Superior Spider-Man: Full Story

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what's going on guys this is Rob if you guys enjoy my content make sure you hit the subscribe button and make sure you hit that little bell so you never miss out on my sexy voice okay so with superior spider-man we're gonna cheat a little bit the reason why I say that is because of the fact that like the first three really though the first story arcs technically three issues but we're gonna cover the first five now the reason being because of the fact it'll allow us a little bit of leeway later on down the line when it comes like one shots and so on and so forth something else that I also want to specify here is that it's well known by now at least by most comic readers that the spite of our storyline takes place during superior spider-man so I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to do this so I'm gonna simply stop superior spider-man most to get to that point and then cover all the stuff we need going into spider-verse or if I'm just gonna cover superior spider-man and then wrap back around and go into spider-verse the only problem with that is that if we were to cover all of superior spider-man and then cover spider-verse towards the end of the superior spider-man event Doctor Octopus references spider-verse so he'd literally be referencing an event that we haven't covered yet or at least I don't think we've covered very well I didn't before about it really like the way those videos were done before so I'll get that figured out and we've got a little while we've got you know 20 some-odd issues before we have to worry about that you know but I think that uh you know with with regards to this little tidbit right here what Dan Slott does is actually makes you superior spider-man wildly interesting and if I'm gonna be dangerous I would say that I think superior spider-man I think Doctor Octopus is a better spider-man than Peter Parker ah the reason why is just because really is ingenuity you know how he just kind of revamps the spider suit and little things that he does on the side I kind of make his life a little bit easier stuff that just spider-man just never did and what this does is it actually kind of allows Dan Slott to tinker around with the spider-man mythos it's almost like taking Peter Parker and throwing him into some you know pocket universe and then just experimenting with stories using Doctor Octopus allows Dan Slott to introduce ideas to the spider-man mythos and then if people like it he'll just keep it going forward whence Peter Parker returns and so because of this one of the things that was established and amazing spider-man number 700 really uh a landmark issue in and of itself it was a beautifully written story it established the idea that a set of us as the reader expecting Doctor Octopus to become spider-man and just be a bad guy instead he becomes a good guy but the way that he does it is a little questionable that's one of the reasons why I like it with regards to this it's basically a reformed version of the sinister six miss composed of a handful of individuals you know like overdrive and you know shocker and so on and so forth the living brain different things like that but it's kind of funny because we could kind of look at this and say that it's like a poor man sinister six I guess is nowhere near as great as you know that the sinister six that we're used to as it's led by Doctor Octopus and even you know dr. octo is the spider-man and we're just gonna call him spider-man just for the sake of this but even spider-man comments on that and you know it's you could almost imagine him saying you know back in my day the sinister six was actually a deadly group you guys are just goofballs you guys are nonsensical but the funny thing is that in the middle of fighting them he actually bails off because for his first major fight as spider-man he's going against a group of six people all of whom have some pretty interesting and unique powers that we don't range anywhere from you know throwing razors try boomerangs all the way up to you know the ability to administer massive amounts of electricity and in terms of a shock and so because of this what is up happening here is spider-man actually kind of dodges for a little bit Bob's and weaves and they all basically make their escape but in the process he actually damages overdrive up with this you know some little claws or something that he attached to his fingers now on the surface it seems like something totally irrelevant and Dan Slott treats it that way in fact what we end up doing is we actually just kind of switch over to Horizon labs and the reason why is because the living brain was basically defeated by you know by spider-man by superior spider-man and then turn around and take him back to Horizon lab so the reason why this matters is because of the fact that for those of you guys who have been reading all-new all-different amazing spider-man you'll notice Doctor Octopus in the body of the living brain now the living brain goes back quite some time in the spider-man mythos but he was always a small-time thing it was a robot that was created eventually went awry and that was it I mean that's really all there is to the whole history of the living brain this is probably the most significant role that its character has ever played in the history of the spider-man mythos but with regards to superior spider-man taking a living brain this is Dan Slott setting the stage for the return of Doctor Octopus in the body of the living brain with all-new all-different amazing spider-man now I wouldn't go as far as to say Dan Slott had this all planned out ahead of time but I would say that it was more of like a fail-safe that if you know his stories took him in the direction where the bodies were switched back and Doc Ock lost his own body or something like that he could come back in the form of the living brain you know basically put his mind inside the robot but the fact remains here that's switching back over to a superior spider-man and following him further what Dan Slott does is he takes all of this in phases that's really what it's just step by step now initially and one of the things that we had noticed superior spider-man have been paying special attention to Mary Jane Watson as anybody would if she were actually real and because of this Dan Slott was kind of toying with the idea maybe spider-man and Mary Jane Watson will end up getting back together now in truth if you're a a Peter Parker Mary Jane Watson fan superior spider-man and Mary Jane Watson is just not the same it's it's not equal they're not on par it's like kissing your husband's twin as opposed to your actual husband or wife or whatever the case may be it's just not the same thing it looks the same it feels the same but it's not and so because of that on one of the other theta superior spider-man comments on is of course the view of Mary Jane Watson everything between the waist and the neck so I know how to put it but the cool thing about this is one of the reasons why I really like superior spider-man is because of what he tells her are doing their conversations when they're kind of going back and forth when they're talking about the sinister six and you know where we're superior spider-man is kind of making the moves on Mary Jane Watson what he says is that where he had slashed at overdrive instead of just scratching him what he had done is he installed a ton of nanobots inside of him so that he'd be able to trace their location and overhear their conversations and that's why I say this is so cool because you wouldn't really see this in a spider-man story and so it's just kind of revolutionising and its really like updating Peter Parker for the modern times and there are a lot of people will say well no he doesn't need to be updated he needs to keep living in the 1960s no I mean seeing him updated here I think it's actually pretty stellar seeing new tools that are used new implementations different things like that are actually pretty interesting in terms of how it unfolds and so because of this he knows exactly where the sinister six are going to strike he knows what tactics they're going to use he knows where they're gonna enter the building from all that kind of good stuff and so because of this as soon as he encounters the sinister six the second time he has everything put in place in order to make sure that he can basically win to make sure that he can take out every single one of them and that's exactly what he does I mean he basically just defeats them all and so because that what is up happening as a story or as a segment begins to wind up is we actually find out that Peter Parker as we think of him is not gone is an innocent irony in fact Peter Parker's still there he's still in his body the problem is that P exists in the subconscious so all he can do is just watch the things and comment on the things that superior spider-man is doing but he can't actually interact with him he can't actually talk to him directly now the other half of is that with regards to superior spider-man conversing you know with Mary Jane wants it again you know continuing to try to keep the idea of this romance going he's running into the same problem that Peter Parker always ran into where he never had any time for his private life because he was always on patrol because he was always out doing his own thing and so what happens is superior spider-man says well then let's take it a step further I don't need to be everywhere I just need to be able to see everywhere and so what he does is he takes the concept behind his octobots which with these little robots but allow him to monitor things that are going around the city and carry out his own schemes and he basically develops spider BOTS these are his eyes and ears it allows him to see everything going on in the city of New York and it's amazing the way it unfolds I mean to me that's such a genius idea why go everywhere we need to just have these little nano by his little robots monitoring the city for you and then respond appropriately now the funny thing about this is that at this point he actually asks Mary Jane Watson on a date and he is terrible at going on dates like it is it's disastrous when he takes her on dates like he tries them he tries to yawn and put the arm around her move like he he takes her ballroom dancing I mean dinner and dancing is always great like dinner and dancing is always a great way to go on a date I mean you know if you have a great meal you have your conversation and then you just have fun by going out and dancing somewhere the problem with where I live it gets lucky there's all there is just bars where you going drink and just get drunk so anyone with you could pick up at a bar you know it's probably not a girl that you want to take home but the fact remains here that he's not really one you know superior spider-man it's not really one food dinner like for dancing and he's one for dinner but not really for dancing and so it's kind of funny you know because what he does is he shifts the mood and instead of you know dancing with with Mary Jane Watson what he does is he actually takes your web slinging and that's actually a really romantic thing to do like take a website remember she's done this before but they know really done it like together in a way like this the problem is that when he gets her back to back to her place he gives shut down in the worst way because rumor Peter Parker's old girlfriend Carly Cooper is friends with Mary Jane Watson and the two like she's basically invited Carly Cooper over to hang out with her when the night is over and so it's basically like sorry superior spider-man but you got to go home alone too that's such and so the crazy thing about this is that with Peter Parker basically watching the entire event unfold remember as a as a subconscious aspect of his own body he basically is forced to follow dr. octopus you know superior spider-man superior spider-man says well I don't necessarily have to be with Mary Jane Watson I can just relive all the memories of Peter Parker and so Peter as a subconscious thought has to follow Doctor Octopus as he remembers all the times that Peter and Mary Jane Watson were together every single intimate moment they ever shared which is crushing that's a terrible thing to have to see but at this point we kind of switch back over to MJ's and the reason why is because of the fact that the vulture is basically sent you know some of his henchmen you know over towards Mary Jane Watson a more or less ransacked the place and wreak all kinds of havoc and things like that of course Mary Jane Watson is taken by you know the vultures henchmen and superior spider-man rescues her but what superior spider-man goes after the vulture directly what ends up happening here is the vulture basically reveals there were he's used different people for his own schemes over the years that what he's done here is he's actually taken or he's basically using children he's using him for that for his own ends now he's using them in terms of like having them carry out in a furious deeds you know rob places and commit crimes and things like that but he does it by giving them like arcade tokens and stuff which is kind of funny but it also strikes a chord and in superior spider-man and the reason why is because of the fact that when he's facing off against the vulture that when one of the vultures henchmen goes to attack him he hits the hits the henchmen and realizes that's that is a child the reason why this is so significant is because Peter Parker has a subconscious thought jumps into a memory of Doctor Octopus and we learned that doctor octopus's father was an abusive man and so it's like Doctor Octopus basically feels like he's becoming his father abusing children and so because that it strikes a particular chord in superior spider-man and he loses it immediately goes after tooms you know goes after vulture the other half of this is this also the idea that he's had enough now that's why I say superior spider-man I think is more interesting than Peter Parker because Peter Parker has fought these guys time and time again but Peter Parker's philosophy is that's just the nature of being a superhero the nature of being a superhero is you fight bad guys the bad guys will get free you have to subdue them you put them in jail they get free and they go and did they do the same thing all over again that's just the nature being the superhero that's the price you pay for keeping the streets clean while also making sure that you do not fall down the path of being a bad guy for superior spider-man it's not that way he is not nearly as tight-knit as as Peter Parker is he's not nearly as clean as Peter Parker is he's a lot more dirty here you know he basically thrashes he takes Adrian Toomes he takes a takes vulture throws him into this spotlight design to basically signal you know spider-man was a terrible idea when it was first introduced when superior spider-man literally chastised Jay jonah Jameson for doing he's like why would you make a spotlight that would tell everybody where you are so they can come and find you and then like kill you or kidnap you and hold you for ransom like that's a stupid idea just like call me if you need me or something like that he was kind of a funny exchange between the two of them but he sends vulture crashing into this thing where he's just kind of cut to ribbons and superhero spider-man does not feel bad about it you know with carly cooper arriving on the scene as him basically saying this is what i'm about like this is I've had it I've had it up to here with these guys you know it's time that they be put away and so what this does is this transitions over to the next phase which is really superior spider-man kind of rounding up these loose ends you know grabbing these seven henchmen of a vulture rounding them up having them you know thrown to the child services calling it a day but also the idea that he's also dead you know dealing with with onme and the reason why is remember after Aunt May's injury she's still learning to walk you know still learning how to use her legs properly but a cane is gonna be a necessity for superior spider-man this is ridiculous he's like why does she need a cane I'm a genius you know I will basically create a device that will hook up to her leg and then she can control it using her mind and she can walk just like a normal human being the issue with this is that Dan Slott does not forget about the idea of villains now the idea of dance like he never really loses track of villains you know I mean it for him it's always like there has to be a main villain now again this is not a terrible thing it's just for me I would rather than be a little more emphasis on you know superior respondent but the great thing is that we're currently four issues in so with 33 issues running there's all kinds of emphasis on superior spider-man especially when we get to animal County which choose a character that I absolutely love I love Anna markrony she's such a great character um what we end up doing is you basically pick up with the return of a guy named massacre now Massacre is a guy named Marcus Lyman and Marcus Lyman is a guy who basically sustained an injury to the brain his wife was killed but he essentially lost all connection to humanity he doesn't value life so he's basically like the Punisher if the Punisher were a bad guy the Punisher is kind of a bad but he's like The Punisher if you were a bad guy and carrying out schemes and won't fight you guys will see you know what what kind of things he gets into but Massacre basically breaks his way out you know of Ravencroft asylum and kind of goes in this campaign you know and we'll find out exactly what it is that he does but the introduction of Ana Marconi comes by way of the fact the superior spider-man is is really angry because Peter Parker never got his doctorate he's not actually a doctor he's just mr. Peter Parker and in the mind of Doctor Octopus he's like that's ridiculous Otto Octavius is like why shouldn't Peter Parker have his doctorate so the funny thing is something I hope you're noticing here is that like Doctor Octopus is basically making life better for Peter Parker he's getting his doctorate he's gonna lay the groundwork for Parker industries massive worldwide company he's basically setting the stage for making Peter Parker's life better in some ways he's making it rough on others but he's making it in some ways but you know going into his first class you know a class with a guy named uh professor Lemay's because of the fact that you know superior spider-man's kind of mouthing off the introduction of Anna Marconi comes when she gives a superior spider-man a note saying hey look you should come tutor with me and I'll help you get past this class now switching back over to massacre what is up happening here is of course superior spider-man's alerted to what's going on with the idea that massacred escaped and so on and so forth but Massacre is actually holding up a place called burger town and basically ends up shooting the place up when one of the guys tries to alert the cops what Massacre does is he Engineers his own escape now this is the cool thing about this and this is why I say Massacre is a lot like the Punisher the Punisher can easily be viewed it's like just this mindless beast this guy that just runs around and just shoots stuff up and that's it that's why I loved Garth Ennis his Punisher Mac so much because inmates it puts so much focus on Punisher as a person it puts so much focus on him as an individual and what he's capable that's one of reasons why I thought it was so significant ah but what did it have happening with a Punishers character what is up happening with Massacre kind of juxtaposing the two together as the Punisher is very very capable he's pretty intelligent he's not genius level but he's intelligent in terms of military tactics conventional warfare that kind of thing massacre is very similar to that in the sense that he basically engineers his own escape by taking a woman hostage but no one knows that that he's taken her hostage you know no one knows about her and so because of this superior Spartan that actually goes - hooah - not the watcher but one of the members of horizon