TikTok doesn’t believe Helen Keller Existed...

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hey what's up welcome back to a familiar place hope you guys had a wonderful new year and i hope you guys have all braced yourself that 2021 might be a little bit worse than 2020 but we're making the best out of it so what's new in 2021 well a whole lot it feels like it's been months already but we're only two weeks in well a little bit two weeks and some change and apparently with 2021 the zoomers on tick tock no longer believe that helen keller is real like as you can see they only cover the most pressing issues on tick tock and my only question really is why now like the last time i heard about helen keller was um i don't know that skit in south park that was probably aired 10 years ago [Music] so today i thought it would be cool to dive together into the madness of tick tock to find out why the younger generation for some reason no longer believes in helen keller like damn it's not like helen keller's santa claus but hey the other day the newsweek posted an article titled tick tock awash with bizarre videos questioning whether helen keller existed i love how we're living in the most like anxiety inducing time since the cold war and what people are worried about on tick tock is if helen keller really existed see that's the true definition of privilege like if you have time to worry about if helen keller actually existed or not you clearly don't have too many worries helen keller is cancelled and here's why welcome to my new series canceling historical figures part one so i was browsing helen keller's wikipedia page as one done and i saw that she supported eugenics which if you don't know what eugenics is it is selective uh death i guess of people with undesirable traits so that they don't reproduce and pass those traits on this is rooted in white supremacy which of course first of all is bad but also being deafblind helen probably wouldn't have lasted very long so therefore i'm canceling for two reasons one bad movement why would she support that and two bad logic like did she really think she was gonna make the cut i don't think so we now live in an age where teenagers make videos of themselves drinking starbucks trying to ruin the reputation of a deaf and blind person without showing any proof okay wikipedia is not a reliable source either next video so my thing is with helen keller she can't see anything she can't hear anything she has no concept of what language it is and then we just believe that this random woman picked up off the street described to her not only what apple is and what it like all that stuff but also intense race relations in the united states and international trade agreements and she is this wild free thinker and she doesn't know there's no way this is happening so the whole reason people don't believe she existed on tick tock because they think that what she did is impossible this is what happens when we make really dumb people really famous no one can comprehend someone actually doing something impressive yeah that they thought would be impossible like i mean you can do that with so many people though like you could just be like ah bill gates so you're telling me some dude created world's largest software company when software didn't even exist when he was born or mark zuckerberg wait so you're telling me this dude managed to convince two billion people to give away all of their personal information for free or you could even use like malala yosef sai as an example like so you're telling me this girl was shot in the head for speaking out about women's rights but she miraculously managed to survive and created a non-profit funding women's education and became an international best-selling author fake fake can't happen that's impossible do you know there's people who don't think dinosaurs ever existed man do you see that i don't know it was a viral tweet the other day it was like how it started and it was a picture of like a tyrannosaurus rex and it was like how it's going it's like a picture of a ping no a pigeon yeah i love that for us i think pigeons deserve more respect than they got okay i was a little bit off on the tangent right there but what i was trying to say is change often happens when someone does what the majority of the people believe is impossible like going to the moon or being beyonce exactly like discrediting helen keller just simply because you think that what she did is impossible is very dumb when i tell helen keller she's a leader and didn't speak five languages see this girl is just deflecting because she can't properly speak one but the video we're about to watch right now is by far the most liked one on the trend so i'm assuming this is probably what started it all right so we got to talk about this whole helen keller thing because i've i've had enough heard of my whole life she's deaf she's blind she's amazing no guess what she lied she's a liar her and that monster anne sullivan pulled the wool over our eyes and nobody's thoughts question it let me just ask you something real quick does this look like the signature of somebody that was blind and deaf this is what they put out and we all just ate it up oh but they didn't just stop there no the perfect handwriting wasn't enough because we ate that up so they decided she was going to be a profound author 12 books that's not even a realistic number for somebody that has all of their senses that one would have been amazing i would i would believe it if it was just one book and they had to even go further than that writing was not enough for them they didn't get enough thrill off that so she apparently flew planes in the sky so you're telling me some dude named keith on tick tock tricked half of a generation to believe that helen keller does not exist man like this tick dog is honestly like funny enough to where i can't really see if it's actually real or if he's being sarcastic or if he posted this on purpose to try to trick as many young people as possible i don't know i'm a little bit on the border on that one yeah it could be satire like there's a chance that everything that we're reacting to is satire but there's also a chance that they're very serious that's a major problem with tick tock there's just so many layers of satire and irony coded into today's humor that it's always hard to tell but should we contest some of keith's claims here just so half a tick tock doesn't believe helen keller didn't exist