Everyone on earth gets superpowers (Marvel's Earth X: Full Story)

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what's going on guys this is Rob if you guys enjoy my content make sure you hit the subscribe button and make sure you hit that little bell so you never miss out on my sexy voice okay so we are in kind of a weird spot we have about six weeks until we need to upload the return of Thanos after a second death which goes directly into the pre loo to Thanos quests which goes directly into Infinity Gauntlet yes I have infinity gauntlet part eight yes I have two Anna's quest parts one into I originally had to take them down for copyright reasons but that's since been sorted out so at this point I'm just waiting to re-upload those which means that we kind of have like six weeks to kill and so what we're gonna do is we're gonna upload earth x we're gonna do the earth x series now or at least just the earth x story I'm gonna test this so I'm gonna see how you guys respond to it because I don't know if people will really enjoy it or if people are definitely like a small handful of people that are really even like remotely interested in it but earth X is really really good earth X is actually the story that basically deals with the answer to the question what would happen if everybody on earth had superpowers what would happen to the Marvel Universe and how would the heroes deal with it as it was basically a dystopian future story and it's actually really really interesting now there is a prelude in terms of how all this took place and what all happened in terms of how everyone gained powers all that kind of stuff we'll cross that bridge when we get to it for right now I'm not gonna cover the pre loot I'm gonna do that at the end I'm gonna make you guys wait but what this initially does is this picks up with Captain America Steve Rogers and this basically tells the origin story of his character and that's something that I want you guys to notice with this earth X the way this initially picks up is the origin stories for the characters are largely the same they're larger the kind of stories were familiar with there's small changes here and there but largely for the most part the origin stories are still the same for example Steve Rogers took the Super Soldier Serum and became Captain America he eventually went on to fight against the Red Skull during World War two and the various you know German powers and so on and so forth and then what we ended up having was the drone plane explosion now here's a big difference between Earth X and the main Marvel Universe when it comes to the drone plane explosion the way this originally happened this was done by Baron Zemo but there's nothing to indicate the Baron Zemo is actually here we're kind of left to believe he is but it's really one of those things where it's traced back to the Red Skull and so because of that we get largely just kind of assume the Red Skull was behind the whole thing which he kind of was when it came to the original drone plane crash the difference here is that in the original crash Captain America fell down into the ocean he was basically you know frozen and ice for however many years and then Bucky bar and survived the explosion and was captured by the Russians and turned into the Winter Soldier and this story the indication is that didn't happen Barnes nod he's gone he's no longer part of the equation here now following this what ended up happening is we basically had Captain America who came back the Red Skull of course who rose to prominence once again we had the other story where the Red Skull gained a cosmic cube the difference of what's not necessarily covered directly in this instead it's actually covered in the backup pages it's kind of like an exchange between the two characters who were chronicling this whole thing what we ended up finding out is that Captain America somewhere along the line killed the Red Skull and so the Red Skull is basically dead or at least that's the indication and so what it does is kind of jump to the modern-day now again this story is kind of being given to us by two individuals and I'll reveal who those are once we get to the end of this whole thing but what we end up doing here is picking up with like the return of the Inhumans and the Inhumans had basically left earth for reasons that we'll find out later on in this story but the Inhumans showing back off really comes by way of the royal marriage between Luna and the prince now Luna is the daughter of Crystal and Quicksilver if you don't know who crystal is not a great big huge deal she's basically just a member of the inhuman royal family and then of course Quicksilver the son of Magneto and Marvel Comics in the main Marvel Universe they did have a child named Luna what this story does is take place around 20 years in the future so and basically say we end up having the Inhumans making the return in order to kind of you know engage in this royal marriage the problem is that when the Inhumans show back up everything has really gone to pot Attilan is just kind of left in shambles and no one really knows we're like super-powered people are at least they don't know we're super-powered people aren't we're like The Avengers or the x-men or any of those folks are at and so what they end up doing is taking up residence and traveling directly to New York in order to figure out what's going on so what we do is we basically join up with what seems to be just a city of New York that's just filled with all these super-powered beings but what's happening here is there's kind of a reshaping of things taking place to a degree in the sense that what you have is this kind of Hydra alien now this is one of those weird scenarios because in the main Marvel Universe Hydra basically broke off from the Germans it was founded by Baron von Strucker his ideologies were starkly different from the Germans and that's one of the reasons why he became an enemy of that group at the same time a lying himself at the hand and then just kind of going off and doing his own thing because of this in Earth X there really is no Hydra in the sense that we're familiar with with Baron von Strucker instead there's just kind of like the Hydra organism and what this thing is done is somewhere along the line begun bonding itself to various people one of them notable being Jennifer Walters she-hulk and what it does is it basically kind of takes over people in their entirety and brings them into a kind of hive mind collective much like the actual like Hydra organization itself something else to notice here is that Steve Rogers as we see him is vastly different than the Captain America that were used to one of the things that had taken place here is that when Steve Rogers is basically being Captain America the country had rallied under him now much like in the main Marvel Universe in Captain America number 250 I think Steve Rogers ran for president of the United States where the very least was offered the opportunity to run for president of the United States the difference is that unlike the main Marvel Universe where he ran in this story he doesn't run he actually rejects the whole thing and the issue with this is that the American people see him as rejecting America and so as a result Captain America loses popularity and that's one of the reasons why his outfits so tattered he looks kind of like you know like he's a man that's just struggled over and over and over again he's really seen some things not only that we end up finding out that he's not necessarily paired up with Falcon instead Falcon had actually been absorbed into this Hydra organism whatever it is instead he's paired up with Wyatt Wingfoot now Wyatt Wingfoot is a care to the dates all the way back to the early days of the Fantastic Four so if you haven't heard about him don't feel bad because in truth he hasn't been a relevant character for something like 50 years but Wyatt Wingfoot was basically kind of like a like a mascot for the Fantastic Four to a degree he was a close friend he would help them on missions different things like that but he had no real powers he was just kind of a guy who was there and so the idea is that he basically becomes Red Wing at least that's the name that's given to him he kind of becomes the new Falcon so that's what's pretty pretty insane here because we end up having the actual Falcon basically speaking to Captain America by way of this you know Hydra entity saying hey look you have to join us you should show up you should become part of our group and we're Captain America and Wyatt kind of fight against these forces the group has suddenly met with the arrival of Cyclops and this is an older Cyclops so he's older he's great he's not part of the x-men you know as far as we're aware the x-men don't really seem to exist instead what we're told is that somewhere along the line the x-men had effectively disbanded and Charles Xavier had died so the group's not really there anymore following that we switch over to a Peter Parker and Peter Parker again kind of a guy who's in his 40s you know basically an aging guy is told by Sargent Luke Cage hey look you have to get out of here Tony Stark is implementing one of these purges of course you also have may Parker who's kind of watching the events unfold wearing Spider outfit but that's when we end up finding out here that this is attempt by the Hydra entity to basically infiltrate New York and conquer the city in its entirety is a repeating pattern it seems to happen almost every single day and every single day Tony Stark sends out these life model decoy Avengers and they go through and they quote-unquote purge you know this Hydra entity and basically running out of town until it comes back and tries to repeat the same process again but that's the nature of things because what we end up having is Steve Rogers who is basically able to break away a piece of the clothing of one of the individuals who've been brought in by this Hydra entity and Steve Rogers reveals that what's on this this this cloth is a Red Skull insignia now this is where things really begin to get crazy what we end up doing here is actually following up with these two individuals who are chronically in the Fantastic Four now the Fantastic Four origin is exactly the way that always was the idea that Reed Richards was more obsessed with like the pursuit of knowledge you know different things like that which led him taking Ben Grimm and Susan storm and Johnny Storm onto a spacecraft they flew into space they were bombarded by cosmic rays and they gained their powers the difference here is that somewhere along the line Reed Richards had basically discovered the nature of vibranium in the sense that when he was presumably invited by Black Panther to Wakanda and Reed sort of deduced that vibranium was extraterrestrial in nature and so what he began doing was kind of setting up these transportation tubes that were designed to basically eliminate the entire need for energy across the world using vibranium as a source and that's really all we get because what we end up doing is picking up with the Inhumans when they basically traveled to Yancy Street to where Ben Grim's located at of course with Adam warlock and hizmet rather who are essentially just kind of leaving the house of Ben Grimm those are guys who don't know uh you saw kismet in guardians of the galaxy - that was the chick who was like you know the leader of whatever that group was who was all gold though the whole basis behind this was you know when we talked about Adam warlock before we kind of revealed the idea that Adam warlock was created by a group called the hive who were basically held in on creating like the perfect being and we're out of Morlock essentially he made his escape turned against the hive took off you know for parts unknown and then you know his whole story unfolded in terms of his you know inclusion with Thanos and different things like that that what was also created was a being called her which basically became kismet and they were designed to be mates and so what this does is essentially revealed that the two of them have found one another and they have effectively become mates not only that what we end up doing is picking up with Ben and his family now the cool thing about this is that Ben Grimm is married to Alicia masters and Alicia masters has basically gained powers which is to say the ability to bring things to life now this is important because Alicia masters as originally a woman who is blind but was a gifted sculptor and what this meant was that she could basically sculpt anything she could make you know things look almost real life and then interned with the power she has now bring them to life and that's how the family of Ben Grimm basically comes to fruition the actions of Alicia masters allows her to take the clay and then molded into like children basically of Ben Grimm and herself and then bring them to life all these different artifacts these things that you see here the moldings of spider-man The Moorings of Captain America the mohrís of dr. Doom's head all that's done by Alicia masters and it's pretty cool because while they're all sitting down around the dinner table the question that comes from the Inhumans is where are the Fantastic Four one of the world's going on here well what we end up finding out is that somewhere along the line during this 20 year window dr. doom had essentially launched a campaign due to the fact that there was a huge meeting between the United Nations and it was dr. Doom's attempt to effectively capture the world's food resources to essentially say if you control resources you control the world and dr. doom had actually brought name with us submariners who aside by arguing that when humanity takes into account what they're going to do with this global food shortage at no point will they take into account Atlantis instead they will think only about what benefits the surface world and so we effectively joined dr. doom in order to curtail that whole discussion in the first place and so as a result the Fantastic Four responded Captain America responded so on and so forth and it led him to a pretty significant battle between the two groups but where Johnny Storm went to try to stop Namor the Submariner Namor basically killed him he stabbed him with his Trident and in response Franklin Richards freaked out he basically used his powers of reality-warping to condemn they were the Submariner to burn on one half of his body for all eternity the only way for him to basically not burn on one half is to jump down into the oceans and that's kind of where it keeps him at the moment it keeps him underwater so that he's not literally burning on one side but because of the fact that Susan storm and Johnny Storm were so close as brother and sister Susan storm loses it as well and so what ends up happening is she chases after dr. doom immediately goes after him he leads her into a trap and then detonates the entire facility killing dr. doom himself and Susan storm and so that all that's really left here is Franklin Richards were given no indication valaria Richards the daughter of of read and Susan is actually alive and instead all we have is just Ben Grimm and Reid and that's where things begin to get kind of crazy because the question is asked well then whatever happened to Reed Richards you know where in the