Marvel’s Infinity Gauntlet: Full Story

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what's going on guys this is Rob if you guys enjoy my content make sure you hit the subscribe button and make sure you hit that little bell so you never miss out on my sexy voice so after months of speculating after months of postponements and so on we're finally getting around to doing the Infinity Gauntlet storyline and I am so incredibly excited to bring this storyline to you guys because I would consider this to be one of the absolute greatest stories to have ever been told in the history of Marvel Comics and most comic book readers in terms of Marvel or even some people who read both DC and Marvel would rate this as quite possibly one of the top five story lines that anybody needs to read who's interested in getting into Marvel and there's a couple reasons for this right now it looks as though almost everything that's taking place in Marvel Comics in the Marvel Cinematic Universe is moving towards this event is moving towards this this massive spacefaring adventure involving Thanos and a multitude of superheroes but the other side of this coin is that a lot of the people that we'll see in here we may not see just because of the fact that Marvel doesn't own the rights to these characters namely the Silver Surfer who is a major character in this story but what we're also going to see with this Infinity Gauntlet event is that we're gonna follow two stories the first is going to be a story involving Silver Surfer a story involving his arrival up to the point when he meets Doctor Strange and the other one is going to involve the stories of Jake and Ralph and band along and we'll get into them later on when we discuss what it is the characters have to do with this Infinity Gauntlet event but what we see as a story begins to open up is that Doctor Strange is within his Arcanum that he's simply just going about his normal day and it seems here that he's reading some kind of medical journal that he's simply going over whatever it is that he needs to read here and this seems to be par for the course when it comes to Doctor Strange and this is just designed to introduce us to a normal day to a peaceful day well there's really nothing happening but what we see is that there's some kind of smash so it's not another kind of a crash or a lot of explosion in another room and Doctor Strange immediately thinks that somebody's breaking into his home that somebody's trying to uh steal his artifacts but when he arrives in the next room what he sees is that the Silver Surfer is appears to be unconscious in his living room the Silver Surfer is exhausted and for the most part muttering to himself saying things like he needs to reach dr. strange that he must reach strange and what we see is a dr. strange and long-held Silver Surfer to the sofa and dr. strange tells him that he has reached him that he has reached dr. strange and Silver Surfer says that he came to warn him came to give him a a warning of a grave threat and that the arrival could end could it could herald the end of the universe and that this person is Thanos that Thanos is coming from here we switched to Silver Surfer giving us a backstory on what it was that that happened here and and also were surfers really doing here is explaining to us the events that led up to the Thanos quest and the events that took place between the Pharaohs quest and the Infinity Gauntlet storyline and what Silver Surfer tells us here is that of course Thanos had been tasked with eliminating half the life in the universe by mistress death which was the reason why he had gone on the quest of gaining the infinity gems in the first place so that he could achieve this task he could perform this task without a taking several lifetimes to get before the task quite quickly and do it in such a way that it would satisfy the desire of mistress death and what we see Silver Surfer telling us here is that this is something this Infinity Gauntlet the Thanos is in possession of is something that could destroy all of reality that could in the entire universe and so something has to be done here that because Thanos has been ordered to end half the life in the universe that forces need to be gathered that the superheroes need to do something otherwise everything could come to an end from here we switch to the perspective of Thanos and Mephisto on some unknown planet and we have previously talked about Mephisto we've mentioned Mephisto and again we're not going to go too in depth into his character here but Mephisto is a cosmic entity for the most part an abstract of Karnes he's not necessarily as powerful as Franklin Richards for example but he is a very powerful character in his own right but given the fact that Thanos currently has the Infinity Gauntlet Mephisto really has no power that even begins to compare to anything famous Belov been mephisto while he initially appears to be here as an ally while he initially appears to be here as someone who can provide small baubles of wisdom for Thanos as he's learning how to use this use this kind of power wisely and effectively what we'll see is that Mephisto actually has his own agenda here he actually has his own plans and his own mecha nations which will come to fruition later on and what we see is that Thanos is really talking to himself more so than he's talking to Mephisto but he says that when he initially went on the quest when he initially started this journey of gathering the infinity gems that once the infinity gems were gathered he felt as though he'd have a million question that he would spend more time pondering how to use this power than actually using it and he says that now he only really has one question he says the question is how does he use such power what does he do with such an incredible power and he answers his own question by saying that quite simply he can do anything he wants to because he is absolutely omnipotent he says that for the most part if anything happens that displeases him if an event takes place that he doesn't like he can simply undo it that he's completely incapable of error than anything he wants is his will and because it's as well anything can happen he really presents himself here as a God within the universe and what I would like you guys to take your a very particular note of here is that Thanos is demonstrating incredible arrogance that Thanos has come across the Infinity Gauntlet and believes himself to be absolute Lisa's power to be absolutely incredible and that no one can oppose him within the universe and this will become very important especially when we get towards the end of the Infinity Gauntlet storyline but what we see is a silver surfer commenting on this silver surfer is saying that that Thanos was too arrogant to be anyone's servant to be anyone's thrall and so what we see is that Mephisto and Thanos transition back to the lair of mistress death and we see the Thanos as he approaches mistress death begins to demonstrate to her begins to tell her that he cares for her that that he loves her that the end that in the end all this was done for her for her love for her affection and that what he wants to see here is that she expressed that affection towards him that she do something she say something to indicate his presence but all we see from mistress death at this point is that she spurned Stannis is that she turns Thanos away that she doesn't return the affection that Thanos demonstrates towards her now from here we switched to the story of Jake Miller Ralph and Bambi long and what we see here is that these individuals appear to simply just be in the city there's really no I guess context given to them they're at a bar and they're simply just kind of roaming around or maybe heading back home and perhaps they were involved in some kind of bank robber or they're criminals of some kind or something like that but what we see is that as these individuals are travel or traveling to their next location whatever that next location happens to be that they end up driving off a cliff they end up driving to their deaths as explained to us by whoever this narrator is that they don't survive the fall and from here we switch back to the story of the silver surfer and what the silver surfers telling us here is that during the time in which they nose had gained the infinity gems and between the current moment when he is with dr. strange that he and Drax the destroyer had attempted to stop Thanos they did the best they could to thwart Thanos but Thanos had demonstrated his power to them and they were completely helpless against him there was absolutely nothing they could do to stop him as he was warping all facets of reality time-space the mine and so on and so what we see is that Thanos strips their spiritual essence from their bodies and cash them into the soul Jim into the spiritual world from here we see that Silver Surfer says he encountered someone named Adam warlock and that Adam warlock appeared to be the leader of the spiritual realm now this is the first time that Silver Surfer has ever actually come across Adam warlock and this is the reason why as we know who Adam warlock is the Silver Surfer doesn't and so for him he doesn't know what kind of power that Adam warlock possesses he doesn't know the role that Adam warlock possessor or plays within the Marvel Universe and so what Silver Surfer tells us here is that Adam warlock casts a spell or uses his abilities to eject the souls of the Silver Surfer and Drax the destroyer back into the physical world where they have returned to their normal bodies and what Silver Surfer tells us again is that he immediately went on a quest to travel to the planet Earth and to speak with dr. strange and that the reason why this was so important was because one the power and the worldA Thanos has been assigned by mistress death using the Infinity Gauntlet and - and because of the fact that sober surfer doesn't know how much time has passed here he doesn't know if he was trapped within the soul gym for days or weeks or minutes or seconds and so his immediate goal here is to attract the attention of Doctor Strange at this point we switch back to the story of Jake Miller to Ralph and to Bambi long and what we see is that this narrator's telling us that the big guy it seems to be the guy in charge had a wave until things cooled down before they all went in and what we see is that three bright lights travel into the into the spiritual world or into the physical world and take over the bodies of Jake Miller Bambi long and Ralph and we see that Ralph is a little upset by this Ralph reacts to this saying that this body is totally destroyed these bodies are dead and that they can't simply just travel around looking like this that they have to find some way to at the very least be discreet and what we see is that the person who is in possession of Jake Miller's body says that his powers are for healing and modifying these bodies so that they can suit their needs and so what we see is Jake Miller saying that because of the fact that he is the least injured that he will go into the motel that they've come across and secured their lodging from here we see that Bambi long skin appears to be turning green which of course seems to be something that she's happy with something that she very much much enjoys at this point we travel back to the story of Mephisto and Thanos within the realm of mistress death and again all we really see going on here is that mistress death is simply continuing to scorn Panos that she does not return the infections that Thanos has demonstrated towards her and she's constantly quiet towards him she refuses to speak to him she refuses to look at him that even if she does look at him she looks at him with a glance with a scornful glance and simply just turns away and what we see Thanos doing is trying to reason with her Thanos is telling her that previously before he gained the power of the Infinity Gauntlet that he was simply a servant towards her but now he is her equal that she deserves better than a servant she deserves some kind of a mate and so Thanos abused himself as somebody that could stand in the role of being a being an equal but then we see his mind and we see his arrogance begin to demonstrate itself and he says that he shouldn't just be an equal to mistress death that he should be superior to mistress death but what we see is that one of the servants of mistress death says that Thanos is in possession of power that is so much higher than what she has that she is no longer anything in terms of a maid that if she had a romantic if you return a romantic interest in him she would be more of a love slave than anything else because he could force her to do anything and so what we see is that danos replies to this by saying that she is the keeper of his heart that he loves her with everything that he has well this individual says this servant says because of the power that he possesses that his love is stifling that his love is bondage that Allah says no he says that his love is worship that there should be shrines built to mistress death that there should be shrine to Bill to her greatness and so what we see is that Thanos in the vastness of space or in the depth of space physically creates a shrine and transports all of them to it which is similar just Thanos using the reality Jim for for his own end and this is for the most part what we will see phallus remained for the remainder of the Infinity Gauntlet storyline we won't really see Pharaoh's transition anywhere go anywhere else except for this place and this is very important because what we'll see is a mass then taking place we will see a multitude of superheroes and cosmic entities descend on this place and an effort to stop Thanos and what we see here is that Thanos tells mistress death he has created this place for her now this place is a is is is designed for his adoration of her it is a shrine to be built to the beauty of what he perceives to be the idea of death we see that he creates two chairs to sit side by side with one another and that he and mistress death will sit together for all eternity and they will shape the future of the universe they will make the universe as they see fit they will decide who lives and who dies they will decide what's created and what's destroyed but what we see is that mistress death continues to spurn Thanos as she continues to reject any advancements that he makes they she continues to reject any affection that he demonstrates for her from here we see that Thanos who uses his abilities with the Infinity Gauntlet to do what he considers to be yet another instance of impressing mistress death and what he does here is he brings back nebula now nebula had previously presented herself to Thanos as that as his granddaughter as the granddaughter of Thanos and Danice had taken her on as his charge but eventually the time came when Thanos realized that she was aligned that she was not his granddaughter that she was simply just a space pirate and so what we see pharaohs doing is warping her body transforming her body and turning her into a corpse more or less she's neither truly alive nor truly dead she's just a corpse and she could never really experienced anything other than absolute pain and the inability to stop that pain as well as the inability to simply die and Famous does this as a creation for mistress death he does this to I guess as a common of sorts on the perversion of life and the beauty of death but what we see is that mistress death appears to be appalled by this she appears to be absolutely disgusted by this and so she again turns her back on Thanos from here we see that I was getting angry with mistress death denison screams at her he yells at her not turned her back on him that she needs to face him and what we see is this servant begins to speak again with Thanos and says that that these empty boats that he's making that these disdainful actions that he's committing are not impressing mistress death they are not not pleasing mistress death and so we see fan OHS destroys this servant from here Thanos completely shows a I guess not necessarily a 180 in terms of his affection of mistress death but his anger with mistress death and saying that she will either speak to him directly or not at all and what we see is if Thanos continues to be angry but we also see Mephisto playing on this role of Thanos we see Mephisto playing on this this this anger the Pharaohs has four mistress death and what he says is that perhaps it's something that Thanos hasn't done the role that Thanos hasn't fulfilled and this is when Thanos realized that he has not done what mistress death asked him to do the Thanos has not eliminated half the life in the universe and so what we see going on here is one of the single most memorable moments in the history of comic books when we see Thanos apologize to mistress death we see Thanos saying that he's sorry that he realizes she's angry with him because his behavior has been inexcusable that rather than doing performing the task that she had assigned him that he had refused to do it or simply ignored it and then didn't understand why it was a she was angry in the first place and so what we see is that Mephisto shocked to see that this will actually happen and Thanos walks to the edge of the shrine and snaps his fingers and when Thanos snaps his fingers it results and half the life in the universe being totally eradicated from here we switch to spider-man and spider-man is traveling through New York City he's simply swinging from one building to another and it's his normal night in terms of looking around to see if there's any kind of crime going on and for the most part he says that he was that he's calling it a night that he's bringing this to an end and that he's heading home but then a sudden wave of vertigo hits him and it seems as though his spider sense is going totally awry from there there's a reaction to everybody people are freaking out because people are simply just vanished that people are simply just disappearing off the face of the planet but nobody knows why and what we see here is that spider-man begins to freak out spider-man understands what it is is taking place that people are simply vanishing that people are simply disappearing that no one knows where they're disappearing - and his fear here is that Mary Jane may be one of these individuals who have vanished and so what we see is Spider Man flying offer us swinging off to get back to his apartment so that he can find out whether or not Mary Jane is safe from here we transition to Captain America and Captain America is within the Avengers headquarters and of course he's going about his normal routine again of just verifying that the premise is safe making sure that everything's okay and for the most part he doesn't really seem it doesn't really seem as though anything to majors