TIG Welding X-Ray Hack! TIG Technique For Pipe Welding!

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foreign and welcome to the extreme Tech channel  so for today's video guys uh I'm going to   work on a four inch x-rays to Strong uh Yuri a  great pipe it's going to be a back perch x-ray   quality I'm going to show you a couple tricks  and tips uh how to do it uh the best practice   a little bit advice maybe you can apply this  to any urea grade is pretty much as a 316 as   you can notice here I got three inch and a  four inch uh three mil and a four mil Gap   it's pretty much loose one eight uh this is  gonna do we got four attacks three tags in this   case I'm just gonna leave it to purge couple  minutes 10 to 15 minutes uh that's uh ideally   and with the purge I go around 30 uh latest RPM  liters per minute this is Magic Number 30 Works   uh great even for bigger diameter pipe usually  my rule thumb is uh 10 inch and above I usually   insert like three hoses of purge I like The  Purge for like for 20 minutes half an hour it all   depends and this is a torch uh I got for my body  shout out to Nathaniel Koza from Louisiana thanks   buddy I appreciate it this is a really amazing  torch heavy heater brand uh works really great   uh this torch uh I was looking for a long  time you can really really run hot and it's   not gonna get really hot like those regular 150  amp storage or 200 amps uh no water cool torch   so once again thanks Nathaniel but I appreciate  it uh as you can notice 25 22 too is a ER rod   for uh for tinga it's a urea grid and a big  blue for 400 welding machine so for my torch   I'm using a cup size 8 1 8 38 tungsten this  is a air cooled torch it's really amazing   if you guys can check out their brand uh on  a online heavy heater if you got opportunity   yeah that torch is going to make your life  easier so the little tips and tricks I'm   going to show you here on this pipe I'm Gonna  Roll in between tax I'm gonna start [Music]   start on the bottom first this is just showing you  pretty much it's going to be a lay wire technique   until I hit the top usually I what I do I  usually a section part on the top I always   go like deep side to side just to prevent you  know grapes and it doesn't take down too much and this is Lay wire technique just keep the wire  inside and stretch that bottle burn those edges   always go with the feather edge on my prep  I just kind of have a nice and clear picture   what's going on you can put a little bit of land  it all depends from the habit and what you prefer okay as I said I did start on the bottom first and  um and I did in between three and twelve o'clock   so the first the first idea is uh  just weld in between text don't   cut attacks yet uh well first in uh  in between and once uh you're done   then we're gonna switch to grind them  out uh the good idea to do that is uh   it makes you weld faster yeah you don't  insert any air inside you by using a grinder pretty much every time you cut attack you gotta  wait a little bit to purge all that oxygen you   put from your grinder and this way it's uh just  more efficient and a little less time consuming   so the same idea on the bottom uh preheat  and I'm gonna fit from the top this is a   back fit here on the bottom pretty much uh on  a small diameter is always uh fit from the top   or like from 10 o'clock it depends from which  side you are like two three o'clock one side   or nine to ten o'clock on the other side feet  from the top it's like a back fit technique give that give that rod in a puddle  stretch that puddle side to side at the good I like a heavier wool  fits your cup inside uh perfect you   can uh you can wiggle you can  walk the cup inside the root   or you can you can freehand whatever it's  easier for you okay now do all those uh was   in the in between texts are done now I'm gonna cut  attacks out this is the root looks nice looks good   a good Purge know any discoloration  on the root uh that means that number   30 that magic number for Purge uh  works good and I highly recommend it   temperature heat input okay now uh once you've  got all those stacks grind stop starts so you got   nice uh smoothie feather out all those stop  starts so you can have nice start and stop   and let it Purge for uh five to ten minutes it  depends from the length of your spool or diameter   and the same idea preheat I must start melting  at a rod and try to keep that Rod usually what   I do I always uh try to keep my rod inside all the  way up to the let's say around the 11 o'clock then   I switched from the outside and started feeding  road side to side just like a dipping technique the amps I was using here as uh shown on beginning  it was a 109 or 105 amps you can go lower   I just like the feather edges I I  can see my edges they are just uh   they they are burning you can wash those  edges and you can see clearly as I said on   on the top I switch to dipping technique  and for the tie-in I like to pause right   before the tie-in pause a little bit and Rod as  needed and just go over maybe half inch or so and that's it pretty much so in this case uh  it's uh they do empty on the root on the root   path from the outside so I just uh grab a grinder  especially if you got a scratch start then you   know just in case if you don't uh insert any  any tip of your tungsten and stuff like that   later in my shown on an X-ray you can just run a  run a grinder just a little bit on a Surface not   a big deal or even buffing wheel works good  too okay so for the hot pass uh 120 130 amps this is 332 rod this is the best part of the welding  hot pass usually especially when you   got nice and wide bevel heavy wall then you  can really stretch and play with that puddle it's pretty much simpler guys okay  they