world is Reed Richards at and so what we end up learning here is that Reed Richards in his attempt to kind of deal with the gravity of the situation but to also huge the almost limitless resources of Victor Von Doom base adalat variant he basically took on dooms armor and then took up residence in Latveria and so Reed Richards basically became Doctor Doom and it's really cool it's such an awesome idea it's such an awesome concept but Reed has really overcome with the whole situation is just kind of sitting there and almost on the verge of giving up because what he does is speak with Tony Stark a day after day in terms of trying to find a way to figure out what went on with regards to everybody gaining powers how everybody got abilities in the first place all they know is it has something to do with the overload of vibranium but nobody really knows how they simply know that Reed built this massive system the vibranium was used as a conduit basically as an energy source that somehow it overloaded something went wrong and everybody gained powers across the world and so the idea of Reed is you know really to kind of like find a cure it's to find a way to fix this but notice this whole thing and this is something that I want you guys to keep in mind notice this when it comes to this whole scenario it's superheroes trying to return things to the status quo well the world was better when only we had powers the world was not better when everyone had powers it's one of those interesting things it's kind of like a fear of change in terms of how that whole thing happens and so it is cool the issue is that Reed's been trying to figure it out all this time but hasn't come to a conclusion he's just kind of stuck in this rut of dealing with this emotional crushing you know the fact that he lost Susan storm the fact that he lost Johnny storm the fact that Ben Grimm kind of abandoned the Fantastic Four ideology went off started his own family kind of left it all behind that's really where all this is kind of coming from for the character of Reed and so what we end up doing is switching over to this sort of carnival that's going on in terms of this group can you see you know do you want to come see the new daredevil can you kill the new daredevil that's really the whole idea and they subject him to a wide array of different forms of torture you know whether it's fire something along those lines and this guy survives each and every time and so the result is that where he's supposed to basically be set on fire and then impaled and that's really supposed to be about it instead the entire scenario is met by this like massive amount of people who all show up at the same time you know a lot of these like superheroes who just kind of pop up the scene and basically say hey look you guys are all under the control of the Red Skull now this all belongs to us everything belongs to the skull either you can ally with this or you can die that's really the only ultimatum it's given to them but again it's crazy so a couple things that I want to I want to kind of wrap into this a couple things that I want to discuss about this for a second the first is the state of government so the United States government in this story has effectively collapsed there's no more Congress there's no more White House there's basically Norman Osborn who's essentially president he has absolute power and everything's basically run by corporations it's really run by like Norman Osborn himself and so if it doesn't have a financial incentive then no one cares none of the court none of the corporation's care you know and so again it's it's pretty wild in terms of how this whole thing unfold the story only ever gets better from here it just it gets absolutely bonkers oh my god then you get into Universe X and then you get into paradise X dude I died alive I love like I think Earth X is the best of them but like universe X is actually pretty solid like it's it's free all dude what'd you guys get - the Galactus reveal oh man dude you guys are gonna freak out when we get to the reveal of Galactus at the end of the story dude okay those are guys who read that when I saw that almost like oh my god Gordon do not show people who Galactus is in Earth X if I see a Galactus Pan will pop up on here there's gonna man you're gonna be in a world of hurt like I'm really excited to see the Galactus reveal oh dude I'm so dude I'm actually trying to read the comments on the Galactus reveal okay so we are continuing on with Earth X and god I love earth X so much I love this story it's so cool it's such a cool idea a dystopian future in Marvel Comics where everything in terms of like history is still the same but like one event happened and change the future of everything it's like Marvel ruins Marvel ruins ask the question what would happen if people actually you know if they actually gain their powers in the real world were actually exposed to the accidents the gains in their powers in the real world and it all turns out really dark like it gets it gets really messed up but again with the first story one of the big things that was going on with Captain America was that he had like turned down the Office of the President of the United States right and so because of that like the American people kind of turned their backs on him they're just sort of like well then if you don't want to lead us then we don't want to be a part of what you have going on and he kind of just became not really a pariah so much is just an outlier he was just a guy who was there and then this was compounded the fact that for some reason somewhere along the line suddenly everybody's sort of developing powers and so it became kind of crazy because now Captain America was obsolete because everybody had power so there was really no one for Captain America to really rescue aside from those who were may be injured or infirm or something along those lines but a majority of people could just save themselves but the whole idea was that when he was dealing with the Hydra which is basically just kind of like a space organism that showed up on earth and it taken over you know like Jennifer Walters she-hulk and a handful of other people and was trying to spread itself outside of New York that one of the individuals who have been taken was wearing a Red Skull shirt and that kind of set Captain America on this path of trying to find the newly returned Red Skull as he believed him to be and so what this does is it leads us to California and again this is kind of crazy because like New York itself California that's basically fallen and that's one of the themes that you guys are gonna notice here for the most part where we would believe that like the rise of superpowers on earth would lead to a kind of Age of Heroes in the sense that it would basically be this place where you'll be almost utopian where would be like a higher state of being and everything would be better and so on and so forth instead it became this kind of land do as you please to quote V for Vendetta and so the result is that people just kind of do whatever it is that they want to and it gave rise to petty warlords because for those individuals who gained powers but never took the steps necessary to learn what it meant to have power they've just suddenly realized they can do anything they want to and so leading up into California itself again like New York it's basically collapsed just kind of like this place where things happen and stuff goes on and that's really about it and a petty warlord has effectively risen to power now what is up happening here is in the middle of all this namor the sub-mariner returns I remember we talked about this in the last video name of the Submariner had killed Johnny Storm when Namor had allied himself with Doctor Doom and a fight broke out between these two groups in the vergis this group in the Fantastic Four and so the result was that with the death of Johnny Storm Franklin Richards freaked out and he basically uses reality-warping powers and forced one half of the body of name where the Submariner to burn anytime he wasn't in water and so as a result he basically makes his presence here in kind of pops up because people are essentially infiltrating the Seas and they're going through and kind of doing whatever they want and he really kind of said get suited to be like an affront more or less like breaking into a man's house that kind of a thing and so the result is that we actually move from that and switch over to Peter Parker with his daughter who's become venom now I want you to notice something here and this is something that I thought about talking about in the last video but I thought it would be more pertinent to talk about here Peter Parker is nothing like he used to be the whole nature of Peter Parker when it comes to him being spider-man historically speaking in Marvel Comics is yes he has his ups and downs he has his good times in his bad times but the idea is that for the most part Peter Parker is optimistic he really sees like the glass half-full and because of that he's very much one of these characters it's kind of like a bright shining star in Marvel Comics that I would necessarily say people idolize but he certainly brightens up a story a little bit if it's going in a darker direction but in this instance Peter Parker's cynical he's really kind of like you know there's no need for us here anymore there's no need for us to be superheroes and that's kind of funny because it almost indicates that Peter Parker's perspective of himself in the world walks the knife's edge Peter Parker sees himself as relevant only so far as there's someone for him to protect now he also of course has you know was married somewhere along the line hence the birth of Mayday Parker we can probably assume it was Mary Jane Watson I don't believe we're explicitly told at least not that I recall but the fact remains here that somewhere along the line the daughter of Peter Parker gained the venoms Simeon and this is kind of interesting because Peter's initial stance is no matter how hard you try in the end it will take you over but the indication here is that made a partner is actually in control of the Venom symbiote not only that Peter and his daughter are basically not really estranged so much as they're not really close to each other they're not like the kind of relationship you would expect with a father and a daughter you know kind of providing these pearls of wisdom teaching his daughter how to become a woman how to function as a superhero and that's what's so ironic about this is because in a lot of ways Peter was one of the first he was one of the first superheroes to rise to prominence in Marvel Comics and so if ever there were a person to basically be tutored under it's Peter Parker and so that's what's so ironic about this is Peter being one of the really kind of like the face of Marvel Comics one of the foremost heroes is no longer a hero he's just an aging guy that just kind of exists he just kind of floats from one day to next and he will until he dies it's the saddest thing to see a person who exists but doesn't really live so again from here we switch back over to Reed Richards now again what we talked about in the last video is that Reed had basically taken over Latveria he had taken over the mantle of Doctor Doom not in the sense that he'd become like a villain it's unlike Reed Richards put on the outfit of a Victor Von oedema was like I am now the new Doctor Doom he just kind of taken up residence there in Liberia and the whole basis behind this was you know the death of the Fantastic Four basically you know a susanin and Johnny Storm truly the rise of superpowers among the entirety of the Planet Earth all that rests on the shoulders of of Reed Richards and the reason this is because what Reid had done is he had basically accessed or learned about vibranium inside of Wakanda and because he and Black Panther were such close friends and because there was just like an energy shortage across the world what ended up happening is Reid had actually gone to Wakanda petitioned you know T'Challa used vibranium and intended to basically turn sound ways to convert sound waves into energy light and different things like that that could in turn basically power the world what it meant is that the world would achieve like a higher state of being it would achieve a greater enlightenment humanity wouldn't have to focus on whether or not people in their countries have enough to eat or whether or not they have electricity or they have running water or anything like that all those would be a foregone conclusion that was ultimately the idea of Reid but notice this this falls in line with the nature of Reid now in truth the idea of like trying to fix the problem of everything that didn't come until almost a decade after this story was written but that was a natural progression when Jonathan Hickman introduced that into Reed Richards it wasn't a paradigm shift for his character it wasn't a total 180 a man who's obsessed with science a man who's obsessed with fixing the world's problems the most natural progression is to solve the problem of everything but where Reid is you know a guy who's known for science the truth of the matter is it read as a slave to science and so in this instance when he was trying to solve the world's problems because it went awry he's basically kind of stuck in his own you know inner hell more or less of trying to figure out the solution what went wrong where did I screw up what happened you know that's really all it is that's the governing factor that controls his life what happened what went wrong and what can be done to fix it and he lives his life day in and day out trying to find an answer to that question he's literally governed by his own mistakes and so the result is that when he basically offers his explanation when he says look somewhere along the line something happened and there was some kind of an explosion and this energy this vibranium energy was basically just dispersed throughout the entirety of the planet Earth and suddenly people started gaining powers the factor is what constant because Reid's Reid's idea is that the vibranium energy caused it but we know that's not the case vibranium doesn't give people powers it doesn't work that way and so the result is that something had to happen vibranium was the means by which it could be transmitted but like something had to give people powers and the question is what was that thing and that's what Reid hasn't figured out yet and so were the Inhumans kind of talk about if we had enough time we could probably figure it out when Reid says the catalyst he used to achieve this was vibranium son had to start turning and the reason why is because somewhere along the line the Inhumans abandon earth when everybody started getting powers the Inhumans left there was no reason for them to be there anymore the Inhumans left to basically colonize the new world and to start over again but when they got through they discovered another world where basically it had been totally destroyed and obliterated but the people who inhabited that world were encased in a kind of material of sorts but they were still alive they were just kind of in a state of suspended animation and where the Inhumans had considered rescuing them what they discovered was that the source of this explosion at least it seemed