Shane Dawson & Ryland’s insane Obsession...

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ah another day on the internet another day of having my video inbox submission being spammed out by hey you should cover this aspect of the new trisha paytas shane dawson jeffree star drama or hey you should totally check out what's going on with gamestop and amc and the wojack hedge fund companies getting their ass handed to them by wall street bets i'll be covering that tomorrow but for today we're diving head first into the whole i guess this new shane dawson aspect you guys wanted me to cover just ignore the fact that i have a a red left eye i'm one of those kids where if i go get allergy tested and they poke me like 18 times my arm all 18 pokes are gonna be like swelled up and i'm like wow look at that i am very allergic to everything they just tested me with so today i'm playing the game of oh i'm allergic to something i have no idea what i'm allergic to today but i'm definitely reacting to something so bear with me on that until i either find out what new thing i'm allergic to or it just naturally goes away before we get into this i dare you to like this video so more people can see it and also comment hello in the comments down below maybe in your native language let's see how many hellos in english we get or hello in some foreign language we get that'll be cool but let's get right into the video but yes the la youtube community is essentially just one big high school drama except that everyone involved has millions of followers and that just turns everything into a spectacle so ladies and gentlemen here we go again we're about to dive head first into whatever this is yet again today we're focusing on shane dawson and ryland adam's insane obsession with i guess just um guessing if people have mental complexions because apparently normal people just do not exist to them but before we get into that trisha recently posted a video of some voice memos from shane dawson where he allegedly is trash talking behind her back but from 2017. i said this my last video but how many times we're gonna out a youtuber for talking behind another youtuber's back especially if he's an la influencer i mean are we really surprised this is happening it's pretty much to be expected at this point since we've already established that la youtube community is essentially just like a live-action high school sitcom but trisha apparently made this video because she's upset with shane because shane and her have been friends for many years and shane talked behind her back to some other dude that he's only known for a couple months at the time of this happening that influencer apparently kept all of these voice memos and then sent them off to trisha which then led to her creating this video i was just sent voice memos from shane his own voice she's talking me back from april 2017 two months after we filmed his first series where i was him and he was me and he's just like telling this influencer i'll say his name is charles gross stuff that i told him and i wasn't really talking charles gross but stream was talking me because i was friends with peter man and i was just like asking him if he invited charles grossman's like christmas party but he was like mocking my voice in the audio and like i don't think it's like legal or morally right to share like audio messages but i heard it for myself like publicly i heard it for myself and i'm like it's the first time a guy actually heard it from shane's mouth like being like he's like trish are we like kids like mocking my i was okay so it's my knowledge she hasn't released the audio so i'm not gonna really slam shane dawson for something that's hearsay but if this audio does come out i guess that's more ammo for trisha to pull out against shane dawson that's for sure but one thing that's not here to say is how shane dawson and his clique just throw around mental complexions and what they think people might have they basically self-diagnosed jake paul as a sociopath they gave james charles a similar treatment and this came to mind due to something that trisha said in one of the most recent frenemies podcasts specifically when she's saying that shane is misusing the word empath and sociopath as you can see here i start getting voice memos from people over the years they're stalking me like his actual audio i didn't put it out there because i thought it was kind of weird but i only care what he said and he basically like heard from shane's this is the first time i heard it because like peter man said that he called me so oh he called me a sociopath which what like you're right i saw that video yeah everyone's a sociopath shane just because you had a fake ass therapist on your series that was whatever that guy sounds like he's a social path if anyone is like for and also he called me a pathological iron a sociopath to peter mom because peter mom's like oh yeah church said she wants to hang out and he's like well she's a biological liar like i have nothing to do it's not like i said oh shane's like this and he had also like nothing prompted him to taste touch behind you see this will be very interesting if shane actually responds to this but that's one of the things she alleged and here's the other part the shane the the so-called uh what is it yeah the empath this cracks me no one can call you can't call yourself an empath that's like saying i'm a good person like you you just you can't just say that you're obviously not if you have to say that you are it's like people call that rich like if you don't call yourselves rich you're not rich you're clearly not an empath strong points were made there like the whole sociopath empath dynamic shane was pushing it's just