happening we see that Hawkeye along with Siri are handing Captain America some documents talking about various things that are taking place in the world at the moment but then we see that mid-conversation that Circe and Hawkeye vanish they just totally disappear in Captain America couldn't could absolutely do nothing to stop this he was terrified he was horrified because for him he knew that some that whatever force was at work here that whatever had happened that had done this that had forced these superheroes to disappear was far beyond anything that he was capable of stopping and so he knew that this was going to turn into something big this was going to turn into something massive something they could possibly be a threat to the universe as a whole from here we switch to Nick Fury and Nick Fury is within the shield Helicarrier and what we see Nick Fury doing is simply going over documentation going over the information that's been given to him about how half the Earth's population is simply just vanished that there's nothing as far as their investigations and shield goes that indicates what could possibly happen here there are no mutants that have any sort of power that could do this as far as they understand or even if they do have that kind of power now they haven't exercised it there's really nothing going on here in terms of any energy projections they've demonstrated coming from the planet Earth that would explain why it is that half of the life on the planet has simply just vanished from here we see this coming beginning to come to a close and what we see is that we touch back with Ralph Bambi long and and Jacob Miller and what we see is that Ralph and Mandy long or Bambi long are simply just within the hotel room that Ralph is commenting that he likes being back in the physical world that he likes returning here and Bambi is simply just getting used to her having her physical body but what we see is that Bambi disappears as as ralph is looking at her that she simply just vanishes and ralph begins to panic ralph doesn't know what to do here and so what we see is that ralph runs to the next room and he tries to tell Jacob Miller that Bambi is simply vanished that he doesn't know where she went to but what we see is that in place of Jake Miller is a cocoon indicating to us that Adam warlock is returning to the physical universe so as we continue with part two of the Infinity Gauntlet what we see is that we're picking up with dr. strange here and again what's taken place up to this point is that the great disappearance has taken place as it's referred to in the comics that half the population on the planet Earth as well as the universe has simply just been blinked out of existence and so what we'll see for the most part is virtual panic we'll see a lot of superheroes trying to deal with this trying to cope with this element of what it is has taken place both on the planet Earth and beyond and what we see with dr. strange here is that he's gone to consult dr. Hank Pym Hank Pym has arrived at a doctor Strange's mansion and the goal here is to try to find some way to restore the silver surfer back to health but because of his alien physiology because of the fact that he doesn't require any kind of nourishment to survive it's kind of a coin flip here in terms of what they can do in order to to restore him or perhaps us something that he's just healing himself and what we see is that hank pym says that he's done the best he can up to this point that given the alien physiology of the Silver Surfer that he's done everything he knows and that all they can do is simply just wait but what he also says is that he has to return to the West Coast Avengers due to what's happened with the disappearance in order to assist him as best he can and the Doctor Strange may also want to go on to contact the original Avengers and let them know what's going on here but what we see is that as Hank ran begins to leave doctor Doctor Strange seems to be stuck in place he seems to be kind of frozen in place and one of his servants attempts to shake him out of it the Doctor Strange appears to be falling into a trance and what we see is that his spirit is more or less torn away from his body that it is taken to a place that seems to exist beyond the physical realm perhaps in some sort of soul maybe a middle ground or something like that but what we see is that some unnamed individual some sort of energy force has drawn dr. Strange's essence to him and what he tells dr. strange when he asks what it is that he's doing here who this individual is is that he's here to help save this reality from the insanity of Thanos but that he can't do it by himself dr. strange replies by saying that if this individual wants him to gather up all these superheroes and all these righteous individuals for a conflict then he needs to do something to demonstrate who he is because these individuals most likely will not simply just unite under the single banner of a person that they know nothing about and what we see this person saying is that he can open his soul he can is expose his soul directly to the soul of Doctor Strange but the issue here is that because both of their souls will be exposed to one another that there is an inherent danger here that one of them could be destroyed or that they could meld into a single person dr. strange says this is a risk that he wouldn't normally take but because of the grave nature of the circumstances that he will do whatever he needs to get any kind of help he can and so what we see is that both of these individual souls are sort of combined into water at the very least they're able to look into each other Souls and when dr. strange looks into the soul of this unnamed individual he develops complete and total trust he now believes him and in trusting him implicitly and says that he will do anything he needs to in order to assist this individual in any way that he can from here we switched to dr. doom and what we see is a dr. doom is using his various technology and instrumentation at his disposal to is the origin to trace the location of the disappearance and he traces the energies that cause the grace disappearance on to the other side of the of the galaxy on the far side of the Milky Way galaxy and so the information that he has here is that one he knows where it is but that - he's also recognizing some kind of phenomena that seems to be very similar to the energies that caused the elimination of half a life in the universe and that this phenomena is is emanating from the residence of Doctor Strange and so what we see dr. Doom's saying here is that this is his universe this is these are his people on the planet Earth and that no one has the right to go in and to effectively begin wreaking havoc without either speaking with him directly or somehow asking for his assistance or involving him in some manner and so we see dr. doom undertaking the task of finding out what it is that has gone on here but dr. doom again also has his own motives here because he sees this as a chance to expand his own power given the great power that was used for this grow this this vast disappearance and to also expand his scientific knowledge and so this for the most part is the biggest reason why he's here and we'll see that play out when we get to the actual conflict on the shrine of death out in space later on and the Infinity Gauntlet story from here we transition to Drax the destroyer eros and Fire Lord on Titan and what we know here is that mentor who was the father of Eros and and Thanos is one of the individuals who has vanished from the universe and what we see is that Isaac again the the autonomous computer system within the the fortress of Titan so to speak is informing eros and Fire Lord and Drax the destroyer that this is all a universal act that this is all taking place across the universe that it's not simply confined to Titan it's not simply confined to the Milky Way galaxy that all life and the universe has simply vanished we then see that eros simply just disappears but what we know here is that eros is not one of the individuals who has simply vanished due to the great vanishing because this has already taken place what we see is that eros has been taken by Thanos Thanos presumably using the space gym has transported eros to his location and eros realizes that Thanos is in possession of the power gems now what heroes tells us here is that he's familiar with the infinity gems he's familiar with what it is that they can do now how familiar he is with them is something that Marvel doesn't explain he simply just tells us that he knows what they are and he recognizes that with all of them on a single gauntlet with all of them being wielded by one individual that this individual possesses a power that is virtually unrivaled within the main earth-616 Marvel Universe and so what we see is that eros begins to look around and he recognizes Mephisto but he also recognizes mistress death he recognizes nebula who's simply just walking around as a corpse who is walking in this fine line between life and death Thanos says that this is a family reunion that he has restored nebula or that he's brought nebula to him more or less poking fun at the fact that she had presented herself as a granddaughter to him falsely then he also says that his mate that his lover here presumably playing the role of his wife is mistress death and that Mephisto is simply here as an advisor eros asks why mentor isn't here and Thanos replies that mentor wasn't invited nor will he be and he says that he intentionally ensured that eros oh I'm sorry that mentor was one of the individuals who was eliminated during the Great vanishing that he made sure that he was one of the people who was simply just blinked out of existence and the reason why is because mentor would attempt to find a way to take the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos he would try to find some way to bring this conquest to an end and would be one of the few individuals in the Marvel Universe that would probably be able to do it not in the sense of sheer raw power but in the sense that he would be able to organize forces in such a way that he would be able to achieve this act but what that Oh says is that ultimate power is now his that he can reshape the universe with it and that nothing can interfere with this mission what we see heroes doing here is playing on this gyro says that if this is what Thanos wants then nothing will interfere that he will do everything he can to help Thanos as best but what we see Pharaohs realizing here is that eros is using his powers to manipulate emotions on Thanos and so Thanos simply says how how poignant how powerful and charming can arrest be when he can't talk and so he takes eros his mouth away from here we see that uh saying that this is how all things shall be from this point forward anything that irritates Thanos will simply just cease to be at this point we switch back to Captain America and what we get here is more or less a list not a full list but a pretty significant list of which superheroes have gone missing as a result of the great vanishing and this is a pretty important list and the reason why is because throughout this conflict a lot of you guys will ask questions like where is Hercules where is Archangel where is the Invisible Woman the Fantastic Four where is nigh Thrasher or The Vindicator from Alpha Flight you guys will ask a lot of these different questions on where these superheroes are and so what Marvel has done is they've laid out some of the more significant members of the x-men the Avengers Alpha Flight and various other superhero teams that were relatively popular at the time this story was written and simply said they're just not here anymore they've simply just been among the individuals who have been blinked out of existence and so what we see here is that Captain America she-hulk and the man standing in the place of Thor Eric Masterson analyzing all this information now this idea of Eric Masterson is something that I would like you to keep in the back of your head because this again is not the real Thor now the the story in terms of how it is at Eric Masterson begins to undertake the role of Thor and how he takes uh takes over this role for a pretty good amount of time there's a very very good story so I'd like to do that justice and we'll talk about that when we actually get into our discussion of Thor after we finish various characters when Infinity Gauntlet is over but for the most part all we need to do is so we just be aware the fact that this is not Thor Odin's son this is simply just Eric Masterson and what we see is that all these individuals are focusing on the fact that things are for the most part very very bad that Eric Masterson is trying to undertake the role of Thor trying to speak like Thor trying to ensure that he's passed office Thor but that everybody else is trying to deal with the fact that some of the most prominent superheroes in the Marvel community are just gone at this point we switched to Odin and what we see is that Odin is an Asgard and he's wearing the the ceremonial eyepatch of sorrow now this is something that a lot of people get confused in the the movie of Thor we saw that that Anthony Hopkins was wearing an eyepatch the eye patch is worn as a ceremonial thing it's not something that Odin actually has to wear he hasn't actually lost an eye and for the most part what we see here is that Odin has called together the sky fathers now the sky fathers are what we would consider to be the old gods these are people like Zeus Osiris of Egypt these are what we would look at to say that older parts of society older parts of the world generations and thousands of years ago these were the people these were the gods that ancient humanity worshipped but in the Marvel Universe these are actual beings these are true beings they may have been forgotten over the years they may no longer be worshipped by people over the years but it doesn't take away from the fact that they are real and they have a vast amount of power and as these individuals form under the name of the sky father have of the sky fathers they have a significant amount of power and what Onan does here is Odin calls them together band them together and says that because of this great power because of this great threat that they need to fight together in order to try to defeat Thanos but for the most part this would be a laughable conquest at best because the sky fathers despite their vast power have absolutely no ability to thwart the power of Thanos at all in any way from here we transitioned the Windell von to quasar and always see with this bit of the story is that quasar has simply arrived to a predestined or a pre-arranged set of coordinates by epoch and what he simply says here is that he's just supposed to wait that quasar simply just supposed to hold out here that he's not supposed to do anything until he's instructed - from here we switch back to the story of Ralph who is now undertaken the role of pip the troll and for the most part pip the troll is just the sidekick of Adam warlock and so all this really does is confirm that Adam warlock is now becoming he's now rejoining the the physical Marvel Universe and what we see pip the troll here doing is simply just waiting for Adam warlock to wake out to come out of his cocoon and as he's waiting there's some kind of an explosion in the next room that throws him out of his seated position and into the TV or simply just to a different part of the room and when the explosion ends he gets up and he goes into the next room and asked this individual since they can't stay here any more where it is that they're supposed to go and this individual replies by saying after Thanos from here we switched back to Doctor Doom at the residence of Doctor Strange and what we see is that the Silver Surfer has now woken up he's now come to and dr. doom has his doombots restraining Doctor Strange and what we see is Doctor Strange pleading with dr. doom saying that he is meddling in dangers that he doesn't really understand he doesn't really know what's going on here but what we see is that the Silver Surfer tries to to stop Doctor Doom he tries to overpower dr. doom but dr. doom uses his power to overpower the Silver Surfer now under normal circumstances this would not happen dr. doom would not be able to overpower the Silver Surfer despite his vast power but the Silver Surfer is in a weakened position here he's he's very very weak and so he doesn't have his full physical strength otherwise he would easily be able to stop dr. doom from here we see that dr. doom turns his power against Doctor Strange and what he wants to know is what's happened here he wants to know everything that has taken place as far as this great disappearance and the forces behind it now Doctor Strange initially doesn't say anything Doctor Strange initially doesn't speak but what we see is that before Doctor Strange can say anything there's an explosion behind them and we see that dr. doom the Silver Surfer and Doctor Strange all look around at this point we see Adam warlock has arrived and Adam warlock simply just replies by saying that in his time he was called Adam warlock and that they may also do so if they feel inclined from here we switch back to Thanos and what we see is that Thanos is using the power of the Infinity Gauntlet to more or less either psychologically or possibly even physically torture eros and nebula and again he's doing this as a way to satisfy to please mistress death but mistress death doesn't really seem to find this the slightest bit interesting she doesn't find it at all satisfying it's simply just something she pays no attention to or doesn't really give any kind of of credence to from here we see eros after the torture is ended looking at Thanos and coming to this realization that the Infinity Gauntlet has driven Thanos insane that this power has driven him out of his mind and that on a whim due to his insanity he could simply just eliminate the universe and so this is when when eros really grasps what it is is going on here and grasp the danger of this situation from here we transitioned back to Adam warlock and Doctor Strange dr. doom and the Silver Surfer and what we see Adam warlock saying is more or less explaining how it was that Thanos was able to gain the Infinity Gauntlet how it was that he was able to to gain this fast power and that he's arrived here in order to help bring an end to these schemes dr. strange realizes that Adam warlock was the one that communicated with him earlier when he came to this understanding of what it meant to undertake the role of uniting all of these superheroes we also see dr. doom commenting and saying that this is a set of circumstances whose peril whose danger almost rivals that of the coming of the Beyonder now dr. doom says that it does rival the