The Death of Darkseid: Justice League Darkseid War Full Story | Comics Explained

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make sure you guys hit the subscribe button if you guys are enjoying the content that we're throwing up and uh make sure you guys hit the like button if you enjoy the video and yeah let's begin what's going on guys this is rob and as i was sitting here thinking about this i was like you know i could do the aliens comics but the more i think about this because i asked you guys a question previously like what stories i hadn't finished that you guys wanted me to finish up and people said dark side war they were like finished dark side work here's the thing i made dark side war back when my video sucked and so i was like you know what if we're gonna finish it we might as well remaster it right so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna remaster dark side war and i promise this one won't suck as much as the last one did so here's the thing to understand about dark side war dark side war was the event that led into dc rebirth and it was basically dc kind of you know pruning a lot of the things and adjusting a lot of the things and setting the stage for a lot of things one of the other important concepts to understand here with dark side war is that some of the stuff that we see does not apply anymore that a lot of this not really a lot but some of it was changed during the events of dark knight's medal and death metal and scott snyder's justice league run so uh i will go ahead and make sure that we know what information stays what information goes as we're going through this story but when it comes to dark side world we're initially going to start with issue number 40. now this whole video is going to be issues 40 through 45 for those of you guys who want to keep track or buy it online or something like that it's called dark side war act 1. for issue number 40 there's not really a whole lot that matters here i mean we're kind of given a little bit of information but it's things that you know things we already know for the most part for example uh scot-free is the son of high father on new genesis and for example that like metron brokered a peace between new genesis and the planet apocalypse where darkseid resides different things like that you know just just that kind of situation what does matter and really the big takeaway that came from issue number 40 from the very beginnings of all this is the anti-monitor mobius now initially we didn't know the anti-monitor had a name and in fact we didn't even really know that he had any kind of personality or anything all we really knew about the anti-monitor is what we got in the events of crisis on infinite earth and infinite crisis when the anti-monitor was responsible for the destruction of the multiverse and then we returned during the events of infinite crisis and sinestro core war when he joined the forces of sinestro but this was a huge change a huge departure for his character because one it's established his name is mobius and two he was the reason for the destruction of the earth 3 universe now as part of the lead up to the events of dark side war you got a story called forever evil and forever evil was basically this story where the crime syndicate of america which was an alternate reality version of the justice league where all the heroes are bad guys where they had basically fled their universe and showed up in the main dc universe that was the whole basis behind the forever evil event we didn't really know exactly why that happened and when dark side war took place when that started up this gave us the explanation that in effect uh mobius had shown up to the earth 3 universe and basically eradicated all the life on that on that world and then in turn had absorbed all of his energies into himself and so the big thing that kind of comes out of this and kind of what we're told here when metron encounters mobius and a really good way to view metron is kind of like the dc universe version of the watcher to a degree i mean he's not as powerful as like the watcher in marvel and even in and of himself he's not wildly capable uh he is and so far is the fact that he's a new god so like you know he's stronger than your average bear but uh and you know with the the chair that he has the the mobius chair that's what makes him so capable is because the person who sits in the mobius chair has all knowledge of everything that's currently going on in the universe and everything that has happened in the universe and so one of the things that happens is that when metron encounters and really comes across mobius he initially tells them like you can't do this right like i know what it is that you're shooting for i know what it is that you're trying to do do not do this because i know what fate awaits you you're going to call down the power of dark side and dark side is going to lead to your destruction not only that the war that you're trying to instigate here between yourself and dark side this is going to lead to the end of the of of the universe it's going to lead to the end of reality and one of the things that's kind of hit on here in dark side war is that because we got events like crisis on invented earth and zero hour crisis in time and infinite crisis and final crisis and even the main new 52 event because of the fact that we got so many different crisis events that basically rewrote the universe if another one were to happen the the universe and even the multiverse wouldn't be able to survive it would all just basically be destroyed there'd be no way to save it because one thing to understand is that in the previous crisis events it was more or less restructuring reality is really what it was it was like remodeling your home what metron's talking about here is that if another crisis were to happen it'd be like blowing your home up right that's more or less what he's what he's offering here what he's saying here at the end of the day though mobius doesn't care right he's looking to attain the power really attain a way to kind of go back to the way he was before to undo this hellish life that he's living now we are given a bit of an explanation and really kind of a lot of an explanation in terms of why he is the way he is uh what it is that powers him and this his whole motivation behind this war but we don't find out until the end so uh it kind of sucks it kind of sucks in that way but one of the things is that where metron initially tries to stop him ultimately he's overpowered by mobius and mobius basically says like i want a war with dark side that's what i'm shooting for and so the big thing that the other big thing that came out of this is that following metron being overpowered you end up having the appearance of this kind of mystery woman that seems to be operating you know along the lines of mobius helping him to achieve this goal now that's all basically prelude stuff the meat and potatoes this picks up when you have a woman who shows up in her apartment by the name of marina black uh for those of you guys who are also wondering this art is by a guy named jason feybach it is amazing isn't it but kanto's basically there along with lashina waiting for this woman to get home they asked her are you marina black and when she responds like yeah but like where's my husband at they kill her now this turns out that it's not the marina black they're hunting for and they're actually looking for a very particular woman it's almost like terminator right you know he's just looking for a very particular woman and it makes sense to just go through and kill every version they find until they ultimately kill the one they're looking for now a little bit of explanation here uh lashina is part of a group called the furies and kanto is an assassin for dark side uh the furies are almost like darkseid's kind of elite guard composed almost entirely of women there are men who are furious but you don't really see them all that often uh but lashina is one of the best she's not the absolute best but she's one of the best but what this does is it switches over to a guy by the name of scot-free now scot-free is also known as mr miracle and kind of referencing our discussion on metron brokering peace between apocalypse and new genesis because they kind of represent the idea of like absolute good and absolute evil even though new genesis kind of stretches the limits of credulity when it comes to truly being good uh what this basically meant was that they had to switch sons right so uh the son of darkseid went over to uh went over to new genesis and his name is orion the son of high father who was named scot-free was sent to apocalypse now unlike orion who lived on new genesis who lived a pretty great life and ultimately became a hero scot-free was basically thrown into the slave pits by by darkseid and just left there the result is it became a master at being able to pick all manner of locks and so that's why he's called mr miracle he's kind of the escape artist of the dc universe because there's no lock in the universe that he cannot pick but the thing here is that him kind of going around and bouncing around and sort of being free to a degree he's ultimately hunting for what it is that darkseid's trying to achieve because word has reached his ears the dark side is shooting for a particular goal and so the result of this is that once he ends up grabbing one of the mother boxes and it kind of spills the beans on what dark side's shooting for he begins to panic right he's kind of like okay like this can't be possible something has to be done right so a lot of mystery going on in this this first little tidbit here now from there we switch over to an investigation that's taking place with the justice league this is not overly important it kind of is to a degree because it sort of furthers the story a little bit but it's a little more character development than anything else this first part is really just kind of designed to show us what the different people are doing at different points in time uh but we do have jessica cruz here and for those of you guys who are not familiar with jessica cruz she was introduced as part of the forever evil event and then just sort of kept moving forward with dc comics and the idea is that her whole writing experience or the whole idea behind creating her character is that she's someone who's kind of riddled with anxiety and depression and so in a lot of ways it seemed to sort of mirror to a degree the struggle of jeff johns and even more so the struggle of sam humphries a writer who was who's amazing in everything he touches but the idea is that from the earth 3 syndicate you had their version of the green lantern called power ring unlike hal jordan in the main dc universe power ring was just a coward uh but the ring itself would constantly talk to him and influence him now for those of you guys who follow the green lantern mythos you guys know it was essentially both doom if you don't know what that means you can find out more about that in the green lantern playlist that we have but in essence the ring of jessica cruz is possessed by a malevolent entity is really all you need to know but she was very much just kind of controlled by her anxiety to a degree right it dominated every facet of her life her evolution as power ring in dc comics was designed to show or really kind of represent the struggle of a person overcoming their anxiety things like that becoming a much stronger person and finding their inner strength right so that's why she's here it's the reason why if you've never heard of her as a green lantern it's because at the time this story was written she was exceedingly new but again there's not a whole lot doing here in this this early tidbit right just a few things here and there some some you know little indications of what people are doing and and so on and so forth the big thing about this is that when you have the justice league conducting their investigation that because cyborg is a living computer and can tap into the various intelligence satellites and things like that he begins to pick up on a pattern and what he starts to realize is that there have been these various murders taking place across the united states basically the murders of women named marina black and so because that he realized somebody's tracking her down they're looking for a very particular person who that person is the justice league doesn't know but in the middle of all this suddenly out of nowhere hands just like emerge from the mouth of barry allen and like this girl just pulls herself out right this mystery girl working for darkseid just pulls herself out now the reality is we know this girl is grail right we know that the nature of our character kind of looking at this in hindsight but suspension of disbelief let's imagine that we're five or six years ago in dc comics and we don't know the cool thing is that as soon as she emerges she immediately overpowers the justice league like right off the bat like batman cyborg all these guys they're all immediately overpowered by this girl even shazam falls before the power of the squirrel now she doesn't kill them all she just overpowers them the crazy thing is that of course wonder woman jumps into the fray and wonder woman you know this girl basically reveals that she's of amazon blood so she in some form or fashion hails from themyscira which is kind of a crazy thing it's not uncommon it's not the first time that we've seen some mystery woman out there in the dc universe who hails from themyscira who we've never heard of before dc's done that like two or three times before usually it's only confined to the wonder woman mythos sometimes it's the justice league as a whole but the important thing is that following that while while she basically incapacitates the entirety of the justice league we switch over to superman and lex luthor now superman is currently attending with lex because for the most part lex luthor is currently a good guy and the reason why is because of the events of forever evil the following the forever evil story that lex luthor had kind of reworked himself and when the heroes were incapacitated during that event by the crime syndicate lex luthor led a contingent of villains and kind of reformed them into becoming heroes in order to save the world following that some of the villains went back to being villains most of them stayed heroes that's why you have captain cold here different things like that but the reason why superman lex luthor are together here is because of the fact that there is a former villain or at least a villain at one time named neutron who's currently lost his powers now that goes into the amazon event it's not overly important for our discussion here the important thing is that neutron has the ability to absorb like nuclear radiation to use it for his own ends the good thing about this is that when you have the ability to do that you can achieve all kinds of stuff light super strength different things like that the downside is that when your body loses the power to process nuclear radiation it turns into cancer and so because of that neutrons basically dying now of course superman pulls a little bit of a rare psychology manages to kind of get lex luthor to sort of cure the cancer on his own but in the middle of all that uh they're suddenly met by a communication from diana saying like we need your help right there's some girl who's literally wrecking us and so when lex luthor dawns his new outfit in order to you know travel with superman to face off against wonder woman lex luthor's sister pulls a gun on him and then basically shoots him and then uses a mother box and teleports both of them directly to apocalypse and so following that they're kind of out of commission and so with grail single-handedly taking out or at least temporarily incapacitating the entirety of the justice league she in turn casts an inscription or incantation on the ground which is designed to summon doomsday she also in turn takes the ring of jessica cruz because it's possessed by volthume and uses the power within to basically create a portal from this universe into the earth 3 universe that summons the anti-monitor and so at the moment what she's done here is she's basically brought anti-monitor to earth which is what the anti-monitor wanted and then she basically sends out an sos a beacon that dark side will pick up on and then dark side will travel to and so because of that what you end up doing is you switch over to scot-free and where scott free was initially involved in a bit of a conflict between kanto and lucina when he ultimately tracked down one of the women named marina black of course not the one they're hunting for he uses mother box and then teleported them away along with himself and then when he arrived at his destination he met the real marina black the one that everybody's currently hunting for now marina black as she's given to us and as this explained here she is in effect in amazon the idea behind this is that marina black basically states that at some point in the past she was the assassin of hippolyta the mother of wonder woman right just her own assassin but the idea behind the amazons as they were originally introduced and how they were supposed to function was protectors of the earth right that at some point they would kind of go out into the world and they would protect it the amazons under the direction of hippolyta abandoned that mission and instead they remained confined to themyscira and just refused to leave and so marina saw that as a betrayal of what their original role was supposed to be and so she ultimately ended up encountering darkseid slept with him and then produced a daughter who we know as grail the idea behind this though was that she knew something like that was going to happen like she knew that at some point darkseid was going to arrive here and so the whole idea behind this dark side war taking place between you know mobius and and darkseid and these guys is that she knew that darkseid would eventually show up on earth somewhere along the line and conquer it and so in order to ensure that would never happen she produced her daughter grail who in turn she drove to ally herself or at least raised her so that she would ally herself with mobius and then in turn try to kill darkseid or try to leave the dark side's death and so