Thor God Of Thunder: God Butcher Full Story

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what's going on guys this is Rob if you guys enjoy my content make sure you hit the subscribe button and make sure you hit that little bell so you never miss out on my sexy voice okay we are going to be a little bit dangerous so we are going to cover for the god butcher now here's the deal I did a rundown episode on this West before it was like Thor versus Galactus and it was really fun because that's what we get you know it's actually the the later part of this story I think it's the second half I want to say it's God bomb where we end up getting that but really everything from like Thor god of thunder number one all the way up to like number nine or number ten I think it might even be 12 I can't remember exactly how many issues I've taught my head it's all one comic one cohesive story it's all just like one great big story but for those of you guys who are reading Jane Foster Thor this is really where Jason Aaron's run kicks off now Jane Foster won't be come tour for quite some time we actually focus almost exclusively on odin son ah but here's the other funny thing - I've already recorded the origin of gore the god butcher and I'm probably gonna release that after this video comes out so you guys are gonna watch this video then watch the origin of gore and then in the origin of gore I'm gonna act like this video hasn't been made it's gonna be kind of a weird scenario but uh well the fact remains here that Thor the God would sure is really one of the greatest stories ever told when it comes to the character of Thor I mean there's that's just the way it is it is it's so incredibly good because in my mind it really reinvigorates and really revitalizes Thor now once the movie Ragnarok comes out will actually start all the way back with Thor Ragnarok and they get into J michael Straczynski 's run and then Matt fractions run which basically covers everything leading up to this particular story so it'll be just one great big cohesive playlist with something like 30 videos or 40 videos by the time we get done with it ah but it will be pretty cool in terms of how it all comes together that includes like fear itself and the tie-ins and all that kind of stuff because fear itself is really really good so we throw the god butch or the great thing is that we basically join up with three different generations of Thor now the way the Jason arrant doesn't it pages out and it makes perfect sense when I was going through it it wasn't convoluted it wasn't difficult to understand not at all because it tells one cohesive story over three generations one part or I guess the part that we pick up with is an 893 ad now back when it came to Thor in the modern day his stories are pretty straightforward but a really writers just kind of pick and choose what they use from like the early days of Thor you can really just kind of throw anything in there I mean we've seen stories that have been kind of thrown in with uncanny Avengers for example or Thor fought apocalypse when Thor was fighting apocalypse because of the fact that weapon that he had at the time because it wasn't worthy to wield Mjolnir yet wield his hammer because of because as actually yarn Bjorn was not powerful enough to defeat apocalypse he in turn had the ax magically enchanted so that it could defeat apocalypse and that was the explanation going forward for why the axe of Thor has a magical enchantment on it why it's so much more powerful than any other axe because it needed to be in order to defeat apocalypse these are the kind of things that writers use in order to add things in there because for years and years and years the axe the one that will see him using in this story it was really just an accident was there like it was just a weapon that he used so we really didn't know the basis behind it we didn't know why it was so capable it just was and so that story of uncanny Avengers offered that explanation now the cool thing is that Thor's showing up really in this town on the western coast of Iceland is designed to show us that there are a myriad of gods that exist out there in the realm of Marvel Comics now this is kind of a wholesale rework by Jason Aaron um he's not like rebooting the god mythology and Marvel Comics not at all he's actually adding in new information and the reason why I say that is because when it comes to gods in Marvel there are gods and then there are cosmic entities and they're two distinctly different things cosmic entities represent an aspect of the universe so like you know eternity represents time infinity represents space The Living Tribunal is basically the judge of the multiverse the one above all created everything and then from there you've got like master order and Lord chaos master order represents absolute order in the universe Lord chaos represents absolute chaos in the universe and they have to exist in balance in order for there to be chaos and order and the in-betweener represents that balance there are a lot of different you know representations of what the different entities mean but in terms of gods you have the Greek gods of Olympus you have the Asgardian gods of Norse mythology you have the sky father's which are just kind of like these head gods of all these different religions that exist out there judeo-christianity more or less Yahweh you have Vishnu you have all these different gods that exist out there but for years that's really all there was it was just modern Greek mythology and modern Roman mythology which is just kind of a reworking of Greek mythology you had existing religions from around the world and the gods represented in comic books what Jason Aaron does is he expands that and he says other planets and other races have their own gods and those gods are just as real as Thor and so yeah it's really kind of cool because it gives us this perspective on how it all comes together the issue with this is if someone's been traveling around and someone's been killing them all now of course again this takes place in the past and 893 AD and so with someone running around and killing all these gods well then from there is just a mission of Thor to find out who that person is now from here we jump to the present day and we actually pick up on a place called the planet indigo now the planet indi gar will be very very similar to the planet that belongs to - Gor the god butcher and in fact this was explicitly designed by Jason Aaron himself to give us this kind of parallel between how things could have been for Gor and how things turned out to be for Gor and of course we'll find more about that in our video on on the origin of the god butcher himself but the fact remains here but this is really Thor just kind of being depicted as a character who very much hears the prayers of every living being out there now this is also kind of a new introduction for Jason Aaron because Thor historically wasn't really a God that like heard the prayers of mortals I mean he would deal with mortals he would fight in conflicts to protect mortals different things like that and it was more or less just like a generally accepted thing that had happened every once in a while but it wasn't like it was a guaranteed in stone yes Thor hears the prayers of all mortals no matter where they are in the universe it wasn't like it is now but Jason Aaron is throwing this in here in order to give us a perspective of where Thor stands in relation to all the other gods telling us that God's everywhere hear the prayers sometimes they'll answer sometimes they won't it really just depends on what that gods motivation are you know what they what their motivation is if they're a god of destruction they will not answer the prayers of a society that's being destroyed but if they're a god of life then they will answer the prayers of a society that's being destroyed because they exist to preserve life so again what we end up doing is we end up picking up with one of the members of this of this you know race on this planet who's basically saying look we prayed to our gods and our gods never answered well the belief of Thor and the knowledge of Thor is that because there are gods out there and because the gods of these planets would respond to their denizens if they're not that it means that the gods are derelict in their duty or it means that something is wrong and so what he does is he actually travels to the realm of the Lords of ending are the Lords or I guess the gods of this particular planet only to find out that they're all dead that they've all been slaughtered somebody went through and just killed every single one of them and this is a huge thing because we're talking about beings we don't know what their power is but we can guarantee you that they have your like standard run-of-the-mill Thor abilities super strength endurance longevity so on and so forth and so for someone to walk into a chamber of these things and kill them off would be tantamount to somebody walking into Asgard and killing everyone like that's somebody that just is inconceivable we can't imagine of a scenario where a singular being would walk into Asgard and kill everyone shy of someone who could just warp reality on a universal scale so again this is a really crazy scenario but from here we jump to several millennia into the future to what's left of Asgard effectively everybody in Asgard is gone and the only person left is old King Thor for those of you guys who are reading or who have been reading Jane Foster Thor but one of the things you'll notice about old King Thor is that his arm is missing and in fact this is a question that I've received time and time again and I believed I had answered it but I may not have in the inaugural story when Jane Foster became Thor Jason Aaron basically wrote a circumstance whereby Odin's son lost his arm and he basically used the destroyer armor as a replacement on what this this point this several millennia in the future this takes place well after the events of the modern day Thor and it seems like this is basically the future version of the Thor that were used to be lost his arm but he is the sole survivor of Asgard we don't know exactly what it is that happened there or at least at the moment we don't it's actually explained in a Loki agent of Asgard but we don't know exactly what it is that happened there all we know is that Asgard has been completely overrun by these blocks sir Percy's black forces of or the god butcher and so again it presents a very bleak future presents a very bleak outcome in the sense that this is basically a multi-generational fight you know in the past 893 ad Thor encountered God butcher for the very first time in the present day he's trying to track him back down and in the future Gore appears to have won and so it's a