coming of the Rionda but there's a vast difference here the Beyonder had power that dwarfed anything that the Infinity Gauntlet could do he was from an entirely different universe entirely different multiverse and he had incredible power and could do pretty much anything that he wanted to but we'll talk more about him again when we get into the Secret Wars 1 & 2 and the Beyonder but what we see is that Adam warlock says that this is going to be difficult this is going to be a fight that will very well cost the lives of some individuals and will require 100% of everybody because it's going to they're basically going to be going and going against forces that are going to require cunning and guile to defeat as opposed to simply sheer power from here we see that dr. doom challenges Adam warlock and asks him by what right it is that he claims the mantle of leadership Adam warlock replies here by saying that he is the one who battled Thanos previously that he's the one that knows the secrets of the inner workings of the infinity gems and so with that knowledge he's the only one that's really equipped to combatant Thanos he's really the only one capable of going against Thanos and successfully being able to organize forces in an effective way to where things can be defeated at this point we see Doctor Doom more or less counting his losses and just kind of accepting this and sort of moving forward but what we'll see is that again this is not necessarily acquiescence by dr. doom so much as it is dr. doom just biding his time what we also see is the Silver Surfer commenting on whether or not Adam warlock is truly the person that should lead them that is Adam warlock really the best choice here that Adam warlock seems vastly different from the Adam warlock that he had met in the soul world and so because no one really knows anything about him no one really knows anything about his motivations other than what he claims his motivations to be from here we transitioned back to Thanos and again we see that us manipulating reality to torture eros and nebula and again he's becoming extremely angry here he's becoming extremely frustrated because mistress death will not acknowledge him mistress death will not return his affections and we see him yelling at her we see him screaming at her asking what it is that it would take to please her that he's done everything that she's asked he's given her the entire universe that he would do anything in order to make her love him that all he asks here is that she simply just used her voice and speak his name aloud and that would be enough and so what we see is that Thanos in his anger lets off an energy blast he lets off this massive force of energy in all directions and what we see is it the first thing that encounters or that is encountered by this energy blast is a twenty million year old red giant and what this red giant does is simply just destroy somebody just explodes and that's the end of it from here we see some kind of spaceship traveling through the through the cosmos and the planet that the spaceship is approaching is destroyed and we see an individual here telling us that the wrath of Thanos the Supreme Being is is something to behold that this planet is the second planet to be destroyed as this being was traveling to it that is the second banquet that has been robbed from him and what we see is that this person is Galactus and Galactus is again attempting to satiate his hunger but also recognizes that the vast power the Thanos has here is something that cannot be ignored that is that it's going to require that Galactus go through the process of bringing together a multitude of forces in terms of the cosmic entities in order to attempt to bring an end to the power that Thanos has here and that the issue here is that the emanations that are being released here that the power that is being displayed here by Thanos will reach the planet Earth and that it will only contain about two percent of its power but it will be a mass of a energy nonetheless and so what we see is that we transition to the planet Earth and we see that cloak who is one half of the team cloak-and-dagger is by himself that dagger is gone she is one of the individuals who had simply been blinked out of existence and that the cloak feels as though because his other half is gone that while they were linked while they were kind of like two halves as the whole as he describes it that he doesn't really feel like he has a reason to go on but what we see is that he finds this reason to continue as this force that was admitted by Thanos reaches the planet Earth and shakes the entire planet crumbling several cities and wiping out the Japanese islands and of course we see that cloak uses his ability to to save various humans to save them from their impending deaths of falling off buildings or else being crushed by rubble from this point we transition back to dr. strange silver surfer dr. doom and Adam warlock and what we see here is that these individuals are trying to deal with the aftermath of this they're trying to understand the aftermath of what's gone on here that the power the Thanos has demonstrated despite being on the other side of the galaxy there's a power that most of them couldn't really even fathom and that it will take an incredible organization and incredible upheaval for all of them to be able to go sexes successfully go toe-to-toe with fan oohs and so what we see is a comment here we see the question being asked what was that what was that energy blast from here we're going to bring an end to this video and in the next video we're going to pick up with battle formations preparations for war and we'll see that we're more or less seeing superheroes being organized we're seeing superheroes being brought together by Adam warlock as they begin the preparations for taking on Thanos so as we begin our discussion on Infinity Gauntlet issue number three I think you guys are really going to enjoy this comic and the reason why is because what we'll see taking place over the course of this are battle formations preparations for war we're going to be seeing a plan put together and it won't be until the end of the comic that we actually understand the true nature of this plan but what this is is also the last issue where we have talking and it'll be the last issue before we actually get into the main discussion the main conflict that takes place between Thanos and all of these superheroes leading up to the end of the Infinity Gauntlet storyline and what we see here as the story begins to pick up is that we're back with dr. doom Adam warlock the Silver Surfer and Doctor Strange and dr. doom is commenting on how he agrees picking up immediately from the last discussion that now is the time for action but Adam warlock says no Adam warlock says there are forces at work here that dr. doom just doesn't understand that he just can't possibly grasp and that rushing into action like this would almost guarantee certain doom and so he says that he has a intricate and a very inner weaved plan that's unfolding here and that the slightest disturbance could very well lead to the ruin of all what we also see Doctor Strange commenting is saying that he agrees with with Adam warlock that they have to trust him that dr. doom that Silver Surfer they have to come to this understanding that Adam warlock knows what he's doing that tremendous powers are gaining here for this final confrontation and he more or less repeats the words of Adam warlock here saying that that premature action could lead to total destruction and so dr. doom acquiesce is dr. doom says that it's driving him nuts waiting to take action but that for the time being he's willing to put this off he's willing to go ahead and hold things now from here we see Adam warlock saying that it's time to make preparations that it's time to go about the business of moving to the towards the next step of his master plan and so he calls on dr. strange and what we see Doctor Strange doing is a teleporting Adam warlock Doctor Doom and the Silver Surfer to the headquarters and at the Avengers headquarters we have she-hulk Captain America and Thor and they're trying to come to an understanding of what's going on here they're trying to deal again as a follow-up to the last video of what's happened since the disappearance of various superheroes but when Adam warlock and Doctor Doom and Doctor Strange and the Silver Surfer up here the immediate idea is that Doctor Strange is keeping strange company that he is with people who he would never normally form an alliance with but what we see is that immediately Adam warlock and Doctor Strange begin to convince she-hulk Thor and Captain America that the situation is so dire that Doctor Doom is not here to fight against them the Doctor Doom is here to fight with them and so when the question is asked what the intention is here for Adam warlock why it is that he's here and why it is is such strange alliances have been formed out of warlock replies by simply saying that they're raising an army from here we transition to Black Widow and black widow doesn't necessarily give us a huge in-depth discussion here but because black widows part of the Marvel Cinematic Universe I felt it would be relevant to include her in this discussion and know we really see is that she's one of the people on the sidelines she's kind of in the background she's doing the best she can to help save lives as a result of the energy shockwave that had reached the planet Earth and a devastation that it had caused we see that she's jumping out of a building out of a burning building saving a baby and for the most part this is kind of what we would expect to see with her character because she doesn't really have any superpowers she's just more or less a super spy with all kinds of gadgets at her disposal but then we switch and we see that there is a woman who is falling out of a building who's hanging on for dear life and Black Widow goes with an attempt to try to save her but the building collapses and crumbles before Black Widow can get there and so again this is jim Starlin this is marvel injecting a little bit of realism here and saying that with with stories like these with comics like these that not everybody makes it out the other side that not everybody survives and so what we see is that this woman who was tumbling to her death did in fact die that she was crushed by the rebel and the degree of and even if not necessarily crushed she was certainly burned to death and the way that we see a see black widow dealing with this I think is a great testament to the the human nature of her character the difference between her and a lot of other superheroes that you see in the Marvel community where she just can't accept the fact that it's enough she says that it's not enough that her best just simply isn't enough here from here we switched to Doctor Strange and Adam warlock and what we see Doctor Strange doing is calling upon superheroes calling upon various individuals to gather - to bring their powers with them due to the necessity of them and their powers with regards to the upcoming conflict and the first two people that we see arriving here are our Iron Man and spider-man from here we switch to the arrival of new characters we see of course Wolverine coming here we see Drax the destroyer and again Drax the destroyer serves the purpose of I guess trying to are being able to hunt down and attract Thanos no matter where he is in the cosmos but due to the fact that Adam warlock has Silver Surfer on his side and silver surfer has cosmic awareness it's really not the ability of Drax to locate Thanos that they're interested in it's the sheer raw power that he possesses that they're interested in who we also see showing up here is Fire Lord now again we haven't done a big discussion on fire Lord but Fire Lord was one of the heralds of Galactus and so for the most part he was one of the individuals who served the same purpose as the Silver Surfer the next person we see showing up is Nova of the New Warriors and this is due to the fact that Nova is the only one at this moment who is able to tap into the full might of the Nova force and so for him for for Adam warlock and Silver Surfer and the opposing forces Nova is really a necessity here he's someone they absolutely need the next person here is Namor the Submariner and of course neighbor the Submariner has a super strength although for the most part in terms of his relation to characters like Drax a destroyer even The Incredible Hulk he's not all that strong but his military his ability to to plan tactics his military experience and the conquest that he's had over the his life will definitely be an asset to this team the next person we see is cloaked and again all Koch really does here serve the purpose of being someone that can teleport people over distances now to my knowledge I don't think Marvel has ever established the fact that cloak can teleport people over an infinite amount of distance and so they're not really looking for cloak here to be someone to teleport everybody all the way to the other side of the galaxy to fight Thanos they simply have him here because he could be an individual that could teleport groups of people around or could do serve some kind of purpose or possibly he could even swallow Thanos entirely from here we see the remaining members of this group coming together we see Cyclops of x-factor because remember at this time the x-men were a different group it was giant-size x-men an x-factor was composed of the original x-men team and the Wayne appears to us here is that of the either original members of the x-men or the current members of the x-men Wolverine and Cyclops seem to be the only ones who were left alive or at the very least the only ones who were called upon we also see the Scarlet Witch arriving here to meet with the vision we see the Incredible Hulk being invited but the Incredible Hulk doesn't actually show up at first and the reason why the Incredible Hulk doesn't show up as eyes explained to us by Tony Stark is because the Avengers had previously turned their back on on the Incredible Hulk due to the fact that much like we saw with the Illuminati where he was exiled from the planet Earth The Incredible Hulk was deemed too dangerous for himself he was out of control and so the Avengers hadn't necessarily abandoned him entirely but they had a more or less kind of Hannegan his hat and shunted him out but what we see Iron Man and Captain America saying here is that if he's reformed he can be one of the Avengers again he can come back The Incredible Hulk overhears this and says that'll be enough for now and so he joins the group of superheroes who are coming to fight against the forces of Thanos and what Adam warlock tells us here is that this army is now complete and so the individuals that we see that have arrived here appear to be the only the individuals who were either left or have been invited to become part of this for here we see Captain America speaking directly to the forces that have gathered in Captain America says that everybody is here to fight the forces of Thanos to fight against Thanos as his against his Infinity Gauntlet and what we see dr. Doom's saying is that before Captain America goes any further that the question has to be asked here is Adam warlock the best person to lead this group Doctor Strange replies by asking there's no real discussion here this is pretty much all there is so there's no two ways about it but dr. doom says that he's the only person that has the ruthlessness the cunningness and the guile to lead this group and of course for the most part everybody is against him on this Captain America says no way The Scarlet Witch spider-man Eric Masterson they all say that this is not the case and so Captain America replies to Doctor Strange simply saying that deep down inside I'm sorry Doctor Doom he knows that that atom or Lex the only one that can really stop Thanos that Adam warlock is the only one that can really lead them to victory and so Doctor Doom simply acquiesce is again and says okay at this point we see that Adam warlock says that there's going to be yet another gathering that these are the only individuals that have showed up here but that he's also coming together with more allies and when the question is asked what these allies are Adam warlock simply replies by saying cosmic allies indicating to us that he's also gathering the cosmic entities together as a force to fight against the power of Thanos what we also see is that Adam warlock and the Silver Surfer travel to the other side to the far corner of the galaxy and the reason for this as we'll pick up is that their meeting with quasar and the cosmic entities in order to form a team in order to come together for the purpose of bringing everybody together to fight against the power of Thanos and when they arrive that's exactly what they're what we're told what we're told is that Eon I'm sorry that epoch informed some Adam warlock that all the cosmic entities had simply been waiting for him they were simply waiting for him to arrive and when he does we see that almost all of them are gathered here now there are some cosmic entities it on here but for the most part almost all of them or the most prominent ones are we see Cronus we see the Living Tribunal we see master order and Lord chaos the stranger and of course this is a list that we had previously discussed so we won't go into it too much longer but two of the most notable members here that I would like you to pay attention to our eternity and the Living Tribunal and the reason why as is explained to us is because more or less what they're calling together here is a trial with a living tribunal overseen and the whole reason for this is because again the Living Tribunal exists to ensure the cosmic balance is in place that no one forced becomes such a threat to its universe that it could result in the destruction of that universe or other universes should its dangers spill over and what we see eternity saying here is that he is the embodiment of all that is of everything within the universe and that that Thanos attempts to usurp this position from him The Living Tribunal says that he's considered this matter but that he cannot interfere and the reason why is because Thanos only strives to replace eternity as the the embodiment of all reality and the natural selection is one of the oldest truths that the strong replaced the weak and that if eternity isn't strong enough to oppose someone who wants to challenge him and take his place then eternity should perish and the new force should take its place and so the Living Tribunal says that he cannot interfere that he will not become involved in this matter and this is a very big issue here and the reason why is because if the Living Tribunal had ruled on the side of eternity when the Living Tribunal