scott free picks up on this and says this is crazy right this is a crazy thing you're talking about because in a war between somebody like mobius and somebody like darkseid billions of people on the world are going to die and the response of marina is you can't make an ammo without breaking a few eggs right now of course scot-free immediately rejects this not because scot-free is a tried-and-true hero his morality is a little murky depending on what circumstance we're talking about what era of comics even that we're reading but he ultimately shoots this down because in his mind the ends do not justify the means and so this of course leads to marina black realizing he's gonna rat her out right he's gonna try to find a way to defeat her she in turn tries to kill him he uses his mother box and he basically teleports out now switching back to superman and lex luthor there's a couple things that go on here the first is that once they're here and they're on apocalypse superman does what he can to tend to the wound of lex luthor from his gunshot from his sister the other thing is that once they realize they're on apocalypse there's a huge takeaway from this right now we'll find out what that is here in a second because while we're at apocalypse we switch over to darkseid and darkseid is informed that one superman is here and that two uh his daughter has summoned his presence and so for the most part the idea of darkseid is to focus on mobius first that's really the biggest threat and his biggest concern with regards to superman he almost kind of lets on this thing that nobody else really seems to know where you have steppenwolf who's kind of like i mean why don't we just like why don't you just let me destroy superman right why don't i go out there and take care of him or the other guys go out there and take care of him but the response of dark side is no superman is small beans at this point in time i'm not worried about the kryptonian here on apocalypse and so he basically says tell the slaves who exists out there on apocalypse that if they're able to kill if one of them is able to kill superman they'll no longer have to work on apocalypse they'll be spared any future labor that they'll have to endure now one thing to understand about the planet of apocalypse is it is a place of suffering and torment that's true it's about as close as you get to hell in dc comics without actually going to hell itself which of course is actually ruled by lucifer morningstar but there are people who dwell there there are actual individuals there's a society there right there's a society you have different casts in that society you have rebels who are working to fight against darkseid you don't really hear a lot about them uh one because you don't really have any comic books that focus exclusively on that and two the fact that dc doesn't really focus on them is designed to kind of point to the idea that darkseid rules apocalypse with an iron fist and no attempt by rebels is ever really going to lead to their success in toppling him right so it's almost like dc's kind of saying they're not important because they'll never succeed anyway right so it's just kind of designed to go towards the idea that darkseid's just kind of this person who cannot be defeated by anybody on his own on his own turf right on his own planet and so following that you have the justice league who jump in you know kind of jump back into the fray again against grail and then of course mobius basically makes his move kind of quells the entire conflict and is like we're done because when that happens you have metron who shows up here and metron's just kind of like this has to end right kind of trying to broker the piece again and saying this has to end this has to stop there's no way this is going to work now of course he also kind of tells the justice league you cannot defeat mobius here right there's no way for you to overcome the power he possesses you're talking about a being capable of wiping out all life on entire worlds and like ending entire universes right you're just not on that level and so he ultimately whisks them away to the rock of eternity which as most of you guys probably know is where the wizard shazam resides where shazam billy batson got his powers and the reason why they're here is because the rock of eternity is a place that for the most part cannot really be detected by people like darkseid or mobius or something like that it's like a black hole right just you can't really get into it you can't really get out of it unless you know the proper means and so what you end up having is wonder woman using your lasso of truth on metron and then saying how do we end this right how do we stop this conflict how do we come out on top you know is there any way for us to defeat the anti-monitor and the only off the only option that metron can answer is you have to take the mobius chair from me it's the only way to do it and so she does exactly that with the lasso of truth wrapped around him she yanks metron off the mobius chair now understand it's not as though metron and his mobius chair are like attractive magnets right it's not like magnets that are attracted through polarization like it's just the super impossible thing to do not at all it can be done quite easily uh if you have the the proper level of power i mean if you or i ran up on metron and try to take him off the mobius chair that's not gonna happen right but the lasso of truth is one of these artifacts that transcends normal levels of power and it just sort of allows her to ensnare almost anybody and force them to tell the truth there are limits to it but it's actually been used on the spectre in dc comics now the the idea of it being used on the spectre is largely due to the fact that the spectres are so incredibly powerful and and even then he's just kind of bonded to a human host so despite the power that he has it affects more of the human side than it does the godly side but we still know that like it can affect wildly powerful people but while she does that ultimately you have batman who dawns the mobius chair and this is where you come across batman the god of knowledge fills you guys who are familiar with the concept but don't really know where it originated from and so right off the bat batman starts asking a few questions to verify the knowledge of the mobius chair right who killed my parents ping yes it's joe chill then he asked the question what's the joker's true name now this is where the whole story of the three jokers came from now keep in mind this story was written back in like 2015 something along those lines 2014 2015 2016. so during that period it was about four or five years until we got an actual answer from dc comics this right this moment right here is the one that intrigued everybody for so long like we need to know like what the name of the joker is you know and then later on you actually end up learning that there's three jokers that exist out there and trying to find the names of those three jokers but for its part with batman being on the mobius chair initially the justice league tries to talk him down and says hey look like this chair is a level of power that we haven't really messed with before and yes you're capable batman but this is not something you can just do on your own right i mean because batman puts off all the indication that he's becoming drunk with power that he's almost being influenced by the mobius chair there's almost a kind of arrogance that comes with the power that he possesses but ultimately batman shoots them all down and it's just like no like i'm not getting off the mobius chair this mobius chair belongs to me right like i am the only person who can really process all the knowledge that's available or even use the mobius chair adequately and so the result is that there's no way to get him off of that now the justice league kind of resigns and accepts this fact because there's much bigger things to worry about than whether or not batman's gonna get off the mobius chair and if batman becomes a threat later on then they'll in turn respond and there is truth to the fact that there's much bigger threats going on because there are when we switch back over to superman and and lex luthor as they're there on the planet of apocalypse all these slaves just come pouring on them right and attacking them all as best they can the problem with this is that superman's x-ray vision is fuzzy it's not really working the way that it's supposed to and his initial thought is that there must be some kind of lead in the air that's designed to dilute his powers because as we know lead is the only only material that superman cannot see through with his x-ray vision and if there's lead in the air then it would mean that his x-ray vision wouldn't be able to see clearly now of course lex luthor chimes in and says no like there's you know there's cadmium and there's polonium and there's you know mercuric oxide but there's very little lead in the atmosphere and so it's kind of like okay before they have a chance to figure out what's going on all these different slaves descend now lex luthor and superman are able to fight them off but in the process superman is injured and that's when lex luthor picks up on the fact it's not anything like lead in the atmosphere that keeps superman from being able to see properly with his x-ray vision there's no sunlight here and because there's no sunlight superman's powers are draining and that's the thing to understand about superman's abilities he really is a solar battery and so as long as you keep that battery charged up you're always going to be able to use it to its full capacity the problem is that once you take that battery off that charger and then you just use that battery's life up in its entirety there's nothing left the battery's gonna be dead and that's how that works so it's like water in a cup that as superman strays away the further away he is or the longer he's away from the yellow sun the more he uses his powers the more those powers begin to disappear right so if he were to just use his power sparingly he would still be pretty effective but those powers are draining every time he uses them and so you can assume he's at something like you know 50 power or something along those lines but picking back up with the justice league once scot-free meets back up with the team and then in turn all of them are teleported back to where grail and mobius are at that's when the arrival of darkseid comes and the truth about this is that despite the justice league's power their desire to step in and and bring this conflict to an end there's really nothing they can do there's absolutely nothing they can offer in this this battle all they can really do is like fight against the forces of grail or the forces of of of you know mobius or something like that but in terms of actually stopping mobius and darkseid they're powerless here right and that was really their biggest fear was that while they're here in seattle and while all this stuff is popping off their biggest fear was that the battle would start to reach a tipping point where there was nothing they could do to stop it and so while you have mobius and dark side facing off against each other on apocalypse you have lex luthor doing this final gambit where he looks at superman and says okay you are powered by solar energy these solar pits here in apocalypse they're solar fire right so i'm just gonna throw you in it's the only thing that i can think of so he literally grabs superman throws him in the pits of the of apocalypse hoping that it'll basically recharge his energies and bring him back up the problem with this is that when it does he comes out completely corrupted and twisted because the fire pits of apocalypse have corrupting energy they're designed to twist you out and to mess you up and to cause all kinds of problems they basically turn you into your most evil self and so kind of transitioning for a second this is when we get the origin more or less of mobius right and this is where things are completely were completely changed recently with scott snyder's run on dark nights metal death metal his justice league run all that kind of stuff so the the original origin or the actual origin of mobius as it's given to us in this particular story is that mobius was at one point in time a science guy right he was an explorer he simply wanted to understand the universe and how all those different things work and so he designed the mobius chair to be this device that could basically catalog all the information he'd gained as he gained it because the the mind was simply just unincapable of handling all that information the result of this was that during his explorations he ended up encountering the anti-life equation that if free will exists in the main dc universe which is the ability for you to choose your own path in life to make your own decisions the right ones the wrong ones all that kind of stuff and the anti-matter universe because it's the opposite of the main dc universe it has to be the opposite thing and so the opposite of free will is anti-life the ability to have your will dominated by others and so with mobius discovering the anti-life he was basically bonded to the anti-life equation and lived his life as essentially a destroyer the idea was that grail approached him and effectively told him if you kill darkseid you can free yourself of the anti-life equation and go back to being the person that you were before now of course again this has all been changed that what scott snyder and all those guys did is basically established that in the beginning there was simply perpetua the creator of the multiverse and she was the one who created the anti-monitor and the monitor and the four drove worlds and all that kind of new origin right so the new origin as is told by snyder is the current origin for the anti-monitor now how you wrap those two things together how you can bridge that gap is really up to you right it's really your own way of doing this if if you even choose to at all it's entirely possible you can just ignore that right because what snyder did was basically come back and render the entirety of dark side war as a thing that doesn't really matter anymore right it's not really relevant none of the none of the origin stuff that was given here is important anymore but the big takeaway from this is kind of jumping back to the battle between the anti-monitor and uh and dark side because the anti-monitor is the living embodiment of the anti-life equation when darkseid commits his most desperate act in summoning the black racer which is an aspect of death and those the black racer touch basically end up dying being taken to the afterlife that when he summons it in the anti-monitor mobius uses his power of the anti-life equation to dominate the will of the black racer and then in turn bonds it to the flash barry allen turning barry allen into the black racer and so the black racer runs headlong into dark side at the direction of mobius and then kills darkseid and darkseid effectively dies right isca put it's the end of the road for him but like this is where we picked up this is where we really ended last time i think we did the tie-ins i'm not entirely sure if we didn't let me know um but i think we did all the tie-in events because following this things pop off right things go nuts because now nobody knows what to do with dark side being dead and in fact the gods that give like shazam his powers for example are all panicking they're all bailing on right like they're all basically bailing out it's nuts right superman is like a twisted corrupted version of himself no one knows what to do next there's nobody leading apocalypse like it's probably the worst case scenario for almost anybody in the universe okay so picking up with darkseid war act 2 which we never did here on comics explain we are currently joining with the aftermath of darkseid dying and this is where people are kind of panicking and people don't really know what to do right i mean darkseid kind of represented this immutable indestructible force that existed out there in the multiverse and when his with his death which was thought to be impossible people are just kind of shocked by it and so the first person to really express the the concern over what's happened is the black racer is the flash and it's one of these things where you would expect the response of barry allen to be somebody get this off of me right somebody get this thing off of me i don't want to be bonded to it i want to be away from this you know i value life i don't want to be bonded to a being that literally embodies death but instead you know you kind of have this response by mr miracle and saying that like once you know the aspect of death is bonded to a host it cannot be undone until death leaves that host or that physical host dies or something along those lines and the response of barry is no you don't understand i want to control this right i don't want it i don't want to get rid of it i want to control this right so he is more or less being corrupted by this death entity that's taken over him from there you switch over to superman and lex luthor and again superman's corrupted by the fact that he was thrown in these solar pits and it brings out every bit of of anger and and wrath that he has not in the sense that he's driven to kill lex luthor but in the sense that he kind of seizes him and says okay so like here's what's going to happen right like i know you want me to get you out of this place you're not going anywhere right you're staying here because despite the efforts of lex luthor to prove himself as being a good guy superman still still views him to be a bad guy he still views him as being a villain that he's simply just biding his time until he commits some campaign that's designed to allow him to you know conquer metropolis or you know kill superman or something along those lines now the reality is that we as the reader know lex luthor legitimately is trying to be a good guy like he legitimately is trying to turn over a new leaf and the funny thing is that this lack of trust is not a one-off from dark side war in fact when you pick up a dc rebirth and you get into dan jurgens the adventures of uh what is it superman and lois lane or whatever it was called the one where you kind of had like the pre-crisis superman kind of hanging