was vibranium and so that's really kind of what they bring to the table is look if what you did was used vibranium and somehow that in turn gave everybody powers in one form or another meaning that you basically use it as a energy source and dispersed it across the world you've doomed the planet because we don't necessarily know exactly what it was that caused that planet to erupt but what we do know is that vibranium was tapped into it somehow now if you know the truth about what happened do not spoil it I swear to God I will I like punishments will be handed down swift and harsh but it's cool this is one of those things were it's like everybody has a piece of the puzzle but it turns out the puzzle they're solving is not the actual puzzle they're looking for so that's what's cool about this whole thing but switching back to name with a submariner the whole situation with him again like he's just kind of like rallying these folks up and that's traditional name war stuff I mean one thing to bear in mind is that name or an Aquaman are very similar when it comes to that regard I mean name war appeared before Aquaman but they weren't Aquaman a very you know similar in that regard in the sense that it is one of those scenarios where their allegiance is to the sea you know Aquaman name of the Submariner you know they've been part of their own respective superhero teams they mores been an Avenger Aquaman's been part of the Justice League but when the question is asked if you have to choose between like your superhero team and the superheroes of Earth and like Atlantis which one do you guys pick and they always choose Atlantis every single time without fail they never they never hit that Marcus I'm a king first and a superhero second and that's the role that name with a submariner place the problem with this is that while he's basically going on a rampage in New York and Captain America and in you know Wyatt Wingfoot are watching it all unfold suddenly Namor stops he simply just stops and calms down and that's it and just descends down to the surface and slowly starts walking towards some person and that's what we end up finding out the red skull is not the red skull it's just some teenage kid who is how manage to take the entirety of California and place the entire state under his control now at this point we kind of go on to a side mission of sorts with Reid and the Inhumans and the reason why is because remember when it comes to the Inhumans the whole reason that they're here they're supposed to basically be finding a prince of sorts a person who's supposed to be marrying Luna the daughter of Quicksilver and crystal as soon as they find that person presumably they would just leave they would say okay cool it's time for us to go again and they would just kind of bail out and so the whole idea for Reid is to basically you know offer some measure of help again kind of feeding into the idea of him trying to solve his own problems calm these inner demons so to speak but what it would also do is help to give some insight potentially into how it was everybody got powers and so the result of this is that where Reid initially sits down and says it seems almost impossible to differentiate between the Inhumans and basically mutated humans suddenly dawns on him to grab cerebro you know now of course most way everybody knows who saw you know what cerebro is the device that Xavier used to basically locate mutants on earth to differentiate between humans and then those who had an X gene but it is kind of cool because reads responses what we can modify it and we can basically use that to find like any humans and then from those Inhumans we can sort out who this prince is that you're supposed to be locating and who it is is supposed to marry Luna now at this point we switch back over to Captain America again and this is really really cool it's like one of the coolest moments in the whole story because one is up happening here is Captain America basically approaches this young kid and essentially says you can't do this now remember Captain America is basically holding on to a dead ideology he's holding on to the realm of freedom basically saying people should have the right to live their lives as they see fit but that's what you're seeing here people achieved ultimate freedom when it came to everybody having superpowers and instead of saying okay we should do this responsibility people just descended into madness and chaos so sure people had freedom and they use that freedom to destroy themselves and so because of that Captain America is just kind of a relic he's an archaic thing he's not relevant anymore and so when he approaches this kid and starts talking to him the initial response of the kid is hey look I can do anything I want to and that's when it starts to dawn on Wyatt Wingfoot in Captain America that this kids power is mind control and that's what he's doing he's mind controlling every single person in this vicinity and has them all under his command what he's also doing is effectively building an army because like so many petty warlords that exist in the United States right now what you have are people who realize I've got powers and I can use these powers to give mice even more power and that's what a ton of people are doing but we're Captain America's steps in he goes to attack this kid suddenly he gets a flashback and he sees Bucky Barnes and that's the power of this kid notices this kids power is almost identical to like mastermind jason wyngarde now that's kind of one of those funny such funny situations when it comes to like powers and Marvel Comics in a lot of ways a lot of them are basically identical they're just used in different ways or they have little caveats the power of jason wyngarde is to manipulate the five senses whatever you can like see touch smell taste in here he can manipulate it so he can take away your sense of taste he can take away your sense of smell or he can make you believe that if you're eating a piece of pizza that you're actually tasting a lemon there's all kinds of different things that he can do with you not the effect of him doing that is the exact same effect as if Charles Xavier controls your mind and made you believe that you were somewhere else it all has it all kind of comes out to the same thing well the fact remains you know kind of going off this tangent in this story Bucky Barnes again you know is basically dead he's long since been dead there is no Winter Soldier Bucky Barnes died he's been dead all this time because of the cool thing about this is that in this instance Captain America is literally hallucinating that he's in World War two and that he's trying to save Bucky Barnes but where he starts to freak out and then eventually snaps out of it wai-wait foot is basically taken over and then this huge army of of Red Skull just kind of descends down onto Captain America and the result is that were they're all screaming and they're all basically saying we don't want to do this you have to help us we don't want to be the ones that are doing this we don't mean to hurt you Captain America has to effectively abandon everyone and run away and that's what's so screwed up about that it's Captain America who effectively walks out on humanity yet again and this was kind of crazy is because we would expect Captain America to stay there and fight but it's also one of those things up run away live to fight another day but find a way to bring this down and set the world back to rights and that's kind of the cool thing about Captain America in this instance but at this point we basically jump back to New York essentially with I think it's I want to say it's Betty Ross uh who was mutated and ended up you know becoming like this demon looking thing this crazy-looking thing and where she's initially set upon by Hydra they're met by the arrival of the Incredible Hulk and Bruce Banner now this is kind of interesting as far as I'm aware I don't believe we're given an explanation as to why it is the Incredible Hulk and Bruce Banner are two distinctly different people although now that I think about it I think we are given an explanation I mean it's not in this particular part of the story but I think we are given an explanation interim like how the whole thing with manner and the hoof works the way this works is that banners basically blonde and he sees through the eyes of the Incredible Hulk so it's kind of cool uh but it is an interesting scenario because basically hoaxes almost like this giant gorilla form which it's kind of cool to be honest but the whole idea is to essentially show up to basically go visit you know Doctor Strange in the sanctum sanctorum but when they get there when they get to where the sorcerer supreme is at of course they are met by Wang but what we end up discovering is that Doctor Strange isn't here instead the current sorcerer supreme is the niece of Dormammu also known as Clea ok so we are continuing our discussion on earth X and again like Earth X God you guys really seem to enjoy I love it too it's it's a really really cool take on like an alternate universe and Marvel Comics but what this part does is we initially pick up with the Asgardians now this is kind of a cool thing and the main Marvel Universe the Asgardians are just sort of attributed to gods who exist in a different dimension and that's really about it what earth x does is it makes them a lot more grounded and tangible now one of the big things that people do is they kind of make the mistake of taking the earth X story of the Asgardians and believing that's the main Marvel Universe story they're not exactly identical instead in earth X what we end up finding out here is that the Asgardians are basically aliens and they derive themselves from from shapeshifters but the funny thing is that because they were shapeshifters they had no true identities they eventually arrived on earth and when they did they encountered humanity and humanity gave the Asgardians forms and so it's kind of interesting because while they are perceived as gods in the eyes of humanity and they operate as gods in the eyes of humanity they're actually prisoners of humanity the story actually hits on the nature of Ragnarok that's one of the questions is asked here won't Ragnarok be the end times of the Asgardians but the reason why Ragnarok will exist is not because it's a totally separate set of circumstances that involve Surtur and all these things and will inevitably happen to the Asgardians outside of the fates of humanity instead Ragnarok is defined as the end times of the Asgardians meaning Ragnarok will come when humanity ends when the world is destroyed and the reason why is because when the world is destroyed humanity will be destroyed with it and there'll be no one left to give these various as Guardians any real appearance or anything there'll be no one left to basically guide them on what they should be and so the result is that they will most likely just kind of self-destruct or they'll just go on to become something else but regardless but the Asgardians quote-unquote effectively come to an end and that's kind of the cool thing here it takes this origin story kind of turns it around a little bit it shifts it around but everything else remains intact Thor was eventually banished from Asgard nor to learn humility Loki was the trickster Odin was the king of all the Asgardians all that kind of stuff you know it's cool because a lot of that history still remains intact but at this point we switch back over to Latveria basically to castle doom now again because of the fact that Reed Richards had been masquerading as Victor Von Doom and the Inhumans had arrived back on earth looking for the husband of Luna the daughter of a cooked silver and crystal what this meant was that when Reed Richards basically left to go find cerebro the device that was used by Xavier to locate mutants suddenly all these doom bots start activating believing that these people are basically threats that are not supposed to be here and in the fight it's pretty straightforward I mean there's not a whole lot to go on with it but something that I want you guys to notice here is they don't make any moves towards Black Bolt it's like he's not there and the question is initially asked but the answer is just kind of left lingering and so at this point we switch back over to California to Los Angeles now I remember Los Angeles is basically the home of the skull this young kid who developed the power of mind control and is working to essentially kind of be the new red skull so to speak or at least adopted the insignia of the red skull and has been essentially consolidating power now because of the fact that he has the power of mind-control what this means is that anyone who just kind of stumbles across his path any wayward person who travels to LA for whatever reason will basically be ensnared inside a sphere of influence and the result is that they'll become his pawn but in the midst of all this Captain America is met by the arrival of daredevil now remember this is a person masquerading as daredevil it's not actually Matt Murdock we'll find out who this person is but it is cool because this guy basically shows up and so he says look I'll join you cap on your mission I mean you're you're gonna fail but like I want to be there to be a part of this whole thing that you're doing the whole motivation behind this guy showing up joining Captain America is that his audience has been stolen from him it seems to be the only real motivation but notice it's kind of nonsensical and it's kind of silly which should give you a little bit of insight into who daredevil is at the moment but the other half of this is that Captain America has basically come across a handful of mutants that exist inside of Los Angeles and so what he actually ends up doing is sending these guys directly over to Cyclops now we'll figure out with that here in a second but at this point we jump over to the new sorcerer supreme clean I remember Clea is basically the the knee more or less of dormammu but we're not really told what goes on with door mama we're not really told what's going on with his character or anything like that what we are told is that at some point along the line Steven strange is spiritual essence had like gone out into you know the the astral plane and something had happened where it's believed that his spiritual essence has been destroyed what this does is it basically leaves his body without a soul and the result is that Cleo was the one who took up the mantle of the new sorcerer supreme and they're just kind of hoping Doctor Strange comes back eventually but the whole idea of Bruce Banner showing up here with the Incredible Hulk is to basically say like they had a dream and the dream was that they essentially encountered Marvel of the Creamery Marvel was it was the original Captain Marvel in Marvel Comics in Marvel's main continuity he died of cancer that was a story that was written by jim Starlin 1984 and he was gone it was a way to ride him out and basically try to find a way to replace him with somebody else which ultimately became Carol Danvers but the whole gist of this is that he essentially appeared a to Bruce Banner it's kind of like Ian more or less as a cosmic entity but what Bruce Banner sort of derived from this was that earth was was destroyed more or less that you know when he looked