really cool scenario because then what Jason Aaron does for the rest of the story is he connects the dots he says if Thor meant you know Gore for the first time in the past and then he's tracking him down again in the present and seems to have lost in the future then how do we get from A to B to C and it's so cool to see it unfold it's so cool to see it happen because what Thor does is he continues his journey to basically travel around you know back in the past in 893 AD he continues his journey to try to track down this person who has basically killed these gods at which of course leads him into a direct conflict with gore the god butcher now the important thing to notice here is that again with this taking place in the past Thor's never faced anyone like this before Thor's never faced anyone like Gore Gore has this necro sword that basically allows him to kill gods now it is the source of its power but the real benefit of the necro sword is that it is a weapon of the gods and so it would be like trying to fight Superman with a steel sword versus trying to fight Superman with a kryptonite sword one is gonna work and one is not the necro sword basically allows Gore to kill gods it's a weapon for God to kill a god and it was previously owned by gods of course we'll learn more about that in the origin of gore itself but the fact remains here that with Thor facing off against Gork this is a hitherto unrivaled situation Thor's never dealt with anything like this a person who just cannot be stopped cannot be reasoned with all he wants to do is just kill Thor now the cool thing about this is that Gore has like some amazing dialogue in this story and that's really one of the reasons why readers love him so much is because he's got such amazing dialogue you know he was like look you know I thought so many gods I thought gods of war are you a God of War because I fought and I've killed so many of them I fought gods of wrath I fought all these different gods and I've killed them all you will be no different not only that Thor of course charging into battle you know for Asgard I'm Thor god of thunder of Asgard what this does is it turns Gore on to the idea that he can basically begin the process of killing even more gods by an invading Asgard so again this is a really cool scenario because what it does is it gives us this conflict between two beings who have never met before but who seem to be virtually you know virtually equal in power now of course jumping back to the to the modern day this is really when the Thor begins to realize what it is that's going on by going through this temple you know this this this realm where these gods have effectively been killed he's been harkening back on his memories of conflicting with with with Gork and this is when he realizes that he previously believed he had killed gore only to find out that gore is still very much alive and so again this is interesting because what it does is it continues to sort of fill in the gaps he continues to sort of let us know what's going on of course finding the gods of this planet having been killed Thor travels to a place called omnipotence City now omnipotent city is new Jason Aaron invented this this is a place that never existed before and this is why I say he's doing this wholesale revamp of sorts when it comes to the God mythology in Marvel Comics because previously the only real meeting the only real form of meeting among the gods so to speak was the sky father so that was it you know the leaders of these various godly Pantheon and that's really all there was but with omnipotence City what it does is it basically creates a central hub of information and within omnipotent city is basically knowledge on everything about everything now Thor is not looking to learn everything that there is instead this is Jason Aaron basically saying this library is filled with like the stories the achievements all these different things of every God in existence and so what Thor begins to do is travel around to every single realm where these gods are supposed to exist to every planet where these gods reside to every moon the whole nine yards and all he finds is dead God after dead God they have all been butchered every last one of them have been killed whether it's these massive gods whether it's these small gods whether they're tree nymphs you know whether they're gods of destruction gods of war it doesn't matter every single one of them has been completely destroyed and completely obliterated and so having found that all these gods have been completely obliterated what Thor does is he reflects back on the final battle that he had with Gore in the past and recalls the cave the base of operations so to speak death war where I'm sorry that Gore was operating out of and so traveling back to this location where he intends to confront war again he actually comes into contact for the first time with a guy by the name of shadrach I think it is now this is kind of cool because shadrach's just like a god of wine and it's really interesting to see how like Jason Aaron is very much invoking like this Greek mythological godly pantheon and just kind of applying it tomorrow and then spreading it throughout the universe like there's gods of wine is God's own dancing there's gods of the harvest gods of the hunt gods of the Sun so on and so forth it's really cool to kind of see this expand it out into the realm of Marvel Comics and expand it to the universe but the issue here is that Shadrach basically says look the reason why all of this is being done is because of what you did to Gore the last time you guys had met the last time you guys had fought now again this is Jason Aaron continuing to kind of expand on this Jason continuing to essentially go through and add the narrative to this story that will increase the relationship between gore and for himself and the reason why is because what Thor does in the modern day is he takes Shadrach to omnipotent city with the goal basically saying look let's see if we can't find this realm of Cronus you know basically these time-traveling gods and let's see if we can't figure out what in the world is going on with them and see if there's a way that we could basically go back and defeat Gore or see what it was that I did to led to this circumstance in the first place and so jumping back to the Thor in the past we end up having this moment where during the final battle between himself and Gore he was effectively captured and taken prisoner and the cool thing here is that Gore basically you know the reason why I say is narrative is so cool is because he starts taunting Thor you know now again when it comes to course character while he is sadistic while he is twisted his goal is to just kill gods and so really torturing Thor is just as much for fun as it is for you know resulting in the death of Thor in the first place but the other half of this is that Gore cannot simply just kill people by himself he needs to know where they are he needs to be able to access them and that's basically what he's been doing going on a mission and just traveling throughout the universe and killing gods wherever he finds them just happening to stumble across them would take so long but if he can find a God and he can torture that God for information and then kill him that God will lead him to other gods which will lead him to other gods and in turn he'll just be travelling around the cosmos obliterating everything and that's what he's been doing that's really how it all started he basically took the necro sword he became a god and in turn began torturing other gods for information now again for the character of Thor the torture that comes here is just simply for Gore to be able to access Asgard now we know that if that if Gore were to access Asgard and try to kill everybody likely it wouldn't happen Odin would probably kill him which begs the question where zonad in the future why is it that all the Asgardians are dead again it creates kind of a really cool narrative and it begs so many questions and it makes things incredibly bleak but again back in the future with old King Thor really this is just kind of like a continuous last stand or he's constantly just trying to take down these various iterations of Gore the god butchers forces constantly trying to tear them down time and time again at the very least trying to defeat him and it really seems like he's fighting a losing battle he's a one-man army against a veritable horde of forces coming from Gore and it really seems like he's just going to spend eternity fighting and basically surviving and that's it and the reason why I say that is because of the fact that during this conflict he basically fights off against a bunch of these forces he's effectively can put back on his throne only for him to continue the pattern of trying to fight them off again and so that's really going to be his life for the rest of eternity is just trying to face off against the forces of gore and never being successful you know it's almost like Sisyphus having to push the rock up the mountain or whatever it was you know that that mythological story where he's constantly doomed to push the rock up the mountain and then as soon as you know when it seemed like he's gonna get to the top it comes tumbling back down again so it's basically him just kind of doomed to live out this existence forever and ever and ever and so again what we end up doing is we basically traveler I guess we followed gore in the modern day in his attempts to travel into the past again this is really what he's been doing as Thor has been trying to track him down and what ultimately ends up happening here is gore basically accesses the chronics gods and by virtue of spilling their own blood he's able to use the power imbued with them to travel back in time now the reason for why he's doing this is to actually travel all the way back to the very beginnings to the formation of all things now this is kind of an interesting scenario because when it comes to Marvel Comics there have been so many different tellings of how the universe came into existence I mean there's the telling that was that that comes out of the classic Thor 161 and 162 I think it is where Galactus basically recounts his origin story to Thor there's Hickman's Avengers and New Avengers there is al Ewing's Ultimates to the troubleshooter story or we basically end up seeing the new origin of all things in existence the origins have been told time and time again what's usually left to the rider is what happens after the universe comes into existence and that's usually what writers end up kind of building on is looking in this and saying okay look you know the universe came into existence because the previous universe collapsed in on itself it was a cosmic egg that exploded with energy and now