so weird like shane throughout an entire documentary kind of painted himself as an empath while spending the rest of the documentary self-diagnosing other people for having mental disorders that's normal and if you need more proof that shane and rylan are still obsessed with people either being sociopaths or psychopaths look no further than this video right here rylan's sister morgan adams uploaded a video last week where she went to get a brain scan and rylan went with her then they looked at i guess pictures of her brain and people's brains and uh rylan kept going on about so is this person a sociopath is morgan a sociopath how do we find out if someone's a sociopath bro how would this change anything but rylan and shane clearly have some weird obsession to find out if people are either sociopaths or psychopaths do you really interact with that many of them like every day like especially with lockdown i don't think i've interacted with a single one in a hot minute that's for sure but here here's those clips i don't even honestly know what we're doing other than the fact i guess you're getting your brain scanned yes we're getting my brain scanned to figure out what exactly is wrong with me that is scary brain scan that's like kind of alarming and i'm not saying anyone's specific but you might be a sociopath like i think if you're like a narcissist or a psychopath or a sociopath like certain parts of your brain will light up and they're like where's that coming from though like the jake paul documentary happened two years ago and they're still speculating about this how likely do you think it is that morgan's association oh i don't i mean i take sister to the doctor for a brain scan is your sister a sociopath oh okay so and this part is for one again so tempo lobes help with mood control where would you see if somebody's like a sociopath or psychopath okay so that's a great question i mean i'm very curious like you can tell from a brain scan if somebody either we never diagnosed psychopathy but okay criminal-like behavior we'll see like bumps here okay so the frontal lobes they can't focus they just can't make good decisions i'd have to see on both sides and they'd be huge we got bumps in the holes here we get really sorry but that's what it's like that's what it's like for these people we get really upset not a sociopath there you go i realize they're joking here but in before they start bringing out like half of the youtube community in la to this doctor to try to figure out if they're a sociopath or psychopath that would be an interesting follow-up i would love to do that but just with my family having a christmas party and then just get them all diagnosed with different things but in my opinion what a weird obsession i have like i remember when they released the jake paul documentary and i thought to myself huh do i know any sociopaths that thought lasted about three seconds until i was like what good would this do for me if i knew about it actually what would this information do to help me in my daily life then i thought to myself gee not a lot so i haven't thought about it since then now here i'm sitting two years later and they're still obsessed with if our said person is a sociopath or not i think i know what the fix to this is what they just need to get into astrology if i remember correctly in that documentary they were also trying to like paint logan paul as being a sociopath as well like at the end of it they were like what if logan paul is the master manipulator of all this and he's a massive sociopath that's been controlling his brother and everything jake paul did is probably because of logan and yeah they were like doing that at the end if i remember correctly double or nothing both the brothers are mentally and i'm an empath i care about these people shane dawson i think jake paul is a taurus and um logan paul's a virgo but what was shane trying to achieve with that information like like did he want to send them off to sociopath prison aka just have them get cancelled off of twitter because of what twitter diagnosed them for having imagine society if jake paul just went to therapy man we'd be living in 2040. i don't know having a massive influencer trying to speculate if someone has a mental complexity that's a bit a bit weird to me if you enjoyed the video please drop a like on if you're new here i welcome you to my channel it'll be awesome you subscribe i'll be making another video tomorrow where i dive head first into whatever's going on with gamestop amc wall street bets and the wojack hedge funds and if you made it this far into the video just to let me know that you watched the entire video comment by in your own native language in the comments down below so we hopefully have a hello and goodbye comment from you guys we're totally not trying to get engagement up here guys whatsoever but i'll see you guys next video peace baby i'm crazy you know i get so jaded my mama told me i made it but i'm still not up on no playlist and i still hit up all my haters everybody else is so faithless saying if you waited don't play it but maybe i'm the one and he's changing but i don't really want change no think i get to where i wanna go [Music]
Channel: Atozy
Views: 280,078
Rating: 4.9411182 out of 5
Keywords: Shane Dawson, shane, dawson, Trisha, Paytas, Trisha Paytas, Ryland Adams, Jeffree Star, Jeffree, Star, Ryland, Adams, satire, comedy, commentary, atozy, shane dawson drama, shane dawson jeffree star, jeffree star shane dawson, Shane Dawson & Ryland’s insane Obsession
Id: QrXuow4DxoM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 23sec (563 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 28 2021
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