out with the new 52 superman and the new 52 universe then even then he doesn't trust lex luthor but even then he sees him as you know a guy who will always be a bad guy so it's kind of interesting to see this reformation of lex luthor but nobody believing in him because it's one of these things where you kind of feel bad for his character it's like damn like lex luthor's really trying to be a good guy and superman still won't give him any slack but then you remember all the stuff lex luthor's done and then you're kind of like okay so like superman has a legitimate reason to be skeptical of this guy like lex luther's always kind of been a dick but ultimately superman just leaves him there right he just kind of knocks him knocks him to the side and leaves him there and kind of gives him this ultimatum if you come back to earth i will tear you apart right i will i'll kill you i'll crush you just like i did with your armor and so from there you switch over to batman and two to hal jordan and this is where things kind of got a little murky with bruce wayne then hal jordan you know where batman's like dark side's dead the war is over it's time to go home the response of hal is what about the anti-monitor right and the response to batman is he touched the anti-life equation right that tournament into the monster that he is now he's ejecting it from his body and so when that's done he's gonna go back to being who he was before let's just split right let's go our own way and batman actually intends to take the mobius chair back to gotham and then use it as a means to fight crime in gotham now here's the problem with that right here's the biggest issue with that izakana stretches the limits of what batman believes as a superhero right whether you agree with him or disagree with him the idea behind batman is it would be would be great to say one step ahead of what people intend to do but the the problem with batman with this mobius chair is most likely it would corrupt him and push him to the point that he would start getting involved in pre-crime given your habits given my intellect i can deduce what crime or what you're most likely going to do next so i'm suddenly going to arrest you before that happens now i am not necessarily opposed to that not necessarily in the sense of like arresting people before they commit crimes but simply just having the mobius chair and sitting down and saying what have i been doing all this time why am i letting superheroes go letting super villains go free i should just arrest these guys and throw them in jail but you can't really arrest a person for a crime they haven't committed yet and so because of that it would probably push batman to the point that he might become a bit of a dictator and depending on how he does it i may or may not agree with it the waste being depicted here would most likely be a circumstance that i wouldn't necessarily agree with and even hal jordan's just kind of like you know that's kind of a crazy thing but batman ultimately sends him on his path and says like you have to go do your own thing right you have to go to oahu because the forces of the parademons are descending on oh it's the single most powerful place in the entirety of the universe and the pair demons have no leader anymore there's no dark side and they are inherently drawn to power so it's one of these things where it's like go and do your own thing now that of course leads into the hal jordan uh dark side war one shot right so the same thing with barry allen figuring himself out about the flash uh you know the the black racer and so on that leads into the barry allen into the flash one shot and so from there you pick back up with lex luthor who's basically discovered by adora and she's the leader of the forgotten people now here's the thing about this um i'm not aware that adora had ever been featured in the new 52 or even really anything like post-crisis um the only adora that i really know of is like the old school character who was like smitten for lex luthor basically but she was somebody who existed back in like the 60s and 70s right and she was published back then so i'm not aware that there's like any new version of adora floating around out there and even jeff john seems to be kind of hand-wavy about it in terms of how it's written you know he's like well who you know lexi was like who are you and she's like if you knew if you knew of us then you know how how impressive we are right so it's kind of like uh they're people who exist and that's basically it right that's really the only explanation that we get and in fact the idea behind the forgotten people seems to be they're just one of the tribes that exist out there on apocalypse that have somehow managed to escape the rule of pot of dark side or they just kind of biding their time until darkseid's death and the latter seems to be the case because she talks about a blind prophet who basically writes that the night the dark side dies that a human will appear on apocalypse and that human would change everything right it'd be the greatest hero from the world that they hail from from a place called metropolis they would have saved this world multiple times they would be an orphan they would be humbled by by being the child of farmers they would seek truth and embodiment of justice she's describing superman it's basically what she's describing granted he's not really human but the fact that he desires to be one of them and they adopt him into their ranks he might as well be the other thing about this though and that's what's kind of ironic is it could also be lex luthor granted he's not really the son of a farmer but everything else that he's aspiring to he's aspiring to become what superman is whether he wants to admit it or not that's what he's shooting for and so when she asks the question are you this man his response is yes i am now the indication here is he's kind of doing it in a duplicitous way where it's like uh yeah yeah of course i'm the guy you're looking for definitely uh what do you need me to do you know that kind of a thing you know that kind of a uh you know villainous sort of thing that he's doing but of course the the people around him bow to him but adora does not and she's like he hasn't earned that right yet and so following that you pick pick back up with billy batson who has this kind of crisis now this goes into the shazam god of god storyline and it actually left a lot hanging right in the sense that there's this kind of discussion going on among these gods that power shazam some of them saying like this boy will not be my power you know some of them saying like he'll be my vessel so the gods are kind of fighting amongst each other now this goes into the old gods abandoning shazam and the new gods taking its place right but the one of the big issues and we can we can remaster the one shot if you guys want me to one of the big issues that we ran into with this is that there was a lot left hanging in the sense of what happened to these various beings who possessed shazam right because after this you don't see shazam in dc rebirth right you don't see him until we got the newer issue that we did where superboy prime came back that's all you get we don't get anything between now and then he's just nowhere to be seen we have no idea whatever happened to the to the guys that empowered him or anything like that and dc never really bothered to explain it a lot of it was because it seemed to be that their main focus was let's just rebirth everything right let's just like fix this whole new 52 initiative let's make it what it's supposed to be and that was the main focus everything else kind of fell to the wayside what you guys saw with shazam between like the the end of new 52 going into dc rebirth and everything they came after dc's done that multiple times that was the struggle of power girl post crisis after crisis on infinite earth hawkman like all that kind of stuff it's happened multiple times right stuff just slipped through the cracks which i think is really more a reflection of a lack of organization than anything else but while shazam essentially takes off all you really have left are like cyborg and you've got like jessica cruz you know and like i said you only really and you have wonder woman you got like a couple people here and of course this leads to the remnants of the forces of darkseid seizing onto them and kind of initiating a great big huge fight now the the cool thing to come out of this is that picking back up with lex luthor he's taken by the forgotten people and and basically brought to this place as kind of a great big huge power harvester and the reason why is that when darkseid died his omega sanction the source of all of his power left his body and came arriving back to to the planet of apocalypse and the reason why seemed to be a kind of fail-safe that when this happens that it'll stay there until it's bonded to a new host whether it's darkseid or somebody else and so when the mega effect comes back because lex luthor is hooked up to this whole system it'll bond to him and if he truly is the person that the blind prophet's prophecy foretold then it'll bond to him successfully and lex luthor will in effect become the new dark side and so what you end up doing is switching back over to the uh back over to earth with grail and with uh marianna black and while the two of them are talking we end up learning that the the anti monitor or mobius has put himself in a kind of cocoon then he's wrapped himself in this cocoon for the purpose of getting himself cleared up right of allowing him to purge himself of the anti-life equation and so where the bonding process with lex luthor is successful and lex luthor does become what is in effect the new dark side the fight between the forces of wonder woman and cyborg and mr miracle and the justice league that's left and the forces of of like steppenwolf and and those guys ends up coming into full fray when you have them all just sort of battling each other and so when the forces of wonder woman battle basically the forces of of kanto and all those guys you know the remnants of apocalypse's elite fighting force the the battle sort of you know interrupted to a degree by the arrival of big bartender now the reality is that big barda and scot-free are in effect on a honeymoon following their marriage but no one's supposed to know that they got married right because granny goodness the leader of the furies if she found out she would come hunting for for big barta and scot-free and try to kill them both and they would never relent that's the thing to understand they would never relent like they would never ever back off or anything like that they would always come after them even if they were defeated they would go back they would regroup and they would come back again and so scot-free and big varda would spend their entire lives essentially looking over their shoulders and so where she comes in big varda immediately kills kanto and then in turn she turns to the rest of the forces that she kind of tells him look like back off right you stay away we stay away darkseid's dead there's nobody giving you direction or instruction anymore you're not being lorded over by any kind of of multiversal god demon entity whatever or anything like that just go let us live in peace and the response of lashina and all them is no we are not going to you chose to forego the the black oath of the furies you betrayed us and we will never forget that betrayal we will always come for you we will always come back and get you and so following that you kind of jump back to grail and mariana black and the whole discussion between the between the two of them is the idea of the anti-monitor purging himself of the anti-life equation of mobius reverting back to his previous form and that's when you see this discussion that goes on where she kind of reveals that was the whole intention behind it all that while she's talking of course superman arrives back on the scene and immediately goes to attack steve trevor right because it's kind of like you know to a degree you're you're squeezing in on my girl right because superman and wonder woman were a thing at one point in time but he kind of shows back up on the scene and so while all that's going on shazam's basically gone out doing his own thing flash is having this existential crisis in relation to the black racer the justice league is just kind of all over the place right either they're incapacitated they're hanging on by a string or they're out basically out and about having nothing to do except deal with their own personal crises that with the with the anti-monitor finally purging the anti-life equation from himself grail takes it right and that's when we realized this was all based on the idea of her achieving the anti-life equation that's what she was shooting for this whole war was initiated by her even her mom's campaign was seeing the death of darkseid was kind of modified and deviated by grail herself she instigated this entire conflict so she could seize the anti-life equation for herself and the reason why the whole motivation behind this is she felt like death was too good for darkseid that she intended to basically bond or at least does intend to find a way to resurrect dark side and then bond the anti-life equation to him and then in turn subjugate darkseid okay so i was supposed to record this earlier but i got sidetracked watching the megalodon shark movie with jason statham i love that movie that movie is amazing so we are picking up with the the batman one shot and i want to test the waters here with the exception of like shazam and green lantern to a degree because it's referenced not all the one shots are important but they are optional they're just kind of here for us to cover right now by the time this video goes live i will already be out of town for uh valentine's day so i won't really know whether or not you guys care about these tie-ins until i get back from from valentine's day weekend myself and mariah are going out to get some food and we're going to go hang out at great wolf lodge in cincinnati we're gonna have an amazing time so uh this picks up kind of with batman racing off to gotham to do his own thing and the fact is he's actually kind of been here for a little while he's been here for a few days and initially he meets up with commissioner gordon now for those of you guys who are gonna be reading dc comics or who choose to jump into dc comics uh because of this video or any of the other dark side war videos that i've done this took place during a branding initiative called dcu where there really was no continuity it wasn't like you read batman comics you read dark side war you read superman and it all kind of fits into a time frame so like you read one comic and then another and then another instead it was just kind of read whatever you want and so the result is that if you go and you read the actual batman solo series at the time commissioner gordon's batman but when you read this commissioner gordon is just commissioner gordon it was really frustrating for a lot of us who were continuity hounds it was really sort of driving us insane but for the average person i think it was moderately successful all in all they ended up canceling it because i think most everybody hated it but the important thing here is that commissioner gordon is getting kind of pissy and the reason why is because what batman's been doing in the city of gotham is he's basically just been leading to a series of events whereby criminals who were handed over to the police department have to be released and the reason why is because of what we talked about in the dark side war video where batman is basically processing pre-crime right which is to say batman is looking at what people's intentions are using the mobius chair and then essentially snatching them up and handing them over to the cops before they actually do anything the reality is that the justice system cannot arrest you for something that it thinks you might do if there's no tangible evidence to link you to that particular action right so i mean you could have all kinds of stuff in your car and there's no real way for them to link you to the crime now there are laws that kind of deal with that for example like if you're in possession of any kind of drug paraphernalia and you've got it wrapped up so say for example you have like a pound of weed and then you've got it packaged in like one ounce baggies just for yourself they can arrest you for possession with intent to distribute right because you could potentially distribute it it's kind of a nonsense law and there's no reason weed should be illegal in the first place but that's just kind of the nature of how some of those laws work but for batman's case he's handing people over who he's used the mobius chair to determine are going to be doing things like robbing people uh murdering other people things like that but because the nature of laws is that they're designed to be reactionary which is to say we stop you or we we arrest you after you've done a thing as opposed to being something that happens before you do a thing there's nothing that the justice department can really do right there's nothing that like you know that the police can actually do here so they just gotta let all these guys go and it's kind of irritating uh commissioner gordon to a degree but more so than that is batman because ever since batman got on the mobius chair he's become very kind of you know ha ha i know everything and to a degree he was always kind of that way he was always kind of like you know if you can keep up with me then it's just you know thank god for small favors you know it was always that kind of thing but he was never really one of those where he just seems so disconnected from everything going on right and that's really how he seems in the mobius chair he just seems so incredibly disconnected and he almost kind of talks about the chair as if it's a thing that he has to have and he even refers to people as the sense that like there's just a baseline nature to all human beings that cannot be altered based instincts there are people out there that have a base instinct kill a base instinct to rob that kind of a thing it's almost batman to the small degree that he did favor the possibility of people being redeemed has even even really just lost that it's just