simply could have arrived at Thanos location and blinked him out of existence despite the power the Thanos had or he could have simply just stripped him of the Infinity Gauntlet because as we discuss with our discussion in the on the Living Tribunal as a lead-up to the Thanos quest and the Infinity Gauntlet event we had talked about how during the during the Infinity Crusade during the the Infinity watch storyline that Adam warlock had approached the Living Tribunal and tribunal after seeing the power that Adam warlock possessed and the anger that he had displayed had simply just eliminated all the power of the Infinity Gauntlet within that vicinity from here we see that the Eternity is more or less leaving that he's kind of going off on his own now what why he's doing this and what he's doing is actually something that we don't know and we won't see him again for quite some time but what we see is Adam warlock saying that it doesn't matter that eternity is not here what he says is that all of them are here so that they can fight together so that all these cosmic entities can gather and oppose the force of Thanos but then we see The Watcher saying that he cannot be counted among these individuals that will fight against Thanos that he is a watcher and due to his creed he is unable to interfere that he can simply he can only observe and record and so we see that the watcher leaves from there if we see Santos officer we see a Galactus challenging Adam warlock Adam warlock says it easier to lead all of them into an attack against Thanos but Galactus says why should they follow one such as him into battle and so what we see is Adam warlock saying that he is here for the purpose of that that he's here for the purpose of leading them into the conflict and that's the only thing the lactis needs to concern himself about Galactus says that he does not heed empty words from from mortals from people that he considers to be beneath him and Adam warlock simply replies by saying Galactus is a fool from here we see Galactus attempts to destroy Adam warlock that he blasts him with a vast amount of energy the light justdidn't begins to talk with his his fellow cosmic entities here and simply say that they've gathered that their forces it should be enough to defeat Thanos but then we see that Adam warlock is actually alive Adam warlock is on the helmet of Galactus and asks him since when it was that Galactus allowed the the his anger and his his wrath to more or less override his judgment the Galactus is known for being one of the most logical beings in the universe and that surely Galactus can can determine surely he can find here that the power the entire my of all these cosmic entities put together is still insufficient for defeating fan oohs and so we see that master order Lord chaos and various other cosmic entities band together against Galactus and say that they are siding with Adam warlock from here we transition back to to thinness at the shrine of death and what we see that is saying is that his enemies are coming for him that his enemies are going to attempt to destroy him and he asked mistress death that she will stand by his side but mistress death again spurned Thanos and she seems to turn her back on him and then oh simply replies by saying this is exactly as he had expected that he had deluded himself into believing that she could ever really care for him and so he says that being a Supreme Being means that he has no need to suffer in a void of affection that he does not have to go alone that he does not have to rule without mistress death that with all power all things are possible and so what he does is create a being named her Axia and tur axia is as he describes that everything mistress death is not that she's everything that Thanos longs for that she is the love that he wants from mistress death that she is a representation of what he considers to be beautiful and he says that he's there's really no need here there's no need for mistress death anymore that Thanos found has found his one true mate but what we see is that this isn't true that Thanos doesn't really believe this that Thanos is more or less still in love with the idea of mistress death and is still angry at the fact that she will not return his affection from here we see that Adam warlock is preparing forces he's preparing these superheroes for the roles that they're going to have to face he says that the battle that's coming there's going to be fierce and it's going to be awesome and that it may very well cost the lives of several superheroes but that that's the price that they have to pay he says the Doctor Strange has conjured mystic conduits that are going to lead them to particular places to particularly occasions where they need to be due to the plan that Adam warlock has created in order for this to succeed and that if any of them DV from this plan that it could very well lead to the ruin of of the universe as well as all the superheroes who were fighting at this point in time what we also see is that a spell has been cast that's going to allow these these forces to breathe within the depths of space for 60 minutes without any kind of assistance and this will become very important because one thing I want you guys to keep in mind when we get into the to the coming conflict of the Infinity Gauntlet is that everything that's going to take place will take place over 60 minutes and we will see when that 60 minutes ends we'll know when that 60 minutes comes to an end that's one of the things that Marvel will tell us is that the 60 minutes is over and so what he also says here is that Doctor Strange is going to be in the background Doctor Strange is going to going to be monitoring everything and he's going to be keeping Adam Morlock aware of what's going on telepathically from the perspective of every single superhero at this point we see that Silver Surfer and and Adam warlock leave they transition or take off to about a light year away from where Thanos is currently at and the Silver Surfer is a little angry about this the Silver Surfer is a little irritated about this that they're simply standing on the sidelines so they are off to the side while everybody else is engaging in the conflict and Silver Surfer tells us that he is a full power now he is completely rejuvenated and that his strength would be a vast asset to the coming battle to the various superheroes and Adam warlock says that he is right but that his strength will most be needed when the time is right and so what he tells the Silver Surfer is that he simply just needs to wait but Silver Surfer much like a lot of very proud superheroes doesn't want to but he swallows his pride here and simply says okay and what Adam warlock tells us is that Silver Surfer doesn't truly understand he doesn't truly comprehend the situation that Thanos he controls all facets of of time reality space power the soul and the mind and that this isn't some kind of grandiose statement that this is absolute truth that he's totally unconvincing that he is completely omnipotent that this rhetoric this this statement isn't just simply rhetoric that this is this is basically the definition of fan OHS that he recorded he B controls all reality he controls all there is he says that the power of the Allies of these superheroes is less than nothing to Thanos that they are defeated before the battle even begins but that the true purpose of their attack is to simply be a diversion that they are sacrificial lands from here we're going to bring this comic or bring this video to an end and in the next video we'll pick up with the oncoming conflict we'll pick up with the true conflict as we get into all of these superheroes fighting against the forces of fantasy so as we get into part 4 of the Infinity Gauntlet storyline we're going to be seeing this comic unfolding from the perspective of eros and again eros is the brother of Thanos and heiresses has had has had his ability to speak removed but he's simply going to be telling us more or less you know throughout his thoughts what it is that's going on here what it is this taking place what we're also going to be seeing here is for the most part in absolute slaughter we're going to be seeing the earthbound superheroes really not being able to do anything to oppose the power of Thanos but the things that he does to them the way that he chooses to defeat them I think are very interesting and if this sort of story plays out in the Marvel Cinematic Universe if Marvel is truly going the direction of the Infinity Gauntlet then I think for the most part with the exception of characters like Cyclops and Silver Surfer being interchanged with other characters that we'll see this story unfolding in such a way to where it will be very intriguing and a very rich sort of conflict and what we see happening as the comic opens up is that Earth's pounds the earthbound superheroes are at the shrine of mistress death they have arrived at Thanos location to begin the conflict but Thanos has used the time gem to freeze time completely the only people who were not affected by the freezing of time his Mephisto mistress death nebula terr axia who of course was a creation of Thanos and The Watcher and eros and what Thanos does here what he sort of comments on is the fact that if this is the force that these superheroes were able to muster together then he's really not too concerned he could simply use his reality gym and just blink them out of existence entirely and what we see Mephisto saying is that there are other individuals with which they know should concern himself with Nathanael should concern himself with the Silver Surfer and with Adam warlock and Thanos remarks by saying that these two individuals appear to be the only two individuals who were intelligent enough to not challenge his omnipotence and I would like you guys to pay very close attention here because again mrs. Thanos demonstrating a vast amount of arrogance Thanos while he's normally level-headed and extremely intelligent ruthless and cunning seems to have run away with the ability that he has seems to have run away with his power and he's more or less being governed by arrogance and the belief of absolute power rather than thinking rationally and simply just any the conflict to ensure his absolute victory now what we also see Mephisto doing here is something very interesting something very intriguing Mephisto is Hell stano's to stay his hand to not kill Adam warlock in the Silver Surfer in addition what he says is that this may be a an opportunity in disguise Thanos asks Mephisto to continue and what Mephisto says is that lady death mistress death just like any other woman has her heart warmed by courage despite the fact that her heart is cold she may find that because Thanos is willing to be courageous that she is going to she may find herself more attracted to him than she previously did and the question that host has is how do I demonstrate this courage how can I demonstrate the fact that I'm courageous when I'm going against forces that have no ability to stop me and what Mephisto says is to not use the complete power of the gauntlet to more or less use a portion of the power that the gauntlet has to allow these superheroes a chance of victory and if they are victorious then he will die in the face of courage and he will earn the heart of mistress death or he will fight and win the conflict with everything he has there by continuing to demonstrate and winning the heart of mistress death and that because Thanos has so much power that this is not something that's outside of his ability to control this element this idea immediately rings a tone with Thanos Thanos latches on to it and believes that this may very well be the case and we see eros commenting on this euro says that this is very strange this is very weird that for the most part Mephisto just allowed the earthbound superheroes the slightest chance for victory however small however unlikely it may be they stand more of a chance now than they ever did before and so he's more or less trying to figure out what kind of game if Fisto is playing here what it is that he's doing and so what we see Pharaohs doing is unfreezing time Thanos for the most part allows the conflict to continue using own the power Jim now the other thing here is that eros sees that somebody is standing over him and when he looks up he realizes that it's only nebula now nebula is someone I would like you to keep in the back of your head because nebula will become extremely important in the Infinity Gauntlet storyline but as the story continues as things move forward again Thanos says that he's only going to use his power Jim and that the power Jim should allow him whatever it is that he needs to do it will augment the existing abilities that he has to the point where he will still be able to defeat the earthbound superheroes and so what fantasy does is he snaps his fingers and time continues from here we see that Namor the Submariner various other superheroes who were on a collision course with destroy and continue along the path that they were previously on and various things are destroyed but what we see as this story continues is that for the most part this this belief and the possibility of victory goes away very very fast and the reason why is because we see the Incredible Hulk using the full power his disposal as angry as he can possibly get and attempting to punch Thanos so to me to assault Thanos but Thanos here appears to maybe make himself extremely large make him take on some sort of mass and he's able to for the most part overpower the Incredible Hulk or at the very least push him away but we see that the actions of the credible word diversion in order for the vision to sneak up behind Thanos and attempt to defeat him but the power that I the vision has is not enough for Thanos to be defeated he really doesn't do much here he simply just kind of shoots an energy beam if Thanos but that's pretty much it and again we see eros continuing to a common here saying that this strategy was flawlessly executed that this strategy was absolutely perfect and that a lesser foe anyone other than Fanus would have been defeated here but in the end they're fighting Thanos and even if nanos were not using the Infinity Gauntlet he would still be able to withstand the power this attack due to the vast power that Thanos has Thanos goes on to comment and say that he never would have expected this kind of an attack this actually took him by surprise and again we see eros also commenting saying that Captain America is leading the charge which is the reason why a lot of these attacks are so well coordinated we see Captain America commenting and saying to continue on relentlessly trying to overpower Thanos to continue trying to do what they can to to defeat Thanos but again we switch back to eros here and eros continues to come in and say that these hopes are vain the possibility of defeating Thanos is simply just something that can't be done and that for the most part he's awestruck by the fact that in the face of almost guaranteed victory that the earthbound superheroes continue at this point we switch over to Adam warlock in the Silver Surfer and Adam warlock asked the Silver Surfer how the conflict is going and the Silver Surfer says it's going exactly as expected which of course means that they simply didn't expect these superheroes to be very successful and the Silver Surfer says that he should be there with them he should be fighting alongside them and Adam warlock says this would be utter folly and the reason why he says this would be folly is because the Silver Surfer has a vast and important role that he is supposed to play here but Adam warlock won't tell the Silver Surfer what it is because if the Silver Surfer knows what it is Thanos could read the silver surfers mind and prepare himself for the attack but when Silver Surfer asks Adam warlock whether or not this is something that he should concern himself with the Thanos may read his mind Adam warlock replies by saying that this is not something that Thanos would do now the whole reason why is something that's not necessarily explained to us in this issue but in previous issues and especially the ongoing series right now regarding Adam warlock and Thanos in the Marvel's the Marvel Comics and Adam warlocks returned to the Marvel Universe gives us an indication into how it is their inner minds work which would actually work in a very warped way they have this extremely kind of screwed up perspective on the universe but we switch back to the conflict with Thanos who is now fighting against name of the Submariner and she-hulk and what we see is that Thanos physically punches both of them he physically touches both of them and when he does some kind of growth begins to develop on them and the growth begins to spread extremely fast and what this is is something that we're not explicitly told they simply just seem to be covered in dirt or seem to be converting into dirt indicating to us that maybe Thanos is either using the power gym to possibly hyperjump their evolution or is using the power gym to work them into something else but whatever it is it happens to take place here the name of the Submariner and she-hulk are effectively out of commission they're no longer able to fight alongside the other superheroes and this again is what we see being continued on with this discussion with eros eros says that the the campaign that's going on here the conflict that's going on here the way that things are being fought is Stannis's forte this is Thanos at his absolute peak at his absolute best he is really in full form here and the reason why is because Thanos always does best when he's put into a circumstance where he has he uses intellect in conjunction with his power and this is what we see Thea knows doing is more or less countering the attacks of various superheroes but it's doing it in such a way to where he has to think out what it is that they're going to do from here we see Thor and Doctor Doom continuing an attack on Thanos and again Thor simply just throws his hammer Eric Masterson throws his hammer into Thor and to Thanos and Thanos seems to be knocked down here at this point Doctor Doom goes to make a grab for the gauntlet and again this was the entire intention of Doctor Doom coming along here Doctor Doom didn't really care about the survival of the verse only and so far that he survived his main goal here was to grab the Infinity Gauntlet was to attain absolute power but what we see as as Doctor Doom attempts to grab the gauntlet is that Thanos is able to throw him off Thanos is able to to shoot him to the other side of the shrine as a consequence of dr. doom trying to grab his gauntlet at this point we switched to Thor - Eric Masterson who was continuing to attempt to combat Thanos but for the most part he's just not very effective here as Eric