Why Character Is Necessary | Dr. Myles Munroe

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my friends there's some examples of cat that you need to write down what do we call for example the alphabet characters because a is always a B is B a 2 a.m. in the morning C is still see whether it's in Africa Asia or in the Bronx it doesn't change that's why we call them characters why do we call numbers characters because 1 is always 1 and 2 is always 2 whether you are using it in the night or the day it doesn't change its character why do we call statues characters because like Victoria no matter what happens around them they never change why do we call principals characters because principals are laws they never change you know one of the secrets to my success as a coach of government leaders and business leaders one of my secrets of being an effective communicator one of my secrets are being a good teacher is simple it's not my education the secret to my success is I only teach principles that's it you can never disagree with a principal you can ignore it you can hate it but you can never disagree with it for example gravity is a principle you could fast and pray and speak in tone but if you jump up a buildin you're gonna die why you are violating a principle character is that way that's why a person with character does not live on what's popular they live on what is principle and this is why it's very difficult for politicians to have character because politics is based on popularity which means you will literally sacrifice your principles to protect your popularity which cancels your character which means you cannot be trusted there are preachers who are politicians they would sell their principles for a pot of porridge no character character therefore is simply that which is unchanging write it down my question is how often do you change who are you are you the same person all the time are you consistent are you predictable leaders must have character why write this down people will not follow you if they don't trust you so character attracts loyalty I want to give a few more definitions of character for you to understand how serious it is first of all character is a commitment to a set of values without compromise what are values values are things you value that's all more complicated for example if you value your marriage vow you will never commit adultery so when a person commits adultery they don't value their marriage nor their marriage vows so you can't respect them and they lose the trust of their spouse and their children and even their in-laws and perhaps even the church that they are part of see your values will protect you secondly character is the dedication to a set of standards without wavering what are your standards that you've set for your life my standards produce my character I will never violate my standards you got to say that every day I do not tell lies as a standard I do not steal that includes stealing time from your job telling people you are sick when you are not sick this is a lack of character you are a thief I wonder why you smiling say you don't understand character is so subtle there's no excuse in life for breaking standards you know I wear it business people say and I talk to them I've even you know in some of my business dealings and my negotiations for business investments I sit with people many people come to me they want to do business with me and they want me to invest in their companies and you know I do a lot of this stuff and they and I hear people say sometime honesty is my best policy now whenever you tell me that I do what Joseph did honesty should never be your best policy never because best policy means I have second best third best fourth best fifth best I can't trust you you have no character a person of character would say honesty is my only policy thirdly character is self-imposed discipline for the sake of moral convictions characters what self-imposed discipline that means a person of character doesn't need the police they police themselves a person of character locks themselves up in the prison of their own convictions and they throw away the key do you have character are you for sale see your future depends on your character not your charisma and most leaders whether they are politicians preachers or parents they try to live of their charisma they try to live of their talent they try to live of their gifts your gifts will never protect you as a matter of fact your gift will destroy you because the only thing that can protect your gift and your talent is your character this session is the most important set you have a Saturn in your life because this is where you learn what protects your entire future and it's your character and you've never been taught this in your whole life I knew you have it you're seminary never had a class on this and that's why preachers are falling like flies you know I think about it character is really what I call a constant effort to integrate your words your deeds and your actions as one everybody to integrate the word integrate into great means to become one this is very important write that down to integrate means what to become one so character is when your words your deeds and your actions are one you are not skits so freely a person without character will say one thing do another and promise something else so you never know who you're talking to when you're talking to them no character now here's a surprise number five character is sacrificed for principles so character means you are willing to sacrifice friendship to protect your principles you are willing to lose your best friend in order to keep your principles do you have carrot who are you with right now that you shouldn't be with think about it what are you doing right now in secret that you shouldn't be doing are you willing to sacrifice that to protect your principles somebody offered to pay your mortgage or if you just sleep with them once would you sacrifice