we have the modern universe what happens after that now in terms of where life comes from this again has been explained several times over Jonathan Hickman for example introduced a group called the builders and the builders basically just traveled around the universe seeding worlds and creating stars and so on and so forth but if you go and you read some old x-men stories they'll tell you that the Celestials are the oldest living things and the Celestials are what they are what I basically created the universe and then the multiverse there's a lot of different stories that go on here but what Jason Aaron is saying is that in the early days 14 billion years ago there were simply the elder gods or at least there was original elder God and this original elder God gave birth to other elder gods which in turn gave birth to more gods which led to the creation of planets and stars and all that kind of good stuff and so the goal of gore is to basically kill this elder God steal its heart which will ran him all the power that he pretty much needs and then from there go forward now the reason why he had to travel 14 billion years ago is because elder gods don't exist anymore remember we did our video series on you know the history of the Marvel Universe the Elder Gods had basically wiped each other out to the brink of extinction there was really nothing left I mean they're they're all virtually extinct I mean as far as I'm aware there are no more Elder Gods not only that it's really kind of like the half-life concept which is to say you can never create anything that is equal to yourself in some form or fashion it will always only be a fraction of um you know two parents for example cannot create a child and that child has all the traits of one parent and none of the traits of the other it'll have a combination of both traits with regards to you know what goes on in Marvel Comics it's this idea that whenever an elder god gives birth to another elder god that new elder god is only half of what the original elder god could be and so going back to the original going back to the very first elder god is as powerful as any elder god is ever going to be it's basically the creator of all things and so by stealing its heart it basically abused god butcher and be is with gore with all the power that he will need or at the very least it can offer a source of all the power he'll ever need now the other half of this is also just pride right it's also just kind of testing himself seeing what he can do how far he's come and being able to kill an elder God a being of such immense power means that he is insanely capable in terms of what he's able to do in terms of how efficient he is the fact remains here jumping into the past the motivation for Gore doing everything that he's done is because of the fact that he encountered Thor and that's why I really wanted to wait to this part of the story to expand on this in order to kind of you know give you guys a lot of the information that was there and then tie it all together and that's what makes this so cool with gore the god butcher his motivation and killing gods was singular I mean he was just a guy who was pissed and hated gods and wanted to kill them because he lost his family this is condensed origin story in ten seconds that's all he ever did he just traveled a cosmos and killed gods and his motivation was to just do that he never really had a reason to question it he never really had a reason to believe there was anyone out there they could challenge him until he met Thor and then or force Tagore to experience his very first defeat and so what Thor represented was the idea that there are still gods out there who are more powerful than Gore there are still gods out there that Gore simply just can't defeat because Thor for example just has the will to win he has the fighting experience he has the prowess he has the strength he has the enchanted weapons at his disposal at the end of the day gorges can't beat him through conventional means and so what Gore began to do was basically go around and kill all the other gods that existed out there absorb their power and then basically went back killed an elder God for the purpose of traveling into the future and securing his reign and so that's ultimately what's going on here it's essentially trying to bypass Thor but that's the idea is that Thor is the source of all this he's the reason why all this is happening he's a reason why all this is taking place core had been killing gods for a while but it wasn't until Thor arrived on the scene that Gore encountered someone that he couldn't beat through normal means and so what is up happening here is that within the present day with Thor arriving to this realm of the cronic chronics God to discover that Gore has just jumped into the timestream and traveled into the future Thor immediately follows after him and so what is up happening here is that modern-day Thor basically ends up travelling thousands of years into the future with future Thor and so both modern Thor and old King Thor are basically fighting side by side in their bid to take out the forces of gore the god butcher so what this does is it actually ends the story on a massive cliffhanger because the question is asked what's going on first of all why is it that Gore basically rules with absolute control in the future - what happened to earth 3 where are all the as Guardians and for how does it end ok so during my 1 million subscriber live stream as short as it was it was something like maybe 25 minutes wasn't anything outrageous but I had talked about how I wanted to begin shifting my focus from Marvel Comics away from all-new all-different marvel and focus on some classic stories and we're gonna test the waters here a little bit I want to do the origin of Gore the god butcher and the reason why is because this guy is amazing we did the god butchers storyline as like an episode of the rundown which was fun but I also wanted like I've always wanted to do like an actual like tried and true Thor the god butcher or I guess a Thor god of thunder you know the god what's your storyline explained video like I don't want to do this for quite a while and I've been trying to find a way to fit it in the issue with this is that bidi / comic story and is doing Thor god of thunder there we go he's doing that when the Thor movie comes out I think and we're actually gonna kind of switch because what I'm gonna do when the floor movie comes out is we're gonna start with Thor Ragnarok and then just work our way all the way up through Stravinsky's run you know up to this point to God butcher assuming you guys care about this then we'll just do this you know God what you're running the would you like God bomb and then we'll do what is it last days of Midgard and there's one more I think it is I think last days of Midgard is the last part but we're just gonna test the waters and we're gonna experiment and see how you guys respond to us doing some classic stories with regards to Thor stuff so gore the god butcher is a pretty cool character he's pretty cool he's pretty interesting and he's pretty tragic at the same time and the reason why is because of the fact that this was a guy who basically just ran across the cosmos killing every single God he found and he was one of the most interesting stories to have ever been done with his character but what this does at least what this comic does is it just kind of goes back to the early days and it really tells us how Gore ended up from being you know how he went from being just a regular guy to eventually becoming a murderer it was just killing gods all across the cosmos and so what we do is we jump to about three thousand years in the past and we actually pick up with this pretty dark and pretty a pretty sinister environment I mean it's not dark in terms of you know light or anything like that but it's a very harsh environment it's full of all kinds of predators but people who live on it are nomads meaning they just travel from one location to the next simply trying to make their way in trying to survive in this instance what is up happening is the mother of gore is basically killed by some of the natural beasts that just kind of roam around the landscape you know monsters or you know whatever the the natural predators are but this in turn instills in him a lack of faith in gods and the reason why is because as they make their way across this planet and as they try to reach their their chosen place you know their eternal land whatever you want to call it his wife is of course pregnant with what seems to be you know their third or fourth child the issue with this is that as they're traveling his wife basically steps on some loose rocks and she falls to her death and so all this left to him is for his son for at least for him to carry a son his oldest child as well as what are the villagers are left and try to make their way to their chosen destination but gore the god butcher has basically just lost faith in gods and the reason why is because the people pray day after day they constantly pray for sustenance they constantly pray for nourishment you know the son of Gor dies in his arms because he doesn't have water he doesn't have any food you know they're basically just letting this really terrible and really crappy life but the faith of the tribe is what gets them through they've got their own religious leaders around spiritual leaders they've got guys that basically say look we have to pray to the gods and if we do then the gods will give us what we need to survive now some of the Jason Aaron is doing with this little bit of a story is he's kind of going back and forth with things right like he's kind of bordering on this realm of literal and metaphorical in the sense that we're you know these guys basically say look we kind of have to pray to the gods and we have to you know beg that they will give us the things that we need in reality the gods will not provide them and gore doesn't even believe they exist all he does is he just looks around at a really harsh environment now it's entirely possible that this planet is not hospitable which begs the question how did the people you know how do they arrive to where they are now you know how do they evolve this far we're not given an answer to that the Cooby they just crash-landed here and they've been there for you know several generations and they're effectively dying off because they can't live in the environment there's any number of reasons why this is the case but for Gore himself he looks around and says if the gods really cared about us if the gods really listened to our prayers and listened to our hopes we wouldn't be dying of starvation we wouldn't be dying of dehydration they would bless us with water they would bless us with rain they'd give us some