Masterson throws the hammer of Thor towards Thanos Thanos creates a portal and the portal sends the hammer somewhere else now we're not exactly sure where it sends it at the moment but Eric Masterson begins to panic and the reason why here is because if he does not retain the hammer within 60 seconds you'll turn back into his normal mortal form he'll lose the form of Thor and so we see him saying that every moment has to be counted here that he has to do everything he can to to punch Thanos but as this conflict continues as his assault on Thanos continues we see the Thanos is slightly taken aback as Eros comments but in the end it doesn't really matter that fan OHS is easily able to overpower Thor and what he says is that this is a massive blow to the morale of the superheroes because this was a very high-stakes card game and that Thor due to his vast power and the power that he has while wielding the hammer was their ace in the hole but because of the fact that Eric Masterson is so easily defeated by Thanos it really shines a light on how little of a chance the earthbound superheroes have against fighting Thanos at this point we switch to fire Lord and Fire Lord is beginning his assault on Thea ghin this is simply just a distraction and the distraction will for the most part cost the life of a Fire Lord but in return we'll see that Wolverine is able to jump into action to attempt to destroy Thanos to attempt to kill thanos using his adamantium claws but again this doesn't really matter that much this is just another instance of Thanos using his power and what Thanos does more or less warp the mind or work the body of a wolf's brain warp his adamantium skeleton and what he does here is he changes the the metal the adamantium in his body into a rubbery material and so Wolverines bones are now rubber his body is just simply not able to move he has no real lung solid form and so Wolverine now is completely out of commission at this point we switch over to dr. doom who is attempting to again assault Thanos once more he is starting his attack and Thanos some comments by asking dr. doom if he's attempting to take another shot at stealing his Infinity Gauntlet and dr. doom says that only death will stay his hand that only death will keep him from attempting to usurp Thanos as power and that simply says that can be arranged at this point we switch over to to Adam warlock and the Silver Surfer and eternity has made his presence known to Adam warlock saying that Libra Restless now the cosmic entities are ready to get involved in a conflict but Adam warlock simply sends him off and tells him that if he stays the Thanos will sense his presence and then also be aware of the next step of the conflict we also see that Adam warlock tells the Silver Surfer that to him the Eternity is no more of a piece on the chessboard than the other superheroes who were fighting and Silver Surfer gets angry hear that Adam warlock views this conflict as nothing more than a game but what Adam warlock says is that if he view this is anything other than a game then he wouldn't be able to go on just because the the overall pressure the consequences of what it would mean to fail would overwhelm him at this point we switch back to Thanos as he's fighting out the Scarlet Witch and Cyclops then again we see eros continuing to comment here and arrow says that for the most part the power of Cyclops and the Scarlet Witch are again really nothing compared to the power that Thanos has and the Thanos weighing the options of the power that these individuals possess chooses to go after the Scarlet Witch first and he uses his powers to more or less override the ability that the Scarlet Witch has to overcharge her powers and more or less I guess put her out of commission at this point he switches over to to Cyclops and Cyclops continuing he uses optic beams on Thanos that blasts him with a vast amount of power and then suddenly stops and because he suddenly stops Thanos is thrown off guard eros comments that this is a masterful move and that the basis of this was to throw Thanos off guard so that Tony Stark Iron Man could swoop in and deal a energy shot to Thanos but again the power that that Iron Man has here is just not enough to really do anything against Thanos it's just not enough to to do any real damage to Thanos even while he's simply just using the power gym and so what we see is that Tarak SIA jumps into the fray and Tarak SIA does what she can to physically defeat Iron Man and we see that Cyclops goes back on the offensive and begins blasting Thanos with his optic beans but then Thanos he uses his power it appears as though he may be cheating a little bit and using the reality gym but he creates a glass box around the head of Cyclops and this does two things the first thing that it does is of course it cuts off his optic beams but the other thing it does it's cut off the oxygen to him we see Captain America running to his side as the vision attempts to come up behind Thanos and sneak attack him but for the most part Thanos as it's explained to us by eros never falls for the same trick twice and so for the most part what we see happening here is that Thanos is more or less punching a hole in envision and Captain America in the background is trying to destroy the glass box over the head of Cyclops but what we see is that as vision is destroyed Thor who was previously knocked out into space by Thanos is trying to make his way back to the shrine but as he gets back the the the power wears off the effect of Thor wears off and so he switches back to his mortal form as Eric Masterson and what we realize here as again is explained to us by eros is that the spell that was used by Doctor Strange to make sure that these characters can breathe in space for 5060 minutes appears to only apply I to Thor as he's wielding his hammer and not to the mortal form of Eric Masterson and so Eric Masterson begins to suffocate at this point we switch back to Captain America and Captain America tells us that Cyclops is dead it's like Cyclops had suffocated inside of the glass box and Thanos sort of lashed this off he pokes fun at Captain America by saying this is an emotional outburst and it's something that we he would not have expected from the emotional or from the legendary Captain America but what we also see taking place here is that cloak is sneaking up behind Thanos and an attempt to ensnare him and trap him in the Dark Dimension but we see that as cloak wraps his uh his cape around Thanos that initially it seems as though he might be able to keep Thanos can find that Thanos may for the most part be defeated and trapped inside the the dark area that that cloak traps his foes in but as we see vanos is not contained that Thanos breaks out of the Dark Dimension and appears to destroy cloak in the process at this point Thanos declares that he cannot be in prison that supremacy cannot be suppressed in prison and that his Definity is absolute at this point we see that again the superheroes begin to go on the offensive against against Thanos and his forces we see that Terr Axia is able to rip the head off of Tony Stark and that Drax a destroyer attempts to defeat Thanos once more and again Thanos is displaying a vast amount of bravado here a vast amount of arrogance but he also appears to be losing his mind entirely as the power begins to continue to go to his head and so what we see is that arrows comments euros said simply says that everybody seems to know what's going on here everybody seems to recognize the insanity that Thanos is displaying here that for the most part he is so far removed from the Thanos who was peering into the infinity well and tracking down the infinity gems that in each chance that he possibly had of gaining the in the affection of mistress death is for the most part entirely gone but eros also comments and says that the only person who doesn't really seem to care about what's going on here with Ana is nebula and again nebula as she's described to us by eros is more or less just kind of a a caricature more or less a husk of what used to be a person she's simply just walking this line between life and death and euros goes as far as to say that she would be better off dead from here we switched to Thor and Erik Masterson as he is continuing to try to pull the hammer towards himself with a hammer again is simply just being teleported to a different location but then we see the hammer lands in front of him and when it does when he dies as he's a momentarily approaching death he picks up the hammer and has granted the power of Thor again at this point we see that Thanos opens up a time portal and he sucks in Drax the destroyer and Fire Lord and they're sent back into the earth prehistoric period but what we also see is that sure axia is saying that she's managed to dispatch iron man that she has killed Tony Stark more or less as she's ripped a head off of his of his shield or I'm sorry of his suit we see that uh that that vana says that he loves a woman who shares his same values who for the most part is a reflection of him and it almost seems as though he's getting ready to say that she's a person he may come to love but before he can speak we see that Spider Man shoots webbing in the face of Thanos which again is something a little bit funny here a little bit of entertainment to the dark nature of this story so far and of course spider-man swings in and we also see quasar as well as Thor arriving to attempt to defeat the forces of Thanos including Terr axia but for the most part again this really isn't much of a conflict to Axia is able to subdue spider-man for the most part and Thor Eric Masterson continues pummeling away at fan oohs he says that Thanos wiping out half the life from the universe is probably the worst act he thinks he could have committed and that this is simply not something that can be allowed to pass that Thor that Eric Masterson is going to use all of his power to try to kill thanos even if it means killing himself in the process but what we see is that Thanos he uses his Infinity Gauntlet to Thurn to turn Thor into glass into a solid piece of glass and so again we see this comic being made here that finally people are starting to understand the realization of the truth that for the most part all is lost that Thanos using the power of the Infinity Gauntlet could kill and eliminate all the forces of the earthbound superheroes in any one of a thousand ways and so for the most part this battle again was over before it even started at this point we see Nova arrive and as Richard Ryder flies in he simply tells Thanos that this is not going to happen that no one is going to destroy Thor as long as he is around but then Thanos comments by saying Square not round squares and cubes and he simply converts her I guess Rima T realises Nova into a series of children's blocks again demonstrating to us the absolute power that Thanos possesses here at this point we see Thanos destroy the crystal form of Thor and then we see quasar stepping into the fray and for the most part quasar was a character that we wouldn't necessarily have looked at as somebody that could single-handedly destroy Thanos but given the power the extreme energies that he's able to manipulate using the the quantum bands that at the very least he would be able to put up some kind of a fight but Thanos doesn't really consider quasar to be anyone of any real significance he simply looks at quasar and refers to quasar as the replacement for the late captain marvel and quasar goes as far as to say that the quantum bands that he wields will be the downfall of Thanos but almost immediately his quantum bands are destroyed by Thanos and quasars for the most part rendered entirely useless Thanos then uses his power to destroy quasar entirely to completely disintegrate his body and so now what we see is that for the most part all these superheroes are totally out of commission Wolverines entire skeleton is made of a spongy material the vision has been destroyed by having a circuitry ripped out by Thanos Cyclops has suffocated spider-man is unconscious and Tony Stark has had his head ripped off and so this again is more or less Stannis demonstrating to us that all hope is lost here that there really isn't an instance where anybody can do anything but what we see is that Captain America for the most part appears to be the last man standing and Captain America simply tells Thanos that it's not over until it's over that until all of the earthbound heroes are dead until there's no one left to fight Thanos that there will always be somebody to pick up the mantle and never Captain America he had always lived by the fact that for him good will always triumph that you have to fight until the end even if the end means you're certain death but what we also see here is Adam warlock telling the Silver Surfer to prepare himself to get ready and so we see that Captain America begins to to advance on to Thanos and to more-or-less despite the fact that he's vastly out powered by Thanos to refuse to accept defeat to more or less tell Thanos that he's going to do everything he can to attempt to stop him and what what uh what Captain America says here again is that as long as one man stands Thanos we'll never be able to claim victory but Pharaoh says that these are notable noble sentiments that these are noble sentiments from person who's about to be killed we see that a Silver Surfer says that Thanos is going to kill Captain America and so he has to intervene but Adam warlock says to wait Captain America replies to Thanos by saying that he's always held these sentiments that he's always believed that one man can make the difference between absolute defeat and absolute victory and so these words these this creed that he has is a Creed worth dying for and Thanos simply replies by saying then he shall die for these words and he simply destroys his his shield by smacking it at this point we see that as he's getting ready to deal the killing blow to Captain America we see that that Adam warlock yells at Silver Surfer to run to move as fast as he can and so we see Silver Surfer using all of his energy to travel as fast as he possibly can across the cosmos to where Thanos is at and in almost the blink of an eye a Silver Surfer has arrived at his location and what we see is that the goal of Silver Surfer here is to snatch the Infinity Gauntlet the hand of Thanos as he's getting ready to kill Captain America but at the very last second we see that Thanos realizes what it is that the Silver Surfer is trying to do and is able to keep his Infinity Gauntlet from being stolen at this point Thanos begins to come to he begins to regain his senses regain his sanity and he realizes that he's been a fool here that he has allowed the words of Mephisto to more or less override his logic override his reason and so he more or less reverts back to the old fairness that we knew where he would go into conflict with with an inset with a I guess a logic with a solid mindset in terms of how best to defeat his opponents and so what he says is that he almost lost it all due to his arrogance due to his insanity he almost lost the Infinity Gauntlet and so he wills himself back to full power he wills himself back to being able to manipulate all of the power that the Infinity Gauntlet possesses and so the first thing we see him do is say that he wills himself to clear the entire battlefield of everything that's there to clear the entire battlefield of all the dead bodies and all the destruction because what's coming is going to be a far greater struggle than what he's just been through Adam warlock begins to comment and say that they try to do it the easy way and they failed and so now the conflict is coming that he tried to avoid the conflict is coming that he didn't want to have because a conflict that the universe may not survive and so because on eternity and the rest of the cosmic entities so it's finally here after a week and a half of waiting which you guys have been so patient for we're finally getting back into the Infinity Gauntlet series and we're picking up with issue number five but in order to refresh you guys in order to make make sure that you guys recall where it was that we left off we're gonna touch back on issue number four and what we had seen with issue number four words that the earthbound superheroes had engaged convinence and conflict and as we had seen famous was able to make quick work of the earthbound superheroes and this was for a singular purpose it was designed to be a diversion as Adam warlock had explained it to us there was no real expectation that the earthbound superheroes would seed the purpose of them was to distract Thanos away from Adam warlock actual plan when the plan that Adam warlock had was to have the Silver Surfer intervene at the most opportune moment whereby he would snatch the gauntlet off the hand of Thanos but as we had seen vanos was able to keep this from happening at the very last second and retained the Infinity Gauntlet for himself and so we saw Adam warlock bringing in the second group of forces we saw him introducing the cosmic entities and as we see with issue number five as it begins to open up is that Thanos is confronting the the cosmic entities and again I'd like you to notice the amount of arrogance that Thanos is displaying here what he's telling the the cosmic entities is that the power he possesses is beyond anything they could understand and again this is Thanos being very arrogant the first reason why he's so arrogant here the reason why it seems that he's so so confident is because he possesses all this power but the other reason here is because he does not necessarily have the same wisdom that a lot of these cosmic entities have because they've been in existence since the dawn of existence in this reality because their manifestations various represented representations of reality for example eternity being the very representation of the essence of everything within the cosmos the ongoings of reality itself of course has existed since the dawn of reality so we've seen countless civilizations and countless organisms come into existence and then die and so forth Ana's to appear and to say he knows more than they do is quite an arrogant thing to say what we also see is that Mephisto is being a little manipulative here and again we'll see you later on that Mephisto has his own Mecca nations in terms of his involvement with Thanos but we see that time if Vista was more or less poking fun at eros he's talking to eros about how Thanos would this absolute power is most likely going to unleash it in its full force in order to either demonstrate his power to the cosmic entities or it's going to be necessary for him to defeat the cosmic entities but because such a vast amount of power is going to be released in such a way that most likely it will result in the destruction of