The Secret To Thriving In Times of Crisis | Dr. Myles Munroe

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thank you for joining us for another power-packed message provided by monroe global incorporated and monroe global comm we transform followers into leaders and leaders into agents of change we hope that this message is a blessing to you as you advance your life and discover your purpose now let's go into the message the impact of the collapse of banks and insurance companies and financial institutions and even governmental institutions is wreaking havoc on people's life the families I couldn't think for example of the United States ever being threatened with the possibility of losing Ford Motor Company or Chrysler it's almost impossible to think that they said for itself employed over half a million people they collapse which has been the talk this past week that's a whole lot of families you might have better by the average of three in the family its 1.5 million people in trouble 1.2 million jobs have already been lost by the end of December in the United States and in our own Caribbean islands here we depend mostly on tourism as our major industry and that includes the Bahamas Jamaica and Barbados saying kids st. Thomas st. Lucia Grenada Trinidad and 80% of our tourists comes from the United States which means that if they implode we explode the impact that has also on Europe which also is experiencing the same shaking of the institutions is having a frightening effect on the European market when I was in England a few days ago they were predicting up to 500,000 jobs being lost by the end of November this this month in England alone England is one of the driving engines of Europe Germany was laying off up to 30 to 40,000 people per month France as you know have been trying to solve their own problem by becoming more socialist in their response by buying up more of the private sector to save people's jobs and save companies our own Prime Minister this past week gave answers that frightened me because he said we can't do anything about it I've been sharing with you the past few weeks about how to respond to crisis one of the things I want us to note in the book of Genesis chapter 1 please turn there verse 26 it says and God said let us make man in our own image and our likeness and let them have dominion over the fish of the sea the birds of the air the livestock of the field and over everything that grows in the earth on everything that creeps upon the ground the principle assignment of mankind given to us by God is the dominion over earth's resources do you agree with that is that what you just read that's what God said let them have dominion over fish birds cattle livestock plants on all the creeps on the earth let them dominate that so the responsibility of mankind is the management and the preserving the development of earth's resources the divine goal of mankind is the extension of the culture of heaven on earth which is a culture of Plenty and abundance you know the story of John visiting heaven briefly and in the Book of Revelations John writes about what he felt when he went to heaven he went to the home country and John didn't know what to say he was so overwhelmed so he started saying things figuratively he said it seemed like the the streets were paved with gold and it seemed like the things that appeared to be gates were men of pearls and he said the river seemed to be filled with crystal I mean the guy was so irrelevant he said the whole place is full of too much and Jesus said when you pray pray thy kingdom come thy will be done on earth just like God intended for earth to be filled with plenty abundance the divine strategy of God therefore was to dominate earth and make it an abundant place let me suggest to you how did God intend for man to dominate the earth I want you to read your Bible with me for a second please look at the book of Genesis again chapter 1 is important for us to review for a second in chapter 1 God said let us make man in our own image and let them have dominion now God never gives you instructions without strategy hey boys the instruction with strategy when God gave him instructions he always gives you the strategy how is man supposed to dominate verse 28 god bless them and said be fruitful and increase and multiply and fill the earth and subdue it and rule over the fish of the sea the birds of the air and over every living creature that is upon the ground verse 29 then God said Adam I have given you seed seed bearing fruit plant on the face of the earth and every tree that has fruit seed in it very important God's plan was management of that beautiful resource the power of management is the assignment of God for man management is the ultimate plan of God and we must understand how management works look at chapter 2 if you will this is gets a little deep here and read with me verse 5 when the Lord God had made the earth and the heavens there was no shrub of the field that had yet appeared on the earth and there was no plant on the earth why because the Lord God had not yet sent rain on the earth everybody take a deep breath one more time I want to teach you about the secret to thriving in times of crisis it's right here in Genesis the Bible says God didn't allow anything to grow and didn't send rain on the earth for anything to grow and the question is why let's take a look at it the next verse says because there was no man to work for there was no what man to work for there was no man to work okay God had a lot of power in the earth but he refused to let the power spring forth and he tells us why he didn't allow any rain to come here it tells us God prevented rain why because there was no man to work the ground can I suggest to you that God will prevent growth if there is no management the word work here means manage God will not allow development weather is no management God will withhold progress where there is no management God will not allow anything to expand unless he has a man or a woman who will manage that development write this down please management is the primary goal of mankind so whatever you fail to manage you will lose said it with me whatever you fail to manage you will lose God prevents growth where there's no management God's primary measure then of trusting you is