lives and says look you develop facial recognition software I need that so I could install it into my spider BOTS and have my spider bot in the city looking for the face of massacre yet another instance where superior spider-man chose to be a lot more resourceful than Peter Parker so because of this what we end up doing is following massacre when he basically you know drop someone off in the middle of the city and then blends in you know we basically says look you go that way maybe I'll follow you and if I hear you say anything if I hear you shout out I'll kill you or I'll just blend into the city so basically it's kind of feeding on fear fear of the idea that this woman may be shot if Massacre is actually listening and instead he just kind of wanders off and goes away and so because there's what we find out is that the journey of massacre actually takes them to the place or to the residence of a woman named Miranda Pullman now the reason why this matters is because of the fact that Miranda Pullman is a CEO of a company called fizzy Cola and the idea here of Massacre is to basically just make a whole bunch of money by having Miranda pay him twelve million dollars to walk through the streets of New York murdering people while wearing her competitors shirt basically creating bad press for her competitor and so it is it's just basic it's just money is all it is it all just comes down to something pretty simple now of course we end up having you know Doctor Octopus in two spots out into the city in order to monitor everything but this is when we get into Anna Marconi a smile of her character so much so animal County when superior spider-man first encounters her she's a diminutive woman you know she's a person of a certain size and so because of this she basically says look you know I'm here to tutor you on you know professor Lemay's class in order to help you pass and of course the funny thing about this is that superior spider-man is like look I didn't come over here to be tutored I came over here to stop sending me your texts and we know this makes sense because we know that he would easily pass Lemay's class that's just one of those things worse like he would easily make it through there no questions asked but what is up happening here is anna says no no you know you're here for a class you know I'll go ahead and tutor you and every tutor every every session the 60 minutes I'm sorry that's that's one hour in a sixty minutes comes with a home-cooked meal let me tell you something man like if a tutor was like hey I'll cook you dinner and tutor you I would be like okay like I'm down like even if she's just telling me stuff I already know you know I would be like I'm down for a free home-cooked meal like yeah you know not only that like because of the fact that he shows her how intelligent she is she then turns around and gives him dessert so he gets a home-cooked meal and dessert only to find out that the food is incredibly good so I'm just like wow what a catch like I would definitely stick with that chick that's why I love Anna Marconi because she's just such a we just such a great interesting unique character in the realm of what's going on as a pure spider-man you know she's just cool and so because that we switch over to add to Massacre who's just shooting the place up you know he's basically just kind of you know firing bullets in every direction and so on a somewhat superior spider-man shows up but this is when he kind of starts to learn the lessons of Peter Parker and what I mean by this is when Peter Parker first became you'll really first develop the powers of spider-man the death of Uncle Ben is what led him to become a hero to make sure that nobody else wanted the same experience that he did the death of Gwen Stacy taught Peter Parker that he can't be reckless that he has to pay attention to the things that he's doing that even if he doesn't mean to people can die by his own actions and so because of this Peter Parker again as a subconscious thought in the mind of his own body is basically try and heal screaming to Doctor Octopus you have to stop this fight now Doctor Octopus gets kind of carried away a little bit but even then he begins to learn when other people are being killed while he's still present he begins to learn what's going on now what are you done is he had basically used his BOTS and realized that there were individuals who were being held hostage by Massacre and that was part of massacres plan was to have five or six individuals in a warehouse covered with incendiary devices and that if superior spider-man showed up he would detonate those devices and kill them now because of these BOTS superior spider-man was able to deactivate these incendiary devices free those individuals and so now Massacre has no back-up plan the other half of this is superior spider-man shoots Massacre shoots him in the shoulder and so the idea is that you know Peter Parker you know is this incorporeal thought this subconscious thought says look that's not how we do things we don't kill people that's the price we pay for being a hero we have to let the bad guys go to prison we have to let them live we have to let them serve their debt to society and if they escape then we have to go track them down and it's just a really really cool exchange here because of the fact this appears spider-man has to come to grips with this he even addresses this even says look it would be so easy to just kill this guy that's what creates an interesting case here because you know it's it's like the idea of repeat offenders if everybody who committed a crime was killed people would say well but that's not going to deter people from committing crimes well it's not meant to it's just to eliminate repeat offenders a person can't commit a crime again if they're dead and that's the philosophy their superior spider-man takes here like if this guy goes to prison and he gets out he'll be a repeat offender but if I kill him then the number of crimes goes by that much so you know why let this guy live but ultimately he basically slides and says I can't do it you know not only that Massacre more or less is forced to feel fear now that part of the story is is interesting for what it is I mean it's not a wildly relevant it's kind of a way to to bring it to a close but it's basically superior spider-man saying there's only one way that this can it there's only one way that this can come to a close and all we see is a shot being fired and so the indication is given to us here is that with this shot being fired superior spider-man just killed Massacre and that's what makes this kind of wild is because superior spider-man's kind of a murderer now and that that's what makes it so unique so that's so interesting to me but ultimately this whole segment wraps up when he has his BOTS basically travel over to to Pullman and say look I know what you did I know you about your secret bank account I know that you paid Massacre to do what he did you are the hand behind murder and so you know we don't necessarily see what happens to her he says either you can go to the police and tell them what you've done or you can answer to me and I will kill you and so that's the interesting thing about this is because it's superior spine I'm basically saying I will kill if it's necessary if it means preserving the life of other people then I will kill him I will kill him if it means I can spare countless other individuals then I will murder a person okay so getting into a superior spider-man volume to this again is where Dan Slott kind of ghost is this phase of kind of taking things in steps taking things in small oval portions here and there really what's superior for a spider-man first started almost as superior Iron Man which I really want to cover that story at some point but when superior spider-man first started there were a lot of thoughts of people saying well spider-man's gonna come back Peter Parker is going to come back to normal ease gonna come back to being himself and he is I mean you can't do something like superior spider-man and get rid of Peter Parker forever he's to intrinsic of a superhero it'd be like killing off Superman and never bringing him back because of that we knew that Spiderman was going to come back later on down the line but in the interim Dan Slott and Marvel were playing this up as though Peter Parker was gone forever and so what we had this subconscious aspect of Peter Parker in the mind of his own body despite the fact that Doctor Octopus was basically taking control of Peter's body in the end what the story's going to do is basically eliminate that entire idea and bring forward the notion that Peter Parker is gone forever now the way this initially picks up is it actually joins us with a guy named doctor wertham who also goes by the name of cardiac now cardiac is a guy who dates all the way back to amazing spider-man number 342 in 1990 when in truth it was really just like Elias wertham he didn't really become cardiac until like three two or three issues later some long those lines but the idea here was that he was basically a vigilante but not in the traditional sense and that's one of the things that made his characters interesting cardiac was actually a guy who took the law into his own hands for the betterment of society and so what he was doing is he was basically fighting against criminals he was fighting against guys like Justin Hammer different things like that so he wasn't really like a traditional bad guy or traditional antihero like the Punisher he was actually doing good things the idea here though is that Elias wertham is basically taking over the heart clinic now this is one of the reasons why I wanted to do really you know spider-man big time going forward because of the fact that a lot of things that were taking place in superior spider-man referenced the events of Big Time and some of them even referenced some of the events before but really big time is all we needed since the bulk of the references really come from dance lots first time taking over the series as a solo guy but the idea here is that Elias wertham is basically running this sort of underground Hospital and that's kind of cool here because what we end up finding out from the perspective of Elias wertham one of the big issues with modern-day hospitals is cost the idea that people go in they have pre-existing conditions yada yada yada and it's really dance last way of saying this is the biggest problem with society at the moment is that you have people who need legitimate medical attention but they're basically knocked down on the donors list because they have existing conditions or because they're just not as high up somebody registered before them and it's really just one of these ideas where it is a lot of people need more help then there is help this actually available and so because of this we end up finding out that Elias wertham has been going through and launching these little attacks where he's basically been stealing supplies from places in order to provide his people with the help that they need but these supplies that are being stolen our supplies that were confiscated from criminals so it actually kind of begs an interesting question is he really doing the wrong thing or is he doing the right thing or is he doing the right thing for all the wrong reason I'm sorry is he doing uh doing the wrong thing for all the right reasons so because of this again it kind of throws us in a moral quandary and that's one of the things that I love so much about Dan Slott superior spider-man is it really brings a lot of moral philosophical ideals into the equation when we talked about that in the last video when superior spider-man massacre if you kill one man to save a thousand people is it the right thing to do it's it's good old-fashioned Jeremy Bentham you know John Stuart Mill utilitarianism the sacrifices are I guess the the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few but the the moral implication here is at what point does that stop you know we saw that with like Superman for example topple the governments of the world so the billions of people who exist can live without the oppression of government so again you know there's there's a point at which you simply just have to stop and that's when it comes to the whole philosophy of you know morality and so on and so forth it's really the line draw now of course because of the actions of of Elias because of his actions you know is cardiac breaking in a facility so on and so forth stealing the things that he needs what this does is it basically has you know the the police for New York investigating or at least alerting alerting superior spider-man now Whittier lives on the scene right off the bat he immediately attacks Elias now again Peter Parker exists as the sort of subconscious thought and occasionally he can intervene and what this will actually show us as he can still influence the body and even the mind of a superior spider-man but because of this Peter Parker's screaming in the background look this guy is not a bad guy he's doing all the right things or all the wrong things for all the right reasons but he's trying to do good he's trying to do what he's supposed to and so because this the first indication that we get of Peter Parker being able to influence a Peter a superior spider-man is when he screams to stop and it just catches the attention of superior spider-man now again these are disembodied voices in the mind of superior spider-man he doesn't know what's going on all he's hearing is just a voice somewhere telling him to stop we'll also see here in a little while that it'll actually a Peter Parker will start moving his own hand at different things like that but again this is basically just a I guess an effect of the two of them fighting one another but when we end up finding out that Elias is here to basically steer some steel something called the neurologic scanner which is designed to basically map the human brain superior spider-man realizes that as Doctor Octopus he made that device and so in his mind cardiac is stealing something that inherently belongs to Doctor Octopus now this is a funny situation because what this does is it throws into sharp relief the idea that despite the fact that Doctor Octopus took over the body of Peter Parker and is now operating as spider-man he can't quite let his pass to go he can't quite let go of the fact that he was a bad guy the things that he invented if this was a wholesale relaunch if this was a wholesale idea of dr. octopus walking away from his past he would simply say well you can have it that's just mine that's my past life but the fact that he feels like it still belongs to him means he simply can't let that go now from here it is the idea of him trying to figure out what's going on inside of his own mind and the idea that Peter Parker had basically stayed his hand despite the fact that superior spider-man was going to kill cardiac and so at this point it's basically superior spider-man tagging cardiac with one of these you know little spider trackers so he can track his location as well as superior spider-man going back and see if he can't figure out what's going on with his own body now what is up happening here is in the middle of his investigations he's basically contacted by the Avengers now this is actually kind of a funny situation because it's basically superior spider-man versus the Avengers and what Dan Slott did with this is he designed this explicitly I really wrote this explicitly for the purpose to show us how spider-man would stack up against the Avengers because we haven't really had a reason to see a story where he takes on the entirety of the offenders because smiley has always been a good guy he's always been a guy that fought on behalf of the Avengers but he never really fought against them at least not as a person who was literally trying to do them harm and so because of this the Avengers basically call him in and say look we've been watching the things that you've done you've taken a far heavier hand with villains and you have in the past you killed Massacre you almost killed cardiac what is going on with you now of course because of the fact that they basically want to take him and conduct a full scan a whole battery of tests the fear of superior spider-man as the Avengers we'll figure out what's going on with him then it'll actually figure out that Doctor Octopus took over the body of Peter Parker and so of course this leads to a skirmish between these members of the Avengers sapir spiraling himself now keep in mind this is not like a full contingent of the Avengers but the ones who were here nothing to laugh at I mean you've got Wolverine with his heightened senses Captain America with his agility you have four you have Jessica drew Spider Woman I mean you have some pretty formidable guys here and of course Black Widow I don't want to leave I don't want to leave Black Widow out but what is up happening here is there's basically reference made to the idea that Peter Parker I'm sorry that superior spider-man I'm so used to saying Peter Parker that superior spider-man's spider-sense makes it almost impossible for the Avengers to take him out and that's the me that I want to kind of talk about here for a second really in my mind for the longest time and Sal overcoming pop tell you this the longest time I always thought Peter Parker was just a stupid character like I never liked spider-man I was like hey look he's popular people like him whatever I don't really care but you know after really analyzing him further and going through these stories in the end as well written as a lot of these stories are one of the reasons why Peter Parker you know asked spider-man and even super you know Doctor Octopus a superior spider-man one of the reasons why you know he's such a formidable hero is because of the fact that his spider sense basically alerts him of danger before that danger ever happens so he's always a step ahead of the person that he's fighting one of the best ways to look at this is that the the best offense is a good defense and so because of this you know with superior spider-man having the ability to know attacks that are going to happen before they happen even if he doesn't know exactly what the attacking person is going to do it keeps him out of harm's way and so what this means is he can turn around and routinely stay on the offensive so long as his spider sense is working adequately now of course you know in a moment of distraction when Peter Parker is basically distracting Doctor Octopus what this does is it grants the Avengers a brief moment of reprieve which of course were able to use to essentially topple him but at this point Dan Slott kind of makes the Avengers look like buffoons which is not something that I'm really really on par with I mean I love The Avengers I mean the Avengers one of my favorite teams but to make them look like buffoons it's not something that I'm but I'm too partial with but basically what what happens is after all these different tests Captain America says we've confirmed you're not a scroll you're not possessed by you know some ghost out in space somewhere no one's taking control of you or anything like that but in the moment of analyzing these brain patterns Doctor Octopus realizes that there's brain patterns that should not be there now he doesn't know that it's Peter Parker all he knows is his brain the patterns are not where they're supposed to be and so because of this you know while Natasha Romanoff is having this conversation with superior spider-man talking about the first time she killed and how you know the fact that superior spider-man had killed Massacre is going to stick with him whether he knows it or not Peter Parker takes control of doctor octopus's hand while he's kind of idle and basically draws out this little diagram indicating that's that Doctor Octopus stole the bus or the body of Peter Parker now the problem with this is that this is a very basic drawing and Dan Slott plays it up this way Dan Slott plays its plays it up to us you know so that we look at this and we're like well how in the heck is she supposed to know that Doctor Octopus took control of Peter Parker's body you know but at the very least it would it would send often into that there's something legitimately