eros now he says that because then can manipulate the very fabric of reality most likely he will destroy anything he cares about I'm sorry I restore anything he cares about that had been destroyed and that this may very well in kill include eros but he says that if eros has brought back that most likely he will be brought back in the same form as a nebula more or less a husk of what used to be a sentient being and so free eros this is horrifying euros is absolutely distraught at the idea of coming back and kind of walking this line between life and death not necessarily being considered alive but not being allowed to die and so what we see as the conflict begins to unfold as things begin to progress is that Thanos unleashes this power that he has and the way it's done here it seems to be just absolute power absolute raw ability and The Watcher explains to us and telling us that this is the initial clash this is the initial conflict that the cosmic entities have with Thanos and what we'll see as the story progresses is that the cosmic entities will each take turns trying to defeat Thanos using the powers that are relevant to them and what The Watcher tells us here is that he's afraid that this may very well herald the end of the universe this may bring everything to an end just because of the sheer amount of power that's going to be displayed but as we see as things begin to take their toll as the damage begins to become apparent that the entire shrine that Thanos had made towards mistress death had been destroyed as well as according to The Watcher various solar systems and galaxies within the direct I guess the immediate area of where Thanos is unleashing his power from we then at this point switched to eros then eros was absolutely certain he was going to be killed he was absolutely sure he was going to die but what was very surprising to eros was not only the fact that he was very much alive but the fact that he was being saved or being kept alive by mistress death herself alongside nebula and so what arrow speculates here is that the hatred that mistress death has for Thanos is quite possibly something none of them can understand just because she's going to the lengths of saving the individuals which stano's to test the most and so again this may simply just be an instance of her saying as she absolutely despises Thanos at this point we switched to Adam warlock in the silver surfer and Adam warlock comments that is absolute luck that they survive that for whatever reason they somehow made it out of here but almost immediately after the the initial explosion and they're sort of calming down due to the fact that they've managed to survive this there's some kind of strange thing emanating around them and what Adam warlock tells the Silver Surfer is that this is an interdimensional distortion cascade now what this means exactly is not something that's explained to us this moment but what we see as the story continues is that Adam warlock says that they need to get out of here as soon as they can because if they get sucked into it they may not survive they may be sent to another dimension they may be eradicated entirely in addition this interdimensional distortion cascade is explained to us further once it reaches the planet Earth and what this seems to be is perhaps a weakening or a a love and maybe dissolving of the barriers between dimensions between realities and this seems to become apparent for a couple reasons the first is that at this point again the earth has been moved or has been sort of bumped out of its orbit from the Sun and so the earth is becoming colder and colder but we see that the portal between the negative zone where Annihilus resides and the planet earth seems to have at the very least been weakened or maybe torn apart entirely and so Annihilus is able to enter the dimension of the earth-616 universe in the planet earth from the negative zone from here we see a nihilist continuing to implement his schemes with a cosmic control rod and his force is saying that they are for the most part going to conquer the planet Earth at this point we switch back to Thanos and what we see pharaohs doing is using his Infinity Gauntlet to demonstrate his absolute power to demonstrate his ability and as The Watcher described it to us this is something to behold that the heavens themselves tremble now again the important thing to keep in mind here is that despite the fact that Thanos is able to wield all of this power that it is confined to the earth-616 universe the Thanos is not affecting any other universes that may exist or that do exist around him what we also see is that the Celestials are the first one's to step into the conflict towards Thanos and the Celestials use various planets as a means to attempt to topple Thanos or attempt to somehow destroy him or incapacitate him and The Watcher says that these planets are inhabited although it may very well be that at this point because they're so far removed from the warmth of the Sun that most likely would have kept the inhabitants alive that they may very well be dead that it's not relevant that the goings on of these these organisms these celestial beings cannot be a consideration in this conflict that they have to more or less be sacrificed in order for the greater good to come out but we see that again the analyst is able to use the power of the Infinity Gauntlet to easily not only destroy these these planets the forces that the Celestials are trying to use to defeat Thanos but to defeat the Celestials entirely now it's important to remember that ups isn't actually killing the Celestials he's more or less simply just sort of defeating them here the next group up is or I guess the next individual up is Chronos and again Chronos is able to manipulate the very fabric of time and this is what he attempts to do with Thanos he attempts to maybe somehow bury Thanos within the depths of time as The Watcher explains it to us or to maybe send him to a place in time where he doesn't know where he is or doesn't know how to get back but again because Thanos is able to manipulate all facets of time he immediately travels back to the present and he more or less is able to defeat Kronos he's more or less able to do whatever it is that he has to do in order to incapacitate Chronos at this point we jumped a master order and Lord chaos and what we see master order and word chaos during here is using their respective powers using the respective dichotomies I guess in an attempt to sort of dichotomize Thanos in an attempt to I guess maybe strip away the order that makes him who he is the very fundamental fabric of his existence by separating the element of him that is I guess orderly and the element of him that is absolutely chaotic now what would actually happen in this whether or not he was simply just split into two separate beings or he would more or less be a representation of what would happen if matter met antimatter and he would simply just cease to exist there's something that we don't know because what we see as the Thanos is very easily able to defeat master order in Lord chaos he's able to as The Watcher explains it retain his own individuality he's able to maintain what it is that makes him a complete being from here we switched to the stranger to to Galactus and to the the representation I guess of the new form of Aeon and what we see here is that these individuals attempt to use their absolute power they attempt to use all the power that's available to them in an attempt to more or less override or to overthrow the power of Fano stood simply just I guess encompass him with so much power that there really isn't anything he can do to stop them but again we see Fano simply just using the power of the Infinity Gauntlet to easily defeat them and what you're seeing here is this kind of pattern you're seeing the Thanos is able to more or less just use the Infinity Gauntlet to simply wipe away everything that everybody is to simply just eliminate them almost entirely now again he's not killing them he's simply just incapacitating them or demonstrating to them there's nothing they can really do at this point we switch to Thanos sort of having this debate between himself he's arguing with himself here he's saying that on one side that somehow he may have lost his mind here that these individuals are his friends they're his heavenly brothers as he describes them but on the other side he's arguing with himself he's saying that they deserve what's taking place here they deserve the punishment that he's giving them and that he's going to kill them all but then we see the Thanos begins to realize what it is as taking place he realizes that this is not necessarily an actual argument that he's having with himself that his emotions his perspectives are being manipulated and that these perspectives are being manipulated by mistress love and sire hate and again these are the opposing forces of love and hate within the universe and the house is able to banish them he's able to defeat them in the same way that he was able to defeat the other cosmic entities but then we see the Mephisto makes his mecca nations known Mephisto thanos with hell's fire and when he does he leaps at Thanos and attempts to remove his Infinity Gauntlet and Thanos is actually a little surprised by this he's a little shocked to see that Mephisto is attempting to manipulate him now whether or not this is because Thanos is simply just never really taken the time to read the mind of Mephisto or because Mephisto was somehow able to shield his mind from Thanos it's something that we don't know but given the fact that Thanos has the mind gym and has absolute power over the minds of others were most likely led to believe the pharaohs had simply just not questioned the the allegiance of Mephisto and again this is most likely pointing to the arrogance that Thanos had that anyone is going to side with him side with him because they realize how powerful elite he is and it would be foolish for them to do anything otherwise from here we see the fan oasiz again able to easily overpower Mephisto and is in the process or I guess is preparing to kill Mephisto for his actions but before he can actually kill Mephisto we see that the two of them are separated by the actions of a third party and what we see is that mistress death has intervened on behalf of Mephisto and saved his life by more or less putting pushing Thanos out of the way and Thanos feels betrayed here he feels angry here because for him this is the ultimate step that mistress death has taken to demonstrate that not only has he not gained her affections but that there's nothing he can really do here in this circumstance as it appears to please her Thanos says that he offered her the universe that he did everything he could to make her happy but she simply just couldn't accept it at this point we see the cosmic entities using their power alongside Mephisto and mistress death to I guess intervene while he's distracted and to blast them with or bless him with the I guess all of their combined powers but again Thanos recognizes what it is is taking place here and immediately overpowers all of them and when he does he imprisons them he places them in some kind of a cosmic stasis now most likely as is displayed here or at least as we can see they may simply just be temporarily I guess paralyzed or temporarily imprisoned they're not making any effort to escape their bonds they're not making any effort to escape their struggle and so it seems as though that for the most part he's imprisoned and frozen them so whether or not they actually know what's going on here is something that we don't really know anything about where somebody just aware that they're frozen in place and so what Fano says is that this is the best way for things to function at the moment that he simply just needs time to focus he needs time to be unburdened with the emotions of his feelings of betrayal by mistress death and to simply take the time and the logic to decide what his next step will be at this point we see that Adam warlock and the Silver Surfer don't necessarily go as far as to say that all time or I guess all hope may be lost but they're actually going through the process of trying to find survivors because again some of these superheroes are still left alive and so what they say is that among the wreckage they need to find help but among the planets that have been destroyed here are some or I guess at least one planet that the Silver Surfer recognizes and the Silver Surfer says that he visited this planet before whether or not it was something he had done on behalf of Thanos or something he was just curious about saying isn't explained to us but he says they have to search for these individuals they have to search for these these survivors among the wreckage Adam warlock initially advises against it but the Silver Surfer says that this is an instance where bahi is not going to heed the advice of Adam warlock that the desire to protect those that are unable to save themselves as a result of the conflict overrides the fact that they needed to sort of recap their forces here but what we see as Adam warlock and the Silver Surfer approach this planet is that there is no one left then all these individuals are dead all these these beings that existed on this planet are completely ended or I guess completely destroyed from here we see that at the Silver Surfer actually takes this quite hard the Silver Surfer as is explained by Adam warlock is an individual despite his vast powers that functions in the same capacity for the most part as other sentient beings in that he feels love he feels hate he feels remorse and this is a very overwhelming experience for the Silver Surfer to know that the entire inhabitants of this planet have been destroyed in the midst of all this chaos and so the Silver Surfer says this needs to end Adam warlock agrees here Adam warlock says that Thanos is Annihilus and that in order for this conflict to come to an end that he has to be defeated entirely otherwise he will eliminate all life in the universe not necessarily because he's looking to appease mistress death anymore but because he is in effect a heartbroken being and will lash out at virtually everybody from this point we see that eternity has now joined the fray and eternity is as we know the most powerful of the cosmic entities and so this conflict between Thanos and eternity will for the most part tell us exactly who it is that it's more powerful here whether or not if stano's using his Infinity Gauntlet or eternity using the vast power of the very fabric of the earth-616 universe within itself as a means to combat Thanos what we see Pharaoh saying here is that the prize that awaits him with defeating eternity is something he has struggled for the absolute authority of power within the universe is something he has strived for in this as he explains to us is the actual result of this plan this is really what he was looking for when he went about the process of capturing the infinity gems and what we see is that eternity simply tells Thanos to prepare himself to defend himself but before we actually see what takes place between the two of them there's some kind of an explosion or some kind of conflict and all we see is Oh as a bright light with Adam warlock and Silver Surfer saying that this that this can't be the end this can't be the end of the universe but this conflict has to somehow come to an end entirely from here we see the Silver Surfer and Adam warlock more or less surprised by what it is that's going on and Adam warlock says that the end of this battle has more or less already been decided Adam warlock here I'm sorry Silver Surfer asks how it is that Adam warlock knows this and Adam warlock says that he's linked to the infinity gems in ways that even he doesn't understand and so the question that's asked here by the Silver Surfer is who's come out on top here is it eternity or is it Thanos with the Infinity Gauntlet what he says is that the person who loses is the person who is true and defeat subconsciously who has already simply just allowed himself to lose and so what we see that a Morlock more or less saying is that the successor here is most likely Thanos and the reason why is because the Eternity recognized the fact that they honest probably has more power than he does but that eternity is not fighting logically he's not fighting reasonably he's fighting out of anger he's fighting out of rage he's allowing his emotions to get the better of him and when a person fights in an emotional state they're not thinking rationally and by virtue they can't be intelligent at this point we see Adam warlock telling dr. strange that they need to be retrieved and so Doctor Strange teleports them back to the planet Earth what we see again kind of going on here is this explanation of what all's taken place that the cosmic entities have been imprinted imprisoned but then we get I guess a little further expansion by saying here that causes I guess the Eternity is one of the cosmic entities that has now been imprisoned indicating to us that Thanos has in fact come out on top that Thanos has been able to use his power to defeat eternity and so from here we see that for the most part Thanos doesn't necessarily appear to be dead he simply appears to be unconscious and taraji is trying to speak with him she's trying to awaken him from her from his state and she she asked him to simply just speak to say something to do something to indicate that he's alive but what we see is that Thanos appears in the I guess the cosmic entity form of eternity indicating to us that Thanos has usurped eternity as the absolute authority within the Marvel earth-616 universe from here we're gonna bring the first part of video number five I guess an infinity table number five to an end and then pick up in the next video when we see this sort of panic taking place and we see that the defeat of Thanos comes from what we would consider to be the most unlikely person the one person that none of us had really considered to be a threat at this particular point so as we pick up with the second half of Infinity Gauntlet issue number five we're actually gonna see things move at a crew at a pretty quick pace in addition we're going to see the circumstances begin to flip on Thanos and again this is all tied to Thanos as arrogance because what we see taking place here is that The Watcher is informing us that Thanos has usurped the role of eternity and so within the earth-616 universe Thanos reign supreme Thanos has absolute power and Thanos comments on this Thanos responds tutor Axia when when she asked him about his body and he says it's no longer needed that he's rid himself of something as bases flesh and that he's rid himself of all vulnerable 'ti and The Watcher comments The Watcher says that because Thanos has absolute power within this