into eon and he saw the galaxy or the universe inside of eon and he looked for earth earth wasn't there anymore because earth had been destroyed and that's what they're trying to find out is what happened to the planet Earth now Bruce Banner views this as kind of a spiritual message you know like Marvel reaching out from beyond the grave to try to warn Bruce Banner of something and so the whole idea of approaching clea is to basically say like we're looking for passage into the realm of mistress death we want to go to her realm we want to contact Marvel and we want to see if he was the one that sent us this message or if it was just a crazy dream that I had but it is kind of cool because in this world of all kinds of crazy thing flights of fancy Z's you know and these people with incredible powers and so on and so forth it makes sense that like that would be a legitimate question now at this point we switch over to what we basically switch over to Thor this is kind of the funny thing when it comes to earth ax Earth X made a lot of predictions about the future of Marvel Comics in terms of like different characters we would see in this story Thor is a woman now Thor was turned into a chick by Loki that's the whole basis behind his it was a trick that was played by Loki on Thor now this also deals like the storm Giants basically invading and things are taking care of pretty quickly by Thor and the result is of the iron Avengers basically go out and do something else it was a huge trick that was played by Loki to kind of teach Thor humility even after he was on earth the idea is that ore can never go back to Asgard and tell Odin what happened because if that were to take place then the spell of Loki would banish Thor from Midgard for all eternity he would never be able to come back again and so it's basically one of those things where like I'll stay on earth as a chick you know I basically just be a woman here as opposed to never being able to come back but at this point we end up switching over to to Cyclops and the whole idea of Cyclops really staying on earth even though he doesn't need to is largely done because of the fact that he's hunting for Jean Grey now initially he's approached by like his father and he's approached by what looks like Polaris and then havoc which is basically like a family so to speak you know a family of sorts but they're kind of like hey look man we can take you off earth it's essentially this idea that like Cyclops could leave if he wanted to but he's looking and trying to see there's a way for him to get Jean Grey back so we know jeans not dead but that's kind of like where his loyalties lie but ultimately the reason why Jean isn't with him is because she's with Wolverine in this story she got with Wolverine and where we would expect a kind of you know maybe like a Bonnie and Clyde kind of situation or scenario where like they're off having adventures or they live a really dangerous life instead they have like the crappiest life imaginable she just sits at home all day long and like he just drinks beers all day long and that's it they just loaf around they're not actually doing anything with their lives but it is interesting to see the stake because for the most part when people imagine you know Jean Grey going with Wolverine I get like we said they usually kind of imagine this this sort of life were like they're out doing crazy things we never really imagined them just kind of settling down in their lives going nowhere but ultimately what is up happening is we basically have this this point whereby we jump back to the castle of Victor Von Doom and Carnac hits on a very important thing of course Karnak is a member of the Inhumans who actually never went through terrigenesis at least not in the main Marvel continuity there's no indication that he went through it here in this story but carnage basically very good at like figuring out the quote-unquote weakness of things figuring out the problem with any one particular situation or like a structure or something along those lines but his line of logic has led him to one inevitable conclusion it was not the implementation of vibranium that led to like everything going on here instead the only indication here is that this involvement of vibranium is a byproduct of the fact that like it mutated people like in Wakanda for example it turned like Panther into like an actual Panther but like that's about it but that was a mutation that was going on for like decades you know before T'Challa ever can ever became black panther and as that was progressing the issue here is that in a matter of almost overnight people suddenly develop powers and so in the mind of Carnac and has nothing to do with vibranium by radium a have been the catalyst but it had nothing to do with vibranium and so that's kind of the mystery here is if Reed Richards is wrong if he's basically incorrect about what it was that gave everybody on earth powers then the question is what was it that made this happen but again from here we jump to a bit of history on the x-men and that's what's kind of cool about this is that with each story or I guess each issue that comes out you get a little bit of history about things that were going on in terms what was going on in the past now there are these little backup features that are really more text than actual imagery they kind of tell you what was going on with particular characters you know for example gambits dead Iceman went into his ice form and couldn't go back to being into a human form and so if you were to leave the North Pole he would essentially melt and so he just stayed to the North Pole in isolation all the time I mean just different things like that you know these these small little paragraphs that kind of tell you what's going on with other characters but the overall idea here is that when it comes to the x-men one of the things is kind of hit on here is a philosophical differences between Charles Xavier and Magneto now a lot of this is just kind of par for the course you know for those of you guys who are familiar with the characters you kind of know what they're about but it is kind of cool because what this does is it indicates the idea that Magneto's plan to essentially take down the x-men was a lot more intricate than the way it is in the main Marvel Universe and the main Marvel Universe it's I am the leader of the Brotherhood of Evil Mutants and I'm going to implement this plan and the x-men intervene and the x-men defeat me my Brotherhood and I retreat and I do it all over again but the whole idea here is that it's basically this this notion that humanity looked at mutant kind basically and they saw magneto as a necessary evil in the sense that with the rise of the x-men these various you know super-powered beings who were out there by virtue of an X gene with things like Scott Summers and Jean Grey having a blossoming romance because of the idea that they would you know could conceivably procreate what it meant was that with the procreation of mutants humanity would begin to basically fade away mutants who begin to replace them and so because of this humanity looked at magneto instead we said well maybe magneto will basically instigate like a gene war there'll be a war that'll take place among all the mutants and they'll basically destroy themselves and things will be that simple and it is kind of cool because that was the plan of magneto in a lot of different ways the plight of magneto was sitting down and realizing that Charles Xavier dream of a peaceful coexistence was too good for a lot of people to ignore and so what magneto did is by playing the villain he made Charles Xavier into the good guy and the whole gist of this is that as the good guy Charles Xavier has to walk the good guy path and what that means is the first time he fails the first time he falters the first honey makes a mistake suddenly everybody's on him well he's not the good guy anymore he's just as bad as Magneto and if he's just as bad as bad as magneto then why not just go join Magneto that was the whole idea was pretty intelligent and pretty smart the way the whole thing worked out but again Reed Richards is kind of visiting what's left of the Xavier Institute which has long since been in shambles essentially grab cerebro for the purpose of going through and examining everything and trying to figure out if there's a way for him to basically locate the inhuman gene more or less and then allow the in human family to sort of rise to prominence again and then all the Inhumans on earth to leave along with the royal family that's really kind of the immediate purpose that he's serving here but then we switch over to Cyclops himself and this is cool because what we end up finding out is the the small band of mutants that Captain America run into in Los Angeles were rounded up by Captain America and sent the Cyclops in order to be trained but notices Cyclops is initially adverse to it I mean all these guys basically attack him all at the same time and that was just designed to say hey look here's how far we are in our training here's how advanced we are but like Cyclops doesn't really want to train these guys I mean he does but basically he doesn't want to fall in line of being in Charles Xavier because in his mind it's repeating the same thing that happened before but like people are gonna gain power you know people have Halloway they had before but training these people on how to use their powers but basically train them on how to use their powers so they could use them nefariously they could walk away and become villains more dangerous villains than they were before they met Cyclops any number of these various circumstances that could arise but ultimately he ends up going with it just because of the fact that it gets him motivation it gives him purpose notices for a lot of the older people who were here Captain America Cyclops these guys it's doing what they can to latch on to the last vestiges of what they remember from like the way things used to be hoping things go back to the way they were before clinging to the past unable to look into the future and so what we end up doing here is jumping back over to the whole idea of Bruce Banner and the Incredible Hulk and all these guys basically trying to find a way into the realm of mistress death now one of the things that's kind of hit on here when it comes to clear is that mistress death as she exists here is a lot more evil than she exists in the main Marvel Universe and the main moral universe she toys with people but as one of those things were like she's willing to barter there's been times where mistress death is actually a outsoles to leave the realm of the dead if she gets something in return of significance and miss it doesn't work that way and this it's once you're in the realm of the dead you're in there forever and if you go walking into her realm and you have a salt she'll take it and you'll literally just be stuck there for all eternity you'll never be able to leave she'll never let you leave so she seems very vindictive very evil you know very very cruel and cynical but the whole idea is that Bruce Banner basically says son The Incredible Hulk in there and on the surface it seems pretty cold-hearted but this is when we find out that the Incredible Hulk is a is basically the soul of Bruce Banner I'm sorry Bruce Banner I guess is the soul of the whole and so it's basically this idea that like the Hulk is its own entity it can thing you can feel different things like that if it goes into the realm of mistress death as long as Bruce banners on the outside then like there's no risk of stealing the Hulk's all because the Hulk's soul is on the outside this in the form of Bruce Banner and so it's the best way to get somebody in there to figure out what's going on the problem with this is the Incredible Hulk is not the sharpest tool in the shed now Banner believes that he's basically managed to reconcile this information by essentially like writing to the Hulk and basically like giving him a message in a bottle so to speak so that when the Incredible Hulk is there he can crack this open he can examine it and basically take a look at things and just sort of figure out what's going on but at this point we switch over to high club sort of training these x-men to a degree it's a small moment but again he's kind of stepping into the role of Charles Xavier he prefers to be called mr. s but he's stepping into the role of Charles Xavier that's basically what he is now he is a person who has stepped into the role of a leadership capacity by circumstance not really by actual choice but he's maintaining this choice in neo and in the end has really kind of the motivation behind it the basis behind it so it is cool but what we end up doing is basically following up with Katherine America and daredevil while they're essentially racing trying to stop this mob of people from like getting to New York basically trying to control the sphere of influence of the skull but the way this ends is essentially them just like going into a tunnel that's really about it but what daredevil basically hints at is that he can be dismembered he can be taken apart piece by piece and then reassembled again basically heal himself so again gives us a little bit of indication who daredevil is and you know in the earth X universe but it is cool okay so we are continuing on with Earth X and again I god I love this story so much we're about halfway through right now both humming in this video will be about a little over halfway through um this is such a cool story I love Earth X so much because it's it's interesting I'm still debating on whether or not I'm going to you universe X and paradise X I'm still not sure yet but what we do in this video is we initially pick up with the origin of the Incredible Hulk in Earth X and for the most part this origin story is almost identical to the origin that exists inside Marvel Comics with one major difference now of course the whole idea of like Bruce Banner having been a genius and then going on to basically develop the gamma bomb that's all still intact the difference here is that in Marvel in the main Marvel continuity the idea was that Bruce Banner had these different forms of the whole quote unquote because they represented different facets of his personality you had like Joe fix-it who was the mobster Hulk you had like devil hook different things like that in Earth X that's not the case instead they're just evolutions of the same beam the idea is that inside of Bruce Banner is this gamma radiation that's constantly growing and constantly expanding what the gamma radiation is trying to do is leave the body of Bruce Banner and manifest itself physically and that's what takes place what ends up happening here is Bruce Banner any Incredible Hulk basically split and that's why you have two distinctly different people here you have Bruce Banner and then you have the Incredible Hulk again the caveat to all this is that Bruce Banner sees through the eyes of the Incredible Hulk now again this all ties in to the ongoing events of what's taking place with regards to banner and Clea and so on but Before we jump back into that I do want to kind of pick up with this next little transition which deals with Reed Richards looking for cerebro now again cerebro of course is the helmet used by Charles Xavier that was