J Prince Talks Drake & Pusha T, NBA Youngboy, Rap-A-Lot Records, His New Book & More | Drink Champs

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[Music] let's do this [ __ ] [Music] what up it's dj efn and i like saying this this is military crazy raw slash drink chefs yappy you know this is my one of my favorite times of doing drink chances people that's behind the scenes not only this brother is behind the scenes but he was the move maker behind the scenes when you have people who in this game that says uh starting from the trunk to what is it hand-in-hand from the trump this brother's name pops up he's an entrepreneur he's down there if houston had or texas had a president i think his picture will pop up i don't know how many rappers jewelry he got back i don't know this man is a legend he started the independence i feel like this was our first version of motown and hip-hop i could be i could be wrong you correct me or anybody correct me but i feel like this is the first version of motown you got people like master p that looks up to this guy people like baby people i mean every i don't know people who don't look up to him everyone from bum beats a little flip has sat at this same uh table in this show and has picked up this man and he has a great book called respect in case you don't know who the [ __ ] we talking about we talking about the remarkable the impeccable [ __ ] prince now you you're the big homie you're the guy you're one of the biggest biggest of the biggest homies right and when i went out and research your story it's like what i said in the intro i believe you were like the first black owned uh i don't want to say street i want to say record label first straight up record label right but you owned a car a lot prior to that yeah right yeah what how much what the [ __ ] i was exercising my entrepreneurship okay so uh so how do you transition from the car lot and then say because the car has to be making money yeah right yeah yeah actually you know i always had a passion for cars you know what i mean i used to uh i used to have model cars my i couldn't afford them as a kid but my cousin had them so every every car i dreamed of i ended up purchasing you know you know how you look at them shits on you on your dresser or whatnot and you envision yourself oh i want to be in that car i gotta make some noise for that every car he dreams so that passion led me to uh open a car live because i was connected in the street and all the athletes you know i mean all the hustlers and whatnot that was a uh a way of making money yeah so so i because at this time i'm seeing rap making money but i'm not seeing them make millions i'm not seeing them i'm not seeing the all the flashing at this time and especially not only rap yeah but let's just be let's be clear the south yeah particularly wasn't known for making so what made you say you know what [ __ ] this car a lot that is probably like a cash business and because that's that's who that's what is it hope dreams like you hope this works there's no guarantee so what made you do that no real talk i uh you know i felt like the the rap game was the next dope game just to be real right and i shared those thoughts with many you know what i mean and some believe a lot of them didn't believe if you uh like follow me with my intros on the ghetto boys you know one of my one of my goals was to plant them seeds and to as many hustlers around the world as possible because i was trying to build them in the game away right yeah yeah you know the whole journey that's what caught the master p and all the others down i seen katie a book signing recently yeah that was that was hard you know i mean julian he was going at it a little bit i thought that was hilarious oh cause i think uh you know artists we sensitive like like like this one article that drew the beverly world about me i haven't forgave her yet yeah you know what she didn't want she didn't really know that's when she's like the girls yeah but master p have remembered that and they saw each other and and it was it was unique to see him as a human as well you know what i mean because a lot of times we act like nothing don't bother us but it kind of bothered him and he was like yeah he's like she didn't she excuse me she checked him because he had said something in the interview the breakfast club calling a white girl said oh this is the white girl and she ain't like that she stepped up i was i was actually impressed and then he ended it with you and jay prince so that's it so um now let's get to let's get to what you got over there those bottles look very sexy yeah what is that cause loyalty loyalty man let's make some noise for loyalty y'all yeah and so that's the rose yeah okay so and this is where is this from this is from france yeah okay it's from france i'm just trying to diversify my portfolio you haven't done enough already what's your proudest moment in hip hop or that you've been a part of in this music business um i would say uplifting the south you know i mean it was important to me to ignite that whole movement in the south and i think i accomplished that so that's that's one of my proudest moments that's hard i mean because like i really look at your career and it's really it's you're really very unique right what i mean by that is people that made it to where you at always had like a sucker [ __ ] attached to it on some rumor some bad [ __ ] it's like that's why i use the word impeccable in the thing you have like a like what's called an impeccable reputation you know a impeccable amount of respect like i don't i've never heard nobody talk bad about jay prince how did how i mean i'm sure it's happened but i've never seen it you know what i'm saying so how do you develop that i know you're gonna say respect yeah i mean you know that's that's a part of it but having a word you know what i mean let your uh yes mean yes you know me no you know along with uh just being stand up man right you know what i mean all of that helps the follow through and also you know what blew my mind the ghetto boys was put together yeah the ghetto boys that we see yeah that we think is the ghetto boys didn't even know each other nah holy moly they were all individual emcees on their own yeah did you know i didn't even know that yeah gave me chills when i was researching them yeah i actually um because you had three other artists that was getting boys yeah the original three um they couldn't relate to me you know what i mean they said she was too deep yeah but what i done was went on every side of houston and i felt like i got the three hardest cause i heard you said you did research yeah now when people see here research they think google this is a different type of research you had to go because i believe scarface is from the south side yeah and you from the north side right so you actually had to go in the lion's den to actually meet with him right yeah holy [ __ ] you understand what that is that's all and and willie d and scarface none of them knew each other none of them yeah so what's that first session like yeah you know you know what i mean stand off everybody was doing it for me you know what i mean because i told them i say man there's ghetto boys all over the world y'all come together and and add to the foundation i already laid and uh make these right make make these rhymes these these lyrics in my head rhyme because i had some [ __ ] i wanted to say i heard you used to say i heard you used to lay it out like you were trying to wrap through them because i think my mind is trying to trick you about him hold on yeah i think it's a chapter in the closet or something like that yeah yeah definitely mine playing tricks is about all of them and how do you come across someone like bushwick you know i saw bushwick in the club man i saw him in the club doing some dancing and different [ __ ] drunk was he always the same way yeah always man another man and i thought he was a uh i'll catch you all right yeah because that's just that's just that's pure talent though like because at the time um like i don't know i don't remember a rap group like having like an art that's like like a hard character like at that time like i mean that that was the first one right like butch mcbeal i mean if you consider flame maybe for a public enemy in a sense okay okay as a character okay now um one thing that i always when i visited houston i realized how big houston was and i always realized i always thought that there's gonna be one person that could only sell their music to just houston and and blow just just what houston because that's how big it is like i feel like there's gonna be an artist that can just promote to houston i mean when i say he's not meaning the whole texas my bad but because texas is so big that's what i meant you you think that there's a day that that can happen oh yeah all things are possible okay yeah right yeah so let me just show you the names that's associated with you when i googled you i want to show you how this this is this did you did you do this i mean i know a lot of yeah all right cool hold on yeah actually who was the first that wasn't the first group you signed right was it putting together no no uh i had raheem whoa you know i mean raheem actually was a solo artist that i signed with a m records right and uh i took that money from a m and put it in the ghetto boards yeah you had to go to new york to a m california oh yeah yeah california and odd squad was on was an early signing right yeah that's what devon later yeah yeah did you know he was a breakout out of odd squad i felt that we always felt odd score was before their time right you know what i mean he stuck out you know blind robbed you know he's a blind producer all of those guys are real talented okay so when i go with your name this is all the people that came out jazz prince of course your son scarface willie d bushwick christina malone which i didn't know that revelation wow bun b zero uh brian sanders uh devin the dude pepsi big mike meg the stallion i didn't know that you ready for a drink i hadn't spoke about that right i'll be honest one of the very first things and this is about the incident right not um their squabble but when it happened to make the stallion once whatever happened i don't know but one of the very very first comments i saw was that wouldn't happen if she was on she was with the homies that wouldn't happen if you know you know you know what i'm trying to say right so um if you can't and man it watches very nice bro thanks bro a lot of looking looked at all your interviews i see this man come with a nice watch you know we love watching but but speaking on on that because she was a she was originally signed to you and uh crawford right well never was originally signed to me but signing the crawford okay 1501. okay and uh crawford is from fifth floor he from my hood okay and uh you know he a baseball player he's on the hook let's make some noise to that man so uh some moves was taking place right to uh you know come in and uh kind of scoop megan away from right the homies because he he knew he knew he said he probably saw this day coming yeah yeah in the music industry a lot of times uh the majors wait on independence to build a situation up and they come in and say today yeah exactly they called saving the date right uh but we wouldn't you know i couldn't have it on my watch but you know the homie came to me and he like he explained to me what was taking place and you know like a big homie should do i stood up for him right and uh we was able to change things around because artists what happens is artists and i've been a part of this uh artists come they get in the game they sign the contract you can't technically sign a contract without having a lawyer look over it that's technically so that means you had your people look over it and didn't want to change the contract is that something like that happen there well well the thing is you actually can refuse to have a lawyer yeah you can't okay or you can tell your lawyer you don't really care about going through the contract because you're paying for it oh yeah you had it right i thought that was mandatory okay okay no i mean and and and the thing with that situation is you know that's that's how it happened you know when she actually had a lawyer as well wow wow so then i i'm gonna go straight to it didn't this this this tory lane situation you think that would have happened or if had you been involved or you i don't think so if it did i think it'd have been immediate consequences all right yeah all right let's make some money for that guy change it up goddamn change so boxing andre ward he retired too early i would have loved seeing andre stay longer yeah right well i'm andre you know andre is a real spiritual individual he a man of god and uh he told me you know what i mean that's that's part of the calling god told him to to retire to retirement so i can't argue with god right lost a lot of money though right now a lot because he would have he you think he went up to like no no what was he he's middleweight right yeah yeah he was a light heavyweight i think andre could have worn a tight-head heavyweight wow i wouldn't as andre ward destroy heavyweights wow yeah where he from oakland oh okay how the hell do you be finding all these these businesses like like what kind of water do you drink before you know with boxing you know what you know what man i'm a praying man right first and foremost like a lot of [ __ ] pray they don't got the opportunities so so i feel like all my blessings come from some kind of way okay oh yeah i respect that now for four long years you had the number one boxer as he was becoming the number one boss you had floyd yeah when he like he he didn't really even know who he was at the time he was developing as a man right and i would see you in the ring yeah so i had never thought that relationship i thought it was like yeah i was like a perfect relationship you know i'm saying so it lasted four years but what what was it was just time to move on yeah you know sometimes like in any relationship you know you evolve and eventually you do things differently right so i think that's kind of what took place with me and the homie but it's still uh okay cause i heard you surrounded the gym man okay so one of the one of the most interesting benches i've ever heard of in hip-hop oh it was like a two give me a look at the blood it's like a two-week rumor that this was actually happening you and what was happening was it wasn't like you shook an earth or any three of y'all was on the down yeah i was on the up right at this time so if this would have actually emerged this would have been the biggest black conglomerate we have ever saw you think there was somebody deliberately out to shut y'all down and what was it y'all were doing it trying to set up distribution yeah we had a meeting yeah we wanted to create our own black owned distribution wow so we had a meeting of the mines met in l.a and it wasn't long after uh i feel like the feds attacked each of us you know what i that's the mean from not only from a distribution point of view you know they had their reasons but definitely they you know we all saw what happened to death row we saw how they attack murder inc and you know they tried to kill me so yeah yeah that was working like a dea agent or a hitman or some [ __ ] yeah i called him a hit man because he got about eight to ten bodies wow you know what i mean so i couldn't think of a better name to call uh schumacher you know yeah and they put them on you oh yeah wow yeah on purpose wow it works god damn you out here [ __ ] smelling like roses so now they say that they would say they said that you had a pig farm on your house on a prime that they would just the mob would just feed people to the pigs oh yeah you know they tell a lot of lives you know it's about 300 something heads of cows and horses and [ __ ] like that no pigs that does sound scary though you gotta go to jay prince great you know he got a big stop like what wait a minute no that's crazy that's good so i heard scarface say word for word he said people want to be like mike i wanted to be like jay that's [ __ ] hard how how how do you how do you feel when you when you hear things like that you know i feel honored man i feel honored to uh you know to inspire all of them that come after me you know what i mean because one thing i never wanted my kids or nobody to do is have to hold a head down when my name is mentioned so for wanting to be able to hold his head up you know from observing me or being inspired by me is inspirational to me it's a beautiful thing so at one point before you get off your face we got to talk about that you know it's crazy i hate scarface to get some cheat questions yeah and he was like yo um he said he said um jay told me he was coming down i thought that was just dope that y'all still speak like that yeah that's my brother that's real that's real like i just want to commend you to your face yeah and i know i've been rough times between y'all because everybody every brother's fight yeah but the fact that y'all can still talk 30 years later yeah still like i hit scarface and he was like yeah he told me he's coming like oh [ __ ] he's still talk to me that's something that should be honored you know just a relationship regardless of everything i know you got business together but i just want to honor that to your face man that's beautiful bro i was touched by that and i got no i know face it you know when was had the the covey [ __ ] i caught a face every single day yeah i just called them to check on them like i didn't i didn't care what time i didn't care if i was bothered and i'm just like okay you alright face you alright faith but like getting back to that i really respect your relationship i respect you know 30-year relationship like me and you it's like that like we know each other that long like and we still speaking so when i see it because i know it's abnormal for other people you know what i'm saying it's like everyone is in the snake in each other everyone is in the doing some some dumb [ __ ] so when i see that i definitely wanted to salute you to your face and face is still he's still looking for a kidney donor right yeah yeah yeah right yeah we gotta we gotta get we gotta get that if you out there you got a kidney and you know you hit the math i mean you know what i mean some people just gotta actually you know yeah i don't know how to say that right d and he was calling the brad one time throughout this whole interview um i was watching you know i was watching all these interviews about you guys and he kept calling them brad i was like who the [ __ ] is brad that's the whole time i got totally slips in my mind i want to say something real quick because when i was researching uh you it brought me to fly tv right and on vlad tv black tv i feel like he disrespected hip-hop i feel like disrespecting louis farrakhan i feel like he did he didn't say sorry so vlad tv or anybody's watching this i would like you personally vlad to take every video that nori is on your site and take it off i wouldn't i'm asking you that as as a favor i know i could have called you you know on on the phone but this is a public situation this isn't a private situation so this is your boy nre sorry now i just i don't want anything to do with that sorry sorry sorry cause you know i'm