universe that Thanos can virtually change anything he wants to that the earth-616 universe is subject to his every whim and that this may very well lead to the destruction of the universe or even if it doesn't it may lead to the universe being I guess it revocable changed but what we see taking place here is that again Thanos as arrogance has gotten the best of him that infant knows failing to more or less keep things in check that he has to come to the fact that there are individuals out there despite the fact that they're only mortal that do have the ability to defeat him and the reason for this is because while Thanos has swept up in the idea of having absolute power he fails to realize that nebula has her own thoughts and her own emotions that nebula despite the fact that she's somewhat of a husk has this understanding that Thanos wielding absolute power with the Infinity Gauntlet could simply just be seized from him if she chose to do so and that's what she does what we see is that almost immediately after Thanos serves the role of eternity and while everybody else is distracted nebula takes the chance to take the Infinity Gauntlet from Thanos and when she does vanos reverts back to his normal form he loses this absolute power to rack SIA initially tries to intervene here she tries to stop nebula but she's not able to and so what we see is that nebula using the Infinity Gauntlet restores herself back to her previous form back to the point in which she is a normal healthy being and so she's sort of taunts Thanos here she tells Thanos that the mantle of absolute power rests on new shoulders that she is in fact the one that wields absolute power and what she tells Thanos is that of all the things that she could do with the Infinity Gauntlet the one thing she wants to do most at this moment is to get revenge on Thanos and so what she does is she banishes Thanos and Tarak SIA into deep space from here we transitioned back to Adam warlock the Silver Surfer and Doctor Strange and the residents of dr. strange and Adam warlock immediately realizes that the Infinity Gauntlet has changed hands that Thanos is no longer in possession of it and so what he says here is that things have gone from bad to worse now why this has happened is something that we don't we won't fully understand for the next a little bit but Adam warlock simply gives us a brief explanation by saying that nebula as a result of her experience walking the line between life and death in addition to the past experiences she has had has left her in a state of total derangement and pain and anguish and so as a result she could very well just destroy the universe without really intending to and so what we see is Adam warlock telling dr. strange that they need his his mystic powers from here we transitioned back to 2002 Axia and what we see fan was doing here is be I guess lamenting in a way is more or less remorse over the fact that Tarak SIA has died and the reason why is because while Thanos had created Sir Axia using the power of the Infinity Gauntlet he had not created her in a way to where she could survive deep space and so she's not able to survive she has in fact died as a result of her inability to resume ibly breathe outside of the protection of the shrine he had created for mistress death and so Thanos feels left alone he feels like he's the only one left and for the most part he's beginning to think about this he's beginning to draw on the experience of losing an individual that he held most dearly when a portal opens beneath him and the gravity on the other side the portal pulls him through once Thanos gets through the portal what we see is that he's joined joining Adam warlock the Silver Surfer and Doctor Strange again within the residence of Doctor Strange and the immediate reaction of the Silver Surfer is to attack Thanos and again the reason why here is because the Silver Surfer despite the fact that he had led Galactus to various planets had always led Galactus to uninhabited planets after the silver surfers encounter with the Fantastic Four and so he view stano's as a person beyond any sort of a remorse a person beyond any ability to I guess maybe make up for Argus to atone for his actions and so he feels as though the only thing that can be done here is to destroy Thanos but how it also go as far as to say that there's a little bit of revenge here - in the sense that Thanos had killed helpless beings now initially Doctor Strange tries to intervene but Adam warlock tells him to stay back because the power between the Silver Surfer and Thanos is more than Adam warlock or Doctor Strange can deal with and so Adam warlock tells Doctor Strange to a summon help Doctor Strange says he's ahead of Adam warlock here and what we see is that Doctor Strange opens a portal and when he does he retrieves the only five superheroes that had survived the encounter with Thanos these superheroes being Erik Masterson as Thor The Incredible Hulk Fire Lord Doctor Doom and Drax the destroyer and when they arrive they're able to pull that us and the Silver Surfer of heart Adam warlock begins to comment and say that the whole reason why Thanos is here is to help them save the universe from destruction and what Thanos does is he gives us an explanation as to why it is the Infinity Gauntlet is in such dangerous hands into the possession of nebula what Thanos tells us here is that it's not enough to simply just wield the Infinity Gauntlet that the Infinity Gauntlet has an intense Toller takes an intense toll on the mind of the person who wields it and that Thanos by virtue of his intellect and his past experiences in addition to the fact that he is a hybrid of of I guess deviant and eternal of sorts is it was able to manipulate the infinity Gong in such a way to where he could control it more or less but that nebula doesn't have this nebula does not have the intellect to withstand the overwhelming sensations that the Infinity Gauntlet brings to her she doesn't have the the mental fortitude to withstand the sudden rush of the recognition of all life in the universe the sudden rush of the knowledge of knowing that everything is within her control and so because of this her mind as fragile as it is may very well crack and when it does she may subconsciously destroy the universe and everybody in it and so what we see is that we transition back to Adam warlock and we see Adam warlock more or less asking everybody if they agree to the plan that he's created now at the moment we don't know what this plan is and we would actually won't find out what it is until Infinity Gauntlet issue number six and when Adam warlock and Thanos or alone Adam warlock I guess I Thanos asked Adam warlock what it is that he wants and Adam warlock says that they need Thanos help that is not simply as though Thanos can or cannot choose that day the plan cannot go through if Thanos doesn't agree to assist them and Thanos asks why he says what would happen if he chose not to to intervene if he chose not to fight on behalf of of Adam warlock and the other superheroes and the question is what does he benefit from or what benefit does he gain if he chooses to fight on their behalf Adam warlock replies by saying that he'll give fanouts the truth and Thanos asks what truth he's talking about and Adam warlock says it is to the truth within fanos and this is a very intriguing conversation here because what Adam warlock tells us is that while he was within the soul Jim and while Thanos wielded the soul Jim where as long as it was in his possession that Adam warlock had a very unique viewpoint of Thanos his inner soul he was able to in fact look within Thanos himself and the one thing that he was able to understand here is that Thanos subconsciously realized that he was not worthy wielding absolute power and this is the reason why every attempt the Thanos had made to to gain absolute power had always failed Adam warlock goes on to say that when Thanos first first appeared in Marvel Comics and he was attempting to wield the Cosmic Cube that subconsciously he allowed Captain Marvel to destroy the Cosmic Cube that when he had gained the infinity gems for the first time and combine them into one massive gem that again he subconsciously allowed himself to be defeated and that allowing himself to become one with eternity and despite the fact that he could have easily stopped it allowing nebula to gain the Infinity Gauntlet was yet again another example of him subconsciously recognizing that he's the means to his own defeat that he recognizes subconsciously that he's not able to wield absolute power or that he's not worthy of it and so there's always this part of his mind that creates a set of circumstances where by his defeat will be inevitable Thanos begins to look into himself and realize that this is true and so he agrees to to add a Morlocks plan from here we transition back to nebula and what we see is that nebula is speaking with eros despite the fact that he can still he still is unable to talk and what nebula says is that she's beginning to understand fan OSes hunger for power the hunger for the infinite might of the Infinity Gauntlet and the reason why is because her mind may not necessarily be as shattered as we were led to believe now we don't really know if she's been able to overcome the sudden influx of all facets of reality but what she tells eros is that she recognizes that all of reality is her stew sculpt that she can do anything she wants to with it and that she will never again be subjected to a position where she will be made to I guess engage in activities that she would normally be against now this isn't designed to indicate anything sexual in the sense that she was made to you know engage in any kind of sexual activity it's more of the fact that she would be subject to somebody else's whims she would be made to kill other people or she would be made to conquer other races instead she could do whatever it is that she wants and so what she says is that is a very satisfying thing to us or to her that is a very satisfying feeling to know that there's nothing that can overcome her and what she does is she kind of gives a demonstration of the power she possesses by saying that she's aware that there is going to be a coming battle that in exactly five seconds the earthbound superheroes will be arriving and so what we see is that a portal opens up almost immediately after this is said and that the earthbound superheroes Fire Lord Thor Doctor Doom the Incredible Hulk and Drax the destroyer arrive and attempt to defeat nebula but again she used the power of the Infinity Gauntlet to demonstrate that there's nothing they can do to stop her and what she does is she encases them and some sort of weird kind of rocky I guess force for some kind of rocky form to where all of them are locked in place and there's nowhere they can go and so what she says is that she realizes that this is not simply just the arbitrary actions of a handful of superheroes doing what they can to defeat her that this has all been orchestrated and that most likely this has been orchestrated by Thanos and so what we see is that Adam warlock the Silver Surfer Thanos and Doctor Strange up here and that they're going to do what they can to defeat nebula and again we'll see this plan come to fruition and issue number six so as we continue with Infinity Gauntlet issue number six what we're gonna see here is this story beginning to come to a close now that doesn't necessarily mean that all the action and everything is going to wind down in fact we're going to be covering a lot of ground in a very short amount of time and so like issue number five we're gonna be splitting issue number six into two parts but what we see as the store begins to unfold or a couple things the first is that nebula has imprisoned Thanos in a structure of rock that he can't escape from but the other thing and the more important thing here is that Doctor Strange and the Silver Surfer are coming to realize something that Adam warlock exists outside the realms of chaos and order and in fact may very well as exists outside of this reality and Thanos vocalizes this thought or at the very least he interprets this thought for us and tells us that nebula is completely unaware of Adam warlocks presence she doesn't know that he's there now the reason why in terms of why Thanos knew that Adam warlock was there but why nebula doesn't know Adam warlock is here is because Thanos more or less tells for this Thanos tells nebula that sure her intellectual capacity is not up to task for wielding the Infinity Gauntlet that in fact she's not able to tap into its full power and that if she was she would have immediately known that Adam warlock was there even if on some kind of sensory level even if she couldn't physically see him she would have been able to read his thoughts or she would have known what he was thinking now the fact that nebula can't see Adam warlock is an extremely important thing and this will become a major issue later on although it won't necessarily be in the form that you think it is but what we see is that Thanos again continues to taut nebula he tells nebula that she doesn't have the vision to properly exploit the infinity gems and nebula asks him whether or not he believes he does and Thanos says yes he says look at what it was that he was able to accomplish so far using the infinity gems now this is really interesting when it comes to nebula because nebula describes his actions as of killing off half the life in the universe in a very sarcastic way indicating to us that this is something that she finds appalling now whether or not this is because nebula is trying to step into the role of a good guy here or because nebula is on the inside a good guy instead of a villain is not something that's explained to us but I would go as far as to say that nebula when you consider her previous actions in the Marvel Comics especially when it came to eliminating the Nova Corps is not necessarily a good person but the idea of eliminating half the life in the universe is something that would be considered incomprehensible to all but the most extreme nihilist in the Marvel Comics one of which is of course Thanos and so what she says is that the R or the reign of Thanos in the universe with regards to his possession of the Infinity Gauntlet is something that cannot be allowed to stand and that she's going to use the Infinity Gauntlet to more or less set everything back to rights but what we also see here is Adam warlock is signaling to dr. strange silently and again this is Adam warlock taking precautions to is to ensure that nebula doesn't know that he's there and so Doctor Strange uses his magic to do something although at the moment we don't know what that is but what we see is that nebula uses the Infinity Gauntlet to set everything back to the way it was before now with the things that are coming up with the things that are going to be taking place I'm curious to see whether or not you would be able to predict them because what we're going to be seeing is that things are going to be changing in such a way that some very interesting circumstances are going to arise but what we see is that as a result of nebula setting everything back to the way it was before that of course half the life in the universe is destroyed I'm sorry as I restored but with everything being restored to 24 hours prior nebula s 1006 planes it to us reverts back into the previous form that she had when she was a husk of a being and so Thanos again allows his arrogance to like get the better of him as he begins to brag as he begins to more or less taut nebula and say that when she has the power of godhood she should be careful because whatever is whatever it is that she wishes for will come true and so she has to exercise some measure of forethought but before thousands is able to seize the Infinity Gauntlet from her nebula restores herself back to the way she was before and again what she does is she allows her arrogance to get the better of her as she begins to taunt Thanos and re imprison Thanos and saying that the mistake that he made was allowing himself to be arrogant was allowing himself to believe that because she had been referred back to her former form that she would not be able to revert herself back or I guess restore herself back to normal but what we also see is that Adam warlock appears to be reaching for the Infinity Gauntlet now what it is that he intends to do here is something we're not entirely sure of although we're more or less led to believe that maybe he's going to take this chance while she's talking just strip her of the Infinity Gauntlet but what what Adam warlock does here is it seems as though he touches the Infinity Gauntlet he touches the the Jim on the back of the hand and when he does the Silver Surfer is blasted with some form of energy and what we also see is that as a reason her actions with restoring everything back to the way it was before that the shrine of mistress death is no longer there and so they're more or less just standing on an asteroid which presumably was what Fano city used to create the shrine of mistress death and again nebula is demonstrating the fact that she doesn't know that Adam warlock was here in the fact that she doesn't know that he's left that he's no longer in the scene anymore and so what she asks is how it is that Doctor Strange and the Silver Surfer are still there when presumably they should have been destroyed and so what what she recognizes here what she more or less theorizes here is that this presumably was due to the actions of Doctor Strange this was due to the actions of him intervening against her will and so what she does is she imprisons the hands of Doctor Strange to keep him from being able to use his his magic but what we see phenols commenting on here is telling nebula there was another error in judgment that she had yet again screwed up then that that it's something that she has been fortunate about so far that the errors in her judgment haven't necessarily been major but what she's about to learn is the fact that when she set everything back to 24 hours prior that she didn't fully think it through and the reason why is because 24 hours prior to the current events the cosmic entities were not imprisoned they were still free and so what we see is that the cosmic entities have now been released from their bonds and more or less what's going to take place is an attempt by the cosmic entities to destroy nebula but what we see is that we transition back to to the soul world to inside of the soul gym with Adam warlock and the Silver Surfer and it appears as though when the Silver Surfer was struck by some form of energy from the gauntlet that it may not necessarily have been a killing blow from nebula more so than Adam warlock entering the soul gym and pulling the Silver Surfer in with him and what the Silver Surfer asks