to protect your principles character I like this last one character is simply integrity everybody say integrity now look at integrity and look at integrate they the same word integrity means you are one with yourself integrity means that you are one with yourself do you know when I did some research some years ago on the word in the Hebrew for holiness right away holy down I discovered that the root word for holy is one one the Hebrew concept of holiness is integrity one that means you are one the number one confession in the Bible about God is the Lord our God is one now some you don't understand where that's important if you were to talk to a Jewish rabbi right now in this city and ask him when you meet them awesome when you see them ask them what is the most important confession in the Bible they will tell you the Lord our God is one what does it mean it means he's holy what is holy you are one this is very interesting holiness means you are integrated you are not more than one person you are not a different person on Monday that you are on Tuesday you're a different person in the night at 2:00 a.m. then you are in the pulpit on Sunday morning you you are one you are not multi-personality when the Bible says be holy is telling you be one stop being a hypo great it's character the foundation for Trust is integrity write it down tweet that to somebody right now what did I say the foundation of trust is integrity when you are one people will eventually trust you that means your word is always good you say what you said you do what you said and then you act what you say that's holiness so wearing a long dress or a white collar with a purple shirt turn backward with a big chain in your pocket is not holiness wearing a long role with a turban on your head doesn't impress me I want to know if one prison is under that robe just one you can call me you know you can bring your car to me and show me all your times right reverend honorable bishop eternal sacred mount of god i don't care what you say I still don't trust you I don't because I don't know which one of you I'm talking to that's why the Bible says know them that labor among you don't just bring anyone into your church to preach even if they are on TV don't be attracted to charisma seek out character you know some years ago my wife and I hosted a marriage compass in our church and I met this guy when I was doing a show for the seventy club with Pat Robertson in Virginia Beach and I was doing a series of programs with him and the people there and I met this guy and he did a show on marriage you know and strengthening marriages it's older guy and I was so impressed he had a book and everything and sounded good I didn't know him I just met her for the first time and we were having this marriage conference in our church in the Bahamas and I said you know this guy sounds good so I approached him and I invited him to come to the Bahamas he was so excited to come to the Bahamas so he came to the bama's and he did the seminar with me and was wonderful session and everything he brought his wife with him and then two months later I saw an article where he got a divorce from the woman that was with him his wife I was confused so I I called him up he was living in Colorado at the time and I said I just want to make sure that this article I'm reading is not true are you divorcing your wife who was with you when you did a seminar for my people who believed you and he began to try and explain himself I said you will never come back to our church and you will never come back to our Island I hung the phone up and called the bookstore I said take every one of his books of the shelf because if what he is teaching is not working for him it shouldn't be taught to us write this down lead with your life your life is the weight of your words what did I say tweet that right now to someone see that's the problem with us we we think that we are impressed by our language you know these deep things we say and how good we can speak and preach and how we can listen brother you ain't got no life you know it's like it's like a guy who sells diamond but he wearing none never trust the salesman who don't use what he's selling crap I am faithful to my wife so that you could believe my words I am a good father to my children so you could believe my words let me put it this way there is no such thing as a personal life write it down there is no such thing as a private life write it down so don't you ever tell people what I do in private is none of your business it is my business because it determines whether I trust what you say publicly it's called character as a matter of fact I have come to the conclusion that a person of character doesn't need to talk they don't need to talk did you show up when I first met Nelson Mandela it was the most overwhelming moment in my life private dinner 16 people he had just come out of prison his first trip was to the Bahamas he wanted to meet my Prime Minister Sir Lyndon Penn Lee who was the first one to agitate for his freedom out of prison so he wanted to come and thank my Prime Minister personally so his first trip out of prison was to my country and the Prime Minister called me and he invited sixteen people to the dinner and I was one of them I don't know that's such an honor to meet an icon I think some of you saw the photograph of us together a couple of times when I rather my god when I saw him I saw character on two legs he didn't have to speak do you know why he went to prison for 18 years plus seven and never changed his conviction hey boys they never change that's why you respect him when I come back to New York will you have the same wife who answer it no answer the question it's just a rhetorical question I want to think about it this is a serious question how stable are you that is why the young people are so confused you know the Bible says about parenting the Bible says fathers do not exasperate your children now some you do know that big word