watching and lord jamal and everybody's like man like if you disrespect the culture of hip-hop and you're not a part of the culture like you the best the best thing you should do is apologize he so he disrespected louis farrakhan they asked him to apologize and he said i apologize to him if you come on my show all right you don't dictate this situation buddy this is our culture we dictate this [ __ ] so by me taking the stairs i'm gonna take it i don't know nothing to do with this [ __ ] but i would like for you to erase every video that i'm on on your site and that's all i stand let's move back to this all right i haven't heard that before yeah he just inspected the louis farrakhan he actually made up something they checked him on it and said look this is what he said he didn't say that he false reportedly he falsely reported something yo just say i'm sorry just say you're my bad you know what i'm saying you know you're getting rich over this culture like he has young men go up there and you know i didn't want to keep going i don't want you keep going on that but let's say so now respect let's talk about the book of respect yeah you wrote it in 2014 no not that long ago okay this book been out i think two years yeah okay yeah a few months before it was released okay so uh you know this book the art and signs of respect right but my wins my losses everything happened in between the art and science the art and science science sounds mad complicated yeah so is that complicated the science of it or not not really okay no not really it's not complicated because you know i lived it all and you know i explained my explanations for everything i went through to because i wanted to leave uh uh you know what i mean a blueprint right of how i made it make it easier for the next generation now i heard there was a totally different version of this and you decided not to to do it because you felt like you was giving up too much no i had never heard that oh yeah what are you cutting these right hey give me that question i'm doing it but you know you know the truth of the matter all of it's not there you know what i mean i don't want to do a movie so why yeah that's what i'm sure you want to do yeah that was my name shout out to julia beverly as well yeah who could play you in the movie good question my niece i need your help with that i definitely want to help out i thought myself at one point and then i said nah i need a better better you need a real real actor like you need denzel to lose 20 years yeah he can do it what's his name but oh no no you need a real actor you don't need no comedian [ __ ] i don't know say it wait for me you need a guy who could cry who can you know and do everything like you know there has to be something already in the world i would imagine especially after compton's success yeah but i don't th the actor hadn't been picked you know that's that's important the story isn't cool though yeah your story is correct appreciated all right so um what was it what was your favorite like uh act you ever worked with cause i heard you say that you worked with a lot of artists that you didn't personally like yeah i mean it was a business territory you know what i mean sometimes you know and i said that uh like open the mind of others that you don't have to like you know business is business so yeah a lot of them i didn't like personally but you know a few of my scarface's one you know what i mean that's the homie love pimp c love bun b right you know those guys was uh exciting and they weren't originally assigned to you they were signing a job yeah and then you signed them as solo artist yeah assignment solo artist when uh when pmc got locked up and jive didn't want to allow bond to make a living really wow from a solo perspective and java's even taking a free pimp c campaign away from them yeah yeah so i convinced them to let me put bun out on the solo too so what was the i heard the dave pepsi came out you brought them to uh not the raindrop you brought them to was popping some [ __ ] oh yeah pmci i kind of call him the the the southern tupac you know what i mean i can see that yeah yeah you know he he was he was off the chain so he and i you know why he was locked up with have conversations on on that day of release so you know i just kept my word once again you know when he got uh bam set it off now one thing that pepsi [ __ ] me up to this day i still can't get over to this he said you atlanta dudes ain't even the south it's it's not even it's the same time zone it's east coast and to this stage i'm gonna throw miami in there i can't get that out of my head so do you think pepsi was doing that on purpose or he was just he was just on one that day like you know i think he was talking about the time you know what i'm saying okay the atlanta miami new york on the same you know time zone yeah so do you think he thought that just texas i mean that's a big bar though i've never got over that i was like damn that's right just to a certain extent but then most of the south is on the east coast wow yeah yeah virginia virginia statewide state west because texas is a huge ass [ __ ] state yeah now we said virginia as we speak about virginia you added i say edited um you ended the beef between dre and pusha i guess i guess you could say that because [Music] now okay there hasn't since it was there a phone call that happened well i had an opportunity to uh speak with kanye you know and of course because we heard drake was saying he smashed count kim on the racket that's what we heard due to the great vibe that's what we heard yeah but you know what i mean that didn't you know that's that's something didn't make sense for us right you know moving on some moment [ __ ] right so uh we figured out how to circumvent that and keep it moving because i'm gonna be honest that takes a lot of restraint it takes a lot of discipline because you know i don't [ __ ] with the social media like that i post or whatever but i don't [ __ ] but there's people who [ __ ] with that yeah and if you lost on social media sometimes you lose in life yeah so i could imagine that week that you called drake and was like yo we're not going to respond yeah plaza blah blah blah how hard do you think it was because some people were saying that that that record couldn't have existed because if it existed they don't care about pushing t you know what i'm saying if it existed they would just drop drop it and just and put your teeth and and kanye if it existed but then some people was like hell why didn't he respond so what was that week like so i'm sure people was hitting you on on that as well you know that was uh a testament of the respect that he had for me because he didn't he wasn't trying to hear that [ __ ] really he wanted to draw him he's awesome yeah i mean you know how that is [ __ ] hit you you want to so to me that was a testament of the respect he had for me and and i had to like really you know let him know okay i really mean this right you know what i mean this don't make sense right and when we put it on the scale it didn't make sense it was that simple yeah it's kind of like um when jay over did it with nas with that second record right and he went to certain places about family and things like that it kind of made him lose the beast by default because of him bringing in other family members of him doing that is that how you felt with that well in all losses some losses are wins yeah that's true you know what i mean it depends on your thinking ability where where all of that is concerned and we you know i we couldn't get caught up in that right it was a moment right you know what i mean we big pitching thing right so we had to keep it moving right now i know you've talked about this a lot but maybe for our audience how how did that connection happen you guys and drake his son yeah i know i know but i just yeah we know this but right you're right you might not know you're right you're right no my son jazz prince brought me drake and uh you know a young drake yeah young crap you didn't use it i didn't even like him you know what i mean i didn't like it i'm like man what are you this dude singing oh yeah he like trust me on this one daddy you know you man he buzzing right so i had taught him since he was like this the importance of a buzz and rapalite and all the meetings and i'm calling around the world marketing meets right what's buzzing what's buzzing so you know and i tell everybody my heels stood up like a german shepherd right when he said he's supposed to he buzzed i said where are you from canada my ears went down yeah so i called canada right cause when we flew him in wayne was in and bam rest yes and at that time um you didn't know how he looked or nothing so he walked out the door he's like i'll be sure that's what you thought yeah i didn't connect them without you brother so why isn't it a rap a lot situation was it because you're in the boxing well yeah i had kind of you know moved on and my son was on tour with lil wayne right right so i told him i said hey man i don't want you coming home you out there just getting [ __ ] and coming home broke right you know what i mean so i'm like i told him how to go to lil wayne and tell him what you want to start a record labor you want them to be partners 50 50. and wayne you know bit on opportunity from there i'm like who your first artist so he said drake so bam that's how it all came from i say take drake on the road with you and have lil wayne to put his arm around him you're telling me your son introduced drake to wayne oh yeah but young money is created out of that situation yeah wow oh y'all didn't know that yeah i thought just rock though yeah i thought drake and wayne had a relationship and then i think i thought jazz came in after i didn't know jasmine's connection oh that's [ __ ] remarkable bro holy moly come on so then okay now wayne wayne does the business but we all know wayne is an artist yeah right we all know wayne is an artist we all know that when it comes down to the business business and the big meetings he might not even be there yeah so it gets to bird man right birdman makes all this money off of drake and then there's money old to your son how does how does that not get worked out uh well it got worked out you know what i mean that's that's it's a done deal not everything has has been done but it was a process you know what i mean and i think it was a process because of the money they took before drake came to the table you know what i mean they had got a hell of a advance today's cash money or young money cash money okay because young money is y'all coming now yeah but young money is cash money right when it came to that business thing you know and we got caught up in the mix of that because they had taken so much until you know what i mean because they're looking at it like i'm sorry come payday they don't they don't have it all right and is that the same discrepancy that y'all had that wayne was having at the time with cash money as well well i don't really i don't really know his business right yeah but yeah because that's that's the thing is like this interviews this documents a baby saluting you so i would imagine that's the automatic thing to do is know that that's that's you regardless like yeah even though your son is his own entity yeah i'm saying so um i always just was curious about that i know you just said you worked it out yeah you know like baby slim right uh master p tony draper right switching all these guys like my students you know what i mean so that's one of the reasons i wanted my son to do something with lil wayne because you know i trusted the homies in that situation uh you know once again i think you know a lot of times there's artists and and recollectors we get that paper that advance thinking that the artist is going to perform the same way on the next album or whatnot and [ __ ] don't happen the same thing that's the wheels advocate do you think that birdman thought that it was drake who owed your son and not him i'm asking like just being dead okay that uh we need to have ours right you know what i mean we're gonna be no negotiating and dialogue and whatever whatever is concerned and like i say it took a process and we got ours all right god damn it so oh man this is a lot this is what what the [ __ ] kind of beer is that that's ours brazilian [ __ ] carnegie hall this is like some crazy stuff but all right cool boom at one point it felt like you and drake even fell out was was was that like that new artist because you know at one point i i was an artist too yeah um we start to think we did it on our own and we because because you know you go on platinum you you know it's the ego though have you ever dealt with that with drake particularly i don't know like i think we had a moment okay like that where we felt okay but i have experienced that but okay yeah like when you put them on and then they just act like they brought those sneakers on their own yeah you know i hadn't uh really experienced that with him okay i hope they're not ever yeah right but yeah make somebody what was your favorite moment like um uh what artists what was one artist that like when they say come to the studio he was like [ __ ] it i dropped everything and i went to the studio for them well you know one of my favorite moments wasn't about the studio was a but but it was about uh respect where the south was concerned and it was with the with the record mind playing tricks oh you know what i mean because it was like a a long hustle man to try and get respect where radio was concerned but doors slammed in our face over and over again right and finally to sit back and witness everybody embrace that song you know sit about we didn't have internet social media right so we hit state by state city by city and everybody embrace it that was a beautiful feeling but i'm not gonna lie and that's like the unofficial halloween record yeah every year it's not halloween unless you feel [ __ ] hair that like i can't even get into it like i'm not putting on the costume putting my blanket on here damn it feels good to be a gangster yeah you rapped on that yeah i wrapped on this [ __ ] rapper i mean i i don't call myself a rapper but i spit on that man okay okay and i wrote bushwick verse on that oh yeah it made it right that's that that's a legendary wreck now i want to say something for you uh for t.i for for you yeah for everybody from the south that don't think new york people will ever respect the south or don't ever respect the top i am born and raised new york city i've lived in the south for 14 years yeah but if you cut me i'm bleeding new york city yeah i can't even get the accent i'm trying to get y'all actually work it won't even work we respect yourself i think that y'all was taking a few bad apples and judged the whole new york about that and that's what i'm trying to tell you i'm like i love yourself a person that don't love the south has never been to the south that's all you arguing with people who never left 93rd street yeah you know what i'm saying so if you're going to talk to a person that never left 93 that's all he knows in life is nine thirds and there's a lot of new york dudes out there but people like me busta rhymes fat joe who made a great living in the south we respect themselves i think you're talking as an artist and you could tell me if i'm wrong i think the industry was a big cause one of the first questions i hit charlemagne and one of the first questions he hit me with is does j prince ever think that new york will respect us the new york rappers will respect the south and i said i ain't going to ask that charlotte man but i'm going to ask it with the question i answered what the answer because like some of the greatest times i've ever had is me going to texas and me calling some of your peoples and they landed out for me you know what i'm saying so i just feel like that's what it is like when ti says tia said it the other day too he's like because you know new york they didn't respect us and i'm like that's just so forced you're taking you're doing it there's 10 people in the room you're talking about the one yeah idiot what an entire industry that was pegged up against the south and even the west at one point i don't think it was that i think that it was just so new at the time because you got to remember it was new like we was used to x-clan we was used to and then when we was we heard nwa when we heard uh west coast it was about you know but think about this think about this and again if i'm if you've got a different perspective please let us know i'm saying if the execs are born and raised in new york right and the artists are being then the anrs are born and raised in new york then that's the music that keeps being signed to the labels keeps being put out keep being programmed they not they not understanding the south right that's why what happens is the west coast grows but this is the south roads and creating basically their own industry this is the reason this is it this is the way i feel about that this is the deep part like i never felt that way i never felt like the whole new york okay right right didn't you know what i mean because i got like friends from new york that i know better where that's concerned so it was a few you know what i mean and and that's the way that it was but uh i think it's evident today yeah you know how new york feel about the south because a lot of new yorkers all right you know what i mean i ain't no such so much gold yeah my son requested his whole [ __ ] and he looked like juvenile out here i'm like what the [ __ ] hey man he's crazy [ __ ] like she's the one what can i do you know that that goes so deep because you know a lot of you know new yorkers your mother's grandmother that's the reason why i kind of like want to start this flight of new york new york people setting the balance because i get it back then you know we didn't have instagram we didn't have so if you got a bad attitude for one new yorker you would describe the whole new yorker as such but man in new york you know what i compare it to i compare it to um people from london and they go to the states one time yeah and they go to seattle they're like you know how states that's how is was on that wednesday [ __ ] that's not how everything is they'll judge the judges and they're like because you know the states and i'm like no you don't know the states my dude like what the [ __ ] people in texas ain't doing what the [ __ ] people doing in brooklyn people in brooklyn ain't doing but they'll just label that one experience that one town in seattle and then just say the states and that's how i feel like i feel like the south to a certain extent still kind of complains about how new york don't show them love or or and i'm like yo [ __ ] playing about the people that don't show love what you should be is showing the love to the people now yeah because and like you said you know jake prince i love this is another statement from you i've been watching you for a week just everything about you uh he said he feels like the west coast is a piece of bread yeah and the east coast is the other piece of bread yeah but you can't have a sandwich but out of the south as the meat in the middle because you know why what it is like we don't get to choose where we're from so we all love it but there's always flaws from where we're from too but we don't we don't never