designed for the purpose of locating mutants but because the x-men have been defunct for really a number of years and because Xavier himself is basically dead what this means is that the Cerebral helmets just kind of been out there now under normal circumstances that helmet can only be used by those who have telepathic powers Reed Richards doesn't have those and so the question is how is he going to be able to pull this off now what he does is he actually goes to see Ben Grimm and the reason for this is because Ben Grimm basically has within his I guess really within like a place that Rita built for him these various schematics of Charles Xavier zhh brain and Reed Richards is looking for this because what he can do is basically quote-unquote modify his own brain to basically match that of Charles Xavier and kind of give off this perception that he has telepathy now this is really just kind of things going fast and loose with regards to like Reed Richards powers let me read read read read read doesn't really have telepathy but the idea was that he could basically kind of trick cerebro into believing that he does and so we just gotta have to roll with it we're just gonna have to roll with it for what it is but before we find out the conclusion that he comes to which is a pretty major one what we end up doing is jumping directly back to the Incredible Hulk and clear now remember Clea is the niece of Dormammu but in Marvel Comics she was basically the apprentice and really the lover of Doctor Strange for quite some time the difference here is that in the earth X line of comics dr. Strange's spiritual essence is basically dead and his body's just there or at least its belief his spiritual essence is dead and his body's just kind of sitting there at the same time Bruce Banner had a dream that came from Captain Marvel that the world was going to end and so that's why they're traveling into the realm of mistress death again if you want to know that know more about that in a little more detail the last video of flesh all that stuff out but they're basically going into the realm of mistress death to find Marvel and asked him the question why did you appear to me in a dream and why are you telling me the world is ending and so once the Incredible Hulk goes into the realm of mistress death as a tether of sorts what this means is it allows us to basically see what goes on inside this world and this is kind of ironic because in the land of the dead the heroes who were there don't know they're dead instead they're still continuing on to fight like they always did now notice this it's not a common book fight the way we would expect it which is to say like the x-men fighting an x-men villain and the Fantastic Four fighting a Fantastic Four villain or at least what's left of the Fantastic Four is just heroes fighting bad guys and so they're just kind of caught and this eternal struggle of good guys versus bad guys and this is what they do but because of the fact of the heroes don't know they're dead they're just continuing on the same way they always did and it's kind of cool to see these small little things here and there you know for example a Susan storm and Johnny Storm are looking for Reed Richards and Ben Grimm because they don't know they're dead now ultimately we end up having the Incredible Hulk in his search for Marvel who basically travels to the realm of Doctor Strange and this kind of Land of the Dead version of New York and then comes across the spirit the essence of Doctor Strange which is passed on to the dead and Doctor Strange so he just says hey look there's a lot going on here that you don't know about I don't have time to tell you everything but the person that you see is Loki the individual that you would call Loki is not as devious as you believe he is instead like he's going to be one of the people who's supposed to help things the problem with this is he's allied himself with someone evil thought before the Incredible Hulk can find out what it is we basically end up just sort of transitioning back to Bruce Banner and this is when we start to go through everything that's going on because what ends up taking place is Bruce Banner really kind of calls out and look things are getting kind of hairy in here ultimately like Thor jumps in now it's really Bruce Banner putting on a Rouge Rhonda me Doctor Strange tells the Incredible Hulk really tells Banner through the eyes of the Hulk do not tell anyone that you're talking to me right now no one can know you're talking to me and the reason for this is because the death of dr. strange came at the hands of Clea she killed her own master she basically destroyed his spiritual essence and the reason for this is because she turned her back on Doctor Strange and allied herself with Loki so like it's pretty intense and pretty hardcore and it is pretty interesting but what we are not doing at this point is jumping directly to Captain America because again inside the city of Los Angeles you basically had a young kid called the skull and this kid essentially had the power to dominate the minds of others cast illusions different things like that basically bend them to his whim and the result is that he's been massive in amassing an army that's about 10,000 strong and where Captain America had sent out these few mutants that he discovered here and there to basically go receive training from from Cyclops they've been banding together in Captain America's basically been building an army under the auspices that when you end up having the scroll and his forces who show up in New York Dadda Captain America is gonna be able to take them on with his own gathering of sorts now one thing to bear in mind here it's not like the skull is showing up to New York with an army of like 10,000 super-powered people it's not really like that I said it's just an army of 10,000 people and so there are a lot of super-powered beings there but just because people have powers doesn't mean they have even powers so really the scales could kind of go either way the benefit for the skull is that at the end of the day the good guys will try not to hurt innocent people and that's where the villains will ultimately end up coming out on top and the various skirmishes and the conflicts that we've seen over the course of Marvel Comics history now at this point we jump directly to the origin of Peter Parker spider-man and again this origin falls very much in line in the same way it starts to give us this origin of Peter Parker who gained his powers from a radioactive spider bite ultimately he fell in love with with with Gwen Stacy Uncle Ben died Peter Parker had his whole history when Stacy eventually died in the night Gwen Stacy died storyline and then of course he goes on to marry Mary Jane Watson now basically of course their whole situation comes to an end but it also hits on things like Peter Parker getting the Venom symbiote during the original Secret Wars from 1984 and that explains how the venom simian is here on earth so again all these histories are still pretty much the exact same the difference is that in this story we end up basically picking up with John Jameson showing up to the two people who have been analyzing this the entire time now that's why I wanted to kind of hold off and basically offer this explanation on who these guys are what we have here is essentially who watch you The Watcher and machine man now Machine Man made his debut back in 1977 with 2001 a Space Odyssey issue number 8 and that was actually a line of comics if I remember correctly and godom that's one of those like really obscure line of comics that's one of those concepts that I believe was like thought up and it was written and drawn by Jack Kirby it was like his own solo thing outside of like the influence of Stan Lee or anybody else but when it comes to like Aaron's stack he is the son of a guy named dr. Abel stack and an issue number a what we found out was that there were a group of scientists who are basically trying to create super soldiers of source but they were creating robots that would become soldiers and the journal gist of this was that they would in turn basically be sent out through all through all of humanity and nobody would know they existed because nobody would be able to tell the difference between them and regular people so think like terminators more or less the issue with this was that about 50 I've a rule there were 51 that were commissioned and the other 50 were destroyed yes x1 through 50 were completely annihilated by the by the scientists themselves due to the fact that the robots began to display traits that indicated that they were essentially going insane now the reason why aaron stock didn't go crazy is because abel stack actually took him home and then treated him like a person raised him like a human being and by virtue of receiving this sort of extrasensory input on being perceived as a human aaron stock began to perceive himself as a human and so is basically just taking in all the sensory information and then assimilating it into his own programming and that's the difference between Abel stack and the other or the other x50 robots is the other extra - robots didn't have human stimulus and so when they were basically assigned the programming task of your job is to protect humanity they wouldn't really know how to function accordingly they would just eventually start to go insane because their programming couldn't account for the orders they were given with how they reconcile those orders and so I where he's really one of the more obscure characters in Marvel Comics what ended up happening in this story is Aaron stack was basically whisked away to the moon by watching The Watcher and who ought to basically went to Aaron and said you are going to become the new watcher and I'm going to teach you how to be a watcher by showing you everything that's going on on earth and you're going to look into the past of everything and you're going to compare it to what's going on now and you're spent you're basically going to learn to understand humanity you're gonna understand Humanity on a much greater scale than you current and so that's what's been happening the two of them have basically been looking at everything that's been going on and we've essentially been getting like the history of the Marvel Universe in Earth X by virtue of these two now the other half of this is that as Aaron stack had been watching everything that was going on and learning all this information he'd been simultaneously downloading all these backlogs and all these catalogs essentially everything who watches The Watcher had stored even though hoo-wah - didn't really tell him - so from a lot to his mindset he was talking to a robot that had an understanding of humanity but didn't really have a personality per se he was basically a blank slate but Aaron stack is not a blank slate he had curiosity he has anger he has rage he has love and you know jealousy and affection and different things like that and so the result is that he's basically learned that who watched The Watcher is harboring a secret that there's something going on here behind the scenes that who watch who knows about that Aaron's tak himself intends to try to end so it's almost like all these different roads are sort of converging into the same place now in the midst of all this of course John Jameson shows up and says look there's a massive ship headed this way and like it looks like it's powerful enough to obliterate the earth I have no idea what this means or what it's going to do but before we end up jumping into all that we basically go back to what it is that's taking place on earth and we essentially pick up with the forces of the skull showing up in New York and basically attacking everybody that they come across now this is really more of like a hey we're here we're conquering everything those who disagree will be dealt with they'll be you know either they'll be brought under my control or they'll be destroyed and then what has kind of expand our sphere of influence and where Captain America shows up to the residence of Tony Stark the argument he makes here is really really intriguing the idea of him showing up is saying hey look man like you're part of this just like anybody else you have to get involved but remember Tony Stark is kind of removed he's isolated from humanity he just kind of serves the purpose of trying to keep things in order as well as trying to make sure that like the global the global supplies are kept in check and everything else just kind of exists out there and so really everything outside of whatever it is that Norman Osborn cares about and whatever it is Tony Stark cares about it's just kind of no-man's land it's just kind of like you know the land of do as you please maybe you'll survive maybe you won't but that's not my problem now again we're the forces of New York stemming off this attack as best they can the school's ability to like dominate the minds of others is seen in a multitude of ways for example the cops that are with with you know sergeant Luke Cage are forced to turn on Luke Cage but of course you know cage has unbreakable skin and so the bullets they used to try to shoot him with don't really work mate a Parker the daughter of Peter Parker who jumps into the Frank now here's kind of a funny thing here maybe Parker again is currently in possession of the venom simian we talked about that when it came to the whole thing that's constant what Peter Parker says is like you had the Venom symbiote you have to learn how to control yourself but ultimately she's kind of young and headstrong and jumping into it all now we will find out there's a little more than what's going on here but it is cool to kind of see this thing take place Peter Parker trying to impart his pearls of wisdom onto his daughter at the same time we have our Reed Richards who's again get hidden to analyze everything that's going on and Reed Richards begins to come to the conclusion or he begins to look around after modifying the helmet of Charles Xavier and comes to the realization these guys the people who are walking around earth they're not mutants they're Inhumans now again this story was written long before the events of the of uh of infinity and Marvel Comics so this like predates the modern day idea of the inhuman Terrigen mists spreading throughout the world now how that happened is the question the question is that if all these people are inhuman now and if all these people derive their powers from the Terrigen mists then who was it that spread the mists throughout the world and that's when we start to realize the idea that like crystal for example is starting to develop her inhuman powers that these various people who are who are here are are manifesting their abilities and who knows what form they're going to take but the question this ass is was it Maximus the mad who set this off you know basically the the insane brother of Black Bolt and the initial response of Medusa is that's not possible one his bomb was destroyed and to Maximus the mad is dead and so there's no reason to believe that he's the one responsible for all this and so at this point we jump back to Bruce Banner to the Incredible Hulk and this is cool because once we get into this situation initially it's clear and Loki who are kind of like cool today's one we're finished here like everything