management God won't trust you with any more than you can manage and during these crisis seasons God will give resources to the managers if you do not manage what you have you will lose what you have and if you don't learn to manage effectively don't let anything come to you write this down God will give to effective management God will what give to effective management God would not allow rain to come if there's no manager he would allow development to come if there's no manager he won't allow any resources to grow where there's no manager so management attracts resources write it down management attracts resources and this therefore is the greatest moment for management no money left planet earth no matter what they tell you the billions are still on earth no money went in the Moon or Mars or Jupiter all the gold and silver is here somewhere and there are billions of dollars somewhere I remember reading the Bible and I was a kid I was shocked at the teenager when I read the verse in Isaiah God says I know where the secret riches of darkness lie money don't leave it it goes into hiding and it will come out from hiding when it sees a human who is managing effectively God will not give to you what you pray for he will give to you what you can manage we love to pray for things and God protects them from us let me say it slow we love to pray for things and God protects the things from us that's why you ain't winning the lottery fixing your money he protects the lottery money from you because you can't even manage tithing now I'm not talking to you now time to prison behind you don't take it personal you keep asking God for a bigger house and you ain't keeping the apartment clean you asking God for a car and the motorbike is dirty in other words God is watching how you manage what you have now and you pray for something that you can't even manage you know there's one thing about stealing if you are a little thief a small thief then the spirit of stealing is upon you oh there we got tiny teeth we have people who steal a little right now and they are experts at small stealing so they get $100 and they teeth God's 10 teeth that means to steal in the Bahamas they steal the ten and they do it so effectively that when they ask God for a thousand doesn't mean you're so good at stealing ten you won't take the hundred and then you pray for ten thousands of dollars no no no I can't give you ten thousand because you still stealing the ten you aren't experts thief jesus said in Luke 16 if you cannot be trusted with little who will trust you with much if you cannot manage little how can you manage much [Applause] crisis will reveal who's a bad manager look at your neighbor right now smile don't say ain't you smile with them i'ma say it again times of crisis will reveal who's been a bad manager all these years they're going to be the biggest beggars managers save managers get value for dollar managers use their resources effectively and if you didn't do those kinds of things this period will expose you and the problem is God will make sure you still don't get anything because wasting with little will waste much I hope you hear me today you see the kingdom principle key for security in crisis is management God gave man Dominion he gave man management over the earth and man was given rulership over the earth now everybody say rulership rulership is not ownership rulership is not ownership management is always responsibility for someone else's resources management is responsibility always for someone else's resources so God told Adam here's my planet dominated you don't own it you manage it and what has happened on our planet today is result of man's management or mismanagement and all humans are man ages individually the word manager has man in it is the age of man it's the age where God gave man the responsibility to manage his resources so whatever we misuse on this planet is a direct lack of accountability to God whether it is pollution or destruction of trees or animals or rivers or destruction of property of the abuse of our bodies or the abuse of other people this is mismanagement and in the kingdom of God no one owns anything everything is management accountability therefore is a natural result of management accountability means that what you have ain't yours you got to report to someone else and this is why if effective management in God's kingdom will always determine the amount of your resources the better you manage the more God gives you the better you manage the more God gives you the less you manage the less God gives you it's not how long how deep you pray it's how well you manage I remember calling with you two weeks ago and those who are here visiting us today please go to the bookstore and tell them you want the whole series on management because if you understand it you will make it through the crisis I was giving a quote last week you know Solomon says the wealth that the wicked has reared belongs to the righteous so Solomon says the Lord spoke to him and told him this he's speaking on behalf of the Holy Spirit he says the work of the wickedest later for the righteous the wealth of the wicked is really later for the righteous wait a minute the wealth of the wicked is really later for the righteous no wait a minute the wealth that the wicked has really belonged to the righteous who said that God how does God know they have it whoever manages attracts the resources I heard Donald Trump on Larry King the other night said he said this is the greatest time for me I'm buying up everything things are cheap now I'm buying up every building everything in other words not anybody having problems those who are good managers are having a heyday how come the righteous are employed by the wicked we are so good to say my god owns the sheep on a Thousand Hills my God shall supply that's why going straight to the wicked and worked eight hours today to get some of it our theology ain't working the reason why the wicked has it is because the wicked is an effective manager God doesn't give resources to people he give resources to managers he allows the rain to rain where there's a man to work to match the ground and so the heart of God is looking for management I want to give you the seven ways we talked about real quick write this down seven ways to manage