sign that they actually exist now of course this in response is meant to basically be viewed as heresy but it's also kind of makes sense that people would respond that way and the reason why is because what Gore is doing is effectively taking away their hope the people that he's walking with the God do they believe in are the only thing that stands between them and just giving up is the only thing that stands between them and just saying yeah there's no help coming and then just laying down and die you know believing that the gods will answer their prayers if they pray long enough is the only hope they have that their lives will get better and that makes sense you know nobody wants to believe that there's no light at the end of the tunnel people want to believe that there's a better tomorrow on the horizon that's just the nature of people even if there isn't even if there's no hope of getting out of their circumstance people want to believe that there is now of course Gore answering this and basically saying that hope is nonsensical leads to him being cast out by his own tribe and so on the verge of dying he suddenly meant by the arrival of two gods now this is where Jason Aaron also plays it a little fast and loose because how these guys are depicted one gold one black is clearly an allegory to good and evil that's clearly what it's designed to be but this also shows this sort of you know struggle that's been going on between the two of them for eons and eons and eons but for those of you guys who read the unworthy Thor and those of you guys who read you know where Nick Fury had basically told Thor Gore was right this is really what it's kind of harken announcer these gods the other gods of this planet of this realm or this region may very well exist but they probably don't care about the goings-on of people on the mundane ground you know who it is kind of living out their regular lives I mean how many comics have you seen where Thor rescues a homeless man or where Thor gives money to a homeless man or he saves him how many comics have there been where Thor saves some little girl who's in an abuse of a situation with parents or some guy who's being beat up by a bully or something like that you don't see those comics those comics don't exist the only comics that you see our colleagues where Thor is fighting alongside the Avengers where he's fighting in Asgard he's going against you know the frost giants or something like that it's Jason Aaron hitting at the nature of the comics and stories that we've seen said look maybe it is true you know if the gods exist then why don't they care about the small guys why don't they care about the little guys why do they just fight amongst themselves with all their nonsense and that's really what's being hit at home here with regards to Gore because one of these gods survives and begs for help the immediate response of Gore is why would I help you where were you out when my mom died where were you at when my wife died where were you at with all these different members of these tribes had died but in truth it would be like screaming at Thor because a man's wife was run over by a car could Thor have really saved her possibly but there's no guarantee that he could have it's really just the wrath and the anger and the emotion and the pain that Gore has felt over the course of his life and just experiencing loss after loss after loss after loss that all really comes to a head and so ultimately what is up happening here is that some of this power Lisa seems to be that way of this dark God basically allows itself to be used by Gore and it actually takes the form of what's called the necro sword now of course the necro sword will be a major aspect of his character going forward in the realm of of you know for the god butcher of that particular story but Gore having this power basically gives him the ability of a god the difference is that he doesn't quite know how to use it yet that's the importance is that over the course of the next several millennia he'll basically begin to harness his skills and so what is a path is that we actually transition to another realm to a different universe called Earth ah 1 4 4 1 2 14 4 12 I think is what it's called and we actually pick up you know in the future of this universe where we basically have like Volstagg who's normally part of the Warriors 3 but it's clearly in shape and trimmed-down who's being tortured and then eventually killed by Gore and he basically keeps kind of taunting you know Volstagg and so on and so forth and Volstagg even makes a claim look if you have the power of a god and you're going around and you're killing other gods what do you think that makes you do you think it makes you a good guy do you think it makes you a bad guy it's basically saying you v you have essentially become what it is that you hate the most now this particular universe not this situation but this particular universe is extremely important and the reason why is because of the fact that over the course of God butcher and God Bomb Jason arrant will span three different time periods he'll span in the the really the early days of Thor you know back when he was younger he'll go in the present day and then he'll go in the future the future in this particular universe where this matters the reason why this is important is because this is a reality where Loki destroyed everything on earth he wiped out all life on Earth all the superheroes all the humans the whole nine yards everything is gone Loki literally killed everybody that's where things are different that's where it branches off from that's what makes that universe different everything else and you know Thor the god butcher is you know the past or the main Marvel Universe or the present day in the main Marvel Universe this is in the future of an alternate universe and so that's one of the cool things about that little tidbit but anyway guys I figured it'd be kind of a cool video to make I thought it'd be pretty enjoyable to talk about the origin of Gore the god butcher it's pretty straight forward is pretty short the reason why is because his character gets a huge amount of development and Thor the god butcher and the actual I'm sorry Thor god of thunder I keep saying Thor the god Richard um he keeps getting he gets a lot of character development and a Thor got a thunder Volume one and the God butcher storyline really it's the story that kind of made him so cool art is amazing by Sagra make it looks absolutely insane but in my mind is probably the greatest Thor story ever told getting him to God bomb this basically brings the end of gore the god butchers is kind of like the the self-contained story and that was a cool thing I mean I imagine that you know with Jason Aaron when he was writing the story it was all designed to be one great big cohesive thing I mean once the time comes when Jason Aaron you know announces the JSON Aaron is now leaving for you'll literally be able to pick up with god butcher and just read all the way up to wherever he stopped it'll just be one cohesive story and I have and I will continue to say that this is the greatest run of Thor that there's ever been like I can I've read so many runs of Thor I've read Matt Fraction I've read Straczynski I've read Walt Simonson and to me I sit down and I say this is the best run there's ever been I mean all the other ones are great they're fun they're interesting I like them but in terms of development in terms of storytelling in terms of expansion in terms of the art and how gorgeous it is it's the greatest run of Thor that I think there has ever been and so picking up from the last video you know we're basically talked about the idea that Gore the god butcher had essentially jumped to the future after grabbing a heart and really the heart of the first elder god this essentially fueled his power now keep in mind as gore kills gods and you know takes their blood wherever the case may be he expands his own powers and so in the future he's become really the most powerful being in existence among the the traditional pantheon of gods I mean keep in mind if like The Living Tribunal showed up and was like okay you basically disrupted the balance of all things but let me chop you know we'll just phase them out of existence eternity could destroy you know Gore the god butcher I mean there's a litany of ways that like Jason Aaron could end this they wouldn't be fun but he can in them in a whole litany of waste but the idea here is that we initially pick up with really I guess with modern-day Thor and King Thor now this is where things are gonna get a lot more streamlined than they were because in God butcher we were following three eras of Thor in this story we are but they're all in the same place so it's only we're jumping through the past present and the future and trying to confine it into a story and make it make sense instead we are basically just kind of covering all different versions of these floor in the same point in time so we'll still call them like young Thor yes I guess you know past Thor and modern Thor and King Thor but the fact remains here that with modern Thor and King Thor meeting together some of the questions we have are answered to a degree one of the things that he basically states is that in this era that about 900 years before this current moment Gore had just shown up on Asgard and invaded Asgard proper and in doing so he had essentially taken all the Asgardians prisoner with the exception of Thor himself Thor was forced to basically stay on guard and just thinned off against wave after wave after wave of the black berserkers of gore now this begs the question what happened to Odin now when it comes to the character of Odin we have what's called Ragnarok Ragnarok and we'll talk more about this once we actually get to like the Ragnarok story Ragnarok is basically the end times of Asgard it is the apocalypse of Asgard but what Thor had learned and what we as the reader had learned was that Ragnarok was a constantly repeating cycle that to the Asgardians to their mind you would eventually have Serdar who would kill Odin Loki would launch a war against Asgard he would invade he would conquer Asgard Thor would be killed and then eventually the Asgardians would be killed and that would be yet everybody in task guard would effectively just die like that would be you know they die in some grandiose battle but they would all end up dying what we learned was that there was this group called the ones who sit above in shadow who have been feeding on this cycle and so where you know where Thor looks at the modern day and says this is the only life that I have in reality he's been repeating his life over and over and over again he just didn't know it and the ones who sit above in shadow were feeding on this perpetual cycle