means I'll explain it to you the word exasperate means to frustrate because of instability you tell your child don't smoke and you are smoking you are creating a monster in your house you tell your daughter who is 16 don't get pregnant and you had her out of wedlock see don't feel bad I got you today see the problem is your daughter could tell you what you did it everybody said leave with your life see your words mean nothing character protects your words write it down what did I say you know I was reading the Bible and I saw this passage in Genesis 1:26 and it blew me away you're about to get some revelation sit up straight take a deep breath okay Genesis chapter 1 my favorite verse in the Bible I talk about it every day because this verse is a summary of why you was created it says and God said let us make man in what our own image remember not a word man is plural so he's talking about the whole species let us make a species called man out of our own spirit on our own image and he will be obviously like us I was referring to the plurality of God's oneness now what's the next statement let them have dominion I want you to notice something it is very important write this down image before Dominion what did I say one more time do you remember the definition we gave of character remember the word image okay this is important you see the word image is the word for character so every human being was designed to lead that's what God gave you Dominion for and leadership was never given over people it was given really in an area of gifting everyone in this room was born to lead but not to lead people you were born to lead in an area of gifting and your gifting attracts people the attraction makes you a leader did you understand what I just said so you've been taught that leadership is only for a certain group of people that's a life in the pit of hell he told all of us to have dominion everybody is a ruler but not over people you were created to have leadership in an area of gifting and your gift is what makes you valuable to the world the Bible says your gift makes room for you where in the world and we'll bring you before great kings not your education your gift that's why most people with PhDs are failures because you can have a PhD and not know your gift most educated work educated people work for people who drop out of school did you know that like Stephen Jobs Bill Gates these folks did finish school but they found their gift that is probably why you still broke because all you are is employed you've never been deployed your gift is when you deploy yourself you are powerful but you don't know it because your culture trains you to get a job not to find your gift so most of you have been Mis educated and your life is miserable you are 50 years old and still don't know why you were born because your culture taught you to get an education to get a job and then when they finish with you they lay you off they retire you and they throw you to the curb your gift is what you want to find all of my books that I've written all of them I make sure each book has in it how to find your gift if you bought a book from me today you're going to be transformed when you read it because if you find your gift you become very dangerous you become unemployable your gift is your leadership fruit write that down what do I mean by that have you noticed that a fruit tree when it bears the fruit it never brings the fruit to you let me say it again over here folks with little eyes over here I said when a fruit tree bears its fruit it never brings the fruit to you is that right exactly it just bears the fruit what happens you are attracted to the tree your gift is your fruit that God gave you on the inside to serve the world that's why Jesus said if you want to be great you become a servant to everybody what do you mean you serve them your gift and they find you this is why true leaders never seek followers write it down what did I say yeah followers are attracted to true leaders but they are not tracted - you got to be careful they are attracted to your gift so because people are coming to you doesn't mean they like you you gotta protect yourself from them they are coming for what your fruit tell your neighbor I don't trust you you just want my fruit somebody trapped with me just clap praise God [Applause] so God made you to be a leader with a gift now that means you were born to dominate in an area of gifting but now watch God work ok write this down very important the character is the very essence of God that's why the Lord our God is one so God Himself is character that's why you can trust him he never changes he's the same yesterday today and forever I wonder if you are who are you man are you this person all the time sitting in this room what do you do at 2:00 a.m. in front of your computer we don't know about character God is character number two God boasts that he never changes am i right alter the Bible he says I never change I never change there's no shadow of turning with me I am the same yesterday today and forever the Lord is one I never change he's telling you about character therefore that is why we can trust him he's stable God said heaven and earth but of the pass away before I break my word not that's character he would sacrifice the universe in order to keep his word so watch God go to work now so God is going to create this man and the first gift God gave the man was not power the first gift God gave the man was not Dominion you know many of you get excited by the Dominion to meet you I got Dominion hallelujah I got Dominion no shut up man that's not what God gave you first reading the Bible the visor first thing God gave you as what he gave you image which means that character is more important than power there are people who would come to me and say dr. Monroe I want you to pray for me to receive the anointing of God and I would ask them do you have the character contain it power will kill you without character and God