kind of like people do bad things and i'm just catching them before they do it's a very cynical perspective but here's the funny thing about this the way the batman handles a lot of these situations are actually awesome so here's one instance right there's these guys who are going to be heading to this place called the alpha club and they're well they intend they tend to rob the place ultimately they got a whole bunch of guns so you know most likely somebody was going to get shot but batman basically uses the mobius chair and then teleports them to the southern tip of the arctic circle and is like you're about 50 miles away from a research station here uh just be aware you are surrounded by mountains not the biggest deal doesn't usually get down to negative 40 but it is currently negative two so uh if you start burning the different things in your car using the gunpowder and your your bullets then you can probably keep yourself warm there's a ship that's on its way here uh because it's just kind of making its way through the ice they don't know you're here but you know you guys will stumble upon each other and maybe they'll find a way to save you but uh while you're while you're waiting on them to arrive praying to god that you actually live you can think about your actions and just leaves [Laughter] just leaves he's just like bye and then just you know okay bye bye and then just just takes off and that's he just leaves him there following that he goes to another place where there's a guy named mr phillips but he actually breaks into his ex-wife's apartment with a knife in hand essentially drunk and the whole thing is that he's pissed off because after everything he'd done his wife had basically left him and divorced him uh the reality is that he was beating her and so it's not as though she left him because he was down on his luck because he was running into some problems in the job and she's like you're no measurement at all you know and then just took off to to find greener pastures it's because he was beaten on her right so batman ends up snatching this guy up and then takes him to themyscira now initially the the women on the skier the amazons are just like you're not supposed to be here you can't just come here whenever you want you can't just walk into this place and they're like who who is this guy and he's like well this guy's name is mr phillips and he likes to beat his women and he intended to murder his ex-wife with with the knife that he has in his hand before i intervened uh and so i have no intention of leading him here but i felt like spending a little while here will help change his view on women and they're like yeah yeah it will so you know the theme of scares are going to help him come to understand his place in the bigger picture but that's kind of what happens here now batman in turn makes things personal right he makes things very very personal here and what he does is he goes to crime alley and notice this being the god of knowledge having all this this knowledge at his fingertips knowing everything that's going on across the universe batman could deal with all the universe's problems instead he really just kind of reduces down to dealing with his own because he's exactly what we've always said he was he's a sad little boy crying because his mommy and daddy got shot now it doesn't make him any less of a person because of that that's just the core nature of batman their deaths at the hands of joe chill and so what he does is he actually teleports directly to where joe chill's at and gotham state penitentiary now joe chill is not really serving a life sentence he was serving his sentence but he always keeps getting shot down by the parole board so he is more or less serving a life sentence and he always will because he essentially murder people who are rich and powerful and as we know it usually carries a heavier sentence when you when you murder those individuals who have money and are influential and so the results of this is that the the conversation bruce has with joe chill is one of wrath and vengeance right and that that's that's how we kind of know the mobius chairs corrupting him because when you look at batman whenever he's dealing with situations like this especially when he's usually dealing with criminals the element of using fear is only done insofar as to throw them off guard or to use it as a way to kind of terrify them out of their actions or something along those lines right it's designed to be something that that sort of messes with people's heads right it's mind games shadow games that kind of thing he never really uses fear for the actual purpose of just terrorizing a person right just personal vengeance he never really uses it for that way but that's what he's doing with joe chill he's absolutely terrorizing this guy now some could say and you really could argue he's got a right to do this but the crazy thing is is that he actually teleports him directly to uh to crime alley to the point to the the place where the crime was committed and joe chill almost kind of gets excited about what was going on he's like yeah man you know i killed gotham's movies and shakers and that's why i keep serving a life sentence you know i you know i i put a bullet in these two super rich people he's like in that moment i was the most powerful i ever was i had the power of life and death i decide who lives and who dies you know and then he starts talking about bruce wayne he's like you know i bet that little kid he had nightmares and everything you know he was i was that little kid's boogeyman right this whole idea that he felt like god but he felt like god insofar as he could snuff out the lives of others or determine or decide that they could live and then became like this specter that just haunted the life of the eight-year-old boy who survived and one of the things that he talks about here is that when when batman says like you know give me a number like i know the waynes weren't the first ones i know they weren't the only ones that that you killed give me a number he says 40 that he's killed 40 people because of the fact that it made him feel more empowered now he did this at the request of others he did it of his own volition but regardless it satisfied a personal desire for him and that's the crazy thing is because when bruce reduces it down and says i'm not really here for the 38 other people that you killed i don't really care about them i care about the two people you cured killed here that night in crime alley the response to joe chill is why like why do you care about the two people that i killed here in crime alley why would batman be concerned about that and that's when bruce reveals his identity and says because i'm bruce wayne right like and that immediately scares the hell out of joe chill right absolutely scares the heck out of him because he's like i'm all grown up right the first words that you have when you when you come back to this place is you wish you would kill the little kid who was there so that nobody would have been able to trace you to the crime and you would have gotten away scot-free that's the first thing you do but like i'm your boogeyman now you have to accept the fact that now you're the one who created the batman i'm here because of you i'm here because you killed my parents and so i can make your life a nightmare in this place joe chill i can let word reach the ears of all the prisoners around here who were here because of batman that you're the reason he exists if everybody here finds out you're the one who created batman by committing a murder in crime alley they're all going to come for you they can't get to me batman but they can get to you right so if they can't kill me they'll do the next best thing and they'll make your life a living hell in every conceivable way and in some ways that you can't even imagine so i just want you to know right that's that's literally the whole thing he wants joe till to know the fact that joe chill created batman joe chill is the reason that batman exists it's all about just intimidation and it's all it's all about just terrorizing this guy and of course he also goes on to say like you will never tell anybody who i am you will never give anybody my identity if you will i will make sure that you die in this place and that's really what would happen like batman if batman told people that joe chill created batman they would kill joe chill and so in a roundabout way maybe not so many not in so many words batman's like i will have you killed in this place that's basically what he's saying now of course once he gets back directly to uh to the the bat cave and you have alfred there waiting on you know with drinks and that kind of a thing and dinner to kind of help him get together batman start is basically bleeding from the ears and the nose and the mouth and the reason why is because the chair is one of these things where it doesn't necessarily have a mind of its own but processing all that information kind of creates a bond or a link between the person and the chair and so if you start using the mobius chair for the for means that it wasn't meant to be used for personal gratification different things like that essentially defying the will of the chair then it'll in turn cause problems now the other thing this kind of hit out here is that there almost seems to be a parasitic relationship here in the sense that if it was symbiotic batman gains something to chair gain something and then they just both kind of go forward but batman's struggling the way that he is bleeding the way that he is he goes as far as to say that he's sustained by the chair right the chair feeds it basically keeps him uh nourished he doesn't have any need for food or water or anything along those lines that it does satisfy a need of the chair in that way but it's taking a toll on bruce wayne it's killing it in effect right because while bruce wayne may very well be sustained the chair itself almost seems to be sucking the life out of him and that's that seems to be one of the reasons why only new gods only somebody like metron or a person like that who has who is why all standards of measurement uh immortal in comparison to whatever means of destruction are available out there right he's not truly indestructible he can be killed but it's very very difficult to do but because you have to have a kind of physiology to be able to withstand the rigors of the chair that it wasn't really meant for mortal men and so because of that it's taking the toll on batman now alfred really kind of asked him like why don't you just leave the chair the sponsor bruce is well i can leave it any time i want to notice this it's almost like a drug or like an addiction of some kind right bruce believes he has to have the chair he needs the chair and so there's almost kind of a mental link in that way he talks like an addict well i can quit anytime i want i can quit drugs anytime i want i can stop drinking anytime i want i can quit gambling anytime i want i got 10 to 1 odds i can stop tomorrow you know it's that kind of a thing but ultimately he just doesn't acquiesce he just stays on the chair now there almost seems to be a kind of physical link in the sense of batman cannot actually get up the chair is keeping in there but we don't really get enough information to know whether or not that's the case it just kind of seems to me he tries to stand up and he can't really do it almost as if he he is attempting to get himself out of the chair but doesn't actually want to leave right maybe you know not faking it or anything like that but it's just a desire to stay in the chair and to maintain all that information and so ultimately he says like me being in this chair is really what's best for gotham me having this at my disposal this is the best thing for us because now i can do a better job of one keeping gotham under control but two i can focus on the one thing that has plagued me ever since i became batman the one guy that i've never been able to figure out the person whose entire existence is as much an enigma to me as it is seemingly everybody else his whole focal point now that he has this knowledge with regards to the mobius chair is to figure out a way to understand who the joker is where he came from and what his whole story is about now for those of you guys who want to continue off from where this whole idea about the jokers continues we have the story the three jokers down in the description you can watch that because that'll actually pick up immediately after this not directly and you know it wasn't really written until about five years after the story was published but in terms of chronology and in terms of fitting into what's going on with batman right now it fits in later what's going on guys this is rob and we are picking back up again with uh dark side war and in this instance we're covering the shazam one shot when billy batson gets a new pantheon of gods now here's a crazy thing about this right this was probably one of the most anticipated and exciting things to come out of dark side war and for those of you guys who are new to comic books this is usually how it works right if you guys are familiar with comics that's awesome bear with me here for a minute while we kind of get people who are not really familiar with comics caught up so usually when it comes to a particular character or team more often than not uh publishers or at least it used to be this way publishers would use like big landmark events as a way to kind of reshuffle and change things more recently it just kind of changes based on any one new particular writer right they just kind of introduce a story arc shift things up and then some kind of change gets made that just gets carried on from that point going forward with dark side war this is one of the instances when dc was just kind of like let's change things up for shazam right let's shift things around and let's let's introduce like a new pantheon of gods right now is as it is a good time as any and so what we ended up getting was that during the main dark side war event following the death of darkseid there was this kind of ripple effect that was sent throughout essentially the the realm of the gods and the results of this is that billy batson lost his connection to the old gods mercury and and zeus and and so on and so forth you know solomon and whatnot and he was replaced or really was replaced with a with a new god and even then even inside of this is called the six gods of antiquity antique gods that's kind of what they're referred to as now when this happens there's this kind of huge influx of all these different voices that come pouring into his head because for the most part they're as new to this as he is right they're not really sure why they're bound to him and he's not really sure where these new gods came from it's suddenly just this huge influx of voices from all these various beings he's discovering new powers the ability to manipulate what's called the living fire as opposed to simply just being the the living lightning in a traditional sense and so it leads to them kind of goading him on and almost kind of just being like you know shout the word right you know say shazam different things like that and ultimately he initially does but then suddenly he's whisked away basically to the source now the way that dc explains this is that gods in dc comics never actually die instead they're basically taken to the source now the important thing to understand here this is kind of a jack kirby thing but kind of not uh the reason why i say that is is back in the 70s when jack kirby left marvel and then went to dc comics he had his whole fourth world right the idea of jack kirby doing that he kind of sidetracked from this for a second the idea of jack kirby introducing like darkseid and all those guys in the old the old fourth world comics was to create like a holy separate publication that didn't really have anything to do with the mainline dc comics kind of what you see now with like vertigo right it's like lucifer and like the specter things like that spectre crosses over more often than not but you've never really seen a story where like superman and wonder woman in the justice league have to like align themselves with lucifer morningstar to face off against some kind of threat uh but the idea with the fourth world was to make it wholly separate and unique and the source was a part of that and all that kind of good stuff the whole thing behind this is that following him leaving dc all the fourth world stuff was rolled over into the main dc universe which is why you have dark side it's part of like the the new 52 or you had dark side even before that he would face off against superman and things along those lines but the idea of god's dying and going to the source was a concept that jack kirby had thought of but not one that was routinely used and in fact it really wouldn't be until neil gaiman's eternals in marvel comics that that concept by jack kirby was actually used more prominently when you figured out that's where the celestials go that when celestials and marvel comics die they go to a kind of afterlife for the celestials they rejoin quote unquote marvel's version of the source that's kind of rolled over here right so it's one of those things where it was kind of created by dc but not really never never really used that it was used by marvel then it was used by dc but it all really kind of roots back to jack kirby which is why he's considered to be one of the most landmark people out there but what dc basically establishes here is that the old gods that shazam was previously tied to are not really dead they simply just rejoin the source and at some point along the line it basically opens the door for them to return in some form or fashion so like solomon hercules atlas zeus achilles mercury they're not really tied to uh to shazam anymore instead he's got a whole new pantheon but the crazy thing about this is that when steve orlando wrote this it was designed to kind of springboard into a new series of shazam stories and a lot of that was because shazam's comics is as interesting as he was and as hardcore as his fan following is even they would have to admit the biggest problem with billy batson is the story's run stagnant that they don't really do a lot with his character he's there but the last time he really had anything great