TIG Root on 12” Carbon Pipe for Advanced TIG Welding!

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Hello, everyone, and welcome to the X3M TIG channel. So for today video, guys, I got 12 inch extra strong pup piece. I got two, butt welds here the next to that T and one is on that 90. So this is prep from the previous shift that it is the machine they cut out and they put that be seen as you can see here at this machine they didn't use any grinder to smooth out that bevel it’s still those marks from machining. I'd be going to leave it as is as long as it's clean. They clean it inside as well. A couple inches from that edge. I as you can see that tacks really beautiful. ( sarcasm) It appears that they did root tacks and cut it out. So got some uneven edge here on the bevel. You know it's up to six mils you can see here saw the gap size varies from 4 to 6 mil. Like definitely I don't want to do tacks like that. If you're going to tig root to try to make tig tacks bridge tack using a tig this is gonna create a little bit of mess here. It's extra work you got to clean up. It's not really professional as I said 4 to 6 mil gap so I got two joints. They have to be welded in the same time. So I'm going to do one side bottom up on one joint, then the same on the other joint. So for today I'm using the Miller MaxStar 210 really nice good welding machine. I did well before with that machine. It's really reliable and they can handle pretty much constant work without shutting down. So for the root as as a shown 120 amps for the root pass, I'm going to backfeed the rod I'm using it 70s-2 free hand, free hand at the bottom section free hand is absolutely welding skill to go as much as you can. If you can free hand everything. I like to walk the cup when you when you got a room, when you don't have room. And pretty much in field you don't have much room. So free hand is a skill to go. And a back feed I always like the back feed to the bottom section 6 to 8:00 or 6 to 4:00. Just keep that rod in the puddle Try not to lose that connection and it's going to have a nice, solid uniform root. I like to have do a little bit heavy root to my pipe. One of the things that I don’t have to worry later is suckback as I'm going to show guys later. Okay, so this is the bottom section. It's already night time. So the a little bit insufficient light. So it's not the best shot. So this is the thickness. The run is good, solid. I'm going to do the out to the other joint and I'm going to do the same thing here on the bottom section, and I'm going to build up to that tax and then I'm going to go on the other side and do the other the other half. Also, one of the most important things you big welding in the field, I could say it's it's a skill and it's how to position yourself. It's not really something you can learn or copy paste for someone else. It's you have to learn to learn the same thing with how to position yourself, how to have a better view, better control. You're going to be shaky. And that's normal, especially when a free hand, despite obstacles. You know, I just pulls pipes all over the place and positioning yourself. I think it's it's a skill as well, and it's going to help you just to upgrade your skills overall and to be a better thing. Welder Definitely. You're not going to see anymore in a refinery's using 16 unless it's a fire line or some water line pretty much is all degrade. Now. So being a TIG welder, it's it's really essential, especially for oil industry and for you to upgrade your skills. It will help you definitely down the road and makes you help you with employment and definitely with earnings to support your family. Okay. This is the route on the on the second one, on the second joint, that's what I was talking about. The route is a little bit heavier. That's what I like. So I'll eliminate the worry for a saddleback as I like to run hot 180 up to 200 don't depends from the pipe. Get to know I'm going to go up to that, turn the deck stepping on it and as I said, free hand up to it. 8:00 9:00 depends. And then I'm just going to switch to quantum field or or lay wire or a different technique. All depends from the gap. If it shrink, then I usually switch to the open technique. Feel free handling this side. As you know, it's seven years to rod. It's a little bit harder to manipulate that bottle is rod is dirty specially designed for under the obligations but it's cheaper option for the companies instead of buying seven years six which will make your life easier. But that's not how it works. You always go buy cheaper options. You know, I get rid of those decks on the side. Yeah. Now we got to. I got that route. I got a route done on both sides, a six, six, two, four and 6 to 9:00. And and I'm just going to finish start doing one to top and then switch the other side. I'm just going to walk in the cup or wiggle that up. But there where it's easier for you. Hey here with the stop starts I always like to preheat. Once they start melting, then you add a rod and just start stretching that all. I'm still running a 120 amps with the match. Start. It's a really little incredible welding machine is to handle light feet everywhere and I have to drag cables just so you just put on on your shoulder and that's it. Pretty much all you need is are going to hold me long enough to reach your model. That's it. Pretty much. Get out. I'm doing a transfer feed and I'm going to switch dipping technique. That's the other thing too. There's no you always have to change your own head to adapt to to any situation on your pipe. That's why I have to have a big arsenal or of your skill set. Okay. This is the this is the top. Just feel a little bit left on the top. I'm going to kind of get rid of those backs on a top and I'm just going to close it in. Still feel make it still hot. Okay, that's it. Now this is done double section. I'm just going to run. Buffing will clean that route bus from the outside. This is not a per cent x ray ball joint so but I'm not going to be able to finish that phone in one shift. So I'm just going to go a switch now to 180 for the hot bath. And the initially idea was routine, hard. So the next shift is going to finish that. I'm still going to use upsized for that for a hot bath. And then later I'm going to switch the upside down. The first goal here is just to do hot bath. So now the ball joint and then one joint I'm going to start filling and try to fill the flesh. My need for a feel of wire. It's really good for that little machine that runs and 181 80 and melt pretty good this is just a regular carbon pipe, so no need to worry about heat input or inter passes. That's the beauty of welding carbon. You don't really have to worry much with other materials like Chroma, that sequence all the way around. So it's hot and makes welding a little bit more difficult. I did already one pass feel and now this side and the other side is just the do the hot bass. And that's going to stay like that. That's for next shift. Next welder who's going to finish that bill joints not much time left for me to end the shift and this felt the felt the flesh I'm going to do basses 200 amps right now and still machine works very well. You can hear the fan a little bit louder now, but it still works fine. And that's it pretty much for this video, guys. It's going to be a field of flesh, one joint to the other one. As I said, it's going to be just hot bass and I hope you like it would be. Enjoy this real life scenario. This is what we do, this life. So glad to be a tech welder and as I said, guys, you got to learn to learn. There's no other way around. That's the beauty of field welding. And this made the interior, as I said, 12 inches strong and that guys subscribe like and see in the next one. Take care.
Channel: X3M TIG
Views: 6,654
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TIG ROOT on 12” Carbon Pipe | Advanced Skill Set To Become Better in TIG Welding!, x3m tig, advanced tig welding techniques, how to become a better tig welder, argon welding, backfeeding, extreme tig, gas tungsten arc welding, gtaw, how to tig, how to tig weld, how to weld, pipe welding, pipe weldor, root, root pass, tig, tig welder, tig welding, tig welding technique, Miller, TIG Root on 12” Carbon Pipe for Advanced TIG Welding!
Id: Y-UZoTj7Fcg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 53sec (833 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 07 2024
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