is fine and then suddenly they're met with your return to the Incredible Hulk alongside Thor who have really just kind of brought themselves back out of the realm of mistress death by quite literally pulling on the the rope that they used to enter in the first place kind of that tether that was offered there but we're clear is overpowered by the forces of like for and The Incredible Hulk she starts calling out for Loki who basically bailed and that's the crazy thing about this Loki is never a reliable or trustworthy character in Marvel Comics he never has been and he never will be there's been times where he's tried to do good things but by an with the exception of the most recent run by Jason Aaron Loki has always been a deceptive character he's always been the master of trickster in lies and so it's cool because basically Clea got what everybody knew she was going to get which was left hanging and so where she basically says look if this is how things are gonna be then fine I'll just destroy it all I'll literally obliterate the earth I'll leave and go do whatever Thor turns around and beat you to death with a hammer and that's the end of Clea and so from here we pick up with Captain America where he actually transitions to Russia and it's kind of interesting because when he's there we find out this is where Colossus went to after the the fall of the x-men the death of Charles Xavier when whoever was left as part of the x-men team disbanded that he returned back to Russia went back home and he's been one of the many people who's been fighting on this front of making sure that like all the resources that are available are gathered as they need to be and they're basically sent across the world to the places that need them so they're kind of like this massive resource for food and supplies the issue is that when Captain America shows up he says look the skull is a kid the skull of hockey in New York is a kid I'm mustering as many forces as I can see I can conceivably do in order to try to bring as many people under my belt as I possibly can and where Colossus says no Captain America again reiterate he says look this is a kid and he looks at the world through a kid's perspective he doesn't see all the ends he sees the world in black and white he doesn't see all the shades of grey it's kind of a wild scenario in the middle of all this the group suddenly attacked by like Nick Fury and what we find out is that Nick Fury's life model decoys have been routinely showing up an attacking Peter they've been been consistently showing up and like trying to take these guys out because their program is basically just starting to go awry it's really it's really cool and it's really fascinating to show like these other parts of the world but again put you back up with Mayday where she goes and basically fights Iron Maiden who's you know kind of being controlled by by Red Skull or I'm sorry aya by school at least it seems like it is ultimately she's able to get the upper hand and actually able to get to defeat she's actually able to defeat the Iron Maiden and call it a day just by kind of you know covering her face and webbing and essentially cutting off her oxygen supply and knocking her out accordingly but once she shows up and goes to confront the skull she learns the lesson that all inexperienced superheroes do just because you can fight a battle doesn't mean you should fight a battle when Mayday shows up and she lands in front of the skull with the intention of taking him out she can't move she can't do anything and the skull says actually you're in with me and just dominates her and that's where people begin to just kind of give up and call it a day it's really like everything's basically lost here and so the skull shows up to that to the to the brilliant residence of president Norman Osborn and simply says like your reign is over we're gonna throw you out that window you're gonna die and I'm gonna become the new President of the United States okay so I learned like I learned a gaming term apparently it's called like being tilted which basically means like you're mad because you're because you're losing if that's the case I used to make people tilt in Call of Duty all the time back in the day I was like man don't be mad at me for wrecking you be mad at yourself for being so bad but anyway uh so we are continuing on with our story on Earth X yes I love Earth X is one of my favorite stories I love this story again this is like a dystopian future so it's just like man like like things are really popping off now so far what we basically had is the idea that like everybody on earth has powers I mean we didn't know exactly how it was they all got powers but like everybody on earth has powers ah the result is that there really is no more need for superheroes but things turned out exactly like we would expect the world's completely gone to pot not only that in Los Angeles California you had the skull which is basically just a kid then had the ability to like dominate the minds of others but the result is that because the skulls army is basically growing a number to the tens of thousands and he's making his way across the country basically looking to completely and totally take over the United States and then the world Captain America has basically been traveling around trying to rally as many people to his side as he can now of course from here we pick up an England with Captain Britain this is kind of cool because Captain Britain as he's shown here it's basically just the guy who's running Britain at this point in time we just got the guy who's basically running the show we're not really told exactly how this happened but like we can surmise we can kind of take a guess and most likely what happened was that like America in England when all these different people across the country gain their powers the government basically just fell to pieces and Captain Britain rose up now the funny thing about this is that when it comes to Brian Braddock he's one of those characters that people just sort of make fun of right like oh man Captain Britain he's gonna save the day not that's kind of how people that's kind of how people you know talk about Captain Britain he's kind of a joke about laughable character that no one really pays much attention to but if you go back and read his stories while he is kind of a joke of a character the way he's written sometimes he's God at work counts but the whole idea is that with Captain America showing up here and saying look like we need you to our side what we find is that what basically passes for Excalibur in earth attacks that they're all basically gone like they're they're basically out of this now what ended up taking place here is the group won against a guy named grey gargoyle who I want to say is Paul Duval I think that's his name I want to say with his powers he can touch things and turn them to stone I can't remember honestly you slept so obscure of a character and I'm too lazy to look him up but regardless all the members of Excalibur are stuck in stone but basically that's why Captain Britain's like the only person here Captain Britain says no I'm not gonna join your ranks like go do your own thing but I'm my loyalty is to Britain my loyalty is not to United States I will do whatever I need to do in order to keep this place protected and so from here we pick up with the skull in New York in the home of Norman Osborn now the funny thing about this is that this throws them to sharp relief the nature of the President of the United States right like take away the armies take away the Secret Service what's the president of United States just a guy in an office and that's it like the President exists and functions because people are willing to do what he asks them to do but that's it I mean Norman Osborn is just like a guy who's here but like when there's no one there to protect him well then suddenly the president becomes awfully vulnerable and that's what goes on here like the skull walks in and it's just like Judas a guy in an office man like you have no power like you you are just a person who's here and like all the people who could help you I've taken control of and like they all belong to me so like you're gonna die now like we're gonna kill you and that's what happens here like he essentially turns the mind of Norman Osborn inside out and forces Norman Osborn to like confront gwen stacy now again this ties in to the whole history of spider-man and the fact that the main Marvel Universe continuity of spider-man is still a part of Earth X in a sense that Peter Parker was in a relationship with Gwen Stacy she died at the hands of Norman Osborn and he's just kind of forced to face this illusion of her being it but of course the mask is basically ripped off but of course again in this scenario is actually the skull himself who looks like Gwen Stacy but the mask of Norman Osborn is torn off and that's when we find out it's Ben Green Goblin the entire time so again it's kind of what we expected for the most part I mean Norman Osborn a Green Goblin go hand in hand and and there's there's rarely ever been a circumstance where Marvel has given us Norman Osborn and then not brought in Green Goblin somewhere along the line but at this point we pick up with really with Machine Man meeting with Reed Richards now again in the last video we talked about how Machine Man was created for the purpose of being a super soldier more or less but he had essentially developed human attributes and the result was that somewhere along I'm the watcher had basically snatched him off of Earth and brought him to the moon now the idea was that the watcher is blinded we don't know who blinded the watcher we just know the watchers blonde and the result is that Machine Man started you know spill or at least start smelling all this information to Reed Richards all the things that he's learned and one of the things that he's learned here is that when it comes to like all these beings on earth who have superpowers that were basically antibodies or at least these these superheroes and all these people with powers are essentially antibodies for the earth they're designed to fight off quote-unquote infection that infection basically being whatever space invading organism or race or Thanos or what-have-you comes to earth and tries to destroy it they're basically designed to be a safeguard but we don't know why all we know is like that's the case the implication is that it's because the Celestials wanted it to be that way but again we don't know if everybody having powers was part of the plan or if everybody having powers was the plan gone awry so again it is kind of intriguing but it's designed to kind of build up this whole idea of like the greater role that Earth X plays with regards to this story but at this point we pick back up with the Inhumans and again the Inhumans are not really our guides on this really our guide is more of a machine man but the Inhumans are here to provide us with a kind of objective perspective which is to say they basically shown up they've come back to earth after everybody has powers and they're basically figuring things out as we figure things out is the reader which is one of the reasons why I like the Inhumans as they exist in this story the issue with this is that Carnac who doesn't really have any powers per se specializes and like figuring out how things work basically it's kind of a caveat that Marvel uses to give them powers even though it doesn't really have powers there's just bit thing that he can do but Karnak is been trying to figure out what's been going on here in terms of why everybody has powers the initial indication was that everybody getting powers everybody being in a human was the result of the actions of Maximus the Mac the brother of Black Bolt who had somehow detonated this terrigen bomb and gave everybody inhuman powers on earth the indication was that it wasn't actually Maximus who did it because Maximus was defeated by Black Bolt before it could be done so the question was asked like who who set this whole terrigenesis thing in motion and so what Carnac starts to sort of question Medusa to a degree basically say hey look maybe it wasn't really Maximus the mad maybe it was you know somebody that guy over there who doesn't talk maybe it was him you know were he kind of hints at that idea Medusa dismisses it now remember Medusa as the wife of Black Bolt is loyal to her husband and loyal to the king Medusa will kill every inhuman that exists out there before she will betray her husband willingly and that leads us into the revelation of who detonated the Terrigen bomb and we end up finding out it was actually blackboard himself that black vault had detonated this terrigen bomb and gave everybody on earth and human powers and the reason for this is because of the fact in the mind of Black Bolt that there were some Inhumans who had left the royal family and there were some Inhumans who by whatever manner and whatever means had developed their powers and the result was that black balled saw how they were treated in a lot of ways people believe they were mutants because no one knew about the Inhumans and so on Black Bolt looked and realized that some of them are actually Inhumans and that normal human beings are treating them terribly because they have fantastic powers black bolts idea was that if the Inhumans are going to leave earth he's going to provide quote-unquote one last gift he's going to detonate this terrigen bomb and all the Inhumans that exist on earth are going to gain powers and that's exactly what happened everybody basically started gaining powers and that's what ends up happening with with regards to machine man explaining all these things to Reed Richards when we jump back machine man basically says like this was part of the plan when the Celestials modify the genes of early man and they created the deviants and the Eternals and the baseline humans would eventually go on to develop mutant powers or what have you and went being humans arrived on earth and so on and so forth all that was part of the role of these Celestials that this is what the Celestials do the Celestials travel from one world to the next and they plant their their offspring their seed so to speak inside of a planet and then they charge the denizens of that planet to keep it safe not really telling them what it is instead they just modify their genes so that there are various superheroes that exist they'll fight among amongst one another but they will be protective of their home and so following the desire for survival if an alien race shows up like vanos invades or something like that they'll fight off Thanos because he's a villain he wants to destroy the earth they want to keep the earth safe all the while not realizing what they're actually doing it's protecting this celestial seed inside of the earth and that's what's happening right now at this point what seems to be going on is a Celestials are making their return because the seed has germinated and now it's just a matter of the celestial inside the earth being born and what it does when that happens the entirety of the earth will be destroyed and so at this point we jump directly to the Battle of New York basically with the skulls army facing off against Captain America's forces and this is interesting this is one of the one of the reasons why the skull