was during the early 90s when you learned that like when he turns into shazam he turns into what he remembers his father looking like or what he what he imagines his father to look like or something along those lines like that's it right there really haven't been a lot of meaningful moments behind billy batson and so this was kind of designed to say okay well let's just get rid of his old gods replace them with new gods and then go from there and so what we're basically told is that in this interim moment like this this split moment of a second between the time that that dark side died and the time that billy was given these new these new abilities that time was kind of frozen to a degree that it works differently when it comes to gods but the idea is the old gods were removed the new guys were put in but it was an incomplete process that the wizard shazam was the one who started it but before the transition could be completed that a villain named zonus had basically struck and he was kind of going through the process of essentially eliminating or taking over all these old gods and then kind of empowering himself and what we're basically told is that before darkseid or any of those guys there was just like this this kind of butcher right this this primal inspiration for suffering right he's basically given to us as like the original incarnation of evil now again this is not really designed to stand alongside vertigo it's designed to stand kind of alone from vertigo right so that's why you don't really see any correlation here with regards to how this guy zone is compares to like lucifer morningstar or something like that just no real there's dc doesn't just doesn't really cross those things over too much but the idea is that shazam having this new level of power would basically put him in a position to overpower zonus right to kind of confine him back to where he's supposed to be and so in the midst of that conversation when he's talking to this woman uh annapelle you know as part of his new pantheon suddenly he's yanked away and he ends up coming into uh this guy who basically refers to himself as siva the dancer of destruction and each one of these instances each one of these gods that he comes across with kind of gives them a little a little more of a piece of the puzzle right that in the sense that where zone is kind of gone in this campaign of cruelty and whatnot that ultimately he was defeated right and when he was defeated his cruelty was replaced with his son's cruelty that his son became you know equally cruel to him and so the result of this is that when he's met with these new powers they kind of question him whether or not he could actually use these powers effectively whether he could channel these abilities in the right way to actually defeat zonus like does this kid have the power to pull that off but before he's really able to provide any credible evidence to the fact that he can do this outside of you know don't question what it is that i'm capable of if that's if you guys really see me as just some common mortal then none of you really understand what i'm about then suddenly he's yanked away and then he's brought to the presence of a woman by the name of ate who's the goddess of impulse and the way she kind of explains herself here is really intriguing she really establishes the idea that where the other people lend him particular abilities she lends him a concept right she lends him the idea of being impulsive and this could be looked at as a bad thing but not necessarily and the reason why is because whenever two foes go into conflict with each other there's this kind of expectation in terms of how things will play out right in the sense that zonus kind of being this ancient evil that is basically returned would look at billy batson in a lot of ways underestimate him right or at the very least say okay if you're empowered by these gods that i'm familiar with then knowing those gods as i do i would expect you to act something in the same fashion because why else would they give you their powers and even then he would look at him as somebody just being an earthling and say okay as a person from earth i can expect you to act like most earthlings impulsiveness kind of grants this sort of distraction right this idea that you know it kind of throws them off guard like well what is he going to do next that kind of a thing acting in an impulsive manner and even then it's kind of expanded to a degree right the idea that you know this this offering that she brings him could be something that could distract him from the beating he's going to get now she's not really saying that insofar as something being beneficial she's kind of staying from the perspective of like you're probably gonna get wrecked right so not really having a whole lot of faith in him but again before he's able to kind of explain it to her before he's able to offer any real indication of what it is that he's about he suddenly yanked away again and he's almost brought to to this guy who looks very similar to what we would expect from like certain or even like hephaestus from greek mythology now he calls himself ron muir which he kind of says like there is nobody else out there like me now the truth about this is he grants him what's called the living fire which is more or less something akin to the living lightning we didn't really we don't really know the full effect of what his fire can do the full-on like level of durability and and you know how it compares to something like hellfire or something along those lines because of course he's yanked away and then suddenly he's brought before the wizard shazam who's facing off against zonus that with zona's being free that now he's going through and trying to take out each one of these individual gods now when he shows up here billy of course watches the wizard get into this conflict and then zones reveals his true nature in saying that he's basically yuga khan right the sire of evil that he's the actual father of dark side now this is not the first time that we've seen yuga khan in dc comics he existed long before this but you know the last time we'd previously seen him he was locked away in the source wall so presumably he had managed to find some way to escape now the fact that he's here is one of these things where it's kind of like he intends to use his power combined with the powers of the other gods presumably through billy batson to basically raise the world and kind of sees his son as a failure right the idea that like he's picking up where darkseid left off that dark side was just not strong enough to be able to overtake the world he wasn't strong enough to be able to overtake earth's superheroes but that yuga khan himself can now the idea behind this was to kind of again springboard into like new stories that could be told coming in the aftermath of dark side war and initially like he just kind of takes off right headed towards earth now billy batson of course transforms into the wizard shazam and brandishing the power of these new gods that he possesses goes toe-to-toe with yuga khan and is able to actually overpower him just by the the strength speed durability all that kind of stuff he's able to overpower him even when you have yuka khan who's playing mind games and saying like nothing you do can stop me and i will take your friends and i will put them in the kilns and you will watch them burn and you will smell them as they die like just all these these horrible things that he's putting inside of his head at the end of the day none of it matters and he's still able to present himself as the earth's mightiest mortal now that's the point that billy was trying to get across to all these new gods who questioned whether or not he would have the ability to overcome somebody like yuga khan and saying that the beauty of humanity is that we're not inherently limited that a lot of races out there or a lot of beings out there may be confined to this kind of world view or this view of their existence or something like that and in that limitation they quite literally cannot think outside the box but humans are driven and powered by their imagination and the things that come with it and so because that billy doesn't really see any limits to his power and it's one of these rare instances when you see him almost kind of like a level of power that seemingly has no real limit now the reason why i say that is because there are big differences between the powers that billy had before and the powers he has now a lot of them are still the same having like super strength and like super speed and things like that right the lightning of mammorag and that's that's not really a huge difference in what we saw before but having this kind of boldness that comes from eight right the ability to manipulate the power of the source which came from zones having the ability to manipulate the fires of ranmir this was all brand new stuff but no matter how you slice it the result is that he overpowers yuga khan and then essentially knocks him out and so when that happens we have a couple things that happen the first is that we learn the actual name of the wizard shazam who says his name's mamaragan right so this is kind of a big reveal when it first happened and that man moragan was basically the fifth god that billy was getting his powers from the sixth source of his power came from yuba khan himself but the important takeaway from all this is that billy basically had a new source of power that he could use in stories going forward the downside of this is we never really saw anything come of it right because dark side war ended and then dc comics almost immediately picked up with the events of rebirth and just kind of blew all this off right so dark side war was just kind of ignored seemingly across the board outside of reference to the fact that it happened we didn't really see anything from billy batson outside of him showing up in like a constantine comic maybe some wonder woman stories but nothing of any real significance to give us this idea that like steve orlando's vision of catapulting into like a new era of storytelling focusing on shazam with a whole new level of power we never got to see that right which is really disappointing when you think about it because it was a way to just breathe fresh life into a character who for quite some time has seemingly just kind of become stagnant all right what's going on guys this is rob and we are picking back up again with dark side war this time we're covering the flash one shot the flash tie into everything that's going on now keep in mind these tie-ins take place between the ending of act two and the beginning of act three but one thing that i want to draw your attention to is a question that i got from a lot of you guys in the comments section who were asking how it is that like the black racer slash the black flash because they're basically the same thing how those characters relate to like death of the endless versus necron and different things like that because any guy anybody who's been reading dc comics for quite some time knows that there's all these different versions of death right necrons like death for the green lanterns and like the black racer slash the black flash is death for the new gods and the flashes and so on and so forth so here's the important thing to understand here in dc comics you only really have one absolute representation of death and that's death of the endless that's really all it is everybody else is really more akin to like cheron right the fairy man from greek mythology who would take people across the river styx that's really all they are in in some form or fashion right necron is almost kind of like this being that sort of stands in this kind of purgatory-like place um and those individuals who basically die kind of pass through his realm which sits as what most people refer to as a temporary way station until they actually go to the realm of death of the endless where they live their eternal life and whatever afterlife awaits them uh the black racer the black flash functions more or less the exact same way the black racer aspect is what takes the new gods from their existence to the realm of death and the black flash does the exact same thing but for speedsters the difference is that when speedsters die they join the speed force right that's kind of their afterlife um now a lot of this really came by way of action comics number 894 which was the aftermath to blackest night and there's a point where lex luthor actually encounters death of the endless and asks the question about blackest night right like was that you were you the reason why people were coming back from the dead and the answer that death gives is not necessarily a direct one like no i didn't do that here's how it happened that's not really the answer that we get instead it's just kind of like yeah i saw all that go on and it seemed like everybody was having a lot of fun people do escape the realm of death i am pretty busy and so what that really pointed to is the idea that necron is not a representation of death of the endless as far as as it pertains to the green lanterns necron is a wholly different entity of his own court and that he was basically able to bring people from the realm of the dead into the realm of the living hence the blackest night event so it's not as though all these different avatars are just aspects of death they're just beings that are out there and this is really shown by the level of power they have necron can be defeated the black racer the black flash they can be defeated death of the endless cannot be defeated if death of the endless were to show up and face off against the justice league they would all die like she represents a concept in ideology and so the only way the death of the endless could truly perish is if all things simply just cease to exist so having said that this basically picks up with barry allen once he's bonded to the black racer and the revelation that he had basically killed darkseid while he was imbued to the black racer using the anti-life equation as it was controlled by mobius and one of the things this kind of hit on here is sort of a repeat of what we had previously seen in the sense that he doesn't really want to be separated from the black racer or the black flash that he wants to control it but this is kind of like an internal struggle because it's not as though barry's operating of his own accord and in fact he manages to seize control if only for a moment and then breaks away from the black racer right literally manages to separate himself and then he just runs as fast as he possibly can uh that that he can basically outrun death now this is the second time we've seen this the first time we saw it we didn't necessarily see it happen it wasn't really until you got to like flash rebirth in the aftermath of final crisis that we actually found out what was going on right in the original crisis on infinite nurse event barry allen was believed to have been dead which paved the way for wally west to become the new flash over the course of the entirety of the 90s and the mid to late 2000s but when barry allen came back in 2009 with final crisis and then that was followed up with flash rebirth by jeff johns it basically gave us this this depiction or kind of established to us that following the events of crisis on infinite earth that barry allen had just been outrunning death all this time and that during the events of final crisis he was able to literally escape the the speed force and basically get away from death and so because of that very outrunning death this is not a new concept but it's also a little bit different here because of the fact that there's a there's almost kind of understanding between the two of them in the sense that it's one of these things where death sort of plays these games and says like or at least the black racer plays these games and says if if darkseid himself could not conquer me what chance do you think you have and even kind of makes these things of like death is precious to you death created you right death created you when it took her right when it took your mom nora allen now of course we know that eobard thon killed nora allen but death was kind of like the follow-up right like she died and then she was whisked away by death but it's one of these things where notice that uh the black racer doesn't really say me he doesn't say like you know when i took her right i am precious to you i created you that's not really what what's being said here it's death did this right so whisking barry allen off to the realm of death is more or less what what this whole thing is but in that moment he has this kind of of he kind of gets this back and forth and he actually ends up not really coming to terms with the black racer but kind of having this bit of a conversation with the black racer and this is a really cool moment here right because what ends up happening is the black racer basically says like this is central city right when they kind of stop for a minute he says like this is central city right this is the home of the flash that which the flash fought and protected for eons right 2.5 million people live here now one of the things that the black racer says is like i am what you need to learn if life is to continue now look at the streets that you would protect this is an important thing here because barry allen has largely just ran away from death that's the story of barry allen there is truth to the statement that death created barry there is an absolute truth there that in the aftermath of barry allen's mom dying that that her death and the concept of death have basically dominated his life right the entire flashpoint event was based on him trying to go back in time and save his mom's life and keep her from dying which he succeeded in doing and then turn the whole world upside down in an alternate timeline but like christ is on infinite earth outrunning death for 20 years until he managed to come back constantly trying to get away from death just refusing to die and it's one of these things where it's like this has to happen right like death has to exist and death has to have a host and black racer kind of races off you know just kind of takes off and it's like i'm going to kill everybody and it's like you know can barry allen possibly stop this from happening and as barry does this