of Ragnarok now eventually Odin figured out what was going on and instead of Thor just staying in Asgard Odin basically cashed Thor out as one of the reasons why he banished him and then confined him to earth so that he would be raised on earth and would eventually you know come across this path that would lead to the death of Odin and Thor would have the reason to ask what's going on here because by his own involvement with Captain America and Iron Man different things like that he would see the world through the perspective of a human which in turn would create curiosity and in his curiosity he would want to know what's going on with Ragnarok how does it work and how do I stop it from happening and so again it's really kind of a cool scenario in terms of how that unfolds we'll get into a far more in-depth explanation of Ragnarok once we get around to that story with the release of Thor 3 but the fact remains here that because of the fact that Thor knows what Ragnarok is because he's aware of Ragnarok so does King Force's he's basically Thor in the future and so the idea here is that in his mind Odin has effectively just died somewhere along a lot that's really what it is I mean Odin has basically just kind of moved on and Thor has what's called the Thor force now the Thor force and the odinforce those are just names given to whoever it is this wielding that particular power the odinforce is just an insane amount of energy that Odin has and it allows him to whatever it is that he wants to do at any particular point in time it's a plot device when Odin dies that power passes to Thor and it becomes the Thor force likewise it could be that both Odin and Thor die and the power would pass to Loki and it would become the Loki force it's just whoever it is this wielding that power at any particular point in time but the fact remains that King Thor has the has the Thor force the difference does that remember the Thor force is like a battery so anybody who wields it long enough if they do not go into the odinsleep with a Thor sleep in this case they would just basically run out of power and that's really what it is he's been fighting for so long and he's exhausted so much energy he can't go into the to the Thor sleep he can't rest otherwise you know there wouldn't be anybody to defend Asgard and so the result is that his power is effectively almost completely defeated now with the arrival of modern for what this does is it rekindles hope it rekindles the possibility that he may yet live it rekindles a possibility that Asgard could very well be saved at the same time modern Thor and future Thor are joined by past Thor and the reason why is because of the facts the past Thor basically has this dream where he realizes that Gore the god butcher isn't dead where he P recently previously believed he had killed him one of course black berserkers kind of throws like this Cronus charged atom or something like that anyway just time displaces him and it teleports him to the future that's really all it is of course he rises up through the pond the difference here is that he does not immediately join a modern and future Thor instead he's actually forced into being a subject he's forced into being a slave now the reason for this is twofold the first half is that in the mind of Gore he's captured so many gods already and its power is so extreme he's not worried about modern or future for now that will be the really the source of his undoing and that's his humerus the other half of this is that because Thor is so strong and because Thor is so capable and because he is the one that almost killed Gore capturing Thor is really more of like a trophy than anything else you know I finally captured the guy who almost killed me you know it's basically more kind of solidifying in his own mind that he is indeed that god of God so to speak that he's the one person that's gonna bring everything crashing down and so with this in mind what King Thor tells modern Thor is that again where where Gore had basically showed up on Asgard he had captured all the Asgardians those who fought against Gore had basically been killed and those who have been captured have been whisked off to a planet on the far side of the universe we're gorras building a god bomb a bomb is designed to eliminate all God's we follow King Thor and monitor Thor over to the location of where Gore's hanging out at now getting a little bit more into this whole idea of a of a god bomb what we end up finding out is that Gore is not entirely wrong now for those of you guys who are reading unworthy Thor this is why Jason Aaron's run is so important this is why Jason Aaron's run is so significant there's a conversation that happens between gore and his son we don't really know where his son came from we don't know why he's there but there's a conversation that happens between the two of them and what Gore says is that in his mind gods are inherently evil gods are inherently bad gods you know answer the prayers of their followers based on a win they may choose not to answer they may choose to answer it's just kind of doing whatever they want to do when they do it and how they do it and so on so forth and so because of that Gore wants to eliminate them all the purpose of the god bomb is to essentially detonate the bomb so that when it goes off it will kill all God's throughout the timestream gods from the present gods from the from the past God's in the future those who may have been hidden away from Gore that he just didn't know about and never caught and killed those who were never caught and catch you whatever the case may be they will die all throughout the timestream now notice the motivation of gore with this mindset Gore is basically been passing this information on to his son and so when Gore's son speaks directly with Thor who's basically working as a prisoner Gore's son basically says look what this is going to do is this going to usher in a great era it's going to usher in an era where people don't fight over which gods real and which gods false people won't fight over which gods right and which God is wrong people will not live their lives waiting for an eternity of splendor or fearing an eternity of hell people will live in the moment they will value what they have they will recognize this life is the only life they have and they will treat it that way they will take the most advantage out of it that's not wrong and that's the coolest thing about that is because that's what Nick Fury was saying when he whispered to Odin son and he said Gore was right and it made him unworthy it was the hammer realizing that's true like its true like people you know people like Thor they represent the ideology that people don't value the life they have they value the life they hope they have and so again it's basically never really living in the moment that's why Jane Foster was chosen because she's literally a person dying of cancer every moment could be her last and so she values what she has left her because for her she doesn't view of the possibility of an afterlife she was a view the possibility of going to heaven she views the life that she has as being the only one she has and she looks to make the most of it she's living in the present not living in the future that's why the hammer chose her and that's why it's so cool that's why all this wraps around and creates one great big cohesive story because you get a little piece here and you get a little piece there and then you get a little piece over there somewhere and then it all comes together to create this amazing cohesive story where everything is important and that's why I love it so much it's why it's it's such a cool thing now for here we are introduced to the granddaughters of King Thor and this is really kind of cool because these chicks they do not play like they are they are hardcore but the funny thing about this is that while they are being forced to work in subservience which is to say to basically help build this god bomb at the end of the day they're also planning a way to get out and the funny thing is that with past Thor being so young being so brash being so reckless showing up here having been captured is saying well we have to fight we have to fight we have to win we have to get our freedom he's not thinking rationally he's not thinking according to a plan and that's really what Jason Aaron is hitting on when it comes to these different iterations of Thor and that's something that I hope you noticed past Thor is young I mean he's young he's brash let's just battle you know when it comes to modern-day Thor modern-day Thor is a little more reasonable he's a little more thinking he's still quick to fight he's still quick to battle but King Thor is old he's wise it is basically the steps of Thor as he becomes essentially Odin as he eventually gets to the point where he realizes that sometimes you can't just fight directly sometimes you need a plan sometimes you have to function accordingly sometimes you just have to be intelligent about what you do this was really kind of cool to see these different iterations coming together but of course with young Thor he's basically told look you know get back to earth keep your mouth shut do not draw attention to us and the reason why is because picking up later that night with the the granddaughters of King Thor we ultimately find that what they've done is they basically constructed a bomb of their own and the reason why is because of the fact that in three days that god bomb will be finished and every God everywhere in existence will be destroyed and when that happens all things will essentially come crashing down including all of them there and so the goal is to basically destroy this god bomb before it can go off now of course the funny thing about this and this is really when the brash nature of of young Thor comes into the equation when you simply just grabs the bomb and races off races off with a god bomb with the intention of destroying it now things get a little bit murky at this point and I would imagine Jason arrant kind of fast-tracked things a bit and the reason why is because of the fact that where the bomb is detonated we immediately transition over to King Thor and modern Thor whether facing off against some of these these gods that are basically being used like these shark gods that are being used as kind of like guards of the planet of gore and then there's suddenly met with the arrival of young Thor we don't know how he got there we don't know you know if he was just teleported if the god bomb went off and he was just suddenly moved away we're not really sure exactly why it is that he's here we just know that he is but alongside modern Thor in alongside King Thor what they basically say is we have to destroy Gore we have to kill him so that we can make sure