knew it and God says the first thing I must give this creature is character the image of God so God's priority is character God's commitment is that character is necessary before Dominion God is more concerned about your character than your dominating the earth carrot is God's prerequisite for Dominion and rulership character is God's foundation for leadership causes look before I give you power let me give you the most important thing here's image what is image characteristics you are stable just like me I could trust you with power now let me just say this and those who bought the book on character it's going to change your life and tell you 40 years of research write this down here's what I discovered and it's in the book I do a whole chapter on it I discovered this three things will test your character only three things there are three things that will manifest your character they would tell you read your character or not three things the first one is power when you give a person power the character shows up number two money when you give a human a lot of money their real self shows up and number three access to sex if you give a human access to sex their character shows up or their lack of it only three things so if you want to know what a woman really is give a power money and access to sex you all know the man is really like give him power money and access to sex that is why every human on this earth that have ever failed was because of either power money or sex period character I wonder if you're going to make it to the end man see that's the question don't go announcer question please isn't serious that you don't know the Bible says the race is not to the Swift sea you could be famous instantly man but in the kingdom of God the race is not to the Swift who gets to the top first the race is to him who endures to the end will you still be around when I come back ten years from now but will you still be the same person that's the question character Queen Victoria is still there 289 years later she outlived every stone every hurricane I wonder if you'll still be standing and all the temptations have passed the only way to test character is by temptation right now the word temptation is not a negative word someday I'll come back and teach on it but in the book I do a whole chapter on temptation because temp temporary to Temple right away temper to to to temp or to temple means to test for weakness that's all it means you will never ever have a time in your life when you are free from temptation never so get over it get used to it tempting will constantly be in your life to monitor your character your character is as strong as the temptation you fell for do you know what made Eve pick the fruit it wasn't difficult Satan says look do you want to be like God that was the temptation what is God power of course he lied to her because she was already like God but Satan and all the tempt you with what you already are so your greatest danger is ignorance of self you cannot tempt me to be what I know I already am so somewhere Eve became ignorant of who she was so Satan tempted her for weakness do you want to be like God well read the verse let us make man in our own image and like us she already was like God but ignorance will make you disbelieve yourself character number six God gave character before power say it God gave character before power say it again one more time God created you and you were given the mandate to dominate earth regards character it's not a difficult thing you're a king just like your father but your territory is earth therefore image if the first thing God gave you and God gave you that because he knew that without character the power will destroy you you know people say power corrupts and power corrupts absolutely I used to believe that that's not true power does not corrupt power simply reveals corruption [Applause] you are already defective you finally got a chance to show it power is pure character so the fall of man discarded the image of God what is image character so man became a defective character and the result of it is that his self-worth fell man didn't know how much he was worth anymore so ever since that man has been hiring read my lips read my lips image consultants why would you hire an image consultant because you ain't got none you ain't got no image you lost it if you know who you are and you decide to be who you are you don't need nobody to create another person an image consultant is someone you pay to create a person that doesn't exist politicians hire image consultants why they got no image so they pay people to tell lies movie stars entertainers they hire image consultants why they have no image so they sell you an image that don't exist and you buy it and then when the real person shows up like that young guy in Florida the other day was his name Bieber some Justin Bieber all y'all are shocked I'm not I knew that that wasn't him who's on stage many passes are just like that little boy tomorrow morning this city will be filled with performers in the pulpit I haven't been caught yet that's all you know most people ask for forgiveness simply because they got caught character oh I have a hundred and twenty nine slides this is slide number four my time is up you went to Bible School and they gave you a diploma but they never gave you character so you could preach but you ain't got no principles you're not gonna make it your future is predictable you never worked on character a guy from a hotel common the other day general manager hotel he says I need to order 80 of your character books so I said why he says I just read it it changed my life as a general manager and I'm going to give every staff member in this hotel this book and I'm going to pay them to read it he says he said this is the only thing that's missing in our lives character he asked me to come and do a seminar in the hotel now so you know we're gonna sign a contract and I doesn't work with him he said this