because him and and these suicide things and things like that but I'm just to be honest with you like uh I didn't know that there was like a real thing I didn't no you know I'm I'm raised in a super like I'm raised in a super super black household religious black religious black like religious black and just white Jesus and um and you know we use crazy so loosely you know what I'm saying um when a person don't have nothing so when a person right you accuse a person of saying they're crazy and they have the world yeah that's like that's totally different we don't even we don't even it didn't even resonate that's why for me sanity was fickle man no one actually no one actually believed that right to tell you the truth but listen like but what I'm saying is you know understanding a lot of a lot of us are raised that way like you know and you got to think about it like and just think about our generation like man you know I really knew my great grandmother who was like a real slave and like can tell me like you know can tell me like wow stories God bless live to I don't even know how old she is I don't know how old she was because she was 106 for three years in my mind right you know like all right but what I'm saying is I'm saying that to say I was raised like that because uh they went through it all right so you know crazy mental health the older Generations yeah it's like they they said you know I wasn't really when it came to mental health I was just like I don't know what that's about and I definitely don't know what that's about for people who have you know who who actually have like you know what we think uh the things of Life Like Money things like that um I'm just getting like hips to like we're living we're living in different times where mental health doesn't make the same time like what did you what did you feel like when you heard that what do you mean you had a meltdown and um you don't know him for that you know him for being a genius right you know you don't know him well genius is equivalent with crazy to be yeah that's true but not having it together and you hear that he doesn't have it together for this moment what are you talking about like like tour time and all that yeah when he was I mean you know I just um I just felt like you know still I don't equate that I wasn't equating that to something being off I'm just saying like you mean you speaking when he was Walling out yeah because I don't you know like I said I don't look at things and I I'm just now like when I tell you just now bro like I'm just getting hip to the science of mental instability right you know what I'm saying and no mental instability with people who you know right well what we think because people you think have it all like when you think of Mr stability you think of the guy that's on the corner homeless the person yeah you don't think like that right right all of that type of girl think of that which is which is goes back to um as much as we work for money like it's just there like you know like I've had money I lost it I've had it I've lost it I've haven't lost it yeah and it really doesn't make me know never mind at this point like at this point it's just like I'm I'm I'm 40 years old I'll be 41 in September 6. soul if you weigh out the options I've kind of been more up this year 21. from 20 on I've been more up than I've been down by one year right what is there really to complain about right right facts but there's people who have it even more than me and well I saw a post a friend of mine posted something today about Anthony Bourdain and they were talking about the chemicals in our brains the serotonins the things that make us feel good which drugs drug addicts can understand this because when you pump drugs into your system stop doing because he was a Coke addict he stopped well he was heroin oh yeah I forgot about that alcoholic yeah Anthony Bourdain in his early years oh man but he still got but if you think about it as an addict the fact that he drank continue to drink but I mean whatever that is what it is but I'm just saying like he was an addict so and then he the person that wrote this post that I'm talking about she's she was mentioning how like people who have need these you need to get these these the the drugs in our brain they're real right these are the things that feed us they give us uh the highs and the lows in our minds you know what I'm saying so he was going on the road he was going into different countries going into these different places and that was replacing drugs because that's the reason why I bring that up is because that's what reminds me when I listen to yay's album and I'm talking about his album he talks about like killing people and he talks and I I didn't I did I thought it was being artistic until I like actually I mean I I think it's still I don't I didn't think you could still be an autistic no but yeah I mean I don't know I didn't take it that crazy but where was you at you getting this TMZ interviews oh yeah I mean you know I mean listen it was listen I mean we could talk on so many different levels when it came to that just um I mean well first of all let's just talk about the business like man we got a whole we got a whole by this time we've got whole Five albums that we have decided that we're putting out so on and so forth this is what we doing so he's obviously very calculated we're very we're on it we lit the label yeah yeah I'm like okay you are the label yeah you know my album's damn near finished if not finished it's cracked boom I'm happy everybody else Nas in the mix boom and um he comes and he he has his team's interview and from that point on I'm just like this is this is the the slavery yeah I'm like well there's absolutely positively nothing that's going to be louder than that and I was like then I'm like man I'm first there's no press that I'm gonna do I'm not gonna do any press because because that's going to be us that's going to be depressed right um and I was just like man that's gonna be depressed for the remainder of it you know I just felt like it was uh so did that bother you though that that happened