that all God's everywhere survive so we effectively have three different Thor's fighting in the same battle and it is a sight to behold now from here we get into the downfall of Gore and this is one of the greatest things about this with Jason Aaron's storytelling he does not take a conventional approach with ending stories which is to say hey guys here's a really cool event and it's done it doesn't go that way with Jason Aaron Jason Aaron really kind of builds up he builds characters up and then he gives them a gradual downfall and it's usually an ironic downfall against the the force of three Thor's gore cannot pull it off and what Jason Aaron is basically saying here is that Thor is unique among all the gods that are in existence because of his desire for battle because of his desire for conflict because he's so capable at what he does he cannot simply just be defeated like any sort of God when you have three of them they are non-stop about and so Gore literally throws every single thing he has at them he kills other gods that are currently a slaves to absorb their power and increase his own and he still can't pull it off initially and so what we end up having is all three of these gods racing into Gore engaging in this massive battle which leads into them basically kind of being I guess catapulted into the Sun now this is kind of cool actually this is pretty damn amazing to be honest with you guys and the reason why is because of the fact that with three Thor's facing off against Gork we would expect them to win right like we would expect them to take today only for Gordon you know for the battle to end for all three Thor's to come crashing back to earth and for Gore to then the one that came out triumphant and so what Jason Aaron does is he gives us this amazing crescendo it's almost like this this feeling that all hope is lost that Gore has managed to defeat three Thor's and they all have an incredible endurance fighting prowess the whole nine yards and gore still wins and so again it's a very terrifying situation but what we end up doing is we pick up with the wife of gore when she basically begins to do kind of talking to her husband now this is where the downfall comes into play and the reason why I say that is because of the fact that she says look you know I look forward to an era when the god bomb is detonated I look forward to an era when there are no more gods out there when there are no more people to worship you know and she stresses her affection by basically referring to him and saying you are my god in return gore kills her and that's where the downfall comes into play and the reason why is because of the fact that the entire scenario is observed by the son of gore now where the son plays along and says look you know yes I can't wait for this bomb to go off yada yada yada you know we'll get everything set up and going at the end of the day he intends to kill his father because his father killed his mother and so again it's so cool because usually whenever it comes to like dystopian rulers or like totalitarians or something like that the one thing they fear is someone rising up and either becoming a martyr or mustering all the forces together and just outright bringing them down it's the one thing that Gore fears above all others he fears someone rising up with enough power to bring him crashing down and it's that way with every single narrative when there's someone with absolute power now it doesn't mean that they are successfully defeated but it does mean that it is one thing that they fear and so by going through and you know basically charging up this god bomb with one of the Thor's who's remained captured by Gore as well as the other two Thor's you know trying to climb back into battle climbing up mountain sides from wherever it wasn't they landed the modern Thor is basically rescued by this son of gore and the son of war says look my father killed my mother I will help you defeat my father now the reason why this is so cool is because the son of gore represents what Gore used to be and the origin story of Gore Gore used to be a guy where he was basically just trying to live a reasonable life I mean he had a wife he had he had children of his own he was very mortal he was very emotional dare I say very human in terms of how he existed it was only after he lost everything that he became so dark and he became so bleak but his son is still who Gore used his son still cares about others his son still feels loved steel feels emotion steel feels affection and so because of that in his anger in his wrath and in his desire for revenge he takes aside against his father and doing this it grants a reprieve for all three Thor's to rebound back together again and begin the process of waging a war against Gore trying to bring him down now this is where things get incredibly cool because as each one begins to take on Gork each one of them begins to meet their defeat and ultimately it comes down to the modern-day version of Thor who picks up both his hammer and the hammer of King Thor now this is something that we've almost never seen before I don't think I've ever seen an instance when we've had a Thor wield two hammers at the same time now this is crazy because the power of the hammers has always been something this a little bit ambiguous and even then when this story was written the power behind the hammers had not been explained by Jason Aaron now we know now that it's just like this sentient cosmic storm it's basically cosmic energy inside this hammer that's been harnessed by Odin so that Thor can use it having two hammers composed of cosmic energy it creates a level of power hitherto on rivaled and so what this does with or essentially smashing them together it allows him to both destroy the god bomb before it kills any of the other gods across all time in space as well as absorb the necro sword now what this does is it basically transforms Thor into the god of gods because we now have Thor wielding the all-black necro sword a weapon designed to do nothing more than kill gods and destroy worlds as well as wielding two hammers this is probably the single greatest picture that I've ever seen in my life when it comes to Thor he looks so badass with this hit with his whole his whole getup he's just like cloud and black with two hammers I mean it's one of the coolest things that I've ever seen but but a gorg has essentially lost the source of his power that's really what it is he has no power left there's nothing left coming to him he is effectively as mortal as he was in his origin story and so because of this because of the fact that Gore has been defeated his our son appears to him and says look I am the source of your defeat but what we also end up learning is that his son is not actually his son instead his son was a constant so again this is really kind of an interesting scenario because what it does is shows us that beep in his core once you get past his whole desire to kill gods gore was still very much you know human so to speak in the sense that he wanted offspring he wanted a life but it also shows us that he was not just inherently evil he may have lost his way he may have fallen down the wrong path but at the end of the day his motivation was to basically create a world or a universe a reality without gods because in his mind the gods were the source of all suffering that existed out there and so it begs the question how many civilizations have suffered how many people have died across the universe because the gods did not answer their call again rolling back into the idea of why the hammer chose to Jane Foster to be worthy instead of allowing Odin son to be worthy so again it's it's a beautiful story that all kind of comes together and you know really becomes cohesive but in these final moments Gore's effectively defeated by being decapitated and that's really about it I mean from there there's really nothing more that goes on with this character that's pretty much the end of him and so what this does is it gives us kind of a really cool epilogue in the sense that we pick up about three days later after this battle and since that Asgard has turned into the sort of beacon and home for gods across the cosmos that all gods from all these different races are all kind of coming back they're arriving on Asgard it's going to serve as a major hub of course what's left of the Asgardians still reside there we don't know explicitly what role that you know Asgard will play in the future at least not yet but at this moment we just sort of pick up with the idea that everybody's living out the rest of their lives you know that the past--the or that modern Thor are sent back to their own times respectively a King Thor stays in the future and and that's really yet I mean it's really the idea that just kind of go back to doing what they were doing before but what this does is it sets the stage for the arrival of Galactus on earth and it actually sets the stage for old King Thor versus Goliath and the question of what it is that happen to earth in this reality okay so getting into Jason Aaron's Thor god of thunder I guess you know last days of Midgard this story's actually split in two and it's really kind of interesting the way this is done is because the the part that we're gonna be focusing on here is Thor fighting Galactus since that's the part you guys care about the other half of this is basically setting the stage for like rocks on oil to get involved with with Malekith and his desire to launch his war of nine realms and so on and so forth and we'll wrap back a round of that because that's really kind of like ends Jason Aaron's run back around this once we pick back up with Thor with the release of Ragnarok so we've got a little while we've got a little bit of time before we jump back into Thor again that is we might start our x-men run and then like pause the x-men run for thor ragnarok and then do all the thor stories going up to this which is Jason Aaron's run and then go back into x-men again because there's no chronological series of videos on the x-men stories after the events of House of M but we'll cross that bridge once we get to it one thing to keep in mind and I'm really kind of debating on whether or not this is something that we're gonna cover because it's not wildly significant it's just a thing he did in the future but essentially earth itself is completely uninhabited because of the fact that Loki basically obliterated all life on the planet now this was covered in Loki agent of ass garden and Loki agent of Asgard was basically designed to kind of emphasize his character the problem with doing that is in order to understand why blokey agent of Asgard happens we have to understand why he's young again why he's trying to change his ways and in order to understand why he's trying