wrong with spider-man and so because of this you know a natasha romanoff rule of course would be able to put two and two together eventually what this will do is kind of set her as or at least a bid sentence it's the possibility up that she's going to end up on this course or she's gonna start investigating what's actually going on with Peter Parker now switching back over to to cardiac of course with dr. octopus superior spider-man using the spider tracker and eventually you know locating what he's at the two of them engage in a skirmish once more but in the middle of this whole fight basically it leads into this operating room and this is when superior spider-man begins to realize that the reason why cardiac is doing this is to save the lives of people and so the the whole crux of this was that despite the fact that he had taken a scanner from you know that had previously been built by dr. octopus cardiac did not know how to use it in its entirety and so what this does is it basically sets the stage for Dan Slott to continue superior spider-man down the role of being a good guy when he looks at this and says well I'm the one who designed this machine I know how it works better than anybody else I can literally help fix this girl and I can turn around and perform the surgery myself and so of course again because of the fact that this has completed the little girl is saved it basically continues this trend of superior spider-man becoming a good guy and so taking that machine back to his lab and then investigating further he directly acknowledges Peter Parker he says look I now realize you're the voice inside my head I now realize that I didn't take over your body in its entirety that you know for some reason or another your consciousness is still there now after doing a little more investigating after that what we find out is that the this essence of Peter Parker that's talking to dr. octopus is basically an amalgamation of his memories in the sense that as long as dr. octopus uses the memories of Peter Parker Peter Parker's essence will always be there and this is really Dan Slott essentially saying that we as people are effectively just a combination of all our experiences everything that makes us who we are are the things that we've been through and so because of that Peter will always be alive so long as his memories aren't there and so dr. octopus takes the most logical step and simply says we have to purge these memories from my mind now this was actually a really really really cool segment of the story because this pits Peter Parker and dr. octopus against one another in a way that hasn't really been seen before routinely speaking when these guys go against one another they just kind of fight I mean it's really just a fight in the city and on for a little while and then innocents are put in danger you know Peter Parker defeats Doctor Octopus Doctor Octopus goes away for a little while he manages to break out and then it starts all over again it's pretty out par for the course you can set your watch to the fights between Peter Parker and his rogues gallery but what this does is it introduces a new dynamic because what they're doing is they're fighting inside the mind of Peter Parker's body and so what this does is it creates a pretty even playing field between the two of them a Peter Parker basically draws on all the people who have served significant roles in his life Uncle Ben Aunt May friends and family different things like that and while this does allow him to get a little bit of the upper hand it is Dan Slott saying a little bit Hey look the most important thing that we have in life are friends and family but the other half of this equation is that doctor Doctor Octopus himself is not without his own friends now when I say friends of Doctor Octopus when I say family of Doctor Octopus I used that term loosely these various villains that that aqus fought behind or fought beside over the course of the years I wouldn't really consider to be like legitimate friends or legitimate family not by any stretch of the imagination but they're the closest thing he has not only that all these guys are formidable in their own right and so in truth it comes down to a pretty significant battle between the two of them but in the end Doctor Octopus ends up winning out now the reason why this is the case is twofold the first is that it is people with superpowers going against individuals without superpowers but this is also Dan Slott offering a meta commentary that the people fighting on be the on behalf of Peter Parker are only as strong as Peter Parker is for himself that is to say they're a reflection of the faith that Peter Parker has it himself only if he is a strong individual only if he legitimately believes that he should be spider-man do these individuals have any measure of power to combat Doctor Octopus but in the end he doesn't think that he deserves to be spider-man and the reason why is because of a conversation between the two of them as this fight starts to dwindle down and it just turns into superior spider-man versus the amazing spider-man Doctor Octopus makes an incredibly good point what happened here was that when when when superior spider-man was in the process of getting ready to perform the surgery on that young girl Peter Parker did not want him to do it he kept making his handshake and the reason why was because Peter Parker did not believe that Doctor Octopus would have the skill to save this young girl's life what Doctor Octopus says here is you were willing to let this girl die in order to get your body back you are willing to sacrifice an innocent in order to deceit in order to defeat me Doctor Octopus making the case that what Peter Parker did was tantamount to Doctor Octopus holding someone hostage and then Peter Parker shooting the hostage in order to kill Doctor Octopus that's the case that's being made here and because of that in in face of that Peter Parker has a total breakdown he says oh my god you're right I was willing to sacrifice the life of an innocent young girl in order to make sure that you were defeated that you were stopped the other half of this was that Doctor Octopus says look I was trying to do the right thing so not only were you willing to put an innocent in danger you were going to stop me from doing something good you were going to become a bad guy because you didn't like what it was that I was doing you didn't trust me and so because of this Doctor Octopus basically initiates this Mindwipe a Peter Parker has no no more defence really nothing to put up against this and so all these different memories of Peter Parker start getting wiped away and what this does is it sets the next stage in the next phase of the story which is simply Doctor Octopus in the body of Peter Parker without having to worry about his essence or his memories causing any kind of problems for him in the foreseeable future okay so continuing on with superior spider-man we're officially into the story without Peter Parker and it's actually kind of cool here I mean Peter Parker's cool and everything but the idea of doing a story where Doctor Octopus takes over the body of Peter Parker is something that I'd like to see focused on strictly as him without influence from Peter Parker and Dan Slott gives us that I mean this first issue is actually called independence you know Independence Day because he's basically free of the control of Peter Parker at least the influence of Peter Parker now the cool thing about this is it allows Dan Slott to set the stage for everything in all-new all-different amazing spider-man because remember you have superior spider-man the whole run 33 issues you've got spider-verse and which spider-verse doesn't wasn't really necessary it's kind of a cool story but it's not really necessary by any standard of measurement it's almost completely and totally self-contained and then you have two story arcs from Amazing Spiderman and then all-new all-different marvel happens so again it's pretty cool in terms of how all this just segues directly into the current run of amazing spider-man under Dan Slott congas fear sea and all that kind of good stuff but what this does is it shows us how streamlined [ __ ] has made a spider-man's life remember he's got all these little spider eyes that are walking around well because of that they literally keep an eye on New York and tell him everything that's happening and so when he wakes up in the morning he gets daily briefings on what's happening what villains are fighting one another which ones are worth their attention and which ones aren't now the funny thing about this is Doc Ock talks about how in this circumstance Peter Parker would have just thrown on the spider-man costume and would have just jumped into the fray because of this he says I'm not going to take that role instead I'm gonna let them deplete their ranks I'm gonna let them fight each other to the point that they can't fight anymore and then I'm gonna go in and I'm gonna take things over it's classic Napoleon Bonaparte that's really what it is Napoleon Bonaparte was well known that go into countries start civil wars when they're at their weakest conquer them it's the smartest way to conduct yourself in terms of taking over a hostile entity and that's exactly what he does here he's like look if I want to defeat these guys I could go in and just fight them all but the problem is I may or may not win and it would just be a waste of time what I can do is just let them keep fighting each other until the point that their forces are to the point of exhaustion when that happens I'll go in and just take everybody over and that's exactly what happens is like nobody does he goes in and of course attacks like owl man you know and a handful of others but the other thing that I want to point out here is how strong is Spider Man is when I was going through spider-man number seven number 700 we were going through like you know die anguish and suicide run and all those stories that led up to superior spider-man one of the things that I wanted to hold off on talking about was the idea of how strong spider-man is now Sal over a comic pop has done several videos on my channel which you'll find down the description well we run over spider-man stuff and then Sal is one of the four most knowledgeable people about spider-man that I've ever met it's literally his bread and butter like it's it's crazy how knowledgeable he is about spider-man but historically speaking there's been references to Peter Parker pulling his punches but it easy spider-man numbers number 700 Doctor Octopus confirmed that and that's the significance of those kind of things in color books it's one thing for a character to say I'm really powerful it's another for other characters to say yes they are really powerful to confirm it by virtue of another character gives it a little more substance now again it's just whatever the writers want it to be and so take it for what it is but the fact remains here that with Doctor Octopus plotting against scorpion in superior spider-man I'm sorry in a amazing spider-man number number 700 he punched him in the jaw so hard that he knocked his jaw that's when dr. octopus realized how strong Peter Parker is and that s spider-man he basically been pulling his punches the entire time now the reason why that was significant is because what it means is going forward in this story of the stories before it as part of superior spider-man is a Doc Ock had to recognize how easy it would be for him to kill foes as one of the first things that the Peter Parker started to realize in the alternate universe is the first thing he realized to his detriment when he killed a person so because this is it's really kind of cool to see it all unfold but again one of the other things going on behind the scenes here is the return of Norman Osborn really as the Green Goblin I'll keep in mind Norman Osborn has and always will be a spider-man villain but he had a lot of a lot of you know really promotion and a lot of exposure to the larger couple of a community and Marvel went during the events of a Dark Reign when he became the director of shield now I don't know what was going on behind the scenes ayman able to find any interviews to verify but I don't know anything going on behind the scenes in terms of whether or not this was all design the whole Dark Reign story was all designed to bolster the reputation of Norman Osborn so that when goblin Nation happened that it would be a lot more interesting I don't really know if that's the case or not the only thing that I can really guess here is that because of the fact that Norman Osborn is essentially going to claim himself as the Goblin King you know go way as I guess really as part of lead up to goblin nation that it was just really part of a scheme to kind of reinvigorate his character but again this could entirely be self-contained too it could just be the Dan Slott didn't care anything about Dark Reign and they just said you know what we're gonna read they have the one Osborn and we're gonna make a matte Goblin King instead of the Green Goblin I have no real idea here but the fact remains that switching back over to doc ock is spider-man again a lot of this deals with him and his personal relationships it's actually funny watching him talk to people because of the fact that he usually just talks down to them and it's not like I mean I don't think it's funny to talk down to people but it's funny in terms of how he does it in the sense he's talking to the professor you know the person before is Forest thesis and he's like man this guy's a buffoon and he talks to him that way like he literally finishes his test takes it over hands it in and says don't bother worrying about it i H the whole thing you don't have to check it but you can if you want but if you did you just be wasting your time so it's it's funny they kind of see him interacting that way but again you know with regards to Goblin King bolstering his ranks he's basically grabbing all these different individuals use different henchman part of these small-time criminals or just petty thieves or what-have-you and having them operate as part of his scheme and to essentially try to take over New York now again a lot of this is leading up to goblin nation so it's just these pages here and there you know we're some small things happen with regards to to the green Goblin's but what is up happening here is some of these goblins attack Mary Jane Watson nightclub this whole attack coincides with dinner that a Spider Man is having with Anna Maria and I remember Anna Maria is part of all-new all-different marvel she's a woman of a diminutive size but she's also really interesting and the reason why is because with her being as intelligent as she is she doesn't really cook using conventional methods and in fact what she's doing is she's making a carbonated sorbet using dry ice but it's really cool because they're basically making ice cream now of course this is great in and of itself because ice cream isn't anytime you like you can have ice cream any time that's one of the great things that I love about ice cream my personal favorite is cookies and cream I wonder what your personal favorite is I love cookies and cream print is a cream isn't bad chocolate chip ice cream is terrible chocolate chip mint is even worse but I love cookies and cream but what this does is it sets the stage for romance between the two of them and the reason why is because when the dry ice is dropped you know of course spider-man reaches in grabs it and just kind of lets it go realizing you know that it hurts him but annamaria kind of patches him up and the two of them share a kiss now this is cool because with the character of Anna Maria what she's going to do is begin the process of transitioning Doctor Octopus away from being a bad guy and in fact almost the entirety of his motivation with regards to you know all-new all-different marvel and awesome is going to be rooted in his love for Anna Maria so that's the coolest thing about this one of the things that I really dig about that but again it's also a dance lot messing with the idea of Mary Jane Watson finding love of her own wind the entire incident with the the the attack on her nightclub the resulting fire and so on is met by a fire department and she comes across a guy named Pedro so again you know dance la it's kind of coin where this notion of the two of them going their own separate ways I mean it's already established at this point by virtue of the things that he's written into the story that you know superior spider-man and Mary Jane Watson are never going to get together but the other half of this is again the way that the entire spider-man process has been streamlined the fire department showing up at Mary Jane Watson severed Mary Jane wasas business came by way of superior spider-man because of the fact that he's aware of everything going on that's been going on with the city in his mind he was arguing well why not have my own life and keep the city safe and that's exactly what he did when the when the attack happened when the fire broke out he basically had the fire department notified and they responded now of course the bigger question to ask here is what would Peter Parker have done and Peter Parker would have arrived he would have left annamaria he would have arrived on the scene and the reason why is because he wouldn't know whether or not people were going to die in the fire and that's one of the issues with regards to superior spider-man in terms of how he views himself as spider-man I mean it's no secret by now he's a much darker character and because of his willingness to kill something that will actually see yet again I hear in this story in his mind you know the needs of the many outweigh the needs of the few so sure one person might die in that fire but if seven people are saved well then that's just the way it goes and so again it's kind of a darker road to take for his character but it's one of the reasons that I kind of find a little refreshing here man you know Peter Parker spider-man is the spider-man it'll always be that way but for me Doctor Octopus is superior spider-man mix a little more interesting mix a little more you know a little more visceral in terms of how somebody with his mind would operate in a position like that now of course at this point we transition over to Jay jonah Jameson with the execution of Spider Slayer now keep in mind we talked about this when we first started spider-man big time we had spires later I'm sorry spiders later Alastair Smythe who again it basically attacked spider-man but it resulted in the death of Marla Jameson J John Jameson's wife and so because of this Alastair Smythe is getting ready to undergo execution but the khalsa spider-man comes by way of the fact that J John Jameson believes that that Smythe is going to have some contingency plan in place in order to allow him to break free now of course all of this is taking place on the raft which is a maximum security prison for supervillains really like the raft had his biggest claim to fame when electro engineered a mass breakout at the start of New Avengers when Brian Michael Bendis first took over the title really when the title was first launched to be honest I mean it was this inaugural story the raft which is really really cool and then after that it was who is this century like new Avenger he's really good for a little while and then it just kind of dropped off but it was pretty solid you know in the beginning ah but the fact remains here that the the relationships between superior spider-man and all the other people that he knows are predicated on how he views himself in relation to them and so there's a lot of arrogance there's a lot of not really cruelty but there's a lot of the belief that he's simply better than they are just by virtue of his intelligence now the other half of this is that this is Doctor Octopus in the body of Peter Parker which means that was Alastair Smith getting ready to undergo his execution that basically his little spider the Spider Slayer BOTS immediately infiltrated the place and start ripping things up but Doctor Octopus was ready for it all and that's why I say I think he's better than Peter Parker because Peter Parker basically flies by the seat of his pants