before yeah hell yeah so as like business partners I mean like they're my friendship in business like you're like yo why would that have to happen in business I was my business mind was saying wow I don't know how we gonna move this like this like you know because my thing is you know yes about it on the album as if his wife even bro okay listen it was really a real it was a thing so it's like man more than the thing yeah it's a real thing so it's like at the same time business minded and thinking it's like man I like like everybody everybody needs to hold their own way just like okay boom he won't produce it that's cool we get we get to get out here and run with the ball when it's our time to run with the ball that's that's just how I feel like it should go right we sort of took the ball away with that so it was nowhere to run right and um you know I feel like at the same time when that happened um he took the ball and then they got into like you know it was him it was him tweeting and talking and he just got he became Donald Trump right he really became he really became vocal in regards I don't want to say he's Trump oh no he meant in the presence of trump like how Trump how Trump does it showed up on Twitter right like right Trump explains himself you could text me you could text me and say what's up and I could text you and say what's up and I could think you beefing and you could think I'm saying what's up right all right it's like no I get what you're saying I get it but I you know um I just felt like um you know he he took the ball he took the ball and um and it was it was uneasy for me it was a little bit uneasy for me because like I said I feel like you know he produced it we run with the ball we do what we supposed to do in our respective uh veins you know in lanes and genres or whatever but um he took it man and and it's panned out how was him and TI's record um and I got one more question and I'll let you go him and Tia's record because that was like to me I had a record me and Capone has a record called the argument right that's the only record that's better than that records right right yes it's called but it's basically the same exactly right when I got you your driver's license remember I took you go get your license [Music] [ __ ] God damn it yo I still need a driver's license hook me up [ __ ] well um what the [ __ ] was this saying man I was into that argument argument all right right so the him and TI's record that was also done in real time okay how you said right all right like I think that was the most brilliant record I mean the people because that we're just not ready to um we're still in infant stages you can't give a stick right now right so I don't think the people was ready for that but I think the concept was brilliant yeah um were you there or partner no no I would I wasn't I wasn't but some people might feel it was set up also well I feel a little setup I mean like it's okay I mean they were arguing I mean no it was it was actually a debate on record I mean I think that's a Genus way to to defuse something so someone could say nah bro this is a way out of the situation okay a genius way out of it you don't get it yeah I I liked it I thought I'm not saying if we like it or not I'm disabled it should have made that I'm playing the devil's Advocates of that what do you think you didn't you you enjoyed him scrapping the whole album and yeah because he scrapped his own albums yeah he did actually right it started off a mobile from TMZ all right why because um man that guy really works off feeling right and um you know he he really works off feeling and it's always about taking it to the next level for him um at the same time he he also just like okay boom TMZ happen We're Not Gonna keep living in TMZ yeah we gonna go to the next his mind is always you know did he regret the TMZ or not at all uh I don't think he regrets it I feel like he I feel like he um we've had conversations about messaging and things like that and and how it was message which where it could have been better and so on and so forth but you know I feel like there's a bigger picture for him you know what I'm saying and I feel like a lot of things got lost in uh uh in the key words you know what I'm saying versus like there was a messaging that obviously to me it seemed like he mismessaged on TMZ right right I felt like he had a valid idea right that missed message no no like you know when we speak about it when he's like man you know you know he said like damn push you know I I really do I wanna I wanna learn I feel like we all should be learning how magic became a billionaire instead of learning Jada kids calling in yo Jay the kiss was going on you live on the drink camps Make some noise [Applause] listen we here we'll Pusha T man kiss what up so much congratulations thank you sir listen you you heard Yonkers get the shout out on my album yeah yeah [Laughter] that was you that was for you you and styles ain't she you know it thank you sir yes sir hello what are you push and you get that love listen I'm just I just totally forgot I had hit everybody in the industry to say a call in and then I totally got so much into your conversation I answered the phone for no one wow so but but how do you feel about like um getting that type of love like I could I could hit anybody everybody wanted to call in I listen I I you know I I really appreciate it and for real for real these are like all people I respect and nipsy hustle this is like these are the people who did get through let me see hustle listen totally respect Nipsey for for sure that's my gosh Jadakiss man I was I was riding Norfolk State University myself going to buy mixtapes from The Bootlegger the clue is shouting out that he gonna beat up when he see him the African [ __ ] you know what I'm saying like smelly like man to hear the beginning of the clue tape and the end of the clue tape with the locks like it's um you know it man it just for real it says a lot it says a lot that I'm even uh it affects me a lot that I even get to kick it with these guys like this that I even you know have the relationship and the Rapport