we don't never see the flaws we'll never say you know you know new york is the best city in the world we got rats we don't say that we don't say new york is the best city in the world but yeah the manhattan apartment might have a couple roaches we don't say that we just say the the good thing so i just want to be the person to say man please we got to change that narrative because we're all one we should be all in the same [ __ ] game but um have you been watching the versus battles uh i saw one of them i don't remember which one it was you know i'm hearing about t.i okay t.i jesus jesus okay you know we gotta hack to rhyme i gotta no yeah that was but i you being from the south these being your proteges somewhere to speak because i'm not when i think of the king of the south i think of you t.i claims the king of the south yeah but i i think of you and no there's no disrespect to that's my man yeah but what do you think of when you say t.i against cheesy man that's a interesting blend you know but t.i my homie okay jesus my homie too and i'm gonna let they work speak for us okay all right who do you think drake could do a verses with now let me say this about drake i think he wanted the best i ever heard okay you know that's a lot coming from you because you didn't even like it when you first met remember i mean when it come to hits okay yeah i ain't seen a [ __ ] do hits like yeah nobody did nobody you know what i mean singing and rapping yeah i mean you got to hit him in spanish i'm telling you on a whole different frequency i ain't saw no [ __ ] like what he do so what are we saying here jay prince there's nobody that could battle so who is the best who would be the best considered the best outside of drake lil wayne jay-z okay i don't think jay leaving his house i don't think he's coming out in person i mean if he if he would like it you know what i mean yeah they're on the same team but i'll kick you out the room for a second that was up with drake like draco actually battled two [ __ ] about himself he could battle him too [ __ ] i battle in you chris brown or trey songz with just r b r b against y'all and then i'm battling i gotta be careful i don't know where y'all went but then he could battle in hip-hop you could happen now because nobody wants to lose two against one like it's too much he can't battle nobody another genre let's think about michael jackson that's about this big bro michael jackson that's up in the air yeah you ever met michael jackson no i never met mike i meant janet you met janet yeah do you smell like peaches we just have a jedi jacket we always bust up we always got jelly we love you today so how was this i'm sure she smelled like peaches oh my god i wasn't ready okay how's the janet jackson experience i met janet one time jackson experience i think i'm writing i didn't even meet her listen i was using the studio she was in the next studio so yeah she's so much of a superstar she made everybody leave the studio before she walked in just to walk right past us and no one understood direct do not look at her eyes what the [ __ ] is going on i'm talking about chris lighting i'm with chris lane because lady out there i paid six thousand dollars for this chester they kicking me out they're kicking us out that's what they need walking through that penny from good times no christopher get into that let's talk about the janet experience yeah what happened when she it was it was a pass by introduction and peaches no special effects okay did you say how did you get yeah introduction who's the most famous person that you met and they knew who you was and they [ __ ] you up [Music] my mother yeah so um uh when something happens in hip-hop for lack of a better term you're like the farrakhan for lack of a better term like i what i mean by that is you're the person everyone could go to right like my problem is every time i've ever went to houston or texas i've always called uh checked in prior yeah so i'll say yo listen you know i might not be even direct with you but i'll be like yo i'm gonna be in that area i think the problem is a lot of people call you after the problem curves yeah am i accurate oh a whole lot okay no i mean but i don't accept everybody called okay i mean they have to uh be family related something that way okay yeah so i recently um nba young boy yeah uh i've seen a blog i believe uh and you're sitting there and you had the young boys jury these guys these guys came so how does this happen like i don't understand what do they do is this there's a personal line you got like at the rapper gave rob well is it a pill boxes this is your favorite like when you really uh street rooted you know what i mean when you like really street rooted you could uh make calls and uh people that respect you you know fine i [ __ ] it but give you information that's needed to you know what i mean bring the results for certain [ __ ] right so it's it's it's just another form of respect right and loyalty right yeah listen lawyer and lawyers you got there let me take a shot at loyalty i'm taking a shot with you goddammit i'm gonna take a shot of that that's right i'm a white drinker can you open this up for me mr lee it's very true we need a bottle girl this is out of law what's up we need a girl i told my wife this is how bad it is i told my wife i said listen we need a bottle girl you got to help us get one for real and this is you guys starting this movement of really pushing all these records locally in a state level on a local city level what do you think the difference now do you do you see a positive in the streaming ever today versus that error i mean i think yeah i think it is what it is you know what i mean and i think uh like i'm a positive thinker so i don't like going back to [ __ ] that don't exist right right i think uh what exists right now it's perfect for the hustlers to take advantage of you know the opportunity that exists right now and it's beautiful do you think these young boys even need to recollect them at this point uh i always think it's a good thing to control your own destiny you know what i mean so yeah it's your [ __ ] so i don't i don't see a problem with uh submitting to anybody never but i mean i never i never had that mentality where i wanted it any other way right yeah right so um was the ghetto boys your first success uh well i had a lot of success not too much music uh i would say so yeah okay okay so how is that because there's three people who didn't know each other right obviously from different parts of the state to the parts of the city and you get them together and it works yeah is all the praise going to you or is all the praise going to the artists and they they reaping the benefits yeah never never uh i am weak right you know what i mean we we done everything together you know what i mean i wouldn't i wouldn't dare you know what i mean take that credit you know what i mean uh yeah we was able to to deal with all the challenges all the trials and tribulations and conquer you know all of that [ __ ] and you know build what we built we'll take a shot of this [ __ ] loyalty yeah i like that i like that wash it down with eggs i like it put it together baby so so being an executive how hard is it sometimes when the artist because you know it looks good when the artist hangs out with you and has there ever been a time where you was burning so much money on this artist and he wasn't making you money i mean that goes along with the with the game you know everybody not going to win so wow you control that though calculator you know what i mean what do you mean the artist does no no no he you as an executive you control that the win or you control how much money you're gonna burn all the rest the rest okay because i mean you know being a being a good entrepreneur you don't want to go overboard with us and [ __ ] well that [ __ ] is concerned right it's it's not about feelings and emotions in this game business is business wow so you have to be able to separate the two and keep that [ __ ] moving have you ever had to tell the person you're mad it's not working out and yeah no problem with that that's part of the game if not you'll be broke right yeah because you know most artists they come they leave a record label they make this records and you know they haven't ever been an artist that did that to you i ain't really heard about it my questions but what is the connection with you and julia guppy oh man julie go way back okay magazine yeah you know probably before ozone you know julie julie is uh julie always been a hustler in her own way that's right you know what i mean and that that she built she had nobody helping her you know what i mean she stood on on and believed in herself and i respect you know all creative minds i don't give a damn where it come from you know what i mean i just you know gain respect gain content so she she earned my respect by the things she done and even up until his day you know what i mean she still got that workout she stood there with master p they was arguing slightly i liked it have you ever had an idea like because i mean i honestly um um jay um when i read that she was 22 years old to call out or maybe even younger than that yeah that tells me off top you you think differently yeah like i i really thought i'm 43 years old i really thought i don't know i don't know anybody owns a car car was that even your first business no i don't think that was my first business i always thought you know what i mean i was on some different [ __ ] than than a lot of the people that was older than me and hanging with me you know i was i was just on a different frequency that they come from a place from the creator you know what i mean i didn't i didn't do nothing that just was a blessing now your brother's name was sir rapala yeah that's where you got rap alive right is he home because i was 20 years ago right yo my brother done 20-something years and he got out and he went back oh god so i think he's doing another 13. but no you don't know you're rich you know what i mean but it's two things we get every day we wake up right a chance and a choice you know what i mean and the choices that he make after he get his chance that's on him he had to live with that well i know he's like man that's my name that's hard though like [ __ ] be living in your name brother that goddamn so um did you understand how instrumental rapala was like you know to this day anytime somebody say anything independent they say man you got to do it like how rap will i do it like do you realize how much you actually mean to the game i um you know i think about the respect that's uh that's giving it something you can't buy right right you know you can't buy respect and loyalty right so you know when i when i receive that i uh i think about it but back then i wasn't thinking about none of that [ __ ] yeah i want you to i want you to really really like when you really respected out here but not just on some you know street god [ __ ] on some businessman like on some business man [ __ ] like that was we had never seen that we had never we thought we thought that was a big ass conglomerate in texas yeah and y'all had like white money behind y'all we had no idea that it was you there was this was your money this was you yeah your dream yeah that's [ __ ] crazy man let's make some [ __ ] noise for that goddamn i'm gonna take a little shot of this [ __ ] lawyer we talked about y'all being uh sug and herb getting together but going further back was it ever a time that you and easy and luke thought of getting together and doing something yeah well luke was there when i started right you know what i mean luke i'm right here in miami right now right look we came to miami and kicked it with luke so luke luke was one that was there you know in the beginning he was also independent as well right yeah also independent matter of fact me and luke really laid out the blueprint of this independency yeah you know big ups to all the homeless everywhere east coast everywhere but they wasn't doing yep it's independent [ __ ] yeah you know east coast we would be an artist y'all was building [ __ ] and and they were environments big up to russell and all of them but production deals you know what i mean there was no production deal we've taken our hard earned doing everything because we didn't have access to warner brothers and all them people all the buildings y'all was able to go into but did you try or you just said [ __ ] it i tried and they they told me [ __ ] me you know just at the time you know underground music was disrespectful and what's they saying like you guys are too south did you have anything they were saying the [ __ ] too hard wow you know when they were putting out heavy metal you know they were doing everything you know in the other world but y'all can't do that y'all can't say that you know we've done a song let a hoe be a hoax and they didn't like that right you know you shouldn't speak on letting the hope be a whole all right you think about that now you hear the music now this is just they don't even want to make love no more these [ __ ] just want to get to dig i mean i i don't consider it bad it's some different [ __ ] there's some bad [ __ ] out here come on man i can't let you get away with that [ __ ] it's different that's a different [ __ ] you think about it the answer think about it though in the motown era and [ __ ] like that when they was calling this [ __ ] bad and it's just different [ __ ] and that's gonna continue to happen right it's gonna be some more different [ __ ] after what you hear right now it's very true because even in the golden era it was some [ __ ] up [ __ ] in the golden era there was a lot of them to us yeah but to somebody else they didn't say one one lady's rag and they'd be another lady's riches if that's not the truth god damn it take another shot of this [ __ ] loyalty goddammit salute telling people come on goddammit we get a party yo cut you a cheque so when was your first time you met with um jay-z j.c uh pam what you think man you know i don't even remember the first time i met with jay-z i can't tell there's a good thing about that yeah i tell you how interesting story i'm in i don't i don't think you're mad i'll be my neighbor you know you know jay-z them was uh they were signed with priority a lot of people went and dealt with pro rj after i left right you know a lot of people done a lot of [ __ ] that i've done so use that priority first let's get that clear okay yeah i mean and rightfully so it was a good thing right so uh but ghetto boys yeah okay because you don't boil the bun all of my [ __ ] right and before ruthless was over there yeah before all that [ __ ] jesus so so uh jaden wanted a song with scarface right and they convinced somebody from priority to go directly to scarface without communicating with me okay that doesn't happen i mean that's not the proper way okay okay okay so so the guy when he got to the airport in houston i got calls that he was in the airport right i mean all right imagine that i like that i would know [ __ ] when you land yeah you know what i mean because it's that deep right so uh no instagram back there yeah none of this oh you don't know how [ __ ] contact you but continue i don't know what kind of communication you had a long story short right long story short he pursued his situation right and uh he was in a rich cause and from what i hear and uh it didn't go well for him because he didn't do [ __ ] protocol wise wow that's all i want to say about it okay okay i don't even know what happened just there okay right if you feel me i kinda sometimes you have to leave it like that okay like that so so have you ever met big hmm i know you did me baby because um that you turned your toe box around yeah the night big god yeah and you went and spoke i think you called puppy and i mean you smoked a big you know on his tour bus or something like that but you know what it was actually before he died that's what i meant yeah yeah was it the night he died no no it wasn't the night it was it was actually probably a week or two okay you know what i mean i'm trying to l.a bus and i heard he was there but like big puff you know i considered them family right right so when i heard that i say okay that's not a good idea for him to be right you know what i mean you already knew it was a bad idea for them yeah in the lion's den through the streets yeah you know what i mean so i wanted to personally let them know you know so i went to park had a conversation with him hey man this night and it looked vulnerable to me even at the video shoot so i left puff and went in the on the bus with big all right you know what i mean big and high you know what i ain't doing this thing and i you know what i mean planted that seed with him man this ain't go home it's saying this [ __ ] ain't set up right right and and i left and shortly after when that happened i got a call from the investigators almost as soon as if i had something to do with it because because i wanted individuals on notice so therefore they let me know somebody had a conversation with them to say oh he warned us of this you know what i mean and that was out of love there wasn't i had nothing in my heart vindictive part of the home of them you know but how about the i'm going to rewind a little bit but stay on the same subject um what was your relationship with pop park was a homie last time i saw park he tried to get me to uh to go out with him my old man had just came home from prison you know i had to deny that invitation yeah so then and he died a week later wow you know what i mean it was just how he invited you this was in l.a i actually went and had a meeting with uh with suge over at his office so after the meeting they wanted to go out and do their thing but and how did you like avoid the east coast west coast obviously from the south yeah but you had so much connections yeah to both sides like you could have easily been thrown in like on and would roll with either coast like the fella you probably were working overtime trying to stop [ __ ] from happening was that awkward for you during that time or was it like every day at work you know uh it's something that i wanted to intervene and and be down with and actually i wrote in my book where i had a meeting with puffy and jimmy henchmen wow you know what i mean two of the homies and uh i was uh hoping we could find a meet another mind situation where you know i could bring everybody to the table but after i heard the stories you know i couldn't uh i couldn't stand in that position knowing what i know right you know it's like a lot of people sometimes they they say man laura you're the only person that's cool with 50 cent agile rule yeah like i'm kind of cool with the pretty cool of them both and i just don't feel like this [ __ ] is rap [ __ ] for me to to intervene i just i just stay out of it is that how you felt i mean i mean it could be close to that okay but you know what i mean it could be deeper than that and you know puff the homie right you know perfect i love the pork right sugar the homie i love him but uh you know what i mean that was a situation that uh i felt [ __ ] should have been done that wasn't done and therefore you know what i mean i couldn't i couldn't stand with a straight face and be like hey man you know what i mean left or right i understand and you know what's going to be already