Stainless TIG Welding Thin Wall ROOT Pass Technique!

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Hello, everyone, and welcome to the Extreme TIG Channel. So for today's video, guys, I’m gonna show you a little TIG welding technique on a thin wall or sch. 10 in this case this a six inch stainless pipe, 304 So I'm going to prep it clean in and out, make it really nice and shiny and no contamination. As you can see, the pipe is really dirty. A little bit of bevel, feather edge. You can leave a six inch land if you prefer. Lots of people do that just to prevent internal undercuts and I'm going to show you how to weld the technique that I'm using. Lots of people got issued the size of the road to pick the the width of the gap. I'm going to go with a loose one eight. As you can see here, I'm going to go loose one eight. I'm going to cup size six. I'm going to walk the cup Fits perfectly inside that bevel This is pretty much the reference I like for the Gap as well. Spread the spread pipes to fit nozzle in. ( no dirty minds ) And this is the text and just the bridge tags. They're not pretty. It doesn't matter. There's a reason why I like to do that. I was just thinking 332 with a 75 amps so you don't burn through or you don't have any sugar inside just to give those two coupons together. Okay. There's a couple ways you can freehand the bottom, which I do sometimes. Or you can just feed like a back feed, feed the it from the top and up to the sides. So this is what I'm going to do. I'm just going to walk the cup on the bottom section. I'm going to do the bottom first one side, 6 to 9:00 and 6 to 3:00. And from the top, I'm going to go just dip in technique or or we'll see. We'll see when I start. Well, look, it's always changing. Usually I got a plan and then I end up doing something else. That's how we got to do. That's why you got to adjust, adjust yourself to the situation. And it's not always as we plan. So this is the bottom. I'm just back fitting from the top. What work the cap on is. And as I show you to so many amps, you can even maybe go, this is one eight rod. So try to keep that rod as that's my like back fitting specially on the top. Just keep the rod on top of that paddle. That paddle watch up for your travel speed. You don't want to put too much is going to open up very fast as this is get then you want to keep an eye on your heat affected zone as well. Okay. So this is the bottom part. The purge is good. I set up, we're on the 30 and it's around 15 liters per minute. Okay. This is the bottom. This is the the bottom part. And I'm going to go up on the side close to that tack on to 3:00, then going to keep that rod inside. Grind it out. Grind, stop starts. It's not a big deal if you put a little bit area aside from the grinder, just closed it again, keep it for maybe a minute or two just in case to purge to purge out all that oxygen that you put with your grinder. Preheat Always go back a little bit, at least half inch with little bit until your bottle starts liquid enough and then just I had the rod and I keep it there. The big thing with a three or eight rod is you got to really keep it close to your to your purge zone from your nozzle or try to keep it right in the pot. As soon as you pull it out, it's going to reconnecting is it's a little bit like contaminated. So you're going to have a hard time reestablishing that nice liquid bottle again. Ken No, this is one side. Both sides from 6 to 8 and from 6 to 5:00. Now, I'm going to go up on that 3:00 close to that deck. And to remove the what I said on beginning, I like those kind of tactics. I'm just going to use a human trotter while you can use a flat produce as well as and as soon as you clean, there is no any marks, any indication there was an attack here before it, more than put a bridge around inside. As I said, it's a it's a set down. So so for the side, I'm going to go down on a 60 amps and try to go on a side to try to keep it slightly inside. That barrel is from from the inside of that edge. And as soon as I past 3:00 mark, I'm going to pull it out and do the dipping technique. As I said, I already on on the top part, already past 3:00 marks. I'm going up up to 12. We're up to 1:00. I'm just going to dip or a keyhole technique, whatever you like to call it. As I said before, the bottom section, that which is most important, especially on the set, then you don't want to set it down. You don't want to set up big birds to push all that bottle when you're welding. That's why they have one eight and the big feed technique for the bottom section and for that for the top section, that's easy. It's gravity plays the role. You can even go up on the bridge, especially on the top section. So it's going to form, it's going to form that route. Really nice. Okay, this is the other side. So I'm going to remove that tack. I want it up to that tack sort of what's going to happen. It's going to close those. You can see now that you can fit one eight, draw it inside. As soon as I remove that tack and because it's still hot, it's going to shrink. It's going to shrink perfectly for the you can fit one eight anymore, which will be too much for one. It's because for the bottom section I like 332 and I'm going to switch the 330 to and I'm going to for that little part, I'm going to keep that rod inside. I'm still on 60 amps, give that rod inside. And so when it starts shrinking even more, I'm just going to pull it out and continue with you can dab or keyhole it. There you go. Now it's shrink. I just pull it out and I'm just going to I've just got to keep it dabbing all the way up to 11:00 on this side. As I said, get ten. It's it's a little bit tricky. You know, you need it's not a I mean, it's not a big deal. You need you need to practice. You need to work with them. I didn't that the last I did was like couple of years ago and I didn't do it since then. And I find it work a piece of pie. So I said, okay, let's go. I'm going to do it. One video for you guys. And it's good for me as well, because as I said, you just you don't use it. You lose it, you know? Okay, so this is done clean for your for your for your cap. There's there's a lots of meat here for non ed guys for any hot pass. It doesn't matter if you still got below that surface, you're a route pass, you can start camping right away. And this is the route from the front to bottom of turn the bottom up on a side. I just have one spot up on a on a in as I was going downhill from 12 to 11:00 this little bit tying connections not the best but it's it's good this is a perfectly good route and nothing's wrong with that especially for Scott. Then as I said it, to get ten is tricky ten and you have to have a gap. It's below. You just can get this is 8181 amps for a four capping and this is 1818 rod four for capping. Watch out for your travel speed. You don't want to go too slow. Just adjust yourself, you know, to the to the amps that you can handle. Keep don't turn don't turn off your bridge. As soon as you're done with your route, Keep it, keep it on. Let it pipe the pipe to cool down and give the bridge going and do your cap and that's it. Pretty much. That's it for that's it for the cup. The cap is good and uniform. That's how the cap should look like. And it's a little bit tricky. As I said, we'd get ten. Just what's your heat? What's your trouble? Speed then clean your pipe. Make it clean. It's going to be easier for you to control that bottle, to manage to manipulate it. But hope you guys like it likes describe share. And you guys, you got a burn to learn. There's no other way around. Keep up the good work. And soon the next one, guys, they care.
Channel: X3M TIG
Views: 11,918
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Stainless TIG Welding Thin Wall ROOT Pass Technique!, x3m tig, tig welding tips, argon welding, tig welding techniques, gas tungsten arc welding, how to tig weld, extreme tig, how to tig, tig root, tig welding basics, tig welding stainless steel pipe, welding video, tips and tricks, welding techniques, 5g, backfeeding, gtaw, how to back feed, open butt root, pipe weld, pipe weldor, root, root pass, test, tig welding, weldor
Id: ZKqEpFtmeeo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 49sec (649 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 03 2024
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