your crisis and this is for those of us who need a little bit of help number one determine what you need not what you want this is the time for the next five years they say this crisis will be around for five years so my first advice to you is list the things you need most of what you want you don't need do you need to eat lunch out to restaurant every day then cut it out take the sandwich just to your job do you need to buy Christmas present for every cousin adi nephew uncle let me tell you something not this Christmas if you're smart buy everybody a bottle of water just say in the name of Jesus [Laughter] give them some life say Amen anyhow you need this ain't no time for you to try and impress my body but no money you are going book if you don't identify your needs the Bible says my God shall supply all of your what not what you want number two if you're gonna make it to the crisis you should only acquire what you need this is the time where you need to make some very strategic decisions you need to study your resources that you have and to find out what do I need right now that's all I need and acquire what you need anything extra is bad management right now this is why companies are shutting down and laying off and going into bankruptcy why they're cutting fact that they rise some there's some things they don't need there's some people that they can live without for the next five years and they're sending people home they managers number three decide not to live beyond your ability hey boys they decide you got to make a decision today that you will not live above your means you know I love these people who sing these songs like God is more than enough now I know he's shaman everything but Shama told the disciples pick up every crumb baby wait I'm confused I thought she was God more than enough yeah it's more than enough but whatever the more is pick it up hmm come Brenda Oh y'all and get him try it again he fed 5,000 people he said to disciples go around now and pick up every crumb and bring the baskets to me he's more than enough they ate their fill and even had enough to drop on the ground he said pick up what they dropped I want to count the baskets God is not a waster the temptation to consume everything you have is demonic the temptation to spend all your money is demonic kolecki baskets given account of your baskets this is no time for you to waste any resources number four withdraw the unnecessary it's a tough one you know there's some things now that I necessary you know like maybe you know like I'm looking at all of my subscriptions the other day to go through my files all my subscriptions I'm subscribing to a lot of different you know companies and magazines I'm too I say you know for the next five years I gotta kind of shade this down so I'm writing them letters saying I I don't want to sign up anymore for this year why I'm withdrawing this is not necessary for me to live you got identify which you must be draw from there's some clubs you're part of that you got to pay some stuff to stay a part of them you got to calm them clubs and check them out see if you need them to live there's some people that you have been supporting got to review them again and see if they are necessary for you to live there's some people living in your house who are old enough to go to work for themselves review those situations and you may need to withdraw and say look you ain't get no more free food until you bring something in this house you are 42 years old buddy hey boy sit withdraw the unnecessary say it loud tell your spirit hear it one more time withdraw the enough I want you to go home and do an assessment of your life this is serious business the hotel where we are having the convention this week has cut down the staff because the rooms are not filled they are so happy for us being there we are the greatest blessing to the country right now in an energy sprays God but you see they realize they gotta cut down the unnecessary Atlanta shut down a whole tower the other day shut it down why well based on the conditions that's unnecessary to keep them lights on management demands hard decisions number five delay major projects number six value your possessions that means plan to keep the car longer and delay the purchase of the new one I know you would plan to buy one for Christmas here's the announcement keep the toilet all right this ain't no time to impress me new car and no gasoline don't be fooled keep it able that's management this ain't no atmosphere for you to impress nobody clean that Apple bacon shine up the little car until God I know you as Shama but you told me to collect the baskets I'm telling you a lot of folks gonna be begging and they can be the ones who produce creatures like this I have never seen the righteous forsaken nor his seed come on some bread brother I have never seen who the righteous seeker to make sure you lined up but I'm teaching right now the Word of God the Word of God says that he who is diligent in his affairs where possible diligent means you manage every penny don't quote no scripture to God I've never seen like Ozzy but you ain't a righteous so you're gonna bake some bread the next three years because you did not manage what I gave you manage no new crumbs this Christmas Lord as a bohemian curse I'm here in that case customized your case of me no I said no you take them to the laundry get them shiny you ain't impressing me I'm serious about this we got this attitude that readiness cripples you need a new thing a new dress for this one listen let me tell you something manage please Bobby your possessions number seven safe everybody say save boys Saints don't save wicked people save that's why we could get the righteous money saved people said to me I cannot save you would be amazed how well you can save but your lifestyle that you become a bitterly attached to doesn't allow you to slay say you need to change your lifestyle there's a book called the automatic millionaire I read the book in one city powerful book and the book was about how to become a millionaire but I'm feeling it I started doing what the book said years ago and guess what the book is right the book is right and I'm talking with little things like stop drinking coffee and put the money in the bank to the oils for coffee every day 11 