in motion you know you're crazy [ __ ] about that and i'm so sorry to say it this way but i didn't think it was going to go that far i really did i really didn't like like big didn't think it was gonna go that far i remember a big saying to me nah man because big really didn't have that dude well that's the way he carried himself he really did like so when i stepped it big and i was like no he was like nah man because i really didn't do that so like he really didn't have nothing to do with the actual robbery that he was being accused of and i'm telling you he had nobody i'm from queens i'm from brooklyn he would have said something to me real fast but um so and i know you're telling the truth from an even deeper perspective yeah guys like i knew to do like and i swear to god he didn't like i was like yo man you're gonna bring i don't know he's like man no you're not yeah he he really like because i think pop associated that situation with that one that the one incident where i know for a fact they ain't happening as well you know what i mean but here's the thing like with street naiveness you know what i mean you've never heard that term street naive [ __ ] right that's hard you know what i mean and it was naive for them to be out there wow you know what i mean and be there the way i saw them both of them right yeah you know what i mean it was naive to not have proper structure right around you under those circumstances right i saw it i tried to you know weigh the flag you know what i mean and be like hey man all right go home you know what i mean and uh you know it is what it is today but we can learn from that and keep it moving got that makes i saw that lean epidemic blow up i believe texas was fixed so listen i've been on tour with eight mjg in japan somehow this is like 15 years ago these [ __ ] had lean by [ __ ] like i was like what is that they look like yeah they call it tossing back there and let me tell you something what's from japan to jfk 16 hours straight the white lady seen us all born together i go to the bathroom she taps me she says you know my friend they moved for 16 hours so i'm like what i'm not used to this [ __ ] i'm from new york we so i'm like what are you talking about he hasn't moved she said i'm not like i don't know what's going on she's like i don't know what's going on so i don't know what to do so i go to mjj i'm like yo so we had to go like this under his nose and like he he wouldn't wake up but you knew he was alive damn and that was the first time i had ever came across asleep right yeah i had ever came across lean or scissor but whatever these guys it's so i'm sorry um so i'm sorry to be all over the place but take your time pepsi you be in the big homie they call you they say pam in l.a and was this something that you felt like because damn is this 20 year well i just recently lost one of my friends right yeah we sorry thank you roster we just recent and i saw his problem yeah but i didn't address it because he was in pain yeah like he was in a wheelchair so i seen when he was taking certain medications and things like that and i felt like i should have stepped up a lot more is that the case with did you see pimp going down or he kept that away from you because you're the big homie no you know that piece right there is not what happened to him i think pimp uh i think he had kind of conquered that lean situation you know one of the things he and i had conversations about why he was locked up over and over again that you know what i mean that wouldn't be an issue and i don't believe that is what contributed to his situation but you know lean is like a a cheap version of heroin right yeah is it victim in texas or no you mean damn that thank you i ain't never heard of mixing by me screwing the whole music in that sense was based off of him yeah i ain't never heard of the [ __ ] before texas okay so you know we own that so what was the first time you heard her leave though uh i didn't want to get back to pimp i'm sorry i think the first time i heard of it was connected with school with school because we related that when we heard screw yeah that slowed down music like what's gonna lie we did y'all was crazy what's wrong with them if we didn't understand that that went with the lean yeah like if you want lean that's how you it's chopped and screwed correctly yeah so what the first time you seen somebody on lean or you see what was your reaction that was harrowing you knew what you knew it's cody you know i understood it because my dad explained this [ __ ] to me right now you know what i mean he really gave me the game he said he really wants some hair run yeah but they [ __ ] with that cheap version you know what i mean a screw but screw you know screw was a real intelligent unique guy man even in the mr lean wow you know what i mean i had an opportunity to meet that brother i have to tell this story please ain't no totally story please no interview yes but dj screwed when i met dj screw dj screw was being uh extorted by a artist that was connected with me and i didn't know nothing about the extortion but i was the one supposed to be extraordinary so because you're back in that yeah yeah dj he was paying a artist right a monthly no real [ __ ] because they was connected to you yeah so after he and i had the opportunity to get together in my office i'm i'm looking at the staff right and then he he said and looked and he said man you ain't nothing like they say you are right so i'm like what you mean and he broke that [ __ ] down to me say man i've been had you been getting your money right i don't know nothing about you [ __ ] like a lot of [ __ ] go on you know what i mean that i don't know nothing about it so you know screwing up you know i ended up falling in love with screw man you know what i mean but uh i just had to say that [ __ ] you know that's also [Music] okay god so are you going to jump back in the boxing game i ain't never left you ain't never lie you know that's my first love okay morning music yeah i love boxing i love boxing too yeah so what's happening now on boxing are they gonna put people in the seats what the i got so many others shakur stevenson okay you know along with jared i got the future in a headlock and we looking forward to seeing them rise and do what they're gonna do they thought norma chico was the next floyd mayweather they found out early that's not possible nowhere near florida nowhere in florida right nowhere near shaquille stevenson jacob stevenson yeah okay and what what division here 130. okay so that's here super phantom let's go yeah featherweight okay featherweight i know you know you're boxing too brother i'm watching you brother you know what i'm saying god damn make some noise from boxing money got them so they also told me you got your own island you got you home i used to dream of this [ __ ] understand everything that we normally accomplish even this drink champ you dreamed of that [ __ ] before it came to fruition right i believe and sometimes [ __ ] will laugh about your dreams right so i was on some island [ __ ] man i want an island one day not with pigs come to fruition and then you know [ __ ] left with their mouth open because they laughed at drink champs prince island police [ __ ] you know shine about to be the governor yeah yeah i kicked him with shine yeah we can't smoke weed on camera though because he's elected a fish right now we can't we can't i'm gonna get him drunk i'm getting a job but i think some people still frown upon a weed and certainly you know this is legal this is medical we gotta do it on his island oh here's our goddamn that's the prison for prince lawson so you think i know this is a weird question do you think gun control needs to be fixed in america gun control yeah because i i i agree would everybody be able to have a gun yeah who could protect their family but there's the people that you find is to see that it's nuts that shoot in other places people that got three-day gun licenses and just so what do you feel about that i know texas is a big gun state i was in the subway one time i seen a white boy just had a skunk what the [ __ ] is going on yeah i mean i love texas laws are concerned you know you know we have a structure need to be uh in place then put the [ __ ] in place you know what i mean but as far as texas law i love texas law okay with a second slaughter texas law you can carry some [ __ ] you know what i mean no it's open carrying man you don't have to have i mean in texas of course you can get a gun license and do you know carry it everywhere but even without a gun license you can carry it in your car unlike new york here as well without a license you can have three steps three steps yeah you can have that [ __ ] in texas you know what i mean we we kill animals and shits right yeah you be at south by southwest they got long guns walking around that's why i don't go to south by southwest not miguel but um i want to um talk about checking it a lot of people look at checking in as if that's a bad thing yeah i want you to explain i i i love checking that because if you come and who's supposed to check in that's awesome what i'm saying man i got a whole lot of opinions but i want you to start with the big home yeah like like with me i don't that's up to the individual right you know what i mean i don't try to impose when i was in my 20s i had a different state of mind than i had right now right right i mean that [ __ ] happens uh it's an asset to come in and and have relationships with individuals in the city that you're coming into and anybody don't understand that is a fool right you know what i mean if you're a fool then sometimes bad news because this [ __ ] happens all right yeah you know sometimes but i don't you know i don't require that [ __ ] it's up too but why do people think checking in is a bad thing because a lot of people think an ability you know only go up to a certain floor you know what i mean and and if your elevator only go up so high then you you you short circuit on different [ __ ] right so you you started you start like allowing your pride and different [ __ ] to like make something bad mean or something good yeah you know what i mean are you turning a misdemeanor into a felony unnecessarily because just just think about the logic to it i go to houston i highlight no i'm in town that's respect to me he might be busy you know i say man you need somebody i'm good you know i'm going to the gallery um yeah don't check in i'm good the brand means something but this is what i'm trying to say so now what happens is now most people go and then they go to queens or then they go to the bronx and then they hit me after this oh man i was hanging out with dude i thought was your friend hey man he wasn't so friendly his name is animal what do you thought that he looks for squirrels his name is animal and you chose to hang out with animals and you didn't call me yeah is that a problem yeah i mean it depends on the individual but a lot of times you know what i mean when you are choosing to do it your way you know a lot of people think they tougher than you know i mean they like oh and can't [ __ ] happen to me you know what i mean and and then [ __ ] happened to them and they have a change of heart uh but i think the wise thing to do and even with me you know what i mean i'm always looking for connections and relationships that i have and different respectful [ __ ] to move smoothly with nothing wrong with that that's why i think dream camps work is because i knew we through these years we met people and showed love and and this it's back there's nothing wrong with that like i think me and you got close because every time i came to miami i did not buy anybody else's weeds i don't know you didn't sell weed but you didn't sell me terrible i know you didn't i know you didn't sell it from you get it from you like but you know what it avoided me forever having problems in miami i noticed that when people come to a certain people city so they know you're associated with somebody and it helps us but again who checks in because for example we're talking this and someone's going to listen and then boris he's going to go to houston and he's going to try to call jay prince to check it out he's like oh [ __ ] i'm coming back to my head but that's why you see you see jake prince's homies that's what i'm saying a lot of rappers i don't even have the number i have the homies i have the street guy from that crew number i [ __ ] with them that's why you know what i'm saying that's what i relate to a little bit more like i don't know how to go hollywood i've been trying for 20 years i've been trying i think i've been trying to go hollywood work i think but i just don't understand how certain people say well well i'm gonna go to the town i'm gonna just live like that's that's like ignorant to me yeah well full of food despise wisdom you know what i mean sometimes you can't stop them from falling off the cliff they gotta fall off and switch [ __ ] fall let's take another shot this is oh listen man you really really are icon out here like i really want to tell you how much i respect you because yeah you know me being an east coast dude a lot of people don't know really know that how much we blueprinted a lot of things after you yeah because you know it's always highlighted for the south because you did it for the south yeah but you did it for hip-hop too yeah yeah so we we we we claim you too yeah you know what i'm saying so just in case people don't know that like in new york we was saying the same thing like yo man you know what you did was remarkable i felt like you were the first motown i know i said it earlier a little bit but did you decorate your house after motown no i i can't i can't say i've done that but okay but biggie said it best when he say i'm not from houston but i rap a lot you know what amazing i understood even you know way back then that you know you know things was being looked at and respected but you know i i received that you know what i mean i receive that coming from you because the feeling is mutual i respect what you're doing that's why i'm here right yeah thank you don't know what i'm um thank you thank you let me just tell you something bro we have never seen hustle like that we have never like and i swear to god i swear when i first heard of rapala and i said it earlier i really thought it was a big fat white guy with a cowboy hat on it was on the job it looked like he was professional like this [ __ ] was calculated it looked like everything was strategic and i'm sure everything was calculated as a teacher yeah yeah but i didn't know this was this this this young man for [ __ ] you know young black man yeah and that's the reason why we we we have to highlight your story everything you do from your books to your movie to your documentary i don't even know if you make a documentary we're going to get these documents is supporting every [ __ ] thing you did because it takes nothing for me to show you your love bro and you deserve it like you one of them dudes that not only worked hard and you out here still living still and in this game this is what i hate in this game this is the reason why i believe me and efn started this i hate that they try to don't the older per people out the people that have 10 years and better right yeah every other jungle you have 10 years or better in the in the business yeah they call you seasoned they don't even have a word for washed up in in the white world right they don't have a word for washed up in the [ __ ] jazz world but hip-hop they have a oh he's washed up yeah why why do we even have these binoculars in our language we shouldn't i think that you should talk and do whatever the [ __ ] you want for the rest of your [ __ ] world yeah i think it's a funny [ __ ] oh no no i feel like you better say something yeah i mean hey man fools come up with all kinds of [ __ ] right that [ __ ] gonna happen because you know a lot of these dudes like i say don't know how to think right so they come up with different [ __ ] to anything that's good [ __ ] want to paint a picture of it being negative or whatever so we can expect that right but you know to answer what you're saying you know the feeling once again is mutual man game expect game all over the world all over the world and it's drink championship how do you [ __ ] with social media because i'm not gonna lie social media is a horrible place and it's a great place it's very not social it's anti-social it's like i automatically know when i post yeah and if i get 100 comments i know 12 of them it's gonna be loose right and listen they're gonna say [ __ ] i've never been told none of this [ __ ] i've ever been told to online in person no one's never said that to me like i'm i'm not acting like i'm like you know super like you're not super thuggish but i'm saying to me like if i post something and it'll be something innocent like hey man i just took a shot of khan yeah and there's some [ __ ] your card yet like how you could and me at first you react i would answer these people back and and my people would be like you know you have 600 000 followers the person you just talked to has six yeah and i'm like so he's really at me like no [ __ ] you just gave him 65 000 followers i didn't know that so how do you deal with that i mean you have to uh you have to really humble yourself [ __ ] with this right you know and it's not reality you're talking to you talking to [ __ ] that don't mean nothing yeah i mean no telling what it may be so i've learned to uh to to try i i try not to pay that to that [ __ ] much attention yeah you know what i mean because i almost like talking to a goddamn statue or something you know what i mean somebody that's no it is yeah meaningless meaningless so uh you know you can't allow this [ __ ] to throw you out of your from your movement you know what i mean i understand what it is and uh i have a team that deal with a lot of it right so i can't like i i can't receive that [ __ ] personally to the extent where i want to look that individual up and be like i'm gonna [ __ ] you up that was hilarious well i was gonna [ __ ] him up he was you know what i mean he was on some different [ __ ] from what he was saying but i met him you know what i mean seen you you always showed me love and you always offered me hell yeah you always say yo man just in case anything ain't going right to me when i google you all i did research a lot of people who i don't know they put it back they try to put like a bad name to you yeah i judge you on what i see yeah and what i want to say is you get real yeah i don't i'm just supposed to say a real gangster or put gangster on it but i don't really want to use that because gangster is affiliated to a gang yeah and i don't want to do that right to me that's a real person yeah you know i remember one time juveniles with you i don't know if you remember this i think you just signed juvenile or whatever and me and julie was talking and you got on the phone he was like yo man norwich just in case you need anything yeah i'm here and i i needed something at that time yeah i didn't say i needed it but i did and i was like damn why didn't i just say that i didn't know how to get in contact with you but the fact is you were there at a moment for me when i needed it yeah i didn't i said that because i just i didn't know what was going on at the time but the