Adam warlock here is why they're back in Soul world why they're back inside of the the soul gym and what Adam warlock says here is that his power is greatest within the soul gym that he is bound to the soul gym in ways that he's not fully understanding of but that it's it's such a bind that it allows him to utilize his full potential now the reason for this goes all the way back to the very beginnings of Adam warlock when he was given the sole Jim by the High Evolutionary in an attempt to to take back the counter-earth but that's a course of story that we're not necessarily gonna get into but what we see Adam warlock saying here is I guess explaining to the Silver Surfer what he had previously explained to Thanos or what we were already aware of that in order for Adam warlock to successfully bring an end to the Infinity Gauntlet event that the Infinity Gauntlet had to change hands that it had to leave Thanos his hands and go into the hands of somebody else now whether or not it was going to be nebula or whether it had to be somebody else's something that's not explained to us and in this instance I don't really think it really matters but what Adam warlock says is that nebulous confusion here the fact that she is overwhelmed for the most part due to the I guess sensory input of the of the Infinity Gauntlet of all the the facets of reality in addition to her recognition of newfound power let her in a place where it was very easy to take advantage of that it was very easy to use that to their advantage and so what we see is that the Silver Surfer realizes that Adam warlock and knew that Thanos was going to lose the Infinity Gauntlet and so the question is what are they gonna do now what's going to take place and Adam warlock simply says that he's going to do what needs to be done and that in order for this to succeed he's going to need the Silver Surfer as a spiritual anchor from here we transition back to nebula and what we see is that Galactus and Eon and the Celestials and very other various other cosmic beings are using their power to attempt to overpower nebula and again nebula is able to use the Infinity Gauntlet even if only on a base level and Thanos explains this to us the analyst tells us that even a a bumbling idiot for the most part would be able to use the extreme power of the Infinity Gauntlet to over.i the power of the cosmic entities just because of the fact that even on a subconscious level they would simply just not want to be defeated and so the Infinity Gauntlet would exercise that power accordingly but what we learn that again Thanos is commenting on the fact that nebula using the infinite power of the Infinity Gauntlet is able to easily overpower the cosmic entity she's able to defeat them readily and what we see is that for the most part the cosmic entities appear to be entirely imprisoned they appear to be cast into some form of stone and completely locked up and what we also see taking place here is that nebula is more or less stating that her reign of supremacy is just beginning that her reign of omnipotence has just started and that she's going to be effectively taking over everything now what we see is that she's telling Thanos that he is going to be able to bear witness to a new astral dynasty he's going to be able to bear witness to the new reality that she is creating and that there's going to be a whole new era assured in with regards to the earth-616 universe then we see Fano saying let there be something and Adam warlock says disharmony and this is very interesting here because what Adam warlock has done here is he's more or less merged himself with the soul Jim and by merging himself with the soul Jim he has reached out to the other five gems and when he reached out to the other five infinity gems he forced them to feed back on to nebula and when this happened the Infinity Gauntlet became more than nebula could bear and so nebula through the Infinity Gauntlet down and so at this point there's no one in possession of absolute power everybody has a base set of abilities at this point we learned what it was a dr. strange was doing when he was using his powers and what he had done is that when everything was set back to normal that the earthbound superheroes had all been restored and they were set back to their previous forms and so he's called in some of the more prominent members some of the more powerful and strong members of the earthbound superheroes which of course include Eric Masterson his Thor Drax the destroyer and the Incredible Hulk along with eros and he opens a portal to allow them to enter but what we also see here is that as that Thanos has broken free of his binds and for the most part this is a very interesting set of circumstances because what we're going to be seeing is that while Doctor Strange uses his power to attempt to confine the Infinity Gauntlet that Nebula knocks him off guard and when she does the the bobble or I guess the bubble that encloses the Infinity Gauntlet goes away and so we see in effect this mad dash for absolute power we see everybody rushing to try to gain this Infinity Gauntlet we see that the Incredible Hulk is considering the Infinity Gauntlet for himself eros is trying to grab the gauntlet Thanos is trying to grab the gauntlet and jaxa destroyers trying to beat up the Incredible Hulk what we also see is that amidst the conflict amidst the fray that Adam warlock re-emerges from the soul Jim and when he does he takes possession of the Infinity Gauntlet and he simply says let the conflict in and what's really intriguing about this is that this is one of the four most pivotal panels or one of the four most pivotal moments in Marvel Comics and is one of the most recognized moments and Marvel Comics simply because it heralds the end of the Infinity Gauntlet event and ushers in the story of warlock and the Infinity watch but what we see as as we continue here is that Adam warlock begins to take on this mantle begins to take on this role of trying to achieve godhood as best he can of trying to more or less become a perfect God in his eyes and he says that he will deal with everything that has taken place in his own fashion and initially people are a little skeptical here people are a little unsure Thanos says that the gauntlet inherently belongs to him and Adam warlock replies by saying that he would simply lose it again because he doesn't really desire it nebula says that the path of the gauntlet belongs to her and the question she asked Adam warlock is what right does he have to power what right does he have to the Infinity Gauntlet and Adam warlock simply says the Infinity Gauntlet is in his possession and that that's right enough and so what we see had a Morlock saying is that his power with the Infinity Gauntlet is a claim that they would also they would all do well not to dispute and that he is going to more or less set everything to the way it's supposed to be now what we'll see in Infinity Gauntlet issue number six part two is we will pick up with what all going to happen after Adam warlock gains the Infinity Gauntlet what is it he does here and whether or not Adam warlock will actually be able to demonstrate himself as a true and fair God or whether he will succumb to the corruption that the Infinity Gauntlet I guess involves with regards to people who are willing so with the second half of Infinity Gauntlet issue number six we get a conclusion to this story we get an end to the Infinity Gauntlet event and picking up where we left off with Infinity Gauntlet issue number six part one what we saw was that Adam warlock had attained the Infinity Gauntlet for himself and that he had promised to be a fair and just God and so what we see Adam warlock saying here is that he promises to use this power wisely that he promises not to abuse this power in the same fashion that nebula or Thanos had and what's really interesting here is that for the most part Adam warlock seems very sincere here he seems as though it really is his intention to be a good guy and the question that the incredible hulk has is what are they gonna do about that oh s--- and nebula what's going to happen with them now interaction a story of course being a being that was created for the destruction of Thanos takes it upon himself to say the Thanos is his that he's going to try to kill thanos here but of course Thanos is easily able to overpower both the Incredible Hulk and Drax the destroyer from here we switched to Thanos saying that he's activated some kind of a thermonuclear device on his belt line and that it's set to activate in about 15 seconds and Silver Surfer asks why why would fan OHS kill himself and that oh says that for him death is preferential to imprisonment now he doesn't necessarily explicitly say this but I would even go as far as to speculate that for Thanos if he were to die he would find absolute happiness within the realm of mistress death but again every instance that we've seen with Thanos where he has gone after mistress death has always been an attempt to be by her side to be her equal moreso than a person who simply just exists inside her realm and so what we see is that Eric Masterson takes the hammer of Thor and hits Thanos with it and when he does stano's is knocked away from the newly restored shrine of mistress death and out into the depths of space where he explodes presumably killing him and this is what everybody takes saw and everybody takes on this mantle that Thanos has been killed that Thanos is now dead he's no longer part of this conflict anymore and so we see that euro-step Suppan says that as AZ member or represent a representative of the state of Titan that he's taking custody of nebula for himself and euros has grounds to do this because again as far as everybody here knows nebula is a real relative of Thanos and so by extension she's a relative of Eros and so eros is for the most part just settling family issues here and so the Adam warlock agrees with this Adam warlock says that's fine and he teleports eros Drax the destroyer nebula away but then also teleports the Incredible Hulk away presumably back to the planet Earth and so the only people that we have left are the Silver Surfer Erik Masterson and dr. strange and the question that's asked here by by the Silver Surfer is why why are they still here when everybody else has been sent away and out of war Locke says that they have gazed into his into the depths of his heart they know him the way nobody else does and for the most part Adam warlock is saying here that they are the only individuals who know him well enough that when he says that he will be a God who can be trusted that he means it and so he sends them forward to tell other people this is true and again this is very much tapping into the element of Adam warlock representing a Jesus Christ like figure in Marvel Comics because again if you go back and watch our discussion on Adam warlock if we go back and and listen to what it was that we were saying that Adam warlock was introduced to us as a christ-like figure he had simply just emerged one day he was created he was I guess crucified by man beast on the counter earth during that storyline and of course he had resurrected himself on several occasions and so this is tapping back into that in the same way that Jesus had for informed his disciples that he was truly the Son of God and to go forth and to spread his word that Adam warlock is doing much the same thing and for the most part what we see is that these uh superheroes are kind of questioning this they're saying is this really true can they really go forward and say that Adam warlock is a fair and true God because as Doctor Strange says absolute power corrupts absolutely and Adam warlock asks them if the idea of replacing their chaos the chaos that is their lives with order if it would be something unpalatable and again what we see is that they're reacting in such a way to where for them this is scary that not only would their lives be irrevocably changed if Adam warlock chose to do so but that Adam warlock looks at them as chaotic beings and that his role is to replace their chaos with order to in effect make the universe the way he sees fit and so for them they look at this as though he's taking the first few steps towards becoming corrupted by the power of the Infinity Gauntlet but Adam warlock is able to quell their concerns to a degree he says that the distance between who he was now or who he was then and who he is now is something insurmountable that not even he realizes the differences and that he thought that he could speak with them and tell them that he would be fair he thought that he could demonstrate that he would be a fair god but that it doesn't seem as though they are willing to to buy into this cause and so what we see is that Adam warlock teleports them away at this point we switch to Adam warlock 60 days into the future with Gamora and pip and what Adam warlock tells pip is that they're going to meet someone they're going to go on a journey and he says for the most part that this is something that's happened time and time again and so what it seems is that Adam warlock has manipulated the time gem to travel 60 years into the future on several occasions to see if it's possible for things to turn out differently but what he tells us is that it always turns out the same way and so what we see is they're walking along is that it appears that the Thanos is standing in the cornfields the Thanos is assembly just waiting their arrival but when they get to it they realize it is simply just a scarecrow wearing his suit and Adam warlock comments on this and says that it's an empty shell of what was that it appears as though Thanos has cast aside his old mantle of attempting to usurp absolute power and seems to maybe just be living a quiet life and indeed that's what we learned we learned that when they approach a house relatively close to the corn fields that Thanos emerges wearing some kind of garb some kind of maybe monk-like garb or a an outfit that simply just allows him relative comfort and he tells Adam warlock that he should have known that it would be him that he would come for him eventually and Adam more like more or less just greets Thanos as a friend here at their very least if not a friend as a person who's certainly not an enemy and so what Adam warlock says is that there are no secrets from him having absolute knowledge and absolute power within the universe grants him the knowledge of knowing what all was going on in the universe at that very moment and so Thanos comments and says that the memory of having absolute power is very dim for him and that he asked Adam warlock why he had waited so long to gain vengeance and again Adam warlock comments and says why is it that he always asks the same question indicating that this is repeated itself on several occasions that Adam warlock has traveled into the future several times and that this circumstance always plays out the same way and Thanos seems to recognize this Thanos says that he supposes that he always asks the same question and that is a bit confusing which of course tells us that Thanos well he doesn't necessarily recall every facet of the Infinity Gauntlet event at the very least remembers what it was like to hold that absolute power and what Adam warlock tells Thanos is that he's looking for some advice more more likely advice on how to wield the Infinity Gauntlet effectively and Thanos simply says to either endure it or to surrender to its power and Adam warlock says this really isn't the kind of comfort he was looking for now what it was that he was looking for with Thanos is something that we actually don't learn we don't learn what it was that he was trying to gain from Thanos here or what it was he was trying to get Thanos to say all we know is that he went to Thanos for advice on what to do and Thanos gave him a couple words that didn't really seem to comfort him that well and so for the most part Adam warlock Gamora and pip take their leave they choose to go ahead and leave Venice to his thoughts and what we see is it for the most part Thanos is simply just living a quiet life here that after everything that's gone on after everything that has taken place at Thanos is taking this time to I guess to collect himself to decide what his next move is going to be whether or not he's still going to continue his path for trying to gain absolute power again or if he is simply just going to try to live a quiet life and again touching back on Thanos his character within the the Marvel universe we learn of course later on that Thanos goes after the heart of the universe which of course grants him absolute power once more but for the most part we're left with Thanos here on his personal thoughts as he says that for the most part he thinks that he came out on top with this particular event that Adam warlock is is undergoing a process that he's undergoing a change and that he holds a heavy burden and the fact that he has absolute power and so he has to constantly be on guard he has to constantly be vigilant because even the slightest subconscious thought could lead to the ruin of all and so again Thanos says that he doesn't envy Adam warlock and that at the end of the day that after everything is all said and done that Thanos came out on top here now his statement in terms of coming out on top is twofold the first half is that he's managed to eliminate the burden of absolute power this is no longer something he has to deal with and so his mind is at ease but the other half the second part of this is that Adam warlock is going to undergo something called the trial of warlock whereby he will be called before the Living Tribunal at the behest of the cosmic entity eternity along with the other cosmic entities to determine whether or not he is capable of being able to wield the Infinity Gauntlet with that being said we're gonna go ahead and bring this video to an end and I really hope you guys enjoy the Infinity Gauntlet story it is in fact I would consider to be one of the absolute best stories to ever been created in the the Marvel Comics events with that being said and we'll catch you guys later peace [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 7,708,659
Rating: 4.6039934 out of 5
Keywords: comicsexplained, marvelexplained, fluidicbeats, Comics, Comic Books, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Infinity War, Infinity, Thanos, Captain America, Iron Man, Infinity Stones, Spider-Man, Doctor Strange, Superheroes, Crossover, Mistress Death, Film, movie, Storyline, Silver Surfer, Adam Warlock, Galactus, The Living Tribunal, Cosmic Entity, Fantastic Four, Avengers, Civil War, Thor, Ragnarok, Guardians Of The Galaxy, Marvel Cosmic, Full Story
Id: vxw00NkUugo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 148min 44sec (8924 seconds)
Published: Sat Apr 28 2018
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