to change his ways we have to understand why he was a little boy why he was a chick all that stuff comes out of thor ragnarok so again Ragnarok was kind of like the house of a more kind of like the the reboot so to speak because of that all we really need to know is that Loki basically obliterated all life on Earth and that was really all there is but what this did is it set the stage for the arrival of Galactus now keep in mind this section of the story takes place millions of years or at least maybe not millions but thousands and thousands of years in the future so even if humanity hadn't been wiped out by Loki it certainly would have died off at some point along the line but the fact remains here that Galactus is still again very much alive now this really and it'll probably drag a lot of questions into fray this really kind of throws them to sharp relief the nature of seeker wars now something that I want to point out here is how Secret Wars fits into the chronology of events in Marvel Comics and this is where Marvel tends to contradict itself and mobile comics you have a character named cable and cable is a guy that hails from the future the guy is a retconning machine essentially if Marvel wants to change something don't have cable just suddenly travel back in time for whatever reason and he's like I'm here to prevent this from happening case in point Civil War when the original Civil War then happened cable and Deadpool still had their team-up comic cable jumped into the past and said hey look mr. president if you do this I know where this is going to lead to and you're not going to like it so it was basically kind of fitting it in and so the issue with cables character is everything that happens between right now at any given point in male comics and the future is all part of cables timeline the issue with this and the reason why it's it's so important is because in this particular story we're kind of left to believe that had Secret Wars not happened then this series of events would have transpired some you know five six seven thousand years in the future and so the best way to think about this is that whenever you pick up a Marvel story and it says thousands of years in the future or something like that and it's the story that took place before Secret Wars then basically just act as though that story took place as if Secret Wars never happened and for whatever reason Secret Wars ended up taking place and so because that is really the only way we have to kind of rectify these two things and sort of bring them together but the fact remains here remember for the character of Thor Midgard which is basically earth had been his home for quite some time now of course again this really all kind of cycles back to Ragnarok in and of itself but at the same time it's also just the idea of him having been a superhero on her fought alongside the real Captain America on the Incredible Hulk and so many different superheroes you know having met Jane Foster there having been a friend to humanity in so many different ways it's really kind of him just sort of losing a piece of himself and so what for routinely does is he travels back to earth for no other reason than to just kind of gather his bearings and it is kind of you know pay homage to the world they gave him so much and is sort of mourn over the friends that he's lost because of the actions of Loki the problem with this is that Thor alongside his granddaughter's basically showing up here is suddenly met with the arrival of Galactus now for Thor this is as much an affront as it is really the final battle because remember as it stands right now in terms of like the old gods so to speak which is to say those who lived on Asgard as far back as ice card ghosts the idea here is that Thor is really the last of the old as Guardians and Earth is the last refuge it's really the one thing that he can't let go and so because of this he actually banishes his granddaughter's away now this makes sense because you have to keep in mind in the mind of Thor he's fought Galactus so many times and while his granddaughter's know who Galactus is they are not prepared for the you know the kind of power that Galactus possesses now something else to point out here is Jason Aaron didn't just arbitrarily grab Galactus he wasn't just sitting in like you know what I think we should have some kind of a villain who are we gonna use well let's use Galactus and truth Galactus and Thor go way back and just in the realm of Marvel Comics the origin of Galactus first appeared the Thor comics I want to say was 161 and 162 you the fact remains here that with guard stood to Galactus and Thor their history is extremely rich I mean they fought side by side to defeat ego the Living Planet they've been enemies and they've been allies and so because of this Thor is well aware of how powerful Galactus is but Thor is not without his own capabilities keep in mind Thor is currently in possession of the Thor force now when it comes to to the Asgardian mythos when it comes to Marvel Comics the concept of the odinforce or the Thor force or whatever you want to call it it's simply just a source of power it's not like it is a well it's basically just the power he possesses now with Odin it's a little more straightforward with Odin his brothers had previously died alongside Odin facing off against Serdar which is kind of like this mortal enemy it's the archenemy of Odin and he's actually the guy that killed Odin going into Ragnarok but the fact remains here that the the Brothers of Odin basically died and their life force Murph's with him and gave him the odinforce and so it was really kind of Marvel's way to just explain here's why Odin is so powerful and so it's almost as if it was just kind of powers that were bestowed upon him but again it's still kind of murky it's not really clear how there's no definitive explanations now this is something that can be passed on from person to person so it's almost like a power that he can remove from himself and give to somebody else it's actually what happened during the events of Ragnarok Thor basically spoke directly with the odinforce so it is an actual tangible source of energy that can exist outside of Odin it's just with Odin all the time and so whatever he uses it to its completion or uses any fraction of it he has to go into the odinsleep to basically recharge that power but the fact remains here that Thor you know with Odin having died somewhere along the line Thor is now in possession of this force of energy and so effectively he now has the Thor force and this is insane because the Odin or Thor force basically allows either one to do whatever it is that they want to do at any particular point in time shy of warping reality on a universal scale it basically just amplifies their resisting powers in the extreme the funny thing about this though is that as powerful as Thor is he's not on the same level as Galactus because we're Galactus is a force of nature I mean you're talking about a being with hitherto unrivaled power with the exception of the highest-ranking cosmic entities and even then they dare not try to destroy Galactus because if Galactus we're in a hungered state let's say for example Galactus was basically ravenous he was absolutely feeding you know he was dying for somebody to eat he could probably lay waste to a litany of different things but if Galactus is completely full if Galactus is totally charged with energy you know if you were a battery and he's at 100% I would dare say there's almost no one who could stand in his way barring maybe eternity himself and even then it would probably be a pretty formidable challenge and so because of that you know Galactus is not someone to be trifled with here now the cool thing is we get this really really beautiful conversation between the two of them and the idea here is that you know Thor's question is why are you going to consume this world this world is half dead I mean it'll only ever give you really half the sustenance you need it would be like eating a half-eaten sandwich why eat a half-eaten sandwich we didn't go eat a whole sandwich go to another planet that's less rich with life take that planet there's no reason for you to take earth but for Galactus it's more than just consuming a planet right like it's more than just saying well I'm hungry right now I'm gonna go eat a planet for Galactus it's consuming earth because remember Galactus on earth have a very close history I mean Galactus is first appearance you know in Marvel Comics came by way of the Silver Surfer arriving on earth telling the Fantastic Four Galactus is coming and he's going to consume your planet and there's nothing you can do to stop him and then you know the Silver Surfer and the Fantastic Four banding together to defeat Galactus by way of using the ultimate nullifier or at least threatening to use the ultimate nullifier but time and time again Galactus has shown up on earth with the intention to conquer it and time and time again the earth superheroes have basically stopped him and so furgle actus is basically saying I finally get the planet that I've been wanting to consume this entire taunt it is not necessarily a life rich planet this planet is basically dying but for me it's really more of just the principle of the thing you know and that's kind of the irony here because what it does is it really shows how powerful earth was in a lot of different ways and that was something that had been touched on time and time again I mean Thanos has referenced that over and over again the different alien races and Marvel Comics at some point along the line the Shiar Empire the Kree the scrolls near the Badoon they've all talked about that time and time again the earth is home to some of the universe's most powerful beings but the earth is also filled with people who still live in a very primitive capacity which is to say politics run the show and different things like that and so the earth was always viewed as a very dangerous place because if one of the super heroes like Franklin Richards to lose control of his powers he could wipe out everything in existence to say nothing of people like the molecule man Owen Reese so again it's really kind of a cool scenario here with regards to the nature of the earth and how it all functions now of course this leads into a direct conflict between Thor himself as well as Galactus and so again this is really kind of cool because it's basically like this last stand it's really Thor doing everything he can to try to keep this planet alive the problem here is that it's capable as Thor is at the end of the day he's no Odin he's basically being toppled at every single turn now in some ways we could say this is Jason Aaron just nerfing the power of the of the Thor force just sitting down it's like okay