fact is i appreciate that bro you know what i'm saying why how do you develop that how do you develop saying you know what let me see this young man doing his thing yeah but let me add on to it because that's what i took as you were saying to me well that's you know different gifts like that i think come from up above you know what i mean like like i always uh everything ain't bout the money you know what i mean even when ugk was concerned my relationship was developed with them personally before it was business you know what i mean and i said the same thing to them you know if y'all need me you know let me know when i was laying my blueprint down with p and all those guys that was expired by me you know it was about just sharing the wisdom because i understand that wisdom is more important than all of this [ __ ] right so i want to share the love man you know i'm i'm that kind of individual where you know it don't have to be no contract anymore you know what i mean if i can share some of my wisdom with you and that's what i've done in the goddamn signs of respect god damn make some noise just [ __ ] oh man i ain't gonna lie man i haven't read the book in like five years i'm gonna read this though yeah i brought a box um out here and i want to claim you from the east coast because i know the south claims so much all right but you know i want to claim you too man i want to say how much you you inspired me yeah because even drink chance dream chance we did this with a rap a lot mentality yeah and had you not laid out the blueprint like we were independent six eight months we had nothing we just was going out there spending our own money catching flights and that's when we look at each other man we gotta do it like rap a lot that's something to really [ __ ] out and heard coming from the east look real quick you know he's a soft [ __ ] i want you to say that to your face as a man like and in case any of them [ __ ] didn't tell you yeah i'm telling you i'll be at the east coast meetings yeah they beat you up man you you know something though i was inspired by them first that's all that's all that i never i never was jealous of right that's beautiful russ and all them guys inspired me you know that's another thing i see about you it's not only that i don't see jealousy but i see you bigging up somebody else yeah i always see you say oh okay well that guy's knowing that i enjoy it and they say yo well he picked up he picked you up and you always give it back what yeah like i mean that's who i am as a person but i don't expect anybody else to be like that so when i'm seeing you i'm i'm like yeah but how did you like i don't know how i developed it how did you get me and i don't have that disease i don't have that situation where you know what i mean you know can't beat up a man exactly you know what i mean if a man inspired me [ __ ] i'm proud of that that's why i ain't got no none of that malice and [ __ ] in my heart that causes me to not be able to see it with my lips you know what i mean and i got that from them right you know i mean i'm proud of that that's hard that's what inspired me to be where i'm at today i'm i'm thankful for this and even the ones that i inspired inspired me by what they've done you know what you said with masterpieces you know what i mean i see what they do i'm like god damn you know what i mean i ain't mad at y'all i'm inspired by that [ __ ] i'm gonna i'm gonna hustle a little harder right yeah i got to make some noise for that listen to me i prepared for this for a week man i went i just i caught everybody called everybody and i just wanted to know everything because i see anything on the internet but because i wanted to show you that respect like real talk because i'm sorry to say this there will never be another jay prince yeah and that's a compliment no i appreciate it but it's like also like damn it's also sad because like that i don't think you could ever recreate what you did like god bless everyone else's error you know from death row but when rapper like was wrapping up that was the most different [ __ ] we ever saw and it made hip-hop a better place in a sense it battles elevated it yeah yeah now it's been a beautiful journey man just in case make sure that's not my call i'm sorry we have yeah now i've been it's been a beautiful journey and uh you know i uh i'm always inspired by those who appreciate you know what i contributed and likewise you know what i mean the feeling of mutual because the [ __ ] goes on and on right yeah so ain't no end to it i'm sorry i'm taking another shot glory to you guys [ __ ] god damn julian beverly if you're gonna bring julian is it raining outside and we are back in full effect and right now we got a journalist extraordinaire we've been on night challenges and all i'm seeing now so now you're biking listen i didn't know i was going to be on camera no it's okay man this song i really truly enjoy but i'm here with masterpiece um book i talked with his mom i talked to a dozen people who said yes they had this altercation right so as a journalist you know your integrity is important so i'm not going to put something in print if it's not confirmed by all the people pepsi and so when i was trying to interview master p about what happened and he wouldn't speak on it okay so if i'm wrong what's that which is integrity because you know the man has passed away so i mean i respect it if he doesn't speak on it but if you don't want to speak on it and 12 other people tell me this did happen then i'm gonna write that it happened or you know this is what they said so but when he spoke on it on the breakfast club he said why you referred to me as white girl some white girl no so imagine if i said oh some black guy it would be disrespectful so that was my only thing to him i said because he he came to an event that jay did and i don't want to put him in the middle of any nonsense or whatever but he's master p made a comment that was i definitely felt was directed at me he knows who i am right you know and i and i made the comment basically if you're going to speak on me just say my name if you have a problem with me that's fine but you're not going to you know disrespect disrespectfully just blow me off like oh he's just some white girl no i'm julia beverly you can say my name god damn tell your name i didn't understand one time it's the real and i said oh the two white guys and i didn't mean it like that i meant it like you know the two white the the everyone knows it's the real and when i seen chelsea put us that day today i was taking that it was the context in which he said it it was meant to be just like you know exactly what it was about people about me all the time oh the white girl would be in the club no i didn't mean to be disrespectful it's the real i just was saying white guys because that's how i described this show i apologize i know that sometimes that's kind of inappropriate but they got mad at me just like you you know the two white guys and i was like damn i don't know i i meant it's the real so i understood where you call me the white girl though so here's the truth about the matter right okay okay first first thing you don't drink cash let's make some noise julie my homie as well so i don't want this [ __ ] like being twisted putting me in something i'm like they're all as they come right but the fact of the matter is y'all work that [ __ ] out on the spot right yeah okay she good people masturbate good people and keep this [ __ ] you know i love that i love this because that's very intimidating like a person like like and he was like and he said and he said but you don't know who i am he said too and he is he he evaluated you no he knew because i had set it up for them to come right and they said he said they said your name they were just like i just liked it did you that you kind of like stood your ground because you know there's good people like you out there you know what i'm saying that's a part of our culture that's in our culture she's a pioneer in this pioneer you know what i'm saying like yeah so i like it in florida like what you did for us with the platform that you created to help so many cats in florida and the south in general i saw the interview y'all did with pitbull he gave me a nice little container [Applause] it was yeah i mean people used to call like the radio we call it oh town and we're like oh that's corny or whatever so ozone was orlando so i just i always looked at myself as kind of i was kind of in the same hustle as the artist so like somebody like pitbull when i would hear him you know freestyling on the radio or i just see him out hustling like i was moving the same way they were i wasn't a journalist who was just in the office from eight to five collecting a check like i was just out there trying to just trying to make it the same way that they were so you know i think a lot of artists respected that in that sense and and i had just excellent timing because at that time you had you know rick ross everywhere you were everywhere yeah i was all over the place you know i think i did have a i had a little point to prove because you know people would look at me in the beginning like what is this white girl you know but i like that when people kind of underestimate you that's that's extra motivation god damn this lamb i'm good either or the loyalty good he's all it's more or less did you have anything to do with the respectable yeah so um i think i had heard jay speak on it in the interview saying that he was going to write a book eventually and i think i kind of just planted the scene at that point just let him know hey if you need any help you know let me know so it was maybe i don't know two or three years later you know so is that what you transition from ozone to say you know what let me let me the books is really it because people read you know what like i'm all over the place like i i have so many different things i'm not a reader i'm just being honest like the first time when we recorded the book he's recording for like hours at a time he had a bowl of popcorn sitting there and i'm just looking at the popcorn like i know i can't even for like hours in belize i actually transitioned from um when i stopped doing the magazine it really was the recession was really good ultimately you know labels didn't really happen just like that it changed a lot yeah but i did i also felt like it kind of run its course like it kind of accomplished what we set out to do which was give people a voice you ever have the sauce have beef with the source i mean there was a benzene no i wouldn't say i wouldn't say we had we have b i'm good with dave i don't know you don't know about the venzino let me try to give an i'll try to give a short version because on the facetime my memory this is going years back i mean i was probably had to be what 21 or something like that this was a long time ago so yeah when i when i started doing ozone it was a photo magazine so initially my thinking was like oh somebody's going to see this from the source or double xl people playing salsa why you are my spanish people continue no no it's good we need the background i'm starting to dance i wanted to be a photographer for the source or vibe nobody would ever call me back like i'm this young white girl in orlando i'm like how do i get to that point so i started shooting some stuff for them i think i met uh boo and gotti who are the source like music editors artists no no they were um no they worked at the source there's another booth there's a different guy yeah i'm gonna i'm gonna stop y'all right now i don't think that's true okay so you're gonna make me forget the whole story so i started shooting i shot some stuff for the source they started you know using some of my stuff in the photo galleries and they got me a couple checks i was getting a few dollars here and there and it got to a point i think they owed me i don't know it was like 1600 bucks or something like that you know and like it had been like a year and nobody's responding about my invoices you know and it's not even the well at that point it probably was the money but like when something like that happens now it's not even the money it's like the disrespect of it like you're not even going to respond back like you know like you're playing with me so um i think i i had been trying to get answers on this invoice i saw dave going into some we were here in miami going into some club in south beach and i remember it being a little it was a little funny because like they knew me back then like the you know all the bouncers they let me in before dave and i remember that being like okay like i'm starting to get a little pull but i asked him about i said hey i've been trying to get in touch with somebody about my invoice and he was he was smoking and he kind of like just looked at me and exhaled like kind of in my face a little bit and just walked in like didn't and i'm like damned yeah i doubt he even remembers this but like to me and maybe he didn't maybe wasn't intended to me it was like disrespectful you know what i mean and so i had been hearing uh there was all the rumors about how benzene was extorting him and all this stuff so we did this year-end issue that was supposed to be funny we gave out all these awards like you know best whatever but it was like all really sarcastic and then i said i don't even remember details but best extortionist or something like that goes to benzino it was a little it was a pretty and and i said in the article like you know full disclosure i'm saying all this because they owe me money they gotta you know whatever so this i wrote this thing and the funny thing is like when you would write something in the magazine by the time it actually prints and hits the streets it's like two months later you know what i mean so so you don't even feel the same sentiment by the time it comes out okay we had an office out here in miami uh by the venetian with teach and um i think i put some magazines out or whatever whenever it reached miami i get a call from dave that like it was like 11 o'clock at night or whatever a random number pops up and dave is like cussing me out hangs up after like nine white cuts out do that cuts people out differently oh it's like like because you know we we lose a lot of you yes [ __ ] like if you use it like that do y'all like white literally i'm sorry i'm gonna be asking i'm very curious back then because i really don't a lot of this stuff is it's been so long it's okay i don't know what it's like to get dave on the phone i remember we'll see real quick for an hour and a half me out for an hour that's his famous word if you go here you know what's so crazy but he called me and cut he cut me out for like a good 90 minutes like it was on your phone i had a roommate back then he was going home you know so after we hung up i was telling somebody about it i think it dj it might have been dj quest in in fort lauderdale or for uh fort myers yeah was the quest i can't even remember a dj was like i was telling him about it on insta remember uh aol and semester i was like you won't believe what just happened you know benzene just cause he said man i wish you had the audio i would put it on my mixtape so i go to the office like two days later and he had called the office voicemail before he got my cell phone number and he left a message yes like funk master flex played it i think i think it was funk master flex like yeah this [ __ ] became a hit record it was out it's still on the internet somewhere but i went to uh i think it was sweden or denmark with trey songz and we were i went up to the dj booth and gave the dj like a copy of the magazine and he goes he goes [ __ ] monkeys to this day like if i hear that audio i just start dying let's make some there's an ozone noise this is vancino my number is 917 if i gotta read another negative [ __ ] about my magazine or me and your magazine when i see you i'm gonna spit in your [ __ ] face all right you stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] all right 917 you [ __ ] sweat monkey if i read one more thing in your magazine i'ma come see you jp you stupid [ __ ] [ __ ] crack a [ __ ] and this message to replay this message press one choose next but one of the best encounters in what your masterpiece was because you have the ultimate pass right it's not like you're in hip-hop right now you're in hip-hop but you're with the one of the most respected where's the book at let me hold that in my hand while i say that one of the most respected men in the hip-hop is it easier for you now to navigate him as as a person that's his the homie or what or is that oh it's the same easier navigating as far as the having the the esteemed j prince coach yes um yeah i mean it definitely makes a difference i could i can see i can see his anger like you know because i think he didn't want to be checked like he's at a level where you don't you don't get checked like it's a certain og status and then once you hit that status i haven't reached it yet well i feel like what he said like attacked my journalistic integrity like i don't just put information that like i don't just take it just put it back i'm not gonna say something if it's not factual or haven't done the research so no but i understand where he's coming from because he was talking about pepsi correct mc as we all know has been passed away it is just i respect that he didn't want to speak infamous story of an altercation between master p and pimp c i asked him on our show as well he avoided the question as well which to me in the era of clout he avoided the question huh you say peter boarded the question here boy he he didn't want to because you know why to me that's honorable because had the man been alive right well i speak on someone that's passionate and he was the type of person to be alive and talking [ __ ] right so so so that's what really happened are you gonna tell us what really happened i know you know the whole story look at julie boy jesus what really happened you know i've heard i've heard a lot of different things what well because masterpiece was your boy and pimp was your boy yeah two loved ones right it's uh a situation that uh you kind of hate to choose a side i tell them all the time don't make me choose the side i don't wanna go left or right right and uh [Music] p the scouting gentleman that he is uh didn't put me in that position and we worked it out okay so we have it that's that's the story all right let's take it i understand that maybe the viewers you know what i mean i mean you know pete i love pllc and uh you know [ __ ] turbulence happened and uh i was able to smooth the [ __ ] out and they actually worked it out yeah yeah you know what i mean that's the beauty of uh any controversy and [ __ ] like that being able to the ending being a beautiful story that's what happened you know what i mean all that [ __ ] that in between now wasn't really important you know at the end of the day they uh respected protocol and [ __ ] when pete when c died he didn't have no issues with p p didn't have no issue with city so for any of us to take a position where it was problems now rather and me being the journalist i understand where you're coming from now me being immediate now understand where you're coming from because sometimes you have to bring up tough situations because it's it's for the viewers the viewers be like why you didn't ask that