as spider-man now for Peter Parker fans that's the endearing part of it that's the reason why they love him is because of the fact that you never know what's gonna happen he doesn't even know what's gonna happen he's quick on his toes he has to think fast he jumps into a situation uses his intelligence combined with a spider sense and his abilities in order to try to get the situation to bend to his favorite with Doctor Octopus it's a lot more methodical it's a lot more planning but I would say it's also a much better implementation of spider-man I mean let's say for example that Peter Parker took the steps the superior spider-man did where he basically had spider BOTS all throughout the city imagine how much safer New York would be with Peter Parker using that method but of course again superior spider-man was one that came up with it to basically streamline the process now in truth this was really dance la to me as you know as we kind of continue to this fight this was really Dan Slott basically saying hey look this is the basis behind what we'll see an all-new all-different marvel this spider-man process was streamlined because superior spider-man made it so and so what it meant was that when Peter Parker finally got his body back he benefited from all the work of superior spider-man so that's when the reasons why it's so cool but again Doc Ock basically cuts off almost every single rat of escape for Alastair Smith but the other half of this is that with superior spider-man having you know destroyed the jaw of scorpion you know having fought off against guys you know like vulture and so on what this does is it sets the stage for them gaining their own revenge and is basically this idea that his own ghosts are coming back to haunt him now this is really just kind of you know Dan Slott throwing us in there for the sake of having in there it's not bad it's just kind of cool to see but it's really more of a message about consequence it's more of a message about the fact that whenever it is that the Doc Ock goes through an action superior spider-man and Exmouth there will be fall back there will be splash over there will be consequences for his actions and so of course the cool thing about this is that you know one of the box basically appears so like Norah Winters who works in the Daily Bugle Jay jonah Jameson most of these individuals who were there to observe the execution and just kind of watched everything go awry in superior spider-man shows up with a pre-recorded message essentially saying look I've planned for this I figured this was gonna happen I'm going to create a a bubble that's going to keep you protected do not leave or you will put yourself in danger which of course j jonah Jameson leaves because it's Jo Jameson but I would also say this is probably one of the best moments of his character and there isn't wise because with superior spider-man and Alastair Smythe fighting one another basically jenna jameson shows up in a guards outfit and manages to offer a distraction but of course in the meantime you know we really have spider-man dealing with like you know scorpion and dealing with vulture and so on you know and he's able to hold off his own yummy is able to do pretty well ah but then we also have doc Connors being freed from itself when Alistair Smythe takes power down to the to the facility now keep in mind we talked about about doc Connors but historically speaking lizards always just been a villain of spider-man he was driven more by like impulse and instinct and you know whose desire to kill spider-man more so than anything else but we had talked during real really doing big Tom in the events leading up to superior spider-man that Doc Connors the Connors persona had basically taken over it had been quite some time since he was the you know that the notable villain that we'd all known the guy who just kind of ripped things up instead you know he was very much himself and so where he would be freed and we would think he would join in the fray against superior spider-man he actually doesn't instead he basically fights as a good guy because it is doc Connors fighting you know with the doc Connors mind and so because of this in the minor superior spider-man Alistair Smythe represents just incorrigibility the fact that Smythe will not stop until he kills J jonah Jameson basically continues his campaign of eliminating everybody that he simply just doesn't like or that has harmed him in some form or fashion and so where we end up having scorpion a timming to attack J jonah Jameson we am having doc Connors jump into the fray now this is what you really really cool to see and the reason why was because when it comes to the different foes of spider-man spider-man has some of the most recognizable villains and comic book come and pop made a really good point about that during an episode of the weekly cool about how spider-man has some of the most notable villains in the realm of comic books I mean I would say that like Doctor Octopus you know scorpion venom carnage those are some of the most popular villains to have ever appeared I mean you have guys like Lex Luthor you know in Darkseid who are always going to be you know at the very very top you know you've got guys like the Joker who is who is at the very top if you look at almost every single list of the most popular villains to ever existed but spider-man always has a very popular rogues gallery the difference here is this is not Peter Parker facing off against these guys this is Doctor Octopus but to have doc Connors aligning himself with Jay jonah Jameson fighting against the scorpion it's a cool thing it's actually a really interesting turn of events to see and so because of this you know essentially doc Connors overpowers scorpion in the extreme I mean there's really no contest here he absolutely wrexham and the reason why is because it's just so much organic strength and lizard himself and so it's really kind of a funny situation to see but the fact remains here you know jumping back over to two superior spider-man because of the fact that these bots are essentially being made to fail because they're being engineered and being shut down what it means is that the various abilities of these you know different guys are effectively going away vultures going back to being a blind guy you know so on and so forth they're not nearly as capable as they were a second ago so again with everything effectively having come to an end with them all having been defeated Alastair Smyth makes one last-ditch effort to try to destroy superior spider-man but in truth he's fighting on fumes and he's got he's really got nothing left and so superior spider-man essentially takes him out and kills him he basically says look we're Alastair Smyth intended to basically switch bodies with superior spider-man in the same way the Doctor Octopus switched bodies of Peter Parker Doc Ock says no that's the first thing that any villain facing off against me would try to do is take over my body if they have any measure of intelligence he says I planned for that but then what he also does is in his dying moments superior spider-man reveals that he's actually Doc Ock to Alastair Smythe and so again basically bringing his body back up and essentially saying this guy is dead he's not gonna bother us anymore what he does is on the way back to the island Peter spider-man reveals to Jay John Jameson that he recorded a conversation between the two of them and in this conversation Jay jonah Jameson had stated look Alastair Smythe was supposed to be here for his execution I want you to make sure that happens when superior spider-man asked the question are you asking me to kill Alistair Smythe J jonah jameson more or less said yes and so because the fact that this conversation was recorded what is up happening in superior spider-man says you're the mayor of New York you're going to give me the raft you're going to shut it down and you're gonna give it to me if you don't I'm going to issue this broadcast out to the world and everybody is going to see that the mayor of New York City Jay jonah Jameson had sanctioned the murder of a villain and so again this basically kind of sets things back to familiarity and the sense that Jay jonah Jameson is like I hate you again spider-man I hate you now I absolutely despise you now like you are you're a terrible thing but the reason why superior spider-man did this is because of the fact that with the raft is simply having its doors closed and him taking over it doesn't give J John Jameson or anybody any time to take out everything that's in there and so essentially you have superior spider-man Wow with access to military-grade technology and weapons and so again what it does is it allows him to up the ante in terms of his role as spider-man and move things in a direction of taking even more of a militaristic approach than he previously has in the story so far okay so continuing our whole thing about secure spider-man this is when we actually delve into you know really spider-man 2099 now who's gonna be the kicker develop this whole thing there's gonna be the craziness is like the middle of the story there's going to be like a singular moment that takes place in the story and it's gonna be one panel and then another panel between those two panels the entirety of spider-verse takes place and it's kind of crazy the way the Dan Slott did but it was still really really cool and we'll cross that bridge when we get to it but what we do here is we actually picked up with wave on New York which is it I'm sorry New York which is based in New York in the year 2099 um but what I want to do here is I want to have a little bit of a discussion about Miguel O'Hara spider-man 2099 now this version of 2099 that we're seeing here is not the traditional spider-man 2099 universe instead a section referred to as Earth 9:00 to 8:00 and remember whatever it comes to futures in Marvel Comics so to say you know 20 years from now or a hundred years from now or something like that those usually always consider to be like you know alternate realities usually always considered to be like dystopian futures or something like that or sometimes they're enlightened futures but because of the fact that that future is not guaranteed Marvel just kind of chalks it up to an alternate reality now aspects of that future may be guaranteed but the future in and of itself in terms of how we see it is not guaranteed to happen with 2099 traditionally that is to say the you know spider-man 2099 1992 Peter David run what it basically happened is that there was a massive civil war between humans and mutants and eventually it led to the point where the earth basically experienced this systemic breakdown of social classes in the sense that you basically has had this super rich and then everybody else and so what it did is it basically created a very corporatized environment where there was non-stop advertising everything was corporate it was 100% if you weren't rich you were basically poor and you were living your life as best you could um the idea here was that at the time because of the fact that that heroes like the Spider Man were really kind of considered to be archaic they were reminiscent of days gone by Miguel O'Hara had actually become part of a group called alchemax and the idea was that Miguel O'Hara himself looked to the idea of Spider Man and then eventually took up the mantle now this coincided with like a new generation of superheroes who basically began rising up but adopted the mantle of previous people whether they were villains or anti heroes and so you had like Punisher 2099 and you have you know all these different characters that we knew and loved but as 2099 counterparts now the truth be told I've thought about going back into covering spider-man 2099 I thought about going back in and covering all that stuff I mean right now we can't just because we have so much to do like we have all this spider-man in spider-verse and then you know all-new all-different amazing spider-man and then we transition over to Thor then we transition over to the entire Marvel cosmology and the origin of Thanos and the remastering of Infinity Gauntlet and then infinity war and infinity crusade a million things that we're gonna do really going in for the next little while but I may try to find a place to squeeze in spider-man 29 because Miguel is a really really cool character I really love what he brings to the superhero landscape but the fact remains here that we really just kind of join him in the aftermath of the age of Ultron and that's where the future that we're seeing right now that's where that hails from one of the big questions a lot of people had is like how did Galactus from like the main Marvel Universe cross over into the ultimate universe you know what was going on with y'all spin universe doing the collapse of the multiverse all that kind of stuff so that kind of sidetrack here for a second away from this this spider-man story and bear with me here because we're gonna we're gonna jump back into it when Marvel is basically setting the stage for the collapse of the multiverse and basically going into Hickman's whole Avengers a new Avenger and all that kind of stuff they had this great big huge Seerat like a lot of these series of events that were designed for the purpose of basically wrapping things up or the very least allowing marvel to segue into stories that would you know basically lead up to the collapse of the multiverse original sin was one of the most notable and the Simpson original sin show that McPhee had killed the watcher but in terms of Hickman's Avengers and new Avengers it showed that Captain America was previously part of the Illuminati and then basically was ousted because he didn't agree with the idea of destroying worlds that we're gonna crash into the main Marvel Universe and destroy them both and so because of that the Illuminati kicked him out and wiped his memory and so it created all these really cool stories and things like that and we'll we'll cross that bridge when we go through our whole following Thanos throughout the history of Marvel's cosmology all of his stories and everything going into the remastering of Hickman's Avengers and new Avengers but the fact remains here that in terms of the age of Ultron story what that did is it basically had Wolverine travel back in time and then kill Hank Pym only to travel back in time a second time and stop himself from killing Hank Pym and so because of the fact that the story was in and of itself crazy in terms of time travel what Brian Michael Bendis and Marvel did is they said there's been too many instances on too many occasions in Marvel Comics when people have traveled back in time and try to fix things the time is not some linear constitutive Lee a living organism and so by virtue of Wolverine going back in time so many times he basically broke time itself that's a lot of times they were thrown out there he essentially broke time itself and so what it did is it sent ripples it sent shockwaves throughout the entirety of the Marvel multiverse which set in motion a lot of things and really hope to contribute to the collapse of the multiverse but in terms of this this you know getting back into the spider-man in terms of this future as we see it right now we don't know exactly what it was that happened all we know is that the conclusion of age of Ultron had ripple effects throughout the entire multiverse and it's somehow affected this particular universe now the idea here seems to be that again you're kind of picking up with Miguel it's really just so it just you know Dan Slott showing us here's what spider-man is about here's what spider-man you know spider-man 2099 does he's a futuristic version of spider-man it suits a little more durable it's got special little goodies that separate him and and that's really the way it goes in the realm of the spider-man landscape whether it's Miles Morales in the Ultimate Universe whether it is you know Peter Parker with the iron spider armor or whether it's Miguel O'Hara whether it's Kane you know bill or I'm sorry I almost said Bill O'Reilly whether it's Ben Reilly whatever the case may be it's basically just all these different versions of spider-man have something that makes them different something that make them a little unique they're sued so their powers or so on and so forth and so because of this what ended up happening here is of course Miguel's basically just kind of saving the day but the reason why is because of the fact that again this age of Ultron rip Levin has basically caused a massive catastrophe in the city in terms of the timestream being all screwed out now a lot of this is stemming from alchemax itself alchemax being the mega corporation that basically runs the show it's almost like a futuristic version of Roxxon oil or something like that the main Marvel Universe work Rockstone is extremely corrupt organization that has us hands and all different kinds of politics and behind the scenes some very shady things assassinations of public officials different things like that alchemax it's very much like that in the future but it's one of these things where it kind of represents the corrupted nature of corporations and capitalism and so on and so forth there's a lot of political themes that went into the original spider-man 2099 line of stories but the fact remains here that within the realm of alchemax Oz Tyler stone is really kind of the guy running the whole situation but Tyler stone is the son of Tiberius stone and in fact Miguel O'Hara himself is the son of Tyler stone and so because of this Miguel O'Hara and his father are really in a kind of a battle like this eternal battle of good and evil so to speak in the sense that they fight each other but what makes a situation a little more dynamic is it would be like if Bruce Wayne became Batman and Thomas Wayne his father became the Joker like they're just kind of at odds against one another and they will be until the end of time the issue here is that because of the actions of Wolverine during age of Ultron something in the past was screwed up something in the past went wrong and so the idea is that Tyler Stone's effectively disappearing from the timestream now what's really cool about this is the way that Dan Slott does it under no circumstances when we think of the grandfather paradox which is to say if you went back in time and you met your grandfather is a child and accidentally killed him then you would cease to exist traditionally we just have you just kind of break down on an onion on the atomic level you simply just phase out of existence because you couldn't exist in the first place if your grandfather was killed but the reason why it's called a grandfather paradox is if your grandfather died before you could be born then how could you have gone back in time in the first place so again it creates all kinds of weird situations but the way Dan Slott does it here is it basically gives us a chance it basically gives them it gives them time to correct the problem in a sense but instead of Tyler stone just vanishing out of thin air Tyler stones basically just sort of disappearing and so what it tells us is that in the past there's a sequence of events there's you know the first event then the second event then the third event and we're probably on the second at the moment which means that the the closer these events get to the point where Leo Tiberius stone that the father of Tyler stone vanishes then the closer we get to Tyler stone disappearing in his entirety and so because of this Miguel's basically tasked with the idea of saving the father of Tyler stone now the reason why this is interesting is because on the surface Miguel's like look you're my mortal enemy like there's no reason for me to save you if you die the world will be a better place will the issue with this is then we start invoking hypothetical scenarios you're not pathetical possibilities the world exists as it does now in you know the 2099 universe because a series of events took place that led it to where it is whether or not is a huge event whether or not is the smaller than Tyler Stone was born if Tyler son was never born what would the world look like if alchemax never he never came to power it might be better it could be worse and so because of this