rode the 10 15 degrees you   know in that puddle inclination of  your tungsten is important as well you know that's uh that's how you  stretch puddle you point that tip   of your tungsten that's what melts the rod and then you stretch that puddle new  washing sides side to side motion you don't want to lift too much up and then just  burns your Rod you know and then every time you   lose that connection from your puddle then you  got to reconnect and all depends from the material   then you get the any impurities and uh stuff like  that like in any other any other pipe that's in a   code guys uh the pipe should be clean clean clean  that's the one of the most important thing beside   the Gap and uh and the bevel okay same thing  for the for the fill I'm just gonna go one pass side to side I'll just run one pass here on the on  this pool um as much as I can I'm gonna do my fill   with a with one well one pass fill side to side  now I switched to trade uh to 1 8 rod 150 amps and I I got lots of questions about  the amps uh what I shouldn't what you   guys should do on a hot pass it all  depends how much you can handle guys   um hot passes it doesn't mean that you got to  go really hot uh the hot pass is just a term   used for 70 18 after after six to ten root uh to  burn all those uh slag and uh that leftovers from   six to ten by the hot pass it is recommended  to go a little bit harder you know just um if   you got like some little pin holes in this and  that you know especially it all depends from the   material guys but as I said go how much you can  handle you know have to go 120 or 130 or 150.   as long as it looks nice nice and smooth proper  steps yeah it should be fine okay this is the   first pass to fail he's gonna ride a buffing  wheel now I'm going to do third pass same thing   one bead side aside I'll just try  to go walk with uh one bit to try   to fail and later I'm gonna switch to  the probably cup size 10. or even 12. so you can have a wider bead as well but as long as you have a nice  and clean uh base for each pass   and a good heat and it's just gonna melt your rod  and just leave it pretty much only using buffing   wheel to clean each pass no use of grinder no  need it except maybe for the for the for the stops the with this material like uh just uh the way of   guys show nice and colors it's all uh  you can see that's a little bit hot but it's inside the weld Zone it's not  the outside on a pipe which is good okay now almost uh close the field to flash  now I'm gonna switch on the two two beads   do well beads on a one on each side  overlapping fifty percent of each the idea is just to cover and make a  nice and smooth feel to flash without any   holes in the middle this filter flash just gonna  go over up to that edge try to make a nice smooth and try to overlap with that first bait you did okay that's it pretty much uh failed to  flush I might run actually one in the middle   and I did a round one in the middle and now  this is the first pass of cap I'll go with a   three pass cap on this pipe like always uh first first pass uh try to  have equal equal steps on the side try to   maintain that uh to have a straight edge take  keep an eye on the the same vid of your steps that's it for the first pass now I'm gonna go with the second pass I'm overlapping here uh 50 of my first pass   and uh going on the other side leaving enough  room for the third pass you can always use a   calculation how many bits you're gonna put  on a cap depends how wide is your uh bevel   but like for the bigger I know guys some guys  go like uh to pass cap a little bit wider uh   steps I just like have nice and tight everything  I like I like having uh tight steps uh on a my cap and three pass it should be good enough for  this diameter okay this is a second pass done all right now we're going to do the  third pass and the last the final pass   as I said always and I'm gonna repeat  always uh this is the cherry on the top   the third pass is a most crucial one it's  pretty much important same as the first one   it covers that straight edge on a pipe but  uh and second pass covers all uh you know if   you got any misstep on the first pass the  third pass covers the second pass by the   third pass try to maintain the same width on  the both sides try to have that straight edge and this is what makes you weld looks really  nice at the end when it's done that's uh that's   what shows your uh how focused you are with your  welding and your control Arc and puddle control and that's it pretty much  uh this is a three-pass cap now the later is uh PMI PMI test ft test and  uh X-ray test as so guys as I said guys uh   try to try to follow try to follow try try to  implement those steps you know try to weld in   between tags and then cut the text last and  then you got only one time use grinder and   finish all tags uh grind all those top  starts and let it Purge 10-15 minutes   depends from diameter and that's it thanks for  watching guys and see in the next one take care
Channel: X3M TIG
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Keywords: TIG Welding X-Ray Hack! TIG Technique For Pipe Welding!, x3mtig, tig, tigcappass, tigpipecapwelding, tigpiperootwelding, tigpipewelding, tigpipeweldingfitup, tigpipeweldingjoints, tigpipeweldingmaterials, tigpipeweldingpositions, tigpipeweldingprocess, tigpipeweldingsafety, tigpipeweldingtechniques, tigpipeweldingtips, tigrootgap, tigrootpass, tigrootpasspreparation, tigrootpasspurge, tigrootpasswelding, tigwelding6g, Welding, tig welding ss pipe, tig pipe welding, Welding stainless steel
Id: H6qyRIgcm1Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 39sec (939 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 13 2023
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