o'clock you can bring it to the hood straight to Starbucks Starbucks is doing fine you broke five days a week two dollars for a cup of coffee or is it Reena is $15 $54 is 5:00 in the Bahamas Lord of Mercy Jesus Oh $20 a week $80 a month nine hundred sixty dollars a year just on coffee out of 20 years times nine is 180 thousand dollars just some coffee for busy save say it loud say I saw Joseph standing in front of fellow sin fellow look the Lord says there's going to be crisis in this country there's going to be an economic collapse fellow says what should we do David said vigils have saved the grain he had to fight people did not touch their grain for three years he had a fight to save you know Jordan could have prayed their Lord since thou loving servant is in Egypt thou can show Pharaoh died great hand by allowing food to drop from the sky in Egypt as I pray ira waved my hand upon the the desert of Egypt and the people shall eat for three and a half years of famine Lord but then I believed in Jehovah so he goes off level manna time Lord and so Pharaoh but you are God causes no tell them to save are you with me he say you safe let me take somebody giving to give with this give me discretion not everyone that acts you deserve to get it that includes family the Bible says give with discretion before I read it years ago died bless me that means I got a study who asking me to see this is legitimate safe preserve come on serve turn the lights off why as God's current manage it tell the dog you eating one meal a day now you could borrow all you want oh you're laughing dolls getting treated better than people send it all to them to them to the humane societies and keep them for me it don't cost me $15 a week man and I mean the feeling the Bahamas spending that kind of money on god I'm like what are you doing and they so proud - oh wow who let the dogs out the car look at you give whatever what I thought you start don't know don't touch that on your wife next to you how you got dog you're gonna die okay you know people did see not concern me you see no doubt I could see them dogs laugh and say boy I eaten good and she eaten bad concern you got to protect what you have let me show you something here it's very important I call it the money mentality read it aloud for me please proverbs 30 verse 24 read four things on earth are small yet they are extremely wise ants are creatures of little strength yet they store up their food in the Sun save look at this one I love this one in the book of Barbara 13 we're 7 read aloud together go one man pretends to be rich definitely from the Bahamas definitely from the Bahamas read again one man pretends to be rich yet asked nothing that units that doesn't right down the alley of the Bahamian oh yeah they got a rolls-royce parked in the front of a one-room house a satellite bigger than the bedroom on top of the roof man this don't make no sense they pretended to be rich they don't want you to know where they going home they depart in front of my house for a while I'm saying you leave then they go to their house you know pretending to be rich it's in the Bible he's enough don't try to impress nobody all your girlfriend's buying that style hey this next three years no style for me baby I conserving I'm a manager I want God to bless me with more I'm gonna manage this blouse look at the last part of it ah it says right pretend to be poor there is what pretend to be poor you don't know what rich in this place I'm telling you if I tell you the folks in Uganda well you won't even know them and the folks are got nothing decorate [Applause] you know when you were used to nothing then you won't put on everything to impress the people to gas up even though you ain't got nothin see if I didn't worse another pretends to be what poor it has great wealth a wealthy person doesn't need to show it money is a mentality I got this verse published 1311 write this down read out loud though dishonest money dwindles away but he who gathers money how little by little by little by Starbucks it's in the Bible in crows compound interest is the most powerful interest on the earth do you know that everybody in this room every person in this room was already a millionaire everybody guaranteed some of you are multimillionaires long time and cannot find a cent if you count it the dollars you spent for the last 20 years you as a millionaire more than twice I was prison he that gathers little by little that takes management to control that you know what it is I mean I've seen it friends you know I've seen the temptation but you started saving and now you get ten thousand dollars in an account and boy all the demons in Hell stop visiting you in the night and then all kind of dreams you start having you start seeing perfume European cruise all kind of stuff who's that seeing you got to control that the ants saves in summer because in winter there's no food winter is about to hit the earth gracias - its kingdom here's a thought Genesis 2:9 and the Lord God made all kinds of trees crawl of the ground trees that were pleasing to the eye and good for food a river he had watering the garden flowed from Eden from there there was a separate devastated they were separated rather than two for head waters the four different rivers then the I'm reading Bible now he says the gold of that land is good the aromatic resin and the Onyx they are also there ladies and gentlemen this is in the Bible Genesis God's talking to Adam look at that verse he's talking to Adam he says Adam first of all the first thing God showed Adam was water he said this water in the garden kocchi Cabos a terrible crime a haughty some of y'all are gonna get revelation right now about how you gonna become a big businessman woman first think I'll show that it was what water second is show them what Gold 30 show them what resin 40 show them what onyx okay let's take a look at these four things it's interesting you know there are five foundations of wealth God told Adam I give you every fruit for food then he says I'll give you water and then he said I give you gold and I give you resin then I give you onyx anyone who deals in these four commodities will be rich on the earth I was thinking the other day and they talk about oil prices they says in the next few years we'll be choosing between