because of the fact that there's no telling what the future may be mama may hold we end up actually finding out that that Miguel's traveling into the past is guaranteed and the reason why is because they show an image of him in the past and so this basically means that he's going to jump back into the year 2013 and try to figure out what happened that set all these events in motion in the first place now what we end up doing is we actually jump back to you know again Peter Parker superior spider-man it is really kind of a cool moment here in this and he's playing baseball and he smashes the ball out of the park and that's kind of what were you would expect right like like Peter Parker playing baseball like I'd never played baseball against Peter Parker like I don't care how fast you can throw the ball he's going to smash it and then everybody's you know everybody's fun is gonna be ruined and so because of that because we don't like people ruining other people's fun I would not play against Peter Parker but the cool thing here is that this entire situation is being monitored by Tiberius stone so again we're back here in the present with a father of Tyler stone Tiberius himself and so because that's what this really means is that high Beria's is basically engineering the fall of you know really of horizon labs and I remember horizon laughs is the organization that's basically founded by Maximo Dell it's a giant think tank it's designed to basically grab some of the bright young members of society and have them create inventions and different things like that that will make society better it's very similar to like Hickman's future foundation under Reed Richards and the spa for the course right I mean in Marvel Comics its but you know even in DC comics you don't have like one organization that represents one thing like you don't have like one government-sanctioned superhero team you don't have one you know think tank all different kinds of people have different kinds of think tanks Reed Richards has a Future Foundation which is some of the world's smartest kids that he's allowed in there Maximo Dell has horizon labs will see Parker Industries begin to take form over the course of this story you see a lot of different organizations and groups that serve the same purpose you know but they're basically just led by different people now it doesn't mean they're at odds it's not like Maximo Dell was like I hate Reed Richards in his future foundation you know I'm gonna get those evil curves I mean it's nothing like that you know there's the thing is it's silly and sinister is that but it just serves the purpose of kind of reminding us there's a much bigger world and in the realm of corporations and companies and so on and so forth but the reason why why Tiberius stone is so significant here is because of the fact that what Tiberius stone has been doing or at least what he's done is he's basically set the stage for horizon labs to essentially go under for maximum Dell himself to be arrested due to the fact that the the different experiments that he's been working on I have basically come into into light as being illegal in the sense of he's tampering with Todd the sense that he basically tried to make or at least one of the people they're trying to make a knockoff of vibranium and ultimately screwed it up treated reverb iam instead different things like that now max Modell wasn't the one who invented these things but it's a classic example that if you're at work and you screw up if somebody higher than your boss sees it it makes your boss look bad because your boss is in charge of you and so because of that max Modell is basically the one taking the fall here because he's the one who's in charge of horizon labs he's responsible for all the different experiments that his employees are working on at the moment now at this point we're basically kind of reminded by Dan Slott that goblin nation is still going on which is to say Norman Osborn is still making his own green goblin army this is a wildly significant here it's just kind of a little small reminder but it's Dan Slott basically saying you know keep in the back of your head guys Norman Osborn the Green Goblin basically found a link to hack into a superior spider-man's little spider BOTS in order to keep all the goblins in New York hidden away from those spots they won't know the goblins are there they won't detect them and they won't report back and so because of that it's basically Dan Slott reminding us that superior spider-man is completely unaware of the fact that Green Goblin is building an army for himself within the city of New York now at this point we transition over to alkanes and alkenes basically just the the predecessor to Alchemist but the idea here is that outcome has basically taken over horizon labs or is it really kind of initiating a you know a hostile takeover now this is basically short for Alan chemical but because of the fact that the head of horizon labs Maximo Dell is being taken away essentially what happened here is is again by nature of it being a hostile takeover Alan chemical has bought controlling stake in in horizon labs and that's why it's considered to be a hostile takeover because basically when you have publicly traded companies the people who have a majority share a majority hold in the company have a lot more authority than those who don't with with Alan chemical holding the majority shares of horizon labs this now means that Alan chemical owns horizon labs is up they can dissolve the company they can absorb the company they can do any number of things that they want now of course superior spider-man is very much aware that Tiberius stone seems to have a hand in this as as most everybody else just because of the fact that Tiberius is on with Alan chemical and it's like hey look guys we'll keep you around you know if we're interested in if we choose to but it's really superior spider-man kind of chasing him down with the intention of tracking these guys down now at this point we actually pick up with Grady remember great he's one of the members of horizon labs and Grady basically came to the idea that in his mind Tiberius Starling had set in motion these events was just to say he believes the site Tiberius stone had sabotage these different experiments which is the reason why they had gone awry and it's the reason for why Mac's Modell's being arrested in the first place so the intention of Grady is to travel back in time and is simply witness what it is that the Tiberius Stone is doing now this is the inherent difference between what it is a Dan slots doing in this story and what we would see in traditional time-travel stories and traditional stories where time-travel is invoked time travel in and of itself is just a way out it's a way for a rider to get themselves out of a hole they buy this incredibly amazing story and it's super super good but they don't know how to end it well then suddenly here comes Doctor Strange and Doctor Strange wished them away to the future and then everything is okay it's one of those things that fans absolutely hate because it's a lazy way to end a story what Dan Slott does here is he doesn't use time travel to end a story he uses time travel to further a story and that's where fans don't really have any problem with it you know if that's like hey look if it's a means to an end which is to say it's a tool to be used in order to give us an organic ending to a story then that's fine then that works and so what ends up happening here is as Grady basically just kind of jumps back and starts looking through different points now before Grady can actually end for this device Miguel O'Hara suddenly jumps through and again this really kind of feeds into the idea of Miguel being here in the sense that you know the guys that alchemax in here in the year 2099 sent him through this portal because it was a two-way street it was gonna be opened up it was basically Grady opening the door and then they knew at least at alchemax they knew this door will be open at this particular time and it would allow Miguel to jump through and so because of this Miguel's basically a man on a mission his idea is trying to figure out what it is that's taking place that's leading to the death of Tyler stone in the year 2099 Wyatt is a Tyler stone is disappearing from existence and so with superior spider-man catching up to tonight Tiberius stone and the intention of killing him the funny thing here is that Tiberius is like well you know you can't harm me I mean you know you're spider-man you don't kill people I'm following within the confines of the law what I'm doing is legal yeah it's really crummy and yeah it's really shady but you can't hurt me right and this really kind of goes back to the discussion that we had about injustice you know free will gives people the freedom to do anything they want to but it also gives them the freedom to deal with the consequences the consequences may not be legal the consequences may just be that you pissed somebody off really bad and they're gonna kill you that's the consequence of the things that you said and the things that you did that's what's going on here with Tiberius he basically pissed off superior spider-man by screwing him over and screwing over the entirety of horizon labs now the other half of this is as Dan Slott furthering this idea that Doctor Octopus and the body of Peter Parker is becoming a good guy because under normal circumstances we wouldn't have seen Doctor Octopus do this Doctor Octopus would have been like well I mean you know look at the look at the entire situation get a lay of the land and if it's if it works in my benefit I'll let it happen if it doesn't then I'll stop it but then I'll try to find some way to make sure that I come out on top here superior spider-man is being altruistic in this situation what Tiberius Stone is doing is wrong horizon labs is a great organization max Modell is a legit guy superior spider-man is basically going to try to kill Tiberius stone because he's a dick he doesn't deserve to live and horizon Labs is going to continue on exonerated of the crimes that has been falsely accused of so that's kind of the cool thing here is this this is altruistic spider-man now the funny thing about this too is that Doc Ock has never met spider-man 2099 he doesn't know who Miguel O'Hara is and this is Dan Slott kind of harkening back to the death quote-unquote of Peter Parker when superior spider-man basically purged all of Parker's legitimate memories from his mind the issue here is that when Miguel O'Hara first shows up Peter Parker's met Miguel before they they've been a team they teamed up on a multitude of occasions Miguel knows who's spider-man is he knows spider-man is Peter Parker but Doctor Octopus doesn't know this and so in his mind this is just a guy who looks like spider-man he doesn't know where he's from he doesn't know what he's about and so Miguel kind of initially greets him as a friend superior spider-man greets him as an enemy and so what this does is lead to a fight between the two now in terms of Miguel he's basically trying to solve this problem he's trying to figure out what's going on and so in a lot of ways and what he's doing here is he's looking at superior looking at spider-man and saying I don't know what happened to you I don't know what's been done to you but you've become more extreme and if I have to put you down in order to preserve the future that's exactly what I'll do now at this point we also have Tyler stone in the future communicating with you know Miguel O'Hara and this is when Tyler basically says hey look you know that Spiderman referenced that guy is Tiberius stone that's my father and so if he dies I will cease to exist that's the issue here Tiberius stone somewhere along the line was killed and so because of the fact that he was killed my entire existence is coming to an end as will yours and so again this is Dan Slott kind of meddling around with time a little bit kind of messing with time itself but again it still kind of works at this point Miguel O'Hara's role is solidified we now know exactly what it is that he's doing here his job is to preserve the life of Tiberius Stumpf the reason why this matters is because of the fact that there is a segment and there will be a section coming up when Miguel doesn't know if he should he's like maybe I should just sacrifice my life and make the future better you know I'll let Tiberius stone die or I'll kill him myself Tyler stone will cease to exist and then I will cease to exist but at the end of the day it'll all still work out because the future will be a better place or at least I hope it will be and so in the midst of all this we pick up with with Grady and again Grady jumping through here you know kind of going back in time it's not wildly significant all it really does is just confirm the fact that Tiberius stone was messing around and sabotaging these different experiments that had gone wrong and at Horizon labs it so we don't really need to go super in-depth into that I mean that's really the extent of what we would be what we would be discussing anyway I think how do the main focus here should be on Miguel and in superior spider-man and so the conflict the battle between the two of them is actually really interesting is actually really cool in the sense that they're both relatively evenly matched smarter match 199 has tech at his disposal and that's one of the differences here but that's also something that dance lots kind of harkening on because of the fact that Doctor Octopus took over the body of Peter Parker and Miguel O'Hara's future superior spider-man is a part of the spider-man mythos it'll be chalked up to the idea that Spiderman became really really extreme for a little while but the different tools that Doc Ock used in terms of his time as spider-man his enhancements to the suit all of that falls into the different studies that Miguel O'Hara has done on spider-man if so whether Miguel O'Hara knows it or not his role as spider-man 29 is influenced by the things that Doc Ock has done ask superior spider-man and so again it's really kind of interesting to sort of see them a meet and to see how one influences the other but with Tiberius stone having the ability to basically disrupt spider-man's spider-sense of course what this does is it allows Miguel O'Hara to take off with Tiberius stone and of course you know following this it's basically superior spider-man trying to track him down and trying to figure out what's going on now this is the segment when Miguel begins to question whether or not he's doing the right thing he sits down and he basically says look you know if I let Tiberius stone die then that means that he'll never have Tyler stone which means Tyler stone will never have me I'll cease to exist but alchemax will never become what it is Tiberius stone will not be able to lay the groundwork for alchemax Tyler stone will never be able to build on that groundwork and the world will not be as crappy as it is but the funny thing about this is that Miguel O'Hare is not taking into account the realm of possibilities you know in a in a free market system if Microsoft fails somebody will take their place if Apple fails somebody will take their place God willing Ubisoft fails somebody will take their place because of this what this means is that you know Miguel O'Hara could very well be trading one devil for another and in this situation the devil you know is better than the devil you don't and so because of this he could be making a much worse future and that's something that he contemplates he says look I don't know what the future would be like if I cease to exist if alchemax cease to exist who knows how the future could turn out I mean who knows if alchemax could basically restruck be restructured a hundred years from now and it leads earth India this utopian era and if I if I kill Tiberius stone that utopia era never comes into existence because people never see alchemax they never come to the conclusion we need something better than that we could have a better society for ourselves he's like I can make things worse in the long run and so because that he ultimately says look I have to let him live and so with this in mind Tiberius son kind of has you know upper hand he has the upper hand here because of the fact that he jumps off the building he's like I guarantee you're gonna save me so he jumps off the building spider-man 2099 saves his life and so it's almost guarantee that his future is set in stone and so because of this with this story intending to lead into spider-verse and with the really the superior spider-man run designed to sort of wrap things up and bring things winding down what is up happening here is superior spider-man it eventually catches up with with Miguel O'Hara now the funny thing here this is actually kind of a hilarious moment Miguel realizing what it is that's going on realizing that all of reality is basically at the threat of destruction simply because of the fact that one of the experiments Tiberius Tony messed with was an experiment dealing with time which in turn would basically lead to the destruction of all thing because all the energy being emitted by this time-travel device can't be contained Miguel O'Hara shows up on the scene with Tiberius stone it says look guys everything's beginning to go awry everything's beginning to go insane the only way for us to fix this is to follow my lead and the reason why is because you know Miguel O'Hara is like look I come from a future where this happened and I know that what you guys are going to try to do is fail but I know the way to fix this problem and so the issue here is that while he's on the verge once he once he says look you know all we have to do is this thing superior spider-man shows about a nowhere and knocks him out and this is a funny moment because then everybody just like dude what did you do we're like we're like 15 minutes away from the destruction of the world in the universe itself why did you knock out the one guy who could save us now the reason why I say this leads into spider-verse is because of the fact that with Miguel O'Hara knocked out it now falls on to superior spider-man to take to take the lead here the issue is that again with him wiping the memories of Peter Parker he doesn't know how to solve this problem and the reason why is because of the fact that when the original vibranium experiment by so Johny Joffrey one arrived and Peter Parker as his normal self basically began manipulating energy in order to contain the energy that was let off contained the explosion and the destruction of horizon labs a superior spider-man purged that memory and so he doesn't know what Peter Parker did in order to keep that a massive amount of energy from totally collapsing in on itself and that's what this is this is basically a much larger version of the energy let off by so Johnny Geoffrey's attempts to make vibranium remember we had talked about how you know at least during that story we talked about how Doctor Doom invading Wakanda basically taking vibranium had led to black panther rendering all vibranium across the world inert which in turn led to Sozzani Joffrey trying to make artificial vibranium it had all sort of led up to this moment when Peter Parker's intelligence was being demonstrated now superior spider-man doesn't Dunn doesn't know what to do and so he's basically on the verge of being seen as a complete and total fraud he's on the verge of being seen into God as a guy who doesn't know what he's doing who's basically making things up along the way and so because of this with this massive time device on the verge are completely and totally you know obliterating everything what happens is superior spider-man tells everybody to leave he starts meddling with the device to trying to find a way to fix it and then the entirety of horizon labs just vanishes up and thin it totally disappears now because of the fact that Tiberius stone was saved by Miguel O'Hara what this means is that Tiberius stone is now safe or I guess it means that that Tyler stone in the future is is still alive and the future is guaranteed now this was the moment that Tyler stone was talking about in this moment right now things went a different way we don't know exactly what way things had