apparently i'm really doing a social service today but before we get into that drop a like on this video if you believe helen keller existed and dislike this video if you believe that helen keller did not exist let's see how many helen keller deniers we got yeah i need to see if this plague is spreading from tick tock to my youtube viewers or not but his claims were helen keller is apparently liar because her signature doesn't look like something a blind and deaf person could write then she wrote 12 books and that has to be fake because interpreters and braille clearly doesn't exist then his proof of her flying a plane is something off of google saying that she flew a paris-bound plane over the mediterranean sea for about 20 minutes okay so that means she didn't take off nor land she just kind of felt around on the controls for 20 minutes most likely with a pilot sitting beside her that's not really that far-fetched let's be real it's more of like a pr thing yeah exactly that's equally as believable is oh wow dixie de emilio flew a plane just sitting there for 20 minutes like okay poor awesome maybe she just wanted to fly a plane and do that for 20 minutes that's freaking awesome exactly power to her i wouldn't really take any of the things that he used as evidence that she didn't exist as impossible she wrote 12 books i'm not surprised it's not like a a deaf and blind person can spend all their time watching netflix or just wasting away all their time i don't know i feel like a blind and deaf person definitely wouldn't have as many distractions as normal people but next video the person who made up helen keller now sorry but if you think helen keller was real please just unfollow me this person has less than a thousand followers so thank goodness she doesn't have a massive following imagine if helen keller was alive today and had the ability to tweet what do you think she'd be saying water next video things i could talk about forever helen keller on how she's a lying cheating fraud okay okay just two people who know helen keller was fake staring at each other i hate this app so much [Music] right kids are now rewriting history by moving the helen keller books to the fiction section this is like the gen z equivalent of burning down the library of alexandria next video [Music] okay there's no punch line but does anyone else genuinely believe in helen keller like not just as a meme you're telling me a blind and deaf woman wrote a full novel and a good one at that even though the first half of her life she essentially had the functionality of a toaster we're moving on moving on from that one please teach me how helen keller is real you're telling me they let a blinded deaf person fly a plane hell nah she wrote 12 books but how did she know what letters look like helen keller traveled across the world making appearances and giving motivational speeches but wasn't she mute no she's an experiment to try and motivate people that they can do whatever they set their mind to okay that was really stupid but we have a whole nother wall of text that's replying to this so she didn't fly plane she sat in the pilot's seat while the pilot sat next to her for 20 minutes of a multiple hour flight how did she know what letters look like it's called braille dumbass and it would take 0.5 seconds to google it she gave speeches because she was not completely non-verbal and she had people around her who helped her translate what she was communicating disabled people aren't an experiment to motivate abled people with our accomplishments the continuing rhetoric that helen keller was not real slash a fraud slash an experiment is so incredibly offensive can you all just please shut up damn so like the gen z kids who are paying attention in history class are now fighting the people in the back of the class who are not paying attention i just don't understand why people can't just search something google it bing it if you have to bing it then do that i feel like this like almost reminds me of like you know that historic battle of the furries uh on tick tock you know the video we made back in 2018 where you had the great war on fort furries yeah feel free to check that video out if you want to watch that that's an interesting thing i feel like this is kind of like that but that was definitely way more entertaining to watch all right next video why did y'all wait this long to tell me helen keller was actually the daughter of a confederate war captain she was really racist and she would memorize the black maids footsteps so she could pick on them don't hit me up i'm in pain what are the sources where are the sources that last part just sounded so unbelievably dumb that it has to be fake yeah let's just randomly call out a deaf blind person for being racist like really like how can a blind person be racist that's a genuine question okay so i googled this i found nothing about her being racist but i did find that she co-founded the naacp apparently and she was an opponent of lynchings as any decent human being would be and she was also an early proponent of birth control i couldn't find anything that said the latter of what this girl said so i guess we'll just leave it at that but all right now that we've established that helen keller did in fact exist i feel like we can wrap up today's video drop a like on this video to prove that helen keller exists send this video to someone who doesn't believe helen keller exists for some reason and if you still believe that helen keller didn't exist dislike this video please this is not a safe space for helen keller deniers but anyway if you're new here i welcome you to my channel be awesome you subscribed i'll see you guys next video peace hit the bell notifications guys baby i'm crazy you know i get so jaded my mama told me i made it but i'm still not up on no playlist and i still hit up all my haters everybody else is so faithless saying if you waited don't play it but maybe i'm the one that needs changing but i don't really want change no think i get to where i wanna go
Channel: Atozy
Views: 142,473
Rating: 4.8381782 out of 5
Keywords: tiktok, tiktok cringe, tik, tok, tik tok, helen keller, tiktok helen keller, TikTok doesn’t believe Helen Keller Existed, helen keller tiktok, satire, comedy, commentary, atozy
Id: 5DrmVXLQUk0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 46sec (766 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 19 2021
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