is what's missing at all levels managers supervisors down line workers secretaries people are not stable cannot be trusted because they never learn character let me close with this that my time is gone the principal trait of fallen man is unpredictability you cannot predict a sinner you don't know what they gonna do next am i right some of you are married one of them you don't opticore today humans are struggling with unfaithfulness hmm they're not stable and so I put it to you my friend as we take a break before the last segment which to me is one the most important or did I go too fast did y'all go too I'm controlling a girl not them me you writin too slow take a photograph of it crazy it's my friend over there come on write fast quick quick you holding me up oh they in the way move the camera man you guys getting in trouble today these folks want to get the notes those down in front of that screen all right is this good stuff today I came here because I want you to make it are you going to make it that means you got to make a decision in this room before you leave that you are going to get rid of things that can destroy your clarity and that might include some friends that includes some habits you are in danger all that you built everything you built that your whole life could be destroyed in five seconds ask Jimmy Swaggart you think you're safe huh you better protect your character you are a safe as your character I want to give you these last two sides before we close what's the source of values values again remember they produce character okay so you got to get your values right the most powerful component in leadership is philosophy why philosophy is your belief system your belief system is a result of the things you value whatever you value you believe in your belief system produces your values and your values produce your morals so morality is really a product of your values if I value my marriage vow then morally I will be faithful to my wife it's related and then when my morals are in place morals inform ethics so it is unethical for me to sleep with another woman why because my morals dictate that I cannot violate my values so I protect my character and if my ethics are in place my ethics produce my character and my character becomes my lifestyle remember I told you you don't lead out of your position you lead out of your life I want to remember one thing I say you may never see me again remember this there is no private life get that through your head quickly you must live loudly a person of character doesn't care if you discover their private life if you are afraid that I might find out about your private life you have no character you are a character [Applause] [Applause] with your problem over here these folks are slow over here we gotta pray for them oh he's trying to separate issue now remember if you take a picture of my slide you got to give me credit when you use it otherwise you are stealing and you got character you don't steal all right so every time you usually got to say dr. Myles Monroe says hallelujah yes Desmond Tutu what a man when Meza Mandela was released from prison they had to deal with submissions with the oppression and Desmond Tutu was really active in that he had to manage the forgiveness process you know I'm moving too fast right maybe I come back next year and do some of this stuff listen I want to give you this last slide write this down vision without values is destiny without discipline no matter how great your vision is it can be destroyed if you don't have values so your destiny depends on your personal discipline character will always protect your vision Samson had an awesome vision God trusted this man he was supposed to save the people of Israel but his private life destroyed his public vision whenever you decide to do something and you hope no one finds out you are in danger so never do anything from this day forward that you don't want anyone to find out about and you'll have character and that's what they never taught you in seminary they never told you that in high school and now you got a double life and I still wonder why men especially like superheroes but I figured it out eventually men like superheroes like Batman and Superman because they got two personalities every Superman has a clock cleanse trapped on the inside every Batman has a Bruce Wayne somewhere every Samson should have a Joseph on the inside I wonder who you are right now character vision protects values sorry vision is protected by values vision is interpreted by values and vision and values is the marriage of purpose and principles your purpose for your life is your assignment your principles protect that assignment so don't violate your principles I am a virgin I gotta protect my virginity and I won't sell it to anybody I got married to my wife at age 25 I was a virgin so with my wife nice to wonder why God tells us not to have sex before marriage until I figured it out my wife and I have no memories that we don't like yeah so God says look do-right so you can enjoy your memories write that down look at your face um you're looking down right now Oh dr. Monroe please leader move on quickly yeah that's why you should live right so your memories will be happy God was trying to save you from your memories when he said live right character gives you good memories you
Channel: Munroe Global
Views: 1,706,380
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: myles munroe, dr myles munroe, munroe, munroe global, motivational, inspirational, motivation, inspiration, kingdom, leadership, purpose, character, speaker, author, consultant, bahamas, nassau bahamas, the bahamas, food for thought, educational, learning, self help, personal development, album, speakers, teach me, planning and change, crisis, Azusa, conference
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 24sec (3504 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 20 2017
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