normally gone in but what seems to have been the case is that in this scenario a superior spider-man at some point along the line did not tell them to leave and so the result was that they were all basically yankton through the timestream and Tiberius Stone was presumably killed somewhere they all during that time frame and it led to the destruction of everything or it led to the death of Tyler stone of the presumed you know death of Tyler stone which would have led to this led to the death of Miguel O'Hara hence the entire situation why Miguel is here in the first place but in this moment when superior spider-man basically vanishes and in the moment that he reappears on the street the entirety of spider-verse took place that being said we are going to discuss the whole spider-verse event the issue here is that with the whole spider-verse event it's not an easy thing to sort out there's actually a lot of lead-up in terms of like more LAN and in terms of Ezekiel and the other storyline and you know the Clone Saga and all different kinds of kind of thing there's there's all kinds of stuff that goes on there but the fact remains here that again Dan Slott sort of wrapping things up bringing things to a close and one of the things that he wraps up pretty fast is the idea of Mary Jane Watson Mary Jane Watson had been trying to get ahold of superior spider-man this entire time and he was basically getting annoyed with her saying look she needs to move on like she needs to get her life together she needs to move on get another guy she's hung up on me it's it's a problem well of course when she when he finally calls her back she basically says look I've been up on you it's time for me to move on I have no romantic interest in you anymore this'll is basically Dan Slott saying hey look these two guys are never going to get together these two guys are never going to be anything significant to one another now from this point going forward what this does is it basically picks up with the aftermath of spider-verse and it picks up with superior spider-man ramping things up extremely fast to basically make a better life for Peter Parker that's kind of the funny thing here at the same time it's also him trying to make sure that he stays superior spider-man and we'll cross that bridge once we get to it with a spider-verse line of stories but from this point what we're gonna do is were actually gonna stop superior spider-man and we're gonna jump back and we're gonna start covering the superior I guess the spider more stuff so we're gonna jump back to some of the older stories of amazing spider-man and then pickup into into spider-verse hopefully that way we have everything covered in order to make it all make sense and then once spider-verse is done we'll jump back here to superior spider-man it's the best way I know how to do it in order to make sure that we fall into the chronology of the amazing spider-man because that's what all this is I mean this is all designed for the purpose so that when the spider-man movie comes out and people are searching for spider-man content everywhere they can pick up with these videos and chronologically go through everything about the spider-man mythology and learn everything there is to learn in terms of dance lots run with big time going forward going into all-new all-different marvel so earlier today I was reading a Silver Surfer against the tide and I really want to cover Hickman's like Avengers New Avengers infinity all that stuff like right now those of you guys remember that really old Silver Surfer video that idea that had that amazing monologue that was from the opening part of against the tide like the first 20 pages or something like that it's one of those Marvel infinite comics so it's it's like 80 pages long but technically in terms of like it being a complete comic it's only like 20-something pages long but it's designed for digital release and it's designed to be read on tablets and stuff like that so you know it makes it a little more interesting in terms of how it all works is actually really cool when you go through and start reading them on tablets either they're really really interesting but the fact remains here that we will not get the Hickman's Avengers of New Avengers or anything like that until we do the Thanos stuff and that comes after Thor which comes after this superior spider-man so in the previous video I had mentioned that we were gonna stop superior spider-man and we were gonna jump into spider-verse but really two videos away from finishing superior spider-man so it doesn't really make any sense to kind of stop and then come can make two videos instead what we'll do is we'll cover spider-verse and what does kind of jump back to spider-verse in the beginning and just say all this takes place between like everything that we talked about from like you know X video from like that video up until the end of spider-verse all takes place at this point between superior spider-man and we'll just call it a day I think that'll be pretty it'll be a lot easier to follow that way then it will be you know any other way in terms of you know doing anything kind of crazy but the fact remains here that with this particular video we're gonna be basically getting superior venom we're gonna be getting superior spider-man with the Venom symbiote and it actually works out pretty well it's a really interesting interesting concept but what Dan Slott does here is he actually rolls over agent venom into this whole thing now when we talked about Lee price venom from Marvel now 2.0 we had talked about how that was basically the evolution really the end of the Venom symbiote run in terms of giving the Venom's to be a character and giving it evolution and kind of evolving it over the course of marvel's publication history it's what really made sense but what this is gonna show us is the idea that that flash Thompson believes but he understands the symbian so it's kind of the early days of growing it and evolving it and showing us that it actually does have sentience and where it goes and and that kind of a thing so it's pretty cool but again this little bit of a segment with with agent venom is pretty short it's really just Dan Slott saying hey look it's only a couple pages but it's really Dan Slott saying hey look you know agent venom is gonna be facing off against superior spider-man so that was kind of the cool thing because the further we got into this the more it was like him fighting different people so it'll be like in this video it'll be superior spider-man vs. agent venom and then superior venom versus the avengers so it's kind of cool it's interesting in terms of them fighting one another but at this point we jump over to superior spider-man proper and we basically join him with the unveiling of Parker Industries now again this is the early days of Parker industries before it becomes the major conglomerate that it is right now and all-new all-different marvel so we have people like said Johnny joffrey who have been brought on board Anna Marconi who's been brought on board now of course Aunt May and Jay jonah Jameson senior are basically the silent investors they're the ones that were kind of throwing money towards Peter Parker and letting him be a part of it all but at the same time we also have like cardiac you know elias worth and being part of the whole parker industries team of course cardiac basically being a guy who is more or less a vigilante but was doing it for the purpose of helping people basically stealing medical equipment things like that in order to provide healthcare for people who'd assembly couldn't afford it their own so again it's really cool to see these little bits and pieces begin to come together and these little these little bobs and bits sort of you know create a more cohesive story from the stuff that we've all ran over so far even going as far back as spider-man big Tom and of course that's really why I was necessary because it's all with just one gigantic story and even once we progress we get into all-new all-different marvel when we cover spider-verse different things like that it'll all just continue to be one part of a major cohesive story so again with the idea of Anna Marconi one of the greatest things about this is that Dan Slott was basically using her as a way to essentially turn superior spider-man around and make him a good guy to give him a reason to be a good guy now again it's also Doc Ock so Doc Ock is still somewhat nefarious and he's still willing to commit murder but at the end of the day it's all basically a case of the ends justifying the means which he's not entirely wrong about I think he's a little heavy-handed in terms of how he deals with criminals but the fact remains if you kill a guy for committing a crime he won't repeat that crime because he's dead so again it's kind of interesting in terms of cleaning up the streets of New York and keeping things pretty straightforward but again um this also basically coincides with the arrival of a superior spider-man facing off against agent venom and the reason why is because of the return of a villain named crime master now this is not the original crime master and in fact this is basically just a nobody but crime master is an alias that has previously been used and what we are gonna find out here is that this is all basically being done by a guy named Roderick Kingsley now we'll get to him here in a little bit but for right now the fight between superior spider-man and agent venom is actually pretty cool just because of the fact that they're familiar with one another or at least agent Venom's familiar with with with spider-man in terms of the hero and Peter Parker the problem is that this is not Peter Parker and again that's one of the crazy things is because people who have known Peter or people who have known spider-man are used to him you know acting a certain way but here he's murderous and he shows the idea but he's going to kill agent venom with fire you know and destroy the Venom symbiote in the process now again this is also Dan Slott basically building on the whole lot agent venom concept in the sense that that Flash Thompson knows the venom Samiha or believes he understands the Venom's to be at better than anybody else now in terms of it actually talking to people that's not really happening yet instead it's more or less flash talking to the Venom symbiote and keeping it under control so again it's all really just kind of growing it and evolving it and so on and so forth but it's also this idea that the Venom symbiote will whatever needs to do to keep itself alive it will avoid weaknesses different things like that so of course well the conflict is pretty short-lived if the reason for this is because of the fact that basically agent venom Flash Thompson bolts out and then uses the Venom symbiote to essentially shape-shift and keep anybody from being able to realize who he is or what's going on so at this point we sort of jump over to carly cooper now remember carly cooper is the ex-girlfriend of peter parker and knows that he's spider-man this is the revelation that was basically given to us by Dan Slott following the Spider Island event because of the fact that Manhattan saw all these different people getting smarter Man abilities but Peter Parker was the only one who was familiar with them just going through and using a modicum of intelligence a carly cooper basically deduced the fact that Peter Parker was spider-man and so because of this with with spider-man acting a Riley spider-man acting so starkly different Carly Cooper's initial idea was that's not Peter Parker somebody did something to him and is either mind controlling him or somehow took over his body and so in the background of everything that's been going on Carly Cooper's basically been investigating and trying to figure out who it is that's actually in control of Peter Parker now where she's basically stumbled across information that all but guarantees that Doctor Octopus is the one that's pulling the strings here that Doc Ock has taken over the body of Peter she doesn't really know how deep things go she just simply knows the Doc Ock is somehow involved in this but in the midst of her investigations she's basically captured by the green Goblin's people but the fact remains that she's brought before the Green Goblin and his question is who is spider-man I want to know spider-man's real identity now of course Carly is just not willing to get that information out it's really one of those things where she's like I'll take it to the grave I'll die before I tell you it really kind of makes sense but again a lot of this sort of goes back and forth between you know between Flash Thompson and I'm sorry between a superior spider-man and agent venom now keep in mind here Flash Thompson does not have the use of his legs the Venom symbiote is basically the one thing that allows him to be able to walk and so because of that the venom some it really has to sort of exhaust itself you know we're exhaust its abilities more so than it normally would if it were like Peter Parker or somebody like that who could walk around on his own but the fact remains here that in the eyes of Flash Thompson because of the fact that spider-man is acting so completely different than what he's used to the question is what's going on here of course is real just kind of looking and investigating and see if he can't figure it out his own now at the same time while all this is going on Miguel O'Hara is still around you know spider-man 2099 is still there now of course he's operating under the guise of Michael O'Hara and basically pretending to be just a member of Al Kim more or less speaking to J John Jameson and so on and so forth he's just kind of keeping an eye on things and doing what he can to make sure that al Kim does not become alchemax in the year 2099 but again it's just kind of Dan Slott showing us where we were realize the moment where things are sort of sitting and how it all comes together but in the midst of Flash Thompson basically receiving a treatment from cardiac from Elias wertham in terms of giving him artificial real prosthetics providing him with artificial legs and superior spider-man shows up for the purpose of intending to interrogate Flash Thompson however the reason why is because of the fact that from the perspective of superior spider-man all he sees is venom because remember Doc Ock basically purged the memories of Peter Parker so he does not recall anything about Flash Thompson agent venom knowing who he is knowing he's a good guy it's just in his mind the Venom symbiote is bad and the Venom's to be it has to be taken out along with whoever it is that's wielding it and so because of that and using Sonic's superior spider-man strips Flash Thompson of the venom simian now again this is basically kind of harkening to the idea that flash had it under control the flash understands the symbian the flash was able to bond with it in a way that no one else can or no one else ever has and that's one of the reasons why a lot of people really really love the idea of agent venom because they look at Eddie Brock and they say okay look the Venom symbiote and Eddie Brock go together really really well but it was only because of the fact that they shared a mutual hatred for Peter Parker in terms of a beyond the surface I genuinely understand the Venom symbiote you know more or less concept that's Flash Thompson and people loved that about Flash Thompson giving the Venom symbiote character getting it Drive giving it ambition giving flash basically a larger role in the Marvel Universe outside of just the guy who was a dick to Peter Parker when he was younger and the guy who lost his legs and and you know in a wartime conflict and so because of that the Venom symbiote basically bonds itself directly to spider-man now again because of the fact that we know we really don't have the Venom symbiote speaking because it's not really talking to people all really seems to happen here is a Venom symbiote recognized as spider-man that says that's the guy that I originally wanted to be with and that's the guy that I can be with again so we basically sort of have a superior venom or a superior venom here and it's actually kind of cool in terms of how he looks because it's basically the mind of dr. octopus combined with the powers of the Venom symbiote now the funny thing about this is that Dan Slott goes all the way back to the post um you know 1984 Secret Wars spider-man landscape and this density basically says hey look you know spider-man as we knew him then when he became a host for the venom Simeon was corrupted by he corrupted the Venom symbiote the symbiote corrupt uh corrupted him they basically became bad guys to a degree now it wasn't a traditional bad guy spider-man didn't go around you know robbing banks or anything like that but in terms of him in relation to the hero that we traditionally knew they were starkly different it was night and day and so that seems to be what's really happening here superior spider-man is basically running amuck with his new abilities with it with a Venom symbiote being attached to him and it was really kind of cool to see this unfold because we end up seeing him taking a really kind of cutting a swath through the superhero community more so than he had before because now he has a new host of abilities at his disposal and it's really Dan Slott kind of showing us we're kind of juxtaposing the abilities of spider-man with the abilities of venom but then turning around and taking the entire concept and Paterna on his head when he asked the question what happens when Doctor Octopus is mined in the body of Peter Parker gets the Venom symbiote then what happens how crazy are things going to get how is he going to use the abilities is it possible you know is it one of those things where Doctor Octopus can overcome the Venom symbiote or will he be corrupted with power just like everybody else and the answer here is that he's just like everybody else who be corrupted by his power he'll run amuck with these new abilities that he has at his disposal now in terms of our little section about crime master earlier in this video and Roderick Kingsley what we end up finding out is that with Roderick Kingsley operating as the original Hobgoblin and more or less having been defeated on a multitude of occasions Roderick Angley basically came to the realization that he could in a sense or he could really just kind of grab a lot of these d-list level villains either villains that were small-time and died or villains that were small-time and walked away could grab their villainous identities and then use them and essentially sell them off and that's what he's been doing of course we know that that Ben Urich son basically became you know the the new Hobgoblin you know Phil you're kind of maintained that world for a while before he joined the Green Goblin we essentially have all these guys crime master being another example it's just small-time villains that would never have received any attention before getting attention here now in truth this is a genius way to reintroduce small-time it's not Dan Slott saying hey look guys like aren't you excited for the return of crime master none at all we're not gonna see crime master return and play any measure of a significant role but we're gonna see something kind of interesting in terms of the fact that we see these various identities showing up these villains being used by Roderick Angley for his own ends and then facing off against spider-man and in different you know different scenarios and different situations now jumping back to superior spider-man again because of the fact that he's much where Peter Parker was host in 1984 Secret Wars he's basically brash he's arrogant you know more so than he was before he's prone to lash out he follows this exact same pattern of behavior that Peter Parker follows now what's interesting about this is Mary Jane Watson does not initially pick up on this it's just that in her mind she's like what's going on with you why are you acting so violent why are you being this way now of course once the Venom symbiote makes his presence known then immediately she's like oh my god it's the same thing all over again the Venom symbiote taking control of Peter Parker now in terms of how