This Billionaire’s Daughter Isn’t Who You Think She is

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so that this video paused at one second what I'm currently staring at is young a rich and powerful so today's video will be interesting to say the least I swear that every year that ends with an even number recently we've gotten a new spoiled rich kid lifestyle channel 2016 the year of creates hilar 2018 the year of Bobby mister 2020 the year of I am Sophie I think the world just needs to stop reproducing and let the population go into drone a channel a whole bunch of you guys wanting me to take a look at since a fellow creator and friend Leon lush also did a video on this channel but I am Sophie a new rich girl has entered the chat to also flaunt her insanely rich lifestyle I'm assuming and to also I assume say that she's super unique and not like anyone else well I mean at least she doesn't have entrepreneur and her header only a synonym of it but let's just get right into this [Music] I am Sophie young popular talented I am a friend a daughter a sister and it might look like I've got it pretty easy put this all these crazy things private jets fast cars beautiful friends they've made me think am I happy ah it's a gator non-stop flex as long as you catch it with a butt am I happy doh so I went out to area 51 I was on CNN I was one of the first people dressed as an astronaut outside area 51 if not the first one of the first what am I happy Doh now's the time were you supposed to tilt up to but am I happy dove oh yeah yes or I was a bit also her descriptions of herself are like the most generic way to describe a person without giving any information on that person I too am a son a brother a friend what am i happy do when you're in the middle of a hurricane you don't get to stop and look around and realize am i being real what does that even mean yes if you're in a hurricane you're in survival mode you have yet to show me any footage to make me think oh wow gee you are totally in survival mode there dear send UNICEF Red Cross she needs help obviously just one of a in ahead of us one of the little holes has got cloaked and she thought it was a hurricane dude this is like a paid highlight reel of her life to feed into her narcissism what are the comments on this video even like this proves that money can't buy you anything in this case an audience ha anyone who calls themselves popular isn't popular this has to be a joke she paid for this to come on my feed oh girl utterly fake the house she lives in is Broughton Hall a state in the UK let's just move on and not give this girl any clout anymore is that pronounced weight brow I have a British man I have a token British man here hon see how it spoke how is it we are Oh ugh T o n plus was Ivor Bruton brough tan or brought Broughton thank you for the clear answer am I happy Sophie proceeds to post videos of how rich she is and how easy it is for her to be at rich oh wow she actually has young rich and powerful Merck ready before she dropped the blog she's advertising her merch and her trailer for her vlog channel perfect let's see this dude it's already sold out she's already sold out which I don't even believe because all the comments are just people trashing on right I can't see someone being like oh wow look that Lambo lifestyle I've seen 30 million times before I want to buy her shirt that says young rich and powerful that wait that's just I'm googling this this doesn't make sense what though okay so between this cut I found some I called Lian and discord he was also aware of this and boy do we have a rabbit hole in front of us oh my goodness okay so apparently author just googling her channel name i came across reddit our / i am Sophie for the reddit user smart acts 11:11 created this timeline in-depth analysis on basically everything that I guess the character I'm Sophie has done in the past year but it's not really a year because it starts February 5th so it's a 20-page document on everything that she's done in the past month Sophie's new Instagram and Twitter were created as she says new year new instant calls herself a businesswoman the Instagram post was edited she tweets and posts another picture the picture of the Royal Exchange which was in store in London and she says she deserves some serious pampering to prepare then she makes another tweet about Alexi from love Island she makes a bunch more tweets to seem not to be as relevant but okay so let's let's scroll a little bit down here on February 8th she post an Instagram picture on her Villa where she alludes that she's staying at she apparently did not have a good day because she says I've had worse Saturdays as she posts a picture of a pool nice okay so she's playing this role pretty well I love I just was like learn from February 14 she's under the company yrp which is I guess younger rich and young rich and powerful that's what was or she is the maker of it she thinks very highly of herself she isn't sure if she's happy or not she has a sibling she is making this YouTube channel to show her real self that just sounds like I don't know everyone's Bebo account about Paige back in late 2011 okay so this red is actually like their naming characters in this blog already do you mean naming characters so here at 5:56 on the video those posted February 28th we see Lara for the first time and the middle of her vlogs there's these glitches I'm like 90% sure this is an Arg or an alternate reality game you know similar to Black Mirror but this time they're gonna try to do it on YouTube which is honestly insanely cool and clever yeah and clever this got me so much more interested into it think it's one of those things but you like link the videos together and it plays like a different video let all the glitches if either glitches mean like different codes somehow and you're like you bring all the different videos together exactly where they glitch and it like plays out a different timeline yeah maybe I don't I don't know what's really going on but I just saw it was sketchy that her merch was already sold out when she clearly doesn't really have a proper audience so I googled her name just to see if there was anything around her if she came from anywhere maybe she had a previous audience that she's trying to move over to this new channel or something like that and I just get slapped in the face with this reddit there where they're going all at it with a conspiracy theory mode and this timelines kind of insane I feel like we need to you know you need to make a dedicated conspiracy video on this go like you're just looking for the entire reddit and we work out what it is but anyway February 28th is the the first time we see Lara I love how they're already naming characters in this universe and then on the next video yet for 15 you can see Laura again looking closer wearing the same clothes she wore in video 0:06 it looks like Laura's some makeup till the end video glitches these separate videos that he's mentioning yes meaning that my conspiracy if I put in all the different videos together and it may make another video maybe true maybe my eyes are very wide right now you can't see with their wide so this escalated very quickly just from finding the reddit I went from seeing this to this so in this same video at five twenty four apparently a new characters in an introduced nicht Shadow Man who is usually seen next to a stool yeah that's totally not creepy at all I just want you look at this like look this is like glitched into the videos wait Watson yeah yeah like I'm not even joking like it's it's like seriously messed up but you'd find that going on the bottom of a well a hundred percent but that's scary it's like a clear inspirations from the ring and that that Spanish horror film wreck I feel like this just went from spoiled billionaire daughter to really interesting Arg this is way too much of a rabbit hole like what the guys have done is reddit is insane I'm like genuinely interested in seeing what's going on here billionaire girl to probably one of the more interesting energies of so far seen is this this wow this is more interesting to me in black mirror that's for sure so guys I'll be linking to reddit down below if you guys want to help out if you find anything new on this feel free to comment in the comments down below or on this reddit or feel free to DM me on Instagram whatever but on that note we're a and a completely different place than what I thought we would be at the end of this video I'll just be any in here if you enjoyed the video please drop a like on if you're new here I welcome you to my channel it'll be awesome you subscribed and please give me any tips or anything you find in the comments of this video that would be awesome from the next video but on that note I'll see you guys next video don't talk to me in my leather bag like I'm so bad better coming up six like tennis I've been no far but just leave my credit gonna go far need to change my settings the stars on my feet touch heaven first pitch already boss seconds
Channel: Atozy
Views: 415,787
Rating: 4.9615254 out of 5
Keywords: This Billionaire’s Daughter Isn’t Who You Think She is, iamsophie, i am sophie, crea tyler, bobby misner, spoiled billionaires daughter, spoiled billionaires son, rich kids, rich kids of instagram, atozy, comedy, satire, commentary
Id: 1BVwh7x73-s
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 16sec (616 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 06 2020
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