and as barry chases down this black racer and bears witness to all these various people who are dying barry comes to the realization that this has to happen that if death does not have a host that death would just run rampant there'd be nobody to curtail death there'd be nobody to reel it in nobody to keep it kind of chained and occurring and operating the way it's supposed to now there's precedence for this we saw that with hal jordan when he was bonded to the specter right in the aftermath of like emerald twilight and all that kind of stuff that hal jordan became the new host for the spectre and then eventually they were separated and the spectre had no hosts and so the spectre went on a war path right the representation of god's vengeance just went on this absolute war path and so the idea is that if black racer functions more or less the same way even if it's only a concept or something akin to the idea of death if there's no one there to chain it it would just run rampant because all it does is kill people and so there'd be no discerning factor there there'd be no instance of like you know this guy's 26 years old in the prime of his life there's nothing wrong with him he didn't walk in front of a vehicle or anything like that it's not his time and death would just snatch him up because death just kills right and it would kill indiscriminately and so because of that it's one of these things where barry basically realizes that the only way for this to work right the only way for him to successfully bond to to the black racer is for him to take a life to kind of cement the relationship between the two that with barry allen taking a life using the scythe of the black racer that in turn it would make him into the new black racer right he would basically become the new living embodiment for the black flash black racer what have you and so he actually ends up going directly to iris west now it's not really done with the intention of killing iris west that's not his goal here the reason why he ran to iris west and is something that she begins to pick up on when he basically brands the scythe and transforms into the black flash is she realizes you came here because you know i'm the only one that can stop you right i'm the only one that can keep you from doing this i'm the only one that can pull you back from the brink if this was anybody else if it was anybody else out there in the world you would have struck them down with a scythe and it would have been the end of them they would have died and you would officially become the black racer but even if only on a subconscious level you knew that i could pull you back you couldn't bring yourself to kill me and so in that moment the idea of barry being taken over by the black black racer is temporarily halted and the black racer even in an effort to kind of tempt barry allen jumps like kind of manifest in different forms then like in turn what would happen you know maybe i should just see what would happen if gorilla grodd had my power what kind of pandemonium and chaos that he could bring to this place and so barry kind of says okay fine so just one life all i have to do is take one life and then it'll cement us and and the black racer is like yes and he's like okay you got it i'm gonna kill you and immediately chases after the black racer right now when this happens a black racer's like what that's not how this is supposed to be right that's not how this is supposed to work and and like immediately just goes fleeing right so like the shoe is totally on the other foot and it's like begging barry allen to stop now ultimately barry allen drawing the scythe back does manage to kill the black racer right he kills the black flash the problem with this is that as soon as that happens he's almost kind of greeted with like this sort of depiction of his mom with this kind of you know afterlife s concept but when he kills the black racer like the black racer as an ideology right the the kind of representation of death is just totally unhinged right it's completely and totally released death is 100 free for the first time now remember this is kind of a this is kind of dc playing it fast and loose right dc saying the black racer kind of is or maybe it's not a version of death so you can just kind of take it for what it's worth but what it basically means is it's almost a repeat of what we saw with like the specter and hal jordan that because there's nobody anchoring it there barry allen realizes death has to have a host death has to be has to be bonded to someone that if it's not bonded to anybody because darkseid's no longer alive to control death death would just run unfettered across all of existence and just kill every single person that it can possibly come across and so barry ultimately makes the sacrifice right he says fine then i will do what i have to do right in this instance i will rebond myself to the black racer and i will officially become the new harbinger of death and that's what he does right he combines his power with a black racer and goes forward accordingly in this video we are covering dark side war uh green lantern the green lantern tie-in for dark side war this was actually one of my favorites this was one of my favorite stories to come out of the whole dark side war event the only thing that i didn't like about it is kind of how it ended and you guys will see what i'm talking about as we get closer to it but in the aftermath of darkseid basically being killed at the hands of the anti-monitor one of the things that we talked about was that there was nobody left to leave the parademons and even within the sphere of apocalypse itself the planet the dark side lives on there's a bit of a civil war going on now that'll be that'll be something that we cover uh with the lex luthor tie it we'll talk about that when we cross that bridge but the pair of demons that kind of existed out there have basically consolidated onto the planet of oak now this is not arbitrary right it's not doing it just for the sake of telling a story it actually makes sense and the reason why is because ola is home to the central power battery for the green lanterns now i would say that in terms of them going after the green central power battery as opposed to like the red lanterns or like the indigo tribe which i don't think the indigo tribe actually has a central central power battery or going after like the the central power battery of the orange lantern who is statistically the most uh the most powerful of all the lanterns out there this is just done for the sake of the story right just because green lantern was a member of the justice league and you know just for the sake of telling a story i think it would have been cooler if all the paradigms had gone after the red lanterns and managed to like take them all over or something like that but the important thing here is that with all the parademons basically arriving on earth this turned out to be a war of attrition right because you have jon stewart who contacts hal jordan and basically sends him a message and what he says here is that this kind of mother box appeared outside of oah sensing the central power battery and because the central power battery was so astronomically powerful that it basically tried to bond itself with the power battery which it ultimately ended up doing the various green lanterns out there fought against it as best they could but they all fell now if the pair of demons had all attacked owa seemingly at the same time the green lanterns actually probably would have stood a better chance but because of the fact that it was done in waves so it would be like a wave of parademons when they were defeated another wave of parademons would show up then another wave in another wave and another wave it was basically a war of attrition right it was just kind of this almost endless onslaught of forces just coming over and over and over again and because it was a new wave of parademons it was unexhausted parademons facing off against an exhausted green lantern court and so as a result of that all these green lanterns basically ended up failing they ended up you know being defeated a lot of them were killed you know most of the green lanterns were killed those those green lanterns who survived and even the guardians of the universe were basically taken by the mother box and they were conscripted into becoming parademons themselves so they were transmogrified into becoming these forces that kind of helped to bolster their ranks and that's one of the things that makes darkseid so dangerous when he was alive anyway and the nature of the parademons is this it's not necessarily a one-to-one ratio like for every person who falls they become a pair of demon it's not necessarily like that but i would say it's probably something like a one to five ratio so for every five people who fall one of them becomes a parademon or something along those lines which still is a huge increase in number as time goes on and so hal jordan is basically racing to this place as fast as he possibly can and so what you end up doing is kind of sidetracking for a second with this bit of an inner monologue between hal jordan and himself and for the most part if you're reading this like if you go and you buy this on comicsology you can largely skip over this segment but i do want to cover this because this is going to be a kind of thing that sort of goes on intermittently over the course of this story and so with this little bit of a discussion it kind of follows after the death of hal jordan's father and him and his young as his younger self basically lighting a candle for for his father and it's kind of how jordan coming to terms with the death of his dad because that's something that it never truly really happened over the course of the the green lantern mythos even when jeff johns was writing it was always kind of like a background thing and it was always like i'm gonna learn lessons about my father and i'm gonna champion him and he was a great man but in terms of how jordan actually like sitting down and saying okay so my dad died this is something that's basically governed every decision-making factor of my life and having to come to terms with it it's never really happened before and so that's why this was so cool and it's one of the reasons why it was my favorite tie-in here because it was basically hal jordan kind of having an inner monologue in inner discussion with himself and what his younger child self does is he kind of asked the question about church right that his dad was catholic but his dad never really took him to church because his dad never really never really considered it to be important and it's one of these things where it's like you know i mean he was he never really believed in god or anything like that and i guess you kind of would have thought it would make sense but his dad's his dad's philosophy was believing in god doesn't help me when i'm up there flying right god's not flying my jets he's not controlling the engines or anything like that it's myself my ingenuity my ability to understand what it is that i'm doing to control all of that and that's why he's kind of like you know when his when his plane went down god was supposed to catch him right like isn't that what god's supposed to do god's supposed to catch us when we fall and so in essence how jordan had kind of a existential crisis with regards to like his place in the universe's understanding of god which usually happens when you're a child right which usually happens when you're a little kid and so this this child version of himself begins to lash out now again this is important here because tom king's the one writing this and while tom king can kind of be a little full of himself when he's writing comics at this point in time he wasn't he was he was still a great comic book writer who hadn't got got high on his own supply so to speak you know gotta you know kind of got addicted to his own success more or less and so the result of this is that when it comes to kids kids usually try to reconcile the concept of god the only way they know how and that's why a lot of adults will experience this crisis on what their religious what their religious face really means in the face of children because kids ask these questions that adults may have at some point asked and simply just forgot but it basically challenges everything adults believe right like if god is real then what was god doing before before everything was created who created god it was god always there like how does all that kind of stuff come into play and those are pretty basic questions but those basic questions have profound impacts on people's faith and that's what happens here with hal jordan as a little kid why didn't god save my dad if god cares about us if god truly loves us why doesn't he save us if people liken god to parents and they say well god loving loving us as humans is like me loving you as a parent then it's like would you let me die and if you wouldn't let me die why would god let me die why would god just sit up there and watch why would god just take refuge in that just kind of let that thing happen and those are the kind of struggles that a lot of kids deal with and they're legitimate questions to ask right and so hal jordan as an adult self kind of chimes in and says well you're not wrong when your dad died god really was just watching just like you were watching right and it's like god's got no choice but to watch he has to he has to go over that moment over and over and over again he has to just let those things happen and the reason why is because god gave humanity free will god gave us the ability to create our own choices to engage in our own actions of what use would life be if it was preordained if we knew what was going to happen or if our actions were somehow set in stone if it was just kind of in existence in that way and that's where you run into a lot of i wouldn't really say contradiction but where you run into a lot of issues in terms of the the fallibility or the infallibility of god different things like that it's why i always liken god to more of a prime mover right god just set things in motion and then whatever happens happens right he's a kid with an ant form he's got no kind of plan whatsoever and so because of that it's one of these things where that's kind of the depiction that hal jordan puts forward here that we as human beings we have our own will we have our own choice on what it is that we do and do not engage in in this life and that was a gift given to us by god but it doesn't mean that if we somehow turn our back on god that things are going to get worse for us right it's not necessarily you know functioning in that kind of linear capacity when you believe in god good things happen when you don't bad things happen it doesn't necessarily work that way then it's just things in this life happen and sometimes there's nothing we can do about it it's just the way things work and so at the end of the day whether god is truly out there or not would have no bearing on whether or not your father died for by whatever manner and whatever means our father basically kicked the bucket right he ended up perishing and so because of that it's not really our place to blame god because it wasn't really god's purpose to come down and save him anyway right and so again i wouldn't go as far as to say that in the aftermath of all this hal jordan is a born again christian but i will go as far as to say that how jordan almost kind of reports this idea that humans are greater than god and the reason why is because hal jordan makes this kind of comparative in saying that if humans have free will which is we can do anything we want with this life that we live and god is bound to eternally watch and just simply monitor how things unfold then god cannot step in right god is bound by the rules that he created right which is humans have the ability to live their lives as they see fit i cannot intervene that's god's that's the chains around god and so it's one of these things where it's like we are greater than god because we can do things that god can't do we can just do whatever we want with our life god doesn't have that opportunity he doesn't have that ability and so because of that where you might think that we go to church to worship god the reality is god comes to church to worship us because god's envious of us god's envious of what we can and cannot do of the kind of freedom that we have in this life that we live and so that's an important thing for hal jordan to have kind of come to terms with because it removes the idea from like if god cared he would have saved my dad you know if i was any measure of a man i would have saved my dad it kind of cuts him loose from all that and it says like sometimes things in this life just happen and as much as we would love to stop them and as much as we would love to blame people for it it just doesn't work that way right i mean i know you guys know as americans we're not really good at taking responsibility for ourselves we're really good at blaming people that's kind of a staple of american culture right you know if things go south just blame somebody else and that's kind of how we do things here right and so because of that it's it's kind of uh turning its back on the nature of what it means to have been in that mentality his entire life which is to say sometimes things just happen and it's not as though god has it out for us he's not trying to punish us or anything like that it's just the way things unfold right so again a bit of an existential crisis that was going on there now while he was having that bit of an existential crisis he was kind of just facing off against all these parademons on owa and attacking them as best he could the reality is that he was just attacking them head-on so like trying to kill them using his powers things like that the results of this is that the energy of the central power battery had been absorbed by the mother box so eventually his ring will run out of a charge right and so when it does he'll be consumed and destroyed and turned into a parademon if he's not just killed and so because that how jordan's like okay if this is the way the game gets played then we'll play this game right if what the mother box wants is somebody to be their god if what mother box wants is somebody to attain all that power everything that