she deals with this it's really just kind of like okay stay out of the way just because Mary Jane Watson is not at a point in any former fashion where she could take it on not to mention this shock of seeing the Venom symbiote again is startling to her and of course Dan Slott is gonna use this as a way to basically segue things back into a state of normalcy but because of the actions of Peter Parker because of the things that he's done because Mary Jane Watson looks at him that's kind of beyond the ability to you know to return to any measure of normalcy at least in terms of what she's familiar with she essentially calls in the Avengers now this is actually a really cool situation we don't really see like a daredevil hanging out and just be like oh man I'm in over my head I'm gonna call the Avengers a Sal over a comic pop actually made a really had a really really good discussion wasn't and I can't reference the comic and he can remember it either but it was a really cool moment I think it was bull's eye but it was an instance where daredevil had basically taken out bull's eye and the Avengers showed up and said no he's coming with us and they just took bull's eye away from daredevil but we usually see The Avengers intervening only in times of like a huge situation or whenever it's convenient for this particular scenario the Avengers are called by Mary Jane Watson because she's like look the Venom symbiote return to spider-man now in terms of what this means for the spider-man landscape this is Dan Slott showing us how dangerous the Venom symbiote is which is something that we knew about but for the modern spider-man reader picking up after they didn't know this they read about it you know a time or two or maybe they'd heard people speaking about it they knew about it through word of mouth but in terms of witnessing it with their own eyes they didn't really know off the top of her heads now this is basically the New Avengers Iron Man Thor Captain America Wolverine and so on these are the New Avengers essentially coming together for the purpose of trying to take out the Venom symbiote but the funny thing is that this is the Venom symbiote with the mind of Doctor Octopus in the body of Peter Parker and it crushes the Avengers now the funny thing about this is that it's not like superior venom has inside knowledge because Robert Doctor Octopus wiped his mind of Peter Parker and so because of that with Peter Parker seemingly being purged there's nothing here to indicate that superior venom has an upper hand on the Avengers instead the indication here seems to be that he's just that damn powerful that he's just that capable he's just that wildly durable in terms of his strength his agility the different abilities that he can extend you know beyond himself in order to take out the Avengers so he's literally it's a one-man army superior venom is able to hold his own against Wolverine Captain America Black Widow Thor and spider-woman all at the same time and that is an incredible feat in and of itself so it's just kind of cool to see but in the midst of all this Tony Stark of course be the man behind all this basically ask the question do we know if that slash Thompson losing his mind or is it legitimately spider-man now of course in order to get an answer to this they basically run over to Parker industries and Tony Stark meets Flash Thompson and this is when he realizes that is genuinely spider-man so of course the question now becomes what happened why is it the flash Thompson is you know temporarily lost the Venom symbiote what in the world is going on here so again this is basically Dan Slott kind of setting the seed setting the stage for what will become the bigger picture in terms of superior spider-man in relation to the Venom symbiote and the fallout of all this when superior spider-man finally comes to an end and so again you know with this battle against the Avengers wrapping up relatively fast we basically have Flash Thompson using the Iron Man suit to essentially show up here of course Tony Stark lends it to him to go to the battlefield see if you can't talk some sense into the Venom symbiote but the manifestation of the venom simmias feelings and thoughts and emotions begin to arise when flash arrives on the scene and the symbiote basically says look as agent venom you use drugs to keep me subdued we don't really work together organically you know you basically keep me under control chemicals and different things like that and so because of this this is the venom Samia at its most basic essentially lashing out going crazy attacking the various Avengers now of course in response to this Doc Ock basically regains himself and tries to expel the Venom symbiote but it really isn't able to do it on its own now again this is a return to familiarity keep in mind Peter wasn't able to officially and finally cast off the Venom symbiote until he basically encountered Reed Richards who told him what it was Peter began to realize what was going on with the Venom's to be at new as only when he was at his absolute strongest that he was able to get rid of it with regards to dr. a to dr. octopus he can't do it on its own so what ends up happening here is out of nowhere we basically end up having Peter Parker making his return now again this is the consciousness of Peter and what Dan Slott basically says is that this consciousness has basically been hidden away from Doctor Octopus ever since Doctor Octopus believed that he had basically wiped it away why Peter away from his mind so it's cool to kind of get this return it's cool to kind of see this great moment show up just because of the fact that again it's Dan Slott saying hey look guys lest we forget Peter Parker will make his return so it was Dan Slott kind of beginning to wind down it's Dan Slott beginning to sort of bring things to an end and say okay now we're gonna go ahead and segue into the return of Peter Parker proper and the removal of Doctor Octopus from controlling the body of Peter we're gonna start moving in the direction of wrapping up superior spider-man and so again because of all this the venom Samiha basically returns back to Flash Thompson who calls it a day and Peter Parker again more or less comments about how Doctor Octopus still doesn't realize that he's there and he can more or less operate from the shadows of his own mind so to speak and essentially stay hidden away from everything now again because of the fact that this leads into goblin nation this basically leads into the war of the goblins what we end up getting here is this sort of begin to wind down as things begin to wrap up relatively fast is that we have Roderick Kingsley more or less coming face-to-face so to speak with the Green Goblin in the sense they are basically communicating but again Roderick Kingsley has basically been building up his own army he's been building up his own a Hobgoblin army so to speak the various people that he's lent his lint you know different technologies out to but we also have the Green Goblin who's been using the Goblin formula as well as just pretty underhanded tactics in order to create an army for himself and the idea here is we're basically gonna have these different goblin armies going against one another you know facing off as this starts to wrap up the question that's being asked here by Tony Stark is what's going on with spider-man now we know previously that when a sample was taken by the Avengers with regards you know to Peter to analyze and see whether or not there was anything going on if he was like a scroll or something along those lines they basically come to the conclusion that nobody had done anything to him but Tony Stark basically makes the case it says look while we were off in space we were off doing our own thing we were analyzing you know we were you know you guys were working with this and that's fine but I'm the loose equipment better than anybody else and when he starts to go through it what he realizes is that somebody had tampered with the equipment and when the questions asked who it was at tampered with the equipment to skew the results of spider-man it turned out to be spider-man himself and so again this is basically all the roads leading to the idea the superior spider-man is being tracked down by the goblins and by the Avengers basically the world is crumbling down around him okay so we are we're really at the end of superior spider-man I mean this is the last story goblin nation but what Lee is one of the reasons and something I'm hoping you notice over the course of this story one of the reasons why I wanted to do the superior spider-man run is because what Dan Slott did with this was either include kind of rap in or offer some retcons with regards to the creation of alchemax the company that exists that's the main enemy of Miguel O'Hara in spider-man 2099 and so assuming that we go forward and start doing spider-man 2099 stuff what I wanted this series to do is serve as somewhat of like an origin story for alchemax so that we could just kind of jump into spider-man 2099 and not have to go hoots job explanations and so on and so forth we could focus on the story itself with you guys to be able to reference this material with regards to where Miguel O'Hara is coming from and how alchemax came into existence and that's really what a lot of this does this is really dad's lot kind of showing us the building of alchemax in real time now we'll get to what alchemax is here in a little bit for those people who were new to the spider-man landscape because again this is really all just kind of giving people an idea of what spider-man is about especially with the release of the upcoming film as well as just kind of passers-by who stumble across my channel and have an interest in spider-man but this basically coincides with the Green Goblin Norman Osborn making his move on New York and so essentially what's been happening here is he's been staging a series of small-time skirmishes absorbing different aspects of the criminal underworld and this really comes out of several different stories some of which we need to know and I've done and some of which we don't really need to know and we can kind of gloss over Oh with regards to the stuff that we do need to know is pretty much everything we've covered in superior spider-man so far that Norman Osborn was basically working behind the scenes to make his triumphant return to conquer New York on that carly cooper the former girlfriend of peter parker had discovered the Doctor Octopus had swapped minds the Peter Parker and she kept it all recorded in a journal but when she was kidnapped by the Green Goblin you know what she was turned into a goblin using the formula she basically handed the journal over to Norman who in turn read it and discovered the fact that Peter Parker Anna and Doctor Octopus had switched bodies the other half of this is that in his attempt to basically streamline the role of being spider-man a superior spider-man had essentially distributed all these different little spider robots around the city of New York and on the whole they worked it would allow him to see everything that was going on and so if there was a crime taking place like a mugging or something like that he didn't need to intervene all he had to do was just call the cops and the cops would respond it allowed him to be virtually everywhere at once but if it was a massive event if it was some great big huge calamity that required his attention he could leave whatever was that he was doing and go to that particular incident the downside to this is that Norman Osborn effectively grabbed one of his BOTS managed to hack into it using kind of a subroutine and then in turn reprogram the robots so they would never recognize anybody with a goblin face and so they would basically treat them as though they didn't exist and what it did is it allowed Norman Osborn to execute the second part of his plan and the second part of his plan was to basically build a goblin army now this was composed of several different things the first of which was really the role of a guy named Roderick Kingsley Roderick Kingsley as we talked about before was the original Hobgoblin he was designed to be the new goblin that Spiderman would go against following the death of the Green Goblin now of course that's how he was written but the Green Goblin was just so wildly popular Marvel had to bring him back and so the result was that we kind of got Hobgoblin and Green Goblin and they both serve different roles but they were both relatively popular in the realm of in the realm of Marvel comics but Roderick Kingsley having long since uh more or less abandoned the role of the Hobgoblin essentially sort of taking all these different identities that belong to small-time villains and then franchising them out giving them to different criminals allowing criminals to operate as those you know under those bad guys identities commit crimes so that but he would know that it was actually those criminals so for example you know Phil uric Phil uric was operating as the Hobgoblin for most of this story but because of the fact that the identity of the Hobgoblin is associated with Roderick Kingsley Kingsley could remain in hiding Phil Urich could be the Hobgoblin and anybody who knew about about the Hobgoblin would think that it was Roderick Kingsley and not Phil Urich and so again that's really how a lot of these identities these you know these villainous roles worked themselves out at the same time we also had the hand and that came out of a story called a shadow land but essentially all that really dealt with was the idea that the hand was being used by King Penn to basically keep his thumb on the city of New York the issue is that when superior Sparta man had basically invaded the kingpins base of operations ran him out of New York what was left of the hand retreated to Norman Osborn and joined his goblin army and so that's really how a lot of these things worked out who is really just grabbing all these seven plot threads and just kind of bringing them into one cohesive story and so the result here is that we basically pick up with Hobgoblin making his move now this coincides with the idea that superior spider-man is trying to figure out how in the world it was that Hobgoblin managed to circumvent his programming if Hobgoblin I'm sorry if I Green Goblin is back if Norman Osborn is there in the city of New York and superior spider-man's spider BOTS did not pick up on his face then the question is why and so this is what he basically goes any visits a young kid by the name of who want to Jackson now what Jackson was a member of horizon laps and he was actually the person who had designed the facial recognition software of the spider BOTS who would in turn catalog criminals in order for superior spider-man to use their identities later on if they ever were to commit crimes he would know who they were again part of the whole streamlined process now of course who watch who's not a bad guy here I mean he's not a villain what we end up finding out is that he had basically used a database with regards to information that was being sent out and so on and so forth tapping into existing databases what the Green Goblin did was basically hijack this frequency and then reprogrammed the facial software so the facial software would never see goblins who would never identify them and it would never basically report back that a goblin had been spotted and so again this creates kind of a weird situation because what this does is it basically leads to superior spider-man using an utter underground tunnel system that was formed by the Green Goblin himself to allow his guys to move back and forth throughout the city without being detected - eventually locate their base of operations now once he gets there this presents a really funny situation because we've never really seen an instance this kind of scenario before this has never taken place and so what happens when the number one villain of spider-man meets the number two villain of spider-man will they team up will they you know become enemies Dan Slott gives us this really cool scenario and what he basically says is they're gonna be enemies because keep in mind while Doctor Octopus became spider-man you know while he took over the body of Peter Parker and his goal was to become a bad guy in the moments when their bodies are basically being swapped and Peter realized there was no way to regain his body back he basically besieged Doctor Octopus ah Dragic was experienced all the memories of Peter and Peter said look there are people here that I care about my Aunt May I have a love for them different things like that you have to keep them safe you cannot let them be harmed and that's really touched Doctor Octopus in the heart of who he was and so what it ended up doing is it basically sent him on the path of being a good guy leading him up to this point and so we're Green Goblin only sees Doctor Octopus and recognises him as one of spider-man's most notable villains in truth Doc Ock is a good guy now and so were the two of them kind of going against each other it really kind of creates a funny scenario because what we end up finding out here is that superior spider-man is not actually here instead it's more of a hologram but at the same time Norman Osborn knows how to play this game Norman Osborn is extremely smart and what happened is that in the midst of this meeting Osborn was tracing the signal of superior spider-man back to his base of operations on Spider Island so again it's kind of cool because it's basically both of them have their own methods of their own levels of intelligence now what this does is this brings into fruition the idea of the Goblin formula now the Goblin formula in and of itself is really one of multiple instances when Marvel kind of hit home with the idea that everybody was trying to duplicate the Super Soldier Serum of Steve Rogers and in fact we'll cover this we'll talk about this once we get into Ironman extremists because futurepharm was trying to copy the Super Soldier Serum and come up with extremis instead but the fact remains here that the Goblin formula was designed to basically enhance the various attributes of the person who uses it the problem is that it also breaks their sanity so they literally lose their minds or at least Norman Osborn up losing his money now for the most part different people have been affected with it different ways you know for example there was a girl by the name of Lily Hollister who was actually dating Norman Osborn for a little while and stumbled across the Goblin formula the difference is that when she ingested it or when it basically bonded to her skin that she can switch out of being a goblin at will you know she's not bound to losing her sanity she doesn't lose her mind she can just kind of switch back and forth how she wants to so different people have been affected different ways now if enough time passes they'll just be gone in their entirety I mean who they were before will vanish and they'll just be left as a goblin but for the moment for her character thinks function a little bit differently now from here we basically switched back to the mindscape of Peter Parker now again this is something that we've talked about you know time and time again just because of the fact that within the realm of superior spider-man Doctor Octopus had realized that the mind of Peter Parker was still there because of the fact that Peter Parker's consciousness was tied directly to his memories and so we're Doc Ock had basically purged the memories of Peter Parker ideally it approached Peter Parker in his entirety the issue with this is that when Doc Ock had basically recalled on memories of Peter in order to help him navigate Peters life that is to say the memories of Peters romance with Mary Jane Watson or when Aunt May asked something that Doctor Octopus didn't know the answer to and he researched the memories of Peter Parker in order to give her an answer what it did is that basically made these memories a core part of Doctor Octopus and so Peter Parker's consciousness remained alive there's only about 30 memories that are there but so long as any facet of Peters memories are alive his life forces essence are tied to those and so because of the fact that Octopus referenced those memories at