whether to fill our tanks or fill our stomachs you got to make a choice which one will you choose which one would you choose see it's amazing a that means the people who sell food who grow food are going to become the wealth of the earth it began but agriculture the number one power of societies agriculture we keep moving away from it see you cannot eat a blackberry and so we keep going out there $200 iPhone glasses look you don't understand it you get your eye for but you ain't got no food you can either have a volley forward vegetables or a Silicon Valley which Valley do you want beautiful advice God gave Adam he began with agriculture once you have your agricultural foundation laid he said now you focus on water why you got a water the agriculture those who sell one of the day will always be rich I'm trying to give you some advice son build yourself an osmosis plan reverse osmosis plan and start bottling water anywhere in the world you're gonna be alright I guarantee it what control Adam there are four of us your body is 87% water you cannot live without water so welcome wise one who sells water will always be rich your body is made of dirt so every vegetable and every fruit is dead so whoever sounds food and vegetables will always be rich two things you need to live water and dirt think you're going after stuff that people don't need that's why they can shut it down look at the companies of the collapsing you don't need a car so force it up Renee in a forty thousand job to find food what do you want to study son but I want to study would it give me a lot of money cuz okay read the list start with food then water after you get enough food and water he said now you can start digging in the ground for the rest of the wealth what's in the what's in the ground gold and oil what we've done is we've made 3 & 2 3 & 4 1 & 2 we've made the first one the last one there's no land to grow anymore look at America man the soil is so messed up God told Israel he's had been the end of the land of Canaan listen to God he says let the land rest every 7 years do you know what they've done in the United States they said look we ain't got time to let the land rest for a year cuz we loosened money so they began to put our official nutrients in the earth chemicals and now you got this food that's killing you and Gaza love let the land rest naturally it will restore itself a new trip they say no we need money every year the greed is destroying the country give God half of being smart so we got yellow corn today supposed to be yellow and believe me they're alkylene that red they put stuff in their water that they put in the apple tree that makes it red and that carotene that orange I promise you that's coloring in the carrot and it's killing you you got cancer 35 in your breast because they won't let the land rest for one year that's bad management and God's taking a real life see whatever you miss manage you lose young people listen to me go into the food business go into the water business hey d-man how many millions in Haiti nine million people man they need to drink and the number one problem in Haiti is water you know that the mud and the mud they're drinking if you are smart as a Haitian you go back there and you invest your money in the reverse osmosis system and just borrow the water and watch god bless you but we'd rather send money and it goes to some corrupt politicians pocket look at God's plan now ladies listen to me carefully I can leave you on this cuz I know you can Paul to me with rock but the last one is diamonds God got it at the bottom okay God put rock at the bottom this ain't no time for you to go go into no jewelry store those who sell jewelry forgive me but I can chew diamond mine I can't drink no pearl come on somebody help me hit little bit somebody say I know you don't wanna say hey man we spend $10,000 on a diamond and then put it in a drawer God got it on the bottom he says you do that when you get food already got water you strike some oil you got some gold you got enough to put some decorations on so there'll be a lot of questions NATO going on this Christmas you know your married folks so what you want for Christmas since your business buy them a bottle of water you've got a big half of what I praise God everybody manage those resources God gave Adam a priority list this is no time to go buy no pearls for your girlfriend you broke she broke the worst company in the world is another wrong person you're late look look at your faces leave my damn it alone let me tell you something you are not poor ladies if you were to assess the value of the stuff in your bedroom and now's the time to do it assess your possessions because they don't they can't help you right now this time to sell assets that are decorations you getting ready to go into crisis you gotta offload you got a withdraw Thanks so my darling wife no rock this Christmas from me we can make up later no no she's that she's a good woman she don't put no pressure on me feel it along no never ever she never asked me for a rock any rock she got I chose the rock so now it's time to sell the rock I guess they go the chicken loaded bedroom door click don't come in here attach that here but look at godless we've made oil more important than water and you can't drink oil ok let me just close with this write this down Jen's 1:28 God says I bless you if after you showed him all this stuff now he says I bless you and he said to them be fruitful his number 1 multiply its number to replenish that's number 3 and then subdue and when you do those four things he says you have dominion of the earth he showed us how to dominate first he must be fruitful then you must want multiply and then you must want replenish and then you must watch subdue write them down be food for means to produce it doesn't mean to have children the Greek I mean the Hebrew word is very deep it means to be productive produce something that command was given to Adam Adam is the name of the whole species is I want you the first thing you must do the dominant is to produce something that means every human being King dessert with something to produce second instruction write it down multiply multiply needs to reproduce give an example Vicky is here this morning Mickey have a gift of music that's one of her gifts use it great