that I have with the Jadakiss fabulous in Noriega you realize you're a legend as well yeah for sure okay for sure okay like I'm like like man this is it's crazy this is my peer group but this is my peer group of four hours appear um you know what I'm saying [Applause] like that [ __ ] like and I'm talking about still great all the ones all the ones that were great to meet in it's still great to me now still you know still getting money it's still getting money still gotta listen for them to be very important to be motivated you gotta still get money let me just tell you something because if you're great ain't still getting money nowadays you be looking out right right you still great but be clear you gotta still be getting listen you have to be you gotta still get money some type of way you have to some type of way cells soaps listen listen man that's what I feel like you know that's what the game is that's what rap is is for me it's uh it's still the youngest genre right we'll be like 44 years in right and um that like like it's good for us to be able to sit here and be like man I'm at drink Champs like I know like I I know there's like 240 probably a month that just comes to this game your first shiny designer uh yeah so so you get you get the job with good music yeah and then they say you got to produce or you just you just on on my screen I don't know well no no what happens is um see a lot of [ __ ] has happened with a good involving new [ __ ] like we take it all the way back to my name is my name um that album came out 2013 and making that album and making that album I came under a lot of fire for having a song called pain with future on it you know I go to the studio you know me and Yale be together for a while I go you know we leave I go home Boom come back first question he asked what's hot I'd be like Futures to God what are you talking about he was like what's that you know you know what you mean you play it you know what I'm saying he gets into it oh man get him up here future get on pain that's how it goes you know people killing me what what you mean you rap why you why you got future on paying ah I'm like man this is what's hot what are you talking about he's crazy I think I'm using them in a way that's not compromising myself you know I feel like we're working together yeah you know yeah and we found a way to make it to make a marriage with it paying one of my favorite records you know same time you know he may ask me yo what's what's what what's going on I'm like what you mean what's going on Chief Keith what's going on you bugging like he from Chicago what you mean that's how you got it yeah so you know what's that play that boom I like that kid young child okay boom let me remix that all right we do the remix boom you know and you found designers the same way same way designer was on like I was heavily into future like you know just as an artist like man he's dope with a move and I heard him I heard designer I want to say through SoundCloud maybe wow and um and so my manager was also into him and I was like yo you heard that new future I was just playing who's your manager Stephen Victor bigger boss so I was like yo um he always liked his name sir he like first and last Stephen Victor what up dog so you know I'm like yo you know the future new future crazy and he like what so I'm like you know I played it and I play designer and he was like man this shit's fire I was like yes this kid ain't designing he he he this is the next wave watch him talking back and forth by that time um Enrique he went out I think he probably went to LA played it for yay um also Stephen Victor you said yeah okay um by this time it was other a RS around playing Pat he was around during that time as well yeah and he uh he's uh he's a good now though but but he uh he played it as well and uh yay was like okay go find him and um went back to Brooklyn saw that he had other you know other characters you know designer probably like 18 at this time yeah so you know uh it's like 18 and just had you know just had different different colors with him different energy different colors and and uh ended up on a Pablo album from you know from Panda big records yeah Panda was a panda's like uh 14 16 million something like that Timmy Turner about two or four Timmy Turner yeah there's definitely come in threes well that's what they say I said I heard you say yeah no oh no no that's insane I know it's the same yeah yeah heard you reiterate this yeah yeah yeah yeah recently and I'm just like oh I'm saying that because there's three people involved in there okay okay how appropriate um okay so um now valet let's end this with this yeah Bradley let's go man let's keep talking but go ahead okay all right cool you know you know Mr Lee you know they got it right we were Opera because you know you all got to do is burn Mr Lee hair like yeah like a hair on his arm you just burning Shout Out Mr Lee he keep asking to be on my uh Evolution [ __ ] man I'm so tired [Applause] you got one Stella yeah [Laughter] let me tell you something I'm tired I'm glad I'm tired of you listen I'm driving around with you listening to your album he says he says no jury on but I'm the richest [ __ ] in the air yeah you think you talk about me I looked at Mr Lee and I was there you gotta relax is a studio whatever this is my mind it's just amazing man yo Mr Lee is a fun amazing man so listen and listen um let me be honest Mr Lee oh your rapper friends are drug dealers [Laughter] you got me okay and I think you got Jeezy like I'm not gonna lie defense is watching somebody it's definitely wow why would he say this [Laughter] [Music] let me let me just take it back for for one second question let's take it back because you see what happened like I mean in The public's conception for a while Meek was finished right for in the Public's conception not to say he was financially washed or right but in the Public's concession for for a long time after back to back right people were it was back to back well then it was bad she got nominated for Grammy push facts which means nothing to me but go ahead no I've never gotten