makes the the force of will what it is right the uh the green lantern central power battery combined with the power of the source then i will be that person i will become that god and he basically just surrenders himself to this mother box slash central power battery and essentially gains the power of the source right how jordan definitively becomes god here specifically he becomes the god of light now the reality is that's just a ceremonial title there's no real differentiation between like hal jordan here right now as the god of light and like you know kyle rainer when he becomes the white lantern or like superman 1 million when he goes and spins spends time with the source while santa's a measurement they are all in effect the same thing and in fact we're even told that right that he can do anything now there's nothing he can't do he can control the stars he can create life he can do all kinds of stuff and he actually does that right because as he gains this power and as he realizes what it is that he can and cannot do he kind of harkens back to the sort of internal struggle that he has with himself which is what is it that i'm that i'm supposed to do with this kind of power that i have sure i could intervene and i could fix the universe's problems and i could make everything okay the problem with this is it's not my job to do that it's the job of people to fix their lives it's the job of people to get it together it's the job of the universe to solve its own problems hence the nature of free will if i impose my will on other people then it's going to lead me right back to where i was before and when i say that i'm talking about how jordan when he was like zero hour crisis in time when he was possessed by parallax when he had the power of god he tried to bend the universe to his womb and in fact he actually did he blinked it out of existence and brought it back right so we've seen what happens when how jordan becomes consumed by the power that he has and when he truly becomes god then he ends up being bent now at that point in time he was also possessed so you could make a legitimate argument that hal jordan as he exists now as the god of life is not the same as he was during zero hour crisis in time back in the 1990s when he basically wiped out existence and then brought it back right you can you can make a good case that they're not the same thing and he could actually be a benevolent god here right he could be a kind and enlightened god but regardless he refuses to accept it and so he says okay fine if this is the case then the only time i'm going to use this power is to basically set everything back so i'm going to undo the pair of demons arriving here on oahu i'm going to resurrect everybody who died and set everything back to the way that it was before then he in turn instructs the mother box to destroy itself right and to place his energy back inside of the central power battery in essence nothing comes out of this nothing comes out of the story hal jordan doesn't come away any more powerful than he was when he when he was you know when he first went into it right the only real takeaway from this is that in this time that he had all this power he realized what batman was going to do with the mobius chair and there's like kind of on a course to gotham city to stop it that was the big disappointment here that was the biggest disappointment behind all of this is that it would have been cool to see how jordan's power elevated to a higher level now we can largely assume that jeff johns robert vendetti those guys who are going to be working on green lantern that they kind of intended to do that anyway but at the time the story was being written we were what maybe like a year and a half two years out from the beginning of like green lantern like how jordan the green lantern corps as part of dc rebirth and the first thing they did in that story is they had hal jordan craft a ring out of his own will power right so like it was cool to see that to see like his will elevated to higher levels to see him becoming more powerful there and and even then there really isn't a whole lot of a story you can tell with a man who becomes god it's why kyle rainer was the white lantern god space jesus messiah guy for a little while and then lost it all right because it's great for a story arc but you can't do anything long term with it because then you run into like the franklin richards effect well if something goes wrong why doesn't hal jordan just fix it right and so ultimately you know you end up kind of boxing yourself into a corner okay so we are picking up with the conclusion here of dark side war and there's a couple things that i want to talk about here one i kind of like doing these older dc stories the ones that we just never covered right that we've heard about that we've talked about a million times but never actually covered here like trinity war um forever evil like we've never really covered those stories i'm not going to cover futures in because that story sucks i read it and it does blow balls but um i kind of like you know there's some stuff from the new 52 and dc comics that's still really good that we never really got around to covering um so i think i might kind of experiment with that a little bit as you guys know i love to experiment with you guys and find out what you guys love because i know there's like 500 of you who are replying to comics we'll watch anything you post rob but then there's like another however many hundred thousand people or really just subscriber count right so like 1.9 million people that i'm trying to appeal to and even other people beyond that right so doing a youtube channel a growing youtube channel is all about reaching out to an audience that you have and the audience you don't have so uh so with this with the conclusion of dark side war we kind of pick up in the aftermath so to speak of green lantern right it's kind of the aftermath of pretty much all the times we can cover the one for lex luthor the reality is that nothing really happens in that tie-in um he just kind of comes into his own and fully embraces the power of like the omega sanction right so like basically becomes full on dark side for the most part not in in a direct sense not in a literal sense but the power of dark side and like that's it that's that's really all you get honestly lex luthor in this is a lot more interesting than he is in his own in his own one shot but uh green lantern meeting with batman is is really kind of like trying to talk batman out of the mobius chair right as we know batman doesn't want to leave the chair because in one and one part of this he's kind of addicted to it all the knowledge that it feeds him his ability to fight crime as he sees it but the other part of that is that when he tries to leave he seemingly physically can't it's one of these interesting scenarios but in the middle of their conversation suddenly batman chimes in and says we need to get out of here we got to go to wonder woman uh because right now superman's just kind of losing his mind now one of the things to remember is that when superman was bathed in the fire pits of apocalypse by lex luthor in order to help him regain his powers because the idea was the pits are fire right there solar pits so they should rejuvenate superman then he came out corrupted right he came out corrupted both in mind and in body and so his physical powers his physical abilities aren't really the same they were before he doesn't really have the same weaknesses and we'll find out more about that here in a little bit but in terms of his mind he's more or less just kind of bent through chaos and madness and anger and wrath right now wonder woman gets the upper hand and manages to bring that in pretty quickly by just wrapping it with the lasso of truth and then just being like who are you you know and he's like i'm superman you know and that's basically it superman's kind of brought back down and that was really the point i know that on the surface you can kind of look at that and just be like well that's lackluster this is not designed to be a dan jurgens death of superman event where like he comes back with a whole new host of powers it wasn't really meant to be that way and one of the things to keep in mind is that dc comics was like this story literally leads directly into dc rebirth and so we already knew that the adventures of superman and lois lane by dan jurgens was already on the table and it was already being written and being published so we knew the idea of blending this version of superman with the pre-crisis superman was the intention dc had in the first place and so it wouldn't really make a whole lot of sense to give him a whole new set of powers only to wipe those away then replace them with the old powers and then call it a day right to do that like that right to do it within the span of like a year or so usually when comics do that it'll be like a couple years maybe or so before they before they shift things up um so it was just a little too quick of a turnaround the other part of this is that you have jessica cruz you've got cyborg and you've got the master escape artist mr miracle basically heading to bel reeve prison and the reason for this is that while big bart is creating a distraction for the guards up top the idea of of these three guys is to basically get to the cells of ultraman and superwoman now ultraman is superwoman and here's one of the biggest travesties of dc comics really like i would say in the last half of the 20th century is they never explored earth 3. they never really explored the crime syndicate we know they're doing it now they're releasing a series coming up soon this focus on earth 3. and presumably it'll give us a story of like how earth 3 got to the way that it was it'll give us the ins and outs of how twisted it is and different things like that uh so it'll be kind of cool to see that unfold but up to this point all we knew about these characters is that like ultraman gets his powers from kryptonite instead of solar energy and that superwoman is basically lois lane right it's just different things along those lines just these small little tidbits here and there from this this alternate reality with regards to power ring of course that's the a green lantern ring from earth 3 that's possessed by the vengeful spirit of vulthum or at least one aspect of volthurum so we know little things about that cyborg is basically great he's like an evil cyborg in that in that universe but we don't really know a whole lot and so getting some stuff out of this is gonna be really really cool the problem with this is that as jessica cruz has always been someone who struggled to contain the power of a ring one because of the fact that the ring has a will of its own and is always trying to dominate the will of jessica cruz and two because she lacks so much confidence and struggles with so much anxiety that it basically takes away from her willpower her ability to actually overcome fear it basically means the ring ends up overtaking jessica cruz and then she's fully under control of vothume operating under the name of powerwing now of course once superman's brought back down by wonder woman and they meet with batman then one of the little things that we get here and it's not really important because the nature of the comic is that the current structure of superman's body the power he possesses is breaking him down and is inevitably killing him that's not really relevant because we know he doesn't die just because of the fact that stories we've covered but uh what they end up doing is after they they they kind of get into the cell of ultraman ultraman is actually in a state of panic and freaking out because of the fact that that mobius you know anti-monitor is currently on earth and ultraman believes that mobius knows that he's talking about him right like anything that could possibly draw the attention of mobius is enough to scare the heck out of ultraman and that's one of the important things to understand ultraman for all the power he possessed it really was just all glitz and glamour right it was it was just smoke and mirrors that's all it was it was just kind of like look at me i'm ultraman i have all this power but it was just a false confidence right and that kind of comes to bear in the fact that while while they faced off against mobius and he did like eradicate their world at the same time if he really was as powerful and really was as confident as he put himself off to be then he wouldn't be in this current state now some of this also has to do with the fact that because he has not really consumed any kind of green kryptonite his powers are dwindling in the same way that if superman's not exposed to a yellow sun his powers will drop off in the same way but when it comes to superwoman she's actually pregnant right she's kind of knocked up now we knew that was the case kind of going through just because of the fact that you know she was she was technically married to ultraman but was essentially sleeping behind his back which kind of makes sense when you're from earth 3 all you do is just terrible things and so when that when that happens you have cyborg who basically tries to override the ring of jessica cruz that doesn't work and in fact a portion of his essence is trapped inside the ring and then he's fully corrupted by the power of grid in essence and then while all that's going on mobius finally emerges in what i would refer to as his perfect form right now when mobius finally emerges you end up having the cell wall kind of blown open and that's when owlman shows up right the earth 3 version of batman who's basically like an evil version of bruce the reality of this is even when you take into account dark knight's medal by scott snyder i still say owlman is probably one of the coolest versions of batman who exists out there again we don't really know a whole lot about him we don't really see a whole lot about his character we will as time goes on but of course having this green crypt tonight in the possession of superman which was technically created by lex luthor or captured by lex luthor one it doesn't affect superman in his current corrupted form which is one of the things that's kind of given to us is that superman's not vulnerable to kryptonite in this current form two when it's given to uh ultraman it's like a drug like literally it's like his version of crack like he's scratching you know y'all got any more of him kryptonites like that's basically what it is right and so as soon as he consumes it he kind of reverts back to his normal self and the whole the whole meeting that goes on here the reason why these two groups are together is because mobius was powerful enough to eradicate earth 3 and he's powerful enough to eradicate the main dc universe the only way for these heroes to come out on top or at least these characters anyway to come out on top is for them to team up right for the villains of the crime syndicate to team up with the heroes of the justice league now understand neither one of these groups is too keen on this idea right neither one of them is like yeah i mean it's cool they're pretty cool guys right i mean i'd have a beer with superman says owlman that's never gonna happen right like they they don't really want to work together but the reality is they stand more to lose by working separately than they than they do by working in unison now while that's happening the anti-monitor is kind of fulfilling its purpose right we can just call them anti-monitor some people might want to split hairs and call them mobius it really is all just the same thing right tomato tomato and the whole point behind mobius as he exists here he just relishes in destruction and eradicating life right just killing and destroying things right kind of like an evil benevolent god and it was really just jeff john's way of taking the anti-monitor as we knew him and tying him directly into mobius and kind of bridging the gap between the original crisis on affinidar's depiction of anti-monitor and the way we see him here especially when it came to new readers but even those who were asking questions coming in the aftermath of like sinestro core war and things along those lines and so you have the various heroes who show up here and do what they can and then you have the crime syndicate who are just like all we want to do is kill mobius because he eradicated our world and for the most part they're doing what they can where they can but they are quite literally fighting the uh fighting a guy with the power of a god right a man with the power to eradicate entire universes now it's not one of these things that's on the scale of like the living tribunal where he just snaps his fingers and the universe is gone right it certainly takes time and it takes a lot of energy but the important takeaway from this is he's well beyond the power of the justice league and so where you end up having like jessica cruz possessed by volthume who's doing her thing that one of the things that happens here is that you end up seeing the green lantern corps arrive now the green lantern corps showing up here is really more of like returning the favor of how jordan's showing up to uh owa and then basically saving the green lantern corps from what was essentially their deaths and then it's kind of undoing everything using a super powerful ring so that's one of the reasons why we why we cover that particular tie-in at least in order to make this moment make sense but understand here even the arrival of the green lantern corps is not enough to really turn the tide of the battle and in fact like there's this massive amount of energy that the anti-monitor lets off that wipes out a huge portion of the of the green lantern core that's here and the rings immediately take off and start looking for replacements now while this battle with mobius for the anti-monitor is currently taking place steve trevor is suddenly snatched up by grail and the important thing about that is grail actually has a plan for steve trevor and a particular intention she that she wants as far as using him goes but while that goes on you have mobius who ultimately attacks ultraman and basically talks a little bit of smack to him and then starts to kill him and where the the where the flash could step in and the flash could actually intervene and save the life of ultraman the