look you know we're gonna reduce this power and it's not nearly on the same level as Odin and to a degree that might be the case I would say this is just Jason Aaron writing this story for the sake of writing a great story which is exactly what he does is absolutely amazing but in the middle of all this Thor again going head-to-head against Galactus is ultimately toppled and actually just kind of kicked off the planet and just sort of sent flying now again this is cool because and despite the fact that Thor is not as powerful as Odin was it's still an incredible fight Galactus is relishing in this right I mean when you're Galactus and you've been traveling around the universe for billions of years and you show up on somebody's planet and they fire off their little weapons which tantamount to throwing toothpicks at a hurricane you know you kind of get bored of the idea that no one can put up a real challenging fight but then here you come to earth you know trying to conquer this planet that stood against you for so long and then you find one god left with an insane amount of power and you relish in the challenge you're like finally you know I have somebody to keep me entertained so it's really kind of a cool scenario of course once Thor is basically kind of cast out of earth or cast out of Midgard and sent into the depths of space it allows Galactus to begin going through and consuming the planet now again the cool thing about this is that while all this is happening we're suddenly met with the arrival of Thor's granddaughters now in my rundown video this is one of the funny things it was like hey guys are bad food shopping but this is one of the coolest moments in the story because Thor's granddaughters are bad asked but not only that one of them looks like they're wielding Stormbreaker now Stormbreaker for those of you guys who don't know is basically the hammer of beta ray bill and beta ray bill the reason why fans love him so much and the reason why so many people are like putinism Cinematic Universe is because beta ray bill is the first person to have ever picked up Thor's hammer and it was a huge moment when it happened Nick Fury contacts Thor says hey look there's a ship coming over here to earth Thor goes to investigate you know beta ray bill basically as part of his race or at least as one of his uh as his Grace's main protector you know the protector of the korbinites comes across Thor fights against him and then picks up this hammer it was mind-blowing he was just like oh my god that's never happened before so it was a great big huge moment and it set the stage for Marvel to begin introducing these moments here and there when someone other than Thor picked his hammer up but it was always a really really cool moment whenever it happened but because of everything that had taken place Odin had basically hosted a contest between beta ray bill in Florida to determine who was the most worthy and because of the fact that beta ray bill had proved himself to be an honorable warrior because his conflict with Thor was not due to villainy but because of the fact that he was a protector beta ray bill was given his own hammer fashioned by the dwarves at the request of Odin and was called storm breakers so again it's a really really cool moment of course there's the actual yarm Dorne there's the mace I mean there's all different kinds of little trinkets and so on and it really kind of shows is that Thor really is the last of the gods there are no other gods left in terms of the traditional pantheon the cosmic entities still exist out there but at the end of the day the grandaughters authority not necessarily able to topple Galactus and we wouldn't expect them to they're able to put up a pretty significant fight a lot more than we would expect a much greater conflict than we would expect to see here now again this is really kind of Jason Aaron delving into the idea that there are still really those individuals out there that a part of the Asgardian Pantheon that do the best they can in terms of holding off various threats but it's also the notion that the granddaughters of Thor follow very much in his footsteps they're just as of straight-up battles and so of course following this quick little skirmish between them we end up jumping back to Thor himself and finding out that he effectively transitions to the furthest part or ends up in the third the furthest part of the universe were Gor the god butcher had essentially been left you know where he had been destroyed with the necro sword is sort of sitting out there in the middle of nowhere and so what this does is it basically allows Thor to grab this sword kind of harkening back to when he had absorbed the sword and when he had both hammers at the same time and really just kind of realized this is basically the only way to take out Galactus to basically use the sort that's designed to kill gods now what this does is basically gives us a little bit of information that tells us that the necros sward was designed for a myriad of different purposes of the sword is designed to kill gods but is very much one of these weapons where its capabilities and its level of power is relative to whatever it's going against or at least that seems to be the case and so when Gore the god butcher is using it to kill God the weapon has enough power to kill God but when Thor is using the necro sword it amplifies his existing powers and allows him to take on Galactus now at this point Galactus isn't a pretty weakened state and that's the other half of this equation Galactus whatever it is that he uses his power cosmic it's just like a battery right it's not an infinite source of power it's not like telepathy it's not like the optic beams and Cyclops his eyes it is a finite amount of power it's it's not unlimited and so as Galactus uses the power cosmic it's like a battery this just kind of slowly draining now the other half of this is that the hungrier Galactus gets the more desperate the more ravenous and the more dangerous he gets the lower his patients get and so if Galactus for example it showed up on earth and was absolutely starving and this conflict had started it never would have gone on this long he would have just been like and you're done now and he would have just you know obliterated Thor out of existence killed his granddaughter's when they showed up this thing would have been three pages long and then Galactus would have consumed the earth and that would have been it but the fact that he's getting hungry or the faculties using more of his powers means that now he's beginning to get more irritated and he's beginning to get more desperate now this is kind of the cool thing here is because once Thor arrives back on the scene with this necro sword he absolutely decimates Galactus I mean he literally just kind of plunges the sword right through him and that's really about it now again this is kind of a quick ending I mean it's not something grandiose it's not something absolutely insane things come to an end quick fast and in a hurry but it is this idea that with the necro sword neo Thor essentially has the power of a thousand gods and going through kind of declaring himself Thor the destroyer fighting against Galactus and basically taking Galactus down what this does is it basically just kind of sends Galactus running Sims I'm basically saying okay look this battle is far more than it's worth I mean you're really more of a hassle and you're worth of this point now this is also compounded by the fact the Galactus physical form is absolutely tattered I mean it's almost in complete and total ruins just because of the fact that the battles been so extreme so again at this point in this conflict we're talking about a level of power that's so high up there the normal people couldn't even fathom what it is that's going on but what it does is it also sits down and it says even if Thor right now is not strong enough to go against Galactus he will be he will face off against Galactus somewhere along the line and he will probably be successful in doing so the other half of this is that following this experiment Thor actually bleeds onto the ground of Earth and the earth begins to just repopulate and regrow now this is not just a random thing this is not Jason Aaron just saying yeah man like the blood of gods repopulate earth Thor also has the Thor force so he has the entire energy of Odin imbued to himself the other half of this is that Freya is not the biological mother of Thor the biological mother of Thor is Gaia basically the physical manifestation of Mother Earth and so because of that Thor is basically taking the life energy of Gaia and just kind of throwing it out there on earth that's essentially what's happening what this tells us is that it's somewhere along the line the earth will return to its normal self I mean the earth will you know just kind of regrow and and populace will begin to come back and you know humans will begin to grow and so on and so forth we don't know how long that process will take but we know that it will but with the earth basically having been restore the rivers and streams and so on and so forth we actually end up picking up with this epilogue and what we find out is that with this all-black necrose or basically having been you know attached to Galactus you know that Galactus himself actually ends up this sort of evolving and kind of growing and imbuing himself with the necro sword and then somebody goes forward as the butcher of worlds the sad thing about this is we never find out what happens next that's the worst part about all that because I was like I really want to see like Galactus the butcher of world it's like I really want to see that happen I really want to see when is up taking place here but the problem is we don't we never get to see that we never actually get to see what takes place instead Galactus is just kind of forced to consume Mars and that's really about it but at any event if you guys are new here to come as explained make sure you guys hit the sub button to become part of the Rob core if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like but yeah I will catch you all later peace [Music] [Music]
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 541,598
Rating: 4.8546028 out of 5
Keywords: comicsexplained, marvelexplained, fluidicbeats, Comics, Comic Books, Marvel, Marvel Comics, Thor, Thor God Of Thunder, Old Man Thor, Young Thor, Time Travel, Gorr, Gorr The God Butcher, Full Story, Iron man, Thor Ragnarok, Dark World, Captain America, Thanos, Infinity War, Galactus, Thor Vs Galactus, Jane Foster, Lady Thor, God Bomb
Id: Bw4L7BEhaOM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 68min 56sec (4136 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 08 2018
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