singer naturally but underrated this one it sounds so wonderful now Vicky's voice is in her body if Vicky could sing beautiful excellent articulate with resonance I mean beautiful pitch but she dies or she stays in one room and sings can we benefit from her no so she dies with a gift in that room but if she takes that gift and puts it in a form that can be multiplied you got a CD never know okay keep it see closer I have a tie but too late now okay see so she got a CD and the CD now has three thousand copies same voice same woman same anointing same song she wrote on thirty thousand CDs now she has gone into number two she's multiplied it twice she produces one one song in the studio one she produced one then they took it and they reproduce it after the word means to multiply then she gotta move to number three replenish replenish me to distribute cause it Adam if you want to have power of Dominion the earth but your gift you must distribute it serve it get it out to the market if you don't follow God's plan you'll go poor you can have a good idea you can reproduce it stock it up in our warehouse and still die from poverty matter of fact all you business people know in this room that the number one burden on business is inventory inventory is a killer of business inventory means your fruit is stored up can't get to the market you got to get rid of it that's distribution that's God's idea I'm really distributed he says the fine level is to subdue subdue me to control your market you become the Dominator in the market and that's why the result would be Dominion you dominate the market you know I think about it please don't miss this message for the next two minutes cuz I want to pray for everybody you think about every successful business in the world has followed God's plan except the Saints that's deep for example McDonald's burger franchise look at that this they produce one beautiful fruit Big Mac then they reproduce it multiply it they keep producing the same Big Mac everywhere in the world then they replenish it they distribute it through what they call franchises all over the world in stores called my don't store that's a French at at the distribution system then they become what they subdue the market that means no one makes a Big Mac no other company can make a Big Mac they control the Big Mac market so what they dominate the burger market with their Big Mac Bill Gates every year he makes one fruit beating Steven jobs every year he produces one fruit then he multiplies it Bill Gates mother prizes then they were distribute then they were they control the market conscious everybody supposed to do that that's the key to surviving crisis get a manage your resources and find your fruit let me give you a couple of hints God told out under what be food for everybody said be fruitful say it loud be fruitful say it again be fruitful say it louder be full for all the way in the back shudder be fruitful hit your neighbor take never be fruitful hit him again say be fruitful hit him hard say people for people for sale again people for same people for ten important people for him one more time say people for one more time say people for did you realize he said before for he never said to be seed for and that's important what comes first the Florida seed the same God looks at you and he simply says be fruitful he didn't ask you to go find seed God's assumption is that you are carrying seed there are six point seven billion seed containers on earth one of them is sitting in your chair right now you did not come to earth empty God will never do man what he didn't supply he'd never request what he didn't inject God says be fooful he's implying I gave you see that means you carrying something he can produce to make you successful on the earth Jinyu the sea principle is interesting he says I put the seat of everything in itself that includes you he says I sent you to earth and your seed is in you your features in you and that's why I see possesses food within itself so you came to earth with your seed that has fruit in it that you're supposed to multiply you know if you plant a mango seed in the Bahamas you will never get a mango back you get hundreds thousands why it's the same fruit but it multiplies what it has a distribute seed possess fruit but not for itself and this is the philosophy of leadership of Jesus Christ whatever you were born with is not filled say it whatever you were born with is not for you say it again you came to earth to serve us something you've been looking all over the place trying to find business and you were born with business on the inside no one on this earth is a mistake you came here to deliver something that we need and you carrying it you cannot find it in school it's not in university it's not an any book is trapped in you God hidden your prosperity in a place where you knew you couldn't miss it let me go looking forward everywhere he said you must be fruitful there's a seed in you the problem is we are not in the right environment one thing with seed it needs the right environment that's why I come into this meeting today is important because my passion in life is to create an environment wherever I go for seeds to germinate do you feel yours germinating right now inside of you is an idea that the world needs I hope every time you come around me I will tug on your seed to become a fruit and make you want to do something great why because you need the rain armored you can do anything I tell you you're awesome but you got to stay away from seed killers there are some people I avoid because they are seed killers there's some friends who ain't friends they talk you out of your orchard in the name of Jesus today make a decision that during this would they call crisis you are going to bear an orchard you're going to become so much in demand they're gonna come to you in the midst of crisis and make you rich write this down seed produces after its kind inside of you is something that is screaming to be delivered and sometimes you got to have tried an error you know before you hit it but once you hit it it's yours I I was thinking about this a seed is a gift God does not give bread he gives seed please don't miss this last portion hey buddy said God doesn't give bread he gives seed all right here you are you hungry right