TIG Root Pass in Position! TIG Welding Open Root Technique!

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Hello everyone and welcome  to the X3M (extreme) TIG channel in today's video, we're going to do a 12 inch  carbon pipe it's going to be a tig root and   hot pass just going to show you a little  technique of what I like to do out in a field   especially when it's not  everything perfect like in the shop I'm gonna do, I'm gonna show you  combination of freehand and walking the cup   as you can see we got a high low on the bottom   on the top pretty much all the way around  I try to split the difference as much as I can   we did transition but usually, the 90 is  always different than, from the rest of the pipe if I can I like to have a high low  on the top way better than on the bottom if you got on the top high low you can  always compensate that with the gravity   it might work for you you're gonna just  take down and make a nice uniform root   but for the bottom part, I like to  have it even okay for this video   we are gonna use a 70S-6 tig filler wire I really like that rod, got lots of  silicon in it it's easy to control   easy to manipulate way better  than 70S-2 or 70S- B2L okay for stick out I like to do   10 mil approximately but the reference I like  to always check by the depth of your    bevel when it's touching when your  tip of the tungsten is inside the edge   of the bevel that's what I like to usually do, okay  for the bottom part, we're going to do a free hand free hand with a constant feed that's something I like to do when I got high low ready to do a constant feed on the  bottom all the way up to the nine o'clock   keeping that wire inside that bevel as you  can see here I like to do the heavier root and   then if you got high low that's all going to  be covered and you're not going to even see it okay here preheat sides  deep one side the other side   make a connection and hold that rod  inside that puddle inside the bevel just do a consistent, consistent feed   constant feed you can see I'm  holding it inside that bevel you don't want to have a  shallow root on the bottom   especially for the hot pass if you  get suck back and it's going to be   that might be really tricky especially  for the x-ray, i they might see it as not enough penetration okay I'm gonna have my freehanding  all the way up to nine o'clock don't rush take your time and adjust your  settings so you can handle that amperage as I said in earlier videos before  I like to do a heavier root on my on my tig welding especially for that suck back just to prevent that suck back as I like to run   hot on a hot pass, someone even asked me how how  can you handle that how can you go that hot   on your are you not afraid of suck back well  not really tell depends on how much you can handle   the amperage you know that's why I like heavier  root so even if I got like you can see it here you're not going to get really big  suck back on that on that root but you always go with the settings of how much you  can handle we're going to go up to 12 o'clock   always grind stop-starts this is a  root tack we're just going to feather   it out and we got the bridge tack on  the top I'm just going to remove that as I said good habit to grind the stop-starts especially if you got to do a hard pull on the tig  torch if you don't have a remote on it so you can stop properly you can always when you always  create you know some kind of pinhole or a   crater when you do a hard pull that's why like  it's just a good habit you know grind stop starts   okay we got a root tack here on nine  o'clock just gonna feather it out both sides   so once we go over we're gonna pause  inside and just go over it nice   so you got a nice smooth connection you want  to blend that out nice blend connection I mean okay same thing we're gonna do freehand  before I get to the tack I'm gonna pull   the rod out start dipping especially  when I'm going over it I'm gonna pause and adding some wire okay on yours on your start   preheat once it starts melting add rod  and just uh keep it inside that puddle just be consistent with that feed I'm always keeping my rod inside the bevel  when I'm going on my way up at nine o'clock now before we get to that tack I'm gonna pull  the rod out as you can see now I'm holding   it inside doing constant feed or just  keeping that rod inside the puddle all the time   okay now I'm going to pull the rod out and I'm going to diping technique here to make that nice blend connection with that root like any tie ins you want to pause on sides   when you go over it don't you don't have to go too  fast but you don't have to go too slow either add   some wire you don't like in case you pause too  long it might open on you too much as you can   see here it started opening that's why you want  to add that wire so it doesn't open that much and from now on I'm just going to continue  with a dipping technique, something, I like to do   pretty much that's what I'm  always doing it's just a habit   I'm always doing constant feed on the  bottom and on this from nine o'clock to 12   I'm doing dipping techniques especially if you  got a high low like in this case then you're 100   sure you're gonna burn those edges the good thing  about dipping technique is uh that you control the   the amount that you're actually depositing in  especially if you're not skilled enough to   skilled enough to control the amount you're  depositing especially if you're doing constant   feed as I said before there are a couple tricks with  a constant feed if you're not really good at it you might just stick it on those edges not   actually burn it so