like you know what i'm saying like um when i interviewed nas i didn't ask about jay-z and everyone chastised me for that i was like why i'm like i feel like the jay-z question has been answered already you know what i'm saying so i understand i understand both both sides so here's the other piece that go along with it let's take the other piece god damn i got a call from p right from c you decided to embrace us i mean the rap a lot you know what i mean come on see murder no no tempest okay yeah and uh one step with my speed yeah after a different [ __ ] you know what i mean the turbulence took place you know he let me know i had a meeting with him right you know he let me know that okay we're together so therefore we're together right you know what i mean i have to move accordingly to us being together when i explain that to the homie okay we're together you know what i mean so after that so honestly that's why i respect massive people not talking about it because you live in an era of clout hey good [ __ ] right yeah like you're going to talk about it's going to be whatever but he's yeah opting out nothing we could buy because pepsi is revered as like one of these and this is probably right maybe maybe maybe one of his one loss like you know he slipped up maybe there's one loss oh oh maybe i don't know i don't know i don't know i wouldn't i wouldn't call it a loss it's just he dealt he played the hand he was dead right you know what i mean because you know some [ __ ] was being said that he had to deal with right sometimes it happens right you have to like deal with [ __ ] and then you have to undeal with the [ __ ] you were dealing with when the hand is different so i mean y'all get it yeah yeah i get it that's it we get it i mean so with everything j prep you mean boxing game you're in a [ __ ] what's this called author an author ceo what the [ __ ] next can you do come on what can you do this is you started you said something and if you said yo you dreamed of these cars that you wanted to have and you bought them yeah what the [ __ ] island and what the [ __ ] is that what are you what what can your dreams be like now like do you still have goals or you achieve them all well i think i achieved all my material goals you could be the president yeah now i don't want no problem i vote for you president of houston though i swear to god governor of texas i'll buy property justin he doesn't come over there and vote for you we've already got his own violence you know what i mean you can just like prove what it is and you be embracing love for what it is right so i mean my dream moving forward is uh i just want tranquility and peace i don't have nothing to prove i don't i ain't offering that [ __ ] right i'm just giving rappers should they drink me a young boy for example oh yeah young boy let's touch on that you know what i mean like the homie like he called me right recently i mean he called me when when that [ __ ] heated up okay it was like uh somewhat of a misunderstanding you know because i talked to his brother and he said that you know he hadn't heard what his brother said and you know young boy being a young boy you know what i mean he reached out to me and uh you know we was able to communicate and you know he said what he had to say i said what i had to say on the internet because that i think his his discrepancy with you was that you you showed this jury on the internet not only oh yeah you got to feel a piece of rice pizza right gold gold that's how much i believe it was a mistake i thought it was gold people i don't know um so i think his discrepancy was i think he wanted you to call him direct yeah he you know just like young boys do you know i mean a lot of times they have uh a concept of how things should be when uh when they're in reality they don't have to be that way right right but you know at the end of the day i respect them for reaching out to me you know what i mean and uh as i said uh moving forward you know i don't have to be his friend and i don't want to be his enemy you know what i mean and i wish him the best because the foundation that he stand on when i help laid so you know he have to catch up to that but i'm you know i i love the dude and i wish him the best is it ironic that his girlfriend is floyd mayweather's daughter no i'm just being honest something caught his eyes special right where that was concerned so you know i mean you know [ __ ] happens and people are attracted to different things you know i have a homeboy kind of affiliated to both sides yeah but i have a homeboy like 90 some pounds and he love a big woman what i'm saying is anything other than a big woman is insulting yeah the only number but a big 200 300 pound woman is that's what make the world go around not that yeah just thinking this is solidified it's sunny d for a week your seniors are all right with him man and that's my wife right there walking through so have you ever like been um taken back from your reputation because i'm gonna be honest like i told like i said earlier i don't reiterate this every time i ever seem to anywhere you always show love but your reputation super succeeds yourself like people will be like man keep your cheek prince j friend like i think that i'm thinking when i googled and i went on certain sites they said why is everybody scared of difference like there was an actual headline you ever get mad at that yeah i don't i don't like that you know what i mean i don't i don't try to walk around [ __ ] i'm a little dude you know what i mean so i don't have no like little complex [ __ ] going on here i don't know let's take a shower there's loyalty you got that one come on you killing guys man so i don't like that [ __ ] mean nothing to me right like like like my old g is larry hoover i know i got that in my notes yeah you know what i mean i love larry hoover let me ask you guys before you continue that when rick ross made that wreckage i feel like larry who yeah yeah was that disrespect you know i i don't personally i don't consider disrespect but i don't think it was disrespectful i think it was a big laughter yeah i mean i know rick ross that's the whole army right and uh why did people take that as disrespect i don't understand that you know once again the elevator you know certain people can't go yeah you know what i mean sometimes you have to like really deal with and and i did you know i let ross tell that story but you know ross is uh that's the homie and that's smooth going forward but but that says a lot all right i want to be careful what was the misunderstanding to your knowledge like you know even using the big homie name you know like it's i don't want to get into people right cool and i could say a lot of things but you know what's what's important is uh you know i was able to speak up where the homie was concerned rick ross right and i know he had no i don't think he had anything i mean no dirty [ __ ] in his heart yeah so as you can see we're moving forward and uh but i that's my og i love that man larry hoover yeah another man it's so much deeper than ross now you being from texas yeah he being from chicago how did that happen let me explain that okay let me show you chicago is the first city to embrace rapala before the south chicago embraced rapala detroit cleveland ohio they embraced me before anybody else i was ready for that accident you know i've heard him saying this before i've never okay so so i never forget that like you don't forget the bridges you cross right you know what i mean and and they embraced me and they embraced us because they could relate to us more so than anything the ghetto boys your vision from the beginning correct yeah and then led me to meeting with larry hoover okay you know what i mean i had an opportunity to sit with this man like we sit together i had opportunity to tap into his thinking ability and think into who he really is you know what i mean we walked the yard and had conversations and those are special conversations to me which led to he and i speaking on the intro so you say walk the yard when you say walk the yard y'all was in the pen together yeah we in the gym here he he had on alligator boots and you know what i mean he was dressed better than me and i was visiting him shoes right that's seventeen hundreds in the pen [Music] i did not do what you just said you said you walked the yard yeah we walked and talked okay hold on yeah i got a piece of the book holy crap we had opportunity to walk and talk and spit real games at the time now i had that thing on my arm because that's how they set him up with a bug and a wristband to charge him with all the charges that you're charging me right we're going to show this on a vault right now too that's that visit just yeah wow does he have a little coochie sweater well i just said that he did it oh yeah good taste in the kitchen in what was important though was the conversation we had and the brilliance that he possessed which ultimately led to uh you know the intro that i done on the ghetto boys album that the feds and the state officials threatened me to not put out right like you put this out this is what's coming this is what's coming this is what's coming and that at the end of the day i'm like you know [ __ ] all that's coming is going out you know what i mean and he the message that he delivered is relevant today about gangsters go to the poll you know what i mean he spit like real signs this was over 20 years ago but he spent signs as relevant today because the truth stand forever the life to keep changing right that truth don't never change it stands a test of time so he was spending the truth even way back then and it's relevant right now yeah you need a podcast yeah that's what causes them though yeah i'm already producing this right now i got five episodes done good continuous but that's what causes them to fear who he is but he's really uh like a prophet you know what i mean he really possessed those qualities to lead us today and uh i'm gonna say cpr soon i hope so i'm gonna say something i'm gonna say something that um i say a lot i don't think anybody um ever paid attention to me but i've been to chicago in those in those days my my baddest family is from chicago yeah i appreciate it more when ogs had control yeah of it as opposed to now yeah we're like i should go to to see my brother the latin kings will be on top of the [ __ ] because this is my spanish family yeah so the lion kings will be on top of the [ __ ] roof like this that'll take me coming through so serious and that's what honor oh jeez was it was now uh there's no structure anything going on so am i bugging that's when chicago like got loose is when they took larry who was away they took uh it's been proven it's showing itself um what's my man name yeah um from chicago um yeah jeff that's that that's that's the dude that uh uh i see the documentary on him and my man cato yeah the spanish dude like when when they took away the leaders and i think police actually recognized that i think police knew that once they took the leaders of these organizations away yeah that's this young dude attitude that we're dealing with right now like [ __ ] everybody else yeah because we dealt with that but we had oh geez that would give us consequences now i don't have oh geez do you agree with what i'm saying or no 100 percent now it's about the ig over the og mm-hmm is relevant today and you know what i mean when he come in you know we all ride with him you say he's coming home soon coming home makes him look like you ever get you ever get scared of the connections you got cause just think about it like there's not a lot of people who ever say they spoke to larry hoover and walked around jail with him with gators you have to like understand fear fear is something that's not of god you know what i mean so i you can't embrace fear you said fear is what is not of god that's not a god no you being feared is the devil yeah that's some dark [ __ ] are you scared that's the best [ __ ] some other [ __ ] you submitting to something that's less than so where is jimmy hoffa buried you know man let me tell you something and this is great i also want to bring up his son too because we spoke about it but i didn't pick him up and i want to make sure i do big him up yeah always a respectful dude always every time i see him always what's up yeah but not only that every time i do an episode i google i excuse me i go to twitter because twitter is my most negative [ __ ] absolutely like that like i got all my other [ __ ] so i go to twitter because i want to get that out the way real fast let's get the negativity out yeah and i say yo y'all got any questions for jay prix here's to respect to your son yeah 12 people i got 100 messages 12 people this is within 20 like 12 to 20 minutes so people said is he basing his thing on his pops and i said oh these these youngins they don't know i'm talking about the pops but that let me know your son is laying down [ __ ] ground no you come out of my nut bag i think that was the most problem that i had with when i heard the birdman that didn't pay or the discrepancies was was i seen the character of your son yeah he's a version of you he deserves respect yeah so i didn't understand where the disconnect was did you understand where the disconnect was or no all right i'm gonna take a shot dude we just shot that you can't put that down no you gotta you gotta no no that was everybody so yeah speaking of homie right with the homie yeah because yeah uh once again he found himself in a situation where and i understand all that happened there like i'm from the school where everybody don't go right and i feel like whatever you've done all became that came before me i don't go you know what i mean because i ain't gonna react the same i'm gonna do different [ __ ] right but along the journey i understood that what had happened you know i grew to understood what had happened and with that advance that they had took they found themselves in bondage they would never want to like you know what i mean it's not no [ __ ] that cash money would want to admit but i'm sure he don't mind hearing the truth you know when you take such a large amount and [ __ ] want their money back right i loaned you some paper i want my paper right you know what i mean we got agreement and i'm in control of it right then i'm going to grab my paper before you get anything and your son had an agreement or no it was a handshake a solid agreement okay because i understand the business and you told him that yeah by the same token i wasn't aware of you know what i mean all that recouping action so to me that was a pause that was a pause and once again we got it straight you know what i mean the best way we could get it straight [Music] goddammit you're going to eat for the rest of your life but you know what though that [ __ ] you know that was an interesting [Music] i ain't totally story but [Applause] my son had you know of course brought great drake to the table and certain people tried to cut him out the picture imagine that you know what i feel like management y'all gonna go and chop this whole cake up and he not included right you know i had to make some calls you know first to the homies when you say he's not including he talked about drinking some of my son wow not included you know what i mean almost like okay we're gonna just chunk you a little something for bringing it oh sorry let me get this straight i'm not going to forget mr come out the door too listen so let me get this straight so they not only agreed but what they said was we're just going to piece you off for um was it called discovery like a [ __ ] street fighter speech not uh i'm in for the rest of my life exactly and that wouldn't cast money that was some other people wow but i got this [ __ ] straight like we ain't no fighter feed [ __ ] right this is a fifi we like really in this [ __ ] that was the first like challenge then we got that straight and then you know hey you know i can't complain about none of that [ __ ] because ultimately it uh it was a blessing it's blessing you know what i mean it turned out that way in the end you know you know how [ __ ] it is there'll be challenges along the journey and this depends on what you do to cause your destination to be what it is and i made that [ __ ] be really profitable that doesn't make things awkward for like drake though does he have any say in that conversation but here's my question and i'm going to be mr commander how awkward is your relationship with birdman now after that is it awkward or it's just like it is what it is i'm okay with it okay i ain't had a conversa see it's deeper than just birdman slim okay as well you know what i mean both both of them like 50 50 with me but you know what i mean it ain't birdman 75 slam 20 they 50 50. because i understand what happened from the root you know what i mean so i'm all right with them but you know what i mean they ain't my enemies and you know i can i still consider them distant family you know what i mean if i put in a situation where i have to ride with them i choose to ride with them you know what i mean because there's a lot the good are way too bad yeah that's the way i feel about this [ __ ] so the cash money in themselves we ride them on push your teeth right now you ride a winner we love casually i'm glad they left them all i'm glad that being squashed i'm glad they didn't scratch a sword short bathroom break do you want to brag for it you're not you don't drink at all tonight there's no reason though i just uh i don't want to be the person that you are don't start treating me yes how scared are you right now just a big homie for real mr commander now i just shouted you out yeah you're gonna play that footage too right now like i don't know why i looked at you like you're trying to hit on your side all right how do you unwind after touring but i do i do what read watch youtube i watch a lot of youtube uh like my house is dirty that's funny as [ __ ] uh uh the freight marco and mr commodore i watch a lot of youtube i watch a lot of uh i want to see henry kissinger i want to know what he was talking about right now that yo that's the crazy [ __ ] right now j princess and [ __ ] follow you yeah like like that that's your support because we have to unfollow a bunch of people no because we know guys don't nazz don't laugh at everything we know we come from you know what i'm saying yeah it's hard by you to make you laugh at certain people you don't think everything's nice you know yeah you might have to do that people laugh let me just tell you something if a person is too serious 24 7 yeah there's something about him but because real gangsters laugh i noticed that like like real gangsters laugh they party they have fun they open doors for ladies the goddess oh my god that guy's there's some guys that act like that and it is that but for the most part real well people are respectful like i come from my hero and i don't know if jake could co-sign this but i come from an era when the lady i think buster said this the other day when a lady walked through the projects we used to carry her back we should stop selling drugs yeah no it's all right that's all right it's legal to respect women absolutely how do you actually feel about about that like well you know that's the progress that's that's in the work right uh and uh it's a it's in a place right now where i can see the