Peter Parker's essentially alive through him the issue is that Doc Ock could still purge Peter in his entirety and so what happened is Peter basically began jumping through doctor octopus's own memories and what this was is it was Dan Slott essentially giving us a scenario where each guy learns about the other Doctor Octopus learns about the life of Peter Parker by being Peter Parker Peter Parker learns about the life of Doctor Octopus by jumping into his own memories and what he sees is a mother who is extremely aggressive in terms of showing affection which is to say she keeps him smothered someone and so forth he has a father who's extremely abusive he's picked on by kids at school because he's socially awkward you know all this time time and time again Doc Ock has been met with nothing but absolute oppression and just being given a hard time by everybody and so that guy grew up with a really bad life and what this did is it allowed Peter Parker to understand why Doc Ock is a bad guy to understand where he's coming from and why he's done the things that he's done it's just been in pursuit of some measure of acceptability or at the very least trying to control his own life and so with Norman Osborn making his move across the city of New York the response of Mayor Jay jonah Jameson is to basically reactivate the the spider-slayer protocol that was created by Alastair Smith but in turn modified this protocol so that the various members of the you know anti spider force as it was formed by Jameson would be retrofitted with these new suits and be allowed to carry out their goal of basically clearing out New York of the goblins themselves and essentially restoring order now the reason why I say this is basically the formation of alchemax is because of the fact that remember Liz Allen had basically taken out Allen chemical you know al Kim and then merged it with Oscorp for the purpose of creating alchemax now of course we know about the time displace spider-man 2099 that was covered in the last video oh really the video before the last video but what this is doing is basically saying this is how alchemax comes into existence this is how alchemax forms it's basically a merger between Oscorp and Allen Chemical now in terms of what role Norman Osborn has eNOS will actually find out as we get further into this story but the fact remains here that with regards to to Peter Parker himself with regards to superior spider-man acting as Peter Parker what this does is it really just kind of begins to show us this struggle that he saw in relation or at least Peter saw in relation to Doc Ock in the sense that when Doc Ock first became Doctor Octopus when he underwent the experiment that basically bonded the tentacles to his body he in turn saw himself as somebody who could finally get some respect some guy who could finally be treated you know as the genius that he knew he was now of course this is going to lead into the crushing experience of facing off against Peter Parker and that's when things are really gonna kind of be kind of go awry but it's also going to be the reason why doc Octopus hated Peter Parker so much because he was essentially the one guy that just showed up and stood in his way and he was a representation of a lot of the other issues that he had but again we'll cross that bridge when we get to it the fact remains here that with regards to really Carly Cooper you know as one of the goblins invading Parker Industries and going after so Johny Joffrey and you know Peter spider-man himself what we end up finding out is that where Carly Cooper was previously taken and turned into a goblin she's not completely transformed yet instead there's still some measure of her there so while her physical body's changed her mind is somewhat intact but this is what we were talking about when we were saying that eventually a time will come when who a person was will vanish in their entirety and that's exactly what takes place here with her as a person she still has her mind intact and she tells you no superior spider-man you have to make a cure for this otherwise I will be gone and Norman Osborn Green Goblin will spread this formula across the city of New York and everybody will be gone and so again you know it creates kind of this this this ticking time clock so to speak now with regards to this formula while he is working on it while superior spider-man is putting it together ultimately he has to bail out and the reason why is because of the fact that Green Goblin has essentially after learning that superior spider-man is Doctor Octopus waged a one-man war against him and so this is really gonna kind of serve as a distraction and the reason why is because of the fact that we're basically gonna have two conflicts going on in the story at the same time we're gonna have Green Goblin versus superior spider-man and then we're gonna have everybody else the Avengers and so on going against the forces of the Green Goblin so it's kind of like a a two-stage conflict now this is Green Goblin playing two different games and the reason why is because of the fact that while he is crazy while he is out of his mind it's going to basically make it difficult for superior spider-man to actually create a cure for the Goblin formula it's gonna make it difficult for him to save the ones that he cares about because he's torn either it's the city of New York or is the individuals in his life and if he has to make a choice between which one which person will he choose now of course in this instance you know we also have a couple people who were more or less lost you know people who basically end up dying in the conflict but the interesting thing about this is that again superior spider-man had established himself as a guy who wasn't really concerned about casualties unless they were wildly significant unless they were employment then it was just collateral damage that's the price you pay when it comes to ward some folks live in some folks die and that's just the way it goes now that was basically Dan Slott differentiating him from Peter Parker and in fact we'll find out just how different these two are and what the major failing is of superior spider-man at this point but from here we again have these spider-slayers as are controlled by by Jameson and the police and so on engaging superior spider-man with the intention of taking him out now the reason why is because of the fact that they look at superior spider-man and they believe that he's in league with the Green Goblin and the reason why is because what they do is they look at his track record keep in mind he's defeated every major criminal in the city of New York the only person left is the Green Goblin - the person on the outside looking in it would almost look like superior spider-man was clearing out the competition to make way for the Green Goblin he was basically working on behalf of Goblin to make the city easier to conquer that's the initial indication that's been received by Jameson and the and the police and so on and so forth and so we're Miguel O'Hara does jump in and Miguel O'Hara tries to basically help you know and again really kind of allows superior spider-man to stay captured for the purpose of gaining answers ultimately these robots are hijacked by Norman Osborn and so again what this shows us is that whether we knew it or not Osborn is tied into alchemax he is involved in the creation of these robots and does have a back door and how to access them and so again switching back to the mindscape of of a Peter Parker this entire scenario is really really intriguing because when it shows as Peter directly what it gives us are all these different conflicts with Doctor Octopus and of course what we end up finding out is that in the mind of Doc Ock every time he was defeated by Peter Parker it was yet another instance of his father saying you're never gonna be anything it was another academic professor saying you're dumb it's another instance of kids who are basically saying get out of here you're not one of us you're weird it was all the different defeats that Doc Ock had faced over the course of his life manifested in the form of a singular guy named spider-man and so because of that the hatred that he had for spider-man just stretched the absolute limits because it was like spider-man represented every instance in which Doc Ock had met some kind of a road block over the course of his life and so with that in mind we essentially have Peter Parker trying to find a way back to his own body at the same time that all this is happening again one of the things that Dan Slott does I really enjoyed is basically bringing in the Avengers because on this surface with a story like this where the whole of New York is being attacked a lot of riders would not include ancillary teams I mean Bendis has done that on a multitude of occasions they don't show the Avengers it'll show anybody like that or any other superheroes it's just this one guy and we're somehow expected to believe that the entire city of New York is being attacked and this one hero the only one who knows about it were the only one who cares enough to do anything about and so the cool thing about this is like Captain America Iron Man Thor Black Widow Wolverine Spider Woman the New Avengers they're all responding they're all you know doing what they can to help keep New York safe now the way they're depicted is within the Charter of the Avengers themselves The Avengers are a peacekeeping force no fight if they have to but with the city of New York right now the one behind all this is the Green Goblin and so their job is to take down whatever enemies are there specifically the forces of the Green Goblin and these different needs have been spider-slayer robots would have been co-opted and at the same time try to save as many people as they can so again it's not wildly important it's just kind of cool to see this a little bit of a story brought in this little bit of the events included in this conflict but the fact remains here that with Peter Parker navigating this mindscape and basically jeongmi back through them memories of Doctor Octopus and really kind of retro actively retracing his steps what he basically does is he accesses the mind of Doctor Octopus accesses the mind of his younger self and in turn gives birth to all these memories again and so basically he's able to tap into everything that makes him who he was now the reason why this matters is because of the fact that many that Menace of course one of the henchmen of the Green Goblin and several others have created these traps around the city of New York one of them is a young girl named Amy chin now of course Amy chin is one of the kids that the superior spider-man had helped along the way recovering from an illness but the idea is that she's basically being strapped in a subway station and she's gonna be hit by subway train now this is where the huge difference between Peter Parker and superior spider-man comes into play superior spider-man is analyzing the scenario remember he's trying to trace and trying to locate an Tamar Coney and save her life that's its girlfriend that's the woman that he's romantically interested in along the way there's this girl named Amy chin he cannot do both he cannot save annamaria Marconi and Amy chin or at least it doesn't seem to be the case and so where he's paralyzed with indecision Peter Parker manifests suddenly and says you have to jump you have to go and this is when we basically get the return of Peter Parker and the reason why is because Peter says look you know your brain your intelligence is a gift in a lot of different ways the things that you do you know the things that you've been able to pull off or at least how you look at things of course again Peter doesn't know a lot of what's been going on but he says you know the things that you down here are good in terms of how you function the problem is when you have no time to think you act when you have time to think then you take that time but you can't be pause you can't be paralyzed by indecision because you're trying to make the right choice and so in the end you know Doctor Octopus basically realizes that Peter had been navigating his mind and so the indication seems to be here that he let him that he let him basically access his own memories but the fact remains the Doctor Octopus and Peter essentially reconciled you know Doctor Octopus says look the biggest issue that I had is that sure you know I was arrogant but it was because of the fact that I was trying to overcompensate is because of the fact that I knew I was not as smart as you are but I wanted to pretend that I was and so Peter Parker is really kind of speechless throughout this whole thing is because it's Doctor Octopus spilling his guts out to Peter basically saying you are a better spider-man than I will ever be you know because when it comes to to self-sacrifice you do it without a second thought but I can't bring myself to do that and so again it's really kind of this cool thing because it's like this journey really and in some ways a journey of Peter Parker in the sense that it's almost like you know you don't know what you have until it's gone and so it's like Dan Slott basically saying okay let's take Peter Parker as we know him out of the equation with spider-man let's put somebody else in his stead and then let's see how these stories unfold once we get to the end let's compare the two and see how they stack up against one another and so ultimately what Doc Ock basically does is travel back to Parker industries of course Peter Parker being totally surprised by the fact that there is a Parker Industries but they travel back to the building and Peter Parker regains his memories he goes back to his normal self and what we get is this amazing thing because we have Peter Parker back to himself back in his own body he gets rid of the superior spider-man sued he puts on his amazing spider-man suit and he says my turn and it's so cool it's one of the coolest things I was reading this and I was like oh my god amazing spider-man it's back and it's one of the coolest things to happen because as soon as Peter Parker regains control of his own body remember he has no idea what's been going on with like Parker Industries what's been going on with horizon labs he has no idea what's been happening there instead all he knows is that he's just back now so I mean you know Carly Cooper being turned into a goblin he didn't know about that you know the launch of Parker industry so Johnny joffrey and Anna Maria Marconi working for the company he didn't know about that so as soon as he shows up he just starts getting screamed by people there was like why have you been gone all this time you know and and carrying on because of the fact that you know again superior spider-man had basically taken off he had made Parker Industries and then banished from the company for like a month he had abandoned Miguel O'Hara to face off against all these different Spider Slayer robots and then when he shows back up again the Oh Miguel O'Hara kind of freaks out on him now again this is really kind of cool because the two of them of course end up teaming up and Peter Parker jumps back in the conflict alongside the rest of the Avengers and really kind of making up for the things that superior spider-man did where superior spider-man with the Avengers Peter Parker rejoins different things like that now of course when we end up getting into the direct conflict between the Green Goblin along the way Peter Parker had basically been doing things like injecting minute menace with a cure for the Goblin formula which basically turns her back in an all you know turns her back to normal again they've been doing this almost every step of the way ah but with the return with the conflict between Peter and Norman Osborn basically on the rooftop alongside Anna Maria Marconi Green Goblin learns that Peter Parker's back because of the fact that Green Goblin makes a joke about how green Goblin's gonna destroy yes yeah Green Goblin makes a joke about how he's gonna destroy everything that spider-man loves and spider-man will say it says you know well the only thing that I'm left with is the dignity of knowing that I never carried a man-purse so despite the fact with respite a man giving Green Goblin [ __ ] about his satchel that's how he knows that Peter Parker's back it's amazing I absolutely love this part of the story it's one of the coolest things but again it's really kind of refreshing to see Peter Parker back because with his character what it does is it creates urgency and it creates struggle and it creates strife because Peter Parker saves everyone right like no one dies whenever it is at Peter Parker's around if at all possible with superior spider-man the storytelling had to be a little bit different because he'll kill bad guys we've seen that it was just like we're gonna kill him and then we're gonna be done with it and they won't come back that's that but when Peter Parker is in a scenario where he has to save annamaria Marconi and he has to defeat the Green Goblin while going without letting Green Goblin die basically saving his life then it makes things difficult and it makes things hard now in terms of the whole idea with alchemax we end up having this situation where we will basically learn that Norman Osborn had had his face changed that what he did is he took on the name of a guy named Mason banks and he began operating as a though investor on behalf of Osborne's born industries and so because of that I guess on an Oscorp rather and so because of that what he did is he turn around and invested alongside and Liz Allen which in turn allowed for the merger of Oscorp and Al Corp to create alchemax and so again this is really kind of a funny scenario because what is up happening here is Peter Parker basically turns the robots these little you know these little goblin BOTS against Mason banks himself which really just kind of leaves him incapacitated slightly or enough that he's lost his goblin you know his goblin abilities because of the injection that Peter Parker gave him basically curing him of the Goblin formula but in saving annamaria Marconi he also saves you know Norman Osborn with a different face at the same time and so again what this does is kind of wrap things up because Norman Osborn essentially escapes he basically just kind of gets away and that's really that kind of takes off into the tunnels and Dan Slott leaves it open-ended you know for Norman Osborn to come back later on down the line but we all well we also end up having here is this notion that Anna Maria Marconi still doesn't know everything that's going on she doesn't know that Doctor Octopus was in the body of Peter Parker as far as she is aware it's Peter Parker who's in love with her and so what Dan Slott does is he kind of leaves this open and says there will be fallout there will be consequences there will be ramifications in the Amazing Spiderman line of stories when things go back to normal because what we're basically gonna have is Peter Parker having to sit down and explain to the various members of the the people in his life who he is and what exactly it was that was going on so again it's really kind of a cool bit of storytelling it's really a pretty interesting tidbit of events that were that we're taking place but if you guys are new here to come let's explain make sure you guys hit the sub button to become part of the raw pork if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and yeah I will catch you guys later peace [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 1,890,924
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicsexplained, marvelexplained, fluidicbeats, Comics, Comic Books, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Spider-Man, Superior Spider-Man, Doc Ock, Doctor Octopus, Green Goblin, Thanos, Captain America, Iron man, The Amazing Spider-Man, Spider-Man Homecoming, Infinity War, Infinity Gauntlet, Ant Man And The Wasp, Black Panther, Dan Slott, Mary Jane, Gwen Stacy, Peter Parker, Miles Morales, Spider-Man 2099, Venom, Agent Venom, Flash Thompson, Full Story, Compilation
Id: 0ECRrnGrnA4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 125min 34sec (7534 seconds)
Published: Fri Jul 13 2018
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