you hungry you pee you're hungry and you paying for bread hold on I need some food I need'd cause okay look at this God answers you now he who supplies seed to the sower also supplies you pray for bread I'll give you seed she could not most at a Baraka listen to me you praying for bread you praying for money God don't give you money money's bread God don't give you money you pray for player God won't give you food he gives you seed he let supply of seed surprise bread look at it look at the next statement he says and he supplies a store of what see the store of bread who helped me get this up before I go you're not going through crisis if you got the seed crisis will kill you if you got bread I feel so useless sometime do you don't observe about if I give you a loaf of bread you're in trouble because once you eat that that's why God don't give you bread if I give you a seat you live forever stop praying for bread some of you came here today things a little tough God tell me to tell you it ain't tough you just ain't thinking enough you don't need money she called my son he will give you a store of seed and he'll enlarge what ya harvest you pray for how that goes no no I don't give harvest I give seed and the seed produced a harvest and then you want my harvest I give you more seed you still ain't get it me I am immune to crisis I say it to the devil face you will not touch me in my family why I don't deal in bread here I give it see but increase your score see and then he says you will be made rich let me tell you something millions of people are about to become poor don't hear me it started already there those in here who have lost their jobs there are millions watching the program you lost your job and your own life is built on your charm and God said that was prayer you will be made rich if you have seen a brain what's the other part so that you will be able to give generously when when when when when when when say loud funny when how many times how many times he said there'll never be a bad week summer you cannot give offerings today can't pay tithes cuz you ain't got nothing because if you understand my principle you will always have tithes and offerings you'll be able to give to the poor every time if you ask the bread I mean you mean you together I want BC your bread and after me this bread we're gonna die sounds familiar a woman said that son son that's all we got we got a meal huh we need this : s it qasas look this woman needs seed so she sends to her house a prophet named Elijah why he's a seed giver glory hallelujah he said woman voice give me plant plant something no he'll moisty you all you gotta bread turn it into a seed we tell you something Hornets seed green beans is C piece is seed you can boil them or Planum she was about to boil them and I just said turn into a seed that's planted plan into my life and she said oh boy it's a chance I'm taking let me take some I'll never forget my father in the faith all Roberts all Robert Center was way back in 1976 in Chapel I'll never get it he says when you're down to your last turn it into a scene as a student I put back on it I couldn't pay my tuition and the money I had left I see carefully think he'd say if it can't meet you need turn it into a seed say it [Music] Wow as a student I would just give what I had left I said god this god penetration anyhow I might forgive it and I would go in front of chapel read up offering down we'd give it France two days later from nowhere envelope appears in my mailbox with twice as much as I need for tuition with no name on it you don't need bread bread is the killer you need see right this now everyone possesses a seed number two your seed is your purpose and your passion number three your seed contains your future number four in every seed there is a forest number five your seed is the ideas that won't go away seed so what ideas you pray for bread go give you an idea you play for money God gives you an idea you pray for more resources God gives you an idea but you see we are so lazy the laziest people I've met are Christian people lazy they live miracles I pray for money send someone to bring a gossiped no I'm gonna give you an idea to go clean cars we pray for God to take away the effort because we're lazy God doesn't give bread he can't see you ask God for more promotion guys they okay tell you what to do come to work earlier leave later and don't ask for overtime pay let them see your dedication no no no no no no no I say I want promotion I want more money because you don't you hear it I said he's giving you a seed let me tell you what crisis is for creativity write it down that's your job for the next two years creativity God is the first name given to God in the Bible this creator he created things out of nothing he says now you just like me imitate your father like their children I want you to look like what they call a mess and I want to turn it into a bless they call it luck I want you to turn it into plenty I want you to take the situation and think your sauce CNN the other day when they had the the hologram and a guy appeared yeah well the fellow who invented that came to visit me I tell my one shares in that no one was interested in at the time so I bought some shares when I saw it on CNN I said yeah see that's an idea the guy had an idea I know ideas I invested in the idea by the way that's public knowledge now there I go when you are with people this week during the conference talk to plenty people during the networking times bring in the heart engine self the people get to know even what they are carrying ideas I say to my members come to the summit yeah isn't it ok ok no problem people don't wealth has come to you wealth is not money it's ideas connect with ideas invest in ideas because ideas are seeds he'd give it seeds to the saw you're see determines your natural talents that's why your wealth is some that you like the world is actually looking for your seed put in fruit form when you go to a mango tree do you go to eat the seed no you go for the fruit the world needs your seed put in food form you don't eat mango seeds you eat mangoes you want the fruit so here's wonder this when I figure out years ago your seed is your business every woman and every man in this room is a businessman a businesswoman you are a businessman