end be happening properly where i want you know what i mean from where it started 1501 the homie uh car crawford really took the risk and grind real hard to what it was to build her where she is today you know what i mean and on the other side i understand her reason not to jay-z and you know all the people too do you like some ace of spades you want to try something no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no no i'm a lawyer but like i understand her position with what happened and uh you know me and the homie had the opportunity to sit across the table from one another like we are right now and he's a scout and i'm a gentleman to my paul crawford i'm talking about jay jay-z okay like he was scott i'm a gentleman all right and he and i you know what i mean we see that we saw eye to eye with that situation in spite of you know all the workers you know putting out different [ __ ] and that false [ __ ] you know what i mean then the homie was able to sit at a table and uh be like-minded it's beautiful so i'm expecting the end to be beautiful i think the end is gonna be beautiful i think the end is gonna be beautiful because i the reason why is because you took your shot very fast hold on let's take another one okay okay with the program now let's go home oh everybody respect jake [Music] i swear to god my wife is right there this is a one million percent story yeah true story i feel like taking off my [ __ ] shoes i don't leave it illegal i don't want to say his name because you didn't say his name the rainbow head kid right i seen shot the actual dude that's supposed to be a street that that is the street guy we see each other in the airport and the only thing i complain to him i'm saying so yeah why you let the the little homie do certain things yeah and he said your opening room and i swear to god i said you let them disrespect they pray i didn't like that yeah and he said i did neither yeah which let me know that shoddy was actually well aware yeah of what was happening but he didn't have control got caught up in the mix he got caught up in the i swear to god that's that's like and you know me and you know each other but i i i showed you that respect from a farm like i was like i didn't like that but you know he admitted it you know what that says to me in spite of and it's good that he may have admitted it but what that says to me from a street perspective is he never was you know who he claimed to be you know what i mean and that's just the other guys oh okay you know what i mean he like i think he was called off to tell you the truth because how he admitted it to me like when i said that i said yo listen out everybody like the smd thing yeah i said that was the wrong like those the homies that they proved it and he looked at me and said yo man and he look that's why i do respect him he look he put his head down like yeah because i felt like he felt me now i get that i didn't get that but we don't drink champ yesterday and allow that to become what it became from him embracing that uh you know that just wasn't no thorough [ __ ] i was like like i never would have embraced that that wasn't qualified let me be devil's advocate i don't think he embraced it i think it happened already and i think he just was like i'm here like which is still kind of wrong because he could have corrected it because when i talked to him he immediately and i said he immediately said right nori because you know he came up to me caught on blood money he's calling my lyrics for my [ __ ] saying yo how much i look up to you so i'm saying i and i respect what you're doing now the one thing i don't respect was the homies like the homie and he admitted it right there to me and this is the gangster of them and he said you know what normie i should have corrected that that's being a man right that's a man to me that's what i'm trying to say i gotta hold him down right now yeah he admitted he admitted he admitted he admitted in the new ain't no like skating around that [ __ ] he never could have became who he became without him embracing it now he's not happy that he embraced it and if he had another opportunity he would do something different i believe so but he embraced that [ __ ] i believe so i don't think he embraced it let me just be devil's advocate i don't think he embraced it i didn't think he went so far that i mean once it was done and this is where i i am agreeing with you once it was done he should have said you know listen bro and calmed it down and the fact that he didn't do it that's his mistake that's his mistake because me personally if my little man if my little man does something i don't agree with yeah i'm you know what i'm saying but what happened is i get it i get it like they were making money they were doing and they just kept rolling with the process yeah and all of them are stopped now looking at the benefits but i looked at that man that was my only complaint and i'm not from the stuff i'm not yeah like but my respect for you yeah that was my only complaint i didn't say anything about him disrespecting anybody or anybody i said yo that part right there the homie never deserved that the homie's family never learned that and he looked i was just kidding i never told this story ever yeah and i i can see the lord you have for him insight it's impossible for him to become who he became without him embracing it okay no no okay now if you want to say he embraced it 95 percent 85 percent if you want to put a percentage on it look okay this is what i think this is what i think now i'm totally the outside i'm looking at what i think happened was that was something that the dude did on his own and then he's just like damn i gotta ride with him like that's what i think but i could be wrong it don't work like that in real life now you know why it's little but let me keep it real with you let me keep saying you could your house is so put together this is real [ __ ] your house is so put together you might look at another house and say hmm they're not put together because your [ __ ] is so together everyone house is not together i agree with that but still right here you're sitting wrong and i agree with you know what i mean but unfortunately those lines have been blurred a lot lately yeah you know what i mean right is right is wrong it's wrong true is true false is false you know like he could be forgiven yeah you know what i mean he he's standing on you know what he's standing on he didn't turn in the wreck right so i understand you know the love you have for him but by the same token that snitch that monster that that dude grew into he laid the foundation to help build that and did you did you know off top he was gonna become a snitch all the time you know what i mean it was like [ __ ] i didn't have to thank you you saw that [ __ ] for a long time you know what i mean like you can see on the address right you can see on the address who got you know who hanging who's swinging and who got to split you know what i mean i saw the split immediately i'm trying to i'm saying that's did you see that coming i didn't see it but at the same time i feel it's basically they should have kept entertainment and business separate i knew he was a good entertainer he was entertaining great on the grand he was great entertainment yeah so i didn't know it was gonna go that far when he went that far i was like oh it's about to get bad because he's not ready to do none of that so now you julia you're a journalist have you ever seen this type of case i mean i i'm surprised that he's still being embraced by some people absolutely that's a generation man this generation ain't ain't ain't about and it's an international generation and there's so many let me just say something just like the president i apologize there's so many people that relating to other people [ __ ] their baby moms there's so many people to other people relating to you know them setting them up and things like that and i i actually agree with that but not when you say you were part of this street life once you say you're part of the street life you you agree you agree to that because you're [ __ ] underneath baby bombs too so i'm sorry i i think that was appropriate for you i just always saw you know the truth of the matter is like character is who you are when nobody's looking okay squat when he pee you don't stand up like me like he's standing up why wouldn't you beat us he's a squatter okay i'm just telling y'all the truth the man is a squatter so you know i mean that's who he is in private i was so excited for this interview with you man and and also thank mr commander [ __ ] julian beverly but i can't lie when i think about so i i thought about me but then when i googled and i've seen and i think everyone shares the same love for you as me at least they say it yeah i'm [ __ ] honored bro like i'm really honored bro i'm really honored i really love what you represent for your book yeah and you're like a one-of-one man like you really are you know the beauty about that book was uh like a lot of people a lot of you know the book game is a different game right and it reminded me of uh when i came in the music industry you know they offered me 15 percent uh [Music] so the beauty of the ending of that story is you know we've done it independently you know what i mean we put a good team together julie you know what i mean was right there and we was able to kick ass self-publish it you know what i mean and done a hundred thousand with no problem and then all of those just like in the music game that didn't believe came back around came back around you know what i mean i'm saying for future books i'm sure like you said they came back around so you're telling me we gotta set up [Music] they just announced some [ __ ] okay y'all be to wrap a lot of books hey book a lot because he knows you know i'm writing a book you know what my book is called reading is overrated it's just pictures people buy that it's not a paragraph get you got to squish your eyes and listen the book agent told me that he said it's all about the title if you got a good title people will buy it doesn't matter the reason is overrated they might bite it they just buy it i don't think reading is overrated i'm sorry this is just this book called think and grow rich yo i love that book wait napoleon yeah so i've never seen you decided it's nice and it's real it's not some dude's perspective he studies successful people yeah real [ __ ] yeah wow so there you have it thank you for watching okay thinking rolls rich all right now mr commander though that's great [ __ ] that's great i'm gonna write this [ __ ] i've never seen him like his gray hairs turn black well i don't [ __ ] with beijing and obviously oh my god this is this is dope i love this man no i ain't gonna i learned someone are we popping another bottle of loyalty is what was your most awkward interview you ever did oh wow i don't want to smoke crack in front of you damn in an interview does somebody smoke cracking injury i don't know i don't think so okay we'll figure it out just describe the situation just there was there was a dj who uh kind of kind of just don't look at me bro okay there was there was a dj that i went to interview well i was going to interview him in the lobby at this hotel and he said no we'll do it in my room and just met him like whatever yeah we get to the room and oh you said harry what like you know that's how we want to see you stop yeah he flipped the lights off and kind of went for the whoa and i was like what just happened so you went for you just walked in so when you were dj drama left right oh my gosh and um he chased me down the room like remember the room number you're gonna be back here's the key what city it was a dj wow aggressive can't go that far okay it would be 200 guys and five females so you know you'd be getting a lot of a literal sausage festival huh it was great for the females because you'd be just you'd be feeling like a supermodel like get a lot of attention fantastic that was a little that was the most awkward that i can think of i'm sure there's been others and we don't notice dj dean correct dj is he still djing i really i really you know i i i don't want to keep reiterating myself but i really want to thank you so much because you have one of the most interesting most real stories in hip-hop and i patted myself over to you because you don't have a bitch-ass moment you don't have a moment where you know what he folded right here or he did some [ __ ] right here so me personally i always look up to you like that like you know what i'm saying because i took losses in life she's not a hip-hop i ain't like you know no rap [ __ ] in the world i just say they beat me in anything yeah beautiful you feel me yeah and i i've had it most of my [ __ ] i don't want to say some of it i wanna i'm gonna give you more than that most of them is because if jay prince could do it and he could last 30 years in hip-hop yeah i'm gonna tell andre elbrow's ghosts relax because you know everybody called this thing but i patted my feet after you because it was something it was something that mike geronimo said right um that actually we just had my geronimo here great interview that actually bothered me the only part that bothered me was he said the more successful he got the more that people try to take him away from his success and only my only rebuttal from that is did he say it like that i thought he said take him away from his peoples yeah ain't pointing to the flush and flushing the record but this is not what i'm saying what i'm saying is the more successful you come the more rules you make yeah and you gotta know that or maybe you think you may no i don't know yo bro i went to impact convention with three buses eighty yami's yeah excuse me 30 young days i went to impact convention in las vegas excuse me reno nevada you remember the impact conventions and i remember they just swarmed us that's the next event i ever have i'm bringing my whole projects because i really can control my projects a lot of rappers can't they're real and i broke them all out so the further i got in life i didn't follow rules i made the [ __ ] rules beautiful god bless you so so mighty that's my only thing i love you my venus my only thing i did when he said the further he got he said they tried to keep him away from his people and i didn't catch it during the interview but after i watched it back i said damn bro yeah hopefully he knows that being rebellious is a part of our culture what did he do though no he said he said story no this is what he said he said the further that he got in life the more that people wanted to take him away from his people and i understood that yeah but i don't think that's the way he said it though no he did say i think he was talking about money changing people that's what he was really talking okay that's a different part okay but it's a different part but at one point he looked at flush and that's when he started to tear up right and he said he said yo cause they wanted me not to hang one of them yeah and i was just like damn bro because i've never changed in 20 years any friend you could call me a piece of [ __ ] right right whatever [ __ ] anyone as you want to say but i've been the same guy since you bet me absolutely in fact i might enforce more because it's like [ __ ] i love being around people i don't have a house to this day because i love being in condos i want to speak to larry i want to speak to larry that goes downstairs to the gym and fills his bottom water up with water from the fountain like larry you know you're rich larry come here larry that's who i am in life i like to interact with people so when i had a uh eight what's that [ __ ] called eight uh acres yeah yeah i hated myself i literally couldn't see people i was like that's not who i am i didn't have um um and come up with creative [ __ ] and come back to the hood um to me right the hpd houston police department god damn pull me over and try to get me to disown the hood right like why don't you stop doing this why don't you all this sweet [ __ ] right and just go and and and live your life and luxury and beliefs you know what i told them i'd rather be dead so i'd rather be dead than this song my loved ones that's what mike geronimo was saying yeah that's exactly what that's what geronimo pratt would say you know him yeah my friend of course you wanna pray yeah wait a minute you know what i mean so that's one of my blockchains yeah i'm gonna pray okay come on come on right come on so that's that's one of my og's and uh that's the way i feel about this [ __ ] when that is everybody in the world know you do you feel like everybody in the world uses you no i don't i don't allow myself to be used i'm too sure of to be used too sore too sharp yeah so i don't i don't allow weak [ __ ] to like fall on me and i react i i'd like distinguish it immediately you know what i mean i get that [ __ ] away from me you know what i mean but when it's solid all right you guys you guys shout out i'm loyalty that's ace of spades all right now you want some more space yeah yeah lord of champagne and wine this is all right this is my shop this is loyalty boy i can't buy loyalty and respect well yeah all right no no no okay no no okay you've actually accomplished everything why stay in this game and not only stay in this game but i couldn't look at you and tell you still love this [ __ ] game like you love it like why you know uh you know i am who i am you know what i mean and i don't have to like you know that's that's who i was created to be right so like once again everybody got a chance and a choice every day the choices they made determine your destination right my choices go real deep with with the essence of what make me tick you know what i mean and that that i stand on that that make me tick that's that i'm willing to die for and everybody that's a choice so that's what makes me who i am that's what makes me move accordingly it's going to make me happy you know what i mean bring me joy so i wouldn't have it no other way so got that so there's an artist in distress like when the artist comes to you and say man i think my my deal ain't good or yo i need help big homie yeah is that something that you gravitate to because you know you could help them or pseudo lawyer yeah because it's that that's how i feel i feel like you're the guy that people come to when they like is [ __ ] up and you fix them yeah i mean you're a fixer-upper especially i'm sorry i may got words i'm you know we got to analyze [ __ ] where our people is concerned you know because the reality is a lot of times we're at a disadvantage i always say you know [ __ ] be on a harley davidson and we'd be in a pair of nikes and they'd be like let's let's race right and you know they're going to win a [ __ ] race on harley davidson because generations of those head start in people game this music industry right so we have to figure out a way to like balance the scale and one of my methods of balancing the scale was balancing it well my strength was concerned and my strength was in a lot of [ __ ] places right so you you balance that [ __ ] and you balance it with finesse you know you don't balance it sloppy you balance it with finesse to make the scale be even because they got edge you know when your great-grandfather your grandfather then gave you gain on how to [ __ ] us you know what i mean man