is such an intriguing character because this guy is basically just a kid and he views the world as a well I want respect treat me with respect if you don't treat me with respect then I'm just gonna be angry at you like he's very much childlike in terms of how we've used the world and the result is that we're one of the one of his members basically insults him uh then he presumably says you guys do what I tell you to you guys don't have freedom here you guys do whatever it is that I tell you to do you guys live and breathe because I allow you to and he illustrates this point by taking away everybody's ability to move and so you have Captain America's forces running through just killing every single person that they come across do destroying all these different forces of the skull and then ultimately going for the skull himself now ultimately we end up finding out that like the forces of Captain Britain ended up joining the forces of Captain America and they're literally just going through and wrecking as many people as they can now ultimately the skull simply says okay fine everybody get back to it because honestly what keenum Oh am I gonna have if I can't dominate this place at the same time what you also have is the Incredible Hulk in this situation I remember this fight being as cool as it is brings in some pretty unique things The Incredible Hulk is an extension of Bruce Banner not very much in a literal sense Bruce Banner is basically the soul of be Incredible Hulk and so in this instance the skull can't really dominate the incredible Hulk's mind because there's not really a mind there to dominate the Hulk does what Bruce Banner wants it to because it's like Bruce Banner tearing off an arm and the arm doing whatever it is the Bruce Banner wants us to do that's how this works and so because of this where the skull tries to dominate the Hulk right off the bat it ultimately doesn't work but what is up happening is the forces of the skull managed to get a hold of Bruce Banner and when they do they basically control the Incredible Hulk as long as he dominates Banner he dominates the Hulk and so what's basically happening is the 4tl really the skull himself is just slowly and steadily taking over all the forces of Captain America the school continues to sort of torment Captain America again like making him see all these things making him do all these things the things that he doesn't want to do ending the war so on and so forth it is kind of intriguing and so that's when we find out that again because of the fact that Black Bolt had detonated the chair Jim bomb what he had also done is he tried wanted to cover his tracks leaving earth and basically say like we've done into this bomb no one can know what we've done we've timed the detonation of this bond so that when Reed Richards activates his device that he will believe that he basically set all this in motion that somehow energy from vibranium in order to give the world you know infinite energy that somehow it gave everybody powers we can just kind of walk away and let them believe that The Watcher would have seen everything that had happened and The Watcher would have known everything that had happened and The Watcher would have told Reid Richard he would have told the earth superheroes and so the result was that Black Bolt had taken the eyes of the watcher he basically blinded him so again this if you guys look at this story for what it is for these little moments here and there there are a lot of stories it's spun out of Marvel Comics that we learned about this whole thing for example the idea of a Terrigen bomb being detonated and everybody getting powers from from terrigenesis on earth that was used in the events of the aftermath of infinity and though the whole idea of inhuman The Watcher being blinded that's original sent all these stories that Marvel has recently launched have all been predicated on this there are a lot of cool things that go on here but what we end up finding out is that the idea of Black Bolt is to try to destroy the Celestials now the voice he has is capable of doing it the voice can like shatter a gun this is one of those things where Marvel kind of beefs up the power of Black Bolt for the purpose of this story in the main Marvel Universe black bolts nowhere near this powerful but if you read house of him it's definitely powerful enough he whispers and wipes out what amounts to like two or three football fields worth of land I mean it's a crazy set of events Black Bolt flies out to meet the Celestials on the blue area of the moon in an effort to try to destroy them and hopefully find some way to be able to save the earth okay so getting back into our discussions on Earth X I'm really excited about this because this is when we start to wind things down for the most part where we have like maybe one more video left after this and that's pretty much when we conclude it but this is cool because this this actually has a pretty huge moment at the end of the story the cool thing is again we're basically talking about a story where everybody on earth gain superpowers you know it's essentially a story where black bolt of the Inhumans had detonated the Terrigen bomb and effectively set the Terrigen mists all around the earth waking up all these different powers of terrigenesis inside of people and the result is that the where we would normally believe that like the earth might become a better place what this basically gave us was the idea that the earth became somewhat of a worse place because you had people who were like well now I've got superpowers I can do anything and this really hit at home with the idea of the skull basically this young kid whose power was to dominate the minds of others now of course Captain America hadn't become somewhat disillusioned as well as Peter Parker who abandon Israel to spider-man them alongside whatever superheroes are left that haven't been dominated by the skull are basically trying to like keep New York from completely going under and that's one thing to bear in mind the skull was based out of LA and so over the course of however long he had basically transitioned from Los Angeles moved all the way east to New York this is a pretty big moment because what this means is that essentially anybody with superpowers that the skull came across was brought under his control and when he moved into the city of New York basically he's got an army of millions of people at his disposal the guy dominates the entirety of New York he's got everybody he picked up from LA which is already in the millions moving all the way to the east so I mean it's a huge number at this point and in truth we're talking about Captain America for the most part fighting a losing battle but the cool thing about this is that when Peter Parker shows back up again and when he starts to talk about how these guys are basically mindless slaves of the skull suddenly it triggers something in the mind of Captain America sudden we hadn't thought about before and what we end up doing is transitioning to the residents of of Ben Grimm the thing and Alicia masters and this is cool because remember Alicia's powers basically is the ability to give life to clay to essentially mold something out of clay and then bring it to life so that it can either you know operate of its own accord or it can do whatever she tells it to do but Before we jump into all this what we end up doing is picking back up with really like like the Celestials themselves at the end of the last video we had talked about how Black Bolt of the Inhumans had basically left earth and take it off to the moon to confront the Celestials for when they arrived and try to find a way to destroy them but what we're basically told here in this conversation between who watch you the watcher in Reed Richards is that in truth the actions of Black Bolt are are null I mean there's there's nothing he can do to stop the Celestials he's just not that powerful he doesn't have the capabilities to do it but recounted and says that was never the point the point of Black Bolt was never to like destroy the Celestials the point of Black Bolt was to let out a quasi sonic scream that would basically be an SOS and it would call for help it would basically send out a signal to you know one or more people more beings out there that would bring them in and essentially allow them to fight on behalf of Earth's superheroes to stop the celestial host and so what we end up doing is jumping back to Captain America and this is where we find out the entire plan that he had the goal was that if those individuals who can think for themselves are basically taken under the control of the skull then basically you know essentially make an army of people that the skull can't control and that's where the whole scheme comes in Captain America's idea here is to create an entire army of clay figures who can fight against the skull and his arm and the skull can't control them but this is cool because what ends up happening is Captain America shows up as a clay model only for us to realize it's not actually a clay model it's Captain America covered in clay the idea was to get close enough to the sculpt that he would never suspect him that he was just think it's one of the soldiers who were out there but when Captain America runs up on the sculpt he does the only thing he can do and he kills him now that's huge this is a huge moment with Captain America Captain America under normal circumstances will never kill an enemy it's kind of a rule of his character as far as I'm aware and Marvel Comics I don't think he's ever actually killed people before I mean I'm sure there's times where like he would have to but I mean for the most part like no enemy is beyond redemption he's very much a Batman esque in that regard in terms of how he views enemies and how he views your foes and different things like that but in this instance in this story this is designed to be a Captain America starkly different from the one that we're used to a Captain America that is kind of beyond the role of saying like everyone can be saved and looking at like the harsh reality of the war of the world he's in and saying sometimes there's only one alternative and that is to kill the scope it's the only option they had and so with the skull being killed everybody's basically released from his mind control and then essentially we end up finding out that like a Tony Stark where he's been residing in this Citadel of sorts that he's basically aware of what's going on with the Celestials now these celestial beings essentially are the reason why everybody has powers or at least why some people have powers and that Black Bolt was essentially kind of like trying to complete this circle without really realizing what was going on and the reason why I say this is because black hole of the Inhumans was aware of the Celestials he was aware of the idea that the various superheroes on earth didn't just get powers one day that their genes had been modified by the Celestials so that they would gain powers somewhere along the line and that they would basically be antibodies to protect the celestial seed inside of the earth so that when does he matures and when the seed is ready to basically emerge from earth that yes it would destroy the entirety of the planet Earth but a new celestial would be born Black Bolt knew about all this and Black Bolt had given everybody on earth powers by the you know by way of terrigenesis because he knew that the Celestials would eventually return one day and when they do that would have to be superheroes who would be capable of taking down the Celestials the problem is that no one has the power to be able to do this because remember when it comes to terrigenesis it's a crapshoot there's no way to know what powers you're gonna have there's no way to know what your powers are going to be you go into care Genesis and you emerge with whatever abilities you have but this random chance the probability of somebody developing powers that you know can basically challenge the Celestials increases exponentially the more people there are with powers on earth and so at the same time Tony Stark had realized exactly what was going on as well and what Tony had been doing the entire time he'd been hiding out in his bunker is basically developing a massive god-killer kind of armor now again this is one of the reasons why Earth X is such an influential story because you look at things like this and then suddenly you jump forward to the more recent run of Iron Man when when you know they're introduced to like the god-killer armor which is basically a giant suit that was designed to destroy Celestials and so again that's why this really influenced a lot of future stories but it's funny because even Tony Stark himself realizes that he's a stopgap measure he doesn't have the power to like destroys Celestials he doesn't have that kind of ability because the Celestials are godly beings they're entities they're designed to be beyond any real human that exists out there the other half of this is that picking up with like the Asgardians themselves the funny thing is that Loki is the only person who realized the nature of things now remember we discovered this earlier in the story who walked through The Watcher he basically explained this to us earlier in the story that the Asgardians aren't beings who are literally gods they were formless they were just some sort of you know some entities that existed out there and they were given form when they first met humans that humans looked upon them and said Wow these beings must be the ass Guardians like if this must be Odin this must be Loki this must be Thor and then suddenly these beings adopted that mentality and they became the very heroes of the very characters that humans believed in and so literally the Asgardians are funneled by human belief that's the whole basis behind Ragnarok the Ragnarok won't happen because like Loki will lead an army against Asgard Ragnarok will happen and Asgard will end because eventually humanity will be destroyed and when humanity is destroyed there'll be no one left to believe in the Asgardians ergo these beings will revert back to their shapeless forms quote unquote Asgard will come to an end but Loki is the only one to have realized this Odin for all these people none of them believed him they all think it's just the ravings of a madman that is insanity and so Loki does the only thing he can do and basically kills himself and in Reverse to the realm of mistress death now we're gonna find out there's actually a motivation for why he did this but it is cool because again as people who kind of look at him and say well he's a trickster you know he's a guy why is all he is and he's just making things up it's just absolute nonsense but jumping back over to to iron man you know in this kind of last-ditch effort to take down these Celestials to buy as much time as possible he literally just like flies his vessel into one of them and is totally destroyed but what is up happening is we basically find out that like the efforts of Reed Richards and really the efforts of Black Bolt rang out true that where black bolts voice was sent out into the cosmos in an effort to find help that we switch over to like Jameson basically the son of Jay jonah Jameson a person is working on the moon at the moment that he's essentially gained access to the