on it yeah no I got nominated they didn't even send me my passes I said [ __ ] them never win never win in my area go by themselves but um so now you they're back now right this [ __ ] drops doopy freestyle you thinking that it can this can be the same or you're saying nah I'm gonna reevaluate the situation you knew because you knew about the you know you had private investigators and [ __ ] no it's four days did you have problems kid information we never got to that this is wow man people look like I don't know I don't understand you know people are just uh the people are what people are disloyal just loyal or dislike disloyal I don't I don't you know I don't know that's it what'd you saying it was [ __ ] information came through disloyal people yeah I'm not on my side man you know I mean to your benefit yeah right yeah that's it so you just held it you just you're just like that's all a whole list for the right time that's all man that's all man God damn it I don't care I don't get no smoother than that so for the record it's over though it is over yeah it's hard as far as I know it's over yeah Prince direct no no no I haven't but you know he like I said he talked to my management and um you know everything it was cool it was cool now did you think you went too far no no I don't believe in too far yeah okay no especially after mentioning never there's no such a thing no such a thing all right so now moving forward right everybody says it's over that's what I want [Applause] because you did you did say you saw a baby in the elevator in Beverly Hills I did man you did you did see baby in the belly I did man in the elevator in Beverly Hills yes this is the Four Seasons I feel like it's a Four Seasons yeah is it Mr C Hotel no you know one of those types one of those okay all right I mean I'm involved okay so now what happens if you're at Four Seasons now Waldorf right very nice what happens you've been there at the water yes super nice super nice I like a lot Super Fresh you don't even gotta walk in you can smell it that's money in there like you you yeah you remember we jogged like I was like I said the Waldorf is right there basically how you know I smell like this we're a mile away right you're in your what happens what do you mean what happened I'm asking like you walk I'm in the elevator didn't drink bro I mean you know I don't uh I I don't know I mean you know I'm I'm fine like what is it to talk about I mean we we never like really had we've never had conversations we never it's over man all right all right not in the elevator because that's like two cookies crazy anywhere it doesn't matter anyways you know it's just what it is unless something happens something happens that's what I'm just saying like if if he said y'all I want to holla at you what would be your immediate yeah what is it going okay man boa yeah right Lionel Richie's right here right all right Lionel Richie right there I don't know you Gotta Throw lino in there somewhere somehow you gotta throw line up because he's like you know he's mixed you got to throw them in it so Lionel's in the middle is that a drake reference no no I'm just yeah right on everything all right cool you don't know your point listen you walk in the restaurant right which is in the middle Right Drake is on the other side right you on the other side right is Chuck Mangione there do y'all speak it's a universal thing if you're black when you see another black person yeah do you give the head knot I don't got much to talk about man I don't have nothing but a head knot is like University like you I could give a [ __ ] listen [ __ ] you putting out some awkward scenarios I'm fine Latinos don't have this [ __ ] right no y'all got this I don't know man I'm sorry you know when you see another black man you go like that do you give him the head nod if you see him like this uh no [Music] Drake as a fellow black man in the room you know don't do it drain don't do a drink it's minimum average the head not you know especially when you're in a can you just always you see another black [ __ ] he said he don't even get that I'm cool like I listen bro listen work this is fine God damn it here we go your [ __ ] T I want to thank you for coming out hanging out with the dream Champs thank you man being here with us we've been we've been we've been waiting for you for so long and not because of this negative thing it's because for the positive thing from the beginning because people want to we want to praise our Legends We Want To Praise people while they're here we want to give the people their flowers where they can smell them they trees where they can help them they thoughts where they can think them and they drinks where they can drink them you know what I'm saying because so many people want to praise a person they want to say this guy's the guy when he's gone and this guy nah but how about the people when they're alive we that's what we want to do and I realize there's no platform for that I realize that and this is the reason why me and my partner DJ EF and we got together and we said we're going to give people these people that got 10 years or more and we're going to sit there we're going to celebrate them and especially people and and most of the time when they got 10 years or more it's not people that they quote unquote say is relevant right all right so when we got people that we can praise 10 years or more that's relevant it's it's a Plus on a Plus on a plus listen man so we would like to thank you for coming here because it's hard to [ __ ] be 10 years and relevant anyway right so God damn it thank you for coming here homeless yeah foreign
Channel: REVOLT
Views: 1,717,332
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: REVOLT, TV, hip, hop, music, rap, r&b, pusha t, daytona, g.o.o.d. music, good music, kanye west, drake, the story of adidon, infrared, kid cudi, ye, kids see ghosts, nas, nasir, teyana taylor, diss, beef
Id: d4gCyWj6eUc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 135min 49sec (8149 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 19 2018
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