reality is he can't and the reason why is because while he does have a new host of powers he and the black racer are for the most part kind of working in unison not in the sense that like they have the same goal but in the sense that like one will is able to sort of dominate the other depending on the circumstance and because the entire existence of the black racer is to monitor and wait for death uh and to basically whisk those individuals who are supposed to die away to perdition it doesn't move and it doesn't allow barry allen to move so barry allen cannot step in and save ultraman despite the fact that ultraman being there would be a huge boon for the superheroes in this in this battle because he's basically an alternate reality version of superman right so it's like having two superman on the chessboard you could do a lot of damage with these guys now there is a bit of a saving grace that comes in in the sense that once mobius kills ultraman then you have the arrival of lex luthor who basically seizes control of all the parademons right who's taking over the pair demons of apocalypse and then is using them as his own personal army now something else to understand lex luthor has all the power of dark side here he's got all this power of dark side but one of the things that jeff johns really sort of sort of gives us is this idea that while we looked at the beginning of dark side war and we basically saw dark side and mobius facing off against each other and mobius getting the upper hand but seemingly there being a kind of stalemate there that what it looks like is that in this situation once he's basically freed of the influence of the anti-life equation that mobius is basically in his perfect form right he's exceedingly powerful now the other part of this though is we kind of have to take lex luthor at face value lex luthor despite how intelligent he is and how capable he is this is the first time he's really wielding a power like this and so it would be pretty disingenuous to say that like lex luthor is on par with darkseid not in a perfect sense right darkseid wielded his power for eons eons and eons and eons neons he explored every facet of the omega sanction and knew exactly how to use it with surgical precision when it comes to somebody like lex luthor he's just using it as best he can right it's blast of energy it's the omega beams right it's the kind of general thing that he's seen darkseid do because he's still sort of learning how to use this power as he has it and so this this kind of lack of experience with the ability he wields basically comes to bear when he faces off against the against mobius and there is a kind of uh you know stalemate to a degree but it's also pretty obvious that mobius is gonna get the upper hand in this bit of a conflict here because one of the things to notice is that when it comes to the fight between these two lex luthor is largely resigning himself to physical attacks as opposed to using more ranged attacks against somebody like anti-monitor which proved to be more successful with darkseid right darkseid used that exceedingly well to his advantage also because darkseid was more battle-hardened right he was more like he was more of a master strategist when it came to combat it doesn't mean lex luthor cannot be that way but there's a difference between a person who's been fighting wars for millions and millions of years and a person who's been doing it for like 35 years or so and so while that battle is taking place kind of jumping back over to batman and to wonder woman and superwoman and jessica cruz or really vulthum if you want to call her that batman using the mobius chair starts to realize the plan of what it is that grail shooting for but also the significance of the baby that that superwoman is knocked up with and so what is up happening is that once she begins the birthing process and starts to have this baby that as it comes out and as as it's emerged it comes out as a baby the way that you would expect it to but grail suddenly arrives on the scene here and that's when like black racer flash is like you should all run and again the whole reason why he's not moving is he's basically waiting for death he's waiting for somebody to die right like a a person or people are going to die here and the black racer is simply waiting for his time to pull him away and so what ends up happening is that when the baby's born from superwoman that is one of these things where like everybody kind of starts to panic right and that's because one this baby is basically a weapon that uh that that superwoman intends to use two it's actually something that grail intends to take and three steve trevor's back but steve trevor is completely imbued with the power of what is an effect the anti-life equation combined with whatever power she was able to garner from darkseid and so steve trevor showing up here he immediately eradicates mobius right just like that mobius is completely and totally destroyed now the reason why this happens is because if steve trevor is infused with anti-life then seemingly it'd be totally possible for him to just eradicate anybody who's living right to basically just destroy their essence but something else that goes on here is that superman attacked mobius prior to this point and basically just dispelled all the apocalypse and energy within his body that was something that i kind of missed when it happened um that does need to be said for those of you guys who are kind of curious why superman looks the you know looks back to normal so that was that part's pretty pretty straightforward but in effect with modius basically gone and eradicated in a pretty lackluster way if i'm being honest with you guys the biggest threat now turns directly to steve trevor and then grail now there's also another part of this plan that grail has which is pretty amazing right it's a pretty genius plan that she has for herself single-handedly she goes through and basically just takes out every single member of the justice league and even when the green lantern comes the green lantern corps come in and they try to basically lock her down in a cage because of the fact that her weapon was basically forged by hades of the underworld it can cut through pretty much anything and he could you can even cut through hard-like constructs meaning that she can't she basically just cannot be taken down by these forces of of of the green lantern court and so ultimately we end up learning that with the child of superwoman when she basically brings this kid to bear and then starts using him as the weapon that she intended to then he can basically shout the word shazam now technically it's mazaz right it's just the reversal of shazam which makes sense because earth 3 is the reversal of the main dc universe uh and basically he has the power of shazam but the but it's a little bit different in the sense that unlike shazam where he basically goes through and like gains powers from other people the baby can take powers from other people and so the intention of superwoman is to basically use her baby to siphon off the power of pretty much anybody else including shazam from the main dc universe and gain his powers in turn and so when that happens steve trevor basically launches an attack to take out wonder woman at the direction of grail despite his desire not to do so and when that takes place you have grail who kills superwoman and then uses the baby and shouts mazaz and then in turn that basically splits the flash and it splits uh the the black racer into into two separate beings when the flash runs directly in front of the blast that was meant to kill wonder woman now splitting the two in half basically sends the flash out of the equation because now the black racer is directly after him right so flash just kind of has to leave in order to keep himself from being killed and that just sort of continually follows suit right that there's a little bit of a reprieve here that the superheroes get trying to figure out what to do now for the most part jessica cruz also ends up being attacked and it's believed that she's basically dead when she's cut down by uh by the by the black racer but one of the things that had kind of gone on here is that within the ring itself and even with jessica cruz when cyborg had downloaded or at least tried to make contact with the ring and downloaded his essence into it and both thumb had taken over taking over jessica cruz that her consciousness sort of existed as a background character right within the ring itself and kind of having this conversation with cyborg and watching everything go on and watching the various heroes seemingly lose in almost every conceivable way that she ultimately overcame her fear when she stepped out and so jumping in front of and facing off against the black racer the way that she did basically allowed her to overcome her fear of death and if you're not afraid of dying you're not afraid of anything right so basically she'd overcome her fear in her entirety which was a pretty significant moment because that's how she became a full-on green lantern right which of course we know from our coverage of the green lantern stories uh post-dark side war and so following that it really kind of comes down to grail who exercises the final moment of her plan right the final intention of her plan and what she ended up doing was basically following this prophecy that said that the first person who stepped foot on themyscira was considered quote unquote the chosen one and so bonding the anti-life equation to steve trevor was really nothing more than one allowing her to destroy mobius but two to basically just kind of keep it safe right to sort of keep it guarded because she knew that none of the members of the justice league would actively kill steve trevor and so when that happens she basically ends up taking the baby of wonder woman has it shout shazam and then takes the anti-life equation directly out of steve trevor in the process and so the baby basically absorbs the anti-life equation and is totally reborn as dark side and so when darkseid reemerges here that it's not really dark side as we know it's dark side bent to the will of grail because of the fact that he's kind of dominated by the anti-life equation he does whatever she tells him to and that's exactly what happens like she's just like killed them all right so basically it's now dark side and grail facing off against the uh facing off against the justice league and so because of the fact that there's so little chance for success here hal jordan does the only thing he can do here right with batman basically being kind of knocked off the mobius chair being removed from the mobius chair because of the fact that batman's not directly willing to remove himself from the mobius chair what he needs is the willpower to do so and so how jordan takes his green lantern ring and basically attaches it to batman's finger and says the universe needs you more than me right i'm just a guy who flies and fights like i'm pretty capable and i've got a lot of willpower but we need your mind we need your willpower we need your ability to function as a cohesive member of the team not some crazy guy sitting on a chair telling us that we're screwed and so because of that when that happens batman full-on becomes a green lantern but it's not something that really that doesn't really become a mainstay here and it makes sense because this doesn't really happen until the end of the story if it had happened at the beginning i would say batman would definitely have a more prominent role but batman being a green lantern here is just kind of designed to help him one remove himself from the chair and then two to basically find a way to help the superheroes win now owlman of course ends up basically saying okay fine like everything's done time for plan b bonds himself to the chair uh basically takes the the essence of grid from earth 3 downloads it from cyborg and then leaves and they basically ended up putting it inside of a of a bot that was created by lex luthor and so from there cyborg basically goes back to his normal self and so alamann basically bails out right he immediately takes off and i imagine most of you guys know exactly what happens to him the other part of this is that because the ritual was cast by by grail the only way for the ritual to be undone is for grail to undo it herself which is something that she's not remotely interested in doing or so it would seem what is up happening here instead is that the the the lasso of truth by wonder woman is basically wrapped around grail and basically compels her to tell the truth right compels her to be honest and when she does there's this really really human moment that happens here where she legitimately believes that she cannot be good right she cannot be a good human being that she has to effectively be a villain and so when that happens like her mother tells her like you can do good right you can be an actual great person and so she says do the thing that you that you know you don't want to do but you know you have to do and she's like kill me right like marina black is just like use your use your power and kill me now the reality of this is that when grill does this one it does pierce marina black and killer but two it also kills dark side now the reason why this blast kills dark side is because it's not dark side in its most pure form right it's not dark side as we're traditionally used to seeing him instead it's just kind of dark side the guy who's kind of a resurrected baby right so again coming into his own containing the full totality of darkseid's power had not really been achieved at that point the other part of this is that because jessica cruz had in effect sacrificed her life in order to save the life of barry allen and basically overcome her fear of death and by extension her fear of pretty much everything else the ring of old thumb of course is ultimately destroyed but she's bonded with a green lantern ring and is chosen to become a full-on member of the green lantern court now this was kind of like the conclusion of the jessica cruz story arc if there really is such a thing in dc comics uh jeff johns had paid special attention to her character when he introduced her in the idea of her and simon bats was to introduce like new green lantern characters that dc could exclusively focus on the problem was at the time that they were introduced dc didn't have any intention or hadn't even conceived a dart of dc rebirth by the time this story came to an end it's dc rebirth comes next and that's why you don't really see a whole lot of attention paid to jessica cruz and simon baz in relation to like everything else going on in the dc landscape is part of rebirth instead they were kind of shuffled after their own story in the green lantern's comic book by sam humphries which was amazing don't get me wrong it didn't it did not suck it was an amazing book it was probably some of the best green lantern storytelling that i think i'd ever seen like between robert van der's green lantern run and sam humphrey's green lantern run it was crazy good like it was just ridiculously amazing especially when you got the origin of vulthu if you guys are interested in that you can check the green lantern playlist down in the description and yes we will do more green lantern don't worry i'm not gonna leave you guys hanging forever but in essence it's really just kind of picking up the pieces the black racer is basically out of the picture now doing its thing right it's just kind of off doing black racer stuff whatever the black racer does uh and the justice league's just kind of picking up the pieces from this this massive conflict there is a bit of an epilogue in the sense that with grail having killed her mom but because the the essence of dark side was kind of dispersed that it still exists in this sort of child form and so dark side will emerge at some future point in time but the big takeaway from this is there's two major things that come out of this the first is that lex luthor basically sits on the throne of apocalypse as quote unquote the new dark side this matters because when you go into action comics and superman rebirth those of you guys who are reading the point where you know dc rebirth superman never trusted lex luthor because he always believed he would become darkseid that's where this comes from that's where that particular thing comes from is this particular moment in the comic right here the other thing the other big thing that comes out of this is the epilogue which directly set the stage for dc rebirth in the sense that on the moon you've got owl man who's basically there alongside metron the two of them kind of having a conversation of sorts and what is going on here is that while the two of them are talking that suddenly you end up having this realization from uh from owlman that like he basically says he's here and while we don't really get an explanation or didn't at the time suddenly you basically end up seeing owlman destroyed in the same way that you saw dr manhattan kill rorschach at the end of watchmen right so that's what people were referencing when they were talking about these little clues and things like that that dr manhattan's in the dc universe now uh and of course this all directly leads into dc universe rebirth number one like the one shot comic that sort of set everything off but with that being said guys we're gonna bring this video to an end if you guys are new here to comments explained make sure you guys hit the sub button to become part of the rob core if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and i will catch you all later peace [Music] so [Music] this
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 324,680
Rating: 4.8577833 out of 5
Keywords: comics explained, comicsexplained, marvel explained, fluidic beats, comics, comic books, marvel, dc, infinity gauntlet, world breaker hulk, crisis on infinite earths, comic explained, infinity war, the batman who laughs, doomsday clock, Darkseid, Darkseid War, Superman, Batman, Lex Luthor, Wonder Woman, Shazam, DC Comics, Green Lantern, Mobius, DC Rebirth, New 52, Justice League, Mobius Chair
Id: Zp8daaCQH_M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 114min 44sec (6884 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 18 2021
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