that's the edge so we have to have that same game and put it on the other side of the scale to balance that [ __ ] off that's why you got anyone can't complain that's right that's why you got to be able to make a [ __ ] [ __ ] this show was on revolt tv and when we've got to revoke tv puff was facing something called a discrimination lost right like he didn't have enough white people yeah did you ever face anything like that like well most definitely get out of here throughout my whole journey you know what i mean discrimination took place and uh i salute puff for knowing how to deal with that [ __ ] and bring on players that compliment his movement right you know what i mean because you know a lot of people submit you know submit you know who would saying the best right it's totally and this might be like a little vulgar or whatnot but who would say when when they try to stick a dick in your ass and you move your ass you're getting a rebellion that's up you know with revolt or guest revoked whatever the [ __ ] it might be you know what i mean i like that kind of [ __ ] goddamn let's also make noise because he said it earlier he said that um larry over should be coming home and i'm gonna be honest this is me from the outside looking at it now i there's not a person in chicago i don't know one of my black family members or my puerto rican family members absolutely so i'm invested in chicago and i'm going to tell you something but i don't know the feds might kill me for this when larry hoover was home chicago was peace when the oh geez was home it was peace structure there's something that happened with the police structure that [ __ ] up chicago because i had never seen chicago this violin i used to actually go to chicago and just walk through every area i never the one you know what the one thing they told me is you'll put your pants leg down because i had my hair slightly off to the left and then it was like yo put your pants laid down right here and i was like what and then i got offended that's by design though you know by design too did they take the ogs out yeah to all our political prisoners right you know of the past to be strong because they understood that we had a certain amount of respect for them and that they could be somewhat of some saviors organizing figures yeah you know what i mean so it's no mistake if you think that's the reason why and and you know god bless me you think the reason why texas is not out of line like that is like because they have you as a structure like everyone has that ability to say you know what look what jay did look he came from here and he's here now and you think that i know for a fact that's the way so you know i'm i'm relevant i'm there you know what i mean i feel community sense in my community you know what i mean so i'm not i'm not one of those guys that made it and say [ __ ] the place i made it from and abandon it you know what i mean that make a difference make a difference when you when you can walk those streets like like a lot of people got more money than me but they don't have the respect i have you know more money than ever they don't have the loyalty that the homies have so that means something to me you know i mean a lot of times it may not mean something to the individual but that [ __ ] is like meaningful to me and it's important for us to uh not make it and abandon and not give back to the generation behind us then we turn around ask for respect or criticize those that's coming behind us without blazing the trail of saying it's the way you go you know what i mean that [ __ ] is meaningful and uh i believe hoover is one of those people i'm not gonna lie i never met who away my mind i went to um chicago i went to this place called sammy's and competed green because i wanted you know i saw good times bro and i don't know if y'all ever saw a good time 43 i might i'm like do you know that line hanging from her what is that the hook definitely i don't know the hook to this to fan mm-hmm because i'm black and puerto rican and i'm like yo who got the chicken right now they just put their head down because they just looking like man we got to go to the black side this is my puerto rican side they're looking like we can't tell nori no yes i'm like so where's the chicken spot like you know like a pd green i'm hype you mean jj i swear jj's from me well you know my puerto rican fan at the time they kind of like warren but yeah i kind of got the pass because of who i am right so i went and i went to sammy's and i could just remember every black dude came out of they [ __ ] they see me and they came out and then the police try to come and search me because like i forget what kind of car i had yeah so the police kind of come to search and i killed you not everybody from the whole project said you could search everybody whatever yeah and i said cargo is the case i was like but they was like [ __ ] that and to the police and i said yo chicago is a different yeah place you know that was the last place al capone was still operating i don't want to get into that too much but there's still places i go where the airbnb they're like losing house i'm like what and they were like this back entrance yeah yeah yeah capone i don't know about him but hoover has structured uber you know what i mean [Music] you know i mean we would do shows 25 000 20 15 000. you know what i mean we show up with no problem we and you know when he was out he knew him just in jail well i didn't know him when he i'm not old enough to know when he was like okay okay but i met him there and uh wise man you know what i mean a man that can make a difference for all of us today do you watch the shot just shot the shot i said i never saw that never show a shot no because there's a character in the shot where this [ __ ] cell is by himself dudes come and see him bring him a briefcase full of money bring him up a a kick yeah and a dude you know obviously you don't understand what happens after that but every time i watch this this character yeah i swear this is larry and it's the shots called the shot so so like there's some real life [ __ ] right like one of the homies by the name of crusher a friend of mine just got home from prison federal prison came home on the first step act you know of course trump was the one that released these guys on the first step back we've been in trouble i'm not sure yeah i mean whatever it is it is okay he he done what he done right so this is a brother that then came home that's feeding the homeless that's like on a on a positive [ __ ] journey of doing good deeds in the community he wouldn't have that opportunity if it wasn't for the first step at if it wasn't for you know i i hate to say trump done the [ __ ] but he done this [ __ ] you know what i mean you have to like whatever it is it'd have to be what it is and julie you don't like that but that's okay don't worry about it right because yeah i don't know who started it but i know you know who pushed the button on the [ __ ] down but here's like the real moral of the story the brother is here and making moves opposite from the moves that he made years ago he have a second chance and he's uh capitalizing and being an asset to the community yeah so i view that as an asset right so so when i hear you know anybody whether it be democrats or republicans saying that these brothers don't deserve another chance at life you know what i mean almost like last shot yeah you know what i mean like they want to just stomp their neck till they die yeah i don't respect that [ __ ] you know what i mean because this is important right i'm down i'm like i'm a republic crap you know that actually makes sense that makes sense let me say that whatever you want does this mean right that's a republican democrat republican and what that mean to me you know what i mean is the [ __ ] that's on the right side yeah yeah whatever the [ __ ] you know what i mean so whoever on the right side of the track well well my homies that's in bondage locked up forgot about you know what i mean they don't give a [ __ ] about and giving them all that extra too much time whoever have a heart for them i may ride with them i'm gonna take the might out i'll ride with him i think we're who is publicly going to be we don't let me see nothing what the first step act starts builds on obama started i had to google make sure i'm waiting obama and kim kardashian pushed it on trump well that's the reason why you didn't let that disregard come out you know i'm just a republic crap whoever with my people i'm [ __ ] saddle up [ __ ] donald trump but it's great because did you see the dave chappelle skit where dave chappelle's like why are these guys voted for donald trump i think so yeah but it's so great this i feel better about life i don't know how anyone can just watch him talk for 10 minutes because he's orange you know he just he just says the same thing over and over again with no subjects let's be honest i'm going to be honest and i don't really want to say this but other than him being racist he is a gangster he's just a gangster he's just there's no way you could be a racist i grew up with russians haitians cubans colombians colombians peruvian wrestlers like walrus so you saying trump can't be racist no he's playing a role if he's really from queensland bro there's no way it's like black women you know he had a black woman before right oh come on [Applause] tell me this though do you think a man could be a racist being with a black woman yeah ain't great i think so grabbing [ __ ] cause like like grabbing [ __ ] like a devil another time am i going some white 20 years ago trump was held hip-hop at one point let's get lit let's go listen i ain't gonna lie right now they're calling me asking my fault i'm like yo chuck holds the black trump let me tell you who i met who i respect vic running no no no nick romney is that nick she has like the biggest and that's my angel right but she has the biggest sack enough that i ever than any man i ever met maxine waters so for all the homies i want to let y'all know she's a real she's a democrat yeah yeah she's still just just putting she's the real one because when no one was standing up for me when them fez was trying to kill me maxine water stood up california how do you feel about camilla harris i'm gonna start with you you know i'm not sure [Music] the people that was there in houston wouldn't ride for me right but she heard the story she understood it and she stood up mm-hmm you know what i mean that's like against all or what politicians are concerned right but most of them are fake you know what i mean for one to embrace and take a stand in that [ __ ] that i was in she's still yeah identical this is a segment of our show when we just ask you a question you just pick one up two options two options you don't and you can skip something if you want and prefer you don't but it's okay yeah you do whatever you want so it's called quick time with slime quick time are you ready drum roll please are we ready let's go master p yo bird man master p nasa jay z ross okay g or ti yeah he said whoever gets his homies [Music] you know what i mean i'm not gonna get caught up in the matrix but if i had to pick right now i mean you kind of it's the elections right james harden or deshawn watson i don't know watson so you're going to jail damn and who is watching oh all right now here's tyson or ali god damn tyson the homie right i know mike it tyson uh god damn boy y'all putting it um that goddamn out league on ride too man i'll leave you can say no you know what i mean well [ __ ] it both then this one you can't see paul okay this is very personal to you ghetto boys or ugh well you know to me that's like a that's a no-brainer you know what i mean because i created ghetto boards yeah i'm so still amazed at the story of you actually putting together a ghetto boys project putting it out and they're saying you know what i don't like this girl he's like the first gangster backstreet boys you know what it was the difference was i was focused on another hustler and somebody else was dealing with one set of ghetto boys and then i came in and emphasized my mindset on the other set of ghetto boys which the other ghetto boys couldn't relate to so i'm like y'all go you know may embrace the news what does that the other good boys end up doing falling apart i mean [ __ ] didn't right it died from there one of them uh got a murder case and went to jail oh [ __ ] and uh the others went different ways yeah that's my last question loyalty or respect vote yo anything you gotta say let's visit um when your name came up basically i was i was young yeah it was always a saying of someone with the fly zone they can't land in certain people's hood without checking in yeah so i think checking in not no fly zone but okay or basically just just if you was a rapper or use anybody you couldn't just come to anybody's hood yeah so i just want to know and if anybody can explain you can explain more about that like yeah i can explain that the j prince now was different than the j prince in the 20s when i was twenty some and thirty five i was in 1920s holy [ __ ] was the thing right i was dealing with a different challenge right you know back when i started i was dealing with a situation where um new york dj's okay was in my city monopolizing the radio stations okay yeah you know what i mean i had to deal with that [ __ ] right and it's just the way it was i respect that so you know what i had to do was and i respected hustle because they was representing and felt like nothing but new york should be played in houston right wow you know that's it everything else was country and wasn't qualified so i had to get creative right i had to like figure out how to change that [ __ ] because i feel like we deserve a chance and [ __ ] didn't like us then okay i know how to accept that but give us a chance and uh ultimately that led to uh i had to run them out the city you know what i mean because they were real with new york it's like oh this our [ __ ] this is what we represent right so i'm like okay i respect that but you can't represent it here today absolutely you know what i mean so so my mind said you know what i mean to change that [ __ ] around and to give us a chance and to blaze the trail for the homies in houston and the south to be heard came down to moving them out of the position of power right so therefore i had to fight like a whole movement of even coming to the city you know what i mean so i'm like i'ma fight this whole [ __ ] right you know what i mean y'all not going to be able to send troops here to you know infrastructure infiltrate the camp and get you know what i mean your will implemented on what you want to do i'm going to like shut this whole [ __ ] down until y'all give us a chance absolutely so that happened back then right so we moved from back then up until right now right now you know i'm a different man [ __ ] has changed you know respect that's been given the south has been given a chance you know what i mean they're doing they [ __ ] so i no longer you know when i was a child i thought as a child you know now you know the man wow so i don't have to like you know infiltrate that same [ __ ] so i don't i don't care who come in and see that's on them like like like if you come to the city i was getting it because i was i was going down and they wanted me to know you know what i mean because take a little shot loyalty let me just tell you the reality of that [ __ ] when i didn't know and you showed up then it wasn't uh as inviting as it was when i knew because when i knew i i was an ally when you knew you went to the town yeah and i was able to like tear home as old this is the chicken it's the chicken like he cool yeah but when you just showed up with some strays then people like oh that's that's food yeah and people think people didn't know texas was about about it like [ __ ] was worth that's all night and that's what that was about first of all let's just be clear every year in new york when they turn 90 degrees people get killed it's like please all year round absolutely you know what i mean a lot of people try to like they get confused about what's happening but that [ __ ] be solid all over man right you know i mean it's just a it's about uh who have the best structure in the situation is what make the difference and i'm a dude that been government took houston texas for 22 23 24 years maybe they've never let me just take it 20 this should stop it let me just not beat it i've never had a problem but i've always hit one of his people's minds i said y'all i'm here they always just held me down like yo where you going going to gather me no more you're going on the [ __ ] um what's my [ __ ] what's my favorite wrestling one papa dopes please tell me my art tutorial boys i've never had a problem i've never never felt i think people feel like when they check in or they howl at the homies they supposed to highlight that they a sucker and that's corny yeah because mr cabana no you coming left right you're supposed to hit young really that's supposed to hit me yeah absolutely because we take pride in and taking care of money we're gonna show you the right cheeseburger to get right you went to the wrong cheeseburger spot that's why you got a [ __ ] stomachache so talk talk to the y'all there's something wrong big you i've never that big you uh whack and all these dudes out there i've never felt foul at all like landing and saying i'm here they're like all right cool sometimes they send a person and sometimes they know i'm good i bring my whole neighborhood with me anyway yeah but i've never felt bad about that so i wanted to um reiterate that yeah that's what you're supposed to do when you go it's your choice it's your choice like big you made big you the homie right like we we we see that on a lot of [ __ ] so but once again it's your choice some some dudes feel like they're superman right i just come to your town you know [ __ ] brenda pretty much i mean jose is cocaine like i don't try to impose my will on one way or the other right now you know what i mean you know do what you do what you do i'm taking that shot at the loyalty right huh julia beverly i gotta end this story because it's the only story i hate it and it's never been brought up in drinking i should be honest with you this is the first time let's go with the real trust me she would know she has never ate my ass so some girl came on ozone and lied on me and you left a lot so that's what masterpiece well that was the point of that story i think i didn't like it we didn't have a disclaimer with that saying hey we can't really it was like you know i was told by other people that the stories were wow in particular but she said that some people some people say one two legs but one of my favorite moments i love every moment about this because it's real we sat here we kicked it i've never seen a [ __ ] eat lamb and still be as cool let's take a picture
Channel: REVOLT
Views: 2,667,028
Rating: 4.7042408 out of 5
Keywords: REVOLT, TV, music, rap, r&b, hip hop, Drink Champs, J Prince, N.O.R.E, Noreaga, DJ EFN, Drake, Pusha T, NBA YoungBoy, Lil Wayne, Cash Money, Young Money, Rap-A-Lot Records, Geto Boys
Id: zDEgmg3H58c
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 213min 11sec (12791 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 07 2020
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