ultimate nullifier and where he intends to use the ultimate nullifier to destroy all things there's no need for him to and the reason why there is no need for him toobe is because the backup the signal sent out by Black Bolt has been received the being that they were hoping for who would show up to basically save earth has arrived what this means is that Galactus has finally returned back to earth okay so we are finally picking back up with the events of Earth X and we we basically wrap it up we are finished with Earth X at the end of this video and it's been one heck of a ride I mean honestly this was just a philan story until we could get close enough to continue our videos on like Thanos and you know the events leading it's like Infinity Gauntlet and so on and so forth I'm still on the fence about whether or not I'm gonna do universe X and paradise X but with earth X we basically pick up following the arrival of Galactus and this was the huge revelation that it basically come out of the events of Earth X that all the superheroes that existed on earth the entire history of the earth that it was all basically preordained or at least as close to preordained as you can get that the Celestials essentially travel around from planet to planet they plant their seed inside of a planet so that it can give birth to a new celestial and in order to make sure that the planet stays safe his Celestials in turn modify the genes of whatever citizens or whatever you know species is the dominant species on that planet so that they will develop superpowers and the idea is that like any species trying to maintain itself trying to ensure its own survival they'll face off against any external threat that would try to destroy the world all the while never realizing that they're actually protecting a celestial seed what this means is that when the celestial seed is born the earth will be destroyed now something that I want you guys to notice here is that Galactus begins the process of constructing his world of our Industrials attempt to try to stop lactis it's really more of like putting up forcefields things like that but the Celestials don't actually try to kill Galactus at least they don't initially and the reason for this is remember it's all about balance in Earth X Galactus basically travels around the cosmos and consumes life-sustaining planets or planets capable of supporting life because that's where the Celestials will plant their seeds and it's just designed to basically keep a celestial population from running out of control from basically dominating the entirety of an individual universe and so because of the fact that Galactus is going through and essentially destroying the celestial seed inside of the planet the Celestials in turn begin to start to launch an attack against Galactus now there are a couple of things that I want you guys to also notice too for example you've got the Silver Surfer but you also have you also have shallow ball now shallow ball of course is basically the girlfriend of Norrin Radd before he became the Silver Surfer and he had essentially sacrificed his life and became a silver surfer in order to spares in law his home planet but again Earth X feeds into the nature of Galactus and the Celestials and so what this man is Galactus didn't just show up to zenn-la one day for the purpose of just consuming it because he was just really really hungry one day it was basically the whole idea that he showed up here because there was a celestial seed inside Zin law and so where the Silver Surfer said find spare my planet I will become your new Herald the result is that that's exactly what happened now of course Chalobah ended up becoming an equivalent to Silver Surfer and we're not really told exactly how that happens in this story but regardless of the scenario she's basically on par with a silver surfer here and it's cool because the idea of the Celestials finally intervening and beginning the process of trying to basically destroy Galactus and ensure the survival of this celestial seed comes when Galactus destroys one of the Celestials but something else that I also want you guys to notice here is that Reed is kind of in awe but he's also harboring a bit of a secret because where he sort of analyzed this whole situation musing to himself talking to X 51 one of the things he says is that Galactus is a compassionate being the problem with this is that Reed Richards didn't realize this until it was too late and when the question is asked what do you mean by that Reed says I turned Galactus into a star and what that means is that the Galactus here is not the original Galactus and that begs the question who is it and so that's why this is so cool that's that's that's why I've been dying to do this reveal I've been dying to do this reveal for so long because it is so amazing now the other half of remember Loki had basically discovered that the Asgardians are essentially beings who were formless they were just kind of shape-shifting organisms that existed out there one day and then when they first encountered humanity humanity viewed them as like Norse gods and that's where the Asgardians came from that's why we have Thor and Odin but the idea that that Loki had realized this whole situation that the Asgardians are not inherently as Guardians meant that he was able to rally the entire cause because what he said is if the humans on earth die then we will basically die in our current form and so because of this the Asgard he has basically intervene and begin the process of jumping into the conflict against the Celestials but that that remains read actually takes off from watching the Celestials basically engage in battle with one another and essentially goes back to Medusa basically saying look the whole reason why Inhumans returned to earth in the first place was to look for the son of Black Bolt and Medusa so they can in turn marry the daughter of Quicksilver and crystal the issue is that they've been looking for their you know for the son the entire time but haven't been able to find him now earlier in these videos we talked about the Black Knight with that basically stood alongside Captain Britain and we didn't know who the Black Knight was and he was never addressed that's when we basically learned this is the son of Black Bolt this is where he's been the entire time he's been hiding under everyone's nose he's basically just been perceived as the heir of Captain Britain should Britain ever fall and it's actually the perfect idea just hiding in plain sight but who's ever going to guess that the Black Knight standing alongside Britain's only real remaining super hero is the heir to the inhuman royal family so it is pretty smart not a great big huge thing but it's just designed to kind of wrap up the inhuman plot that was going on with regards to this story but again jumping back to Galactus the cool thing is that the Celestials cannot destroy Galactus I mean they could if they wanted to but it would it would upset the natural balance of things and what this means is that if Galactus were to be destroyed by the Celestials in response to the fact that he's been destroying Celestials themselves then most likely what would happen is you would have like The Living Tribunal up here and the linee tribunal would say this does not work Galactus represents cosmic balance Galactus has to exist and then most likely the Living Tribunal would reconstitute Galactus and we would be right back at square one again and so if the result is that the cosmic balance is maintained the Celestials ultimately take off and even then it's not a great big huge deal right like this is one planet in a single solar system in a singular galaxy in an infinitely expanding universe losing one celestial seed is by no means the end of all things earth is essentially irrelevant in the greater cosmos of what is the universe because that what we end up having is Reed Richards who travels back to New York and essentially like reaches out to Galactus and basically calls out his name and this is when we learned Reed was the one who summoned Galactus and the reason why Reed was able to summon Galactus across the cosmos is because Reed Richards didn't have like a device he didn't have an artifact he didn't shout the name Galactus what he shouted was the name of Franklin and that's when we find out Franklin Richards is the new Galactus now this is insane this is cool but again this is one of those moments where Marvel kind of built on this later on Jonathan Hickman doing the whole like you know Fantastic Four run and the idea that like future Franklin Richards powers were equal to the power of Galactus when they had a huge conversation at the end of the story and Galactus basically said like we'll stand at the end of all things it was kind of predicated on a lot of the earth X stuff that was done but the whole idea here is that Franklin doesn't really remember himself being Franklin Richards he sees himself as Galactus and he operates as Galactus Franklin realizes that he was called Franklin and he finds it kind of strange what reaches kind of like well you know I just called you by the name of my son because you know I love my son but he doesn't really explicitly address Galactus and say you are Franklin Richards you are my son instead it's you just remind me of my son I mean it is Franklin but it is kind of cool that the son of read the reality-warping son of Reed would have sinned to the level of godhood because in truth it's the most natural evolution for his character I would imagine if Galactus were ever destroyed it would make sense that like Franklin would take his place but what you end up having is the celestial seed destroyed inside the earth by Galactus Galactus this basically takes off says we will not see each other again this will be the end of us following this things actually wrap up pretty quickly what you end up having is x51 machine man basically realizing the truth behind us who watch you The Watcher that not only was he blinded by Black Bolt in order for Black Bolt to basically hide his actions when he had initially left the planet Earth and given everybody powers to the Terrigen mists but what's also been going on is we watch The Watcher can only really know what's going on in earth by hearing everything that's going on and so essentially what happens is Machine Man comes along and basically says like your race was designed for the purpose of watching things but you guys are apathetic over the course of your entire existence you've watched the Celestials plant seeds in worlds create life on that world or metal in the Olmedo with the life on that world and then in turn watch that world grow watch those you know species kind of reach dirty and then watch the Celestials show up destroy everything and then give birth to a new celestial and just repeat the same thing time and time again your entire existence has been nothing but the sole purpose of just watching things be destroyed that's kind of the cool thing with machine man because what he says is to do nothing in the face of such evil that is truly heinous but notices it's almost like it's almost kind of like you know the idea of like good and evil exists here but in this scenario I would say a dozen I mean it doesn't make any sense to say like you are evil because of a inherent you know natural drive that you as an organism has the idea of celestial is planting their seeds in a planet and then manipulating the genes of that species in order for them to protect the planet and then in turn having that planet destroyed when it when the celestial is born that's no more evil than like the wind blowing they play a role in the universe they are a fundamental force of the universe good and evil don't really apply here and that's the cool thing is because what this is designed to hit home at is despite the fact that x51 machine man has watched all of this happen and despite the fact that he has all this experience and what it means to like be human and to understand humans at the end of the day he's not human because he's trying to apply human attributes of right and wrong to a situation that doesn't call for it and it's not applicable and so because of this like the whole basis of machine man kind of adopting these mentalities and then in turn trying to use them on the watcher really hits home at the idea that at the end of the day when it's all said and done he's no more of a man than he was when he was first created he's just walking the paces he's just doing what people do and that's really about it and so again for the most part where the celestial seed being destroyed society just kind of reverts back to its standard standard form in the sense that you still have people who wage war against one another but because of the fact that there was a common threat that saw the near destruction of all things that basically people begin to sort of consolidate and come back down the world begins to return back to a state of normalcy form and function of organized society begin to come back again the issue with this is that in the middle of everything read kind of falls asleep or has a dream sequence and he's suddenly met by marvel all the Kree who had died quite some time ago because of course in Earth X he had died of cancer just like he did in the main Marvel Universe him so when is it happening is Marvel basically says everything is about to change like everything that you see going on here none of its permanent everything is about to go absolute belly-up the Celestials were the least of your concerns things are about to get a whole lot worse and I'm here to save everyone but you basically have to protect to me you have to ensure that I will be reborn into this world and that this birthing process will go off without a hitch now in truth he's basically been kind of you know resurrected so to speak as the child of hizmet and Adam warlock and so again it's kind of cool to know that's gonna happen but what this does is it sets the stage for the events of universe X and paradise X this kind of trilogy of this alternate reality series of stories they're interesting I mean again I haven't read them in a long time so I need to go back and read universe and paradise but if you guys are interested in seeing those let me know down in the comments section I'm sure a lot of you guys will say yes but if you guys are new here to come this explain make sure you guys hit the sub button to become part of the Rob core if you guys enjoyed this video make sure you drop a like and I will catch you all later peace [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Comics Explained
Views: 679,836
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: comicsexplained, marvelexplained, fluidicbeats, Comics, Comic Books, Marvel, Marvel COmics, Earth X, What If, Alternate Universe, Full Story, Galactus, Fantastic Four, Deadpool, DareDevil, The Punisher, Captain America, Iron Man, Spider-Man, Thor, The Incredible Hulk, Celestials, Black Bolt, The Inhumans, X-Men, Wolverine, Cyclops, Jean Grey, Mutants, Omega Level Mutants, The Skull, Red Skull, The Avengers, Colossus, Universe X, Paradise X, Thanos, Infinity War, Infinity Gauntlet
Id: X6ieqmWmWoc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 91min 40sec (5500 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 19 2018
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