especially  if you're starting out   you know or if you're not so so skilled at dipping  technique is something that I will recommend you're not gonna have any welding  failures the with that technique okay now we gonna stop before that tack yeah we gotta cut it out clean it  grind a little bit your stops there   and we're gonna go all the way up to one  o'clock that's where we're gonna start for the top part, you always lower your amperage  if you want you don't have to go run hot as   you did on I like to do like a little  a bit hotter on the bottom   I change my amperage very rarely it all depends  from the fit-up, but for example, if you go   on the bottom 130, 140 after 9 o'clock you want  to lower down to maybe 120 so you can control   that uh that setting you got burnt so you can  handle that amperage you don't have any grapes   inside especially on the top part as I said the  gravity will do the rest that's why you don't   want to keep that rod inside that bevel  like for the bottom part or even on the sides   on the sides sometimes I do like 50-50 half  rod outside half a rod inside but on the top part   you keep the rod outside one eight from  that let's say one eight from that edge   outside so once you burn it the gravity  will do the rest will make you nice and uniform   okay for the other side same thing preheat that start you can grind it out a little bit preheat and the same thing keep that rod inside   while you're progressing up  all the way up to nine o'clock you always want to do free hand that's  something that you want to practice freehand is always option number one yeah you  know what like honestly with freehand my root   looks way better than when I'm wiggling or  walking the cup on my for my root pass it just focuses more you got more control  you know and for walking the cup got to be ideal   in conditions you know but out in the field  that's not going to happen maybe in a shop yeah   but in a field, it's, that's what you want you  want a free hand, you want to train your hands to freehand and you can do a combination that's why  I like to freehand all the way up to nine and then   you can see here I rest my cup inside that bevel  and now I'm slowly walking the cap so that's   especially when your hands get you know, shaky  tired then you can that's how you rest your arm okay we did that root to this side that's more than good okay we're gonna grind that out and then we're gonna go up to  connection to close that gap okay when starting all this  pause a little bit pre-heat add that wire dipping technique as you notice that's  what I like to do in my previous videos works in multiple cases if you got close  gap or if just start closing on you   dipping technique is something you  might want to do you want to open it   side to side adding wire you know you're  going to burn those edges you're going to put that   if you're just holding that  rod constant feed and then   melting it like here and then your gaps  start closing everything might happen just cover those edges and actually not burn them technically 100 sure okay on the top part just dip hold that rod above that edge so  when you're doing tie in you want to pause one side   other side, one side, other side, and slowly connect  you don't have to rush here you want to want   that gravity works for you you want to burn those  edges you want to make a nice blend connection and always go over half an inch  whatever you like but yeah always stop on the side especially  if you're doing a hard pull   okay this is done you can run  buffing wheel just to clean any impurities again okay for the hot pass you can wiggle inside  that groove or you can do a freehand I'm   going to do a free hand on the bottom there's  not much room actually to walk that cup inside for a hot pass, I'm running 140 or 150 to go slow small steps you  want to fill those sides so the same thing once I get to   at nine o'clock I'm just gonna press  my cup inside and just try to walk the cup even if I got for this video I'm   I'm using a cup size 7, if I got  8 or 10, they'll be even better with a smaller cup on a  bigger, bigger groove it's a little bit harder to control so if  you got a bigger cup that might work perfect yeah you can go as much as you you can handle that  amperage you can go hot or you don't have to go   hot pass is not about going hot but it all  depends on how much you can handle I like to go hot okay guys uh that's it from now on it'll be uh  7018 fill and cap and uh I'm not going to do that   for this video, this is just a root and hot  pass there's a shutdown season   now in Alberta so I hope it's going to be a  a lot of videos there's not always a time that   you can actually record all those welds as you  know I might get fired for that you need a special permit but I do what I can and when I can I would  like to thank you for your continuous support   uh thank you for watching, any suggestions,  comments, feel free to comment, see you in the next one
Channel: X3M TIG
Views: 125,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: TIG Root Pass in Position! TIG Welding Open Root Technique!, walking the cup on open root, x3m tig, walk the cup on the root, open root, tig root videos, open root pass, tig, tig welding, walking the cup, root, pipe welding, how to weld, tig welding technique, tig welding videos, welding tips and tricks, pipe root welding, root welding, root pass welding, Tig root, How to weld tig root, tig root pass, tig schweißen, tig welding root
Id: 9klV_Nq11Sg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 1sec (1201 seconds)
Published: Mon May 02 2022
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