at this moment your business is your seed and all your other businesses grow out of that seed the ideas that you pray for God gives you God drops ideas yeah promise fake ministries was an idea I got an idea there was no one walking the road no no spierig honor of Mars I want you to begin a ministry look at the idea it's a global ministry what are you waiting for bread that's the problem the problem is see this fresh you got to die every seed dies before it becomes a tree and then you got to go through years of growth and development which you ain't got patience for you want fruit now you know I think about you better Charlie this week I read in the papers you know you plan to expand and go to well huh Atlanta opening up store in Atlanta you know Charlie came to me years ago in my office he had a still piece of paper he said dr. Myles Monroe pastor I got this idea for this store I looked at it he says I'm gonna create my own brand name but I want my own name on the clothes I said man that's an idea I say son go for it he came back he showed me some samples I said man it's a beautiful go for it now he's one of the leading fashion suppliers in our country sitting right there that sounded young man stand up get my hand for being a bold idea he had an idea now he's going to expand to Atlanta bigger markets bigger opportunities and then Paris next Masson and then I'd look for you buddy I'm going to Rome my son I'm going on the way the Nigeria cell us what ideas please present food and fruit present seat and seat produce trays trays produce it keeps on grow but you got a bear the first they never feel pregnant repeat up to me here's a confession tell your neighbor I am a solution say it again I am a solution say it loud everybody I am a solution shut it loud I am a solution I want everybody to say I am a solution scream it to the roof I am a solution say it again I am a solution you were born to solve a problem on earth number two you are God's response to a need he created on earth number three you are the answer to a question that God knew would be axed in your generation that's why you came here you are a solution number four you are the fulfillment of one of God's desires God desired something on earth during this very generation and you are the answer this desire that suddenly wanted done and it made you necessary you didn't come in and make a living pay bills and die you came to deliver something to deserve you came to solve a problem answer a question matter fact number five you are an assignment that your generation needs to experience that's why I'm so impressed with Barack Obama some where they say you are a junior not not senior junior senator you are a junior senator only governor's run for president you are you know the senator you I ain't junior he said look I felt when I looked at my country and I looked at its position in the world I felt that no one had the answers and I saw the answer so as a junior senator I am announcing today my candidacy for the presidency state they said it's impossible junior senator he believed he was a solution how about you I say how about you I say how about you they say you too young no turn the iron too young you ain't seen nothing yet I'm gonna do it and I'm gonna do it while I'm young so I could do it long [Applause] write this down you are necessary say it I am necessary say it again say it loud one more time oh come on shake the roof for me I am necessary tell your neighbor to the face come on come to the face I am necessary hey neighbor you need what I get say it again I am necessary you need what I get tell your neighbor the world is waiting on me and I will deliver clap your hands all you see give us and become fruit [Applause] so Jesus said give yourself to the world and you become great he said whoever wants to be great must serve themselves to the world whoever wants to be first must become a slave to their gift that's what this week is about finding that seed that gift to serve to the world seed look at the beautiful people in this place look at the powerful forest I have in my hand right now I have in my hand right now see I have in my hand right now please imagine this mango seed mango seed a man is this useful to you a mango seed can you eat this can it give you new tricks and can you eat this inform eel is useless that's about how both of us are we exist we are present people can benefit and so I take this seed and I plant it but the seed against a grow tree then it becomes beautiful tree hundreds of mangoes is it useful yes can I give you nutrients now here's something about about trees it is very important about trees hallelujah trees never bring their mangoes to you trains to have to advertise their mangoes no promotions on the radio or nothing they don't hand out cards and brochures to get people to come and make them preach they just bear their fruit you know what happens when you bear your fruit they come looking for you they'll fly around the world to come eat your fruit [Music] this week today is the first session of the conference this is where we headed all week [Music] because some great examples coming to speak to us people who took their seat and turned it into a tree we get demonstrations of people who who are who are stories of seeds becoming trees they not afraid of the crisis [Music] because fruit is number one then water and then gold and then you get a boil and you can buy your jewelry [Music] they start with the fruit thank you once again for listening to this message as we hope that it has been a blessing to you our goal is to show you new paths and opportunities so that you can discover your purpose it is your love support and partnership that makes Monroe global possible please visit us online at [Music]
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 445,572
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Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, myles, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference, global, teaching, ruth munroe, charisa munroe, mylesjr, myles munroe jr, next generation, the legacy of purpose, legacy, prayer
Id: oRp1ufyJNxA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 85min 13sec (5113 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 22 2019
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